"Dark Fantasy/Horror Newsletter Vol." - читать интересную книгу автора

I've reviewed DEATHREALM here before and consistently recommend it as an
excellent place to find the best of traditional horror. That recommendation
still stands and this issue is hereby cited as one of the best yet.

The stories here draw you in and wrap you in a web of words that chill you to
the marrow with writerly skill and imagination. Two small gems by featured
author William F. Nolan, a tale of strangers meeting on a train by J.N.
Williamson, the premise of an ordinary jigsaw puzzle hauntingly amplified by
Donald Burleson. . .all resonant with darkness not from within so much as an
evil beyond.

If you want some textbook examples of well-written, character driven horror,
DEATHREALM is the place to find it.
FROM THE DARKLINGS on Last Week's Topic of "Black Magic & Witchcraft:"

From TippiNB:
DarkEcho wrote: << I'm talking E-V-I-L here. . . not neo-pagans, not goddess
worship, not white magic, not Wicca. All this modern belief in ancient wisdom
is making an altogether too good a name for bad old-fashioned black magic
that involves Satan or similar Major Bad Anti-God Types. Wicca, with it's
respect for nature and gentle healing rituals, is getting so well accepted
that the US Army's handbook for chaplains deals with it. >>

The Wiccan in me is forcing me to reply to this! (I'm not actually Wiccan,
but I do have some Wiccan beliefs in my own personal Belief System).

When we're talking about "old-fashioned", you can't get more *old*-fashioned
than Pagan religions. Wicca's predecessors are WAY older than
Satanism-as-we-know-it. In fact, witchcraft didn't even get a bad rap until
the Christian church found out Women Were In Charge and decided that one way
to keep women out of power was to brand witchcraft a bad thing.

This is a subject about which I am very passionate, and I don't mean to
discount anything you wrote in today's News. I just felt I had to speak out.
Wouldn't be much of a writer if I just sat here with my feelings bottled up.

Wicca does NOT have "too good a name". At least not hear in Texas. Not even
in a very liberal left-wing Anthropology class. I taught one seminar on
Wicca and other nature-religions and people -- Anthro majors and graduate
students -- were asking me if Wiccan witches sacrificed animals! Argh! I
work VERY hard to dispel the myths and misunderstandings that surround Wicca
and other "White Magic" beliefs. The majority of people are still
functioning under the misguided concept that Witches are Broom Hilda types
with green skin and long black hats. Again, ARGH! The LAST thing I want to
do is write ANY story which features the stereotypical witch, black magick,
or Satanists of any kind and refer to them as witches. I am trying to dispel
misunderstandings, not foster them!