Dear Reader,
A few months ago a manuscript zapped into my inbox with a
cover note from the agent that read: "A nice place to visit, but you
wouldn't want to die there." Miami isn't the first city you'd think of
for an urban fantasy novel, but then again, Jaz Parks isn't your
ordinary heroine. She's an Assistant Assassin. And her boss is an
ancient vampire on the CIA's payroll.
ONCE BITTEN, TWICE SHY is the beginning of the Jaz Parks
series. What I loved from the first page was Jaz Parks's voice:
vulnerable on one side and yet fully capable of taking out anyone who
gets in her way, usually the bad guys. This is a book that will keep
you on the edge of your seat, so keep a pillow on the floor, just in
case you fall off.
We all know that the urban fantasy market is booming, given
the success of writers such as Keri Arthur, Patricia Briggs, Laurell K.
Hamilton, Charlaine Harris, and Kim Harrison. But what I think each of
them has—and what Jennifer Rardin has—is the ability to create
characters that do more than leap off the page. They also grab you by
the throat and don't let go.
This is, quite simply, a great read—fun, fast-paced, and
oozing attitude and wit.
Devi Pillai
Editor, Orbit
December 2007 and BITING THE BULLET will be joining the series in
February 2008. We know you won't want to wait!
Visit our Web site at
First Edition:
October 2007
Orbit is a trademark of
Little, Brown Book Group Limited.
The characters
and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons,
living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
Printed in the
United States of America
Kirk, my inspiration, my joy, my love.
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
Fear sucks. Because you never know when it will hit you.
Sometimes it sneaks up behind you, giggling like your best girlfriend
from 7th grade. Then it whacks you on the back of the head, takes you
straight to your knees before you realize what hit you. Other times you
can see it coming, just a dot on the horizon, but you're like a canary
in a cage. All you can do is hang in there and hope it doesn't hit you
so hard you get motion sickness and puke all over the newspapers.
I already felt pretty queasy as I perched on the single,
wooden folding chair in my boss, Pete's, office. In fact, I hadn't been
this scared since I'd started working for him six months before. Not
even when, about ten hours into my first mission, I'd walked into my
hotel room to find a vampire standing beside the bed, holding a
crossbow. My crossbow. The one I'd meant to use to eliminate him.
Unlike that scenario, this was not a case where I could just
go away and try again later. Or, as I had actually done, kick both
shoes into his face to throw him off balance, blast his kneecaps with
the .38 I wore under my skirts for insurance, then finish him off with
the crossbow he'd dropped when his bones shattered. In this instance I
was forced to sit absolutely still and try not to ralf all over the Top
Secret files stacked in rows two and sometimes three deep on Pete's
green metal desk. Because, despite the fact that I'd successfully
completed every mission he'd assigned me so far, Pete was about to fire
my ass.
There could be no other explanation for this call-in. The man,
notorious for his penny-pinching, had phoned me at 3:00 a.m. direct
from Ohio to London for the express purpose of informing me I should
buy a first-class ticket back to headquarters as soon as my job there
was finished. He was probably looking at the receipt now, along with
all the other expenses of my latest trip abroad. He ran a hand across
his head, making his three remaining dome-hairs stand on end as he
studied the open file in front of him.
I couldn't bear it any longer. There is only so much you can
take of staring at blank turquoise walls, rows of black metal file
cabinets, and white slatted blinds that have never been opened, which
would explain the dead plant sitting on the table by the window. I sat
forward, the chair creaking alarmingly beneath me. No doubt
about it, I am the only thing in this office under the age of fifty.
You wouldn't know it to look at my clothes, though. I'd come
straight from an American Airlines flight during which an avio-phobic
widow had wadded various handfuls of my blouse and jacket into her
fists the entire time. I looked like a homeless woman. Holy crap, if I
lost this job I'd soon be a homeless woman. And
that was the good news!
"Look, Pete, I know you told me to cut out the car hits. The
repairs are too expensive. You told me that. So I stopped. I haven't
caused an "accidental" crash in three months, you know that! But this
last one just couldn't be avoided."
"I understand you took out my counterpart in MI5."
"Well, yeah, but only because his driver was in on the plot.
He'll be fine. You heard that too, right? His back will heal in, like,
six weeks."
"I heard there was a bomb."
"It didn't go off."
"But it could have."
I shrugged. "Better there than at the coronation." Wait,
that sounds a little casual for somebody who should be begging at this
point. "But I am sorry about the car. I took out extra
"This has nothing to do with the car. In fact, I'm glad you
put that bastard in traction. Self righteous twit. No, you're here
because I have a new assignment for you." Thank you, God. I still have work! I
nearly relaxed. Which, considering my current state, would've sent me
right to the floor. But Pete had started cracking his knuckles. In my
time with him I'd seen pencil chewing, furniture kicking, file
throwing, and a short bout with scented candles. But the knuckle
cracking was new. I sat back carefully and waited.
"You've heard of Vayl?" Pete asked.
"Who hasn't?" Even if, as was likely, Vayl's legend had far
outpaced his achievements, he still rated maaaaajor respect. The guy
was an icon, and not just because he'd become one of the 15 percent, or
so, of vampires to gain acceptance among humans. He was also the best
assassin our department had ever fronted.
"I'm partnering you with him." Pete's eyes darted away from my
face, so I guess I wasn't hiding the What-The-Hell! very well. Long
silence during which I tried to make my head stop spinning and Pete
cleared his throat a few times.
"Pete, I… when you hired me, you promised I could work alone."
My previous job had involved an entire crew, of which, I had been the
leader. It had ended badly.
"Jasmine, Vayl has requested a partner. You specifically.
You're smart, aggressive and resilient. His words, although I agree."
My lips had gone numb. "Uh-huh. And?"
He sighed. "And increasingly dangerous—to yourself." He rushed
on before I could interrupt, which was a good thing, because I think my
first response might've ruptured his eardrums. "You've been taking
bigger and bigger risks. Like the job in Cuba."
I'd hit Castro's most trusted advisor, a general named Miguel
Santas. In the middle of a crowded market. In broad daylight. Within
arm's reach of his lieutenants. But I'd gotten away clean. Didn't that
count for anything?
"And the one in Colorado."
Aaah, sweet. A pedophile named George Freede had started a
church called International Brothers of the Light. Their main focus
seemed to be kidnapping children from the U.S. and selling them to the
highest foreign bidder. I'd tracked him to a resort and pushed him off
a mountain. Okay, we'd both fallen off, but I'd landed on my skis in
nice, fluffy powder. He'd dropped on a rock.
"I know how furious you must be, Jaz—"
"I don't think so."
He sighed again. "Okay, maybe not. But it's my responsibility
to make sure my agents survive."
"So you got me a babysitter."
Pete laughed, deep in his belly where it sounded the most
real. "Hell no. I hooked you up with a guy who's been alive nearly 300
years. I was just hoping some of his interest in life would rub off on
Tears pricked my eyelids. "I'm not suicidal."
Powerful word, suicide, no matter how you use it. It sobered
Pete instantly. "No. If you were, you'd have died eight months ago. But
you're not sensible either. You need somebody around who's not afraid
to get in your face and tell you when you're acting like an idiot."
My fury had waned. Dammit, I should've yelled when I still had
the gumption. But I couldn't deny the sense in what Pete said. And it
was kind of nice to be looked after, cared for. I had only been alone a
little over half a year. But it had felt like thousands.
I sighed. "You said he requested me? Why?"
"He's got his own reasons, which he says he'll reveal to you
in his own time." Pete and I shared a cynical raising of the eyebrows.
"Quite a mysterious character, isn't he?" I noted.
"When he wants to be," Pete agreed.
We talked for awhile longer. Which was when I discovered,
while Pete wanted me to stop taking crazy chances, his
bosses appreciated the fact that I was willing.
"Our government looks at Vayl as a national treasure, Jaz,"
Pete said. "On paper you're his assistant. In reality, you're his
bodyguard. You've met the members of our oversight committee."
And how. Senators Fellen, Tredd and Bozcowski had pretty much
cured me of ever wanting to vote again.
Pete went on. "They've asked me to make sure you understand
your primary mission will always be to make sure he comes back in one
I'm 5' 5". I weigh one-twenty when I remember to eat, which
isn't regularly. No question this guy, Vayl, could snap me like a twig
any time the urge hit him. I laughed. Pete didn't. "You're not kidding."
"Apparently Vayl had a close call on his last mission. Real
close. Which was why he revealed a secret no vampire has ever told
anyone before. There are two moments when vamps are completely
vulnerable. When they're taking blood. And when they're making a kill.
He might have other reasons for wanting you there, but the fact that
some ear-breather nearly smoked my best agent is enough for me and more
than enough for the powers that control my budget. He wants a partner.
You're it."
Chapter One
Six Months Later
"Get outta my way you old bat," I muttered under
my breath as an elderly woman who shouldn't have been driving a golf
cart much less a Lincoln Town Car at this time of night put-putted down
the street in front of me, her blinker announcing she meant to make a
right turn some time before she reached the ocean.
"A little testy tonight, aren't we Lucille?" Lucille Robinson
is my usual cover and my alter-ego, a gracious, sweet girl who always
knows the right thing to say. Vayl invokes her when I step out of line.
I nearly flipped him off, but since he's still got one foot mired in
the 1700s, I thought better of it and stuck my tongue out at him
instead. I wasn't sure he'd see me making faces at him in the
rear-view, but of course Vayl sees everything. I realized I'd come to
count on that as much as I sought his approval which, at the moment,
had ditched me.
"Do not be distracted by menial events," he reminded me in his
stern baritone, "we have a job to do."
"But if you'd just let me ram this old biddy into the next
electric pole I'd feel much better."
"You would not."
I sighed. Six months. Scary how much Vayl had learned about me
in such a short span. In my defense, given time he could worm the true
ages out of the entire cast of Desperate Housewives. Still, the only
living person who knew more about me was my sister, Evie, and she was
just that nosy.
"It's New Year's Eve for Chrissake," I grumbled. "There's
supposed to be snow on the ground. It's supposed to be freezing." I
guess the natives of Miami would've disagreed with me. And to be
honest, all those palm trees would've sent me skipping around in
circles if I'd been on vacation. But we Midwesterners have a thing
about winter holidays and snow, and this year I had yet to experience
either one.
Vayl went still, a sight that will creep you out big-time if
you've never seen it before. He sort of resembles a statue anyway, as
if Da Vinci had chiseled his square forehead, high cheekbones and long
Roman nose from smooth, pale stone. His curly black hair was cut so
short that right now I'd almost swear someone had painted it on. The
temperature inside our silver Lexus suddenly dropped ten degrees. A
breeze ruffled my red curls, playing them across my shoulders as if
they were harp strings.
"You make it snow inside this car and I swear I'm going to
park your butt in the middle of the next retirement village we come to
and take the first plane I can find back to Ohio," I warned him.
Strange to think of Ohio as a base for any operation more
dangerous than cataract surgery. But that's why we're still doing the
government's business. Of course, people know we kill bad guys. They
just don't want the gory details. But if you asked them in a dark room
where their neighbors couldn't hear, they'd tell you we're not nearly
as proactive as they'd like. Witches, vamps, weres… some would vote to
throw them all on a gigantic bonfire and have done. But there's good
sorts among those others who have earned, and
deserve, the same rights and protections we humans get.
Vayl is one of them. And after six months of watching his
back, I was glad I hadn't pulled a diva on Pete and stomped out of his
office when he'd suggested the partnership. We'd clicked like checkers
from the start. At this point I couldn't imagine working without him.
But he did have his quirks.
He sort of came alive again, catching me off guard, as it
would if, say, I were strolling through a botanical garden and the
cherub in the fountain suddenly started flapping its wings. He sat
forward, his smile just a twitch of the lips.
"How can you miss your sleepy little state when I have brought
you to one of the most exotic spots on earth?"
"Okay, I know you're too old to be taking lessons from a young
punk like me—"
"Jasmine (he pronounced it Yaz-mee-na, which gave me the
biggest thrill, though I'd never let on) while I agree that 25 is quite
young, you can hardly call yourself a 'punk'." Yeah, but nutcase is just too close to the truth.
"Dammit you old fart, would you turn right already!" The white-haired
wonder leading what had to, by now, be a blocks-long parade must've
turned on her hearing-aid. Because she finally pulled into the United
Methodist Church parking lot, praise God, leaving the rest of us free
to party until some other octogenarian found it necessary to take to
the streets after dark. In Ohio, old folks know better than to drive at
night. Yet another reason Cleveland rocks.
We drove straight to our very old, very exclusive
hotel. Called Diamond Suites, it towered above the pink stucco wall
that surrounded it and its gardens, rising nearly twelve stories before
reaching its peak with a steep, red tile roof. The windows all wore
black metal bars, decoratively scrolled top and bottom. The gated
parking lot required a key card for entry. We'd retrieved ours along
with the car we now drove, part of the privacy policy with which
Diamond Suites attracts its reclusive, generally famous, clientele.
Vayl's eyes were the icy blue of an Alaskan Husky as he took
in every detail of the scene before him, his brain cataloging it for
future reference. Parking lot full of high-end rentals. Check.
Automatic, card-key entry door with bullet proof glass. Check. Lobby
full of complimentary goodies from fluffy white towels to imported
shampoos, all graciously displayed on the shelves of antique armoires.
Check. Not a single soul in sight. Excellent.
His hands full of bags, Vayl leaned over and nudged me with an
elbow. "They say the place is haunted."
I snorted. An unladylike habit, I know, but one which, like
swearing, has its place. "Probably your old poker buddies waiting
around to even the score." This was not as far-fetched as it sounded.
Rumor had it Vayl had won his cane and his first gold mine in a game of
five-card stud.
Vayl's lips twitched again. Not for the first time I thought, If
he ever truly smiles his face is going to shatter. But I
tried not to think it too loud. On the plane he'd overheard the flight
attendants discussing the pilot's stun gun from the back of the plane
as he sat beside me in the front row. A man with that kind of ability
only needs to listen slightly harder to hear my harsh thoughts.
Vayl had reserved the penthouse, so we took elevator 6A to
twelve. At that point I did a little soft-shoe—the
semi-claustrophobic's version of the I-gotta-pee-dance—until Vayl
figured out which way to slip our key card into the metal slot on the
elevator's control panel so the door would open. After I'd leaped out
and regained a somewhat steady pulse, I took stock. We stood in a small
enclosed entryway decorated with a massive flowery mural that involved
all four walls, including the elevator doors, and half of the ceiling.
Tiles in the pastel pink so common to Florida covered the floor.
I wrinkled my nose at the color. Something about pink makes my
stomach churn. Maybe it's the resemblance to Pepto Bismol. Personally,
my taste runs toward bolder colors. That's why I currently wore an
emerald green silk shirt under my black jacket. Unlike Vayl's coat,
which reached his knees and looked like it could comfortably hide a
shotgun, or a sword, or possibly a small pony, mine stopped just below
my waist and, because it had been tailored to mask my shoulder holster,
fit superbly. My black slacks felt a little loose, probably because I'd
missed lunch all month. And since the Weather Channel had warned of a
cold spell hitting Florida at the same time we did, I'd worn my new
boots. Hopefully they'd hold up longer than my last pair, which had
fallen apart the first time I'd stepped in a puddle of blood.
I tugged my trunk through a set of white French doors that
opened into a sunken living room furnished with flowered couches and
chairs, glass tables and Pepto-pink carpeting. On the opposite end of
the room, next to ceiling-to-floor curtains in Elvis velvet, sat a
bigger glass table surrounded by chairs. I noticed it mainly because
the chairs had rollers, which keyed a memory from my childhood.
My brother, sister and I were staying with our Granny May at
her farm for the summer. Her kitchen chairs had wheels, so we spent
part of each day either pushing each other around the room or having
spinning contests to see who fell off first. Good times. I felt a throb
of homesickness for those few golden moments when my sibs and I were
friends, teammates and co-conspirators. Why couldn't it have lasted
"Never mind," I whispered, "it's over now. Move on. Move on.
Move on." I caught myself in the litany and clamped my lips shut,
imprisoning the words before they could betray me.
Still carrying a suitcase, our laptop, his garment bag and
Vayl strolled into the room and took inventory. His eyes rested
momentarily on a cut glass vase full of white orchids and moved on to a
silver bucket filled with ice and a bottle of champagne.
"Nice," he said, nodding with approval.
"Yeah, it's uh," I struggled to put some of the expected
enthusiasm into my voice, "grrreat!" I skirted the rim of the living
room bowl, rolling my trunk after me. I liked it because it looked the
way I felt most of the time, battered and old. Right now it appeared
sorely out of place, and if the furniture could talk I was sure it
would shame my low-class luggage right out of the building. The pack on
my back wouldn't score any points either. Despite the fact that it
dressed in basic black, it too had seen better days. But it worked,
carrying my weapons in well-padded pockets along with my ammunition and
cleaning cases. So rather than run to the nearest Motel 6, I just kept
walking, taking my most treasured possessions toward another set of
French doors to my left which no doubt led to a grossly sumptuous
"Come now, Jasmine," Vayl chided me. Already across the room,
he set the laptop on the table, and moved to the curtains, which I
expected him to stroke like a pet panther. Instead he flicked them
back, peered out the window. Satisfied, he looked over his shoulder at
me. "I bring you to the most exclusive hotel in Florida and the only
reaction I get is your Tony the Tiger impression?"
I felt like slumping against the wall, at which point I would
bang my head repeatedly until I passed out. But no, the bell had
dinged, forcing me back into the ring for Round 14 of the Never-Ending
Battle. Nope, no blows traded, damn it all. Our struggle was just a
continuous conversation during which Vayl tried to figure out how I'd
grown to adulthood without acquiring the slightest refinement, and I
continued to be baffled that a man old enough to remember when
bathrooms were windowless shacks built above deep stinkin' holes could
be fooled into thinking that ugly flowers and crappy-tasting liquor meant
"Look, Vayl, we've got a really big
night ahead of us. Can't we just agree that I'm a cretin and you're a
snob and move on?"
For a minute I thought he was having convulsions. Then I
realized he was laughing. Depositing his stuff on an end table, he
collapsed on the nearest couch and heaved with barely suppressed
merriment. He looked… now why would the word 'yummy' come to mind?
Under his coat he wore a dark blue sweater that hugged his torso as if
they'd been reunited after a long separation. On the plane he'd
mentioned his gray slacks had been tailored by a guy named Lawrence
Clay who spoke with a lisp and sewed like a savant. His shiny black
shoes had come straight off the shelf—in Italy. Since he'd assumed the
identity of a high-end antiques dealer named Jeremy Bhane, his elegance
was called for. It baffled me that such a thing could come so
naturally. Or that I should find it so… delectable. What is the deal with these food metaphors, girl?
I asked myself. Miss too many entrees, did you? Or are you
hungry for something a little more—no, no, no,
don't you dare go there. For damn sure not with your badass vampire
bossman. He could never replace Matt anyway. No one could.
"Are you all right? You suddenly look… haunted."
"Oh, yeah. I mean, no," short, fake laugh while I fished for
something to say, "I was just wondering why you don't smile more. And I
thought maybe it's because your fangs would show."
"Would that bother you?" he asked sharply.
"Not at all. We had two vamps on my Helsinger crew. Stellar
people." Now dead, dead, dead… Feeling a guilty
sort of pride that I'd been able to say that last bit without breaking
down, I opened the bedroom door. Surprise, surprise, it had a huge
round bed with a fuscia duvet and a mirrored headboard. I'd call the
carpeting a nauseating mix of Pepto-pink and cherry-flavored Nyquil. I
liked the whirlpool tub in the next room though, and the shower was big
enough for me and the cutest six guys I could round up on short notice.
"I suppose you find this room a bit over the top," said Vayl,
making me jump and squeal.
"What is the deal with you tonight?" And
how come you keep showing up just when I'm trying not to think of how
long it's been since I've had sex?
He shrugged. "I am, how do you say, feeling my oats, perhaps?"
He'd let a trace of his original accent creep into his voice. His left
eyebrow moved upward a couple of notches. I forgot to breathe as I
wondered just how many women had lost themselves in those emerald green
eyes. Over nearly three hundred years? Don't make me laugh.
And don't think about him that way anymore. You're his assistant. Period.
I sighed, feeling a whole new level of bummed. "Well, I'm not.
I was supposed to hang out with my sister tonight, not hop a flight to
Miami. She's already mad that I missed Christmas, and if this trip
triggers her labor I'm never forgiving myself. Or you. So can we just
start the briefing? The quicker this is over the faster I can crawl
home." And grovel. At the knees of my kid sister. Oh, how the
mighty have fallen.
He checked his pocket watch. "All right," he said, "the party
is in two hours and, knowing women as I do, it will probably take you
at least half that time just to get dressed."
I knew Vayl wasn't complaining, but since I already felt
vulnerable, the comment cut me. And when I bleed, I get pissed. It's
like he's
implying a tough girl like me needs a miracle to transform herself into
a beautiful lady and, as we all know, miracles take time. What an ass!
His touch, bare fingers on my cheek, startled me. I could tell
by his feverish warmth that he'd eaten when he woke at sunset. The
decent vamps, the ones who were trying to blend, all fed without
killing. Many had willing donors. Others bought their blood from one of
two government licensed suppliers. More would likely pop up as vamps
like Vayl made obvious the advantages of integration.
He said, "I have offended you."
"Actually, yeah, you have." I shook my head to dislodge his
hand. It felt a little too… nice. "It's okay, though," I said, my anger
deflating somewhat in response to his stricken expression. "People
ought to be able to point out the truth, or at least give it a nod on
the way past without other people getting all freaked out about it."
"I have no idea what you just said."
"Good. Now," I took him by the shoulders and turned him toward
the doors, "let me unpack and I'll meet you in the pit, um, living room
in five minutes."
He left me alone to empty my trunk. I didn't. I sat on the
bed, fished a pack of cards out of my bag and began to shuffle them.
Blend, bend, bridge, over and over I shuffled the dog-eared pack until
Evie's tears, my ghosts, Vayl's unintended insult and the immense
suckage of the holidays, which I'd spent equally blacking out and
melting down, receded beneath the steady thrum of the cards.
Vayl had draped himself across one of the couches
when I came into the living room. All he needed was an ivy crown and
some half-dressed bimbo fanning him with palm fronds between bites of
grapes and he'd have been a dead ringer for a gorgeous Julius Caesar.
Aw, who was I kidding, he'd probably palled around with the
man before Cleopatra showed up and ruined all their fun. I sank down on
the couch opposite him, curling my feet underneath me. "Getting into
"We are going to a $5,000 a plate charity dinner/dance. Our
target has only invited the crème de la crème of society. He will
expect both of us to behave with a certain amount of savoir faire."
"Let me see if I can translate your bullshit, um, I mean
French. We're supposed to be a couple of big spenders?"
"Yes," he replied, raising his eyebrow a disapproving tick at
my language.
"So who's the target?"
"A plastic surgeon of Pakistani origin. His name is Mohammed
Khad Abn-Assan and he has either lifted, tucked or liposuctioned half
of Hollywood. I understand several of his celebrity clients will be
there tonight."
"And here I left my autograph book in my other purse. So
what's the charity?"
"It is called New Start. It brings in millions of dollars a
year, supposedly to pay for reconstructive surgery for child victims of
disfiguring accidents."
"Cool. Only I'm guessing the kids will never see a dime."
"Highly doubtful considering the fact that Assan is diverting
most of those funds into the Sons of Paradise."
"Whoa, hang on just a second. The Sons of Paradise? Are you
telling me we're going to hit a financial bastion of the most extreme
of the extremist terrorist groups?" Vayl nodded. "Awesome!" Those
assholes will be dining on sand and pisswater by the time we're
finished with Dr. Bankroller. "But you said they're only
getting most of the money. Why not all of it?"
Vayl's eyes hardened, black obsidian even the most penetrating
stare couldn't break. "Sources say he uses the rest to perform surgery
on members of the organization who cannot afford to look like their
Most Wanted posters anymore."
That got my motor running. "What a creep."
"The world is full of them."
"You're telling me. It's good there's people like us around to
balance things out."
"What is this optimistic talk I hear coming from your mouth?"
Vayl asked. "Are you Jasmine's evil clone, come to lull me into fluffy
white thoughts so you can stake me in my sleep?"
"At best your thoughts are pink. Kind of like this carpet."
Vayl's eyes lightened suddenly, a trait that will make you do a
double-take if you're not used to it. The vamps I'd known before him
didn't have that particular ability, but then it wasn't really fair to
compare. Vamps have their individual gifts and weaknesses, just like
humans. The one sitting across from me, for instance, wore his
eighty-year string of successful missions like a mantle. He had
infiltrated the most exclusive factions, beaten the highest tech
security systems, faced the most powerful supernatural forces ever seen
on earth and won. So why did he need me? After six months he still
hadn't given me a plausible explanation.
"Anything else you want to tell me?" I asked.
"Assan has never before been more than a link in a chain. But
as far as we can tell he has suddenly gained great power within the
Sons of Paradise. We believe he has brought them a new partner, one
with the money and clout to rock this country to its core. There is not
much chatter about this person or persons, but when you listen to the
whispers you hear scary things."
"You mean scarier than usual things?"
Vayl nodded.
"I don't suppose this partner has any Raptor markings on him?"
The Raptor was a rising star on our potential hit list. Both Vayl and I
knew we'd have to go after him eventually. His lethal mix of charisma
and savagery along with rumors that he'd accepted fealty oaths from a
dozen large nests, two covens of black witches in Scotland and several
packs of Spanish weres had made him the subject of several of Pete's
"Not so far." Vayl ran his fingers across the black cane that
lay beside him on the couch. A museum piece, it had been hand-carved in
India and was almost as famous around the office as its owner. A
procession of intricately detailed tigers marched around the leg of the
cane up to a gold band, which separated it from the multifaceted blue
jewel that topped it. When you twisted the head, the tigers shot away
from it, revealing a hand-hammered sword whose maker had been dust for
centuries. I hadn't expected to see the cane until the party. It was
unusual for Vayl to carry it with him here, where he should've felt
safe. Where I'd felt pretty cozy myself. I sat up straighter and looked
around the room.
"What aren't you telling me?" I demanded.
"We are going to have to be very careful. Assan has powerful
friends. And…"
Vayl shook his head. "Just keep your eyes and ears open.
Something about this feels… wrong."
And that was really saying something, coming from the C.I.A.'s
number one assassin.
Chapter Two
Half an hour later I'd rediscovered my femininity. It's fun
occasionally, sort of like an archaeological dig without the sweating.
I stood before the bathroom mirror resembling the pale, regal daughter
my mother would've preferred, wondering how I was supposed to hide my
modified Walther PPK, which I called Grief, underneath material that
clung like an obsessive ex-boyfriend.
I'd gone for an oriental look and discovered the red mandarin
collar and short, half-moon sleeves suited me fine, especially with my
hair pinned up and swirled around the way I'd seen it done in Cosmo.
Fake diamonds dangled from my ears, and though no one could see, they
matched my belly button ring perfectly. The hilarious bit was that Pete
had been the one to give it to me.
His face had slowly flooded with color as he'd handed me the
case. "I understand this is an appropriate item for your, uh, I mean
that since you've got that, uh, piercing—"
"What's it do?" I'd asked as I'd taken the case and pulled out
a faux diamond stud.
"It's a homing device," he'd said, obviously relieved that I
hadn't made him stutter through the whole setup. "You activate it by
breaking the gem off the post. If you don't have a way to keep the gem
on you once it's signaling, it has been tested safe on the digestive
system, so you can swallow it." Oh goody. "What happens after it's
triggered?" I asked.
"We have a team standing by in Miami. Once they receive the
signal, their orders are to try to contact you and, failing that, to
coordinate a massive search and rescue."
So, with my jewelry firmly in place, I gave myself one last
critical look. I'd been careful with the eyeliner, so my eyes looked
larger, greener, more soulful than usual. I had fine, fragile features
that fooled almost everyone I met, a real advantage in my line of work.
And the fact that my body leaned harder towards bony than athletic
didn't hurt either. My legs were by far my best feature. They
occasionally peaked through the side slits of my calf-length, red satin
skirt. I wore red, low-heeled sandals I could actually run in, and I'd
chosen a sequined handbag to match, so that's where I finally stowed my
When I came out, Vayl's bedroom doors were still shut. I
rapped on one.
"I'm going scouting. Back in thirty."
"All right." I took off to find the address on our cleverly
faked invitation.
Diamond Suites was situated about fifteen minutes from Assan's
location. The Lexus purred under me like a snoozing lioness as I drove
there, but I resisted the urge to wake her up on the Interstate. Pete's
blood pressure tended to spike when he thought I'd done any excessive
spending, and I figured he'd stroke out if I showed up with a speeding
ticket on the way to a location.
I took a leisurely tour of Assan's digs, trying not to gape
too much at the enormous, brilliantly lit mansions fronted by country
club style landscaping. The lawns were so well manicured you could've
used them for putting greens. What a hoot if Dave and his buddies had
lived here, because they actually would have. I could imagine them all,
full of that eighteen-year-old cockiness you wish guys would never
lose, drinking Albert's beer and calling their shots like it was a game
of 8-ball.
I spared my twin one more minute, wondering what part of the
world held him tonight, hoping he was okay. Like me, Dave's pretty high
up the hush-hush ladder. Like me, he'd started in a different part of
the Agency, but now he's a Special Ops stud, so he spends the majority
of his time overseas. It's an excellent excuse not to keep in touch and
we use it like a dust rag. If we were careful we'd never have to speak
to each other again. A hell of an accomplishment for people who used to
complete each other's sentences.
"Enough," I told myself, "enough, enough,
enough—" I bit my lip, stopping the loop with pain. You're
working Jasmine, so work. Focus on the work. The work will keep you
sane. At least in everybody else's eyes.
I took a deep breath and let it out with a laugh when I saw
the fancy, scrolled metal sign on the gate in front of Assan's house.
Anything with an entrance right out of Jurassic Park and enough fencing
to contain a herd of brachiosaurus demands a name, and Assan had chosen
Alpine Meadows. Without a mountain in sight. Nor were there any cute
Austrian kids running around singing "Do, Re, Mi." Who was this guy
really kidding? The name might trigger thoughts of "Sound of Music,"
but it looked like "The Haunting of Hill House."
Driving on, I discovered the area contained more dead ends and
cul de sacs than a game of Clue. But I did find a couple of quick
routes out just in case the boogers hit the blender. I cruised the
neighborhood five more minutes, soaking in the ambiance, picturing
myself looking like I belonged inside one of these six-bedroom, 4 1/2
bath monstrosities. Then I went back for Vayl.
I didn't see him when I pulled into the parking lot, but I
could feel him waiting for me. Although it was more than that. It's an
extra sense, one I've only had since… well, for about 14 months. And
I'm not the only one who's fascinated by it.
During our first mission together, Vayl had admitted part of
the reason he requested our pairing was the fact that I can smell
vamps. Not literally. Still, it's almost a visceral scent, something
near the back of the nose and just behind the eyeballs that whispers immortal
to the base of my brain. Different vamps make me react different ways,
but that's the basic idea.
We'd been stalking a renegade named Gerardo, who the Italian
authorities had asked us to bag before he decimated yet another
convent. Apparently he'd run through so many in Europe that he'd felt
the need to emigrate. Having trailed our quarry to the hushed halls of
the Monastery of St. Bernadette in Oregon, we hoped the sisters had
enough brains to keep themselves barricaded in their cells and that my
inner alarm would sound before one of them needed to escape for a quick
"Do you feel anything yet?" Vayl had asked.
"Nope. And I'm not sure it would help if I did."
"Why not?"
"It's not like I could give you coordinates. The Sensitivity
doesn't work that way. Best case scenario, all I know is he's in the
same room as us."
Vayl had stopped me, his hand so warm on my shoulder I
would've suggested a trip to the emergency room if he'd been human. "I
believe this gift is just the tip if the iceberg, Jasmine. If we
nurture it, develop it, I think you will be amazed to discover what
lies deep beneath the water."
Ironically, that was where we found Gerardo, hiding under the
lily pads in the fountain behind the abbey church. I'd seen vamps fight
before. Fought beside them, in fact. But Vayl surpassed them all. He
attacked Gerardo with the ferocity of a starving crocodile, his lips
drawn so far back from his teeth I could see his rear molars without
squinting. They both fell back into the fountain, slamming the statue
of Bernadette that stood in the middle hard enough to make her wobble.
When they emerged, blood bubbled from a huge gash in Gerardo's
shoulder. He broke free of Vayl's grip and tried to jump out of the
water. Vayl caught him halfway and he fell hard on the concrete rim.
Like a lion on a zebra, Vayl latched onto the
back of Gerardo's neck, the look in his eyes just as fierce and nearly
as primal. Suddenly I knew why the Romans had packed their coliseum on
a regular basis. I wanted to roar with approval. My gladiator was
kicking ass, baby.
A sound to my right distracted me. A nun shuffled out of the
shadows. I ran toward her. "Sister, you need to leave. This isn't
something you should see," I said.
She'd jumped me almost before I realized she smelled undead.
But the newbies are sloppy. Lack of training, maybe, or an
overabundance of hunger. My crossbow bolt pierced her heart before she
could even form a decent snarl. When I looked back at the fountain,
Vayl stood alone as well. We'd smoked both our vamps without sustaining
any major personal damage. Always a cause for celebration.
Vayl had pointed to the little bits of ash and dust that had
fallen where the nun had stood moments before. "That is why you must
hone your skills."
Six months later I hadn't made a helluva lot of progress.
While I often felt like yanking my hair out by the roots, Vayl
maintained his cool. He just kept saying, "We are missing a vital link
in the chain. When we discover what it is, you will rocket forward. But
that does not mean you should stop trying."
So he continued to throw training ops my way, and since I
wanted to keep my job, I kept cooperating.
I looked around the lot, wishing I could ping some sort of
radar off him. After all this time, I still hadn't figured out how to
narrow my search. I'd learned only that if I paid attention to the
awareness, it might alert me when he moved. Leaving the car running, I
turned off the headlights and turned on the night vision. It was easier
than it sounded.
One of my roommates in college was a techno-wizard named Miles
Bergman. The tall, skinny son of a Russian dissident and an
environmental biologist, his paranoia prevents him from working for the
government outright. But he does sell us the rights (sometimes
exclusive) to use his gadgets. Pete loves the arrangement, because it
means he doesn't have to put out any extra cash for pesky items like
health insurance and vacation days.
One of the many cool inventions Bergman developed for me was a
set of night vision contact lenses. I squeezed my eyes shut for a
couple of seconds and when I opened them the interior of the Lexus
looked like it had been parked under a green streetlamp. The cars
surrounding me could've come straight from Enterprise of Emerald City.
All lovely shades of lime, they lined up like contestants at the Miss
Oz Beauty Pageant. Only one wasn't what she seemed. One hid a dark,
long-lived secret. But which?
I scanned the lot quickly, never letting my eyes rest in one
place for too long. And I still nearly missed him. He stood between a
Toyota Tundra and a Jeep Cherokee, an inkblot in the shadows, tapping
his cane on the side of his shoe.
"I see you," I whispered. As if I had shouted, he stepped
forward. I unlocked the doors as he made his way to the car, just
another well-to-do gentleman going out on the town. He looked like an
Oscar winner, handsome and elegant in his black tuxedo. Even his cane
worked, an integral part of the affluent man's evening clothes rather
than an assassin's tool.
He slid into the car beside me, which shook me more that I let
on. I preferred him sitting in the back, like a boss, rather than in
front, like a date. I moved to change gears and nearly yelped when his
hand covered mine.
"Wait a moment," Vayl said, looking at me steadily through his
predatory eyes. I tried not to fidget while he took stock of my hair,
dress, shoes, though every second that passed squeezed at my nerves, as
if he'd wrapped them in barbed wire and turned a crank that pulled it
tighter until they screamed. I wanted to thump him. Didn't he know he
was being rude? And unsettling? And rude? I opened my mouth to tell him
exactly what I thought when he said, "You look incredible. Like a
goddess. I take back everything I said earlier."
The attention-starved teen in me melted. Even my brain
reverted. All I could think for a second was, He likes me!
He really likes me!!
I squeezed my eyes shut, took my vision back to normal. It
helped restore my equilibrium too. "Thanks," I said. "You look pretty
sharp yourself." I paused a second. "I was just thinking about our
first mission."
"You were?"
"It reminded me of a question I've been wanting to ask for
awhile." One I apparently only felt brave enough to pose while in
goddess mode.
"Oh?" His tone buttoned up like a Victorian collar. But, being
temporarily divine, I barreled on.
"I noticed that you always bleed your vamp targets before you
take them out."
"That is true."
"Well, for cripe's sake, don't go all frosty on me. I don't
give a crap about that part. I just saw a pattern and wondered—"
Vayl sighed and the whole car filled with the sound, like a
mournful wind bouncing off the walls of an empty canyon. "It is my
failsafe. I do not want to kill innocents, so I take their blood during
battle. I can taste whether or not the donor gave it willingly or with
his last gasp."
"Wow, I didn't know you could do that. Cool." I glanced at
him. Not much changed. But the easing of the lines around his eyes and
lips told me I'd said the right thing. Which was when I realized it
mattered to Vayl what I thought of him. Wow. When had that happened? Probably during your last blackout, spat
a bitter, scared corner of my mind.
I regarded it as if it stood separate from me, a flat-chested
freshman wearing too much eye shadow and the confidence of a lame-duck
president. Shut the fuck up, I told it. Then I
drove my boss to the job.
We arrived at the gates of Assan's mansion behind
a short line of vehicles that included two limos and a gleaming black
Corvette. One by one the drivers showed the guards their invitations
and were allowed to enter. I hadn't seen any guards on my scouting
trip, though intel had informed us Assan kept anywhere from 10 to 12 on
staff. These two shopped in the big and beefy section and still their
suit coats barely buttoned, maybe on purpose, so all the guests could
see the outline of the guns riding underneath.
One looked to have some Chinese ancestry. He wore his black
hair pulled back into a ponytail. His partner reminded me of
Schwarzenegger in his bulkier days. If he spoke with an Austrian accent
I'd struggle not to laugh in his face. Unprofessional, I know, but the
more stressed I get, the more likely I am to bow to inappropriate
hilarity. I could already feel the giggles tickling the back of my
"This had better be a damn good forgery," I said, as I took
the invitation from the seat beside me and rolled down the window.
"What," Vayl whispered, "are you finally nervous?" Is the Pope Catholic? "Shh, it's our
turn." I pulled up to the gate and handed the invite to Arnold Jr. Up
close he overwhelmed the eyeballs, built like a tractor with the
confidence that came from knowing he could mow us flat without breaking
a sweat.
"Welcome to Alpine Meadows," he said in an American
Vayl sat forward. "Thank you," he said, his voice more melodic
than usual as his eyes met those of the guard's. I felt the magic cross
my skin on its way to Arnold Jr., a scented breeze of power so purely
Vayl, I would have recognized it in a perfume factory. "In five minutes
you will not remember our faces or the fact that you admitted us."
Junior's jaw went slack and his pupils dilated like he'd scored an
instant high. He nodded, handed the invitation back to me and stepped
away from the car.
"Can you do that for me next time Pete wants to wring my
neck?" I asked as I moved the Lexus toward Assan's mini-castle. The
rumble in Vayl's throat could've been anything from a growl to a burp.
I stole a look at his face, and from the way his lips were quivering
decided it was a chuckle.
The valet had a hard time understanding why any high society
dame would want to park her own car. Then Vayl spoke to him and made it
all better. He directed us around the side of the house, where I backed
into the space closest to the front door. I sort of specialize in quick
getaways. Too bad I wasn't driving a Hummer, It would've been fun to
pull straight in and then mow over the perfectly trimmed hedges and
gigantic urns on the way out.
Like a good little blueblood, I waited for Vayl to stroll
around and open my door for me. We took a path lined with Japanese
lanterns around to the front of the house, uh, mansion, um, pretentious
freaking monstrosity posing as a home. Yeah, that's more like it. At
the top of white marble steps that led to doors the size of rocket
silos, a barrel-chested, pock marked man with the eyes of a scorpion
took our invitation and added it to a lace-lined basket at his feet. I
had a sudden image of him skipping through the woods holding that
basket in front of him like Little Red Riding Hood, and laughed out
loud. He and Vayl both looked at me strangely. I patted Vayl's arm.
"Oh, honey, I finally got that joke you told me on the way
here. Hilarious!"
Vayl nodded as if he understood and led me indoors. "You will
explain that one to me later, I hope?" he whispered out the side of his
"I'll explain it to you now." Then I forgot what I was going
to say as we entered a massive, marble-lined hall lit with five,
count'em, five sparkling chandeliers. So many candelabras lined the
walls that even if the lights winked out you still could've seen well
enough to read the fine print on an iffy contract. And the art! I
smiled up at Vayl as if I belonged among people who thought nothing of
owning paintings bigger than my apartment. I had never felt so sorely
out of place. Even my teeth felt fake.
"You are looking gorgeous tonight, my dear," Vayl said,
squeezing my hand.
Somewhat reassured, I said, "Thank you darling. And may I say
you grow more handsome with each passing day?"
He nodded graciously, every bit the self-assured
multimillionaire we wanted our host to think he was. Speaking of the
devil, here he came, greeting his guests with the slick friendliness of
a tiger shark at a daily feeding. His white tuxedo set off his dark
hair and skin to perfection, and the gold rings on six out of ten of
his fingers highlighted his remarkably slender, blunt-nailed hands.
I managed not to flinch as he came at me, all teeth and
glittering black eyes. Sometimes things would be so much simpler if you
could just pull out your gun and shoot the bad guy. Reason number
seventeen why Indiana Jones is my hero.
"My dear lady," the little snake was saying as he took my free
hand and kissed it—yuck—"I am so pleased to make your acquaintance."
I smiled brightly as his mouth continued to move, but I no
longer heard the words. Oh God, not now. But God
had taken a coffee break and my senses had gone along for the donuts.
Another sound had replaced Assan's prattle in my shivering brain. A
loud buzzing, like an oven timer on steroids, gave warning. Next my
vision would narrow to a speck and then, poof! disappear. I might come
back to myself in five minutes. Or it might take a couple of days.
Afterwards, if I asked the right questions, I might find out what I'd
said and done in the meantime. This can't be happening. But it was, and
I felt like I was dying, drowning in the flooded hull of my sinking
sanity. I looked at Vayl, hoping he'd throw me a life preserver as I
tried not to blow it, not to panic. He squeezed my hand, hard. A
throbbing pain shot from fingertips to elbow. And the darkness
"Lucille Robinson," Vayl drawled, introducing alias-me to
Assan, "and I am her…" he paused, allowing our host to jump to any
nasty conclusion he wished, "… associate, Jeremy Bhane. We are, of
course, staunch supporters of New Start and delighted to finally meet
its famous founder."
Assan shook Vayl's hand. "So good of you to come," he said. He
reached back and pulled a Jessica Simpson clone to his side. I'd been
so distracted I hadn't noticed her pin us. She stood at least three
inches taller than me, which gave her a good half foot on her husband.
"This is my wife," he said, "Amanda."
I held out my hand with some difficulty. My little brownout
had taken the oomph from my muscles and deposited the whole seething
mass in my stomach. If she shook too hard I'd puke all over her Vera
Wang. But Amanda wasn't up to heavy lifting either. She squeezed my
hand as if it was made of porcelain, did the same for Vayl, then
dropped her arm like concrete encased it as she murmured, "Pleased to
meet you."
One thing about feeling miserable, you instantly recognize it
in others. Amanda Abn-Assan, I knew, was giving almost everything she
had to the task of just staying upright. I looked at Vayl quickly, to
see if he'd noticed the puffiness under her eyes. The look he gave me
said he had. Now why would the wife of a brilliantly
successful surgeon have been crying recently? Several
reasons came to mind, but none that totally satisfied my gut feeling
about her. It was a mystery worth solving. Later.
Assan excused himself and Amanda, leaving Vayl and I to stand
around trying to look natural. Vayl snagged a couple of champagne
flutes off a passing waiter's tray and we toasted each other. My face
started to hurt from all the smiling. Vayl bent down to lay a kiss just
below my ear that I felt clear to my toes. Okay, Jaz, don't
hyperventilate now. It's just skin touching skin, here. That's all. The
fact that your knees feel a little weak is probably just an estrogen
spike. Yeah, that's it. He whispered, "Let us begin."
I nodded, relieved to be done with the standing around. Ready,
in fact, to sprint from my current position if it would distance me
from these highly inappropriate feelings. I would concentrate all my
efforts on identifying the security measures and memorize the layout of
the place. Then, after all the guests had left, we'd return and
eliminate Assan. That was the job, and God help me, I loved it.
My whole body buzzed with anticipation. I lived for this. This
was what chased away the looping thoughts and the nerves and the
nightmares. Only the work allowed me to manage a conversational tone as
I said, "I'll be right back, darling. Make sure you miss me!"
