"JAMES LUCENO. SABOTEUR" - читать интересную книгу автора

"From you, Master, I cannot hide what I feel. The Neimoidians are greedy and
weak-willed. I find them unworthy."
"You left out duplicitous and sniveling," Sidious said.
"Most of all, Master."
Sidious came as close as he ever came to grinning.
"Less than admirable traits, I agree. But useful for our purposes." He
approached Maul. "To realize our goal, we will be forced to deal with all
classes of beings, each less noble than the last. But this is what we must do. I
assure you that the Neimoidians will come to play an important role in our
effort to bring new order to the galaxy."
Maul's yellow eyes held Sidious's perceptive gaze. "Master, how will you help
Viceroy Gunray and the Trade Federation secure Dorvalla?"
Sidious came to a halt a few meters away. "You will be my hand in this, Darth
Instantly, Maul bowed his head once more. "What is your bidding, Master?"
Sidious put his hands on his hips. "Stand, Darth Maul, and face me." He gave his
apprentice a moment to comply before continuing. "Thus far your apprenticeship
has been impeccable. You have never wavered in your intent, and you have
executed your tasks flawlessly. Your skill as a sword master is peerless."
"My Master, " Maul said. "I live to serve you."
Sidious fell briefly silent-never a good sign. "There are certainties, Darth
Maul," he said at last. "But there is also the unforeseen. The power of the dark
side is limitless, but only to those who accept uncertainty. That means being
able to concede to possibilities."
Darth Sidious raised his right hand, palm outward.
Before Maul could prevent it-even if he had chosen to do so-the long cylinder
that was his double-bladed lightsaber flew from its hitch on his belt and went
directly to his Master. But instead of grasping it, Sidious stopped the
lightsaber in midflight, centimeters from his raised hand, and directed it to
spin and rotate before him, leaving Maul to gaze at him in unabashed awe.
Sidious bade the lightsaber to ignite. From each end blazed a meter-long blade
of rubicund fire, hypnotic in the intensity of its burning. The free-floating
weapon pivoted left, then right, eliciting a thrumming sound that was as
menacing as it was rousing.
"An exquisite weapon," Sidious said. "Tell me, my young apprentice, what were
you thinking when you fashioned it? Why this and not a single blade, as the Jedi
"The single blade has limitations, Master, in offense and defense. It made sense
to me to be able to strike with both ends."
Sidious made a sound of approval. "You must bear that in mind when you go to
Dorvalla, Darth Maul. But remember this: What is done in secret has great power.
A sword master knows that when he flourishes his blade, he reveals his intent.
Be watchful. It is too soon to reveal ourselves."
"I understand, Master."
Sidious deactivated the lightsaber and sent it back to Maul, who received it as
one might a cherished possession. Then Sidious approached Maul and handed him a
data disk. "Study this as you travel. It contains the names and descriptions of
the beings you will encounter, and other information you will find useful."
Sidious beckoned Maul to follow him to the far wall of their murky lair. As they
approached, a great panel drew open, revealing a lofty view of the planetwide