"Jack London. The Sea Wolf (англ., с подстрочником) " - читать интересную книгу автора

- Это дает вам средства к жизни?

There was something so imperative and masterful about him that I was
quite beside myself - "rattled," as Furuseth would have termed it, like a
quaking child before a stern school-master.

Вопрос прозвучал так властно, что я был озадачен, - сбит с панталыку,
как сказал бы Чарли Фэраи молчал, словно школьник перед строгим учителем.

"Who feeds you?" was his next question.

- Кто вас кормит? - последовал новый вопрос.

"I have an income," I answered stoutly, and could have bitten my tongue
the next instant. "All of which, you will pardon my observing, has nothing
whatsoever to do with what I wish to see you about."

- У меня есть постоянный доход, - с достоинством ответил я и в ту же
секунду готов был откусить себе язык. - Но все это, простите, не имеет
отношения к тому, о чем я хотел поговорить с вами.

But he disregarded my protest.

Однако капитан не обратил никакого внимания на мой протест.

"Who earned it? Eh? I thought so. Your father. You stand on dead men's
legs. You've never had any of your own. You couldn't walk alone between two
sunrises and hustle the meat for your belly for three meals. Let me see your

- Кто заработал эти средства? А?.. Ну, я так и думал: ваш отец. Вы не
стоите на своих ногах - кормитесь за счет мертвецов. Вы не могли бы прожить
самостоятельно и суток, не сумели бы три раза в день набить себе брюхо.
Покажите руку!

His tremendous, dormant strength must have stirred, swiftly and
accurately, or I must have slept a moment, for before I knew it he had
stepped two paces forward, gripped my right hand in his, and held it up for
inspection. I tried to withdraw it, but his fingers tightened, without
visible effort, till I thought mine would be crushed. It is hard to maintain
one's dignity under such circumstances. I could not squirm or struggle like
a schoolboy. Nor could I attack such a creature who had but to twist my arm
to break it. Nothing remained but to stand still and accept the indignity.