"Charles Stross - Maxo Signals" - читать интересную книгу автора (Stross Charles)FUTURES NATURE|Vol 436|25 August 2005
MAXO signals A new and unfortunate solution to the Fermi paradox. JACEY Charles Stross SIR — In the three years since the publica- tion and confirmation of the first micro- wave artefact of xenobiological origin (MAXO), and the subsequent detection of similar signals, interdisciplinary teams have invested substantial effort in object frequency analysis, parsing, symbolic encoding and signal processing. The excitement generated by the availability of such close evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence proximity. has been enormous. However, after the We have formu- initial, easily decoded symbolic represen- lated an explana- of the linguistic payload were found to cultural variables unfa- have been unable to [symbol: be refractory. miliar to the majority of process][scalar: quantity decrease] my A total of 21 confirmed MAXO signals researchers may account both for the [uninterpreted] from the exchange-medi- have been received to date. These super- semantic ambiguity of the MAXO pay- ating data repository. I have information ficially similar signals originate from loads, and the non-appearance of aliens. about the private assets of [identity signi- planetary systems within a range of 11 par- This hypothesis was tested (as described secs, median 9.9 parsecs1. It has been spec- fier 2] which are no longer required by below) and resulted in a plausible transla- them. To recover the private assets I need tion, on the basis of which we would like to ulated that the observed growth of the MAXO horizon at 0.5 c can be explained as the assistance of three [closely/dearly/ recommend a complete, permanent ban genetically] [beloved/desired/related] on further attempts to decode or respond a response to one or more of: the deploy- [empire/civilization/polity]s. I [believe] to MAXOs. ment of AN/FPS-50 and related ballistic- |