"E. C. Tubb - Dumarest 20 - Web of Sand" - читать интересную книгу автора (Tubb E. C)

If he had, Dumarest would have waited for another ship. He
said, "No. Did any of you ask if he'd be willing to carry you on?"

"Marta did." Kemmer sipped again at his wine, his mouth
looking as if he'd tasted acid. "She asked if he'd take her once
he'd effected repairs. He wasn't interested."

"Odd." Santis frowned. "Easy money from an old woman who
couldn't cause trouble. Why turn down a profit?"

"He dumped us," said the trader. "All of us. He'd been paid.
That lie about repairs was obvious." He looked baffled. "But
why? What was behind it? What do the people here hope to

The money they carried and the labor they could provide—the
normal reason for isolated communities bribing captains to
dump their passengers. Once landed and in debt they would be
helpless to leave, forced to work as contract-labor to clear a
steadily accumulating mountain of debt. Slaves in all but name
and far more economical to keep.

"It doesn't make sense," said the trader. He had been
brooding on the matter. "Mettalus has already fixed up an
apartment for himself and the girl and can live in comfort until
they can take a ship. Marta has a room—I offered to share but
she would have none of it."

"A mistake," said Santis. "If she hopes to set up in business
she's due for a shock. There's too much competition for anyone
of her age to stand a chance."

"As I told her," agreed Kemmer. "She didn't take it too well.
That leaves us. I'm too soft to do a hard day's work and Santis is
too old to take willingly to a pick. And what use would they have
for a mercenary? Which leaves you, Earl." He chuckled at the
humor of what he next suggested. "Maybe we've all been dumped
on your account. It could be someone wants you held somewhere
until they can collect you. If so they've chosen a damned good

And it was a damned good guess if guess it was. From where
he sat Dumarest studied the trader, looking at the eyes; the
hands, the movements of the small muscles around the mouth.
An agent? It was possible; the Cyclan employed all types, but he
doubted it. The man was too much in character to be playing a
part. And there would be no reason for the dumping if he had
not been what he seemed. Santis the same, Marta Caine also and
the other two could be eliminated; the girl was too young to have