"E. C. Tubb - Dumarest 20 - Web of Sand" - читать интересную книгу автора (Tubb E. C)

learned effective deception and Grish Metallus had been aboard
the Urusha long before Dumarest had asked for passage. No
proof, but even the Cyclan had limitations governed by time and
distance, and not everyone could be an agent. Yet Dumarest had
no doubt as to why they had been dumped.
Kemmer was right—someone wanted him held.

And Harge was a prison.

He rose and walked over to the bar, ignoring the glares of
women who felt robbed of a tip, ordering another pot of wine
and looking around as it was poured. Had Frome been contacted
direct? In the Rift radio communication was unreliable at the
best of times what with the electronic furnaces of suns set close
filling the ether with static and electro-magnetic distortion. Had
he been paid to dump any passengers he might have been
carrying? Had other captains?

"Here!" The bartender slammed down the pot. "That's sixteen
kren." He scooped up the coins. "Just landed?"


"Welcome to Harge. On business?"

"Call it an unavoidable visit. Any other ships arrived

"One since the storm. That must be yours. Two just
before—fifteen and seventeen days ago. None before that for
three weeks. Then we had a ten-day storm—or was it twelve?"

"You get many storms?"

"It's the season." He met Dumarest's eyes. "Quite a few. I
guess you're interested in ships, eh? They land when they can
and leave without delay. Yours has gone. The Urusha, right?
Took off as soon as the cargo was loaded."

"We had to wait to land. Is that normal?"

"If a storm is blowing itself out. Sometimes they move on and
forget us unless it's a charter or special delivery. It depends.
From space they can get a clear view of the situation and act
accordingly. Travel much?"

"I thought not." The man accepted the lie. "You talk pretty
green. Got any money?"