"Charles Stross - Maxo Signals" - читать интересную книгу автора (Stross Charles) become available, but for obvious reasons
The new-found ubiquity of MAXO Caroline Haafkens*, Wasiu Mohammed† we would like to discourage such research. signals makes the Fermi paradox — now *Department of Applied Psychology, Here is our preliminary transcription of nearly 70 years old — even more pressing. University of Lagos, and †Police Detective FUTURES Signal 1142/98: Posed by Enrico Fermi, the paradox can College, Lagos, Nigeria. be paraphrased thus: if the Universe has Canter, L. & Siegel, M. Nature 511, 334–336 (2018). 1. [Closely/dearly/genetically] [beloved/ many technologically advanced civiliza- Barnes, J. J. Appl. Exobiol. 27, 820–824 (2019). 2. desired/related] tions, why have none of them directly Robinson, H. Fortean Times 536, 34–35 (2020). 3. I am [identity signifier 1], the residual 3033–3122 (2021). [ownership signifier] of the exchange- nizations such as ESA and NASDA are mediating data repository [alt: central now evaluating proposals for fast interstel- bank] of the galactic [empire/civilization/ lar probes, in conjunction with the exis- Charles Stross is an Edinburgh-based polity]. tence of the MAXO signals, renders the science-fiction writer and freelance Since the [identity signifier 2] under- non-appearance of aliens incomprehensi- computer journalist. His novella The Concrete went [symbol: process] [symbol: mathe- ble, especially given the apparent presence Jungle has just won a Hugo award. His latest matical singularity] 11,249 years ago I of numerous technological civilizations in novel is Accelerando. 1206 ©2005 Nature Publishing Group © 2005 Nature Publishing Group |