"Scott Westerfeld - Succession 2 - Killing Of Worlds" - читать интересную книгу автора (Westerfeld Scott)

V1.0 Notes

There ARE only 3 chapters in the book. All the remaining sections are split up with
the various titles of the characters in the novel (e.g. Captain, Executive Officer,
Senator, Pilot, compound mine, etc.)

The "Commando's" name really is H_rd ("h" underscore "rd")

No spellcheck was performed (the scans were pretty clean and I hate spellchecking

Hope you enjoy

The Killing of Worlds



ISBN 0-765-30850-9


This novel is indebted to Wil McCarthy's research on programmable matter, from
his Nature article on the subject, to a paper I heard him give at Read-ercon 2001, to
his kind vetting of this manuscript.

Another debt is owed to Samuel R. Delany, whose views on the typography of
Swords and Sorcery, expressed in 1984: Selected Letters, gave me the courage to
capitalize "Emperor."

Copyright 2003 by Scott Westerfeld

To Justine, with whom I have a genuine and continuing relationship.