"I have already begun," said Vayl, giving me a look so mushy
anybody who weighed more than a marshmallow would sink up to their
knees in it. What a load of bull. And yet it was reassuring to know if
Pete ever dumped us we could always write dialogue for Days of Our
I gave him my biggest, phoniest smile and turned toward the
grandest staircase I'd ever seen that wasn't plastered across a movie
screen. Red plush carpeted the steps, which would hide the blood nicely
if anyone ever got shot on them. They split halfway up at a landing
that held an ornate golden bench on which to rest should the hike have
left you winded. Since I needed to scope out the second floor, I made
like Scarlet O'Hara in reverse and swept up the first flight.
A discreet little sign with a southern belle printed on it
encouraged me to take the next flight to my left and another sign
posted at the head of the stairs suggested I try the first door I came
to. I reached down to adjust my sandal strap and get a good look
around. At the top of the stairs a sitting area with couches draped in
white silk and a matching oversized ottoman separated the ladies'
bathroom hall on my side from the men's bathroom hall on the other
side. The hall on my side narrowed, running past the bathroom and four
other closed doors, two on each side, before turning the corner. A
quick stroll to the other side as I pretended to enjoy the view showed
the exact same layout.
I walked back to the ladies bathroom. As I opened the door I
looked over my shoulder. I'd already identified which of the guests
were actually Assan's goons in disguise. None of them was looking,
because Vayl had chosen that precise moment to drop his glass. So I
moved down the hallway, trying each door as I passed, finding them all
locked. At the end of the hall I turned right, because a left would've
taken me downstairs and, from the sound of it, into the kitchen.
This hall contained a long bench on one side and a bank of
windows on the other. The view must've been spectacular during the day
as, I supposed, it looked out on several acres of lawn. The wall behind
the bench held a rectangular, spotlighted painting of a whole passel of
naked Egyptian serving girls bringing gifts of gold, food and wild,
caged animals to the Pharaoh, who looked very happy to see them all.
There were no stairs at the other end of this hall, just a
huge oval mirror with a fancy gold frame. I shared a troubled look with
myself as I recalled the brownout I'd just experienced. The thought
made me nauseous, so I tossed it away, forced myself to concentrate on
the job.
"The job, the job, the job, the job," I whispered, until I
realized what I was doing and bit the inside of my cheek. I turned
right at the mirror and, as expected, found myself in the men's
bathroom hallway. Again I encountered two sets of locked doors. At the
men's room I made as if to go in, pretended to realize it wasn't the
room I wanted and feigned embarrassment as I hurried past the front
sitting area to the women's bathroom.
This time I went in. The room consisted of a small lounge
decorated with diamond patterned wallpaper, a red velvet chaise and a
massive potted fern. The commode sat in its own little claustrophobic's
nightmare of a closet, and the claw-footed tub and floor-to-ceiling
shower shared another room with an entire wall of four
Looking to waste the expected amount of time, I washed my
hands and fiddled with my hair. Someone else came in, so I turned to
leave, a polite smile fixed on my face. It must've fallen right off in
my shock at finding I was sharing the bathroom with a man, who looked
as shaken as I felt.
"Sorry," he said, raking his fingers through his thick, blonde
mop of hair, "I know the guys are supposed to use the toilet across the
way, but I was sure they'd find me there."
"Well, they'll probably find you here too as soon as the rumor
gets around that a guy is hiding in the ladies room." I studied his
face as I spoke, and immediately liked what I saw. He had that
fresh-out-of-college look that makes you think maybe the world's not
such a pit after all. He wore a black tux with a red bow tie, red
cummerbund and matching red canvas high tops. And he was chewing bubble
I'd seen smiles like his a few times before. The message was
clear—if you don't love me yet, you will soon. But such honest humor
accompanied it that no way could it offend me. "Aw, come on," he said,
"I can tell you're not a gossip. Help me out here. I'm not a pervert,
just a party crasher." I almost believed him. But his eyes darted away
from mine at just the wrong time. He hadn't been lying nearly as long
as I'd been catching liars.
"So what's the deal, do you fill up on olives and cheese cubes
and then run?"
"Something like that."
"Bullshit." The shock on his face was comical. Apparently he'd
never heard a grown woman swear. "Tell me why you're really here before
I bypass the guards and call the police."
He took a moment to ponder the wisdom of telling a total
stranger, no less one with a potty-mouth, the truth. "You know, most
people buy my schtick."
"I'm not most people."
"No doubt." The look he gave me combined equal parts respect
and flirtation. Yeah, I was flattered, but I didn't let it show. I was
too busy hiding a bemused smile as he blew a perfect purple bubble,
popped and retrieved it. He gave me an apologetic grin. "My last
girlfriend was a smoker who thought it would be fun to corrupt me. The
gum helps kill the nicotine cravings."
"Good idea. Now quit trying to distract me and fess up."
"Okay, here's the deal. I'm a private investigator. Mostly I
look into insurance fraud. But I know Amanda Assan from way back. We
were friends when she still had a gap between her front teeth and
permanently scraped knees. That was before her mom decided she'd never
be happy until Amanda had won every Little Miss Beautiful pageant from
here to Tallahassee." His disgust for Amanda's mother made me see her
clearly. A bitter, middle-aged divorcee with more chins than sense.
Poor Amanda, she'd probably thought she was breaking free when she
married Assan.
He went on, "Anyway, Amanda called and asked me to investigate
the secret doings of her hubby. That is, who he's doing secretly."
"Isn't this kind of a public forum for a private
investigation?" I asked, mostly to cover my disappointment in him for
trying to put one by me, and in me for thinking anyone over the age of
ten could survive this world with any part of their innocence intact.
"Yeah, but you can learn a lot about a guy by watching him at
an event like this. People who have stuff to hide never think they're
giving themselves away, but it's often obvious to anyone who pays
"And I take it someone's been paying too much attention to
you?" I couldn't help but laugh at the face he made. It belonged on a
five-year-old who's just been caught drinking Mountain Dew for
"I screwed up royally," he admitted. "Assan noticed me having
a conversation with his wife a few minutes ago, and now his goons are
chasing me all over the house to find out why."
"It must've been a pretty intense conversation."
"She was crying." Amateurs. "All right," I said, "let's get
you out of the house, shall we?"
His eyes lit up like I'd just promised to buy him a pony for
his birthday. "You're going to help me? That's great! Oh man, I can't
thank you enough!" The grin resurfaced. "You like me, don't you?"
Good Lord, he must have more first-date sex than George
Clooney! "Yeah, that's why I'm helping. I find you absolutely
irresistible. What's your name?"
"Cole Bemont." He held out his hand so I shook it. At least
his grip was firm.
"Lucille Robinson," I said. "Now, here's what we do. You and I
will find a back way out of this place. If we come across someone else
we make like a couple of lovesick teenagers. People generally hurry
past heavy breathers. I get you to the parking lot, you get the hell
out. Got it?"
He nodded. "There's just one thing I've got to do before we
go," he said. Before I could inquire he grabbed me and planted a kiss
square on my mouth. It was short but fiery, despite the grape
flavoring, and when he let me go I was panting.
"Holy crap!"
He smiled, not at all apologetically, and said, "I've wanted
to do that ever since I saw my first Bond movie."
I nodded. "Well, you have excellent timing. Now, shall we go?"
He gave me a courtly bow. "After you, Madame." I opened the door,
scanned the area and closed it again. "Goon at the bottom of the stairs
making his way up," I told Cole. "Change of plan. You wait here while I
divert him. As soon as his back is turned go down this hall, take a
left. Go straight down the stairs to the kitchen and outside. Got it?"
To Cole's credit he stayed nice and calm. "Got it." I
hesitated. Aw, what the hell. I took him by the
lapels and pulled him in for a second helping. This kiss was even
better than the first and I hated to cut it short. But duty called. I
wrenched the door open and stepped into the hall. Cole's goon was at
the landing. I started toward the stairs, timing it so he'd be two
steps below me when I tripped into him. Jerry Lewis couldn't have done
it any better. I squealed to get his attention, my hands flew up,
though I made sure to keep a tight grip on my bag, and I fell right
into his arms, turning him as he caught me so his back was to the
bathroom. I gasped and babbled long enough for Cole to sneak out of the
bathroom and down the hall.
"Oh, thank you so much," I told the
guard, straightening his jacket and dusting him off as if I'd dumped a
bowl of baby powder on his shoulders. Though I kept my focus on the
guard, pouring on the charm so thick you'd need a foghorn to navigate
it, I still kept a peripheral eye on Cole. He'd nearly made it to his
first turn when a door opened beside him. Cole paused, said something,
and the door closed immediately. He shrugged, went on his way, and I
blessed the guard's heart one last time before heading down the rest of
the stairs.
I found Vayl in the room adjacent to the front hall. It
might've been called a parlor in another century. He held my drink with
one hand while he nibbled off an appetizer buffet with the other.
"Darling," he said, holding out my drink, "you must try this
pate'. I think it is the best I have ever tasted."
I smiled, took the glass and headed toward the end of the
cloth-covered table. Vayl followed closely, too closely. I stopped
short and he nearly mowed me over. Turning to face him, I laughed
lightly, but under my breath I said, "Are you sniffing
His expression could've been chipped from granite for all it
gave away, but his eyes had gone a stormy grayish-blue. "Who kissed
you?" he hissed. "And who else hugged you?"
"What makes you think I've been making out with two different
men?" I turned to get a plate, fork and napkin, then walked to the
opposite end of the buffet, forcing Vayl to dodge several couples and a
white-coated caterer to keep up with me.
"Two distinct scents cover your own," Vayl whispered when I
finally stopped long enough to spoon some mini-sausages onto my plate.
"And what is left of your lipstick is smudged."
I made my smile icy as January rain as I wiped my lips clean
with my napkin. "It's a long story," I said, "and we have a job to do."
I spooned more goodies onto my plate while Vayl waited for a couple of
B-movie stars to clear out. He added more stuff to my plate as he
continued our murmured conversation.
"Oh yes, we are working tonight, aren't
we?" Vayl and sarcasm went too well together. The mix made me want to
punch something. I settled for stabbing a bowl of caviar repeatedly
with a serving spoon. Vayl watched me beat the fish eggs into
submission as he continued, "The security system will be easily
compromised. The guards, well, we will have to watch them more, get a
sense of their movements even though the party will take them somewhat
out of their normal routine. That is, unless you would rather pop out
an uzi and mow them all down right here."
I glared at him. But I was more mad at myself. I did seem to
be developing a tendency to jump first and hope for a parachute later.
"Talk," he demanded.
I retreated to a corner beside a tall, potted fichus and
stuffed sautéed mushrooms down my throat while I tried to figure out
how to make what I'd just done sound remotely logical. I shook my head.
Once I'd been a sensible person. Now, well, there's just no explaining
me. At least not without using words like "insane," "stupid," or
"Night-time Nyquil."
Vayl came in close, towering over me like a grade school
principal. I looked up at him and swallowed a grape in one guilty gulp.
"Can we have this conversation never?"
"What. Happened."
So I told him—everything—start to finish. And damned if it
didn't come out sounding like an episode of Nancy Drew.
"So, do you make a habit of kissing strange men in bathrooms?"
Vayl's eyes had darkened to jade with swirling gold flecks that made me
slightly dizzy. When I didn't immediately reply he added, "Because it
certainly was not mentioned in your file."
What is it about the people who know you best? You never
reveal to them the secret location of your make-me-crazy buttons and
yet, like toddlers at preschool, they root them out and push them again
and again and again. Mine are directly connected to hand grenades. So
as soon as Vayl finished speaking I heard the tell-tale clatter of a
pin rattling on the floor. My file? I wish it was in my
hands right now. I'd smack you over the head with it so hard your bell
would still be ringing for church next Saturday night!
Then I'd clonk myself, hard, on the frontal lobe. Maybe that
would cure me, and I would never again have to be embarrassed by what
we in the C.I.A. like to call my PDD (Previous Dumbass Decisions).
However I was not done digging my grave.
"I don't make a habit of kissing anybody
thanks to you!" Realizing
Freud would have a field day with that statement, I rushed on. "It was
a spontaneous action, something I'm sure you have no experience with,
and though as my boss I can see how you might be upset that I helped
him considering what we're here for, you might also congratulate me for
defusing a situation that might've interfered with our plan."
"Do you think these two men will remember you?"
"I sure as hell hope so!"
"So when the police investigate Assan's passing tomorrow
morning, and they question everyone whose invitation lies in that lacy
little basket and cannot find Lucille Robinson, these men will be able
to describe you quite easily?"
My stomach clenched and all the food I'd just wolfed down
spontaneously combusted. "Hey, when you're done lecturing me, could you
speak to my ulcers? They seem to be misbehaving as well."
Vayl took my plate in one hand and my arm in the other,
marched us both to the garbage can where he chose to dump the plate
(though I'm sure he considered leaving me there instead). Then he
escorted me out of the parlor, into the dining room and out an ornate
metal-framed screen door to the pool area.
"Uh, Vayl, I know you haven't lived in America long by your
count, so I'd just like to point out that bosses don't generally drown
their subordinates when they've screwed up royally."
He grabbed my right hand and brushed his thumb across my empty
ring finger. The corners of his mouth dropped, what in anyone else
would be described as a grimace. "You have jeopardized our mission and
my high opinion of you." he frowned harder, "What possessed you?" More like who, I thought. Lucille
Robinson. A girl who looks just like me, but who has never, not once,
blacked out or spent entire
afternoons trying to get the song B-I-N-G-O out of her head. In those
moments with Cole, she'd felt… real. And that was wrong in
about fifty different ways.
"I'm sorry, Vayl." I hung my head. I'd been so careful, but he
was finally figuring what a spaz I truly was. I should've known my run
with the Agency couldn't last. But the hope of sticking the broken
pieces of my career back together had been the only thing that kept me
from jumping in front of a train after my, uh, incident. Guess I
should've used brand-name glue.
Vayl pulled me into the shadows between the house and a
wrought iron dining set. For a minute I thought he'd snapped and I was
going to find out first-hand how much it really hurt to be
vampire-bitten. "I can smell your desperation too," he whispered. "It
is like burnt metal on my tongue. But above all I sense determination.
Courage. The instincts of a predator and the skill of a master. It is a
confusing combination, Jasmine. Can I trust it?" What? It doesn't take me long to move
from any strong emotion to pissed off. Mom used to blame it on the red
hair. I guess a shrink would have a different theory. But suddenly I
felt like wadding up the last six months of watching his back and
shoving it down his throat.
"I wouldn't be here otherwise," I hissed. "Pete made it clear,
and I agreed. My life for yours. If that's how it goes down, that's how
I go. No questions asked. I know your value." Just as well
as I know my own.
I glared at Vayl, mostly to give the tears that threatened a
big, fat nuh-uh. He responded with his most inscrutable look. I thought
of Cole's sparkling eyes and love-me smile and wondered how many times
a man would have to smother his own feelings to get to the expression
on Vayl's face. "I am not talking about my life," he said.
Okay, now my brain was going to melt. What the hell else could
he possibly trust me with?
We heard a bell ring and noticed people begin moving into the
dining room. Though I felt like I'd been shoved off a train in Siberia
during a blizzard, Vayl's short nod signified he'd made up his mind.
"Will you join me?" I knew he wasn't just talking about supper.
I wanted to say No, let's do this another day, when
I'm not shaking like a strung-out crackhead. Instead I
nodded, tucked my hand into the crook of his bent elbow and allowed him
to escort me inside. Lucille's smiling face met those of the guests
who'd begun to gather in the dining room, and not one of them guessed
that behind the facade lurked a hired killer who sometimes thought it
would be a great relief to finally die herself.
I'll say this for me, even when my insides are twisting like a
contortionist in the Cirque du Soleil, I do know how to focus. By the
time we reached our seats Lucille Robinson had taken charge. She took
real pleasure in her surroundings, enjoying the granite-topped table,
the gold-rimmed plates, the enormous vases (pronounced vah-zes, my
dear) bursting with pink and white tulips. My neighbor told me the
nurseryman got them to bloom so early by faking them out, making them
think they'd spent an entire winter underground when in fact they'd
only spent about six weeks in the cooler. The word for the process, she
said, was "forced." Those beautiful forced flowers reminded me of
Amanda Assan as I watched her negotiate her way through the meal.
She ate $5,000 worth of French onion soup, Caesar salad,
chicken parmesan and coconut cream pie, all the time making pleasant
conversation with my tablemates who, after a word with Vayl, would
never remember me in the morning. Not long ago she'd been crying on an
old friend's shoulder. Now she wore a catalog-model smile.
When the white-aproned servers cleared the last dessert plate,
Assan suggested we all move into the ballroom. Vayl put an arm around
my shoulder and murmured, "I saw the room when I was looking around
earlier. This is where you get to guess what is behind Door Number
Four." A new Jaguar:
"No. But probably just as pricey."
We moved out of the dining room, across the hall and to a pair
of custom doors decorated with intricate scrollwork and generous
amounts of gold leaf. Two muscle-bound doormen let us into a room that
made the guests gasp. The ceiling set the theme for the entire space.
Half-dressed nymphs danced across fields of flowers while studly young
princelings looked on from beds made of silvery white clouds. I
suspected the artist to be a direct descendent of Michelangelo.
The burnished gold walls sported enough detailed trim to keep
an army of plasterers busy for six months. The wood floor was so dark
it was almost black. Two long tables set with punch bowls and crystal
glasses sat along one wall underneath oversized windows dressed in
black velvet. Another wall backed a miniature orchestra, its members
dressed to match the curtains. As soon as the door opened they began to
play, and the song lasted until all the guests had entered. Amidst
applause for the musicians, Assan stepped up to a microphone.
"Notice the dark-haired man in the shadows just to Assan's
left," Vayl whispered.
"Wasn't he hovering near Assan when we met?"
"Yes. I think that one is his personal bodyguard. You will
have to deal with him when the time comes." I smiled and nodded as if
Vayl had just complimented the band.
"Thank you all for coming," said Assan, his voice echoing
weirdly in the enormous room. "You are the reason so many young
children have been given a second chance at life." He went on but I
stopped listening, so steamed by his b.s. I'd begun to consider how
I would kill him if Vayl gave me the chance. But those daydreams ended
abruptly as my nose twitched and my scalp began to tingle.
I tugged on his sleeve so he'd lean down, bringing his ear
within an inch of my lips. "There's another vampire in the room." It
seemed weird to be the one, of the two of us, who could sense this. But
vamps are completely closed to one another. I would imagine it makes
for horrible relationships.
"Find him."
I focused on the scent, a rotten potato kind of odor that made
my head ache. When the man slithered his way to the front of the crowd
I knew it was him. He wore his nutmeg colored hair long, past his
shoulders. His eyes, a striking light blue as cold as the arctic, kept
him from looking girlish. His blue, pin-striped suit fit so well at
least half the guests would be asking him for the name of his tailor
before the evening ended. But it didn't look as if he meant to stay. He
caught Assan's eye, signaled him with a slight nod, and suddenly our
host couldn't get away from the microphone fast enough.
"Excuse me," he said, "I am afraid that duty calls. Please
enjoy the rest of your evening knowing that, even tonight, your
generous donations have helped to make an unfortunate child whole
I caught myself short of a full-blown snort. I murmured, "If
he's going to put some poor kid's face back on straight I'll do the
"Lovely dance, that. The story is all in the hands. I did not
know you knew—"
"Vayl, I was kidding."
"Oh." Tightening of the lips. Translation—crap, when am I
going to leap into the 21st century and get with their damn humor? Jerk
of the head. Translation—obviously not today, so let's get on with the
job, shall we?
"Keep hold of my hand." Vayl's power slid over me like silk
pajamas. What a rush! No one even glanced at us
as we passed, and most of them couldn't have seen us if they'd tried.
We followed Assan and his vampire friend into the part of the foyer
that wandered underneath the stairs. Assan's vamp wouldn't sense me
here either, not as long as I was touching Vayl.
There are other, more permanent ways for a vamp to share
power, but I preferred this one. Less invasive. Plus I liked the
hand-holding. Pathetic, I know, but that's what happens when you
haven't touched another soul in over a year.
We crouched behind a huge statue of a naked guy and listened
in. Okay, the gleaming black marble butt in my face distracted me
slightly, but I'm still a pro, so I did hear the highlights.
"—well?" Assan was saying.
"Better than expected," the vamp said, "the virus has already
My stomach clenched at the word 'virus.'
Assan nodded happily. "So we are ready for the final test?"
The vampire nodded, pushing his hair away from his face in a
way I found chilling, because it was such a graceful gesture. The worst
monsters are always the prettiest.
"I wish we could do it tonight," Assan ventured, but the
vampire shook his head.
"No, we must follow the plan. We know the mutation must have a
full 24 hours to thrive before it can be transferred and made lethal.
Tomorrow night is soon enough."
"And then?"
"You know," the vampire said indulgently.
Assan's grin would've fit better on a shark. "And then the
purge begins."
The vamp flashed his fangs in ecstatic agreement. He looked at
his watch. "Svetlana and Boris arrive in 20 minutes. We should go."
Vayl and I traded looks of dread. Obviously defrauding
charities and rearranging fanatics' faces were the least of Assan's
I jerked my head toward the surgeon and his undead friend,
raised my eyebrows. Let's take them now. Try to make them
talk before this virus can be unleashed. I badly wanted to
grab the bastards and bang their heads together.
Vayl shook his head. I knew what he was thinking. Too
public. Too soon. Though it chafed to admit it, he was
right. Only God knew what vital information we'd miss if we hit them
now. So we followed the men toward the back of the house. When we knew
they were headed for the garage, we shifted into high gear.
We dodged into the dining room, slipped out the poolside doors
and raced to our car. Still holding hands, we swept through the night
like a couple of phantoms, Vayl's power pushing us so our feet barely
touched the ground. I'd never felt so strong, as if all the complex
systems that allowed me to exist were working with such perfect
precision I could perform miracles if I wanted to. Nifty Gift,
I thought. If Vayl's ferocious grin was any sign, he thought so too.
I'd left the car unlocked just in case. My keys were in my
hand almost before I thought of it, and within seconds we were rolling
down the driveway.
"No lights in the rearview," I said.
"Good. Do you know where you are going?"
"Yeah. One of the neighboring houses is vacant. The drive's
open, but there's a row of pine trees near the road that screens the
rest of the yard and the house. We can wait there."
"Excellent work, Jasmine." I nodded my thanks, pressing my
lips together to keep myself from grinning at the compliment.
The guards at the gate waved us through without even a second
glance. I made a left as if I was headed for the interstate. When the
gate had disappeared behind us I took the next right and killed the
headlights. After some high speed, highly illegal driving, I hit the
driveway of the empty house, drove into the grass and behind the trees.
With my night vision activated I could easily see Assan's mansion and,
moments later, the headlights of a vehicle began to close the distance
between the house and gate. Vayl didn't tell me it was all in my hands
now. Even though I'd screwed up less than an hour before, he still
trusted me to know my job. I liked that about him.
My hands were wet on the wheel as I pulled back onto the
street. Following taillights is easy in a low traffic area like Assan's
neighborhood. It gets a little more challenging on the interstate, but
Assan's vehicle, an extended-cab Dodge Ram the color of strawberry Pop
Tart filling, was tough to miss. Too bad this virus bombshell had blown
our original assignment to shreds. I could've taken him out on the
Interstate and no one would ever have known it wasn't an accident.
Ten minutes later we'd followed the Pop Tart truck
to an abandoned air force base. As soon as we could, we ditched the car
and headed toward a congregation of sightless buildings gathered in the
empty compound. A hundred yards from Assan's truck, we grabbed cover
among the jungle of shrubs and tall grasses that edged one of the
base's old helipads and watched the two men exit their vehicle. The
vamp leaned on the hood while Assan went to an electric pole where he
fiddled inside a large gray box. Seconds later a ring of red lights
came on and less than five minutes after that I heard the rhythmic
thump of helicopter blades spinning overhead.
I tensed with expectation as the copter touched down and a
couple, one large, one small, wearing black jumpsuits hopped out. They
crouched low as they hurried toward Assan's truck. Moments later the
helicopter flew away and our four subjects made their own exit. I sat
in the weeds and watched them go, trying to come to some practical
conclusions. Okay. So we have two new vamps named Svetlana and
Boris arriving the night before the final test of a virus that mutates
and is capable of purge-like deaths. Hey, maybe it's not all that bad.
Maybe the Russians are computer geeks and the virus is just a big, bad
worm. I wish. I really, really do.
We gave Assan, his buddy and the Russians just enough
lead-time that they wouldn't see us pull out behind them, and hoped
their next stop would lead us to some answers that didn't include the
phrase, 'end of the world as we know it.'
Chapter Four
One of my worst childhood memories is of sitting at the
kitchen table of our tiny house on the base at Quantico. I was crying
so hard my favorite Mariah Carey T-shirt had wet blotches on it, and
snot bubbles kept popping out of my nose, which Dave thought was "Way
rad!" I remember that bothered me even more, because I thought he
should be crying too. Mom sat across the table from us, smoking a
cigarette and patting a howling Evie on the back. Evie always cried
when I cried. It was one of the reasons I finally stopped.
Mom looked at me with what I took to be an utter lack of
sympathy. And she said, "I know you were expecting your dad to come
home today. I know you were planning to share a piece of your birthday
cake with him. But, you've gotta remember, Jaz, nothing ever goes
according to plan. Nothing. Not ever."
I believed her. What I couldn't tell her was that I also
believed Dad hadn't made it home because he'd been killed in Desert
Storm. My neighbor had told me so. The twelve-year-old daughter of a
supply sergeant who ruled us all with her advanced training in
name-calling and dirty fighting, Tammy Shobeson got her kicks from
torturing me when Dave wasn't around to back me up. And learning it was
my tenth birthday had inspired her. She'd buried her claws deep, too. I
spent the rest of my childhood dreading the news of Albert's death.
Despite his long absences. Despite our chilly relationship. And then,
BAM, Mom keeled over in the shoe department of WalMart. A massive heart
attack had proven once and for all that nothing ever goes as planned.
Nothing. Not ever.
I carried that lesson like a compass. And most of the time it
got me where I needed to go. This once, however, fate caught me by
surprise. When I glanced into the rearview not a mile from where we'd
pulled back onto the interstate, I found an SUV flirting with the back
bumper of my Lexus.
"This was definitely not part of the plan," I murmured.
A spine-shuddering thump was Vayl's answer. "What the—?" He
turned in time to see the SUV hit us again, crumpling the trunk upward
so far it looked like we'd grown a spoiler.
Suddenly my hands were full trying to keep my wounded car
between the white lines. The SUV had to veer off as well, but he was
back fast, crunching into my fender like we were playing bumper cars.
Had Assan pegged us? Had he called in backup to pull us off
his tail? No more time to wonder. After another meeting with the SUV
our rear end had more wrinkles than an Agatha Christie novel.
"Son of a bitch!" I floored it, but
speed was only a temporary solution. We didn't have the horses to
outrun him, and if he took my bumper at the wrong angle, I'd go
spinning off the road like Jeff Gordon after a run-in with Tony Stewart.
"All right," said Vayl, "I have had it."
"What are you thinking?"
"I am thinking it is time we find out who
is trying to kill us."
"Can we do that without dying?"
"Then I'm for it." I watched in the mirror as the SUV closed
on us. Geez but he was coming fast. "Hang on," I told Vayl. I slammed
on the brakes. Taken by surprise, he swerved, caught my back bumper
with his side panel and continued his spin on into the median.
The impact triggered our airbags, and for awhile Vayl and I
fought to get our eyes uncrossed. They may have slowed those bags down,
but when one goes off in your face it still feels like you just got
your neck sprung by a Rock-Em-Sock-Em-Robot.
I was debating whether the ringing in my ears was a product of
the blow to my head or a sign of imminent mental breakdown when the
doors opened. A red-faced, gray-bearded man blocked my exit. He towered
over me, wearing faded blue overalls and a Dolphins jacket, looking
like he could flip the car over without breaking a sweat. His eye had
swollen shut.
"I hear raw steaks work wonders on shiners that size," I
"Shut your mouth before I do it for you." He grabbed my arm
and yanked me out of the car. I stumbled, fell against him, felt the
hard outline of a pistol jam against my ribs.
"What do you want?" I asked. Good. I sounded brave.
"Just think of yourselves as a stain and us as bleach." O-kay.
Maybe these guys weren't with Assan after all. Maybe they'd just
escaped from some understaffed, under funded psych ward.
I turned my head to check on Vayl. They were taking him very
seriously. He stood among the brush and scrub that passed for a
shoulder on this part of the highway, leaning on his cane as he traded
stares with three men in their late twenties.
Two held him at bay, or so they thought, with silver
crucifixes held out at arm's length. One had JESUS SAVES emblazoned
across the front of his gray T-shirt in big orange letters. The other
wore a black sweatshirt that framed two praying hands surrounded by a
beaded necklace with a silver stake hanging from it.
The third man, who'd come straight from a funeral judging by
his three-piece suit, aimed a cocked crossbow at Vayl that would've
made me laugh in different circumstances. It looked like he'd built it
in his 7th grade shop class.
"And don't try any of that mumbo-jumbo on us," JESUS SAVES
warned Vayl. "I'll tell them if you do and you'll be smoke before you
can blink."
As Graybeard yanked me around to Vayl's side of the car, two
big light bulbs went off in my brain, which probably meant I was
flirting with an aneurism. But while I still had my faculties I figured
JESUS SAVES was a Sensitive, like me. He also must've been present at a
staking to know vampires do leave trace amounts of dust and ash when
they're vanquished, but the biggest part of them goes up in smoke.
We were down on numbers and weaponry. Never a good place to
be, even when you're a pro. I admit, dread had sunk its claws into the
back of my neck, and it wasn't helping me think any clearer. Then Vayl
met my eyes—and winked. Suddenly I could breathe again. Because in that
moment I knew no two-bit operation run by a bunch of yahoos was going
to beat us. Not tonight. Not ever.
As soon as my mind cleared, I noticed two things. An
undeniable affection for my partner whose survival meant a lot more to
me than mere job satisfaction. And the pseudo-identity of the
organization fronting this one-night event.
"Hey Vayl," I jerked my thumb at Graybeard, "this one's into
cleanliness and that one," I nodded at JESUS SAVES, "is into godliness.
What's that make you think of?"
"God's Arm." Vayl's instant reply pleased our captors. It's
always nice to have your ultra-fanatical religious affiliation
recognized. It's also nice when someone guesses who you've dressed up
as on Halloween. I raised my eyebrows at Vayl and slid my eyes toward
Graybeard's neck. He understood immediately. All members of God's Arm
have a cross tattooed on their necks as a rite of initiation. These
necks were clean.
"Let's walk," said Graybeard, gesturing toward a grove of
trees in the distance with the .357 Magnum he'd pulled from his front
pocket. Vayl's slight nod encouraged me to cooperate, for now. So I
walked, my sandals protecting me so poorly from the rocks and weeds I
considered kicking them off. Only the possibility of stepping on shards
of glass or metal deterred me. It had gotten colder too, and my party
dress wasn't providing much protection against the wind that kept
brushing against me in an endless, winter-borne tide. The full moon lit
up my goosebumps and the pseudo-path ahead of me. But I squeezed my
contacts into night vision anyway, preparing for a trek through the
deeper brush ahead.
Nobody talked during the walk, which only took us about 200
yards off the highway but seemed endless. Something about the march
seemed eerily familiar to me. It was like the entire store of knowledge
I'd built around criminals and their victims had coughed up the ghosts
of those who'd walked ahead of their murderers, sometimes cold,
sometimes stumbling, leaving glowing footprints for me to follow. Only
they were angry that I'd consented to follow that trail. "Fight!" they
whispered, their wild, haunted memories sharpening their voices. "Fight
now. Fight hard. Die, if necessary, only die fighting!" I never meant to go another way. And I think… yeah,
I sucked in my breath and screamed, "Oh, God! Something bit
me!" I grabbed my right ankle, hopping around as much as Graybeard's
grip allowed.
"What do you mean?" he demanded, looking from my
pain-contorted face to my ankle and back again.
"A snake," I gasped. "Look, there it is!"
I pointed at the feet of the Suit, who immediately backed up
and looked down.
"It's too cold for snakes," Graybeard was saying, but too
late. Vayl had seen his opening. He shot his scabbard at the Suit,
knocking him sideways. The bolt from his crossbow flew off into the
bushes. Vayl's blade flashed and the Suit dropped, holding his left arm
and groaning as blood spurted from it in steady bursts. I didn't wait
to see how Vayl dealt with JESUS SAVES and Praying Hands. The confusion
that had delayed Graybeard's reaction was clearing. In moments he'd be
putting his Magnum into action.
I attacked. My first move, a knife-hand to the elbow, made him
drop the gun. He blocked the fist I aimed at his groin, blocked my next
two moves as well. He'd been trained, and well. But he was still slower
and older than me, and I made it count.
The kick I connected to the side of his head put him off
balance. He countered with a punch that would've broken my ribs if he
hadn't been backing up. Even so, I'd be feeling that blow for a week. I
took him down with a hook kick to the back of his knee. Two more hard
kicks to the temple did the trick. He fell to his side and stayed
there, quietly bleeding into the brush. I grabbed his gun and stood
back. A bullet to the brain would've been easy and I was sorely
tempted. Bang, bang, bang. But it wasn't my place
to decide. Vayl would choose whether he lived or died. Ironic, huh?
The boss had done pretty well for himself. Apparently JESUS
SAVES and Praying Hands had tried to run for it, because they stood
about 50 yards away, gazing at Vayl like a couple of trapped rats as he
circled them, his sword hovering inches from the crosses they
brandished like pop guns. I could feel his power build as he circled
them. JESUS SAVES could too, and neither his shaking arm nor his
bladder seemed to be able to hold up against it. Vayl spoke a single
word and Praying Hands crumpled to the ground.
JESUS SAVES, being a Sensitive, just stood there shaking. Like
me, he was much less susceptible to Vayl's hypnotic suggestions. Fear
had a bigger influence, however. When Vayl made a move toward him he
screamed like a little girl and ran off into the trees. When they found
him in the morning I suspected he'd be gibbering like a Blair Witch
The Suit moaned weakly. I went to check on him. He'd squirmed
out of his belt and was trying to cinch it tight enough over his bicep
to stop the fountain that had drenched his shoulder, sleeve and half
his face. "Here," I said, "let me help you with that." I jerked the
belt tight, and he yelped in pain. The bleeding slowed to a trickle.
"You want to watch who you ambush next time," I told him. "There's a
lot worse monsters than vampires wandering the world."
"I know," he whispered, looking straight into my eyes as if he
could see my secret life spread before him, a horrific map of violence
and destruction justified—maybe, maybe, maybe—by
the violence and destruction it had prevented.
Vayl came closer, leaned over Graybeard and whispered in his
"You've only got a few seconds left," I told the Suit. "Soon
he'll be crouching over you, speaking in your ear, scrambling your
brain. Is there anything you want to tell me before your mind goes as
soft as frozen yogurt?" Okay, I was exaggerating. Most likely Vayl was
suggesting to Graybeard, as he had to Praying Hands, that if he ever
tried to kill anyone again, even a vampire, his heart would burst.
Maybe the Suit sensed that.
"No," he answered.
"Vayl likes to mess with people's minds," I told him.
"Literally. He might go easy on you, leave the memories of your wife
and kids, your childhood. If you tell him who sent you."
The Suit was pale, clammy, barely conscious. Which is maybe
why he slipped. "He'd kill us," he whispered. His eyes closed. A tear
trickled down one cheek. Would you believe I felt sorry for him?
I kept my voice low, trying not to startle him into silence.
No answer. I shook him, but he'd passed out, and it looked
like he'd be spending the next couple of hours that way.
"Get the car started while I deal with him," said Vayl. "I
hear sirens."
Chapter Five
I coaxed the battered Lexus off the highway at the nearest
exit and headed south. I'd never used the roads I now took, never even
seen them on a map. But I'd get us back to the hotel all the same. Evie
liked to tell people I'd gotten a GPS implant. Neat idea, but untrue.
My uncanny sense of direction had come to me along with my
Sensitivity—after. It made sense in a way. My life as I'd known it had
changed in every way it could 14 months ago. It seemed right the way I
perceived life should change too.
"It's only two o'clock," I told Vayl. "Do you want to go back
to Assan's house?"
Vayl shook his head. "Not tonight. I feel I should know this
vampire ally of Assan's, and yet I do not recognize his face. Until we
have some background information on him, we need to wait. To plan."
Vayl slumped in his seat. "When we left Ohio all we thought Assan had
was a heinous hobby. Now we know he has an undead ally and a
potentially deadly virus. It seems to me they must also be destroyed."
"I agree. But should we add more targets to our list now that
we've become targets ourselves?"
"Something else to consider before we make our next move,"
Vayl said, shrugging. "We must ensure that our little problem is not
putting this entire operation into jeopardy."
"What are you saying? Are you saying we should abort the
"I do not know."
That shut me down. Vayl got quiet too, considering our
options, maybe. Or maybe just recharging. In the silence the banging of
our bumper took center stage like an American Idol loser, making me
cringe. Graybeard and company had really done a number on the Lexus.
We'd had to bend the back fenders away from the tires before we could
even drive the thing, and I wouldn't bet on the axle still being in
mint condition. I felt an evil thrill at the thought of those four. By
now they'd all be strapped in their roller beds, and in another ten
minutes hospital personnel would be trying to figure out how one of
them could've picked up a sword wound outside of a circus sideshow.
"That was a smart move back there," Vayl said.
"Oh, the snake thing? Thanks. Yeah, that did the trick."
"I noticed. Ah, could you refrain from trying it again in the
I glanced over at Vayl. I'd blinked off my night vision, so
only the moonlight glancing through the windows showed me his
expression. It looked tight, the way men's faces will when they're
either feeling or remembering pain. I'd seen it often on Albert after
diabetes had forced him to retire, and on David the night we'd stopped
speaking. That look went straight to my heart and squeezed.
"You, uh, don't like snakes very much?"
"Well quit looking all pinched and aristocratic. I'm not
making fun of you."
"I am just somewhat sensitive about my phobias."
"You mean there's more than one?"
He jerked his head toward me. I held up one hand. "Okay, okay,
backing off. Um, I suppose this would be a bad time to ask you to talk
to Pete for me, you know, about the car?"
His eyes widened. I could almost hear him thinking, of
all the nerve! "You were driving," he said.
"But he likes you so much better than me."
"That is because I don't keep wrecking the rentals."
"Jesus Henry Christ, Parks, why is it that every
time I send you out on assignment something explodes?"
Only Pete called me Parks, and only when he was mad. He called
me Parks an awful lot. "The car didn't explode, Pete, it crumpled. In
the back. About six inches all the way across."
A strangled scream from the other end of the phone told me
Pete might be choking on his own tongue. Maybe if I just waited very
quietly at this end he'd suffocate before he could fire me.
"Let me talk to Vayl."
"Okay, hang on."
I took the phone to Vayl, who was lounging on one of the
couches, getting a huge hairy kick out of my current predicament. The
louse. "Tell him it wasn't my fault," I whispered as I handed him the
"It was not Jasmine's fault, Pete," Vayl said. Just for that I
went to the mini-fridge to get him a beer. I got one for myself too, a
reward for spending the hours since we'd gotten back to Diamond Suites
trying to untangle this new mystery Assan had presented us with.
"Yes," said Vayl.
At least we'd figured out the identity of Assan's accomplice.
He'd made the FBI's Most Wanted Vampires list.
"I know," Vayl said.
The vamp's name, Aidyn Strait, rang bells all over Top Secret
Land. He'd spent all of his long, long life trying to solve scientific
problems using horribly unscientific methods, leaving a trail of
mutilated bodies stretching back to the 18th
century. According to his file, which even now stared at me from the
screen of our laptop, his latest venture was getting vampires to breed
vampires, not through an exchange of blood, but through traditionally
human methods.
So how did the vamp version of a fertility specialist end up
with the human version of a makeover artist? As yet, we'd found no
clue. We did know two things for sure. Assan and Aidyn were both
henchmen types. That led us to believe someone else was calling the
shots. Also, Aidyn did not look like he had when he'd crossed Vayl's
path a century ago. Apparently Assan had done his buddy a big, plastic
"How does that work?" I'd asked Vayl as we'd stared at the
laptop screen, which was displaying Aidyn's before and after photos.
"I am not sure," Vayl had replied. "We can be scarred by fire,
and full sunlight destroys us. Perhaps Assan used some sort of
specially calibrated laser?"
That made sense. While we were in college, Bergman had
theorized that lasers might be used to kill vampires. But he couldn't
figure out how to produce the necessary power in a hand-held weapon.
Surgery was a different story. All you needed was the space and the
Vayl took a sip of his beer and gave me a nod of thanks.
"What's Pete saying?" I whispered.
Vayl cupped his hand over the mouthpiece. "He is extremely
upset that someone tried to kill us tonight."
"So he doesn't want to fire me?"
Vayl held up a finger, listened for a minute, then shook his
head. "Jasmine," he said, "Your job is, how you say, solid. One of the
reasons I chose you is because Pete told me you are the best human
agent he has."
"Oh." I drained my beer, marched into my bedroom, closed the
doors, buried my face in the pillows and burst into tears.
Some time later I felt Vayl's presence beside me. The bed sank
as he sat down.
"Are you all right?"
"I'm great." I turned to look at him, made sure he could see
my smile was genuine. "Our simple little hit has turned into a
bioterror nightmare. I nearly died tonight. My boss yelled at me for
five minutes straight without stopping to take a breath, and in between
I spent three hours staring at a computer screen. I think I may get
cancer from the radiation. And I feel better than I have in a long,
long time. Weird, huh?"
Vayl brushed a curl away from my cheek with a forefinger.
"Unique," he said, "which is what I have come to expect from you."
Once in a great while a very private person will get that
ask-me-anything look on his face. When you see it, you have to be ready
to pounce. As soon as those soft brown eyes crinkled at the corners I
jumped in. "Look, before, you said you chose me because I was the best."
"Why though?" I asked. "Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed the
ride. And I hope I spend the rest of my career working with you. I know
why Pete wants us partnered. I know why the Senators on the Oversight
Committee want me here. But I've been wracking my brain for six months
and I haven't been able to come up with any truly viable explanations
as to why a vampire who's been around nearly three centuries needs an
assistant. You can hypnotize people—"
"Only those with weak minds."
"You can cause a freeze that makes liquid nitrogen look wimpy."
"Thank you."
"You can make yourself invisible—"
"Not invisible, just intensely uninteresting."
"You run like you're strapped to a rocket. Your hearing's
remarkable. You're stronger than Paul Bunyan… am I leaving anything
His eyebrow rose ever so slightly, but I was so attuned to him
I knew he was making a wry face. "Is that not enough?"
"Why me?"
He waited awhile to answer, shaking his head slightly every
once in awhile as if he was trying out reasons and discarding them one
by one. Finally he said, "After what happened to you November last,
most people would have just curled up and died." I stared at him, ready
to walk if he even brushed against the heart of my pain. "You did not.
You survived, but with Gifts that have only just begun to surface. I
felt you needed help to develop these Gifts. And since I needed an
"What's that?"
"A partner, just like you."
"You are right, there is more. I must ask you to be patient.
When the time is right, we will both know." Nuts. "Okay," I grumbled. I suddenly
wanted my cards. I took them off the bedside table, and as I did my
eyes strayed to the clock. "It's almost time," I said. "Do you need me
to help you set up the tent?"
Vayl has never slept in a coffin. Now that I knew he was
phobic, I suspected lying in one probably gave him the heebie jeebies.
I don't know what his sleeping arrangements are when we're home. Hell,
I don't even know where his home is. But when we travel he brings a
custom-made tent that covers his entire bed. The material is
impermeable to light, so if someone was to accidentally open a curtain
or something, he won't singe. I'd love to have one myself, just because
the kid in me thinks it would be a real hoot, like camping out only
without the bugs.
Vayl's fingers slipped into my hair. The pins began to fall
out and he combed each bit as it loosened. I closed my eyes and leaned
my cheek against his thigh, totally lost to the sensation. It felt
great, soothing. It shouldn't have. Why wasn't I backing Vayl off?
I opened my eyes and looked up at him, catching my breath at
his expression. Passion lit his eyes with an intense green flame. I
could not look away, not even as he lowered his face to mine very
slowly and deliberately. At the last second I turned away, the feeling
of his lips against my cheek making me gasp.
"So tired," I murmured, though I'd never been more aware. Can't
do this, Jaz. It's wrong. It's bad. It's…
"Sleep then," he whispered, his lips so close to my ear I felt
his words tickle my eardrum. I felt him slip the cards from my hand and
heard him put them back on the table.
"Okay." I snuggled under the blanket he draped over me and
promised myself that tomorrow, as soon as darkness fell, I would
definitely put Vayl in his place.
Chapter Six
You know how sometimes real sounds can invade your dreams?
Like one time, I was napping on the couch and dreamed I was
interviewing Steven Tyler. Then I woke up and there he was on MTV
talking to some bimbette who asked such stupid questions I was glad to
wake up and find it wasn't me.
Now I dreamed that Vayl and I were discussing the mission. I
said, "So what do you think this virus does?" And Vayl answered by
making a strange trilling noise, like he had a cricket stuck in his
"How do you think it gets transferred?" I asked.
