"Jennifer Roberson - CotC 3 - Legacy of the Sword" - читать интересную книгу автора (Roberson Jennifer)shouts and sing-song invitations from fishmongers and
streethawkers. Languages abounded, so tangled the syllables were indecipherable. But then most he could not decipher anyway, being limited to Homanan and the Old Tongue of the Cheysuli. The smell struck him like a blow. Accustomed to the rich earth odors of the Keep and the more subtle aromas of Mujhara, Donal could not help but frown. Oil. The faintest tang of fruit from clustered stalls. A hint of flowers, musk and other unknown scents wafting from a perfume-merchant's stall. But mostly fish. Everywhere fish\a151in everything; he could not separate even the familiar smell of his leathers, gold and wool from the pervasive odor of fish. The stallion's gait slowed to a walk, impeded by people, pushcarts, stalls, booths, livestock and, occasionally, other horses. Most people were on foot; Donal began to wish he were, if only so he could melt into the crowd instead of riding head and shoulders above them all. 14 Jennifer Roberson Lorn? he asked. belly. Could you not have gone another way? When I can find a way out of this mess, I will. He grimaced as another rider, passing too close in the throng, jostled his horse. Knees collided painfully. The man, swearing softly beneath his breath as he rubbed one gray-clad knee, glanced up as if to apologize. But he did not. Instead he stared hard for a long moment, then drew back in his saddle and spat into the street. "Shapechanger!" he hissed from between his teeth, "go back to your forest bolt-hole! We want none of your kind here in Hondarth!" Donal, utterly astonished by the reaction, was speechless, so stunned was he by the virulence in words and tone. "I said, go back!" the man repeated. His face was red- dened by his anger. A pock-marked face, not young, not old, but rilled with violence. "The Mujhar may give you freedom to stalk the streets of Mujhara in whatever beast-form you wear, but here it is different! Get you gone from this city, shapechanger!" |