"JAMES LUCENO. SABOTEUR" - читать интересную книгу автора

cityscape that was Coruscant.
"You will find Dorvalla to be a much different landscape than Coruscant, Darth
Maul." Sidious turned slightly in Maul's direction, appraising him from beneath
the cowl. "I suspect that you will savor the experience."
"And you, my Master, where will you be?"
"Here," Sidious said. "Awaiting your return, and the news that your mission was

It had taken two days to locate and exhume the guidance droids from the crashed
shuttles, and it had rained the entire time. The soup in the shadow of the
Castle was three meters thick. Bruit had insisted on overseeing the
search-and-recovery operation. He wanted to be on hand when the droids were
Few of Lommite Limited's employees had access to the launch zone, and fewer
still had access to the mechanized shuttles themselves. Tampering of the sort
that had brought down the crafts would have left characteristic signs of the
computer slicer who had effected previous acts of terrorism and sabotage.
Bruit's sources had already established that the slicer was an agent of
InterGalactic Ore, but the saboteur's identity had yet to be ascertained.
The team Bruit had assigned to the retrieval was a mix of beings from the
relatively nearby star systems of Clak'dor, Sullust, and Malastare-that was to
say, Bith, Sullustans, and transplanted Gran. All were suited up in goggles,
respirators, and large-format footwear that kept everyone from sinking too
deeply into the gelatinous mess the rain had made of the ore. All except Bruit,
who was sporting thigh-high boots in an effort to stay clean.
"No doubt about it, Chief," one of the limpid-eyed Sullustans said, after
running a series of tests on one of the R-series guidance droids. "Whoever
sliced his way into this little guy is the same one who shut down the conveyors
last month. I'll stake my wages on it."
"Don't bother," Bruit said. "You've only corroborated what all of us already
knew." He gave his head an angry shake. "I want the launch zones shut down until
further notice-off-limits to everyone. Then I want every member of the launch
prep and maintenance crews brought in for questioning."
"What about the ore, Chief?" one of the Bith asked.
"We'll import temporary crews, even if we have to go to Fondor to stock the
crews we need. Once we're up and running, we'll have to double the shuttle
Knowing what doubling the flights would entail, everyone groaned.
"What's the boss going to say about this?" the Sullustan asked.
Bruit glanced in the direction of headquarters. Arrant already knew that the
guidance droids had been located, and was waiting in his office for Bruit's
"I'll tell you when I get back," Bruit said.
He set off for the landspeeder he had left at the control booth, but he hadn't
gone ten meters when his left boot became hopelessly cemented in the mucky soup.
He grabbed the thigh-high cuff of the boot, hoping he could simply pull it free,
but he lost his balance and pitched to one side, sinking up to his right
shoulder. He maintained that indecorous pose for some moments, while he
daydreamed of what life might be like on Coruscant.