"And what's the deal with this vampire/terrorist connection
anyway? The Sons of Paradise hate supernatural stuff, and vampires are
just seething with it. So why ally with them, especially if you have
your own cadre of mad scientists?"
"Vayl, it's so weird, you sound just like my—"
"Cell phone," I mumbled. I opened my eyes, stared at the
glittering handbag on the bedside table, a little worse for wear as a
result of its trip to the floorboards during last night's wreck.
Beneath the bag, where I'd laid it before we left, sat my personal
phone. Ringing. Which meant it was either Evie or Albert, neither of
which did
I feel like talking to at—I glanced at the clock—eight in the morning.
I said a very unladylike word as I reached over to pick up the
phone and my ribs reminded me to fight dirtier next time some hulking
bruiser wanted to trade blows. "Do you have any idea what time I went
to sleep last night? I mean this morning?" I waited. Nothing. Oops,
forgot to press the button. I might actually be glad about that later.
Beep. "Hello?"
"Jaz, I'm so glad you answered."
"Evie… have you been crying?"
"It's either that or pound Dad over the head with a mallet." Crap. I am so not up to this.
"What's he done now?"
"More like what hasn't he done." Evie really didn't belong in
our family. Too sweet. Too anxious to please. It tended to bring out
the worst in the rest of us, including Albert.
"Okay, what hasn't he done?"
"He hasn't taken his insulin every day, or followed his diet,
or minded the infection in his f-f-foot."
"I thought we hired a nurse to do that for him."
Evie took a deep, trembling breath, but she still started
crying again, hard enough that I didn't understand what she said next.
"Evie, all that bawling can't be good for the baby, so cut it
out." I knew I sounded stern, but bossiness is the main perk of big
sisterhood. And she did calm way down, way quick.
"Now, first of all, where's your husband? He'd be having a cow
if he knew you were this agitated over Albert."
"Tim's in Philadelphia on business."
"Okay, after you get off the phone with me, call him. It'll
make you feel better. Now, what about the nurse?"
"Dad fired her."
"What?!" I felt the prickling along my scalp that signaled Big
Anger. I wished I was the Queen of Hearts so I could just order my
little card soldiers to cut off Albert's head. "When?"
"About a month ago."
"A month! But I've sent him two checks to cover her salary
since then."
"Me too." Tears had crept back into Evie's voice. I could just
imagine her sitting with her elbows on her little breakfast table, her
straight, honey-brown hair sweeping forward to cover her face as she
dropped her forehead into her hand. "Apparently Dad's been using the
money to buy donuts, beer and cigarettes. Now he's sick, the
infection's spread to his heel and up his ankle. The doctor at the
veteran's hospital says he may have to amputate, but he won't know for
sure until he examines Dad, and Dad won't go!"
"What. A. Dumbass." "Jasmine!"
"Well he is."
"No, I am for not keeping better track
of him. But we've just been snowed under at work with this turnaround."
She was an engineer for Trifecta Petroleum in Indianapolis. Can anybody
say free Indy 500 tickets? Yeah, baby. "And by the time I get home I'm
so tired I can barely move. But that's no excuse—"
"Yes, it is. The last thing you should be doing is driving to
Chicago to look after the original Grumpy Old Man. He's
the one who's abusing himself, not you, so quit feeling guilty."
"Does that mean you'll call him?"
"Yeah, right after I hang up with you."
"I'm on my way to work, but you can call me back later tonight
to let me know how it goes if you want."
"I'll try. But no promises. I'm in the middle of something big
right now."
"Me too. Unfortunately, I'm it." She laughed a little—music to
my ears.
"You're so full of it," I said. "I saw the last picture you
e-mailed me. You're gorgeous." I meant it.
"Th-thank you."
"Are you crying again?"
"Only a little. And in a good way this time."
"Well, I guess that's okay. Take care of yourself and Evie
Junior, okay? You two are the only girlfriends I've got."
"Okay. Love you. Bye."
"Love you too." Beep. She was gone, back to the normal,
everyday life that I'd give my life to preserve.
I dialed Albert's number, but before I hit the last digit I
turned the phone off. He was an hour behind me, so he wouldn't be awake
until at least ten my time. I set the alarm for 9:30 and went back to
Psyching yourself up to talk to Albert Parks is
like preparing for battle, a metaphor he'd probably appreciate since
he'd done that a few times himself during his 30-year stint with the
Marines. You need to have all your resources in place before you make
your big move. That's why, before I called him, I showered, dressed in
my comfy clothes (maroon sweats and an extra large black T-shirt) and
drank about half a gallon of coffee. Then I gave myself a pep talk.
"Okay, Jaz," I said as I shuffled my cards for the hundredth
time, trying to relax to the whish of a perfect
bridge, "here's the deal. You will not yell at Albert for at least five
minutes." I figured the call would be over in two, but I'm one to hedge
my bets when it comes to losing my temper. "You will keep your opinion
of him to yourself this time, and you won't mention Mom at all."
"Okay, I'll try," I told my closet door reflection, "but I'm
not making any promises." I nodded to myself, then I called Albert.
He answered on the fifth ring. Not a good sign. His voice,
when he said, "Hello," sounded faint and weak.
Though he'd gotten himself into this predicament, he would now
expect pity. Ugh! I grabbed a pillow and threw it
across the room. "Hey, Albert," I said, trying to sound pleasant and
not overly concerned. "Evie tells me you're not feeling well."
"She's a meddler, that one, just like your mother."
I gritted my teeth. I would not argue
with him over the fact that what he saw as
meddling, we saw as Mom coming home early from
work to find him in the sack with her best friend!
"I heard you fired your nurse."
"Goddamn busybody. Always wanting to know what I was eating,
always poking me with those damn needles."
My Rage-O-Meter spiked. I could feel the veins in my forehead
throb like war drums as my temper began to shred. It's a fragile thing,
my temper. Sort of like the pretty colored tissue paper you find lining
gift bags. My inner eye watched it disintegrate into little, raggedy
edged pieces that floated away to perhaps reassemble themselves in
another place and time as my father whined, "She treated me terrible,
Jazzy. And now I feel terrible."
"Oh, for Chrissake, Dad, you feel terrible because you're not
following your doctor's orders. Evie's going nuts worrying about you,
and Dave and I don't have time to come coddle you so you'll quit trying
to fucking Mil yourself! So here's the deal.
We're hiring you another nurse. You will eat what she says. You will
take the insulin shots without complaining. And if you fire her, I will
personally haul your sorry ass to the Veteran's home and dump you on
their doorstep."
"Furthermore, you will make an appointment with your doctor today,
and if he has to cut off your goddamn foot none
of us are going to pity you because you brought it on yourself!"
"Jasmine Elaine Parks—"
"Don't you dare pull your Dad voice out
on me, old man. I know exactly what kind of game you're playing and it
doesn't wash. You weren't there when we were growing up. What makes you
think your pitiful health is going to make us come to you now?"
There was a long silence, during which I'm sure Albert was
looking longingly at his beer can while I was kicking myself for
yelling at a decrepit old war hero. I knew he'd been an awesome Marine.
He had a drawer full of medals and an address book full of phone
numbers of men who would still willingly die for
him. He just never should've had children.
"I'm tired," I said, suddenly feeling even older than his 61
years. "I'm working on a big account and it's got me on edge. Evie's
call knocked me over that edge and now you're catching the fallout."
It wasn't an apology. He didn't deserve one and he knew it.
"I'll call the doctor this morning," he said. I guess if I
could make concessions, so could he.
"Good. I'll call you when I find a new nurse."
Another awkward silence. This was the point at which many
fathers and daughters would exchange little affectionate phrases like
'I love you' and 'I miss you.' We knew that. We just had no way to get
there from here.
"So… I'll talk to you later," I said.
"Okay. Bye."
Beep. I found it terribly ironic that lately all my
conversations with family members ended in a high, annoying sound.
I threw the phone on my bed, dropped down beside it. Before
other things demanded my attention I picked up the phone, dialed Evie's
number and left a message for her to get me the number of the nursing
pool we'd drawn the last woman from. Hopefully I could hire one who
hadn't yet talked to his old nurse and learned what an ass Albert could
I woke to the sound of a doorbell.
"Hey," I told the clock, which was blinking 1:00 p.m. at me,
"I went back to sleep. How cool is that?" Even better was the total
lack of nightmares. I started to bounce out of bed, but my ribs turned
it into more of a slow roll. Grief accompanied me to the door. Vayl had
taped a note there.
Before I went to my rest, I
ordered you something special, since I know how much you hate to eat
out. See you at dusk
I looked through the peephole. Nobody. And the
only inhabitant of the hall, when I opened the door, was a serving cart
full of covered dishes. I imagined the waiter dashing back to the
elevator after he'd rung so I wouldn't catch a glimpse of him and
think, gasp! that real people actually ran this
hotel. I supposed the employees did a lot of darting into stairwells
and linen closets. Were they required to run sprints every morning
before work to keep themselves in shape? Hmm, a definite thought. By
the time I had the cart inside, the door locked, and the table set for
my meal, I'd decided the entire staff met in the attic every morning
for calisthenics, and every one of them, maid, cook and maintenance
worker alike, wore matching pink leotards.
I uncovered the lids to each dish one by one, offering each
plate a round of applause as it appeared. Number one plate held three
small pancakes, a slab of butter and a mini-pitcher of syrup. A
mushroom omelet spread itself across plate number two and plate number
three held four slices of extra crispy bacon. Vayl had also ordered
coffee and a big glass of orange juice. I saluted his closed door with
my mug and said, "To you, Boss. May you never realize how much I truly
like you."
Which brought up toe-tingling memories of last night. You know
what, best to leave those alone. Write the whole thing off to delayed
reaction due to surviving a car wreck and an assassination attempt and
ignore the fact that it had never happened before despite some close
brushes with death on our previous missions together. Stuff those
uncomfortably exciting feelings in a manila folder and lock them in one
of Pete's black metal file cabinets. Case closed.
As I ate the most delicious breakfast I'd consumed in months,
I planned my afternoon. Since anything to do with Assan fell under
Vayl's domain, I tabled the whole issue and moved on to our more
immediate problem. Four fairly well-informed killers disguised as
religious fanatics did not just materialize and try to eliminate two
Central Intelligence Agency employees. I wasn't sure how they'd even
found us on that highway, but I did have a theory. Someone must have
told them we were after Assan, so they had probably watched his house
until we showed up. That someone had taken a big risk too, because only
a handful of people even knew we existed. That included Pete, the three
senators on our department's oversight committee, Bergman, and the
woman I was about to call.
Our secure phone sat where we'd left it last night, beside the
laptop in front of the unoccupied chair at my breakfast table. I
swallowed my last bite and used that phone to call Martha. She answered
on the first ring.
"Demlock Pharmaceuticals," she said in her gravelly baritone.
She hadn't smoked a day in her life, but you'd never know it by her
"I need to establish an order."
"Hold, please."
Moments later Martha was back on a line that was now secure
from her end as well as mine.
"What do you need, hon?"
My secretary called me 'hon.' How cool was that? Of course,
she could pretty much do as she liked. She might be a 4'8" granny with
mocha skin and whipped cream hair, but she could nail your ass to the
floor with a single look. I asked her about it one time. She said it
was the result of raising seven children, every one of whom still
wilted beneath The Look like old lettuce. Never mind the only one of
her kids without a Ph.D. was an M.D. All of them acknowledged her as
the Supreme Leader of the Evans clan. Luckily she had her soft-spoken
hubby, Lawrence, around to make sure her rule didn't run to fascism.
Lawrence spent his weekdays teaching at the Southern Baptist Seminary
and his weekends saving souls at Hope Baptist just down the street from
my apartment. What a sweet man. And generous too, unlike some guys I
was about to name.
"Hey Martha, I need to talk to Pete. Um, how is he feeling
today?" As Pete's secretary (and Vayl's—we're big on sharing at the
C.I.A., just ask the F.B.I.) she was in the best position to know.
"Annoyed. But that's typical." She sighed. "This morning I
told him the other department heads had started a pool based on the
timing of his last gasp. They're giving two-to-one odds on a heart
attack at the office. The man has no idea how to relax!" Ouch. If he died, I'd have even more
guilt to add to the trailer.
I was already towing. Not a pretty thought. "You should talk
him into going on a fishing trip or something."
"I could. But he'd just end up snagging his line on a body or
catching sight of some high level, vacationing drug lord and that would
be the end of that."
"Well, we'll think of something. So… did he tell you about
last night?"
"I heard your car got a little bent out of shape."
"Yeah. But it wasn't my fault."
"It never is, hon. Are you and Vayl okay?"
"Yeah, we're fine."
"Well, that's what really matters." She sighed. Disappointed
we'd survived, or just dreading the task ahead? "I'm starting the
paperwork this morning, so it should be ready for you to sign when you
come back. Do you need a new ride? I might even be able to get you one
from the same company." The same company. Holy crap, Martha knew
exactly what kind of car we'd been driving because she'd made the
rental arrangements to start with! She could easily have given
Graybeard the details. Of course, Pete would've had access to that
information too. The senators? Yeah, they could've found out as well.
So much for narrowing down my field of suspects. Only Bergman had an
airtight alibi, that being his paranoia. He'd never hire someone else
to do his dirty work because he'd be too sure they'd betray him.
Bergman's bow out of the race gave me no consolation. That
still left five other people I liked and/or worked for. No way would
finding the answer to this particular riddle make me a happy camper. My
stomach churned, spitting acid all over my delectable breakfast, making
it want to part company with my digestive system.
"Sorry, I was spacing out." Out, out, out…
I dug my fingernails into my thigh. "Naw, don't worry about the ride.
It's taken care of. Pete, however, is another story. Is he busy?"
"Never too busy for you. Hang on."
I didn't have long to wait. Pete's got a thing about telephone
charges. He doesn't like paying them.
"What's up, Parks?"
"Last night's fiasco. We seem to have an information leak in
our department. There's no other way those jokers could've found us."
"I agree. I'm also concerned about the Assan side of things.
If we don't handle this right—" he stopped, because what could you say
that didn't reek of drama? We sat in frozen silence, fully
understanding the ramifications of a plan that included the words
'terrorist sympathizer,' 'evil vampire,' and 'virus.' Then I guess our
dwindling phone minutes snapped him back to reality, because Pete
trucked right on, saying, "Last night I suggested to Vayl that you
might want backup. He said he would let you make that call." Hell yeah, I wanted to say. How
about the Florida National Guard for a start? But in our
business, if you pressed the panic button every time you thought the
world might be ending, you'd be out of work before you could say, "But
we thought—"
However it would be nice to have someone outside the Agency we
knew we could trust, because you never knew what these loons were going
to throw at you. And I had an ideal candidate in mind.
"I want to bring in Bergman."
Thoughtful pause while Pete tallied up the potential expense
of that request. "You sure you need a tech-head?"
"We've already got plenty of muscle. I know it's gonna cost
you, but I shouldn't have to remind you the guy's a genius. Plus he's
an outsider." Way out, actually, but I knew how to deal with that. "He
made a big difference in the result of our last mission. You said that
"Okay, give him a call."
"Thanks. And, Pete, I really think we've got to go silent
until this is over." I waited for him to protest. If he'd engineered
last night's attack, he'd want to keep track of us so he'd know where
to send the next wave. His reply, immediate and definite, left no doubt
in my mind where he stood.
"I think that's for the best." Yes! That left one less heartbreak on my
horizon. "Okay, talk to you on the other side."
"You're clear on your duty to Vayl. I know that. But take care
of yourself too. That's an order."
"Yes sir."
After we hung up I did a little happy dance around the rim of
the pit, managing not to fall in despite some spectacular high kicks.
Gosh, if I hadn't minded the whole world ogling my butt I could've been
a showgirl! I took one more victory lap, settled back down at the table
and called Bergman.
After drumming my fingers through five different sets of
prerecorded options and punching a combination of buttons that
practically committed me to sacrificing my first-born child if I
revealed any detail of our pending conversation to anyone, I had to
leave a voice-mail. While I waited for his return call I keyed the name
of Senator/Suspect #1 into our database and started reading.
Two hours later I'd read all the information I
could gather on Senators Fellen, Tredd and Bozcowski. I'd also done a
short background check on Cole Bemont out of pure nosiness. I felt much
better about our spontaneous exchange of affection now that I knew he
was definitely one of the good guys.
Wondering when Bergman would decide to crawl out of his cave
and reenter the real world, I decided I'd wait more patiently if I
could do so standing up. So I moved all the furniture out of the pit
and lined it up against the walls like freaked out pre-teens at the
Christmas Dance.
Taekwondo was the first martial art I ever learned. Mom
started sending me to class when I was eight, somehow managing to find
me a new instructor every time we moved, so that by the time I hit
eleven I'd earned a first-degree black belt. I've trained in plenty of
other disciplines since then, but taekwondo is still my favorite. I
started with white belt, worked my way through each form until I
reached my present rank, 5th degree black belt. By the time I'd
finished my ribs were pounding out an S.O.S. on my lungs and my sweats
were soaked. So I headed to the shower.
I peeked out the curtain on the way. "Nothing moving out
there. The whole damn state must be hungover." Which was when I
realized a new year had crashed on me. Should I make a resolution? Be
nicer to old women and cats? Swear less? Learn a new language?
"Got it!" I told my reflection as I went into the bathroom to
undress. "My resolution is to learn how to swear in a new language."
If Evie were here she'd be rolling her eyes. "That's not
swearing less, Jaz," she'd say.
"Ah, but that is where you are wrong little round
grasshopper," I'd tell her in my Chinese grocer accent. She loves that
one because, of course, I do it terribly. "I will be swearing less in
English. And I will be learning a new language."
I lingered over my second shower, afterward took the time to
shave and pluck and cosmeticize myself into some semblance of order.
Now wearing black jeans and a long-sleeved purple shirt with
prehistoric cave-paintings printed all over it, I was ready—to wait
some more. These were the times I missed Evie the most. She's one of
those people who's easy to be with, laid back, undemanding, never in
your face—like me. I do sometimes think it's good we were military
brats. All those moves forced us to become friends with each other
because we knew our other friendships couldn't last. Okay, much more of this mushy crap and I'll have to
trade my PPK for a parasol.
I dropped to the bed, turned on the't.v. and picked up my
cards. While Oprah helped some poor schmuck finally let go of her dead
poodle, I shuffled. It sounds lame, I know. But I like the sound the
cards make slapping against each other. It's much sweeter than the
clatter of my thoughts, looping around my brain like the cars on a
kid's racetrack, never winning, never ending, just rushing in circles
until I want to lay down on a busy stretch of railroad and hope Dudley
Do-Right is busy elsewhere.
Bergman called just as I turned the channel and, what do you
know!, Dudley Do-Right galloped across the screen, riding Horse
backwards because that's how all courageous Mounties ride their steeds
in the backwoods of Canada. "Jasmine? Are you secure?" Hmm, really too many ways to answer that question,
and not all of them comforting. "It's safe to talk," I said.
"What're you up to?"
Which meant he had several high-level, top-secret projects on
the burner, none of which he wanted to discuss. "Cool. That means
you've got some free time, right?"
"Could have. What do you need?"
"Backup. Big-time backup with all the bells and whistles. How
soon can you be in Miami with a vehicle?"
Long silence as Bergman did some mental calculating. "How soon
do you need me?"
"Dusk would be good." I chuckled, but he got the message.
"I'll leave tonight and call you when I hit town."
"Excellent," I said, and we hung up. Nice thing about Bergman,
he likes to leave the details for face-to-face conversations. "Don't
worry, Vayl," I said, looking at my wall as if I could see through it,
straight into his room, "help is on the way."
Nobody could rent me the kind of power I needed in a vehicle,
though I only meant to use it until Bergman showed, so I ended up
leasing one. That chore accomplished, I spent the rest of the time
until dusk rearranging furniture. I reset the pit, using a completely
different configuration than the hotel preferred and thinking I'd
showed up their designers big-time. Evie always forces me watch the
Home & Garden Network when I visit, and I felt sure most of
their decorators would approve of the cozy new conversation area I'd
created. Now I just had to figure out why I thought I needed one.
I was just getting the urge to shuffle cards in response to
this new brain teaser when darkness fell. A strange sound from Vayl's
room made me jump to my feet. It was half gulp, half gasp, what you
might expect to hear from a swimmer who's finally surfaced after
staying under far too long.
I was through his door before the sound stopped, Grief cocked
in my hand.
Vayl stood in front of his tent-covered bed, staring at me as
if I'd sprouted antennae. He was naked.
"Whoa!" I covered my eyes and spun around. Redundant, I know,
but that two-second view of his magnificent pale bod had activated my
conservative Midwestern values, chief among those the belief that you
don't ogle naked men who don't already belong to you. "I'm so sorry! I
just heard this noise and it sounded like you were in danger, so I came
to save you." Dumbass. I should've known it was
the sound of power, of magic, bringing Vayl back to a life he couldn't
bear to leave. I'd been close when he'd come awake before, but never
close enough to hear such a sound.
"I'm outta here," I said, moving toward the door.
"No, stay." Uh… He laughed softly, a purely male
sound that recognized how much I appreciated his form and loved that I
was embarrassed he knew.
"Do not worry, I am dressed."
I peeked over my shoulder. "Well that hardly counts," I said,
my heart fluttering like a marker flag as I watched him. He'd covered
his bottom half with a white towel, but most of his muscular thigh
showed as he went to the room fridge and opened the door. As he leaned
over I winced to see scars criss-crossing his broad shoulders and back.
When he stood I noticed a chain swung from his neck. On it he wore a
gold ring.
He'd pulled a plastic bag full of blood from the fridge. As he
tore it open and poured the contents into a glass, I thought I should
maybe be grossed out. But I wasn't. Vayl did what he needed to survive,
and he managed that without treading the path walked by the majority of
vampires on earth. I had to respect that.
"Tell me what you did today," Vayl said as he went to the
"O-kay." I started at the end and worked my way backwards,
watching him pull a pair of faded jeans and a dark red button-down
shirt out of a dresser drawer. As I gave my report I learned that my
boss also wore black silk boxers. The knowledge left me a little
breathless and a lot perturbed. What I felt was wrong on so many levels
you could package it into an entire training video called What NOT to
Do While on the Job.
Vayl went into the bathroom and I finished my review as he
showered. Just like any guy, he was getting ready for work. But Vayl
was not any guy, far from it. And therein lay my dilemma. I could only
deny reality for so long, and then only if Vayl cooperated. It didn't
look like he intended to for much longer. Whatever had made us work so
well as a team from the start had changed, had grown. I guess I'd known
that, at some level, something had been stirring between us for awhile.
But hey, I'm so good at denying reality I could give lessons. I just
had no idea how you tell an immortal creature whose powers routinely
cause abject cringing and/or death that you want
him, but he's not what you need. My guess—very
I fell silent, and since he seemed to have nothing to say
either, I left him to finish his shower. I'd curled up on one of the
couches in the conversation area I'd created when he came out of his
room. Apparently the new furniture arrangement was less conducive to
talk than I'd anticipated, because speech suddenly failed me.
Unless he'd switched to camouflage mode, Vayl rarely entered a
room without everyone feeling his presence. His personality could be
like mist, drifting gently into your lungs until every breath sent him
sliding through your veins. Or, like a violent change in air pressure,
it could reach out and slam you against a wall. At the moment, looking
at him through eyes that I hoped hadn't glazed over, I wouldn't have
noticed if a ninja had dropped through the ceiling and started breaking
He moved with the total body awareness of a professional
athlete, and now that I knew what that body looked like, I could not
take my eyes off it. If a scientist gave a lecture on the Alpha male,
she'd definitely throw in a few slides of Vayl. But until last night,
until he'd looked at me like I'd sashayed right out of his deepest,
darkest fantasy, I hadn't thought about where our relationship might
lead us, or how exciting that trip could be. What a helluva time for my
hormones to kick into overdrive.
"Vayl, I… we…" I caught his eyes and stopped speaking. They
were the gray-blue of storm-swept waves, snapping dangerously over lips
compressed so tightly I could see the outline of fangs beneath them.
"What's wrong?" I asked, some instinct making me touch the gun now
resting in my shoulder holster.
Vayl descended into the pit and dropped onto the couch I'd
positioned on a diagonal with mine. For a minute he just sat there with
his elbows on his knees, staring off into space.
"Something is wrong with my blood supply."
"What do you mean?"
Vayl jumped up and started pacing. "The blood I brought to
sustain me. It is tainted." I felt the familiar bewilderment that used
to fog my brain when my math teacher handed me a word problem. How was I
supposed to know which train would reach Dallas first?
"How could you tell?" I asked.
Vayl grabbed one of the decorative pillows off the couch and
began picking at one corner of it. I'd never seen him so shaken, and it
was starting to scare me.
"Look, Vayl, just tell me what you know."
Vayl sat down again, avoiding my gaze, watching his fingers
worry at the pillow instead. "When I went to get a drink I realized
something was wrong. That is, once the blood had warmed, I could smell
something in it that should not have been there. Something my nose
tells me will make me ill."
"Did you check all the bags?"
"Yes. They are all tainted."
"Did you keep some? We should get it tested."
"Yes." This is bad, bad, bad—"Vayl, are you
thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Of course. After last night how could I think otherwise? But
polluted blood would not kill me, it would only make me sick."
"Sick, like out of commission? Sick as in vulnerable?"
"Very possibly."
"Then maybe this is just a prelude to another attack." I
waited for Vayl to agree, but he just shrugged. The pillow in his hands
began to come apart. I was beginning to identify with it, big-time. Okay,
Jaz, keep it together. You are a trained pro. Eventually you will find
the ass that needs kicking and that's exactly what you'll do. As long
as you keep it together.
"So let's figure out who's doing this," I said, more to myself
than Vayl. "I don't think it could've been Pete. He was too ready to
agree with our suggestions."
"That still leaves several highly trusted suspects." He shook
his head. "We have been betrayed." He sounded like he'd already had
some bitter experience in that area. "Worse, we have already
established that Assan and Aidyn prefer to be led, which means our
betrayer is also, most likely, the architect of their entire project."
"We have a very nasty problem, Vayl."
"Two, actually."
Vayl sank back down onto the couch, looking bleak as a cancer
patient. "Not only is someone trying to kill me, but now I have to find
a supply of fresh blood."
I knew that as we sat there staring at each other we were
sharing the same thoughts. Neither of us wanted to say them out loud,
but it had to be done. I started.
"So, what are our options?"
"Limited." Vayl drew in a deep breath, clasped his hands
together convulsively. I'd never seen him so agitated. "I cannot hunt.
I… made a vow." He looked at me out of the corner of his eyes. "I know
that must sound stupid and old-fashioned to you—"
"Not at all. Of course hunting is out. We're the good guys."
Vayl's lips twitched.
"Okay," I amended, "we're walking that thin line between good
and bad, but we're not kidnapping kids or blowing up federal buildings
so I say, if we're erring, it's on the side of good."
"Which is why we cannot raid a blood bank or anything similar
to that."
"I agree." Weren't we just two reasonable people? It's what we
spooks do when the alternative is blind panic. "So what can
you do?"
"Find a willing donor. Vampires tend to attract them. I know
of two in the area I might approach." Whoa, buddy. Where did you go when I wasn't looking?
"You've… made some contacts? Recently?"
If Vayl had any blood in him, he would've blushed. He avoided
meeting my eyes, and he started to fidget like I'd just caught him
slipping a frog into the teacher's desk. "I, well, yes." He
straightened up and looked me in the eye, realizing, maybe, that he
didn't have to answer to anyone, me the least. "I cannot discuss it
right now." His look softened. Did I really seem that hurt? "I will
tell you later, when we have time."
"You want to save it for the plane ride back?"
He nodded, the corner of his mouth lifting. "Yes. I will tell
you everything you want to know then." Maybe. I wanted to know an awful lot
after all. But I wasn't completely ignorant, at least about vampires in
general. Not so long ago I'd been considered something of an expert.
Which was why I'd been so good at killing them, why I'd headed my own
team. I did know that the act of taking blood from a human donor,
willing or not, involved all of a vampire's senses. Like giraffes
leaning down for a drink of river water, vampires were at their most
vulnerable when taking blood. Both loyal and captive vamps had
described it as 'heady,' 'intoxicating,' and yeah, 'better than sex.'
Whoever had sent the bad blood must know what I knew, that by
creating a need for a human donor they'd also produced an ideal
situation for assassination. Thing was, I couldn't see me standing
guard outside some locked door while God knows what went down inside.
For all we knew these willing donors of Vayl's were part of the master
plan too. That was logical me speaking. Stupid, stubborn, bizarre me
couldn't stand the thought of Vayl sharing that sort of intimacy with
another person. I guess I was a flake after all. Didn't need him, no.
But wanted him bad enough I was about to do the unthinkable. It
should've been more of a consolation to know Pete would've approved.
I stood and began to pace. "Vayl, Pete outlined my job pretty
clearly to me. My highest priority is to protect you when you're
"During a takeout—"
"No. Always."
Vayl stood, blocking my path, making me stop and look at him.
"I know where you are going with this. I will not. I cannot—"
"Why not?"
Vayl looked at me a long time, his jaw clenching and
unclenching as if the words he was about to say needed to be chewed
first, ground under his molars until the sharp edges wore away.
"Jasmine…" he stopped, thought a minute, tried again. "I do
not know what it would do to us. You would be stepping onto a path that
could lead you to vampirism."
"Not if you don't drain me. Not if I don't drink your blood."
"You are right. But because you are a Sensitive you could, you
probably would change." I must've looked puzzled because he kept trying
to explain. "The kind of—joining—you are suggesting is not one-way."
"So, what are you saying, that there's magic in your backwash?"
The tightness around Vayl's eyes eased a little, and a dimple
appeared in his right cheek. "You could say that."
"What might happen to me?"
Vayl sank back onto his couch and I sat beside him. "I have
never done such a thing with a Sensitive, so it is impossible to
predict." He took my right hand between both of his, lacing our fingers
together, rubbing my empty ring finger with his thumb as he stared at
the memories he'd projected onto the wall.
"Could you make it so I can fly?" I asked.
That got his attention. "What?"
I felt a little self-conscious, but figured the time to guard
my ego had long passed. "I've always wanted to fly," I confided, "like
Superman, only without the ridiculous costume."
"It is not…"
"Or how about superhuman strength so when I throw people they
sail clear across the room?"
I suddenly understood what the word 'flummoxed' meant. I'd
never really known before this moment, when Vayl's eyes went all round
and confused, and the only thing he could say that sounded remotely
like English was, "Wa." It didn't last long. Vayl snapped back to
himself and grabbed me by the shoulders.
"This is serious!" His eyes bored into mine, twin obsidian
pebbles that looked ready to bury me under a great big avalanche. It
ticked me off. Here I was, offering the guy his life, basically, and
all he could do was threaten me with metaphorical boulders! "You have
no idea, Jasmine. The two of us will mix at a very basic level. I
cannot predict the outcome. You cannot know the
I grabbed the lapels of his jacket, considered shaking him
'til his teeth rattled, thought better of it. "Vayl! Calm down before I
slap you! Damn, but you're grouchy when you're hungry!"
That got him. His hands dropped from my shoulders. He dug the
heel of his palm into the furrows between his eyes. "You are insane,
you know that?" Ouch. "I'm just being practical. I knew
someday I might have to bare my throat to you. Pete and I discussed
that very possibility. As for danger and risk-taking, that's what Pete
pays me to do. And you and I both know he intends to get his money's
"Jasmine, I cannot—"
"Why not!"
"Because you are not food!"
I stared at him for a minute, then I started to grin. I
couldn't help it. "Vayl," I tried to keep my face straight, "I'm not
asking you to eat me."
Vayl's jaw dropped and I burst into peals of laughter.
Eventually I heard him chuckling along with me and I knew we'd be okay.
When I had my warped sense of humor back under control I said, "It's
just a temporary solution. Until we can figure out something better.
When he sighed and his shoulders dropped out of defensive
mode, I knew I'd won. "Then I will not wait any longer. You must take
this," he said. He pulled the chain he wore out from under his shirt.
Off came the ring and away went my smile. I knew from the look on
Vayl's face this was serious times ten.
He held the ring out to me and I stared at it as it sat in his
palm. Intricately woven golden knots formed the band, and in the center
of each knot glittered a superb little ruby. The exquisite
craftsmanship made the ring resemble a magical artifact, like a token
of love left at the bottom of the Lake of Dreams by some broken-hearted
"Oh, wow." I touched it as if it was crafted of spun glass.
"You like it then?" Vayl took it and slipped it onto my
finger. Though it sat on my right hand, the feeling still spooked me,
as if we'd just agreed to some sort of unmarriage.
"It's gorgeous," I said, holding my arm out to see it better.
I dropped my hand to my lap as a thought occurred to me. "I can't keep
"It's too much, Vayl. Too expensive. Too beautiful. Too
personal. Plus Pete would kill me. Remember what he said about not
accepting gifts?"
"From clients, not from each other. Jasmine—" frustration
furrowed his eyebrows, edged his tone, "why do you always have to make
everything so difficult?"
My first instinct was to argue, but I had no basis. Vayl had
made this wonderful gesture. Did I really have to spit in his hand?
"It's just, I don't understand why you would give this to me when,
you're right, I have been a pain in the ass lately."
"Because it is more than a gift." Vayl brought my hand to his
lips and kissed it. An old fashioned token which should never have gone
extinct. "You wear a ring made by my father's father on the day I was
born. It is called Cirilai—which means 'guardian.' My mother, as she
lay dying from the difficulty of my birth, had a vision of my
death. She knew it would be violent. She knew it would endanger my
soul. Cirilai contains all the ancient powers my family could muster to
protect me. As long as it exists, I may lose my life, but I cannot lose
my soul."
Holy crap in a shipwreck, I'd heard fables about such
artifacts. To actually have one wrapped around my finger though? Well,
to be honest it made me feel kind of nauseous. "Why in the world would
you give something so precious to me?"
If I'd known him for years, maybe I could have read the answer
in those amber eyes. He must've spent a minute trying to tell me things
with them that words could never express. But too much of the unknown
still stood between us to allow a translation. That's what I told
myself. Maybe I was just too scared to let myself understand. Finally
he said, "I gave you Cirilai because the ring will protect you as well.
And because I sensed in you the same power that is invested in the
ring. The two of you belong together—with me."
At the risk of sounding like a two-year-old, I repeated
myself. "But, why?"
Thank goodness that, unlike mine, Vayl's patience isn't tied
to a lit fuse. His hands tightened on mine. "You and Cirilai remind me
that, while I am no longer human, I am also no better than human."
"Is that all? We keep you humble?"
"Think of what happens to people who possess such powers as
mine when they decide their ideas, agendas, race is superior to all
"Napoleon," I whispered. "Hitler. Hussein."
Vayl nodded solemnly. "In guarding my soul, you protect the
world. And that is why I need you as my partner. My avhar."
Grateful to be sitting now that my knees felt like wet
spaghetti, I looked down at our clasped hands until I could speak
without sounding like a reality-show confessor. Jerry, I
swore never to love again until I met someone who could earn every
ounce of respect and affection in my body with a single gesture.
Ick. It would never work anyway. Reasons? God, I could make a
ceiling-to-floor list. But mainly, because I didn't want it to. Did I? No.
No. No. No. No. So. Back to the task at hand: making sure my
vamp, er, boss didn't run off for some high-risk blood-letting with his
willing donor. I took a deep breath. Made myself focus. "Are you
telling me this now because I need to know, or because you're putting
off the inevitable?"
"Maybe both," he said, shaking his head. "You, me, the ring—we
each possess a power that is potent all on its own. Combining the
three, well, if the bomb squad knew what we were planning they would
probably stick us in a lead-lined bunker."
"Vayl, you're not talking me out of this. It's the right move.
So quit lecturing and get to it."
Vayl hesitated one more minute, then he drew me into his arms.
"I will not take much," he assured me, "only what I need and no more." No more, no more, no more.
His fingers grazed my neck as he swept my hair aside. His lips
brushed my earlobe, moved down to my throat. One arm pulled me closer
as the other hand tipped my head sideways. I sighed as I felt his power
settle over me, warm and comforting as an old quilt. He kept nuzzling
me with his lips, caressing me with the tips of his fangs until
something new rose between us, a force that sizzled and snapped, making
the very air churn. I could hear my breath coming in gasps.
"Vayl… please."
"Yes," he said, his voice hoarse with desire. For me? For my
blood? I wasn't sure there was any difference just then. I wanted to
share this new insight with him, but my frontal lobe chose that moment
to completely shut down. Even the pain of his teeth penetrating my skin
didn't wake it up.
Vayl's arms tightened around me. I reached down, digging my
fingernails into his thighs as he drank me in. The air shimmered with
power. With magic. My head buzzed with it. Through half-closed lids I
watched colored bubbles of light dance across the walls. The darkness
came so quickly after that, I never even knew it had taken me until I
returned to myself and realized I was lying on the couch with one leg
flung over its arm. Vayl sat on the other couch, staring at me like I'd
grown an extra head as I struggled to sit up. A tightness on my neck
caused me to reach up, but when my fingertips encountered a gauze pad I
dropped my hand back into my lap.
"What?" I asked, trying hard not to cry. I don't know if I was
more distressed that I'd blacked out or that I'd missed most of an
experience that had promised to be unforgettable. "Did I do something
wrong?" I asked. "Did I say something out of
line?" What the hell just happened?
Vayl shook his head. "You were perfect. Better than the best.
I have never… it has never been like that for me before."
"For me either." We smiled at each other. The hard knot of
fear that twisted my heart with every new blackout relaxed. Vayl didn't
know. My secret still hid safe. Now that my attention could wander, I
realized the experience had left some aftereffects. "I do
feel kind of funky though," I commented.
He sat forward, his eyes wide with concern. "How do you mean?"
"Umm, like, drunk. But not."
I thought Vayl would come sit beside me, fuss over me a
little, but he sat statue still, like a street performer who's run out
of gray body paint. Finally he whispered. "I know."
"Know what?"
"It is as if you are an entire spectrum of light that just
became visible to me. I can… hear your heart beating. I can sense your
hunger pangs. I know you are scared. You are also elated, tired,
worried and," his voice dropped, "excited."
"Oh no," I said. "Oh no, oh no, oh no—" I bit my lip hard,
stopping the litany with my own blood. Vayl had kept his word. He'd
left me plenty. It trickled onto my chin as I tried to stand, but I
moved too fast and lost my balance. Vayl caught me just before I landed
in a heap on the floor. As soon as I regained my equilibrium I growled,
"Back off."
He stepped away.
"No, I mean with your senses or whatever. You were supposed to
give me super powers. You were supposed to make me fly. You weren't
supposed to march through my thoughts like a lumberjack in a
"Jasmine, that is not how it happened! There is no need to
"I'm not panicking!" But I was, and I had no way to hide it.
"I don't want you inside my head," I told him, keeping my voice as
reasonable and level as possible considering I just wanted to stuff my
face into a pillow and scream. "It's too intimate, too scary. I'm not
ready for that!" I realized I was yelling and covered my mouth.
"I warned you. I told you—"
I raised my hand to stop him talking, trying to swallow my
oceanic fear as I did. "I can't have you—exploring me like that. There
are things you don't know. Things I can't explain." I stopped, took a
deep breath to keep myself from babbling on until he did
discover my secret.
His lips twitched. "Are you really that bad?"
"Well… no, I'm just… not that good."
"Maybe that is why I find you so interesting."
"Huh," was my brilliant reply.
He took my hand and pulled me back down to the couch.
"Jasmine, the change has begun. You cannot let it destroy you."
"No, I can't." Can't, can't, can't…
"So relax. I promise you, I will not probe. I will not
intrude. Your thoughts, your memories, are still your own."
"… Okay." I took a deep breath and sat back.
"I would like to ask you something, however." Crap! "What?"
"Why did you rearrange the furniture again?"
"Well, I wanted to work out and… again?"
"Remember Ethiopia? And Germany? And Hong Kong?"
"Yeah. So?"
"So, you have rearranged the furniture in every apartment,
hotel and hut we have stayed in since I have known you. And always the
same way. I just wondered why."
"Oh," I laughed weakly, wracking my brain for a plausible
excuse. "Well, that's the way it always was growing up. No matter what
house we were living in, Mom arranged the furniture the same way to
make it feel like home."
A damn fine explanation, I must say, and one Vayl swallowed
"I was just wondering."
"Let's go kick somebody's butt," I suggested, thinking it
would sure make me feel better. "I feel like I really could throw a bad
guy across the room."
"And suddenly we have so many from which to choose." Vayl
thought a moment, giving me time to rearrange my brain. Like the
furniture, it made no sense to me, but I did recover most of my
scattered control. "Any ideas?" he asked.
"Assan comes immediately to mind."
"I am sure it will be a pleasure ending his existence. But he
is more valuable to us as he is right now, oblivious and unbruised.
First we need to find out where he and Aidyn are storing the virus."
"And how they're making it," I added. "Do you suppose they're
keeping their notes at Assan's place?"
"Possibly. Though Aidyn seems to be the creator. We need to
ascertain where he is staying as well."
"Sure would be handy if we had a contact on the inside," I
said. "But Assan's staff is unapproachable."
"What about his family?"
"You mean the wife?" We shared a knowing look. "You mean the
jealous wife who's hired a private investigator?" We both nodded. With
the butt-kicking officially tabled, I moved across the pit to a mauve
arm chair beside which stood an end table with a phone on top, a drawer
for the phone book and a lamp to read her by.
Most men I meet through work tend to avoid that whole
Live-Like-A-Normal-Guy gig. In fact, most guys I meet through work want
to kill me. So when I found Cole's name and number listed in the white
pages I felt a sudden urge to giggle. It went away just as quickly. I'd
met a normal guy. Big whoop. That didn't make me
any more normal.
He answered his phone on the first ring. "Cole Bemont."
"Cole! This is Lucille Robinson. We met—"
"Last night!"
"You remembered."
"Are you kidding? I've been kicking myself all day for not
getting your number." We stopped speaking for a moment, homage to the
"Cole, I have a problem I wondered if you could help me with."
I kept my voice businesslike since Vayl sat three feet away, and I
honestly didn't want to lead Cole any further astray.
"Sure," Cole said.
"Um, don't you want to hear what it is first?"
"Doesn't matter. You saved my hide yesterday. Plus my lips are
still tingling. At this point, I'm prepared to do just about anything
you suggest." Yipes! What have I unleashed? I wanted to
say, "Cole, maybe you haven't heard, but I'm an idiot. The C.I.A. has
tried its best to bury that fact since they did hire me. But here's the
deal. Despite my actions last night I am not
looking for a relationship with you. I can't maintain a relationship
with you due to the fact that I don't want to. Also, I'll be traveling
a lot and my boss is a vampire who I may be falling for (already have?)
which is a whole other kettle of crap I'm so not ready to deal with. At
any rate, these life choices don't make me a good candidate for pet
owner, much less girlfriend." But I needed Cole to help me get
information, which meant I needed him interested for just awhile
longer. Damn, damn, damn.
"Can my partner and I meet you somewhere in say, half an hour?"
"Your… partner?"
"It's kind of impossible to explain over the phone."
"Okay. How about Umberto's? It's semi-private and the food's
"Fine." Cole gave me directions and we hung up. I looked at
Vayl. "It's set."
"Good. And?"
"And what?"
"You want to say something else, I can tell." I nodded.
"Sometimes, this job sucks."
When this whole mission ended, I suspected that if I survived,
Pete would demote my ride to a used moped. Not great motivation to push
the self-preservation button. But at the moment, I didn't care. My
local Mercedes dealer had brought me a dark blue C230 Sport Sedan that
made even New Year's traffic bearable. The car hummed like a Broadway
star. I joined right in, and the two of us sang a duet Steven Sondheim
would've tapped his foot to while we motored down the sparkling streets
of Miami.
"I would ask you how you feel," said Vayl, "but it is so
"It's amazing," I told him. "I just want to hug everyone I
know. I want to buy the guy who engineered this car a bottle of
champagne. I want to fly. Hey!" I turned to Vayl, "after this meeting
let's go hang gliding!"
"In the dark?"
"It's a full moon." I stopped at the light, hang gliding
forgotten as a burgundy mini-van pulled up beside me. "I have never
seen that shade of red before. Can you see all those flecks of gold and
black in it?"
"Yes," Vayl answered, his smile more full and natural than I'd
ever seen it. "I take it you are enjoying this part of the change."
"Oh is that what it is?" The mini-van
activated his blinker and began to inch into my lane. "Looks like he's
a little lost," I commented as I waved for him to slip in ahead of us.
"You know, yesterday you would have cursed that man for ten
solid minutes for delaying us," Vayl observed.
"Yeah, yesterday… I feel different than I did then."
Slight raise of the eyebrow, signaling imminent sarcasm. "No.
"Will this last?"
"I have no idea."
I followed the mini-van for several blocks, then took a right
onto the street that led to Umberto's.
Vayl took my hand and laced his fingers through mine. "So tell
me what you did today," said Vayl, "not work activities. Your things.
How did you spend your free time?" I had to think a minute, dig out my
mental binoculars to see past the blackout and the moments before it.
