"Александр Гейман. Идея недели" - читать интересную книгу автора

По этой идее подавалась заявка на грант. Внизу я привожу её англ.
текст - тыща пардонов - зараза, русский текст в архиве не нашел, какого
только мусора нет, а как до дела дойдет, а нужного и нету. Уж хранить, так
все - ведь уж сколько горького опыта. Вот Сабины Бэринг-Гулд гимн - ну,
притча какая-то, три раза его текст терял и заново набирал, а теперь вот
снова пропало и не нашел, и вспомнить не могу.
Короче, см. текст - English там официальный, нормативный, правленный
живой англичанкой, ну, русский, конечно - так что несложно все понять, а
ниже я кратко даю суть, а заново набивать все на русском мне лень.
The culture of post-socialist Russia is undoubtfully changing. But
how? The question has got no answer. The Russian and foreign investigators
pay main attention to various exotics of the glorious past (symbolism,
futurism etc.). Dealing with modern cultural life the researchers and
critics limit their review to the culture of Moscow and Petersburg only,
and especially, vangard and elite art.
But the art of capitals is very specific, and neither it, nor the
marginal art can properly represent the reality of the modern Russian
culture. Our idea is to take some provincial centre, quite developed and
situated quite far from Moscow, as representative object. The culture of
such a city can provide a much more authentic picture of real Russian
culture than essays of rather old-fashioned Moscow vangard.
Concretely we mean making a TV serial about art and culture of our
city. It should be mentioned just here, that our project is of
interdiscipline character: our aim is not only to give an accurate
reflection of some actual aspects but, at the same time, to influence
Russian cultural life.
Our idea is to produce a TV serial about the culture of our city
today. The number of films will be from 10 to 12, each 10 minutes long. As
it is said above, the purpose of our serial is twofold:
first, it is a "normal", quite serious, culturologic investigation;
second, at the same time, it is a serial of TV essays, open and
interesting for a wide audience and with some message in it.
We plan to observe all traditional spheres of art (music, theatre,
literature etc.) and some untraditional from elite and official art to
underground art. We intend to interview some artists and writers (from
laureates to unknown) and to compare, where possible, the pieces of their
art. This will make it possible for the investigator and spectator to value
both the credo and practice of the artists.
As for topics for interview, they consist of 2 parts. One part
contains questions about the eternal knots of art, such as love, death,
fate etc. The second part will be questions on actual problems of today,
e.g., prognosis of the future of art in Russia, intrusion of American
mass-culture into Russia today, the position the artist should keep towards
political life, etc. It is not out of place to mention that we intend to
pay special attention to the question of new ways for the government to
influence culture, and then - to the question of feminine and masculine
sources of art.
Thus, thanks to the skeleton of our inqiery, every film of the serial
will have quite a strict structure, and it will make it possible to make