"Jennifer Roberson - CotC 3 - Legacy of the Sword" - читать интересную книгу автора (Roberson Jennifer)

familiar twinge of guilt that always accompanied less than
charitable thoughts about the Mujhar of Homana. He shifted
in the saddle, resettled the reins, made certain the green
woolen cloak hung evenly over his shoulders , , . ritualized
motions intended to camouflage the guilt; but they empha-
sized it instead.

And then, as always, he surrendered the battle to the wolf.
There are times I think he has a choice in everything, lir,
Donal said with a sigh. / see him make decisions that are
utterly incomprehensible to me. And yet, there are times I



almost understand him . . . Almost . . . Donal smiled a little,
wryly. But most of the time I think I lack the wit and sense to
understand any of Carillon's motives.

As good a reason as any for your attendance at council
meetings, policy sessions, boring petition hearings. . . .

Donal scowled down at the wolf. Lorn sounded insuffer-
ably smug. But arguing with his lir accomplished nothing\a151
Lom, like Carillon, always won the argument.

Just like Taj. Donal looked into the sky for the soaring
golden falcon. As always, I am outnumbered.

You lack both wit and sense, and need the loan of ours.
Taj's tone was different within the threads of the link. The
resonances of rtr-speech were something no Cheysuli could
easily explain because even the Old Tongue lacked the ex-
plicitness required. Donal, like every other warrior, simply
knew the language of the link in all its infinite intangibilities.
But only he could converse with Taj and Lom.

/ am put in my place. Donal conceded the battle much as
he always did\a151with practiced humility and customary resig-
nation; the concession was nothing new.

The tiny street gave out into Market Square as did dozens
of others; Donal found himself funneled into the square al-

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most against his will, suddenly surrounded by a cacophony of