Why was it so hard to recognize the woman who'd spent most of her
daylight hours clicking through encrypted files, looking for dirt on
politicians like some commie-hunting throwback? Stardust in your eyes, sister. Only now it's time to
So I began talking, starting with the family phone calls. But
they required a back story, and that took awhile, especially since I
kept pausing to point out a fab new color I'd discovered. Eventually I
worked my way back around to the research I'd done, specifically the
background stuff I'd gathered on our oversight committee.
"Any conclusions?" he asked after I finally finished talking.
I shrugged.
"All the senators are suspect because they all seem way
too innocent. Doris Fellen gives away tons of scholarship money every
year. Dirk Tredd is a true blue war hero. And Tom Bozcowski was an
extremely popular quarterback in the NFL before he shattered his knee."
"And then there is Martha," said Vayl.
I shook my head. "Man, I hope it's not her."
Vayl put his hand on my arm. "You must accept that someone in
your inner circle could betray you."
"Oh, I accept it. I just know, of all our suspects, if
Martha's the rotten link there's no doubt we'll
be coming out of this bruised and bloody."
"You mean you prefer the senators?"
"Absolutely. They can't be nearly as mean, conniving, vicious
and underhanded as Martha."
"She is an excellent secretary, isn't she?"
"The best."
Umberto's is an Italian restaurant located in a
miniature pink castle. Only it wasn't exactly pink. It shimmered with
shades of silver and rose too.
"I'm beginning to like that color," I murmured as I pulled
into the lot, picking a spot where we could exit quickly. I swallowed
hard on a spurt of nerve-induced nausea. This whole meet could go south
in a heartbeat if Vayl and Cole got to feeling competitive. And it
would be my fault for not controlling my hormones better. Damn
chemicals. Why couldn't our bodies run on something simpler—like coal?
An image rose in my mind of Vayl and me walking around
belching black smoke rings. I laughed inwardly. Wouldn't that change
the world though? Everybody would have automatic dental coverage just
to keep their teeth from looking like the inside of a chimney. And we'd
be recycling our solid waste because sludge makes such nifty ashtrays.
"Would you care to share?" asked Vayl as we headed for the
restaurant entrance, his cane hitting the asphalt every other step with
a reassuring clink.
"You are smiling."
"Oh." So I told him what I'd been thinking and we were both
chuckling when we came through the door and met Cole, who stood waiting
for us there.
He covered well, but I could tell Cole wasn't pleased to see
Vayl and me sharing a laugh. Dammit. I know in
other places kisses don't mean much. Shoot, in Hollywood they do
inconsequential smooching all the time. But to Cole, and most other
people in the real world, kisses are significant gestures, not
something you play with as I had. I bit my lip, forgot it was still
healing from the last bite and nearly made myself cry. So much for my
post-donation high. The express elevator Vayl had taken me on came to
an abrupt halt. The jolt left me with a roaring in my ears and a major
craving for chocolate chip cookies followed by a good hour of card
"Uh, Cole, this is my partner, Jeremy Bhane. Jeremy, this is
Cole Bemont."
Vayl held out his hand. "Pleased to meet you."
"Likewise," said Cole. They shook. I waited for Cole to wince,
but Vayl reigned in his bone-crushing strength. I sighed with relief.
The hostess showed us to a booth in a corner lit by a couple
of candles and a low wattage, recessed bulb. The decor diverted me
enough that I stopped kicking myself long enough to enjoy it. The
carpet sparkled with every hue of green imaginable. It contrasted
nicely with the white tablecloths and folded napkins. The menu covers
felt like real leather. So did the cushioned seats.
Vayl and I sat across from Cole. We ordered drinks, diet coke
for me, beer on tap for the guys, and the hostess left. "Lucille tells
me you are a private investigator," said Vayl.
I expected Cole to squirm under Vayl's icy blue gaze. He
didn't, and I liked him better for it. Crap.
"That's right," he said, "although it's not turning out to be
what I expected."
Cole shrugged. "It's pretty mundane. And I'm not always sure
I'm helping the good guys."
I spoke up. "Well, let me assure you that we are the good
I looked at Vayl and he nodded. So I took out my badge and
slid it across the table. Cole opened it, studied it for quite awhile.
"I had a feeling you weren't just another rich snob," he told
me. Despite the fact that he wore white Nikes with black dress pants,
his hair looked like he'd just stepped out of a hurricane and he
smelled of citrus bubblegum, Cole suddenly looked all grown up as he
slid my badge back to me. I slid it back into my jacket.
Our drinks came, we ordered supper and the waitress left.
"So, Cole—"I began.
"What happened to you?"
"Your neck." He nodded at the bandage. I'd completely
forgotten about it. My hand flew up to it as if I could hide it from
him. Vayl bumped his leg against mine.
"Oh that." I smiled, because Lucille would've. "I burned
myself with my curling iron. Second degree."
Cole nodded, apparently satisfied. "You were saying?"
"Um, okay, we've been investigating Assan for awhile now, and
we're sure he's a big hitter in a terrorist group called the Sons of
Paradise. We know he's performed surgery on fugitives. We know he has a
powerful new partner and a plan of attack that could threaten the
entire country, maybe even the world. We think the documents we need to
stop him and his partner are in his house."
Cole whistled in disbelief. "And you think I can get them for
Vayl sat forward. "Possibly. We hope you can at least provide
us with information. You do, after all, have a connection on the
Cole locked his hands together and played thumb wars with
himself for a few seconds while he processed. "I don't think Amanda
knows anything about her husband's shadow life. She sure wouldn't have
hired me if she did."
"We need access to her house, especially to her husband's
office," I said, hating that I had to push. "But we don't want to spook
her. No telling which side she'd fall on if she knew the truth. All we
want is for you to convince her that, to help further your
investigation, you and your partner need to take a look at his papers,
his computer, and the contents of his safe."
"My… partner?"
I nodded. "That would be me."
Our food came. Cole started stabbing at his lasagna. Vayl and
I traded looks.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"You already have a partner." Crap.
Vayl nudged me. "If you will excuse me," he said. "I think I
will go wash my hands." I let him out of the booth. Cole didn't exactly
glare at his back as he left, but I got the feeling he would've liked
"Cole." I sank back into the seat. "Last night, kissing you,
was the closest I've been to a relationship in… awhile."
"You make that sound like a bad thing." Crap in a bucket! We had only traded
spit, that's all, and now he thought he deserved an explanation. Worse
yet, so did I. I took a deep breath. His hands, exhausted from thumb
wars, rested on the table. I put mine over them.
"Cole—" I stopped. Had to. Memories exploded out of the
suitcases I generally kept them locked in. Voices. Screaming.
Blood—some of it mine. A surging black hatred that nearly swallowed me
whole. No way could I put all that into words, no way would I take
anyone else back into the hell I still visited in nightmares. So I gave
Cole a sketch, knowing he could never imagine the full picture.
"About 14 months ago, I was a Helsinger. Are you familiar with
that term?"
Cole nodded slowly. "Yeah," he said, straightening in his seat
as if I'd just called him to attention. "Helsingers are elite teams of
vampire killers, named for Dracula's nemesis, Dr. Van Helsing."
"Excellent," I said. He responded to my praise like any good
student would, with a smile and a satisfied little nod.
"We didn't start out as a tight-knit group," I told him, "but
we ended up that way. There were ten of us in all. I fell for a
hard-charging former Green Beret named Matthew Stae. My brother, David,
was on the team too. That's how he met Jessie Diskov. And when he
married her it seemed perfect, because we were already like sisters."
Cole turned his hands so they held mine and squeezed. It was a
little depressing holding his hands, because he would soon come to
understand why I was too dangerous to touch.
"Some of what happened to my Helsingers on the night my life
changed forever is classified. Some I just don't remember. Here's what
I can tell you. We'd spent the day clearing out a nest in West
Virginia. But we missed the Vultures. That's what we called the
leaders. They'd holed up so deep we couldn't find their resting places
before dark, and we didn't dare stay longer without our own vamps there
to back us up."
Tangents, ah, I love 'em. Keeps you at a safe distance from
painful subjects. But this was one train I needed to keep on track.
"Anyway, they came back for us that night, before we had time to
regroup. By the next morning the only crew members left breathing were
me and my twin. And David only survived because he wasn't there. He was
in the hospital, sidelined with two broken ribs from a previous
mission." Jesus.
"Oh, you can bet I stopped talking to him
that night. I lost my team, my fiancé, my sister-in-law. And my brother
blamed me for all of it. It was my crew after
all, my responsibility to see they got home safe after every mission."
Like a tired, old dam, my throat began to hurt from holding back the
torrent of tears that threatened to drown me if I released them. I
finished as fast as I could. "So you can see why I can't have a
relationship with anyone, especially a nice, normal guy like you. A guy
stays with me long enough, he will die."
"Unless he's a vampire," said Cole.
Cole stopped my fabricated reply with a raised hand. "I know
Vayl's a vamp, Lucille. I can smell it on him."
"You… you're a Sensitive?"
"But… how? I mean, were you born that way, or—" I stopped
because he was shaking his head. His own bad memories were beginning to
make his palms sweat. He squeezed my hands and faked a smile.
"I was born in New York," he told me, "just outside of
Buffalo. Lived there 'til I was six, in an old white farmhouse with an
actual barn and a pond out back. My brothers and I were skating on that
pond one fine January afternoon when I fell through the ice. I was
under the water for fifteen minutes before the firemen fished me out."
"So… you died?"
"Yeah." He was trying to act casual, in case I began to scoff
at his life-altering experience. As if I could after what I'd survived.
"Was it… awful?"
He shrugged. "I don't remember. The doctors said kids will do
that when an event is too traumatic to bear. I guess it's still too
much for me. But afterwards," he leaned forward, eager now he knew I'd
listen, "it was like you hear about in church, Lucille. There was a
light, and then my grandpa was there waiting for me, and he had my dog,
Splinter, with him. It was," his eyes shone, making me smile,
"absolutely fabulous."
"And when you came back…"
"I could sense vampires, and other things, that ran in the
woods east of my house. Between that and the horror of almost losing
me, my parents decided for a new, ice-free scene." His gesture
encompassed the whole state when he said, "So here I am."
I nodded, my neck creaking under the weight of this new
information. I wanted to ask a dozen more questions, because Cole was
the first of my kind I'd ever gotten to talk to like this. But he beat
me to it. "So why did you let him bite you?" he
My hand flew back to the bandage as if it was magnetized.
"That's none of your business."
He took the time to blow an orange bubble and pop it before he
said, "No, but it's the price I'm asking if you want me to help you
I stared at him, reframing this new picture of him so that it
fit with what I'd already seen. "That's very personal," I said.
"I know." Cole dropped his eyes to our intertwined hands,
feeling a little guilty, maybe, but not enough to back off. "Tell you
what, you give me an honest answer and I'll tell you the real truth
about why I'm working for Amanda Assan."
Suddenly I felt like it was my bet in a game of high stakes
poker. I looked closely at Cole, trying to interpret his intentions.
But his face, usually so much more expressive than Vayl's, gave nothing
away. Did he have a straight flush or a pair of twos?
"Okay, Cole," I said, "I'm all in. But if I get my butt kicked
on this deal, I'm sharing the pain."
"Fair enough," he said, trying to hide his triumphant little
smirk. "So why'd you do it?"
Maybe I could've given him the party line and he'd have bought
it. I might've convinced him with the arguments that had swayed Vayl.
But people rarely ask me for the truth, and when they do I feel
compelled to give it to them.
"Part of me just wanted to know what it was like," I told him.
"Part of me wanted to feel that vital, to know that without me, Vayl
would have lost more than his life. He'd have lost that navigational
beacon that lands him on our side of the wall. Because there's nothing
more demonic than a starving vamp. And part of me…" whoa,
this is going to be embarrassing, "… just wanted to be
close, to be connected to somebody else. Like I said, it's been awhile."
Cole grinned and brought my hands up to his lips. "Then maybe
I have a chance after all."
I rolled my eyes. "Do you ever stop?"
He appeared to think about the question. "Not often." His grin
said I'm wicked fun. "Women are passion, my
weakness, and my joy. And you," he kissed my hands again, "are a
paragon among them."
"You make me sound like some blue-haired preacher's wife."
His grin twisted, "God forbid."
I took my hands back, settling Cirilai down on my finger from
where it had twisted up to my knuckle. "I did my bit. Now tell me why
you're working for Amanda Assan."
I thought he'd stall, maybe rearrange the salt and pepper
shakers or file the sweeteners by color, but he came right out with it.
"I am a P.I. But my specialty is supernatural crime. Amanda's brother,
Michael, died six months ago in India. He was traveling with Assan at
the time. She thinks he might've had something to
do with it."
"Just because he was there at the time, or…?"
"It was a combination of things. Assan didn't show much
remorse for her brother or sympathy for her. Plus the circumstances of
his death were odd, and Assan's explanation came out sounding pretty
"In what way?"
"Michael died of a single stab wound to the heart. The weapon,
according to the coroner, was an ancient sword of unknown origin. Assan
collects swords. Also, symbols were found burned into the skin around
Michael's wound."
"What kind?"
"Magical, as far as I can decipher. But I'm no expert and my
sources haven't been able to translate them. I'd draw them for you,
but—oh," he caught our waitress's eye and signaled her over. She found
him a pen and some paper and left us after we reassured her we didn't
need any refills.
While he drew the symbols for me Cole said, "Assan was in
India to give a presentation at a conference on reconstructive surgery.
He said Michael, who'd also been a plastic surgeon, had wandered off
during one of the meetings, and when he still hadn't returned the next
morning, Assan reported him missing."
"He waited awhile, didn't he?"
"Yep. And the meeting Michael left was one he'd discussed with
Amanda. He'd told her it would make the whole trip worthwhile."
Yeah, the whole deal sounded about as fishy as a tuna factory.
The symbols branded into Michael's skin threw me, though. Unless they'd
had a radical change of philosophy, the Sons of Paradise despised all
forms of magic. And these sure looked like spell glyphs to me. I guess
it made their alliance with a vampire a little easier to swallow. But
Cole went on. "The icing is that some poor schmuck who thought
he needed an early morning jog found a torso on the beach last week.
Sharks had swallowed a lot of the evidence, but according to a friend
of mine who works homicide, the victim had been murdered. By a single
stab wound to the heart. And around that wound—"
"Glyphs," I finished. He nodded. "The same as these?"
"Wonder what Vayl will think of these." I ignored Cole's frown
as I studied his drawings. Then it struck me that Vayl had been gone much
longer than even an arranged absence should take. "Where is
Vayl?" I asked, peering through the atmospheric gloom. Suddenly the
hair on the back of my neck stood up in response to the ripple of power
that rolled across the room.
"Did you feel that?" I asked Cole. He nodded, looking grave
and a little shaken. I slid out of the booth. I think I said, 'Excuse
me,' but I'm not sure. The power called me with an urgency I'd never
experienced before. It came from the other side of the restaurant so
that's where I headed, followed closely by Cole.
"Vayl?" I whispered, "where are you?"
I smelled it before I felt it, a revolting combination of
rotten eggs and ash that lashed my inner senses like a lion tamer's
whip. The magic snapped past me, leaving me mentally singed, as if I'd
stood too close to a burning soul. At least I knew now Vayl wasn't its
source. His power had never made me want to shower in bleach water.
This came from an altogether different sort of vampire.
I turned, searching for the vamp's target. I found him almost
immediately, a spectacled, balding man in his mid-thirties with the
soft face and hands of someone who hires out his yard work. He sat at a
table with three other people, presumably his wife and sons. They
stared at him in speechless shock as he clawed at his throat, his face
turning a shade of red I'd never seen before tonight.
"Charlie? What's wrong?" The woman half-rose from her chair,
but Charlie was way ahead of her. He jerked to his feet, toppling his
chair backwards in the process. Now the other patrons had stopped
talking, had turned to look.
"I think he's choking!" screeched an elderly woman whose ebony
cane might've been related to Vayl's. I expected Charlie to nod, but
his hands had moved to his chest, pressed flat against it as if to keep
his innards from revolting and becoming his outards.
The kids, two blond-headed cuties about seven and nine, sat
absolutely still, but I noticed they were clutching each other's hands.
Somebody yelled "Call 911!" and the whole room erupted, everyone
talking at once, the woman screaming, "Charlie, Charlie!" and people
from my side of the room rushing over to get a better look.
Charlie keeled over, still holding his chest, and I felt the
power flare out so quickly I could almost believe someone had pulled
the plug. Almost.
I needed to find Vayl. We needed to
locate Charlie's attacker. But before I could act, Charlie, himself,
stopped me. He lay on the floor, his eyes open and yet empty as
marbles. I'd seen a lot of dead guys in my time, and Charlie had
definitely joined the club. But I'd never seen what happened next.
This dazzling light emerged from Charlie's body and hovered
over it like morning mist. Only it looked more substantial. It was as
if a Charlie-sized diamond floated three feet off Umberto's carpet,
each facet giving off its own unique color. Then, as if some cosmic
hand had reached down and turned the wheel of a kaleidoscope, the
diamond split, spun and reformed. Now, multiple jewels danced in the
air above Charlie's body. A moment later they flew apart like a
spectacular Chinese firework.
One shot straight into the wife's mouth, quieting her
immediately. One went to each boy, landing gently on their foreheads
and then sinking out of sight. Several exited via windows, walls and
doors, and I suspected they'd find their way to his dearest friends and
relatives tonight. The largest one shot straight through the ceiling,
destination unknown, but I—jaded, cynical Jaz, was voting for heaven.
"That is some amazing backwash you've got there, Vayl," I
I turned to look and there he stood, not three feet from me,
watching the action from a small nook formed by a ceiling-high rubber
tree plant and the corner of the bathroom entry way, his power at its
usual simmer. Most people would've looked straight at him and never
seen a thing. Nobody was looking but me, however, so I was the only one
who saw him 'solidify.' It was like watching a computer sketch fill
with color. One moment he was a chalk drawing. The next he was a stern,
handsome gentleman admiring the greenery.
"Vayl—" I began, but Cole stepped up, yanking Vayl's sleeve so
he would turn and face us.
"Who did this?" he demanded. "Who just killed that man while
you stood and watched?"
"It was not my place to interfere—"
"Goddammit this is not a National Geographic special! You're
not supposed to huddle in the bushes and film the lions killing the
zebras. You're supposed to kill the lions."
"We are the lions," Vayl corrected, "and
we must be extremely careful before we challenge another pride. The
odds must be in our favor, yes?"
Cole looked ready to go caveman on Vayl's head. "Yes," I said,
taking Cole's hand and squeezing until he turned his attention to me.
"To kill from a distance," I shook my head, "that's badass power, Cole.
You don't just jump in the path of that. Not unless you want to get
seriously maimed."
"Who are you people?" Cole whispered.
Vayl and I shared a stony look and a chilling silence. Though
John Q. Public knew we existed, he rarely wanted to be reminded. We
were thinking Cole would feel the same.
A couple of E.M.T.s arrived and Charlie left on a mobile bed
with his stunned family trailing behind. Umberto's manager finally
convinced everyone to return to their seats, offering half off their
dinners to keep them from bolting. It pretty much worked.
"Cole." I turned to him, took a deep breath and said a mental
goodbye. "Get out." Get out, get out, get out—
"Now wait a minute," Cole and Vayl chorused, looking at each
other with consternation as they realized they shared the same opinion.
"Have you ever fought a vampire?" I asked Cole.
"No, but—"
"Then there's no point in staying, is there? Get out while you
still have your humanity."
"But what about—"
"We'll call you, okay?" I said, not meaning it, hoping I could
talk Vayl out of using Cole's connections, tempting though they were.
My little hike down memory lane had reminded me too well how much it
hurt to lose good people, and the longer I knew Cole the more I knew he
was good people. "Just, please, take off before the vamp that killed
Charlie realizes you're with us."
He looked hard at me, trying to decipher my expression. "Okay,
I'll go. As soon as you give me your number." I started to argue but,
like a magician sliding an ace out of his sleeve, Vayl pulled out our
business card and handed it to him.
Cole read it aloud. "Robinson-Bhane Antiquities—Specializing
in 18th Century Rarities." He looked at Vayl. "I guess you can do that
when you've had first-hand experience." Vayl didn't even raise an
eyebrow. I'd begun to think nothing surprised him, not even being outed
as a vamp by a P.I. who looked like he'd just jumped off his surfboard.
"Call us when you have made arrangements with Amanda Assan,"
Vayl said.
"I will," Cole replied, giving me an I-will-return look.
I nodded, hoping he'd pocket the card, forget where he'd put
it and wash it along with his pants. Then all he'd have left of me
would be a wad of crumpled paper with some blurry writing on it.
Before I realized what he was doing, Cole leaned in and stole
another kiss. "I'll see you," he said, then he turned and left.
"I hope not," I murmured as I watched him walk out the door.
"Jasmine…" Vayl's voice had dropped and softened to the point
where I barely recognized it.
"Vayl?" He looked like he'd woken up to find some vital body
part missing.
He shook his head. "Is the vampire still with us?"
"Let us take a walk then, shall we?"
"Okay." We headed back to the table, taking the long way
around the restaurant. As we walked, Vayl spoke in a voice that only
just reached my ears.
"Perhaps you should get out as well."
It took every bit of focus I possessed not to keel over right
then and there. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"Your life, Jasmine. Your short, beautiful life." I recognized
Vayl's expression. It said, If you're going to break my
heart, make it quick. The last guy who'd shown it to me had
been my high school sweetheart the night I left him behind. Though I
could tell he didn't want to, Vayl kept talking, "You wish to protect
Cole from the very thing that defines your existence. What does that
say to you?"
"I define my existence," I told him
through clenched teeth. "I choose to be here, now.
Cole didn't have that choice. He just fell into it. That's a good way
to drown." And he's already done that one too many times.
Vayl let it go.
We made it back to our seats with no extra-sensory alarm going
off in my head. "The vamp must be in the bar," I said as we sat, hoping
my businesslike tone would calm us both. "Move in, or wait?" I itched
to deliver some old-school violence to Charlie's killer's table.
Action, that's what I needed. All this thinking was driving me nuts.
But I knew what Vayl would say.
We waited. We made small talk. We ate. It's all part of the
job, in the end, and we try to do the job well.
Now that I knew the vamp's scent, I could differentiate it
from Vayl's much better than I had at first. It stayed in one place for
another thirty minutes. Then it moved. We'd already paid the check, so
we moved too. Still we almost blew it. Like most vamps, this one came
with an entourage, and the last of the group was stepping into a
glistening black limo when we reached the parking lot.
One of the first lessons I learned at the absence of my
father's knee was that life isn't fair. Sometimes innocent little kids
get stuck with dads who keep leaving and moms who hand out far too many
whippings. And sometimes those are the very kids who grow up to learn
that everybody leaves sooner or later, by chance or by death, and it's
never fair. So, though it wasn't fair at all, it was still true that
the one guy still standing outside the limo possessed the ability to
spot federal agents at a distance of 50 yards. Apparently he also
possessed the ability to deal with them, because he motioned for his
three buddies to leave their seats and join him. They headed our way,
the four of them stopping with about 15 paces left between us—what I
like to refer to as dueling distance.
It felt like the O.K. Corral on steroids. There they stood,
making a formidable first impression even without the Tech-9s they held
casually at their sides. I felt my skin tighten in alarm at the ease
with which they carried those deadly weapons. These were guys who would
shoot first and ask questions never. Why was I ever scared
of the monsters I thought were under my bed? I wondered. These
are the real bogeymen.
Despite the crisp January breeze, the goon who'd spotted us
wore a sleeveless gray T-shirt, exposing massive tattooed biceps.
Beside him stood a tall, red-headed man whose mustache grew down either
side of his lips to his neck and further south until it disappeared
into his chest hair. He had that look in his eye that said, I've
hilled things with shovels and enjoyed it.
A bright red scar split the third man's right cheek into
halves, the knife that had caused it also leaving behind one milky
white eye to remind its owner to dodge a little sooner next time. The
fourth man had Chinese eyes, a Russian weightlifter's physique and an
American biker's goatee. He grinned, revealing a couple of gold teeth,
and pointed a long, sheath-covered fingernail at my chest.
"You got a problem?" he drawled, obviously expecting me to pee
my pants before falling to the ground and groveling like an unworthy
subject of the Emperor. And that was all it took. A new, screw-you
attitude took precedence, trampling my fear under its boots. A highly
dangerous approach, I still found it much easier to bear.
"Well it all goes back to my childhood…" I began, but the
emergence from the limo of a black, high-heeled pump attached to a
shapely, stockinged leg interrupted me.
"I don't like the looks of this," I murmured to Vayl.
He just grunted. He centered on the show now as a second leg
joined the first. Silver sequins glittered as moonlight hit the hem of
her knee-length dress. One elegant hand came out to grasp tattooed
dude's paw and the rest of her finally appeared.
"Hey, look Vayl," I murmured, "it's vampire Barbie."
From her waist-length platinum hair to her surgically enhanced
boobs, she looked like she'd been plucked from some Hollywood
director's fantasy. The neckline of her dress plunged so deeply I hoped
she'd used the extra-strength lingerie tape. Her huge violet eyes
slanted just slightly, enough to give her the exotic look of some
Sheik's plaything.
"Get a load of this," I said, "perfect makeup, perfect nails,
perfect figure—it makes me want to shove her head-first into a steaming
pile of horse crap. Why is it you can never find a mounted policeman
when you need one?"
Vayl had no answers for me. At all. He'd gone still as a
billboard photo.
"Do you know this woman?" I asked him. When he didn't answer,
I shook him. He looked at me, his eyes blank. Dead.
"Who is she?"
"Liliana. My late wife."
Not a day goes by that I don't miss my Granny May. Mom, well
to be honest, I'm kind of relieved she's gone. But her
mother's passing still gets to me, even after three years. Sometimes I
want to see her so badly it's a physical pain. Now I just wished she
was here to prop me up, because damned if I didn't feel dizzy.
I watched Vayl watch Liliana approach us and totally failed to
figure out how he felt about it. I, on the other hand, felt very
clearly that the world had just begun to spin in the opposite
direction. "Your… late… wife?" I whispered.
Vayl nodded, just a slight jerk of his head. "She died. Then
she killed me. Ergo… late wife."
That song started going through my head, the only words I
remembered being the most pertinent at the moment. How
bizarre, how bizarre.
Vayl's voice sounded robotic, a programmed conversational
gambit offering no meaningful detail as he said, "Whatever happens,
Jasmine, do not take off Cirilai." Who? Oh, duh, the ring.
Still basically clueless, I fell back on what Granny May used
to call my 'spider sense.' (She was a big fan of Marvel Comics. Dave
still has her collection.) She had meant my woman's intuition, and even
without my newly honed senses to back it up, it thrummed like a newly
strung web. The rate of thrum increased when Vayl added, "Under no
circumstance should you draw your gun."
Grief, a comforting lump under my jacket, contained some
Bergman-engineered options that would work beautifully on Liliana. And
he didn't want me to pull it? Nuts! Vayl—
His look, foreign and glacial, silenced me. I suddenly felt
"This is not something we can escape through violence," he
said, thawing slightly as I searched his eyes.
"What about through the threat of
His lips twitched. "One cannot encounter you without sensing
that threat. Tonight it should be enough simply for them to know
you are dangerous."
I disagreed. I hated to question Vayl's commitment to me or to
the Agency, but he'd just dropped a big old bomb on me. What else had
he been hiding? Should I, God forbid, mark his name down next to
Martha's on the suspect list?
I felt like I was looking at a portrait as I gazed into his
empty eyes. I'd seen life in them plenty of times, but now I felt
stupid to have assumed his life had anything in
common with my own. He wasn't a monster. I'd seen enough in my time to
recognize the difference. But he wasn't a man either. Could I ever really
know, could I ever really trust
someone so different from me and mine?
Vayl and I stood staring at each other, teetering at either
end of a finely balanced lever. Should I step off? Would he?
"What are you thinking?" he asked.
"That you're up to no good." I sighed. "I hope Granny May was
"About what?"
"About trusting my sp… my intuition."
"Grannies are generally very wise in these matters." Yeah, but mine never met a vampire.
Liliana strode forward, clearly put out that we hadn't
unrolled the red carpet for her dramatic entrance. I gave her a look
meant to be blank.
"Your kitten is bristling," Liliana told Vayl.
"I would not push her," Vayl replied, leaning just slightly on
his cane, "many before you have found her to be more a tigress than a
kitten." Whatever happened to 'Hey, how are you?' 'Long time,
no see.' Apparently you don't have to observe the rules of etiquette
when reuniting with a murderous spouse.
"How did you find me?" Vayl asked, his voice absolutely even.
I took my eyes off the Bad Boys for just a moment to confirm what I had
sensed shaking underneath that silken baritone. Yeah, it was there, in
small movements most wouldn't notice. A lift of the shoulder. A jerk of
the head. The hollowing of a cheek that said he was biting the inside
of it. Vayl was fighting enormous rage, something so big that if he
released it he might never get it all back in the box. Oh boy. I'm in smartass mode and Vayl wants to break
his ex's neck. If we don't play this right they'll be scraping parts of
us off the bumpers of these cars for days.
Liliana flipped a chunk of her long, polyester hair back over
one shoulder. "These surroundings are rather… public, don't you think?"
The smile she gave Vayl could've cured frostbite. "Come into my car."
It wasn't a request.
Vayl's gaze cut her like an arctic wind. "No."
"You owe—"
"I owe you nothing."
She moved so fast her arm was a blur. Vayl caught it just
before her hand connected with his jaw.
"Back off, bitch," I snarled. With no time to draw Grief, I'd
resorted to my primary backup, a wrist sheath loaded with a syringe.
The needle was halfway into her hip before she could look down
to see what was pinching.
A series of mechanical clacks drew my attention to Liliana's
Chinese dude had added a sawed-off shotgun to his arsenal,
pulling it out from behind his long, black coat like a Matrix groupie.
The tattooed wonder and his buds had their guns locked and loaded and
trained on us as well.
"What is in that syringe?" Liliana demanded.
"Slow, painful death by way of holy water," Vayl told her.
"My men can kill her before she depresses it."
"Then I will finish what she has begun. But perhaps you would
prefer to talk?"
Liliana responded with a pretty little pout I was sure she'd
practiced in a mirror before she'd gone out for the evening. "All
right, then," she said. "You always did like to have things your way."
By mutual, unspoken agreement I withdrew the needle and Vayl pushed her
away. The goons let their barrels drop.
"Is that really how you remember our lives together?" Vayl
asked grimly. "Because I have the scars to prove otherwise." Good God,
had Liliana inflicted those marks on Vayl's back?
"You earned every one of them," she said viciously, looking as
if she'd like to hit him again.
"Maybe." For a fleeting moment Vayl's guard fell. His
expression became bleak as a dying man's. Then it was gone, replaced by
cold, hard hate. "Who told you I was here?"
"Why Vayl, it's not like I've been looking for you for the
last 200 years. I could have found you any time I wanted."
He shook his head, his eyes so dark you could imagine walking
right through them and emerging in a whole different universe. "Not
true. Someone tipped you off to my whereabouts."
She tilted her head, her hair forming a little river of silver
behind her. "What makes you so sure I was looking for you?
But I did get your attention, yes? You did enjoy my show?" She inclined
her head towards the restaurant. "I thought you would appreciate the
irony of two sons losing their father."
Vayl's power spiked and the temperature in the immediate area
plummeted. But he didn't reply. If he'd tried, he probably would've
spit sleet in her face.
"You must admit I have improved over the centuries," Liliana
went on. "Once I would have had to sink my fangs into him to kill him.
Now it only takes a scratch." She slid her fingernail against her
creamy white forearm to demonstrate and a thin line of blood rose from
the wound she'd opened. Vayl stared at it, his hand convulsing on the
head of his cane. She stepped closer.
"Do not let her touch you, Jasmine," Vayl commanded. "Just a
drop of her blood mixed with yours will kill you."
Liliana recycled the pout. "Only if I want it to." She gave me
a look I recognized right away. It was Tammy Shobeson, the sequel. I
half expected her to kick me in the shin and call me a sissy pants
crybaby. Her psychic scent hit me again, and the stench of death and
decay backed me up a step. "My dear, there is no need to be afraid. I
won't hurt you… too much." She darted a flirty little smile at Vayl,
but he'd lost his appreciation for cruel humor. And apparently she
blamed me for that. When she met my eyes again I felt like that poor
goat they'd set out to bait the Tyrannosaurus in Jurassic Park. And
that's when I knew she really had come for me. That's also when she saw
my bandage. Her eyes narrowed instantly. My hand flew upward, a
protective gesture I couldn't seem to shake. Her gaze moved to Cirilai.
"Vayl," she said, her voice sort of hollow-sounding, as if she
was speaking from the bottom of a well, "why is this—" she made an
I've-just-seen-a-cockroach face, "eichfin—wearing
your ring? And her neck—have you marked her as well?"
I didn't like that word, "marked." It sounded too much like a
dog raising his leg on its favorite hydrant.
"She is my avhar" said Vayl.
That hit her like a wrecking ball. I had a juvenile desire to
get right in her face, put my thumbs in my ears, wiggle my fingers at
her and sing, "Nah, nah, nah-nah, nah." She lapsed into steaming
silence, made a dismissing motion with her hand, and the four stooges
backed off. Though I was relieved Liliana had elected to delay the war,
I suspected she still meant to wound us. And, like most homicidal
maniacs, she followed the profile to the letter.
"Has Vayl fulfilled his end of the bargain?" Liliana asked me,
her voice as sweet as powdered sugar. She took my silence for the
answer she wanted and went on, "An avhar carries
a great burden and responsibility," she told me. "Therefore she also
receives certain privileges, one of those being the right to know every
detail of her Sverhamin's past."
"Liliana," Vayl growled. The panther prepared to pounce.
"So I just wondered if Vayl has told you about his sons—our
sons—and how he killed them—"
"Enough!" Vayl's voice rang with power.
Somewhere nearby a meteorologist had flipped out because the
temperature had just plunged from 59 to oh-crap-cover-the-oranges. I
shivered as frost coated my eyelashes and my lungs filled with winter.
Liliana's gunmen, not being Sensitives, weren't fairing nearly as well.
They blew into their hands and stomped their feet, and I heard the
Tattooed Wonder say, "I can't feel my nose."
"You four," Vayl barked, "get into the car!" They snapped to
attention, did a quick about-face and marched right into the limo.
"And you," he regarded his former wife like a mongoose facing
a cobra, "get out of my sight, for good this
She bared her fangs and hissed at him, a fairly hilarious
reaction in any other circumstance. "Do not believe this is over," she
warned, "you cannot guard her every moment. You cannot see in every
direction at once. I only have to wait until you blink."
"Harm one hair on her head and I will burn that laughable wig
of yours with your head still in it."
I felt a sudden urge to applaud as Liliana muttered an insult
I couldn't quite translate, my Romanian being limited to "yes," "no,"
and "Where's the bathroom?" But, to my surprise, she did retreat to the
limo. The door slammed shut and it pulled away.
"So," I said, "we're just letting them leave?"
Vayl took hold of my arm. "No, we are letting them think we
let them leave. Come."
We hurried to the Mercedes and pulled into traffic a
comfortable distance behind the limo. Ordinarily this would be an easy
tail considering the make of their ride. But inside our car the
atmosphere was far from relaxed. Finally Vayl said, "I do owe you an
"Just tell me what I need to know to survive this mission. You
can save the rest—"
"—for the plane ride back?" We smiled at each other. "At this
rate we will have to fly to Ohio by way of Portugal." Our shared
laughter eased the tension, and by the time Vayl spoke again he sounded
more like himself.
"I think, first of all, we must face the fact that you have
been the target of these attacks all along."
"I'll buy the first attempt," I said, "but why would they
poison your blood? And why would they call in your
"Think about it. They taint my blood supply, I turn on you and
take yours. All of it."
"That doesn't quite make sense to me. I mean, you didn't, and—"
Vayl stopped me with an irritable shake of his head. "You are
looking at this like a human being, Jasmine. Look at it from a
vampire's perspective."
Vayl stopped, stared hard out the window, and by the time he
met my eyes again I knew we'd made the same leap. Like a couple of kids
on their way to yelling, "Jinx, you owe me a coke!" we chorused, "The
mastermind is a vampire!"
"It makes perfect sense," Vayl rushed on as I tried to gather
my scattered thoughts enough to keep us from crashing into the nearest
electric pole. "A vampire would know that, when faced with a deepening
hunger, I would turn to the nearest possible source of nourishment."
"You make me sound like a granola bar."
"I'm joking, I know it wasn't that way. Go on, go on."
"Most vampires, at least the ones who scoff at the idea of
assimilation, would have drained you without hesitation. This one is, I
believe, no exception. That also explains much better the appearance of
Liliana. Until you, only vampires knew of her connection with me."
"How many knew?" I asked.
His shrug and grimace told me not to get excited. "All of the
Old Ones, who could have told anyone. Everyone Liliana ever consorted
with. I would wager the information is shared by hundreds."
"Including a senator. I mean, that's where we're going with
this, right? I saw Martha right before we left. She was still human
Vayl nodded, "And still is I will wager. But that does not
clear her. It only makes her a potential partner, or patsy, of the
"A senator though? Are we sure we're sober?"
"Remember I told you at the beginning that something seemed
off about this mission?"
"The Committee was supposed to meet with us before we left.
They called it a six-month review. Despite Pete's reassurances that he
and I were happy with your performance, they wanted to ask you a whole
slew of questions. Something about making sure we had made the right
The specter of my past lifted its raggedy head and cackled.
The thought that it might always haunt me felt wretched. I wanted to
crawl into the nearest bed and burrow under the covers until I was just
a lump. Nobody expects anything of lumps. It could be a peaceful
existence. Unless you'd just eaten chili. And I liked chili. Never mind.
"Then, without warning, the senators canceled their interview.
They said this new mission was much too urgent to put off any longer.
Although when I discussed it with Pete he made no mention of a need to
"So what are you getting at?" I asked.
"If the interview had taken place, the undead politician would
have been forced to attend. You are a Sensitive. As soon as you entered
the room you would have pegged the vampire."
"A vampire senator." I shook my head. "Scary. But how did they
figure to pull it off? People in Washington get kind of suspicious when
you only come out at night."
Vayl shrugged. "Technology has befriended the human race; I
imagine there are times when it smiles kindly on vampires as well."
Well, maybe. Or maybe our senator had a double. Public figures
had done the same throughout history. Or maybe he or she was so newly
turned and this plan so quickly hatched that he or she could go a
couple of weeks in the dark without raising suspicion. Bottom line, our
senator had found a way.
I said, "Okay, so at this point we have a dirty plastic
surgeon with terrorist ties allied with a Most Wanted vampire allied
with a senator. You know what this smells like don't you?"
"That son of a bitch is the only one I can think of who could
pull together three such unlikely collaborators."
We both fell silent, thinking about the vamp who would,
according to Pete's prediction, become the nemesis of every government
of every developed country in the world by the end of the decade. If we
could use our current suspects to prove all the suppositions we'd
collected regarding the Raptor and thus justify a hit on him—to say
that the safety and stability of the world would increase exponentially
would not be an overstatement.
The limo ahead of us slowed, searching for parking. It had led
us to South Beach, where the pretty people met to PARTAYYY! Bars,
restaurants, two theatres and a comedy club, all dressed up in Art Deco
and neon, shared the neighborhood with the establishment in front of
which the limo stopped. The place resembled a Jaycees haunted house,
from the rocking tombstones that spelled out CLUB UNDEAD on the fake
granite facade, to the glowing skeletons that hung from the second
floor balcony, to the green lights that outlined the entire building.
Despite the fact that many party hounds still sat at home
whimpering into their doggy pillows, a steady stream of handsome men,
beautiful women, and gorgeous men dressed as women moved up and down
the sidewalks. Braving the unseasonal chill, even more revelers sat
together at the tables that lined the walk, enjoying the company, the
booze, and the cheerful glow that came from twinkle lights lining the
frames of their patio umbrellas.
Lucky for us, Liliana and her goons had to wait in line before
Club Undead's bouncer, a 21st century version of Frankenstein, let them
in. That gave us the slack we needed to secure a parking space in an
open lot just down the street. We left the car and joined the crowd,
sauntering as close to the club as we dared before finding a spot in a
darkened doorway beside a closed deli to make like cuddling lovers.
I stood in the circle of Vayl's arms, fighting distraction.
This whole new spectrum of color had opened up to me, but I couldn't
relish it. I felt like a security guard at the Louvre, forced to watch
the potential thieves when I really just wanted to stare at the Mona
Lisa. As it happened, that lovely little side effect was just the first
in a series of brushstrokes that would eventually reveal an entirely
new picture of my life. The second had just begun to show its shadow, a
creeping feeling of immense imbalance, when Vayl interrupted my inner
"There is something else you need to know." His voice rang
loud, almost strident, in my ear. "I did not kill my sons."
"Do I look that gullible?" I asked. "Geez, Vayl, I don't
believe half the things you say and I trust
I didn't realize he was holding himself rigid until he sighed
and slumped against the wall at his back.
"I was nearly 40," he began as he kept vigil, his chin just
level with my nose. "My boys were almost grown. Hanzi was fifteen. His
brother, Badu, was thirteen." Vayl spoke their names as if they were
holy. "Liliana gave me five children altogether, but Hanzi and Badu
were the only ones to survive infancy. And so… we spoiled them." He
lapsed into silence. I felt my heart break a little for the couple he
and Liliana had been, desperately sad for their lost children,
desperate to make sure their living children survived.
Something near the apex of my aching ribs started to quiver. I
felt like I was about to get a really grim phone call. And though Vayl
was laying out the story of his tragic life for me because some warped
vampire rule said I deserved to know, I knew the feeling wasn't coming
from him.
"They grew wild right in front of my eyes," he continued, "and
by the time I mustered the courage to tame them it was already too
late. They went from teasing dogs with sticks to breaking windows with
stones. When they drove into camp one afternoon in a wagon they had
stolen… I snapped. I raged at them. I whipped them like toddlers. I
forced them to return the wagon with their apologies."
The modern girl in me thought, Vayl's family was
camping? What, were they trying to save on hotel bills? The
next thought, riding a sea of embarrassment, washed over me with the
speed of a tidal wave. They were gypsies.
"What happened?" I asked.
"The farmer they had stolen it from shot them both before they
had a chance to explain."
"Oh, Vayl." I held him tight, and not just because my heart
bled for him. That feeling of wrongness had intensified. The little
girl in me urgently needed a teddy bear. "That's awful," I murmured.
Vayl made a sound in the back of his throat, a primal distress
signal, the kind of sound you might hear from elephants as they mourn
over the bones of lost brothers. "I wanted to kill the man, because I
could not kill myself. I blamed him completely, heaping my own weakness
and self hatred upon him until just shooting him would not be enough. I
wanted him to die slowly, over days, even weeks if possible. I wanted
him to sink into horror as if it were quicksand."
"What…" I swallowed, sick with this nameless feeling of dread,
appalled by Vayl's story, "what did you do?"
"I became the horror." His voice dropped to a whisper. "It was
so easy. My family," he frowned, "my father, my grandparents, you have
discerned by now that they held certain… powers?" I nodded, Cirilai
warming my finger like a living thing. "Though I had never felt the
call to take part in their rituals, I had watched them work all my
life, lifting curses, saving souls. Now I simply did the opposite."
"I took three wooden crosses, profaned by the blood of
murdered men, my own sons in fact. I set them in a triangle and stepped
into its center. I called upon the unholy spirits to send me a vampire."
"They sent him all right. But they made sure he met my wife
"I'm so sorry."
"It was a long time ago, lifetimes ago. There is no need for
you to be sorry."
"Well, I am, but that's not what I was talking about."
"What then?"
"I'm sorry I have to stop you telling a story that was so hard
to start. But we have to go. Now!" I grabbed his
hand and pulled him out of the shadows, onto a sidewalk lit by street
lamps and some other source my new vision appreciated but could not
pinpoint. I led him to the corner where we stood facing a stoplight,
the music from a heavy metal band blatting through the walls of the bar
behind us.
"What is it?" Vayl asked as we waited for traffic to clear.
"Hard to describe." I squeezed his hand, trying to stay calm,
to separate new shades of neon and the screaming street music from the
barely leashed panic that made me feel like jumping out of my skin.
"That song," I finally said, "by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Remember the words?" Oooh
that smell.
"Yes," Vayl said quietly, his eyes darting around the street,
fixing every person, every street sign and park bench in his mind.
"That's it. I'm smelling that smell, the slow descent into
misery and helplessness. And beside that, the scent of vampires.
Something foul is going down behind Club Undead." And I'm
afraid to go look.
But when the light changed we moved. Halfway to an alley that
festered like an infected sore behind all those festive lights and
decorations, I began to cough. The closer we got the more the coughing
turned to gagging. By the time we reached the first dumpster I felt
like someone had locked me in a hot car with a rotting carcass. I puked
beside a trio of dented silver trash cans and wished to God that
Umberto's had shut down before I'd had a chance to eat an entire
plateful of their spaghetti.
I squeezed my eyes shut, more a reflex of the upchuck than a
need to see in the dark, and when I opened them the alley glowed, not
just green now, but muted yellow and blood red as well. God,
what's happening to me?
