"Джон Донн. Литания " - читать интересную книгу автора

I. The Father

Father of heaven, and him, by whom
It, and us for it, and all else, for us
Thou mad'st, and govern'st ever, come
And re-create me, now grown ruinous:
My heart is by dejection, clay,
And by self-murder, red.
From this red earth, Ћ Father, purge away
All vicious tinctures, that new fashioned
I may rise up from death, before I am dead.

I. ЋвҐж

ЋвҐж ­ҐЎҐб­л©, б®вў®аиЁ© Ёе
€ ­ б ¤«п ­Ёе, Ё Їа®зЁ© ¬Ёа - ¤«п ­ б,
ЏаЁ¤Ё, ў« ¤лЄ  Ё§ ў« ¤лЄ,
€ ў®бᮧ¤ © ўбҐ в®, зв® Ўл«® " §":
Њ®© ¤ге ў бЄўҐа­Ґ©иҐ¬ Ё§ бҐа¤Ґж
‘ ¬®гЎЁ©бвў®¬  «.
Ђ¤ ¬®ў Ўгал© Їа е ®зЁбвм, ЋвҐж,
Ћв в«Ґ­­ле Їп⥭ - зЁбвл¬, Є Є ЄаЁбв ««,
—в®Ў п ¤® ᬥавЁ Ё§ ­ҐҐ ў®ббв «.

II. The Son

Ћ Son of God, who, seeing two things,
Sin, and death crept in, which were never made,
By bearing one, tried'st with what stings
The other could thine heritage invade;
Ћ be thou nailed unto my heart,
And crucified again,
Part not from it, though it from thee would part,
But let it be by applying so thy pain,
Drowned in thy blood, and in thy passion slain.

II. ‘л­

Ћ, Ѓ®¦Ё© ‘л­, г§аҐўиЁ© Ёе -
€ ЈаҐе, Ё ᬥавм, зв® ў ўҐз­г ¦Ё§­м ўЇ®«§« ,
Ћв¤ ўиЁбм ᬥавЁ, ’л Ї®бвЁЈ,
Љ ЄЁ¬Ё ¬гЄ ¬Ё Є §­Ёв ­ б  ­ЈҐ« §« ;
ЏгбЄ © ¦Ґ б­®ў  ЇаЁЈў®§¤пв
’ҐЎп Є ¤гиҐ ¬®Ґ© -
ЌҐ ЄЁ­м ҐҐ, е®вм Ўг¤Ґв аў вмбп ў  ¤,
„ © ЇаЁ®ЎйЁвмбп Є ’ў®Ё¬ ¬гЄ ¬ Ґ© -
Џгбвм Є ­Ґв ў Єа®ўм Ё ў ᬥавм ’ў®Ёе бва б⥩.