I stood up, Vayl steadying me as I looked around. Small piles
of garbage huddled next to overflowing trash bins like a bunch of
freshmen who hadn't made the dance squad. Potholes full of greasy water
marked a path down the alley only a staggering drunk could have
followed. A couple of three-legged chairs leaned against a brick wall
under a rusty fire escape. And in the middle of it all stood a vampire
who must have spent part of his past battling Neanderthals and
wrestling mammoths. Long, dark hair and a full beard hid most of his
features. His mountainous frame blocked ninety percent of my view of
the alley behind him. But the man laying at his booted feet showed up
Another vamp knelt beside the prone man, gripping the edges of
his torn shirt as she pulled him toward her bared fangs. I blew out a
disappointed breath when I realized her hair was short, curly and real.
Not Liliana after all.
The moment stretched into another plane, where time froze as
we all tried to plan our next move. My attention riveted on the downed
man, whose slow-blinking, unfocused eyes and blood-soaked collar bore
witness to the attack he'd just survived. Oooh that smell.
I looked at him closely, trying to pinpoint the source of his
The mountain man saw us, and started speaking in Romanian. The
tone was wary but not yet warning. For all he knew, Vayl had simply
decided to duck out of the club for a midnight snack. As Vayl answered,
I tried to unravel the mystery of this pitiful human lying on the
garbage slimed pavement one block from where Miami's beautiful people
met to play. In the words of Granny May, he wasn't right.
Standing this close to him felt like wading through swamp
water. If you could distill the scent of maggots on manure, you might
come close to his odor. But it wasn't body odor or bad breath. The man
definitely bathed and scoped on a regular basis. In fact, for somebody
whose pallor reminded me of a mortician with mono, the guy looked
remarkable, a male model who's made one too many round trips on the
express elevator. The smell of death surrounds you.
His lips moved, though no sound escaped them. He mouthed the
words, 'save me,' then slumped into unconsciousness.
I drew my gun, my forefinger lingering on what I called, to
Bergman's delight, the magic button.
"I'll take the girl," I said, mostly because she looked like a
runner, and I was highly motivated to put some distance between myself
and the man she'd bitten. With my free hand I transferred the car keys
from my pocket to Vayl's. "Do me a favor, when you're finished here.
Take the guy to the hospital. If I had to do it I think my head would
Vayl nodded, taking all his weight off his cane as he and
Mountain Man sized each other up. I pressed the magic button and a
mechanical whir signaled my Walther's transformation. The top quarter
of the barrel opened to reveal a sheaf of thin wooden bolts no wider
than a shish kebob skewer. Metal wings snapped open from each side of
the barrel, the action also dropping a bolt into the chamber and
cocking the metallic bow string that could send it flying nearly as
fast and true as a bullet.
Vampirella gaped at me as I raised my weapon. She said, "You
would not dare!"
"Yes," I said, "I would."
"I have done nothing wrong! I have a right to feed!" she
responded, her voice shrill. She sprang to her feet, pulling the man up
with her. He blinked, tried to focus, gave up and passed out again. The
bloodstain on his shirt spread as the wound on his neck began to bleed
again. My hand started to shake as his scent rolled over me.
"You have no rights," I told her, trying desperately to dodge
a wave of nausea. It hit me anyway, and the effort it took not to gag
brought tears to my eyes. I blinked them away, talking fast, aiming
high. "On the other hand, I have several, including the right to shoot
vampires with an unwilling donor's blood on their fangs."
Screaming with frustration, she picked the man up and threw
him at me. Heavy as a side of beef, he hit me hard and I went down
under him, feeling like I'd fall forever, knowing there was no escaping
the living death that oozed over me like a flood of yellow pus.
I yelled and flailed at the inert weight holding me down, as
panicked as if I was truly drowning.
The blackness came in a buzzing rush, and for the first time I
reached out to it, thankful, ready to embrace it. Then the man's weight
left me. I breathed fresh air, air tinged with the ice of Vayl's power.
The man lay in a crumpled heap twenty feet away. Vayl stood over me,
slashing at the male vamp with his cane. I looked for the female,
trying to force my brain into motion.
Vayl moved and I sat up, feeling stupid and stunned. I
retrieved Grief from where it had fallen beside me. I stood, stumbled
off in the direction she must have taken, only years of training
keeping me on my feet.
I heard a door click shut. Nothing was automatic. I had to
tell my body to move toward the door. I concentrated on the handle,
ordered my fingers to wrap around it and pull.
Inside, the thick, hot air pulsed to the beat of latin dance
music. The door snapped shut behind me and I sprang forward, the sudden
rush of energy that replaced the nausea propelling me into the dancing
crowd. I slid the hand holding Grief inside my jacket and followed the
wake my quarry's passage had created. Winding my way between pale young
thrill seekers and their immortal lovers, feeling myself come alive
again, I could hardly tell the real vamps from the pretenders. And
plenty of both filled all three tiers of Club Undead's multi-colored
dance floor. Leashed power sizzled and popped like cooking bacon, and I
knew more than one of these bored rich kids would get burned tonight.
In fact, one already had. He probably still lay in the alley like an
abandoned lounge chair.
Who was he? What godawful horror crawled through his veins,
exuding a stench that could knock me out like a glass-jawed boxer?
Could it be that cancer had sunk its claws into him? I didn't think so.
Hundreds of people had crossed my path tonight. Some of them must've
been fighting the big C. But they hadn't shown up on my radar.
The mystery of the man's existence and the effect he had on me
distracted me as I slogged toward the door. I didn't see Liliana or her
goons, though I should've been looking for them. And I nearly missed
Assan talking to his vampire accomplice, Aidyn Strait. They stood at
the bottom of an ornate wrought iron staircase drinking and laughing,
looking like they'd just figured out a foolproof way to rip off Fort
I averted my face as they headed upstairs, which was when I
caught sight of Vampirella heading out the door. Frankenstein met me
just outside. "Hey!" he bellowed as I tried to push past him, "I don't
remember letting you in."
"You don't smell like Frankenstein at all," I said as I pulled
out Grief, shoved it against his chest and fired. "You smell like
A new wave of nausea hit me, but not as hard as before. Lucky
for me my gal's trail led away from Nightmare Alley. I followed her at
speed, hoping for an open shot, finding none.
After running hard for several blocks, dodging partiers and
pedestrians, she surprised me by stopping suddenly. She stood outside a
lamp store, the light from the front windows throwing sparkling
highlights onto her hair. Like an A-list actress, she oozed confidence.
Somewhere between here and the alley she'd pulled herself together and
the realization stopped me in my tracks.
She smiled and I liked her immediately. Her charm could melt
glaciers. She might actually be the cause of global warming. I smiled
back; how could I resist? Though the spike in her power told me her
charisma ran on batteries, I lowered Grief, resisting the urge to drop
"That man back there, with the blood on his shirt, who is he?"
I asked, wishing I dressed as stylishly as this beauty with her
knee-length boots, short denim skirt and silky red blouse.
"He is a friend of mine," she replied. "His name is Derek
I nodded. "He's very sick, you know. Probably dying."
Her smile wavered, seeming to shrink along with the rest of
her. "Bad blood," she whispered. "Aidyn, you son-of-a-bitch, what have
you done to me?"
Now I knew where I'd seen her. She'd been the small half of
the couple on last night's helicopter. I should've recognized her and
Mountain Man right away. I could blame my lapse on Derek Steele's
sickening effect on me, but excuses are for wimps. I really should've
noticed. Between this, the wrecked Lexus and the impulsive kiss, I may
have just struck out. And I didn't even have a free afternoon to wallow
in self-pity. At least I had my new friend.
I said, "I thought all vamps could smell bad blood."
"Not me. Not Boris," she said bitterly.
"So Aidyn set you up, huh? You must be part of his 'final
experiment.' But it'll just make you sick, right? I mean, ultimately,
you should be fine." I really wanted her to feel better. "Think about
it logically. You must mean something to Aidyn. He wouldn't bring you
here just to kill you."
"Not for himself. But he would do it for Edward." Her voice
dropped to a whisper as she worked it out. "Edward must have burned
inside that Boris and I rejected his proposals. But he never showed it.
Not once."
"Edward sounds like a real shit," I offered.
Her head jerked in agreement. "I need an avhar,"
she whispered.
I was so honored. But maybe she had a different definition
than Vayl. "What would an avhar do for you?" I
Her smile returned, switched to high-beam, her fangs making
her look more deadly than a pissed off biker chick. "She would be a
dearly loved companion," Vampirella explained. "She would watch over me
if I should fall ill and protect me, perhaps even from myself."
She took a step toward me. "You could be
my avhar. I feel… so close to you already." What a sweet thing to say! I waved my
hand in front of my face like a dizzy southern belle. "I'm so
flattered!" I said, feeling like I'd just won the Congressional Medal
of Honor, also feeling her power pulse against my skin like a warm
waterfall. "But I don't think I'd do you much good."
"Oh?" She cocked her head sideways, her dimples making her
resemble a tree sprite, "and why is that?"
"Because I can't be trusted. See, I feel so close to you, like
we're best friends. But last year my best friend was killed by a
vampire. In fact, I thought she was fully dead until she came to visit
me three nights after her funeral. And though I loved her like a
sister, and though I was strangely happy to see her, I had made her a
promise before she turned, one I couldn't bring myself to break," I
raised Grief and took aim, "which was why I killed her anyway."
I shot Vampirella through the heart before she could move. And
as I watched the breeze disperse her remains I whispered, "And that's
what I couldn't tell Cole. Why David can't bear the sight of me. Why my
brain gets stuck on replay every once in awhile. With friends like me,
there really is no need for enemies."
I pushed the magic button, stowed Grief inside my jacket and
hoofed it back to Club Undead in time to see Liliana and the Liliettes
climb back into the limo minus Scarface. Aidyn Strait had joined them,
making chummy with Liliana like they were long lost pals. I started to
go for my car, realized it was gone. Vayl had carried Derek Steele off
to the hospital in it, leaving me temporarily stranded.
"Derek Steel." I snorted. "Sounds like the hero in a really
raunchy Harlequin novel." Only none of those heroes ever found
themselves donating blood in dark alleyways. As if opening a
vein in the comfort of your putrid pink hotel room makes you better
"No, I'm no hero." A couple of die-hard fun-seekers gave me a
strange look as they passed by. Great. Now I'm standing out
in a crowd. Man, am I slipping.
It did feel that way, like all the layers I'd managed to
stitch together to form my so-called life had shifted. Now nothing
seemed to line up. I suddenly felt ancient, a tired old antique rusting
on the sidewalk along with the metal trash cans. My knees quivered with
the effort it took to hold myself up. Drained, as if a bad flu had
grabbed me and shaken me till my brain rattled, I decided to find a
better place to collapse than on the corner of Washington Avenue. I
hailed a cab and slid in, giving the driver, who looked like he'd just
gotten off el raft-o Cubano, directions to one of our backup hidey
holes. I called Vayl on my cell phone.
"Jasmine?" He answered on the first ring. Only people who care
answer on the first ring. The thought made me tear up. Which made me
want to slap myself. What had happened to the thick-skinned agent who
yelled at old ladies and stonewalled handsome young admirers?
"Jeremy, I'm beat." My bruised ribs and cut lip began to ache,
as if even I needed proof before I could give myself a break. "I'm
going to crash at the condo until you're finished with your business.
Can you pick me up there?"
"Is everything… okay?"
"Fine," meaning he'd handled his vamp easily. Good.
"We are just pulling up to the Emergency Room. I will probably see you
in an hour."
"Sounds good. Drive safe."
He sighed, knowing I really meant, "Take care of my Mercedes."
We hung up and I spent the rest of the drive wondering exactly
what kind of world had just opened up to me. It was as if my senses,
two of them at least, had undergone a major upgrade. I could see a
whole new spectrum of light. And I could sense great imbalances in
human health. Now if I could only hear through brick walls I'd make a
great sideshow for Barnum & Bailey.
The cab dropped me at the Star One Resort, a multi-level
apartment building right on the beach. Most of the apartments were
time-shares. So if I ran into anybody in the commons or the elevator,
they wouldn't raise an eyebrow at the presence of a stranger.
The lock on the door looked intimidating. A metal-faced number
pad with a digital readout prevented easy access, unless you had the
right fingerprint. I did. I pressed my thumb on the small sensor pad
next to the latch. The tumblers tumbled and I stumbled in, swinging the
door shut behind me.
The room looked much better than the Bubblegum Bordello. The
walls had been painted off-white. Evie would've called it something
romantic like Ivory Lace. The chocolate brown furniture felt like
velvet and the dark gold carpet complimented the gold fleur-de-lis in
the red wine curtains. I opened them and saw a small balcony
overlooking the ocean. Nice view if you had the time to enjoy it.
I shucked my shoes and plopped onto the couch, promising
myself to try out the matching chair and ottoman before I left. And
maybe, yeah, maybe if dawn caught us here I'd explore garden too. It
was on the roof and easily accessed from the bedroom by means of a
stairway that hid behind the closet door. That extra escape route was
what had sold us on the place. Never mind waiting till dawn. I'll just rest here
for a minute, then I'll check out the garden. I closed my
eyes, breathing deeply the smells of recycled air (just the right
temperature) and apple-cinnamon plug-ins.
I admit it. I blew it. I should've stayed awake, done some
brain-storming, solved the mystery and gotten myself a Scooby Snack.
Instead my sleep-deprived bod yelled, "Break time!" and all systems hit
I dream vividly every time I sleep. Even my power naps remind
me of Super Bowl commercials. This time I dreamed of Granny May, not as
I remembered her, wearing faded jeans and bulky sweaters that made her
extra huggable. But as I imagined her, winged and haloed, living it up
with a distinguished old saint who also dug popcorn and Frank Sinatra
We talked like a couple of beauticians, and she said a lot of
things I couldn't recall later on, though I knew they were important. I
do remember a feeling of deep, resounding contentment, the kind you
mostly lose after the age of six. Then her face took on a look I
recognized, but not from her. Suddenly she resembled my mom when I was
about to hear the words, "Grounded for life!" The contentment fled and
I began to feel a familiar prickling sensation in my fingers and toes.
"It's not your time," Granny May snapped, "wake up!"
I opened my eyes. I stood. I damn near saluted. I guess it's
true that old habits die hard. So do old field agents. As soon as I
recognized my magical alarm had not been dreamed I spun to face the
source of the power that had tripped it.
The balcony doors flew open and I could actually see the glass
shivering as the doorframe hit the wall. In walked Vayl's former wife.
"You sure know how to make an entrance," I said. I sounded
calm, amused. It was a total scam, and the scowl on Liliana's face told
me she'd bought it. Good. It might give me a couple of extra steps when
I turned to run. Okay, if I turned to run. I
hadn't made up my mind on that yet.
"So do you. I think everyone at Club Undead saw you stumble
through that doorway. Are you still drunk?"
"Probably." Shit! I was like the Texas
Hold'em pro all the amateurs enjoy beating. My tells were obvious
enough to be noted, to attract a shadow, most likely Scarface. Is
it time for a vacation?
I think Liliana badly wanted to call me a candy-ass, but just
didn't have the phrase at the tip of her tongue. So she went straight
to the point.
"You have something that belongs to me." She'd suddenly
developed an accent. She must really be pissed. I
snuck a look at my watch. Vayl might be on his way, but he wouldn't get
here in time to back me up, much less save me. And I didn't much savor
the thought of him scraping me off the carpet. What to do,
what to do? My nerves were running around like earthquake
victims, screaming hysterically and ramming into each other, causing no
end of damage and helping me not one damn bit.
"Everything I have is mine," I told her. Wrong thing to say.
Her eyes, including the whites, turned the bright red of fresh blood.
Her hands twitched and I realized those perfect, store-bought nails
doubled as covers for retractable claws. They grew, even as I watched,
to letter-opener length, and I imagined they'd slice through skin just
as easily as they'd cut paper.
"That is where we fundamentally disagree." She moved forward
and to her left, intending to block my exit. Evidently she couldn't
visualize me jumping off the balcony. It seemed like a bad plan to me
as well. My adrenaline had already deserted me. I'm so
tired. Almost too tired to be scared. Almost, almost, almost—
"I don't know what you mean," I replied. As she moved I did
too, maintaining the distance between us as I inched closer to the
bedroom door.
"Cirilai." She pointed to the ring on my right hand, her claws
shaking with the force of her anger. "It is mine."
"Vayl told me his family made it for him."
"I am his family!" she spat. "It is my
right to wear Vayl's ring!" She took a step forward and I pulled Grief.
It was still in gun mode, but it stopped her. For now. So, of course, I
egged her on.
"You're not his wife anymore, Liliana. You're not even his avhar.
The ring is mine, and I'm keeping it."
She screamed. Like a banshee. On uppers. Caught in a vice.
I shot her as she charged. Three times, bam, bam,
bam in a nice tight pattern in the chest. Bright red blood
spattered the wall behind her as she fell backwards. She hit the dining
room table on her way down. It teetered and crashed sideways under the
impact. I used the extra time it gave me to turn and run. Should've nailed her with a bolt, I
chastised myself, Should've pressed the magic button, Jaz.
I should've, but I hadn't, and there was no time now to figure out why.
My bare feet hardly touched the carpet as I sprinted for the
bedroom door. Liliana's screams and growls spurred me on. I made it
through the door, slammed and locked it before she could reach me. It
was a closer race than I'd thought. Just after the bolt shot home she
banged into the door, making it shiver on its hinges. I got a sudden
vision of a Liliana-shaped indentation on the other side and laughed.
That brought on another scream of rage and a series of attacks on the
door that would eventually shatter it. I headed for the closet and the
stairs it hid.
I threw that door open and charged up the cold, concrete
stairs, taking them two at a time. Another door, sturdy and metal with
a bar across its middle that reminded me of the entry way to my high
school's old gym, stood at the top. I hit it flying. For a millisecond
I thought it might be locked and pictured myself bouncing off the
handrail and down the steps like a bird who's just smacked into a third
story window. But the door opened easily, leading me out to the most
amazing rooftop I'd ever encountered.
My first, brief impression of the garden was a feeling of
bursting into fairyland. White lights had been strung in potted trees
and along the latticework walls that divided the rooftop into numerous
small rooms. Somewhere running water accompanied the sound of my
breathing. It smelled like spring, but my toes curled against the cold
night air and goosebumps rose like tiny mountain ranges along my arms.
A quick hunt bagged me a concrete bench whose top wasn't
attached to its legs. I lugged the seat to the door and wedged it under
the handle so that it couldn't be depressed. Maybe it would hold
Liliana long enough for me to make a clean getaway.
My escape route required me to cross to the other side of the
roof, so I walked through the garden rooms as quickly as I could,
avoiding tables and benches where people would sit with their morning
coffee when this cold spell snapped, never knowing the story unfolding
on this very spot.
Liliana's power snapped at my heels like a pit bull at the
edge of its chain. It reminded me of Umberto's, and I sure didn't want
to be the next poor schmuck to keel over in a plate of linguini. I
rushed through arbors thick with vines. I slipped past statues of
angels, wind chimes that swayed dangerously close to song, an empty
concrete bird bath that looked abandoned and forlorn. I'd made it about
halfway across the roof when Liliana's power peaked and a sudden,
explosive noise halted me.
Liliana's voice hit the air like a jet engine. "I am not just
going to kill you!" She screeched. "I am going to tear your chest open
and drink the blood directly from your beating heart!"
"That's just gross, Liliana. Didn't your poor, dead mama ever
teach you any manners?"
I slipped to another section of the roof as she tracked my
voice. Hopefully I could play mouse to her cat long enough to find the
twin to the door she'd just destroyed. Then I'd run some more. The
thought made me want to break something.
I could confront her, of course, maybe even smoke her if she
wasn't too fast or too strong. If my aim was true. But I realized,
though I wanted to kill her, I couldn't. Vayl should be the one to
finish her.
I found the door, framed by hanging baskets, and gently
depressed the handle. Nothing happened. It was locked. Holy
crap, I'm trapped on top of an eight story building with a homicidal
Liliana's power settled on me like a thick fog. I began to
sweat as I waded through it, somehow managing to reach the fire escape
without making a noise. When I grabbed the rails to start my descent, I
looked down and saw Liliana's limo parked under a streetlight. I only
saw the car, but I couldn't believe she'd sent her goons home for the
evening. Were they all huddled inside with the heat cranked, still
trying to regain the warmth Vayl had stolen from them earlier? Were
they guarding my escape routes, waiting to grab me the moment I thought
I was free? Why hadn't Liliana brought them up with her? It seemed
almost… fair.
No, not fair—confident. She was just that sure one puny woman
couldn't stand against her amazing super powers. She hadn't brought
reinforcements because she simply saw no point.
I decided my best bet was to circle back to the door I'd come
through. I managed to find my way through a maze of potted shrubs and
outdoor furniture without making a sound. Part of the twisted remains
of a hammock peeked out from beneath the blown door, and the opening it
had left beckoned. I'd just decided to run for it when her voice froze
"I thought you might come back here." Shit! I wanted to bang my head against
the wall, but figured that was a part of Liliana's overall plan and
decided to leave it to her.
I turned around, my Lucille mask firmly in place.
She held out her hand, her smile both condescending and
triumphant. Three dark blotches on her chest were all that remained of
the bullets I'd fired. "The ring," she said, wiggling her fingers to
make me move faster.
She had me on strength, speed and pure evil intent. I'm sure
she expected me to cringe and shuffle. Which is why my kick swept right
up the center of her body without a block, or even a delay. It
contacted her beneath the chin, driving her head backwards and breaking
her jaw from the sound of it. Off-balance and staggering on her too
high heels, Liliana's only move was to reach forward, try to regain her
balance. I couldn't allow that.
I kicked her three times in quick succession, contacting her
high on the chest, moving her backwards several steps each time. When
her heels hit the lip of the roof I jump-kicked her right over the
side. She fell loud and long, her body making a spectacular
watermelon-under-the-sledgehammer whump when it
hit the pavement.
Oh no, it wasn't over. People wouldn't be willing to pay such
a high price for immortality if it didn't come with some major perks.
Her screaming might have stopped when her body met asphalt, and she'd
be in no shape to demand anything more of me tonight, but she'd heal.
Quickly. Bed rest and fresh blood would put her back on her feet by
tomorrow night. But for tonight, I had won.
I peered over the edge of the roof. The headlights from a
couple of stopped cars lit the scene like something out of a Hitchcock
movie. Liliana's body sprawled on the street, twisted and disjointed as
a scarecrow's. One driver yelled into his cell phone while the other
checked her pulse. Liliana's car pulled up, screeching to a halt from
its short trip around the block. All four goons piled out and went to
Two held off the protesting drivers with handguns while the
others grabbed the unconscious vamp by the wrists and ankles and
carried her to the car, reminding me of the deer Albert and Dave used
to haul out of the woods after a good morning's hunt. They'd barely
gotten her stowed and driven off into the night when sirens announced
the arrival of cops who, having seen damn near everything, would
probably believe every detail of the drivers' stories.
Considering the noise we'd made in the room before coming to
the roof, I decided even my I.D. might not stand between me and a visit
to the police station. Not a comfy thought with Vayl due any minute and
dawn following him like a stray dog.
I ran down the stairs, gritting my teeth against the pounding
my poor feet were taking. When I got to the room I went straight to my
socks, pulled them on and wrapped my jacket around my feet before
punching into my phone the special combination of numbers that would
provide me with some semblance of privacy while I talked. Ignoring the
blood spatters on the wall, I stared hard at the drawer pull on the end
table next to my chair while I waited for an answer. I got one on the
12th ring.
"Pete? It's Jasmine."
"Don't tell me you wrecked another car."
Medium pause. I heard rustling, probably him checking out his
bedside clock because the next thing he said was, "Do you know what
time it is?"
"Not really."
Silence. I half expected him to start snoring.
"So why did you call at nearly four in the morning?"
"I didn't wreck the car."
"Spit it out, Jaz."
I winced. "Please don't yell at me."
"I'm not yelling."
"I know. But you might be. Soon."
"If you don't start passing on some real information soon I'm
going to yell at my wife. Then you'll have guilt."
I ran a hand through my hair and got Cirilai caught in some
tangles. As I tried to free myself I said, "I pushed a vamp off a roof
"Not part of the mission, but acceptable."
"Not really. The cops are coming up here soon, and they're not
going to believe I'm innocent when they see the bloodstains."
"I shot her first, here in the room. And her goons came and
took her away while I was still on the roof, so I have no proof she and
I fought."
"Your badge—"
"—could be faked. I don't have the time to talk myself out of
this situation, Pete. Dawn's coming."
"All right, let me talk to them."
"I heard sirens. They'll be here in a sec. In the meantime—"
"Don't you dare sing me a lullaby."
"I wouldn't dream of it. I just wanted you to know, we think
one of the senators on our oversight committee might be dirty."
"They're politicians, Jaz. It kind of goes with the territory."
"You're tired, I get it." I told him about our suspicions,
wondering how much really sunk in. The guy might actually still be
asleep. Dave could do that, carry on a perfectly logical conversation
with you in the middle of the night and then not remember anything
about it the next day because he'd been mostly asleep the whole time.
"Pete, are you awake?"
"Yes, Jasmine, I'm awake. It's your fault too, I want you to
remember that."
"Believe me, I will. And, um, we've got the senator thing
covered from here, okay? If you get nosy and get yourself killed I'm
gonna have to put your kids through college or something, so do me a
favor and steer clear."
"You know, last week Ashley was talking about getting her
Ph.D. at Yale, so I have to say I'm a little tempted. But don't worry.
There's a reason I hire the best." Wow. If only I deserved that remark.
"Hang on, somebody's at the door."
I opened it mid-knock. The cop on the other side looked
slightly stunned that I'd responded so quickly. Even more so when I
handed him my badge and the phone and said, "It's for you."
He took it like it might be rigged to blow, and held it about
six inches from his ear. "Hello?" he said while his partner hung back,
his Glock out but pointing at the floor for the moment.
The first cop listened for awhile and when he gave me an
amused look, I relaxed. When he chuckled I started to fume. No doubt
Pete was telling him all about my tendency to leave a trail of wrecked
cars and blood-spattered walls that a blind dog with a cold could
"Did she really?" asked the cop. He laughed louder and
motioned for his partner to listen in on the call. All told, Pete kept
them entertained for another three minutes and 25 seconds while I
leaned against the wall and timed them. At 3:26 the cop handed me the
phone and my badge.
"He wants to talk to you," he said, then he nodded, headed out
the door and down the stairs with his partner close behind.
"I take it I'm off the hook," I said as I shut the door.
"No problem."
We hung up. Since my toes still felt like icicles, I went into
the bathroom, shucked my socks, plugged the tub and ran in enough hot
water to soak my feet. I could see the front door from where I sat, so
I was aware of the chiseled marble look on Vayl's face when he entered
the condo a few minutes later. That all changed when he saw the blood
on the walls.
"Dear Christ!" He staggered sideways, caught his balance on
the stove and pulled his phone from his pocket with shaking fingers.
"Jasmine, be all right. Please be all right," he whispered as he
dialed, his face suddenly very human, and extremely worried. He jumped
about three inches off the floor when my phone rang. I answered it.
"Make it quick," I said, "there's somebody else in the condo
with me and he looks alarmed."
He didn't say a word, just dropped his phone, came over and
picked me up off the edge of the tub. It's a little disconcerting being
dangled effortlessly. Plus, I generally equate bear hugs with
lumberjacks and friendly purple dinosaurs, not with suave, sexy
vampires who savor a daily dose of necking.
"I thought you were dead," he said.
Ah, that explained the momentous show of affection. "So you
knew Liliana was coming after me?"
"I… had a feeling." I let his evasion stand for now. But in my
mind I drew the line. One more and I would raise hell. Or, smarter but
less satisfying, ask him to come clean. He let me slip through his arms
until my feet touched the carpet. But he wasn't quite ready to let go.
"I am sorry that I left you. I suspected she would come after you, only
not so soon. She has always coveted Cirilai, first because she was my
wife and thought she deserved it. Then because our sons were dead and
she thought I did not."
"So… you've never… taken it off before?"
"No. Not for Liliana. Not for anyone. Until now."
I started to squirm and he let me pull away slightly. Okay,
don't panic. Every time you panic all hell breaks loose so do-not-panic.
"You're right, she came for the ring," I told him. "She
demanded it from me."
"What did you do?"
"I shot her. Then I pushed her off the roof."
He smiled. Not the twitchy twitch but a genuine, full-face
smile. "You must have really wanted that ring."
I put my hands on his chest, because he still held me by the
arms and, frankly, because I suspected there might be hyperventilating
in my not too distant future and I needed a strong base to lean on. I
looked into his remarkable eyes, just now a warm, honey-gold with
flecks of amber, and I nodded.
"To be honest, I did want it. I do. I'm… I can't explain how
honored I am to be wearing it. But, also to be honest, the whole deal
terrifies me."
I took a long look at the stitching on his collar, the urge to
cower my way out of this conversation damn near primal. He and I had
been tiptoeing around the subject so long I suspected if I made us face
it squarely, one of us would be required to cut and run. A perfectly
acceptable reaction if you had a place to retreat to. Neither of us did.
"I've only been your assistant, your avhar, for awhile," I
finally said, avoiding his gaze, "and I can't imagine any other kind of
life. When you gave me this ring… when I gave you my blood… it's… we've
gone beyond that. We're trusting the safety of our souls to each other."
He raised my chin with a gentle finger and I winced as our
eyes met. The look we shared pained me in its naked honesty.
"You are my avhar. I am your sverhamin.
The intensity of that relationship has taken us beyond the bonds
between co-workers or teammates. Some would call that love."
I winced again.
"But you would not have it so." He squeezed my arms, put one
of his arms around my back. "It is no secret. You have experienced the
heaven and hell of love."
"But, see, the hell came last, so that's still the memory, the
feeling, that lingers. For a long time I tried to come up with some way
to explain how I felt because Evie kept pushing me to put it into
words. She thought, somehow, that would make it all better. But I
couldn't tell her I felt like I should be bleeding from every pore. I
couldn't tell her I felt like I'd been flayed alive, that when I looked
in the mirror every morning I couldn't believe my hair hadn't turned
white overnight. It just wasn't close enough to the truth. So I didn't
say anything at all."
"I understand." He whispered it into my hair. And I believed
"There's only so much a person can go through, Vayl."
He pulled me closer. "There is only so much a person can go
through alone. But I am not asking you to do anything you cannot bear.
I have eternity, Jasmine. I can wait until your feelings are no longer
"It may be awhile. My feelings for you… it's hard to be okay
with them when my love for Matt is still fresh in my memory, still
strong in my heart."
If my statement had hurt him, he didn't show it. He said, "My
father used to say that true love never dies. It simply makes your
heart big enough to hold even more love."
"So… I can keep the ring?"
I drove Vayl back to the Pink Palace, leaving the room
cleaning chores to the experts. The Agency employs a whole fleet of
them for obvious reasons. We made it inside with barely 20 minutes to
spare before dawn.
"You look exhausted," Vayl said as he eased my jacket off my
shoulders and hung it over a chair. I had something intelligent to say
about that, but then he started rubbing the back of my neck and all I
could say was, "Oh."
"I know I should let you sleep, but I am so relieved Liliana
did not kill you, I cannot take my eyes off of you."
"You're relieved! When she caught me
trying to make my getaway I thought I was toast."
"And that young man I took to the hospital. His blood smelled
so wrong, I was afraid just being close to him had damaged you
"Yeah, what the hell do you think is up with him?"
"I have no—"
My phone began to ring. This close to dawn it couldn't be good
news and I hated to answer it. But Vayl retrieved it from my jacket and
tossed it to me.
"Yeah?" I barked.
"It's Bergman. I'm in Florida, but I've gotta sleep. Do you
need me tonight or can I meet you tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow's good."
"Where do I look for you?"
"Hang on." I covered the mouthpiece. "It's Bergman," I told
Vayl. "Do you know of a good place he and I can meet tomorrow?"
He thought a moment, then his eyes lit. "Actually, I do." He
gave me the address and I passed it on to Bergman, along with an
agreeable time. When we hung up I said, "So where are we meeting?"
Vayl looked vaguely embarrassed, like I'd just caught him and
his pals plotting to stroll on over to the Silver Saddle, where girls
dance mostly naked and all the drinks taste like sour lemonade.
"The place is called Cassandra's Pure and Natural, after the
woman who runs it. It is a small health food store."
"Nice front," I drawled, getting more and more annoyed at
Vayl's hesitation. Hadn't we just had a major moment? What the hell was
he hiding? "And if you pay Cassandra a little extra?" I asked.
"She will take you upstairs and give you a reading."
"A… what?"
"She is psychic. She will touch your hand or read your tea
leaves or deal your tarot. Whatever you like."
I slumped onto a couch and started to mutter. "Unbelievable.
After what just happened between us… no, I don't have any right. None
at all. We're barely a couple. We're not even sleeping together. I have
"What in God's name are you babbling about?"
I jumped to my feet. "You're cheating on me!"
Vayl's eyes went black. He looked like a drill sergeant about
to demand pushups. "I—never—cheat," he said slowly and distinctly, so
even we neurotic idiots could understand.
"Then what's with the attitude?"
"What about your attitude?"
I slapped myself in the forehead. "Okay, fine. We all know I
am crappy at relationships. Whatever is happening between you and me
makes me feel like I'm surfing in shark infested waters. So, yeah, I am
overly sensitive at the moment, even paranoid. But you're acting Shifty!"
Vayl sat across from me. "All right," he murmured, "if you
will know it all, then I will tell you." He looked at me balefully.
"Though I think you ask too much, you are my avhar."
"There is a theory," he began, "one I hold dear, that says
nothing can truly be destroyed. Everything that was ever present will
always be present in some form. That is as true of souls as it is of
water and wood." He cleared his throat. If he'd been wearing a tie he'd
have loosened it. "I believe my sons exist somewhere today as they did
in 1751. I believe they live, physically, somewhere in this world and
so, wherever I go I find a Seer, in the hope that I will be directed
closer to them. In the hope that I will see them again."
"You're saying… you think they've been reincarnated?"
He nodded. "I have been told we will be reunited in America.
It is why I came here."
"What… what do you," I paused. How to ask this without causing
more pain? "So you want to meet them? Make friends? Be… a father to
"I am their father!" he snapped. "That
is the one, incontrovertible truth of my existence."
I shut my mouth. Then I opened it again, but only to say,
"Cassandra's is fine."
He stood up. "Ask her about the signs they found on Amanda
Assan's brother's body. She studies ancient languages the way you
shuffle cards." As in, obsessively. "It may take her some time, but she
will not stop until she finds a translation."
"Dawn is coming."
He shoved his hands in his pockets. At the moment there
couldn't have been a bigger gap yawning between us if we'd been
standing on opposite sides of the Pacific. I was sorry for it. And
grateful. "Well," he said, "good night."
"Good night."
He moved so silently I wouldn't have known he entered his
bedroom and closed the door unless I'd been watching. If vampires
dreamed, and if it would be a comfort to him, I hoped he would dream of
his sons.
"I'm having a hard time getting the wife to cooperate." Cole
had managed to keep my business card safe from the ravages of the
washing machine. Obviously his guardian angel had dropped the ball. Too
bad it hadn't landed on Cole's head. A bout of amnesia could've turned
events in a safer direction for him. As it stood, he'd kept his word
and approached Amanda Assan with our plan. Needless to say she was less
than enthusiastic.
"No kidding?" I checked my watch. It was 2:00 in the
afternoon. I'd only been up an hour and already I was irritated. And
not just because of the nightmares that had stalked my sleep, or
because Cole had ignored my advice. True to form, Evie had followed
through and left the number of Albert's nursing agency on my voice
mail. I'd called them and they'd told me I'd have to put him on a
waiting list. They had recommended another group in the meantime, and
I'd given them a call. But it bothered me to hire blind like that, not
knowing a place's reputation. No choice, though. I sure wasn't going to
make Evie do any back-checking in her condition and frame of mind. When
I had a spare minute I'd do it myself. Meantime, Albert would be
breaking in a new nurse named Shelby Turnett any minute now. I'm not
big into prayer, but I did send up a wish that she had thicker skin
than mine. She'd need it.
Now this. Trying to gain cooperation without threat leverage
always annoys the hell out of me. People are just too willing to say no.
"Did she say why?" I asked.
"She was putting her jewels in the safe last night when he
caught her checking out the contents of a small duffel bag she
remembered he'd brought back with him from India. When she asked him
about it he told her to mind her own damn business. Then he ordered her
to stay in the house for the next week. She had to sneak in her phone
call to me. Apparently she's not allowed to talk to anybody either." A
spurt of rage made me grit my teeth. I calmed myself with the reminder
that soon Amanda Assan would be a free woman.
Cole went on. "She also said one of their houseguests had to
go to the emergency room last night and for some reason Assan was more
enraged than worried. Long story short, he's on a rampage and everybody
in the house is kissing his ass until further notice."
"There's got to be a way to get a peek inside that duffel bag.
I wouldn't mind checking out the sick houseguest either. Did she say
where they'd taken him? Or was it a her?" He took so long to answer I
thought we'd been cut off. "Hello?"
"I just had a thought and I'm feeling like an idiot for not
thinking it before."
"What's that?"
"I have pictures of everyone Assan's talked to in the last two
weeks." Cole speeded up as he began to get excited. "Amanda hired me as
the new pool boy so she and I could talk without making Assan
suspicious. I might have a picture of that houseguest. And if Assan's
meeting with terrorists I might have the pictures to show which ones!" Oh baby!
"I'm supposed to clean the pool today," Cole went on. "Why
don't you come with? You could meet me at my office and take a look at
the pictures first. Then we could go to Assan's together. We'll both do
the pool work, then I'll go to the kitchen, now that I know where it
is," he paused and I could tell he was smiling, "and distract the cook
while you snoop around. What do you say?"
"This could be incredibly dangerous for you, Cole." I don't
even think he heard me. He rushed on, like a parent-challenged teen
planning his first kegger. "You know what else? I saw somebody the
night we met. At the party?"
"As I was leaving, a door opened and a man looked out. I got
the feeling we were having a mutual
oh-crap-you're-not-supposed-to-see-me reaction."
"Could you identify him again?"
"No problem." Being purely hetero, I'm a little embarrassed to
say this, but he was easily the best looking guy I've ever seen.
Click. Blocks of information shifted and realigned in my brain
as I realized Derek Stinkin' Steele must be the same stud Cole had
glimpsed during the Great Bathroom Escape. And his amazing looks
suddenly made sense in light of Assan's legitimate profession. It was
suddenly imperative to know the man's true identity.
"Forget the pool work for now," I said, "and tell me you're a
big fan of the Pink Panther movies."
"I own the whole set."
"Then I assume you also own a few disguises?"
"A dozen at least." I could tell he was grinning. Despite
knowing better, so was I.
"Excellent." I told him to meet me down the street from the
hospital Vayl had taken Derek to. "How soon can you get there?"
"An hour."
"Good. See you then."
We hung up, and after a quick phonebook search I found
Samaritan Care Center in the yellow pages. Thirty seconds later I knew
Derek was still there, reclaiming some lost fluids in room 429.
I kicked it into gear. I pulled the costumes I'd brought from
my trunk. One would transform me into a working-class brunette, the
other a truck-stop blonde. I chose brunette.
The hair was straight and shoulder-length. I stuck a red beret
on top at a jaunty angle and a new girl began to emerge from the
mirror. I called her Dee Ann. She liked to pronounce her name Dee-on
and, though she worked as a bank teller, she pretended she could paint
better than Van Gogh. A man's shirt covered in multicolored parrots,
blue jeans, army boots, a long green trench coat and reflective
sunglasses completed the ensemble.
I dressed in my room. My weapons case coughed up Grief and a
small black box containing Bergman's latest prototype. It had started
life as a band-aid. But Bergman had replaced the absorbent padding with
a tiny bug. That went on the middle finger of my right hand. I stuck
the receiver, a former hearing aid, into my left ear. Theoretically I
should be able to attach the bug to Derek's skin, and it would transmit
every conversation he took part in for the next two hours. Having had
some experience with Bergman's new inventions, I wasn't expecting it to
last more than 20 minutes. Hopefully that would be all the time I'd
On the way to the hospital I dialed Albert. I
often called him in transit. That way I always had a good excuse to
hang up. He answered on the second ring.
"Hey Albert, it's Jaz."
He chuckled and said, "Two calls in two days. Jazzy, are you
turning into a nag?"
I had to slow down so I wouldn't swerve into a fire hydrant.
Albert hadn't been nice to me—or anyone else—in years. Was he high?
"Just curious what the doc said," I replied, careful to keep
my voice neutral.
"Said I could keep my foot—for now. I gotta tell you, I've
never been so relieved about anything!" Ah, so that explained it.
"That's great!"
"So, uh, about the nurse."
"I cleaned the house. They're pretty anal about week-old
sandwiches on the end tables."
"I imagine so," I said.
It is a strange and unfair phenomenon that children of crappy
parents still love those parents. Despite my best efforts, I'd never
been able to erase that feeling. So maybe it's understandable that I
suddenly felt the urge to park the car and tap-dance the rest of the
way to the hospital, throwing some classic Gene Kelly moves in as I
went. Luckily I managed to resist temptation.
"Did you hire one yet?" Albert asked.
"Yeah. She should be there in the next 20 minutes or so."
"What's her name?"
"Shelby Turnett."
"What's the story on that, would you tell me? With millions of
names out there made just for girls, why do they have to go and use
men's names? As soon as you name a girl Bobbi or Terri or Shelby that
name is ruined for men for all time!" I should've known the grouch in
him couldn't be defeated.
"I gotta go now."
"Work or play?"
"Have you noticed that's all you ever do? You should play
more." He barked it, like an order, and I instantly wanted to work for
the next 48 straight. Juvenile, I know, but he brings that out in me. I
struggled to keep my temper in check.
"I think I've forgotten how." It was supposed to be a joke,
but neither one of us laughed.
"Matt was good for you that way. He always made sure you had
plenty of fun to balance your serious side. You need to find somebody
like him. It's been long enough." I knew, for him, that ended the
subject. He had commanded me to move on, therefore I would. What a jerk.
"I have to go," I said as evenly as I could considering I
wanted to reach through the phone and smack him upside the head.
"Me too."
Click. We were done.
Like a couple of Shriners who've veered off the
parade route, Cole and I arrived at our meeting place in tandem and
parked one behind the other. The minute he saw me he started laughing.
"This is serious stuff, Cole," I said, trying to sound stern.
"Aw, come on Lucille, admit it, this is fun." He blew a big
blue bubble and popped it all over his nose.
"You are so naive," I said, but I couldn't quite swallow the
smile that kept surfacing every time I took in a new detail of his
appearance. He'd gone with a pair of Drew Carey glasses. A green
fishing hat, complete with dangling lure, hid most of his shaggy hair.
Fake teeth gave him a slight overbite and a gray jogging suit somehow
managed to make him look wimpy and anemic.
"Check out the socks," he said, wiggling his eyebrows like
Groucho Marx. He hiked up the legs of his sweatpants to reveal black
dress socks. I couldn't help myself. I started to giggle.
"Those socks really bring out the turquoise in your sneakers."
"Did you notice they match my eyes? The shoes, not the socks."
He batted his eyelashes as I pretended to inspect his legs.
I nodded. "I can see that. Now we just need to get you a
handbag to complete the look."
He clapped his hands, fingers splayed like a three-year-old's.
"Oh goody! Shopping!"
I shoved him toward my car. "Oh, just shut up and get in."
He looked at me brightly. "You mean I'm driving?"
He didn't argue the point, just jumped behind the wheel and
started rubbing the soft leather of the seats as if it was his favorite
cat. I got in beside him.
"So what's the plan?"
"We go up to Derek's room, pretend we're looking for our
father. When he's not there, we both go into hysterics, thinking Dad's
dead. You raise hell, I pass out and fall onto Derek. The key is, I
have to touch him."
I showed him the band-aid.
"Hey, I was just asking a question. You don't have to flip me
"I was just…" I took note of the finger I was holding up and
dropped my hand into my lap, laughing so hard I nearly blew snot all
over the windshield. Cole started laughing too, and we sat there for a
couple of minutes like two hyenas while deadly serious events moved
forward without us. Eventually we would catch up, but for the moment it
felt great to let go and laugh. As much as it sucked to say so, Albert
was right, it had been a long, long time since I could.
Either Cole had just come along at the right time or I was
going to have to carry him around in my hip pocket for the rest of my
Cole glanced out his window and pointed at a black SUV that
had just passed us. "Hey, I recognize those guys." He looked at me, his
face suddenly sober. "They work for Assan."
I nodded and put oh my seatbelt. "Follow them."
I filled him in on the bug as we drove. Luckily the story only
took a minute, because we didn't have far to go. They stopped in the
loading lane of the hospital. One guess who they'd come to recover.
"Change of plan?" asked Cole, his eyebrows raised.
"Yeah. Follow my lead and we can still get it done."
"What are you thinking?"
I adjusted my wig in the passenger side mirror so I wouldn't
have to look at him. Until now he'd still been on the periphery of this
whole nasty deal. Now I was about to dump him front and center. The
guilt made my stomach ache. "I think I'm about to get very sick."
I'll say this for Cole, he's flexible and functions well under
pressure. Not a letter of recommendation I'd be happy to write
considering what kind of people hire that type, but true all the same.
We drove around the block and parked right behind the SUV.
"Come around to my side and open the door," I said, feeling
the blood drain from my face. "He's coming."
I didn't need to reply. Cole was already out of the car.
Moments later he opened my door. "Undo my seatbelt, and take your time
about it," I said, that terrible feeling of imbalance momentarily
blurring my vision. Something shook me at the core, as if the Ohio
River had suddenly reversed course or all the grass in Browns Stadium
had burst into flame.
"We have to meet them near the door," I said. "Be loud. Be
scared. Make a major scene. Make sure something happens so that I can
touch him."
He nodded. "Ready?"
Hoping I wouldn't puke on Cole's nifty velour jogging jacket,
I nodded. He pulled me out of the car and helped me toward the door. My
blood seemed to jump in my veins, a warning so dire I would've turned
to run if Cole hadn't been holding onto me.
"There they are," he said.
I raised my head, forcing my eyes to team up, show me the
scene. The men, a couple of clones of the gatekeepers Vayl and I had
dealt with last night, had reached the first set of automatic doors.
One pushed the wheelchair. The other strode beside it. Derek slumped
inside it, pale and tired looking, wearing a black turtle-neck and
white jeans. His head was tilted to one side, as if to protect the
bandaged area that reminded me forcefully of my last confrontation with
his attacker. Then I realized he was watching his reflection in the
glass doors.
"Smoke and mirrors," I murmured.
"Now. Make it loud."
He raised his voice. "It'll be all right, honey." He clutched
at me, gave my arm a comforting pat and stepped us forward. We'd almost
reached the entry doors. He waited until Derek and his entourage
emerged. "Don't pass out on me now, it'll be okay."
I obliged and sagged, keeping one hand firm on the back of his
jacket. It took an effort not to hit my knees. All I wanted to do was
puke until my stomach was dry as an AA meeting.
"Look honey, a wheelchair!" Cole maneuvered us into Derek's
path, blocking his way. "You're leaving, right?" he asked them. "We
need the chair, man. My girlfriend's really sick."
"Get out of the way," growled one of the goons. He shoved Cole
backward and I let go of him. This time I did fall, right into Derek's
lap. I flailed my hands and managed to slap the bug onto the uninjured
side of his neck.
"So sick," I muttered. Derek shoved me off his lap, leaving me
in a crumpled heap. I considered just staying there. Hell, I was two
yards from a hospital. Eventually somebody would discover me here, tuck
me into a nice, clean bed, maybe pump me full of tranquilizers. I could
legitimately sleep for a week.
Fortunately the person who hauled me off my butt was Cole. My
hospital fantasy had barely played itself out before he'd strapped me
back into the Mercedes. Actually, the seat felt even better than my
fantasy bed. Love those luxury models.
I managed to focus on the road as Cole pulled away from the
hospital entrance. The SUV was probably twenty yards ahead of us and
gaining. "How close do we need to follow?" Cole asked.
I tried to remember what Bergman had told me about receiving
distance. They drew further ahead of us and, as my nausea lessened, my
brain kicked in. "Just close enough to keep them in sight."
We fell further behind and I sat up straighter, wiped the
sweat off my upper lip, ditched the wig and the beret.
"Feeling better?" Cole asked, cocking a raised eyebrow in my
"That wasn't an act, was it?"
I shook my head. "There's something so far off about that man
that every time I get near him I feel like the earth's about to break
Cole absorbed my reply with quiet attention. "Then we'd better
find out what he's up to. Are you hearing anything yet?"
"No talking. Kind of a steady thrumming sound. Knowing Bergman
this thing is so fine-tuned I'll be able to hear Derek's pulse but his
conversation will sound like Charlie Brown's teacher. Wa, wa-wa, wa,
"Who's Bergman?"
I held up a finger. "Someone's talking," I whispered.
"—Assan isn't too happy with you," said one of the guards. His
voice was throaty and strained, probably lined with decades of nicotine
buildup. I immediately dubbed him the Marlboro Man.
"I was just following orders." It was Derek—whining. "It's not
my fault somebody decided to play superhero."
"Who was it?"
"A girl with red hair and a man with a foreign accent. He had
a cane. Said his name was Jeremy. I don't remember anything more about
"Well between them they managed to smoke Jonathon and both
your victims."
Jonathon must've been the doorman. It seemed strange to think
of Boris and Svetlana as Steele's victims, but that had been her take
on the situation last night as well. The final experiment, my mind
whispered, transferring the mutated virus from human to vampire. What
did that do to the vamp? What did it do to the virus?
"The Tor-al-Degan's ritual is tomorrow. The senator's even
coming," chided the Marlboro Man.
"How should I know that?" asked Derek. "I just do what he
tells me, and he never tells me more."
"Well here's what he's telling you now," said the other guard,
his voice hard and sharp as an axe blade.
A loud, scraping sound drowned out part of Axe's message.
Derek must've scratched his neck, or else gulped loudly, because all I
heard was, "—Undead tonight, and you're snagging him two new vampires."
"Tonight?" The whine had reentered Derek's voice. I suspected
it never stepped very far aside. "I've lost so much blood. Surely
"—will be too late," snapped Marlboro Man.
Again the interference kept me from getting the complete reply.
"—afterwards?" said Derek.
"Leave them to us," said Axe. "We'll make sure of it."
The third time was the charm for the bad guys. The sound that
had kept parts of their conversation from me resumed in earnest and
when it finished, I couldn't hear anything more. Derek had killed the
I looked at my watch. More time had passed than I realized.
Time enough, at least, to ensure that I had fully recovered for my next
"What did they say?" asked Cole.
I hesitated, but he was already in it to his neck. So I told
him what I knew. "Have you ever heard of the Tor-al-Degan?" I asked.
"Nope. But I know some people who might have."
"Me too. And I've got to meet Bergman there in half an hour,
so let's try her first."
"Works for me." I gave him the address and Cole took the next
left, heading us away from Derek and his companions. At least now I
knew what destroyed my balance every time I got close to the man. The
virus he carried must be as lethal as Aidyn and Assan had advertised.
Though why those two thought it needed to become a vampire cocktail I
could not fathom. And where the hell did this Tor-al-Degan fit in?
Obviously it was a key component in the plan, or Assan wouldn't have
been so pissed about his 'final experiment' interfering with the
ceremony. And in my experience, senators never showed up anywhere
unless it benefited them in some way.
As it did so often, my brain looped back to the original
question. Why did Derek need to hook vampires for his vicious little
boss? It made no sense, no matter how I looked at it. Hopefully
Cassandra would clear up the whole situation.
Cassandra's Pure & Natural was a tiny brick storefront
in a predominantly Cuban neighborhood. Bins of fresh apples, oranges
and grapefruit sat on the sidewalk beside the door which was equipped
with the most soothing set of chimes I'd ever set off. Inside, the
walls and aisles carried a surprisingly wide selection of spices,
herbs, vitamins and natural remedies for everything from erectile
dysfunction to the common cold.
I asked the cashier, a petite old woman with gleaming white
teeth and blinding red hair where we could find Cassandra. She directed
us to the back of the store, where shelves full of fresh-baked breads,
rolls and sugar-free desserts made my stomach growl.
As soon as Cole caught sight of Cassandra he yanked off his
glasses, spat out his fake teeth and wrapped them in his fishing hat,
which went into the waistband of his sweats. Literally. He'd probably
have to cut the lure to separate them. But at the moment he seemed
pretty oblivious. All his concentration centered on Cassandra as she
added some bran muffins to a glass case that already contained a full
load of fiber-filled goodies for folks forced to make regularity a
A slender beauty with black velvet skin and hair that fell in
braids to her waist, Cassandra moved with the grace of a dancer. She
wore a canary yellow blouse, red flowered skirt, beaded moccasins and
enough gold jewelry to keep e-bay shoppers bidding for weeks.
"How may I help you?" she asked in an accent that made my
Midwestern drawl sound pale and asexual.
"My name is Lucille Robinson," I said. "This is my friend,
Cole Bemont." He nodded, doing a nice job of keeping his drool in
check. "I—we—need a translation."
She nodded. "I assume you heard of me through a mutual
"Yes, um, you would probably know him as Vayl."
Instant sympathy filled her warm brown eyes, but all she said
was, "Yes, I remember him." She leaned aside, caught the cashier's eye
and said, "We're going upstairs for awhile, Rita." To us she said,
"Follow me, please."
Cole managed to keep his tongue from rolling out onto the
stairs as we trailed Cassandra's swinging hips to the second floor. It
made me laugh inwardly to see him, smitten, as it were. But I was glad
I'd seen the show. It confirmed my feelings for him. I might love him
someday, but never in the way I'd loved Matt. Never in the way I could,
maybe, if I found the guts, love Vayl.
When we reached the landing at the top of the stairs I was
surprised to find the three doors that opened to it, well, open. The
one to our left revealed an apartment's living room and kitchen. A
bathroom stood directly in front of us and a gypsy den sat on our
right. That's where Cassandra led us, into a large room, the walls of
which were covered in silky materials that ranged from blood red solids
to dark gold prints. The new colors I saw within those familiar shades
pleased my eye and my spirit. Somehow, despite the fringed pillows on
the black couches and the multitude of candles on the large central
table, the room maintained an exotic dignity.
Four dark wooden chairs with more curlicues than Shirley
Temple sat around the table, which must've been crafted soon after
Vayl's transformation. Cassandra sank into one of the chairs and
motioned for us to join her.
"I sensed that I would be entertaining three
visitors today," she said, her voice as satiny as the wall coverings.
"Are you expecting another?"
"Actually, yes, we are meeting a friend here. He should be
arriving any time now," I said.
Cassandra nodded, the golden studs that lined her ears shining
with reflected light. "Rita will send him up when he arrives. Would you
like to show me what you need translated?"
I pulled the paper Cole had traced the symbols on out of my
front pocket. I took care not to touch her as I handed it to her. Vayl
might need the services of a Seer, but I preferred to leave my future a
blank. My new senses told me that if Cassandra touched me, she would
tell me things I didn't want to hear. I was inclined to believe them.
I'd never doubted Cassandra's abilities. Charlatans don't stay
in the biz long when vamps join their clientele. But even if I had come
into this thinking Cassandra's upstairs gig was a fraud, her reaction
to the symbols would've convinced me otherwise. She dropped the note
onto the table in front of her as if she'd been burned. Her face
tightened into a mask of fear and the soul behind her eyes cringed like
a spectator at the Holocaust Museum.
"Where did you see these?" she asked, pointing a wavering
finger at the symbols but making sure she didn't touch them.
"They had been carved into a dead body," Cole told her,
"actually, two dead bodies on two separate occasions."
Cassandra fingered a crucifix at her neck and muttered under
her breath in, well, oddly enough it sounded like Latin.
"What are you saying?" Cole asked.
She looked at him grimly. "A prayer for your protection."
Cole said, "Why do we need God's protection in this,
"These symbols," she said, "are powerful runes designed to
trap the soul, after death, to keep it from ascending."
I recalled the scene in the restaurant, when Harry's beautiful
blue soul went flying into the wild blue yonder. What if it had
remained stuck there, straining to be free? The image made me flinch.
Cole shook his head. "How is that possible?" he asked.
Cassandra made a visible effort to pull herself together.
"When people die violently, their souls do not immediately break free,"
she explained. "During that short delay the soul can be contained
inside the body by branding these runes on the skin around the death
"So," ugh, leant believe I'm saying this,
"then what do you have? Zombies?"
"That is a possibility." Cassandra looked as revolted as I
felt. "Another explanation is that a rail, or
hell-servant, trapped the soul until his master could arrive to eat it."
I couldn't help it, my mind suddenly supplied a picture of a
red-skinned, horned demon picking its teeth with a purple claw as a
waiter cleared the dishes from its table.
"How was the soul?" the waiter asked.
"Not bad with butter and lemon," the demon replied. "In fact,
I'd have to say it was finger lickin' good."
I know, I know, not funny.
"Aside from the obvious biblical explanations," I said, "why
would a demon eat souls?"
Cassandra shuddered. "For the fun of it," she suggested, "or
perhaps because it had been called to do so by a vengeance-minded human
who was willing to pay the price." Great, that's what I need right now. It's not enough
that I have to stop a mega-terrorist from spreading some godawful
virus. Now I get to chase down a psychotic netherworlder with the
munchies too.
"There is a third possibility," Cassandra said.
"What is it?"
"Demons are not the only monsters who eat souls. My people
tell a story of how, once, an evil emperor named Tequet Dirani made it
his passion to rule, not only this world, but all the worlds beyond
this one. He summoned a Kyron to help him."
"What's a Kyron?" asked Cole.
Cassandra started to look ill as she described something that
sounded more like a George Lucas creation than the real deal. "It is a
beast built for destruction. Its presence can herald a plague or a
nuclear meltdown. And it can rip through the walls that divide
universes like a wrecking ball."
"Sure sounds like a demon to me," Cole murmured.
"Not at all. It will destroy in any cause, good or evil. It
is, like the djinn, at the mercy of its master's whim."
"Only genies don't scarf down somebody's essence every morning
for breakfast," I pointed out. "So how do you master something like
that?" I wondered. "How do you beat it?"
Cassandra didn't realize I was waxing rhetorical.
"You control it with food," she said. "Souls, to be specific.
Likewise, you might be able to beat it by starving it."
"Is that how the emperor's Kyron died?"
"Oh, Kyron don't die," Cassandra said earnestly, "they simply
become weak enough to bind."
Somehow I didn't think she meant bind as in 'Yo, Henry, go
find me some rope.'
"Bind how?" I asked, feeling suddenly exhausted. I eyed one of
the couches speculatively. How offended would Cassandra be if a perfect
stranger collapsed there for, oh, say three days, more or less?
"According to the legend, a powerful mage bound the Kyron by
making her forget her own name."
"That must have been a major bump on the head."
"Indeed," Cassandra agreed. "It would take more than a mild
concussion to forget the name Tor-al-Degan."
H—Holy crap! Cole and I exchanged
dumbstruck looks while Cassandra puzzled out our shock. Before she
could put her questions into words, however, Bergman slunk into the
"What?" he asked, immediately suspicious as we stared at him,
some of us dazed, some confused, none quite able to muster a common
"We've had a kind of a shock," I finally managed. Talk about
understatement. That was like saying Vesuvius' eruption was a slight
blip in Pompeii's weather pattern. If we weren't so damn civilized we'd
be on our knees, kissing our asses goodbye.
Bergman looked around the room furtively. If you didn't know
him, you'd suspect he'd caused our consternation. He just carried that
air of guilt with him wherever he went.
"I'll fill you in later," I said, pretending this powerful
fist of foreboding hadn't just sucker-punched me in the gut. "We've,
uh, that is… we've found out what we needed to know so, now that you're
here, we'll get out of Cassandra's hair."
I stood up, digging in my pocket for a twenty.
"No, please," said Cassandra, "there's no charge."
"My boss blesses you," I said. I leaned across the table and
held out my hand, my Military Brat Politeness Training temporarily
overcoming common sense. "Thanks for your help. You've been a godsend."
She shook my hand, barely squeezing in response to my firm
grip. Then her focus shifted, and I knew I was screwed. I tried to pull
my hand back before she could connect with spirits I wasn't ready to
face. But her vision had nothing to do with worlds beyond death.
"David is in danger," she said tightly. "You must tell him to
stay away from the house with the pink door. It is rigged to blow."
She dropped my hand and sat back in her chair, looking like
somebody who's just debarked from an intense roller coaster ride. She
murmured something that sounded like, "Who are
you?" But I could barely hear her beyond the roaring in my ears. It was
as if the explosion had already happened inside my head. The blackness
stormed over me like a level five twister, a miles-wide black-on-black
runaway train I could never hope to resist.
But I tried. For David's sake I fought to stand, to simply
stay upright and functional while my own wild-eyed psyche tried to bowl
me over. This time it worked. The force that had, for so long, squashed
my awareness and pushed it down into unconsciousness, now tugged at me,
pulled me forward so fast I felt dizzy with the rush. I felt
supercharged, as if I could see everywhere all at once, be anywhere I
wanted to go, do whatever I wished. The way I figured it, this was no
time to kick Tinkerbelle in the teeth. I wished to be with David,
wished hard, like when we were kids and Tammy Shobeson had me down in
the dirt, demanding that I call myself and my snake eating,
son-of-a-bitching dad a dirty, rotten coward.
There was a moment when the blackness seemed to offer up a
navigational beacon, my own personal yellow brick road on which to set
a new land-speed record. Later I would gain the knowledge I needed to
slow that trip down, put it into some kind of perspective. But now it
seemed instant, a Jell-O Pudding trek that put me where
I needed to be, in the middle of Desert Nowhere in the dark, in the
heat, slamming into my brother, through him,
screaming, "David! David! David!," in a voice so loud and shrill I
expected some unseen enemy to lob a grenade my way just to shut me up.
David stood still, a sheen of sweat covering his artificially
darkened face. Night vision goggles covered his eyes, but I knew what
they looked like. I faced their twins every day in the mirror. He
carried an M-16 in one hand and a radio in the other. He looked so fit,
so healthy, I just stood there for a second and watched him breathe.
"Jaz?" he whispered.
"You can see me?"
Immediately he shook his head. I could almost read his
thoughts. Nope, can't see a thing because this was not
covered in Special Forces Booklet 14 A. But he reached out
his hand, poked it through my stomach and out my back. The same hand
went immediately to his forehead and banged on it hard. "What a helluva
time to start hallucinating."
He turned his back on me, and over his shoulder I saw the
house, a squat little square with dark, dark windows and a pale pink
door. His team surrounded it, crouched in the shadows like latter-day
ninjas, awaiting his orders.
"David!" I jumped in front of him, holding up my hands,
failing to stop his slow advance. "The door! The pink door! It's
"Quit freaking out, D." That's what he called himself during
his damn-I'm-stressed pep talks. "It's all been scouted. It's all
good." The hand with the radio moved toward his lips.
"Goddammit, I didn't come all this way to blow smoke up your
ass, Daz. Don't go through that door!"
He looked straight at me. "You haven't called me Daz since
West Virginia. Not even in my dreams." It was my pet name for him, the
one I'd used to remind him he was a part of me despite his hip friends,
his athletic prowess, his ability to make even little old librarians
"You haven't called me at all," I whispered.
He murmured orders into the radio and waited, Neither of us
spoke. I didn't want to spook him further. He didn't want to understand
how I was, and wasn't, there. I heard frantic whispering.
"You were right, Jaz. The door is wired like a bale of hay."
"Good. Good. I'm glad you listened. Thanks."
"Thank you." He shucked his goggles and
looked at me then, making sure I saw that he meant it for himself. But
he meant it even more for his team, twelve men and three women who
kicked terrorist ass all over the globe without most people even
knowing they existed. "It's…" he grimaced, "it's not easy keeping them
all alive. I know that now."
It was the closest he'd ever come to apologizing about the
rift he'd opened between us.
I just nodded. "I have to go." I had stood in the eye of the
storm as long as I could. It was pulling me back, now, blowing me home.
David held onto me with his eyes, which had suddenly filled
with alarm. "How did you do this, Jazzy? You're not… dead are you?
Because you look awful damn ghostly standing there."
"No," I laughed uneasily, "of course not. I'm just weird."
Relief cleared David's expression. "Okay, then. I'll… I'll
call you. Soon. I promise."
"I'm holding you to that one, Daz. Take care."
I let the storm whip me away from my twin and his crew. Back
to the gypsy den I flew, dropping into myself at a jarring rate of
speed. I gasped and looked around. Lucky me, somehow I'd made it onto
one of the couches. Cole, Bergman and Cassandra hovered over me like
emergency room nurses.
"Wow, what just happened?" I asked. "I mean, what did I say?"
"Not much," Cole told me. "You just went white and started to
sway, so we sat you down here. You said 'David' a few times. Is that
"Brother," I supplied. "My twin."
Cole looked impressed. "A twin. Wow. I'd have bet money they
broke the mold after you."
"Thanks, I think."
Cassandra was wringing her hands, looking more and more
agitated. "But, now, surely there is someone you can call? Someone who
can stop David before…"
"Yes, of course," I said, inserting worry into my voice. No
sense in sharing the story of my latest adventure right now. Maybe
later, when I could figure out a way to keep it from sounding like a
bad episode of Star Trek.
I dug my phone out of my pocket. "Is there a place I can talk
privately?" I asked.
Cassandra nodded, ushering the men out of the room and gently
closing the door.
I dialed a number without even thinking about it. I was
probably even more surprised than Albert when he answered the phone to
find me on the other end.
"Jasmine? What's wrong?"
"Nothing, now. There was something, but it's okay." I stopped.
Had to. Tears had thrown a hitch into my voice, and the next step was
crying on the phone to Daddy. No. Way. Maybe Albert sensed that because
the next thing he said was, "The nurse came. Damndest thing, Jaz,
she's a he! I mean, Shelby's a fella. He was a medic in the marines,
can you believe it? Plays a mean game of poker too."
"Really? That's great!" I put so much bright and perky into my
tone a cheerleader would've gagged.
Albert took a second to wipe the crap out of his ear, then he
said, "Jasmine, hang up. I'm calling you back on the other phone."
"Okay." I disconnected. I sat on the couch and waited, and
when the phone rang I punched the button and said, "Dad, you don't have
another phone."
"Yes, I do." He sounded more serious, more like the dad I'd
grown up admiring and fearing, than he had in years. "It's safe to
talk. I have a scrambled line."
"Dad, did you just eat a big piece of chocolate cake? Because
you said 'scrambled line' when I'm pretty sure you meant to say
'scrambled eggs.'"
"I'll make this quick, because Shelby's in the kitchen
whipping up a meal he says I'll actually eat and I don't want him
getting curious. I have a scrambled line because when I retired from
the service I did some freelance work for the C.I.A. Still consult for
them from time to time, which is why I still have the phone."
"But… you retired because of the diabetes. Why would—"
"Didn't have it then," said Albert. "What I did have was some
expertise in military intelligence that the C.I.A. thought they could
use. The diabetes, well, that turned out to be a case of life imitating
lies." He paused, giving it time to sink in. Then he went on. "I know
what you do for a living, Jaz. Have from the start. So when you call
sounding like you just dodged a cannonball, I'm naturally going to want
to help out. So, first of all, are you really o.k.?"
I thought about it. "No, but I'm not in any danger." After
another second I added, "At the moment."
"Is there anything I can do?" When I didn't answer right away,
he said, "Dammit, Jasmine, don't make me beg. I'm so frigging tired of
being a useless old man I'm ready to volunteer. Yeah, I said it!
Volunteer, like some God-fearing, church-going, one-foot-in-the-grave
bastard who thinks he can save his shriveled old soul by doing five
hours of good works a week."
Only my father could have that kind of perspective on
volunteerism. Twisted old poop. And yet, since we still didn't know the
identity of our leak, I really could use somebody with his contacts.
And it sounded like he could use the exercise, so to speak.
Feeling like I was taking a gondola ride through Surreal-land,
I said, "Actually, Albert, there is something you can do. Can you check
out some senators for me?"
It must've been Albert's military background, because man,
when he dropped a bomb the entire country shook. I was still jittery as
a hurricane survivor in New Orleans, and I was sure that somewhere in
Alaska some poor Inuit had just taken a tumble from his sled for the
very same reason. Thirty seconds ago I'd discovered my dad was not only
a mostly retired consultant for the Agency, he also maintained a few
connections in Washington D.C. who could make my life much easier and
quite a bit longer. Now I'd believe anything. If Cole and Bergman
rushed in and told me pterodactyls were circling Cassandra's building,
I'd run to the window to get a good look.
Speaking of which, they were about ready to burst in, despite
my request for privacy. I could feel their anxiety through the door. I
sighed. Already I missed the good old days when being Sensitive only
pertained to vamps, and even then their feelings never entered into it.
I also thought it would've been convenient to be able to open the door
with a simple wave of the hand. Unfortunately my newfound abilities
didn't lean that way. Maybe I could buy a really well-trained dog…
Sighing, I lurched to my feet and opened the door. They
weren't pacing in the hallway as I'd expected. They were pacing in
Cassandra's apartment.
"It's all right," I said as I entered the room. They didn't
exactly leap at me. In fact Cassandra stayed in her tall, wooden rocker
and Bergman continued skulking back and forth behind her royal blue
couch. Cole came and took my elbow, led me to the couch's matching
recliner and sat me down gently.
"You're making me feel old," I told him.
He just grinned. He sat on the granite-topped coffee table
that visually connected the seating area to a red brick fireplace that
held dozens of white candles.
"You okay?" he asked, inspecting me closely, perhaps to see if
I'd grown an extra appendage during our brief separation. "You look
better than I expected you to."
"I feel better than I probably should."
"So things are squared away?"
"For the moment."
"Can I get a ride back to my truck, then? I really do need to
clean that pool or they'll think something's up."
"Okay, but no snooping. Call me when you're done, too. I want
to see those pictures." I checked my watch. "Jeremy ought to be up by
then. I'll bring him along." I looked at Bergman, raised my eyebrows.
"Follow us?"
He nodded. "Then you and I need to talk." He looked pointedly
at Cole, "alone."
I wanted to snarl, "Well, of course, alone. We already
established that Cole would be going somewhere else!" Sometimes
Bergman's paranoia made me want to break things. Like his neck. But,
being a neurotic—I mean sensitive—genius, he continued to benefit from
my best behavior. For now.
"Of course," I replied, "I'm anxious to hear what you have to
say." I rose and looked at Cassandra. "Thank you for saving my brother.
It was… wow… thanks."
She nodded graciously. "I'll see you later."
"You will?"
"Yes." She didn't elaborate so I let it go. No sense in
chasing more problems. "Until then, I must ask you to be very careful."
"Who, me? Gosh, Cassandra, I guess I should've told you,
there's no need to worry about me. At work they call me Safety Sue."
She gave a very unladylike humph, which
made me like her lots better.
The four of us trooped downstairs and, maybe seeing the way
I'd ogled her fresh baked foods, Cassandra gave us each a free box of
blueberry muffins to take with us.
"I love girls who bake," sighed Cole as we drove back to his
truck, with me behind the wheel this time. He launched into a rapturous
monologue that featured, I kid you not, his mom's apple pies. From
there he moved to his boyhood, oatmeal-cookie-stealing stories and by
the time we reached his truck I'd inhaled two of Cassandra's freebies.
I'd also decided that if I ever met Cole's mom I'd just come right out
with it and ask her to adopt me.
I let him off at the corner. Bergman pulled alongside me and
yelled, "Follow me!" out the window, so I did. He drove a dark green
work van with no windows in back and tinted windows in front. The words
"Flaherty's Fine Foods" were stenciled on the side in big gold letters
that circled a picture of the sun, complete with curvy yellow beams,
Blues Brothers shades and a big, toothy smile.
He drove to a large deserted park. No kids played on the red
and yellow jungle gym. The benches were empty and so were several of
the flowerbeds. He parked beside a pond with a working fountain and I
got into the van beside him.
"Thanks for coming, Bergman. I really appreciate it."
"No problem," he said, though we both knew better. "I'm sorry
about all the secrecy, but you said to bring all the bells and
whistles, and I didn't want anyone else to get a look at your new toys."
I felt a smile chase away my earlier irritation. I love
new toys.
He reached behind his seat and brought out a silver case with
black combination-lock latches. Just the kind of thing inside of which
you'd expect to find a top-secret weapon or two. Grinning in response
to my excitement, he unlocked the case and set it on my lap. "You open
I raised the lid. Inside, cushioned by a casing of black foam,
sat three smaller cases, also gleaming silver. I nearly jumped up and
down in my seat, but confined myself to a short round of applause.
"You don't even know what they are yet!"
"Look at this," I demanded, bringing his attention to the case
with a Vanna White inspired flip of the hand. "Stuff that starts out
looking like this always ends up awesome. Didn't you ever see I Spy?"
"Come on," he said, his long, pale face twitching with
anticipation, "open them up."
"If you insist." The first case snapped open to reveal a
necklace made with shells, beads and an arrow-shaped item that looked
an awful lot like a shark's tooth. I pulled the necklace out of the
case and looked closer. Finally I said, "Okay. I give. Why is this not
any other souvenir store rip-off?"
"I'll show you," Bergman said, the brown eyes behind his
glasses gleaming with techno-passion. He took his keys out of the
ignition and traded them for the necklace. He stuck the shark's tooth
into the keyhole and wiggled it a little. Then he turned it sharply and
the van started. To his delight, all I could say was, "Whoa. That's
He turned the engine off and handed the necklace back to me.
The shark's tooth was now in the shape of a key, but even as I
held it in my palm it reformed itself to its original shape. "What's
your secret?" I asked, although I knew he wouldn't tell me, not even if
his feet were bleeding and his hair was on fire.
"Caffeine," he replied, and we both smiled. I put the necklace
on and he said, "Oh, yeah, the line everything's threaded on is super
strong. It's been tested to 600 pounds."
I fingered the beads and the stretchy cord they hung on with
wonder. "Cool! Now I can steal some rich old coot's Jaguar and
go fishing for marlin with the same piece of jewelry."
"Not many women can say that, you know."
"There's no doubt I'm blessed among them. What else have we
got?" I opened the second case. It held a couple of hearing aids like
the one I'd just used and two round items that looked like mints.
"Listening devices?" I guessed.
"And sending," Bergman agreed. "The round piece is made to
stick to the roof of your mouth. The receiver goes in your ear. The
second set is for Vayl. When you're both equipped you can talk to each
other without the bother of radios and headsets. The only downside is
the sound is a little distorted."
Bergman grimaced. "It's like somebody pumped up the bass. I'm
working on cleaning that up."
"What's the upside?"
He pointed to two items I hadn't noticed because they were
nearly the same color as the box's lining. "Careful," he warned, as I
picked them up. They looked like the fake tattoos retailers sell to
little kids who haven't yet heard of hepatitis. One resembled a line of
barbed wire. The other was a long, serpentine dragon. "These adhere to
your skin and are indistinguishable from tattoos once they're on.
They're transmitters," Bergman explained. "They should allow you to
hear each other from a distance of about two miles."
"No kidding? That far?" Bergman bobbed his head, looking like
a rooster who's just discovered the henhouse.
I opened the last box. It contained a simple gold watch with
an expandable band. I turned it inside out and upside down, but it
looked completely normal. So I put it on.
"Snap the band," suggested Bergman.
I did and my hand immediately began to tingle. The face of the
watch turned blue, though I still had no problem reading the time. It
turned white again and the tingling stopped. "What's up with this?"
"I'm still researching all the possible applications, but at
the moment I can tell you the watch absorbs the energy your body
movement creates and kicks it back out as an electronic shield. When
it's fully charged you can walk through a metal detector carrying a
bazooka and no bells will go off. It also masks the sounds your natural
movements cause."
"So, you're saying all I need to do is snap this band and I'm
in stealth mode?"
"As long as the face of the watch is blue. As you can see it
didn't stay blue long because it hasn't had much time to absorb your
energy. It also has a limited storage capacity."
"How long?"
"Five minutes at the most."
"Not bad when 30 seconds is all you need."
"So you like it?"
This was the side of Bergman I'd never figured out. The guy
could make a lead door do back flips, but he still needed his pats.
"Are you kidding me? This is the finest stuff you've ever
given me to work with. You've really outdone yourself this time." Minus
the weight of that worry, he sat a little straighter. "Have you got a
place to stay?" I asked.
"Yeah." He didn't tell me where, which came as no surprise.
"Great. But look, before you go back there, I have a couple of
"I'm at your service."
I told him about the bad blood and Vayl's need for a clean
supply. "So is there any way you can process the tainted blood? See
what exactly Vayl's smelling?"
"No problem." Bergman jerked his thumb over his shoulder,
bringing my attention to at least 20 bags and boxes that filled the
body of the van. "I pretty much brought the office with me since I
wasn't sure what you'd need."
My next request didn't want to roll right off my tongue like
the first, but I forced it out. "How about a willing donor for Vayl?"
Bergman's eyebrows shot up. "Skirting Agency supplies?"
"For now."
He nodded thoughtfully. "I think I can arrange that by
tomorrow. But there's no way I can get him a supply any sooner."
"Tonight's not a problem," I said. I had shed my bandage when
I'd donned my costume, but Bergman's eyes still tracked to my neck. If
he could see the puncture marks between the gathering gloom and my mane
of hair he didn't comment.
"The blood's at the hotel," I told him. "Follow me back?"
"No problem."
I jumped out of the van and into the Mercedes. To soothe
Bergman's concern that we might be followed and, I admit, to give
myself a few extra minutes behind that smooth leather-clad wheel, I
took the long way back to Diamond Suites. Bergman approved of the digs
right up to the point when our exclusive elevator opened into our
exclusive entryway and we discovered neither was as exclusive as
"Son of a bitch!" I whispered, pulling Bergman into the
corner. The scene reminded me of Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa
Parks'. The smell of cheap aftershave. The trashed living room. The
sound of voices coming from the bedroom, two of them, hissing at each
other like a couple of pissed off geese.
I motioned for Bergman to stay put as I pulled Grief from its
holster. He nodded at my watch band and held up his fingers, telling me
I might have twenty seconds of stealth built up by now. I snapped the
band and moved through the open door toward Vayl's bedroom.
"Look in the closet," said one of the intruders, a woman whose
accent made me think of those overcrowded trailer parks that attract
cops and tornadoes in equal doses.
"Vampires do not sleep in closets," said her male partner in
an equally thick drawl. "Besides, I already checked."
No movement or sound came from any other part of the suite, so
I decided these two had arrived without reinforcements.
I edged along the wall until I stood next to the open doorway.
"We never shoulda taken this job, Rudy," the woman whined.
"Killing the undead is no way to make a living."
"You're the one who wanted to go straight, Amy Jo, not me. I'd
be just as happy popping cheating husbands and rich old uncles."
"Now what kind of folks would we be if we kept going around
murdering other people's folks? Did you look
under the bed?"
"Yes, I looked under the bed!" Rudy's voice held that defeated
note of exasperation sung by henpecked husbands the world over.
"Sounds like it's just not your day, Rudy," I said as I
stepped into the doorway and took careful aim. I picked the target
closest to me, knowing in a moment the shock would wear off, they'd
react and
I'd better be ready to shoot. Unfortunately my target was heavily
pregnant, so my own initial shock offset theirs and we all recovered at
pretty much the same time.
"Don't shoot!" Rudy yelled, jumping in front of Amy Jo and, no
doubt, scoring lifetime brownie points in the process.
"Behave yourselves and I won't have to," I said in the most
professional voice I could muster considering Amy Jo reminded me
strongly of Evie, and she and Rudy both wore black clothing covered
with bright yellow, fabric-painted crosses. "You guys look like you
should be representing the letter 't' on Sesame Street."
They traded a look that said they'd had the same discussion.
"Who are you?" Rudy demanded, rather haughtily, I thought.
After all, he was not only dressed like a letter of the alphabet, he
looked like a young Mr. Magoo.
"C.I.A." I replied, sounding as crisp as a new 50 dollar bill.
"And you two are flirting with a long list of felonies that will put
you behind bars until that kid of yours needs knee replacements."
"We're just doing our job," said Amy Jo, flipping her
strawberry blonde hair away from her face with one hand while the other
guarded her distended belly.
"Who are you working for?"
Rudy squinted his eyes tightly, until all you could see of
them behind his coke bottle lenses were glittery black pinpoints. "Who
wants to know?"
I sighed. "The C. I. A." I said it slow so they wouldn't
misunderstand. Our acronym can be so confusing.
Amy Jo jabbed her right elbow into Rudy's left love handle.
"She's the one with the gun. Tell her what she wants to know!"
It was Rudy's turn to sigh. "We don't know. They hired us over
the Internet, mailed us half the cash and promised the other half after
we nailed the vampire."
I lowered Grief until it pointed straight at Rudy's crotch.
"You two wouldn't recognize the Internet if a server fell on your
heads. So give it to me straight this time, Rudy, before I lose my
temper and make sure Junior grows up an only child."
Rudy let out a very Homer Simpson-like yelp and crossed his
hands over my target. "All right, all right! This couple came into the
bar where we hang out."
"What did they look like?"
"She had big boobs and bright white hair that went down to her
butt," said Amy Jo, peeking around Rudy to make sure I heard her right.
"And he had longish reddish hair," finished Rudy. "I think
they were both vamps."
Aidyn and Liliana. Should I be surprised? Yeah, I thought so.
You don't hire a couple of local yokels to off two of the best
assassins in the world. Unless that's not really what you want for your
money. Maybe it's well spent if all you want to do is distract said
assassins from their original mission. It made good, key-in-the-lock
sense when you took it as a package along with Vayl's tainted blood and
our run-in with Graybeard and his henchmen.
"The vamp you're after is already smoke," I told them.
"What?" the two of them squawked like a couple of irritated
blue jays.
"Yeah. Thought he needed a suntan, I guess. Walked right out
into full daylight this morning."
"Son-of-a-bitch!" Amy Jo punched poor
Rudy in the arm because, well, he was there.
"Look," I said, before she threw another jab Rudy couldn't
duck, "tell them you bagged the vamp. He's gone, so it doesn't really
matter if you take the credit. Then get out of town. Way out. You'll
get the cash and help the C.I.A. at the same time."
Amy Jo looked a little doubtful, but Rudy grinned and rubbed
his palms together as if they'd already been greased. "We can do that."
"And, uh," I motioned to their costumes, "I'd rethink the
vamp-smoking biz. The one you were after wasn't put off by crosses.
Most others keep tougher goons than you around to guard their sleep.
Why don't you go arrow straight and, uh, open a liquor store or
"Wow," said Amy Jo, "how did you know?" Because you are me and Evie minus college and Granny
May. The words sat, silent on my tongue. I just looked at
her, and when her eyes narrowed I knew she had me pegged. "You're a
Sweep, aren't you?"
I shrugged. "I'm not familiar with that term."
"Like a chimney sweep. You dust vamps and get rid of the
ashes. Dust people too, I'm betting," she said, nodding wisely, like an
old Chinese monk.
I accepted her metaphor, despite her ignorance of what
actually happens when a vamp goes bye-bye for good. "Yes," I said, "I
do." I let her see in my eyes what all my victims had seen in their
time. She was already a tough old bird, though I wouldn't put her age
past 22, but I backed her up a step. "Someday you might even be as good
as me, if a vamp doesn't rip your throat out first. Of course, Junior
there might not appreciate that." I motioned to her belly. "There are
Moms, and there are Sweeps, Amy Jo. You can't be both."
I stopped, mentally kicking myself for falling into lecture
mode. Either she was smart enough to figure it out for herself, or she
was too damn dumb to waste my breath on.
"Throw the room key on the bed," I told Rudy, too tired to be
polite anymore. He fished the card out of his back pocket and laid it
on Vayl's crumpled comforter.
"We'll be taking the stairs down." I motioned them out of the
bedroom. "You come too," I told Bergman when he caught my eye.
He nearly leaped out of our way as we moved to the entry way,
a nervous gazelle smelling predator in all directions. To give him
credit, however, he didn't rush to his ride once we reached the parking
lot. He stood slightly behind me as Rudy and Amy Jo boarded their beige
Chevy Van, circa 1975, and pulled away. Even from a distance I could
see Amy Jo talking into her cell phone, hopefully reporting Vayl's
final demise.
"Come on, Bergman, lets get you that blood sample so you can
get the hell out of here."
"So Vayl's okay?" he asked as we took the elevator back
"Of course. If you've taught me anything, it's to be perfectly
paranoid when it comes to securing sleeping quarters. He's snoozing in
the basement."
"What're you going to do now? I mean, now that the bad guys
know where you're staying?"
I shook my head as we exited the elevator and reentered the
suite. Trashed by trailer trash. How poetic. I started picking up junk
and throwing it into a pile. "Find the one place in Miami that won't
show up on these jerks' radar." Bergman frowned heavily as he helped me
clean up. After a few minutes he squared his shoulders and said, "I
know just the place."
"You do?"
"Yeah. Actually, I'm staying there."
I swallowed my spit and it went down the wrong tube. Through
the coughing fit that followed I said, "Are you… inviting us to stay
with you?"
Bergman nodded unhappily. "I figure it's the patriotic thing
to do."
"You figure rightly. Thanks!"
Boy would Vayl's jaw drop when he heard this one. Bergman's
privacy, sacred to him as the Torah, had bowed to the needs of two of
the Agency's most notorious members, I'd have to choose the right time
to tell him. Definitely after he'd climbed off
the top of the toilet paper cabinet upon which he now roosted.
After our little confrontation the evening before, I'd
expected him to complain when I'd stomped into his room and demanded
that he change sleeping quarters so I could leave him during the day
without worrying. But he'd just shrugged, grabbed a pillow and followed
me to the darkest corner I could find. I'd covered him with a tarp and
disguised the lump he made by placing a row of paint cans along the top
edge of the cabinet.
"Sorry," I'd said as I'd turned to leave, knowing he was
laying in enough mildew to start a spoor factory.
"It is fine," I heard him say, "there is little a hot shower
cannot cure."
What a guy. Too bad he'd been mostly dead for centuries.
Bergman and I sat on a couple of overturned five gallon
buckets in the basement of Diamond Suites, waiting for night to fall.
Any minute now Vayl would stir, and he probably wouldn't appreciate the
audience, but Bergman's unspoken sense of urgency had rubbed off on me.
We really needed to get out, before Aidyn and Liliana caught onto our
scam and resorted to something more dependable than southern-fried
assassins. Like a bomb.
The last vestige of light left the basement. Yeah, creepy.
Bergman and I flicked on our flashlights. Somehow that made it worse.
And it was no consolation to know there really could be monsters hiding
in the shadows between the boiler and the storage closets. I'd been
eyeing the edges of Freakoutland for maybe a minute when I heard a
huge, gasping gulp that made me jump up and overturn my bucket despite
the fact that I'd been expecting it. When the muttering started,
however, I relaxed. The Vayl-shaped plastic on top of the cabinet in
the furthest corner of the basement creaked as he started to move, his
complaints getting louder as he remembered where he was. With our
flashlights trained on his location, we were mesmerized by the sight of
a vamp dressed in blue plastic. We watched him struggle to escape
seemingly endless yards of tarp while paint cans dropped off the
cabinet's edge like gumballs from a faulty machine. Still enmeshed from
the knees down, Vayl flopped off the cabinet before we realized he
needed a hand down, falling fast and hard like a penguin who hasn't
bought the whole flightless scenario. Somehow he recovered, so quickly
his movements were a dizzying blur, and landed on his feet.
"What are you doing here?" he grumbled, giving Bergman a
slight nod to acknowledge his arrival.
"Waiting for you," I replied. "Need some coffee, do you?"
"No." He looked pointedly at my neck and, this is
embarrassing, but I'm pretty sure I blushed. Nonetheless, I barreled on.
"Bergman needs a day to find you a willing donor—"
"I told you, I can find my own donors," he snapped. He took a
minute to regroup. "I am sorry. Waking is never pleasant for me. What I
meant to say…" he stopped, took inward stock and started over, "What I
now realize is that I do not need any donors, not tonight anyway. I
woke with the same longing as ever, but without the need. Last night…
the blood I took last night was more… potent… than I realized."
I cleared my throat. What do you say when you find out your
blood is really filling? It's not a
manwich, it's a meal! Nope, not going there. "Um, we need to
get out of here as soon as possible." I gave Vayl the short version of
Rudy and Amy Jo's adventures and my distraction theory. I also told him
about my visit with Cassandra. His immobile face registered actual
shock when I mentioned the Tor-al-Degan.
"So you've heard of this thing?" I asked.
"I have. I do not know how it was vanquished the last time
someone brought it forth, but I know many died trying."
"Well, look, Assan's goon said there was a ceremony tomorrow
that seemed to involve the Tor-al-Degan, Assan, the senator, and
possibly Aidyn. If we're lucky the Raptor will show up too and we can
bowl a strike." I went on, "I figure we eliminate Assan tonight after
we get the details we need to crash their party and," like the hero and
heroine in a really fine melodrama, "foil their plans."
"I agree. But we must anticipate what other distractions they
may throw at us to keep us from accomplishing that."
Right on cue, my phone rang. It was Cole. "Lucille? My
building's on fire! The pictures, they're burning!"
"Where are you?"
"Here! With the fire trucks!" Holy crap! "Listen! It's not an accident!
Assan is onto you! Look around, do you see any of his men?"
"No. I don't know. It's… there are dark patches here and
there. They could be hiding."
Through the phone I heard an explosive, popping noise. "Cole?
What's that?"
"The windows just exploded! Oh my God, my business!"
"We'll work it out for you, Cole. But right now, you need to
"Hey! What're you doing! Let me go!"
"Cole, tell me—"
"Lucille! They've—" the phone went dead.
I shoved it into my pocket and jumped up. "Assan has Cole!"
Vayl laid a hand on my shoulder, probably to keep me from
sprinting off into the night like some mad cross country runner. "We
will get him back. Tonight. But we need to get Cassandra too. She is
the only other person who has had contact with us. They may know about
her. They may use her as the next distraction."
I wanted to say something stupid like, "But she's not on the
way." I held my tongue. Vayl was right. "I should call her, though. So
she'll be ready to go when we come."
"I imagine she already knows."
Bergman and I had already packed everything that could be
salvaged into the van. The Mercedes would stay put until the dealer
came for it at the end of the week. We didn't exactly tear out of the
parking lot, but we wasted no time in hitting the road. Bergman drove
while Vayl and I sat in the bucket seats behind him, our legs pinned
between boxes and trunks. Naturally, since I wasn't driving, traffic
"I am sorry," Vayl said, his voice low in my ear, "I know you
cherish your privacy, but your emotions are shooting out of you like
fireworks. You have every right to be scared and worried, but you
cannot let those feelings take you over. Not tonight."
A spurt of anger made me want to slap him, as if I was some
diva who didn't get the Double Stuff Oreos she'd demanded before her
concert. I took a deep breath, and then another. "Okay, reign it in. I
understand. I will."
Cassandra waited for us on the curb in front of her store, two
bags in hand, two on the sidewalk beside her. Even after everything I'd
seen and done in my life, the Midwesterner in me thought, Wow,
that's just weird. But weird in a way I deeply appreciated.
Bergman helped her load her stuff, giving Vayl and I each a
bag to hold on our laps. She kept the other two, tucking one beneath
her feet and keeping the other in-hand.
"No speeding," I told Bergman as he settled back behind the
wheel. "You hit a bump going over 60 and your exhaust system is going
to snap off like a Lego."
"I know, I know, I packed too much. I always do."
He sounded so contrite I backed off. "You wouldn't have
brought it if you didn't need it."
"That's why I like you, Jaz. You never sneer at my craziness."
"If you could watch a film of my childhood you'd know why."
He chuckled, the way a person will who's had similar
suspicions about insanity in the family. "Where to now?"
I looked at Vayl. "Bergman's offered us asylum. We get to stay
on his turf as long as we make our beds and put our dirty plates in the
"Excellent. Take us there, if you please." Vayl looked at
Cassandra then. "It is good to see you again."
"Likewise." She looked at me and smiled. "Hello Lucille. Or
should I call you Jaz?"
"Why don't we stick with Lucille? The less you know about me
the better."
"But that is why I'm here."
She held my gaze, her eyes like twin wells in the dim light. I
nearly kicked in my night sight, but I wasn't sure I wanted to see her
that clearly. "When we shook hands, the vision of David came
strongest," she told me. "But another vision crept in, like a shadow,
and I could not understand what it meant. So after you left I consulted
the Enkyklios."
Vayl nodded as if he knew what that meant, which irritated me.
Or maybe it was the fact that Cassandra felt free to nose around my
"What's an Enkyklios?" I asked, the suspicion in my voice
causing Bergman to flash me a look of approval.
Cassandra slipped into lecture mode. "An Enkyklios is like a
metaphysical library. It is full of the information Seers have
whispered to their descendents practically since the beginning of time.
For the last several generations we have taken it upon ourselves to
travel the world, gathering and storing that information so it won't be
lost forever."
"We?" asked Bergman. "Who's we?"
"An international guild I belong to called Sisters of the
Second Sight."
"Never heard of it." He sounded as snappish and impatient as I
"No," Cassandra smiled sweetly, "you wouldn't have."
I cut to the chase before Bergman came up with a conspiracy
theory even Julia Roberts wouldn't buy. "So what did you find in the
She looked down, hiding her eyes from me. Uh-oh.
"I think you need to see it for yourself when we get to a safe place."
I sat back in my seat and sighed. Then I felt Vayl's cool hand
wrap around my own.
"What are you afraid of?" he murmured, quiet in my ear so no
one could overhear.
I whispered right back. "She's going to tell me my dad's a
demon and my mom was a harpy. She's going to uncover the fact that I'm
a monster. I don't guess I'll be surprised to hear it. I've always
known at some level. After all, it takes a certain kind of someone to
be capable of assassination. You just hate to have your worst traits
confirmed by a panel of independent judges, you know?"
I felt Vayl shrug. "I think your perspective is tainted. But
if you insist on looking at it that way, is it so bad to be our kind of
monster? Look at the evil we have averted in our time together." He
squeezed my hand. "As long as you do not corrupt any monks or paint
eyelashes on the Venus de Milo, I would say you have nothing to worry
about." Nothing to worry about. Nothing… nothing… nothing.
Bergman pulled into the circle drive in front of his hideaway
as Vayl and I gaped at the view out the van's front window. Tastefully
lit by low wattage lamps and a couple of well placed spots, the
beachfront two-story looked like it would've been just as comfortable
on Cape Cod. The landscaping, the wraparound porch, the white wicker
furniture for cripe's sake, it might've come from the latest issue of
Better Homes & Gardens.
"This is your safe
house?" I asked Bergman.
"Yeah. Why not?" I waited to reply until he got out and opened
the side door.
"Well," I said, as Vayl and I handed him Cassandra's luggage,
"it's just so… pleasant." I got out, grabbed a box and followed him to
the front door. "I'd always imagined you in a cave. Or, at the very
least, one of those rickety old mansions with droopy shutters and more
tunnels than windows."
"I prefer a really excellent security system." He put the bags
down, lifted the lion's head doorknocker, and thumbed a switch
underneath it. The lion's head slid sideways, revealing a square of
metal and electronics that took detailed measurements of Bergman's left
eye before deciding he passed muster. The door clicked several times
and stopped.
"Wait," said Bergman as I reached for the latch. Another
couple of seconds passed and then I heard a final click. Bergman
nodded, so I turned the knob. As the door swung open Vayl said, "Just
remember Bergman, sooner or later you will have to give us a way to get
inside without the benefit of your eyeball."
"No problem. As soon as all our stuff is unloaded I'll modify
the system."
I stepped into the front hall and a piercing whistle stopped
me in my tracks. Knowing Bergman, if I moved any further a cannon would
descend from the ceiling and blow my head off.
"What is that?" Vayl asked as Bergman came in to give me a
critical look.
I held up my hands. "I didn't do anything."
"But you did. That's a wavelength sensor. You're sending some
sort of signal."
"Is it the watch?" I asked, snapping the band to see if that
stopped the alarm. Nope.
Bergman had run out to the van. He brought back a box, dug
around inside and came out with a hand-held wand that looked like a
super-sized cigarette lighter. Starting at my head, he swept it down my
body. As soon as it reached my navel it sent out its own warning beep.
I raised my shirt. "It's your belly-ring," Bergman said,
adding urgently, "Give it to me."
I took it off and handed it to him. He jumped back into the
van, started it up and raced off. In the time it took us to figure out
how to turn the alarm off he returned. "I planted it on an ice-cream
truck. Whoever's following that signal will hopefully zero in on the
truck and forget the signal stopped here for a couple of minutes."
"Pete said I had to break it to activate it. That only then
would our backup team get involved."
Bergman grimaced. "Somebody activated it remotely."
"The same somebody who supplied it in the first place?"
wondered Vayl.
"Well it's not one of mine," said Bergman.
"That's how they found us," I said. "Those God's Arm fakes on
the road. Liliana at the restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. Magoo in the hotel.
All they had to do was follow the belly-ring signal." I clenched my
jaw, trying not to kick a hole in the wall. "When I get hold of this
senator I'm going to rip his ears off and stuff them down his throat."
"What about the Raptor?" Vayl asked.
"I'll leave him to you, as long as you promise to make it
vile. God, that pisses me off!" The anger wasn't
going to help me think clearly though, so I tried to walk it off by
exploring the house. Its interior lived up to the exterior's promise.
Wooden floors, colorful throw rugs, overstuffed furniture and antique
accessories in twisted iron and oak made the house feel like the set
for one of the daytime dramas Granny May used to love to watch. She
called them her "stories," and never failed to shake her head sadly
when last season's true love became this season's big breakup.
I just about had it back under control once we unloaded
Bergman's van into the living room, a light, airy place with pale blue
beadboard walls and a huge fishing net hanging from the ceiling. A
long, mahogany bar separated it from the kitchen/feed-a-party-of-thirty
dining room. A hallway, painted pastel green, led to three bedrooms and
a bathroom. Stairs just to the right of the doorway led to a large
family room, a home office and a master bedroom with a view that made
me wish I could sail. I thought there might be some truth to the idea
that surroundings influence mood. Maybe I should paint my apartment.
Once everything was in, Cassandra and I started unpacking
while Bergman and Vayl set everything up. Several of the boxes held
computer components, and before long they'd transformed the dining room
table into a communications center. Four PCs sat back to back,
connected to each other, the Internet and a central printer through a
maze of cords that lay like a big, sloppy coil basket in the middle of
them all. Our laptop sat beside them and yet separate, a snooty,
secretive step-sister. The table was so long that half of it still
remained free for other purposes.
Bergman and Vayl began setting up a mini lab on the bar while
Cassandra stored the empty boxes in a downstairs bedroom, so I got to
work elsewhere.
"Jaz, why did you rearrange the furniture?" Bergman asked a
few minutes later, staring curiously at me over a row of shiny glass
"What do you mean? I'm just—" I looked around the living room
and realized I'd done it again. Without any conscious thought, as
though an entire section of my brain had switched to blackout mode, I'd
reproduced the same design I'd created at Diamond Suites. "What the
hell?" I murmured.
Cassandra came down the hallway, took a look at my little
project and sent me a look of trepidation that cut straight to my
heart. Vayl's forehead creased and the corners of his lips drooped. For
him it was the equivalent of a thunderous frown.
"You deceived me about this, didn't you?" he demanded, waving
his hand to indicate the new room arrangement. "This is not how it once
looked at your house." I shook my head. "What else have you lied to me
about? I cannot abide liars." His tone, straight out of the
Knucklecrackers Handbook for Schoolmarms, made me grit my teeth. Before
I could defend myself, or launch a vase at his head, or plan a massive
spitball campaign with Jimmy and Susie that would probably get us
expelled but would be well worth the trouble, Cassandra spoke up.
"I may be able to explain that better than Jasmine."
She brought out the smallest of her four suitcases and set it
on the ottoman I'd moved from its spot beside the couch not five
minutes earlier. Now it sat center stage. I sank onto the couch beside
her. Vayl, still looking irritated, sat opposite us in a wing chair
upholstered in blue twill.
Cassandra opened the case, reached into it and brought out a
foot-high pyramid made of multicolored glass orbs, each about the size
of a large marble. I moved the case out of the way and Cassandra gently
set the piece on the ottoman.
"Is this what I think it is?" I asked.
"The Enkyklios," she said, nodding. "My vision of your… my
second vision is recorded here." She touched the top marble of the
pyramid and the whole thing shivered in response. "You may want to
watch this in private."
"No," I said, challenging Vayl with my glare, "let's keep this
all wide open. That way nobody can accuse me of more lies, and later we
can talk about how I can't abide people who leap
to judgment!" I let the anger carry me, give me the strength to sit in
the living room like a regular person rather than lock myself in a
closet like a scared kid. It's hard, it hurts to stop hiding. Riding
another, and probably my last, wave of anger, I said, "Let's do this."
She pressed on the top marble, which bent but didn't break,
like the Jell-O molds Granny May used to make because she thought we
liked the taste of rubbery strawberry letters and two-legged elephants.
"Enkyklios occsallio vera proma,"
Cassandra whispered. Well, that's what it sounded like anyway. She kept
going, reeling off a list of words that sounded like Latin but weren't.
As she spoke the marbles shivered again, then began to roll in random
directions, though they never completely lost touch. It reminded me of
clock gears, and yet no one movement seemed to trigger another.
The pyramid undid itself, rolling into a variety of other
forms that resembled the prow of a ship, a sailor's hat, a Harley
Davidson, a strand of DNA.
"That is so cool," I whispered, despite my pounding heart and
a nauseating fear of how Vayl would react to the new discovery. Bergman
had left his lab/computer center, a miracle in itself, and sidled over
to the empty wing chair. He stood behind it, looking as if he wanted to
attack the Enkyklios with a bat.
At last the marbles stood in vertical rows of three, forming a
sort of plateau with a single, bluish-gold globe sitting above the
rest. "Is that me?" I whispered, feeling a little faint as Cassandra
"Are you ready?" she asked. I rubbed sweaty palms down my
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's get it done." My voice sounded fake
in my own ears, a recording in definite need of a remix.
She touched the marble and said, "Dayavatem!"
She pulled her hand away and sat back, making room for the images that
rose from it, digital quality holographs in living color and sound.
I saw myself, 14 months younger and light years closer to
innocence, sitting in the living room of what looked like an old frat
house. The stuffing peeked out of several holes in the couch and love
seat, the coffee table had once been a working door that now sat on a
double-high pile of cement blocks, and the chairs only rocked because
their legs were uneven.
"Look, Jaz," said Bergman, "the furniture in the picture is
arranged the same way you did it just now."
"The same way she always does it," Vayl
said, folding his arms across his chest.
"Since you're so determined to be mad at me, go right ahead,"
I said, "but the fact is I never knew why I kept moving the furniture
around. I wasn't usually even aware I was doing it. Then you said
something, and it seemed like such a strange thing to do," I shrugged,
"I made up a reason so you wouldn't think I was crazy."
Did I detect a slight softening in Vayl's expression, or was I
just fishing? Never mind. The show had gone on. In a room it hurt my
heart to see again, my band of Helsingers and I sat around the recycled
door playing a card game I knew I'd been good at but could no longer
remember the name of.
I could tell we meant to go back out, because we still wore
our uniforms. Superman Suits, we called them, feather-lite body armor
encased in navy blue leather. We were all high on adrenalin and
success, toasting each other like German bobsledders, eating pizza for
God's sake. Pizza.
The room tilted and nearly took me with it. But Vayl's hand on
my shoulder steadied me. I looked up, grateful he still thought enough
of me to leave his chair. He settled on the arm of the couch beside me.
"I only remember bits of this," I said, sensing that
explanations might keep me from falling headfirst into the nightmare
that, until now, had only played itself out behind my eyelids. "That's
Matt on my left. He'd just turned 26 two weeks before. The tan is from
the trip we'd taken to Hawaii to celebrate." My throat closed on the
words, and for a minute I couldn't speak.
Matt and I sat on the couch, talking softly while the others
played out the hand. Brad and Olivia, a married couple from Georgia,
sat in the tattered love seat that met our couch at 45 degrees. They
took turns throwing red plastic chips into the growing pile and teasing
each other about losing the down payment on their house in a single
Dellan, a muscle-bound vamp who'd been turned in the 60s, sat
on the floor to my right, cradling his crossbow, eating all the
toppings off his pizza. He threw what was left to Thea, also a vamp and
sometimes his lover—depending on how much he irritated her—who sat on
the floor to Olivia's left. Tomato sauce made her gag, but she couldn't
get enough of that stuffed crust.
We'd go back into the field as soon as the pizza and cards had
played themselves out, but for now we were just kicking back and
enjoying the company. "That's Jessie, sitting in the chair across from
us, the one in front of the fireplace. She was my sister-in-law. She
was—" I shook my head, not knowing how to capture Jessie's vibrant,
infectious humor, her intense loyalty, her deep and abiding passion for
my brother in words. "She was my hero."
Jessie had draped her leg across the chair beside her, as if
saving it for David. Having made her bet, she was fashioning an
airplane from a couple of paper towels. I knew eventually it would come
floating my way and I would be required to throw my napkin back at her,
but for now I was content to snuggle with my honey.
It felt a little sick to watch my handsome young lover rear
his head back and laugh at one of my wiseass comments, as if I was some
grief-crazed widow rolling out the home movies for a torturous walk
over the coals of memory lane. But, God, it was good to see him, to see
all of them, and remember with a sort of shock how happy we'd been
I started talking again, fighting the vortex of pain that had
robbed me of everything I'd liked about myself. "Nobody ever heard the
knock at the front door. No one except Ron. He was Dave's sub, a rookie
straight out of the academy. He was still kind of sick from the
slaying, not the vampire bit, the human part that comes before you get
to the vampires. Anyway, he'd been visiting the upstairs bathroom
periodically." We watched him, a young, spiky-haired version of David
Spade, with the physique of a marathon runner and the constitution (at
least temporarily) of a tubercular alcoholic. He was coming down the
stairs, one hand on the rail, the other on his stomach.
In the living room it was my deal, and I'd just begun to
shuffle the cards.
Ron came down the steps slow, stepping in eerie time to the
rhythm of my shuffling. When he reached the bottom, he heard a knock at
the door. Nobody else did. They were all yelling at me.
"Get the lead out and deal the cards already!" Jessie roared,
throwing her paper airplane at my head.
I grinned. "Just getting the cards warmed up for you, Jess."
A chorus of "Aw, come on!" and "Deal, dammit!" drowned out
Ron, who was saying, "Please tell me you didn't order more pizza," as
he opened the door.
A blue-eyed, long-legged blond stood on the threshold,
carrying an insulated pizza box container. She smiled coyly at Ron.
"Hi. Wow, are you a S.W.A.T. guy? I love your uniform!"
Ron grinned. The poor fool couldn't help it. She resembled
every centerfold he'd ever drooled over. "Kinda," he said. "Um, how
much do I owe you?"
"Sixteen-fifty," she said, flashing a couple of dimples, this
time accompanied by a tempting bit of cleavage. "Do you mind if I come
in?" she asked, looking over one shoulder with just the right hint of
fear. "It's kind of creepy out here in the dark."
"Sure, come on in. My house is your house," he said, a
chivalric knight taking temporary ownership of federal property to save
his distressed damsel. It turned out she was just damned. Ron died with
both hands in his pockets, fishing for a twenty while a goofy,
I've-bagged-a-Playmate smile played across his face Pizza Girl had
lunged for his throat and torn out his larynx before he understood his
mistake had killed us all.
The complaints from my comrades had finally reached a
satisfying peak and I'd just dealt Matt his first card when we heard
Ron's body hit the floor. Jessie, who had the best view of the
entrance, jumped up and yelled, "Vampire!" just as Pizza Girl cried,
"Enter and be welcome!" out the front door.
A stream of vamps poured into the house with the impact of a
tidal wave. But we were nothing if not prepared, and all of us still
wore the weapons we'd used to clear the nest earlier that day.
Brad and Olivia fought shoulder to shoulder, pumping bullets
into the vamps. Pizza Girl, her chest a mix of her own blood and Ron's
gore, waded through the barrage, lofted the love seat and threw it at
them. They went down in a flurry of splinters and stuffing and the
vamps went after them, swarming like locusts until all you could see
were Brad's twitching fingers and all you could hear were Olivia's
fading screams.
Dellan smoked two of the vamps who came after him, but with no
time to restring his crossbow, he had to resort to hand-to-hand combat.
His punches rocked the three monsters who came for him, his kicks
knocked them back, and I'm sure I heard ribs crack before they
overpowered him. One vamp, who looked like he should've been doling out
the cash at First National's drive-up window, picked Dellan up and
threw him head first into the fireplace where he lay, limp and broken
as a discarded doll. He followed up with a poker through Dellan's heart.
Thea emptied her magazine into the swarm before retreating to
the fireplace wall and having at them with the ash shovel. She held her
own until Dellan lost his battle. The momentary distraction of seeing
him fade to nothing was all her attackers needed. They jumped her like
a gang of rapists, only it wasn't her body they wanted. They bled her
dry while Matt, Jessie and I made a fighting retreat to the kitchen and
the back door that entered into it. We delivered bolts, body blows and
bullets in equal numbers. For a minute there was so much blood and
smoke in the air you'd swear it was storming plasma.
"Get out, Jessie!" I yelled. She stood closest to the door.
"Get help!" She ran to the door and I shot the vamp who tried to
intercept her, tore a hole through his brain that would take days to
heal. She wrenched the door open and stepped outside. But they were
waiting for her, a hungry little horde of newbies so freshly turned
their bite marks still remained, livid and glowing to my new-seeing
Through a haze of grief and unshed tears, though my teeth were
chattering like a badly tuned engine, I managed to say, "I don't
remember anything at all after Jessie's death."
"I hate for you to have to see this," Cassandra whispered,
clutching her hands together so tightly her nails made bloody imprints
in her skin, "But it is necessary in order for you to understand the
final outcome—to believe." Oh, I've believed I was God's biggest mistake for
some time now, Cassandra, I thought as I watched Matt and
former me trade blows with our adversaries. It seemed like they were
everywhere, although I only counted four. They just moved so quickly it
was like fighting an army.
"What," said a voice from my holographic memory, one I now
recognized, "are they still alive?"
Aidyn Strait stepped into the room and we experienced a sudden
ceasefire. He sneered at us, his fangs dripping with the blood of the
other Helsingers. "When you killed my humans, you set me back years in
my research, did you know that?" He snatched a knife from the butcher
block table that stood just inside the kitchen/ living room throughway.
"That makes me angry. And it's not nice to make Aidyn angry, is it
The other vamps flinched at their own hidden memories and
shook their heads.
One moment Aidyn was sidling towards us, the next he was a
blur of motion. He dove at me, the knife he held a glittering extension
of his arm.
"Jasmine!" I'd never heard such fear in Matt's voice; it
squeezed at my heart. But I couldn't comfort him because I couldn't
escape the blade. Unbalanced by the speed of the attack, realizing my
fatal vulnerability, I felt this tremendous, oceanic regret that my
life should end so soon, with so much left undone.
And then Matt was there, pushing me aside, standing where I'd
stood, trying to deflect the blade, trying to defend me. I grabbed at
him, attempted to reverse direction and push him out of the way. I was
still innocent enough to believe the blade would pause, give me the
time I needed to save him. But all my youth and all my will did nothing
to slow the blade's descent. I watched it fall and wanted to be the one
beneath it after all. But time ran out on me.
Both in that place and in Cassandra's living room, tears
rained down my cheeks and I jerked like a marionette as Aidyn's blade
pierced Matt's chest. He crumpled to the floor, pulling my whole world
with him. An abyss of grief opened beneath me, obliterating every other
I kneeled over Matt, weeping uncontrollably. And Aidyn, his
knife still in Matt's chest, closed in. One kick, powerfully dealt and
directly on target, snapped my neck. I slumped over Matt, so obviously
dead that present-day me put my hands to my chest, puzzled and amazed
that I could feel my heart beating.
Every eye in the room was on me, but I couldn't tear my gaze
from the tragedy that had ended life as I knew it. I shook my head. "I
didn't know," I told them, "I don't remember this."
Bergman started to speak, "How—"
"It is a shame we had to kill them in a way," said holographic
Aidyn. "They would have made excellent lab rats."
"We turned at least one of them." Pizza Girl had come to
survey the damage. "You can experiment on her." She nudged my body with
her toe. "Did you get to see this one's face when she died, Aidyn? I
love to see their faces as they die."
Suddenly, like a window opening in my brain, I remembered why
I'd missed Christmas. I'd been chasing Pizza Girl. In fact, I'd nailed
her with the syringe Liliana had escaped. And my other long blackouts,
yeah, those had been revenge trips too. During the last 14 months I'd
killed every vampire in the holograph except Aidyn Strait.
Good God Almighty, if one more insight crashed into my skull
today my eyes would stop spinning and just completely pop out of their
In the holograph there was no movement, no noise, and yet all
the vamps jerked their heads up, looked to one corner of the kitchen
ceiling as if something hovered there, threatening their very existence.
"Out," hissed Pizza Girl, "back through the front door. Move!"
They ran like scared kids, cleared out of the house so fast
the curtains swirled in their wake.
"I don't see anything," said Bergman. "What did they see?"
Vayl shushed him. I felt sorry for him. Because I could
see. I could see my soul rise from my body and stretch, reaching over
to touch Matt's soul as it hovered in the air, seafoam green laced with
dark blue, a living jewel that suddenly flew apart just like poor
Charlie's had. Most of it raced out into the night. But some remained,
swirled into my silver-red essence and stayed there, waiting with me,
becoming part of me.
A golden light, bright as a meteor, warm as a pair of fuzzy
slippers, moved from its spot in that corner of the ceiling and
encompassed me, coalescing into human form. Into a man. He could've
been one of David's men his bearing was so upright, so military. But he
was gentle as a lover as he turned my body so my sightless eyes faced
his. He laid my hands across my stomach and straightened my twisted
neck. He leaned over and lay his lips on mine, passing his breath into
my mouth. Then he sat back on his heels.
"What is it that you want, Jasmine?"
He watched my mouth open, heard me say, "To fight." Nodding
with satisfaction, he touched the tips of his fingers to my neck and
leaned in to lend me one last breath.
I've lived through some strange moments. Once, when Granny May
took me Christmas shopping, we stopped at a Hallmark store. I was idly
eyeing a display of candles, trying to decide if I could weasel 25
cents out of her for a gumball when all the candles suddenly lit. I
looked around and caught the eyes of a boy my age who, with a jerk of
his head, put them all out again. It's certainly a novel way to meet
girls and one I hope worked out for him in the end.
Another time, I was working a case that required me to partner
with a coven of witches who got so irate at our target that they cursed
him. Before I could actually eliminate him he stepped off the curb
wrong and broke his ankle, ate a hamburger that had been left out
overnight and spent a night in the hospital puking it up, found his
wife cheating with his boss, and chipped most of his front tooth off
when a drunken waiter got too enthusiastic with a champagne cork and
let it fly into the guy's face. I think by the end he was probably
grateful when an honest-to-goodness piano fell on his head.
I've met psychics and snake charmers, serial killers and
geniuses. But nothing in my experience had ever come close to watching
my own rebirth. I suddenly understood the supernatural meaning of weird.
I'd always imagined resurrections would be quiet, sacred events. But
now I thought maybe Lazarus had screamed just like holographic me did
when my soul plummeted back into my body and parts that should never be
broken were forced into repair.
My first deep, whooping intake of air echoed Vayl's nightly
wakings in a way that made the watching me shudder. The creature who'd
brought me back gave me a strange look, a mix of pride and pity that
made him seem ancient. By the time I opened my eyes he was gone.
Feeling an immense sense of confusion, I struggled to focus.
My first movements were so random I looked more like an infant than a
professional vampire killer. A supreme effort brought me around to my
hands and knees, and that's when I saw Matt. The soul behind my eyes
cracked like roughly used china.
Cassandra touched the orb and the picture faded as my true
collapse began. I remembered it all now. The keening, the wailing, the
crawling through the blood of my team, screaming for help. Losing,
losing, losing my mind. I sent her a grateful glance for sparing me the
humiliation of an audience for at least that part of my journey through
"I am so sorry," she said, swiping at the tears that rolled
down her cheeks. She kept trying, and failing, to meet my eyes. Maybe
she thought I intended to punish the messenger. And, okay, the thought
had crossed my mind. Very briefly.
"I'm not mad, Cassandra" I said. I struggled to explain. "For
me, it's always better to know. There was so much I couldn't remember
about that night, so much I needed to understand. Now, I guess I do."
"Yeah, but can you believe it?" asked Bergman. "I sat here and
watched the whole thing and I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the
fact that you're—"
I cocked my head at him. "Alive? Or should I say undead?"
Vayl took my hand, laced his fingers with mine. "Welcome to
the club."
Eventually the shock faded, replaced by our
pressing need to rescue Cole and my own personal desire to reduce Aidyn
to so much vapor. Vayl's focus remained on Assan, as it should. And we
hoped to find all three at Alpine Meadows.
Everybody sort of wandered off, leaving me free to do what I
needed. So I worked. Packing our gear calmed me more than anything. The
familiar movements through my memorized checklist made me feel, well,
real. I spent extra time cleaning Grief, making sure she was fully
loaded and ready to smoke. I found new pockets for the toys Bergman had
provided that I wasn't actually wearing, and stowed the rest of our
stuff where it belonged. I came more fully back to myself when I banged
my head on the van door while loading it, and finally understood why
sometimes people just need to be pinched.
We left Bergman elbow deep in blood tests and Cassandra up to
her eyeballs in some musty old books she'd brought with her. If worse
came to worse, as I find it often does, maybe she could figure out how
to bind the Tor-al-Degan before it had a chance to unleash whatever
hellish plague Aidyn had drummed up. She was sure giving it the old
college try. She'd read for awhile, find something pertinent and
whisper it to the Enkyklios. She hadn't gotten the marbles to move by
the time we headed for the van, but hopefully it was just a matter of
Behind the wheel again, I maneuvered the van through traffic
without once swearing at the red Volkswagen that cut me off or the
light blue Taurus that hugged my bumper like a lost and lonely child.
When it finally turned off our street, Vayl heaved a sigh of relief. "I
expected you to slam on the brakes if that man followed you any closer."
"The thought never crossed my mind."
He sat silent and stared at me for so long I started to
squirm. "What?" I finally asked.
"Are you going to change now?"
The question took me back. "Shouldn't I?"
He frowned. Then the mask came back, settling over his face
like a shroud. "Of course. Never mind."
"Look, Vayl, it's… reliving the nightmare… this new knowledge…
it's too much, you know? I don't know how to act. Hell, I don't know
what to think." I shook my head. "It's too big for me to figure out all
at once. So I'm just going to be Jaz Parks, Albert's daughter, Dave and
Evie's sister, and Vayl's avhar for now. If I
need to tack another label on later," Angel? Demon? Zombie?
"I guess there's room there at the end of the list."
Vayl's eyes snapped to my face when I said "avhar," and stayed
there until I met them with my own. The shroud lifted and he smiled. "I
like your plan."
"Is that what it is?"
"How about my idea to rescue Cole?"
"I like it too. Where are the smoke grenades?"
"In the duffle with everything else."
"What about this new communications invention Bergman gave
"Might as well try it out." I pulled the silver case from my
jacket pocket and gave it to him. Vayl handed my hearing aid and
mouth-mint to me, put his own in place. We did a little test and I got
goose-bumps when Vayl's voice came to me in Barry White bass. They
disappeared when he told me mine did the same.
Forty-five minutes later we reached the cul de sac behind
Assan's house. We would access his property from the back, case the
place, figure out who was situated where and move on to plan B, which
involved heaps of smoke and a well-timed call to the fire department.
During the diversion we would execute Cole's rescue, and Assan, if our
luck held. But not until we found out where they were keeping the
Tor-al-Degan. I was sure if we discovered the whereabouts of the Kyron,
we would find all the other monsters as well. Then we'd make them wish
they'd caught their own virus.
Big words for a skinny, red-headed woman who had never felt so
overwhelmed in her life. Because, to be honest, I wasn't sure we could
pull this off. Yeah, we would put up a helluva fight. But we were going
against the most vicious, brutal minds on the planet. People who didn't
believe in rules or mercy or the sanctity of life. And even worse,
people with the money and the contacts to pull off whatever atrocious
plan their devious little minds could concoct. To top it all off, I had
no idea how to beat this beast. Starve it? Give it permanent amnesia? You've
got to be kidding me! Come on, Cassandra, give me an option I can work
We parked the van, Vayl retrieved our bag and I locked it up
tight, using a special button on Bergman's key-ring to activate its
security system. I wasn't sure how it worked, but I wouldn't have been
surprised to learn that he'd rigged the van to blow if anyone so much
as wiggled the door handle.
The oval of pavement we'd chosen as our parking lot was
well-lit, but quiet. Each of the six homes that surrounded it looked
fit to house a president. But, despite the lights glowing behind
several of the windows, I had a feeling no one was home. It gave
credence to my theory that anyone who could afford such luxury never
had time to enjoy it.
We walked into the strip of trees that led to the edge of
Assan's property. An artfully landscaped palm grove, it reminded me,
despite the lights at my back, of a desert island. But maybe that was
because I couldn't shake the feeling Cassandra's little show had given
me that I'd been marooned. When we hit the border of those trees and
saw Assan's expansive back yard the feeling grew into a sickening sort
of anxiety.
"Vayl," I whispered, "something's wrong."
He nodded. "We will wait and watch." Fifteen minutes later
nothing had moved, inside the house or out, and I still couldn't relax.
"I was kind of expecting dogs," I said.
"Or at least a patrol," Vayl added. "Let's go."
We made the short, cross-country run to the kitchen door
without incident. I started to check out the security system, then
realized the door was cracked open.
"Vayl." I spoke so low I thought even Bergman's communicators
wouldn't pick me up, but he turned to look at me. I pointed at the
door, said, "Trap?"
He studied it and what he could see of the dark, empty room
beyond through the window. "Could be," he whispered. He nudged the door
open and squeezed through. Snapping my watch band for maximum stealth,
I followed close behind. My disquieting feeling doubled. I concentrated
on it, tried to pinpoint its source.
"Something's really wrong here," I hissed as we crept past a
six-burner stove, an immense island, a three-door fridge, "somebody's
feeling extreme… it's hard to explain. They're… on some sort of edge."
"Yes, I feel it too. What do you think? Are they waiting for
us?" Vayl asked.
"I don't know."
We found the back stair that Cole had used to escape from the
guards at the party. Vayl gestured that he would check the rooms along
the furthest hall, so I took the three closest, working my way from the
back toward the restroom where Cole and I had met.
No one occupied the first room, but Derek's scent lingered,
the way it will beside an empty trash bin. The second room had been an
office, and might be again. But the file drawers sat open and empty. So
too did the desk drawers. And a dust outline showed where the computer
had rested.
"They've cleared out," I said. "This room used to hold a paper
trail. Now even the shredder's clean."
"So far only two deserted bedrooms over here," Vayl told me.
"Empty hangers. Empty drawers."
"Damn! So much for solid evidence."
"Maybe not. I hear something coming from the third room."
"I'll be right there." I hurried across the front hall to
where Vayl stood, poised to open the third door once he'd satisfied
himself it didn't hide an army.
"That's the source of the bad feelings I'm getting," I
whispered, "behind that door."
"Did you hear that?" Vayl asked.
I nodded, trying to identify the sound. There it went again,
the deep, throaty utterance of a person in pain. And then—"Is that…?"
"Crying? I think so."
"Let's get in there."
For an answer, Vayl tried the door. It was locked.
"No problem," I whispered, pulling off my necklace. I slid the
shark tooth into the lock, waited a second, turned it. The door yielded
to my funky key with a soft click. I left the key in the lock and drew
Grief. Vayl had left his cane in the van, but he was hardly unarmed. I
felt his power shift and rise as we prepared to enter the room.
"On three," Vayl whispered. He raised his fingers in quick
succession, one-two-three. Vayl threw open the door, shoving his power
in front of him like a winter storm. Anyone inside would feel it as a
compelling need to do whatever Vayl required before their eyelids froze
to their eyeballs.
I dove inside, staying low and looking for targets. The only
one I saw was bleeding too heavily to be any sort of threat.
I holstered Grief and ran to where she lay on the floor of a
bedroom so frilly and sumptuous I could not have imagined violence
occurring there, except for the beaten woman sprawled on the Persian
She moaned, tried to open her swollen eyes. Only the right one
obeyed, and that by just a slit. "He said you'd come."
She shook her head, winced, and fresh tears tracked down her
torn and broken face. "Cole," she croaked. I could hardly believe
talking was still an option for her.
"Give me your phone," Vayl said, "I am calling an ambulance."
I fished it from my pocket and tossed it to him.
"Too late," Amanda gasped. "I'm… you must
listen." She reached up and I took her hand. It seemed to comfort her.
"I thought that… since I couldn't sneak you in here… I could find some
evidence for you."
"Oh, Amanda. Didn't Cole tell you how dangerous your husband
"Yes." She licked her lips. "So thirsty."
"I will get you some water," said Vayl, his call already
complete. He left the room.
"Is that the vampire?" she asked.
"Mohammed… thought he was dead."
"How do you know that?"
She took a couple of breaths, seemed to steel herself. "I
overheard him talking on the phone. So I confronted him."
"I sure wish you hadn't done that."
"We fought," she went, her voice bleak. "He… admitted he
killed my brother. He said Michael was in on it at first. That the trip
to India was his idea, to get some relics they needed to summon… but
then, he tried to back out." In my imagination I could see them,
fighting over Assan's virulent plans, with Michael dying horribly as a
result. But what in the world did he think would
happen? It angered me that this family had no sense of self
preservation. Somebody should've smacked them upside the heads years
ago and said, "Wake up, fools! You can be hurt!" But even as I raged,
logical me wondered why the move to the U.S. when they already had the
Kyron in their pockets in India.
Amanda went on. "He made me admit I'd hired Cole. Then he
brought Cole here and made him watch while he… beat… me." One, hopeless
sob escaped her swollen lips.
"The bastard's going to die for this, Amanda."
Amanda sighed. "Okay." She was quiet for so long I thought
maybe she'd passed out. Or passed on. She stirred. "He burned the
files. Took the bag from the safe. Except for… he said it was the key,
so I snuck it from the bag while he was… out."
The hand I wasn't holding had been laying across her chest.
Now she raised it, pointed to the bed. I lifted the ruffled skirt,
fighting a flash of childhood apprehension as I peered underneath. Even
with my enhanced night vision I could only barely see the pyramid that
sat there, just tall enough to brush the bedspring. I reached for it,
pulled it out. It weighed a lot more than I'd expected.
"What is it the key to?" I wondered aloud.
Vayl, who'd just reentered the room, came over to look.
"Something else for Cassandra to research?"
"I guess so. If she has time. If we have
Vayl helped Amanda drink some of the water he'd brought her.
When she'd had her fill he laid her head back onto a pillow I taken
from the bed. I'd never seen him so gentle.
"Mohammed took everything else with him." Amanda's mind must
be wandering—or shutting down. She was repeating herself. But her next
comment was new. "He said, the things in his bag… he'd used them to
summon a terrible wrath into the world and that…" she squeezed her good
eye shut and new tears emerged, "… that it had eaten my brother's
soul." I patted her arm, at a loss to know how to comfort her.
I spoke to Vayl now. "There it is, proof that he summoned the
Tor-al-Degan in India. So why didn't it decimate that country? Why does
he need to do it again over here?"
"Maybe he did something wrong there. Maybe he timed it wrong,"
suggested Vayl.
I shook my head, frustrated by our ignorance. "Maybe Cassandra
will come up with something."
We heard the strident wail of the ambulance and silently
agreed it was time to go.
"We have to leave, Amanda," I said, "the paramedics are here."
But she didn't hear me. Sometimes it happens like that, while you're
looking the other way, distracted by events and conversations.
Sometimes people just go. Those quiet departures sit wrong with me.
Death should be louder.
"Wait," I said as Vayl took the pyramid. It seemed
disrespectful to leave before Amanda. Her essence rose from her body,
violet and blue with large golden crystals interspersed here and there.
"Do you see it?" I whispered. Vayl shook his head. "I wish you
could see it. It's so…" There really were no words. Maybe just the ooh
and aah that comes unbidden from you when you see an amazing display of
fireworks. And then, just as suddenly as the fire fades from the sky,
she was gone.
I retrieved my necklace/key from the door and we left the way
we'd come, melting into the trees along the edge of Assan's estate just
as the ambulance crew reached Amanda's room and turned the light on.
"We've got to find Cole." An unnecessary statement, I know,
but I could hardly contain the urgency I felt.
"Any idea where to look?"
"I've only seen Assan in one other place—chatting up Aidyn
Strait at Club Undead."
"It is as good a place to try as any."
I let Vayl drive. I think he was flattered. To be
honest, directing a van down the interstate is, for me, at most a
Jell-O-mold-elephant kind of thrill. Plus, I needed to get some
updates. I called Bergman first. After a series of annoying beeps and
whistles he answered. "Is this line secure?" he asked.
"Safe as a homerun hitter. What have you got?"
"Pool chemicals in Vayl's blood supply. Specifically, a
cleanser that melts mineral deposits."
I repeated the report to Vayl, who let out a string of curses
that would've made Hugh Heffner blush.
"Okay, thanks. How's Cassandra doing?"
"No luck so far."
"Um, would you mind helping her with her research? We really
need to find out all we can about this monster." I described the
pyramid we'd found and waited for him to jump on the bandwagon.
Unfortunately he's afraid of wagons. And bands. There was this pause,
during which I could almost hear him cringing.
"Bergman, she's trustworthy."
His voice dropped to a whisper. "I don't know. She's got that
funky, supernatural thing going on."
"As opposed to Vayl's perfectly straightforward existence? And
mine, come to think of it? Come on, buddy, what's the real problem?"
"She's gorgeous." He said it with an awe that probably should
be left on holy ground.
"Gorgeous women make me nervous."
"As in—they can't be trusted?" His silence made his opinion
"Are you going to make a pass at her or something?"
"God, no!"
"Then relax. The worst thing that can happen is she'll jump
your bones and you'll get so wild you break the lab equipment. So stay
away from the kitchen and you'll be fine."
He huffed in the phone, but I could hear the laugh he was
trying to hold off. "Okay, then," he said. "You'll call?"
"Call or come knocking."
"Good enough." We broke the connection. Albert was next on my
call list. He answered on the first ring.
"Jaz? Hang on." The background blare of Albert's t.v. muted. I heard more
clicks as he transferred to his safe phone. "Okay, I'm here."
"I know it hasn't been long but—"
"I've got a lead."
"Yeah?" I guess I sounded, well, shocked, because he said,
"Hey, I may be a feeble old Marine, but I still got connections."
"There's something funny about Tom Bozcowski."
"The retired football player?"
"Right. He's had an unnaturally large turnover in interns.
Seems they keep getting sick."
"With what?"
"That is interesting. Has the name
Mohammed Khad Abn-Assan come up in relation to the senator? Or maybe
Aidyn Strait?"
"Hang on, that first name sounds familiar."
He started to mumble to himself, not so you could understand
him, and I heard the sound of papers shuffling. "Yeah, here it is. I
asked my contact for anything unusual, and he included this little item
with the other stuff. Says here Bozcowski had plastic surgery done by
Assan right before he ran for senator five years ago."
"Thanks. Keep digging, will you?"
"Sure thing."
"Oh, would you find out if any of the senators owns a pool?
And look for connections to technology purchasing for the Agency." I
described the faulty beacon without saying how I'd carried it. No point
in starting a fight I didn't have time to finish.
"Yup. Uh, Jaz?"
"Are you eating right? Getting plenty of fruits and vegetables
and all that stuff? I'm just asking because Shelby's been lecturing me
on nutrition. You'd be surprised what good food'll do for you."
"Don't worry," I said, both exasperated that it took this long
for the blockhead to figure out maybe he should eat well, and warmed by
the fact that he gave a crap about my health, "I'm eating fine." So's
my vampire friend, but we won't get into that. No sense in flirting
with a strode at your age, Albert. "Why don't you call Evie?
She definitely needs a good lecture on nutrition."
"Maybe I will."
I hung up. Vayl glanced over at me and both his eyebrows went
straight up.
"What is the source of your evil grin?" he inquired.
"I sicced Albert on Evie."
"I thought you loved your sister."
"I do. She'll worry less when she hears from him, and that's
good for the baby. So's eating right, which is all he'll probably talk
"I see. Is that the only reason you are smiling?"
"I think we found our leak."
Club Undead waved its tacky tombstones at us as we drove
slowly by. A new bouncer watched the front, where only the loveliest
and palest of partiers lined up for their chance to touch immortality.
Beside the bouncer stood a sign on an easel that hadn't been there
before. A mix of words traced in neon colors spelled out the message Welcome
to Jazz Night, only the colors were arranged so that the
words "Welcome Jaz" stood out in glowing yellow relief against the
black of the board. An arrow drawn in the same glowing yellow pointed
straight up.
"Do you see it?" I asked, leaning past Vayl to get a better
view. "I do."
"Do you think Cole's in there surrounded by goons who're just
waiting to shoot me?"
"I would say that is the most likely scenario."
Even with the heater on and my jacket buttoned, I felt
chilled. But my fear factor didn't matter. Cole needed me. "Let me off
at the corner, okay?"
"What are you going to do?"
"Smoke out the innocents downstairs, then meet you upstairs. I
think that's his most likely location. Remember, they believe you're
dead. Use it to your advantage."
"I always do." He pulled up to the curb; I got out and waved
him off. He'd park in the alley and make his way to the club's upper
story from there. I unbuttoned my jacket, walked to the line in front
of the club, wiggled my butt right up to the new bouncer and gave him a
smile so sweet, if they put me on t.v. I could've sold chocolate
covered cherries to an audience of diabetics. Okay, Amanda, wherever you are… this one's for you.
"Do you know what I smell?" I asked the bouncer.
"Nope." He looked interested though.
"I smell freshly turned vamp." I reached into the special
pocket reserved for Grief and it came to my hand smooth and deadly as a
cobra strike. A flick of the magic button, and two seconds later all
that remained of the bouncer was a puff of smoke rising from a tiny
rain of debris.
The girls at the front of the line screamed and shoved their
way to the street. A few others went with them. Somebody yelled, "Gun!"
an understandable mistake considering the crappy lighting, and a
mini-stampede ensued during which I let myself into Club Undead. It
stood empty—dark and silent as a freshly dug grave. Creepy.
"Vayl," I whispered, "nobody's here."
"Not even a mouse?"
"Hardy har. Where are you?"
"Approaching the fire escape. But there is time, if you wish
to abort this plan."
"No, no, let's keep going. I'm taking the spiral staircase
now." I crept up each step, expecting to hear the thunderous roar of
gunfire despite the fact that my newly amplified senses told me the
second floor was empty as the first. The silence held. So did my
nerves, but just barely. If some joker jumped out of the shadows and
yelled Boo! I'd blow his head off without even thinking.
The cavernous room's only light emanated from the red and
white exit sign stationed above a dark door on the back wall. I walked
past the dance floor and a steady succession of tables dressed in white
cloths. Each held a black vase with a black rose in it. Matching black
candles flanked the roses, each held by expensive looking crystal.
I eyed the door. No telling what lay behind it, and any
surprises promised to be nasty. I looked around, hoping to find another
way up. What I saw suspended from the ceiling reminded me of a
university theater. Lights tilted at every possible angle covered the
entire expanse, except for the section taken up by the catwalk. It
started at a glass-walled booth, perched nearly ten feet above my
current position, and wandered across the ceiling in a pattern that
allowed access to all the lights. A black metal ladder, nearly
invisible against the darker black wall, allowed access from my level.
I told Vayl what I'd found.
"I'm going to check it out," I said. "Maybe the booth has a
back door."
"Good idea. I am headed up to the third level now. Looks like
the windows are boarded up, so you will have to be my eyes."
I climbed the ladder, which hugged the wall from floor to
ceiling, intersecting the catwalk on its way. From there just a couple
of steps took me to the door of the overlook. It was open.
I kept expecting a gang of goons to jump out from behind a
curtain and start shooting. "But nobody's here," I whispered. "What are
they planning?" I stepped into the booth. To my left, a bank of unlit
controls stretched from one edge of the window to the next. Two black
chairs on rollers parked in front of it. The only other contents of the
room were an empty trashcan and a full ashtray. There was, however,
another door. I eased it open, expecting a sound, a click maybe, that
would signal the closing of a trap. I need not have bothered. The trap
Aidyn and Assan had set for me was too big for a click. A gong, maybe,
but not a click.
This time my senses told me the room wasn't empty, was
actually inhabited by someone feeling deep, repeated waves of misery,
and once again they were right. I pulled a long-handled dental mirror
out of the kit I'd packed at Bergman's, and slipped it through the
crack I'd made in the door. I couldn't see any guards, not one. I did
see Cole.
He sat in a chair in the middle of a room that reminded me
strongly of Granny May's attic. Boxes, old trunks and abandoned chairs
took up every bit of wall space. From the scuff marks in the dust, it
looked like they'd been shoved to the sides to make room for the chair.
And Cole.
He sat perfectly still, looking straight ahead, breathing
through his mouth because his nose had been broken. The only way I
managed to contain the fury I felt at seeing him hurt like that was to
promise myself that I would damage Assan badly before I finally wiped
him off the face of the earth.
After another look around the room, I decided Cole was its
sole occupant.
"Jaz?" Vayl's voice in my ear held the slightest trace of
"I'm here. So's Cole. But it looks like everybody else has
taken a coffee break."
"These boards are flimsy. I can break through them anytime you
need me."
"But you'd rather keep a low profile?"
"For now. We are only going to get one chance at this
surprise. But be careful. This is weird stuff."
"I'm getting good at weird," I said grimly, nudging the door
wider with my foot while I trained Grief on various sections of the
room, both of us primed for attack. The only thing that happened was
Cole turned his head and saw me.
He looked like a spring break boozer who's somehow survived a
tumble off the balcony. Black and blue bruises covered his entire face,
except for where it was red from dried blood. Blood-crusted gashes
showed through his torn clothes. His hands, laying limp in his lap,
were swollen, the knuckles scraped and cut. He could've gotten up at
any time, nothing bound him to the chair, or even to the room, but he
stayed put, looking at me with wordless regret.
"Cole?" I stepped forward and he said, "Stop." The word came
out slurred, mostly due to his fat lip, but I also noticed a couple of
gaps where he'd had teeth the last time we talked.
"We've got to get out of here," I urged him.
He shifted his gaze and I followed his eyes to a dark,
lifeless t.v. that sat on top of a round, wooden bar stool. It blinked
to life and within seconds I was involved in a staring match with
Mohammed Khad Abn-Assan.
Mostly for Vayl's benefit I said, "Assan, what are you doing
on t.v.? Don't you know scumbags like you have been outlawed by the
"Good evening, Lucille. Or should I say Jasmine? We appreciate
your quick arrival. Gives us some extra time to prepare."
"For what?"
He chuckled, flashing a couple of gold fillings as he looked
off camera, sharing his amusement with his comrades. "Why, the end of
the world as we know it."
The fear that spiked through me fueled my comeback. "You know,
you could be killed for throwing cliches around like they actually mean
something. However, I believe I'll kill you for your other crimes
instead. Starting with your wife's death."
Cole made a desolate, lost sound that demanded comfort. But I
couldn't give it. Not now, while I was still locked in conversation
with Assan. He laughed again, his absolute lack of remorse making me
feel truly murderous. "You are a jewel. How fortunate for us both that
my master has created the perfect setting for you."
"Bozcowski's not a master. He's a slave to his own psychotic
fantasies." And the Raptor, I'm just sure of it, if I only
had proof.
My comment worked like peanut butter on a mousetrap. No sooner
had I laid it down than here came the rodent himself, leaping into the
camera frame, red-faced and defiant. I expected him to bluster, but he
pulled it together fast. He actually smoothed his thick, stubby fingers
through his gray-blond hair and straightened his navy blue suit coat.
Ah, the magic of television.
"You are a straight talking woman, aren't you?" he said. "Well
then, I'll give it to you straight. Your actions in the next few
minutes will determine whether or not your young man dies. You see,
we've strapped a clever little device beneath the seat of his chair. If
his weight leaves that chair, it will explode, destroying the two of
you, the club and most of the block it sits on. Think of the loss of
innocent life."
"Go on."
"I can disarm it temporarily from my present position, but
only for the ten seconds it would take for you to switch places with
him." Scumbag. "You don't mind if I check out
your story, do you?"
He beamed at me as if I'd just won him a bet. His jowls
quivered with pleasure, reminding me of that bulldog from the old
cartoon. Would he come prancing into the room if I yelled, "Oh
Belvedere, come here boy!" I hid a smirk at the
mental image as he said, "Of course not, feel free."
I knelt in the dust of Club Undead's attic and peered under
the chair. Yup, definitely a bomb. I had seen similar devices in bomb
squad manuals under the heading, 'Run Like Hell!' I had that
sinking-in-quicksand feeling that anything we tried now would only make
us descend deeper and die sooner.
I stood up again, my mind looping around a single word—run,
run, run, run—and providing the Pink Floyd soundtrack to
back it. A roaring began in my ears, and it had nothing to do with my
reconfigured hearing aides. The blackness came next, creeping into my
peripheral vision like a feral dog, making my face tingle, making my
eyes water. Instinct made me stiffen, resist. It felt so much like
losing control, being engulfed in some other, more powerful personality.
I looked at Cole and my heart began its own chant. Get
him out, get him safe, whatever it takes, whatever it takes, whatever…
I let my head fall forward and closed my eyes. Without the
distraction of sight, I could feel the blackness towering over my
psyche like a monstrous storm-filled sky. I resisted the urge to bolt.
I didn't invite it in. I just listened. Instantly the roaring sounded
less like the Atlantic hammering Florida during Hurricane Charlie and
more like… a voice. All it said was, "Let yourself go," but the words
carried a richer meaning, showed me exactly what needed to be done.
I raised my head and opened my eyes, catching Bozcowski in
such a look of greedy anticipation that I was suddenly reminded of the
villain who starred in many of my childhood nightmares, the
kid-snatcher from "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang."
"Why me?" I asked.
"Previous experience has taught us we need a willing
sacrifice. Taking Cole's place makes you willing. It also eliminates
the irritation you've been causing." As if I was a hangnail. But
there's power in being so severely underestimated.
I addressed Assan. "So that's why using Amanda's brother in
India failed, huh? He wasn't a willing sacrifice. Way to read the fine
print, dufus."
Assan's eyes nearly crossed with fury at my disrespect, but
something made him look off-camera, then move aside. Aidyn Strait
joined him and Bozcowski in front of the lens and I fought to remain
calm, to mask the fury that whipped through me with stunning force.
"There is no such thing as a failed experiment," Aidyn
informed me. "I was working on an entirely different project when I
discovered the red plague quite by accident. And I could never have
developed it without a series of trials helping me refine it to full
The Red Plague? Such a simple name for something designed to
be so horrific. I felt sure we were only going to get one chance to
turn the tide, so I kept playing along, fishing for information,
watching for some slip that would betray their weakness. I said,
"That's what I don't get. Why don't you just let it spread the way the
flu does? Why all this elaborate human-to-vampire mumbo jumbo?"
Aidyn looked to Bozcowski, who smiled at him like an indulgent
parent. "Go ahead, tell her," he said. Aidyn nodded.
"It is the only way I've found to keep the red plague from
mutating into a run-of-the-mill virus." He spoke eagerly, as if I was
the science reporter for the New York Times. "When I began this
experiment I planned for a sexual transmission. You people were so
steeped in free love and multiple partners, I supposed sixty-five
percent of you would have been dead in six weeks. But the virus mutated
into a non-lethal form when humans spread it to one another. I found
out quite by accident that, when it is transmitted to vampires via
human blood, it becomes nearly ninety percent lethal. However it also
loses its contagion characteristics."
I interrupted him. "You mean, it can't be spread?"
"Not by the vampire carrier. I cannot tell you how frustrating
the entire process has been."
Wow. Did anybody else see a Divine Hand dipping down to smack
Aidyn every time he took a forward step on this one? First his
abominable disease turns into a bunny rabbit when he tries to get
humans to pass it around. Then he gets the bright idea for vamps to
take the lead role, but they're like a bunch of two-year-olds. NO, WE
Aidyn continued, "However, One among us
knew the story of a visionary leader named Tequet Dirani and how he
nearly ruled this world and those beyond, with the help of the
Tor-al-Degan. She will be our delivery system.
She will take the plague from the infected vampire and spread it to the
"So, what are you telling me, that I should send my
damn-you're-an-evil-genius-Hallmark card to the Raptor?"
Bang. If we'd been standing in front of an impartial jury I'd
have gotten my guilty verdict simply from the expressions on their
faces. They recovered quickly, however, and without revealing anything
incriminating, damn them.
But maybe they didn't need to. Vampirella had said something
before I smoked her that didn't make a lot of sense at the time. She'd
said Aidyn would kill her for a guy named Edward, because she and Boris
had rejected his proposals. So, just for laughs, let's say
Boris and Vampirella are the Vultures of a Russian nest that the Raptor
wants as an ally because maybe it's big and bad and centrally located.
The Raptor approaches them with a proposal and they say hell no. He's
pissed, so he works it out with Aidyn to bring them to Miami, get them
killed by plague (or by assassin) and both he and Aidyn get what they
want. Huh. I'd have to do a little research to back up my
theories, but I was willing to bet I'd just discovered the Raptor's
real name.
All this time Aidyn had been considering me silently. Now he
said, "You look familiar. Do I know you?"
His question staggered me. Did he know
me? I experienced an endless moment of total nothingness, like the
shock you get right before the boom of a nuclear blast. In that white
stillness I instinctively wanted to grab onto something solid. My
emotions were suddenly so mangled I couldn't believe I was capable of
coherent thought. Oh. My. God! Then I became the
explosive, a sleek silver canister containing a mushroom cloud full of
infinite death. He'd killed Matt. He'd killed me!
And I was supposed to keep chatting him up as if we'd met at a
conference years ago and were getting reacquainted?
"Jasmine!" It was Vayl's voice in my ear, concerned, maybe
even a little panicky. "I can sense your feelings from out here.
Something is tearing you up inside. Do I need to come in?" Hell
yeah! Get in here and trash this room! Impale Aidyn's image on that
coat rack over there! Save Cole! Save me!
I took a deep breath. And another. I had to get control.
Right. Now. I started to shake. Full body tremors that made me tighten
my shoulder blades and clench my hands. My teeth didn't quite chatter
but it was a close thing, as if I'd been walking in 40 degree weather
with no coat for hours.
I closed my eyes. The killing time will come, Jaz.
You can wait for it. The Voice told you so.
"Jasmine, I am coming in," said Vayl.
"No?" Aidyn echoed.
"No, you don't know me," I replied, wishing my voice wouldn't
shake like that. I tried to get back to the facts. Things we at the
C.I.A. would want to know when we prosecuted the ones Vayl and I didn't
immediately terminate. "What I don't get is—why kill us off in the
first place? The way you look at things, that's the majority of your
blood supply moved so far down the food chain even the worms wouldn't
Aidyn began shaking his head before I'd finished. "No, not at
all. We are simply culling the herd, weeding out the weak in order to
purify our stock. When they are gone, we will introduce the antidote."
I wanted to wipe the smug expression off his face—with a flamethrower.
"This will, of course, make the survivors extremely grateful to us. In
fact, they will decide they owe us something in return for saving them
from the very plague we have begun."
"I suppose that's where you step in, Senator?"
He gave me his classic, CNN smile. So caring, so sincere. Ass.
"A country under siege needs a strong leader. A popular leader. Someone
who can explain the new order to them in such a way that they'll wonder
why they didn't think of it themselves." His delivery was so smooth I'd
have bet he was speaking from a script. One written by Edward the
"And that is?"
"Willing servitude, Jasmine dear. Blood for safety, blood for
health. It's not such a high price to pay. I'll show them that."
"And your terrorist friends get to see America brought to her
Assan flashed his teeth. "We'll be dancing in the streets."
It wasn't hard to envision. They'd done the same after the
Towers fell, and I'd wanted to kill every one of the sons of bitches
then. Soon I'd get the chance. But first…
I sighed. "All right. Flip the switch. I'm trading places with
"Like hell!" said Cole, while at the same time Vayl snapped,
"You will not do this!"
I took Cole by the hands, but I spoke to Vayl too when I said,
"You have to trust me now. Believe me. I know
what I'm doing."
Vayl's voice blared in my ear as Cole tried to shake his head
without passing out. "Jasmine! I forbid this!"
"Now!" yelled Assan. "Switch!"
I squeezed Cole's hands as hard as I could, yanked him out of
his chair and took his place. He staggered backward until he collided
with a pile of boxes. I thought he'd hit the floor next, but he found
his balance.
"Time to go," I told both of my men, before either could
argue. "I'll see you again. Soon."
"I'll be back for you," Cole vowed, his battered face
combining with his ferocious expression to make him resemble a biblical
prophet. Wild.
"I'm counting on it," I said. I checked Grief to make sure the
safety was on, tossed it to him. "Shoot anyone who tries to stop you.
Now get going."
With a final nod, Cole stumbled out of the room. I didn't have
time to worry about whether or not he'd make it down the ladder, much
less the stairs. The three amigos were still tuned in and I really
needed to get rid of them.
"Would you like me to prepare you for tomorrow's activities?"
Assan inquired. "We have such a fantastic evening planned." Oh goody, I've given myself over to the Cruise
Director of the Beast Boat. "Why don't you surprise me?" I
suggested. "You give me too many details and I may just decide to walk
away from this whole deal."
"But—you would be blown up!"
He and Aidyn exchanged a quiet word with the senator. "Very
well then, we will leave you in peace." The picture flickered and faded
to gray. They'd gone, though I was sure somebody over at Psycho Central
still kept tabs on me.
I closed my eyes and lowered my head. Hopefully my watcher
would assume I was praying. And in a way, I was. As when I made my
out-of-body visit to David, I focused my entire mind on what I wanted.
Except this time I had the right words to go with it, words the Voice
gave me now in tremendous, booming thumps, as if they resounded from
the world's largest drum. My voice was a quiet murmur, fitting
perfectly with the dust and neglect surrounding me. As the words
spilled over my lips I began to feel dizzy and disconnected, as if the
moment before sleep falls had been magnified a hundred times. My entire
body began to tingle, and if I touched someone right now I'd expect to
shock them.
I opened my eyes as I felt myself rise. It scared me,
actually. I thought maybe I'd truly begun to stand up, and I sure
didn't want to end it all with an accidental Ka-Boom.
Part of me, the gravity-bound bomb-sitter, stayed put. But another part
continued to move up to and through the ceiling, into the roof's
crawlspace and through that as well. I started to wonder if anything
would stop me from floating away like a hot-air balloon minus its
release valve. I tried to direct my movements, without luck. Up, up I
went, a space-bound spirit with no hold left in the world.
"WRONG!" It was the Voice, still sounding more like thunder
than communication. "LOOK!" I am looking! The
snippy little reply was on the tip of what now passed for my tongue. It
was also a lie. All my attention had been directed inward. Now I looked
outside myself. Seven golden cords stretched from various points of the
earth up, up to me. I concentrated harder and realized I could tell who
the cord was touching simply by the way it vibrated. Actually, the
vibration was more of a song. I identified Albert and Evie immediately.
Dave, whose cord had just been a yellow blur the first time I'd
traveled beyond my body, was there too. Vayl had his own tune, as did
Bergman and Cassandra. Cole's was the one I focused on, however. I
grabbed that cord of music with what passed for my hands and hurtled
down it, delighting in the speed, wondering if this was how it felt to
be a skeleton racer.
I stopped just short of ramming into Cole or, more likely,
through him. He slumped against the post of a traffic sign, trying to
hail a cab. But nobody wanted to stop for a guy who looked like he'd
just been mugged and, therefore, had no money for fare.
"Cole," I said softly, whispering right into his ear. "Relax.
Vayl's coming."
He jerked upright and spun around, his face a picture of
relief and joy. The picture quickly changed to confusion and
disappointment. "She's not here, fool," Cole chastised himself. "She's
sitting on a bomb. Where you should be." Okay, I'm invisible. Why is that? Dave saw me.
I let go of Cole's cord and grabbed Vayl's. It took me right
into the van, which he was trying, and failing, to start. I settled
into the passenger seat as he cranked the key and stomped the gas
pedal. Over the sound of the struggling engine I heard him mutter,
"Stupid, stupid, stupid son of a bitch!" He
slammed the steering wheel with both hands, making it shudder on its
"Geez Vayl, chill would you? At this rate Cole's going to
freak out and walk in front of a bus while you're still deciding
whether to flood the van or trash the steering column."
He gaped at me, smiled his dangerous smile and grabbed for my
arm. I think he was hoping for a hug, but his fingers went right
through me. The dismay on his face would've been funny any other time.
"Um, I guess I should've warned you I'm not quite solid. But I wasn't
sure you'd see me."
He shook his head slowly. "Unbelievable."
"You say that like you're impressed, but you're making that
face, the one I get after I've made a stupid mistake."
He made a frustrated, that's-exactly-what-you've-done gesture.
"How are you planning to rejoin your body, that is, if it is not blown
to bits during the course of events?"
"I thought I'd try just jumping in."
"Are you insane?!" Now that Vayl had a living—sort of—target
for his anger he had no problem starting the van. And now that he'd
asked me the one question I'd feared most, I found I was too mad to
"You know what? I probably am! I did walk straight into a trap
so obvious even a wooly mammoth could've avoided it. Because that's my
job. Yes, it is insane to leave the biggest part
of me sitting on an explosive device. But, according to my job
description, I'm supposed to save innocents, not endanger them. Yes,
it's crazy to stick around waiting for a plague beast to eat my soul.
You'd think one death would be my limit. But apparently I just can't
get enough of it! So can we just agree I'm bonkers and move on already?"
Vayl jerked his head, his version of a nod, and said, "So
where is Cole?"
"Two blocks west of here, last I saw him."
"You… saw him. You went to him first?"
"His nose is broken," I said, as if I needed an excuse. "And,
you know what, I don't need an excuse. I might be a couple of hundred
years younger than you, but I'm still an adult! If I want to show
concern for a friend, I will do exactly that!" I nearly stomped my
foot, but that seemed a little too junior high to ram home my point.
Vayl steered the van back onto the street as he began to
mutter again. I didn't catch it all, but I thought I heard him say,
"That won't be all that is broken." Dammit! If there is any way to screw up a
relationship, I will find it. I pictured Cupid sitting in a
crappy little bar, drunk and depressed, while he moaned to the
bartender, "That Jasmine Parks, gods she pisses
me off! Did you see what she just did? Totally blew off this immortal
stud who's nuts for her to play kiss-the-boo-boo with a fickle little
rent-a-cop. Why? 'Cause she's the biggest chicken-shlit on the planet!
I'm ready to toss my bow and pick up a bazooka!"
"I love you."
I knew he was going to ask for a repeat before he even opened
his mouth, as if it wasn't hard enough to say the first time. That's
what convinced me it was the real deal. I wouldn't go through this for
anyone else on earth.
"What?" he whispered, looking suddenly young and vulnerable.
"I love you, Vayl. There's Cole, see? Can we stop and get him
before he keels over?"
"Only if you love me."
We smiled at each other. "I do," I said. "Sorry about the
crappy timing. This sort of thing should be sealed with a kiss. Or…
"I suppose we will have to save that for the plane ride back." Oh my.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I thought
as I floated into Bergman's house, leaving Vayl and Cole to pass the
doorknocker's muster. From the looks of things, we shouldn't have left
the cowpokes to their own devices for quite so long. With Bergman
bristling like an irritated land baron and Cassandra throwing off bad
vibes like a cornered gunslinger, it looked like we were about to have
a good old-fashioned bar fight. Never mind that the bar had never seen
a shot of whiskey in its whole upper-middle class life, Cassandra
looked like she wanted to drag Bergman down the length of it,
scattering test tubes, chemicals and bags of contaminated blood all
along the way.
I moved over to her, hoping to overhear her low-pitched
mutterings. "Lousy, neurotic, egotistical, bigoted, neurotic bastard!"
She threw a sidelong glance at Bergman as she sat down at the dining
room table, unaware she'd called him 'neurotic' twice, and that I
agreed with her 98%. The bigoted part I'd never witnessed, but I was
willing to kick his ass once I got my legs back if that part proved
true. Then I realized she wasn't referring to skin tone at all. "Thinks
magic's for fanatics, skanks and lesbians, does he?" she muttered.
"Why, I'd like to…" her words trailed off as she narrowed her eyes,
envisioning some satisfying form of retribution. Then she looked
skyward and growled, "What is the
deal with you? You'd think a thousand years of
atonement would serve for one woman. But noooo,
you've got to torment me even more by shoving me into a gang full of
wiseasses and crackpots!"
A thousand years? I suddenly felt like die-hard stoner. All I
could think was, Dude! She's, like, really, really old!
Whoa!… Cool!
Then she saw me. Her face puckered, like she'd just bitten
into a not-quite-ripe apple and she sat back so fast her chair went up
on two legs. While she fought to regain her balance I tried to figure
out this latest mystery. David, Vayl and Cassandra could see me. Cole
"Hey, Bergman!" I yelled pretty loud, because the part of him
that wasn't deeply pissed was focused on conducting his experiments.
Cassandra gasped, "Jasmine?" and he looked up, his face so
creased with annoyance he looked ten years older.
"What did you say?" he snapped.
With all four feet of her chair squarely back on the floor,
she twisted in her seat, her frown matching his. "Don't you see her?"
"I would if she was here." His tone suggested that maybe
Cassandra had fallen right off the deep end.
"Someday someone is going to pinch off your tiny little head,"
she told him. He had a comeback ready, and for a couple of minutes they
bickered like ten-year-olds. But nothing they said could distract me
from the fact that Bergman hadn't seen me either. Bergman and Cole were
definitely alive. Well, maybe you could debate about Cole, but since
human effort had brought him back as opposed to gold-light, crew-cut
guy, I was grouping him with Miles. Vayl, Cassandra and me… well, that
was another matter entirely. Another matter that now evidently included
David. Too. Much.
Cassandra snapped me out of it. She and Bergman had quit
slapping each other around conversationally and now she'd moved back to
her under-the-breath revelations. "Thinks I can't fight this thing with
magic, eh? Well I'll show him!" She flipped through a book like an
impatient client at the beauty parlor.
"Any luck?" I ventured.
She rolled her eyes at me. "I cannot find anything more
telling about the Tor-al-Degan than I already knew. It is so
aggravating! What kind of name is that anyway? I even typed it into
Google. You know what I found? Nothing!" She flipped some more, traded
books and continued her search.
"At the risk of sounding over much like Sherlock Holmes," said
Vayl as he sauntered in, giving Cassandra a knowing smile, "Jaz and I
seem to have found a rather compelling clue." Cole came plodding in
after him and collapsed on the couch.
Cassandra gaped at him, then at Vayl, then back at Cole. "How
can you discuss clues when there is an injured man at your heels?"
Vayl gave Cole an appraising look, "He will live. Now tell me
what you think of this." He pulled the pyramid from his coat pocket and
held it out so they could all see it.
Bergman gave it one hard look and dismissed it. Factoring in
his previous comments and Cassandra's complaints, I gathered he wasn't
interested because he thought it might be magical. Instead he grabbed
the first aid kit from where he'd stowed it under the sink and went to
sit by Cole, where he spent the next ten minutes cleaning, dabbing,
patching and urging him to go to the hospital before his nose healed
that way.
Cassandra reacted much differently. She flattened her hands on
the open pages of her book, her thumbs and forefingers framing a
picture of a horned, winged, fanged version of Cyclops eviscerating
some hapless bystander. But her attention wasn't on the picture. It was
on the key Amanda had passed on to us. It sat in the palm of Vayl's
hand, looking like a kid's toy that's been rolled in the mud.
"I think I've been looking at this all wrong," Cassandra said.
"All this time I have been focusing on the Tor-al-Degan when I should
have been looking for the key. Not that I really knew what it looked
like until just now," she darted a furious glance at Bergman as she
grabbed a new book from the pile she'd scattered across the table.
I gathered Bergman hadn't entirely passed on the description
I'd given him of the pyramid. Considering the import of such
information, I seriously considered calling in some folks with
handcuffs and squad cars. Maybe that would scare him out of his idiotic
prejudices. But that would be for later. Now, Cassandra seemed to be on
a roll. She studied the book with more and more interest while the men
studied her. About the time I expected her to jump up and shout,
"Eureka!" or something equally enthusiastic but a lot less geeky, my
cell phone rang. After an odd moment when my nonexistent hands itched
to dive into my absent pockets, I realized Vayl had it. Our gazes met
across the room and he raised his eyebrows as if to say, Should
I answer it? I nodded.
"Hello, you have reached Jasmine Parks' phone. This is Vayl
speaking." He listened intently. "No," he said, "I am afraid Jasmine is
not available. Can I take a message?… Oh, hello Mr. Parks." Holy crap on a t.v. tray! My dad is talking to my
undead boss, uh, boyfriend, um, whatever! Could this get any stranger?
Apparently so. Because when Vayl hung up he said, "You never
told me how kind your father is, Jasmine." Kind? This was the man who cut off little
old ladies with his grocery cart so he could beat them to the checkout
counter. If you caught him at the park, he wouldn't be feeding the
pigeons, he'd be shooting them. Once I saw him punt a chihuahua twenty
yards because it nipped his ankle. Kind? Huh!
I whooshed at Vayl, making him blink. "Oh no you don't," I
ordered him. "You don't get to like my dad until I
like my dad, and I don't. Do I?" I could tell he thought I'd really
flipped out. So I tried to distract him. It turned out to be remarkably
easy. "What did Albert have to say?" I asked.
"Senator Bozcowski does have a pool. His cousin-in-law owns
the firm that made your faulty beacon. He is also vacationing with his
family in Miami at the moment. But you knew that. Did you also know
when he is scheduled to return to Washington?"
"Well, I'm pretty sure his dance card's full tomorrow night,
so I'll say… day after tomorrow."
"He is leaving in the morning."
"This morning?" As Vayl nodded I checked
out the Regulator clock hanging over the fireplace. It showed nearly
midnight. Oh my God, it's happening tonight! Those lying
"Um, Vayl?" Bergman ventured hesitantly, "is there a reason
you're talking to the mantle?"
Vayl quickly explained, making it sound like I'd gotten myself
into a predicament when I was, in fact, trying to rescue poor Cole from
the sling we'd wound him into to start with! While Vayl talked, Bergman
searched the air for clues to my existence, Cassandra smirked at
Bergman and Cole just slouched among the pretty pillows, scowling at
the drawn curtains. When Vayl had finished, Cassandra stared at Bergman
triumphantly. "Explain that with your equations!"
Before he could think up a suitable retort she went on, "By the way,
while you were playing doctor, I found it."
"Found what, Cassandra?" Vayl demanded. "Talk fast, Jaz and I
have to leave."
"The key!" She pointed to the artifact. "The Tor-al-Degan! I
believe I have found the words—" she glanced at Bergman "—the spell
that activates the key." She held up, not a book, but the Enkyklios.
"We seem to have a detailed record of this beast after all."
"It sounds as if you are coming with us, then."
Bergman lurched off the couch, went to Vayl and grabbed his
shoulder, which he quickly released when Vayl shot him his
don't-touch-me look. But he didn't back down completely. "If she goes,
I go," he said, jabbing a finger towards Cassandra.
Bergman blinked a couple of times, surprised at his success.
"You're not leaving me here while Jaz is sitting on that
bomb," said Cole. We all looked at him. Despite the fact that he
resembled a plane crash survivor, no one ventured an argument as to why
he should stay. Finally Vayl said, "All right, if that is what you
"It is."
Another moment of silence passed out of respect for Cole's
determination and, on my part at least, an attempt to balance myself
against a staggering wave of concern. How were we supposed to keep them
all safe? I wasn't sure it was possible, but I could tell none of them
would entertain my arguments. As I fought a feeling of impending doom,
Bergman launched himself into a packing frenzy that Cassandra quickly
copied. For the next five minutes my little gang looked like they were
preparing a full-scale evacuation. All except for Cole, who glared at
the drapes so hard I was kind of surprised they didn't catch fire. And
I was pretty sure that wasn't Visine I saw glittering in his eyes.
Vayl drove toward Club Undead like a drag racer. Every time he
had to stop for a light or a sign, his next move was a flat-pedal
takeoff. The first couple of o-to-6os left me so unprepared, I found
myself hovering outside the van watching its taillights rush off into
the night. When I resumed my place between him and Cassandra for the
third time, he sent me an apologetic look. "Sorry about that."
"That's all right," said Cassandra, overriding my objections
without realizing I wanted to voice them. "So can I tell you what I
have learned about the key?" We both nodded. "It acts as a controller.
Remember I told you the Tor-al-Degan can perform good or evil acts?
Whoever owns the key can tell it what to do."
"So if they summon the beast before we get there, all we have
to do is tell it to go back to where it came from," said Vayl.
"I'm not so sure. In fact, I think the Tor-al-Degan is already
here. You said it ate the soul of Amanda's brother. And Cole said the
torso they found bore the same markings."
"True. But Jaz said they said they
needed a willing sacrifice."
"Yes. According to my research, the Tor-al-Degan cannot be
completely released from its bonds until it receives a willing
sacrifice. It can, however, exist in more than one realm at once. Which
is why I think it is already here. Most of it, anyway."
"Why would they only bring it partway into the world?" asked
"I suppose they didn't know any better. They seem to be
working from a partial text, or perhaps a copy of a copy of a
translation that has left out vital information."
Vayl clutched the steering wheel hard and shifted anxiously in
his seat. "We have to get there. Now!" He laid on
the horn as a light brown Crown Victoria pulled out in front of him,
forcing him to brake hard. "Next time take the bus you old geester!" he
yelled as he swerved to go around.
"Geezer," I corrected him.
He glared at me. "Never leave your body again!" He jerked us
back into our lane just in time to keep us from getting flattened by a
street sweet Hummer. He tried twice more, nearly colliding with a red
Mustang and a dark blue Camry before he finally succeeded in leaving
the old fart to stew in his prunes.
"Would you quit driving like a maniac if I went back to my
body?" I asked. I'd never seen him so unnerved.
"Yes!" Vayl practically shouted. He took a breath, visibly
pulled himself together. "We need to know if you are still unharmed,
whether they have moved you, what they are planning. Report back as
soon as you discover anything at all."
"Gladly," I agreed. "Your driving is making me nauseous and I
don't even have a stomach!" I floated through the roof of the van and
looked around. All my golden cords still stretched in their various
directions. Was it me, or did they seem slightly dimmer than before? I
didn't spend much time pondering, I was too busy looking for the light
that connected the separate parts of me. I played the cords one by one,
as if they were the strings of a gigantic harp, and delighted to hear
one of them sing my own tune back to me. It wasn't as pure as Evie's or
as powerful as Vayl's, but I liked it all the same. Especially when it
led me straight back to my body.
There I sat, breathing, blinking, looking as blank as the
porcelain dolls Evie collected. I shook my ethereal head. Unfathomable.
I still sat alone and, yes, the bomb still blinked its harsh lights at
me when I checked under the chair.
No longer interested in standing at my own side, I moved out,
through the door into the control booth, now manned by a bald black man
who looked fit enough to break world sprint records. He played with the
sound board, tweaking the music that pounded through the teeming rooms
Floating out the window and over the humans and vamps who
danced shoulder to shoulder, I imagined the devastation that would
occur if I jumped back into my body and rose from the chair. Hundreds
would die. Still, it's nothing compared to the loss of life
our targets have planned. Something to consider. Seriously.
But not yet. At least not until I found them, and it would take
precious minutes to search the crowd, time I no longer possessed.
"Help me out here, would you?" I asked, hoping the owner of
the thunderous voice hadn't taken a nap. "I've got to find the three
stooges." Intuition told me I could sniff out evil now that I'd seen
and accepted my transformation, but that ability didn't help much here,
with my nose in the attic.
The answer rolled across me like an avalanche, reverberating
through me, making me glad I didn't currently possess teeth that might
well have shattered against each other in the aftermath. "UNDERGROUND!"
I fought a perverse urge to do just the opposite, float back into the
atmosphere, chase down the source of that overwhelming voice and
discuss with it the benefits of the whisper. But something told me once
I went hunting for my guide, I might never be able to return.
So I dropped from my lofty perch near the catwalk, past the
dancers' mask-like faces and through the floor beneath their feet. The
wine cellar I entered looked like it belonged under a medieval castle.
Dusty bottles lined row after row of custom-made shelves that filled
more than half the space. A gorgeous cherry table with four matching
chairs stood at the open end of the room, made even more prominent by
the ornate Persian rug under them. Floating next to the table, I could
see a set of stone stairs leading upward. But my guide had left strict
instructions. So I dove through the wide-planked pine floor into the
cancerous bowels of Club Undead.
I fell into a pit, the symbolic significance of which did not
escape me. Lit by flaming torches, painted by their smoke, the pit
easily measured four times the width and length of the wine cellar
standing above it. Uneven stacks of floor-to-ceiling stone impeded the
view, so you could never see more than a quarter of it at once. The
walls were as crooked as the load-bearing columns, as if some enormous
mole had been snacking on various sections, leaving shallow caverns and
outcroppings in its wake.
I drifted around the pit's perimeter, hugging the jagged wall
like an amateur skater. The floor beneath my non-feet looked muddy, and
steaming pools of viscous liquid made me wonder just what a good CSI
would discover given the right chemicals.
In one corner a bona fide stream trickled through a gap in the
wall and exited via a basin that could've been twenty feet deep for all
its blank, black surface revealed. In another corner I discovered
portable metal stairs that led up to a door in the ceiling. A quick
check confirmed that it opened to the wine cellar, though it was hidden
by the rug that lay beneath the tasting table.
About halfway between the stream basin and the stair, a
folding table leaned against the wall. It reminded me of the church
buffet suppers Granny May had dragged us kids to on alternating Sunday
nights during our summer visits. Eight devoted parishioners could've
used it comfortably, or perhaps, not so comfortably after all. The
dried stains on the table top looked a lot more like blood than beef
The occupants of the pit stood in groups of two or three,
wearing basic black, as if they meant to attend a highbrow cocktail
party after the festivities ended here. I counted thirteen all
together, none of whom I recognized as major players. Disappointed that
Bozcowski, Aidyn and Assan, not to mention Derek and Liliana, were
haunting some other pit—I mean part—of Miami, I continued my
exploration. Still hugging the wall, I moved toward the part of the
room furthest from the stairs.
I saw her before she saw me, and though I withdrew into a
shallow alcove, I knew she would not miss me once she knew what to look
for. The Tor-al-Degan viewed the world through cold, dead eyes, making
me feel like a deer forced to drink from crocodile infested waters.
Irises the color of gangrene swam in pus-hued sclera, making any of the
acolytes they rested on shudder and back up a step. I'm not sure I'd
have held my ground either. And I could understand why no picture of
her existed in Cassandra's old books. She was just plain hard to see.
It could have been a trick of the lighting, the rise and fall
of flame throwing odd shadows so all you got were confusing snapshots,
none of which revealed an entire picture. After the eyes I didn't
expect to glimpse an ounce of beauty in the beast, but there was a
finely sculpted cheekbone, and there, the smooth curve of a shoulder.
But I couldn't blame the fizzle, fade the Tor did next on the torches.
I blinked, squeezed my eyes shut before I remembered they weren't
physical orbs at the moment. Must be tough, existing in a couple of different
planes at once, I thought, as she gained enough definition
that I could make out a foot, oh, ugh, make that a big, hairy claw. Definitely
hard on the
posture, too. She seemed to hunch, as if to protect
something she held close, though I couldn't tell what it might be since
she wore a dark, voluminous gown that hid a great deal. Then she turned
her head and I saw the webbed tissue that connected her neck to
something even larger that moved, squirmed,
underneath the material that covered her back.
Again, the Tor-al-Degan began to fade, taking on the
translucence of fine Japanese paper. She turned her head toward the
waiting crowd, which immediately began to chant and sway, reminding me
of the snake charmers I'd seen on Discovery Channel specials. Three
women, all in their late thirties, all prematurely gray, stepped
forward. They kept their backs to the crowd as they knelt on the floor,
their knees sinking a good inch in the muck. The rest of the group
formed a semicircle behind them and fell to their knees as well. The
bottom third of their pants darkened as the cloth soaked up the mystery
soup that covered the floor. As I tried to figure out its ingredients,
Granny May's strident voice popped into my head. Well,
that'll never come out, not even with bleach. Frankly, I was
glad to hear her. This whole scene gave me the willies. Mostly because
I figured my sacrifice was going to be part of the Big Finish.
The Tor's eyes swiveled in their sockets as she opened her
mouth so wide her jaw came unhinged with an audible pop. Enormous fangs
descended from the pointed teeth surrounding them, and she spit thick
white goo at the watchers, making them cringe and retreat though they
continued to chant. Then the Tor whipped her head sideways and slammed
those teeth into the wall. The power she might soon unleash became
clear as she took a bite out of the trembling earth, leaving ugly black
scars in her wake.
As soon as she began to chew she solidified, and I realized
how she'd managed to survive in this state for so long. Not only did
she gain sustenance from unwilling souls, she fed on the earth as well.
Assuming our Native Americans were right, some of the earth's spirit
entered her that way, providing even more nourishment. Though I don't
throw trash on the ground and I have been known to recycle a soda can
or two, I'd never thought of myself as an environmentalist until that
moment, when all I could see were the scars she'd left in her steady
consumption of the good earth. That's enough, I thought. That's
all I need to see. That's all I want to see.
I rushed back to my body and found it where I'd left it, still
blinking and breathing, still alone. Out the window I flew, my phantom
heart skipping a beat when I discovered the cords connecting me with
everyone who mattered in my life had now visibly faded, a hushed octet
drawn from the original magnificent orchestra.
Urgency moved me to new speeds and I reached the van within 30
seconds. Vayl jumped in his seat when I dropped through the roof,
landing on, or rather in, Cassandra's lap. Muttering a quick apology, I
withdrew to my former spot while Vayl informed Bergman and Cole that
I'd rejoined them.
"They've started the ceremony," I said. "It's happening below
the basement of Club Undead."
Vayl slammed on the brakes and I suddenly found myself perched
on the hood of the van as it slid to a stop inches from the back bumper
of a dirty green station wagon. Just ahead of us a four-car pileup
jammed the street. It must've just happened, because all the drivers
involved still sat in their cars and no cops were in sight. I moved
over to Vayl's side of the van, standing beside his window as if I
really had feet, and told him what I'd seen.
"Dammit!" Vayl never swore. Never. I guess that's when I knew
how much he cared. He jerked the van into reverse, but braked hard
again as he realized a parade of mini-vans had him blocked in.
He shoved the van into park and let it idle. "This is going to
take a few minutes. Go back to your body and stall them."
"What? Vayl, this is not a basketball game! I can't go in
there and eat the clock, because when that buzzer sounds the whole
block explodes!"
"You have got to do this, Jasmine. We will be there as soon as
I can convince these drivers to move."
"How are you going to know where to find me?"
"Give me directions." So I did, along with my last excuse.
"I don't want to go. What if the monster eats my soul?" I
sounded like a three-year-old, cowering under the covers because we all
know what sleeps under the bed. But I was scared, more even than I'd
been that night in West Virginia, when I'd been young and dumb enough
to believe I could survive anything.
Vayl stared into my eyes, willing me to believe him. "It
won't. And if it does, we will hang it by the ankles and thump it on
the back until it coughs you up."
I smiled, only because he meant for me to. "Hurry, Vayl. I
don't want to die again." I swooped into the air and stalled almost
immediately. Only four of the seven cords remained and I had to strain
to see them. I picked mine out as the only one leading away from the
van and sped along its length, strumming it like a single guitar
string, forcing the music to send its faint melody into the cosmos. The
cord disappeared entirely as I entered Club Undead, and the prickles at
the back of my un-neck reminded me I could still feel enormous fear
despite my current lack of adrenal glands.
I slipped into the attic, the scene inside my body's temporary
abode striking me as both comical and desperate. There I sat, draped
halfway off the chair, "Unconscious and barely breathing!" according to
Assan's hysterical assessment, while Aidyn crouched before me, his head
and forearms under the chair, his back supporting my legs as he
tinkered with the bomb. Apparently their remote shut-off wasn't 100%
reliable. Not a comforting thought.
Assan pressed the shaking fingers of one hand to my carotid
while he checked my pupils with the other. "She's dying!" he yelled.
"How can she be dying?"
"Silence, you imbecile I am trying to
disarm this bomb!" Aidyn's spirited reply jiggled
my body so that my legs slipped off his back, my feet thumping to the
floor to one side of him as my butt slid completely off the seat to
land between his shoulders. Assan shrieked like a schoolgirl as my
weight shifted.
"Got it!" shouted Aidyn. "Now get her off me!" It's time. I know it's time. Why am I so reluctant
to reenter my body? I looked up, imagining the stars
twinkling in the night sky, with my guide driving a black Jeep Cherokee
between them, singing his own, special rendition of "When You Wish Upon
A Star." A big part of me yearned for that sort of freedom. Someday,
I promised myself, I'll have that. When the price isn't so
Letting go of my hesitation, I slid back into myself, trying
to be gentle, unobtrusive even. Still, the rejoining hurt like a
full-body charlie horse. I woke screaming, startling my captors so much
that they screamed as well. Aidyn lurched to his feet, sending me
tumbling into a pile of boxes. I laid there a second, stunned and sore,
until Assan grabbed my arms and yanked me to my feet, the sword he wore
banging into my shins. Sword? I thought. Weird.
And then, Holy crap, he means to carve me with runes!
"Bitch!" he squealed, spraying my cheeks
with a fine mist as his eyes blazed. "What did you do? What
did you do?!"
I wiped my face and straightened my clothing. "I kept my
word," I said, feeling too depressed, too bereft to even consider
belting him. I'd gotten my body back, for cripe's sake, why this sense
of loss? It overrode everything, even the anger I should be feeling at
being chastised by this rotten little man with his pruny little soul.
And then there was Aidyn, who made me understand exactly how Vayl had
felt when he found his sons dead. I wanted him to die, oh yeah, but
slowly and oh-so-painfully. Didn't I? Even that rage could not seem to
overcome this terrible grief. I hoped I hadn't left it behind. I'd
wanted so badly to release it, and now I wondered if I'd be able to
muster it in time to ensure our survival tonight. If I couldn't, I
hoped it became a little black rain cloud that hovered over these two
dirtbags the rest of their days, sending out hailstones and lightning
bolts at inopportune moments.
Assan shoved me toward the door and I stumbled. Aidyn caught
me, kept me from falling. "Enough!" he snapped, glaring at his
colleague, "we do not need her to break her neck on the eve of our
triumph." What did you say?
I jerked myself out of his grasp, my momentary grief burned
away by the heat of a fury so sudden and searing I could barely breathe
past it.
"Jasmine!" Vayl's voice buzzed distant in my ear, "What is
wrong? I have never sensed such anger in you!"
"How many people have you bled out, Aidyn?" I demanded, my
self-control beginning to shear away beneath the force of my feelings.
"How many necks have you broken? Don't play
gentleman with me. I know better."
"Jasmine, God Jasmine, get hold of yourself!" Vayl's advice
held no more impact than a whisper. But I did hear him.
"Oh yeah, I'll get hold of something." I grabbed Aidyn by the
lapels of his Armani jacket. Whatever he saw on my face made his eyes
go wide and scared. Assan grabbed my left arm, but I knew I could take
them. A simple twist and push would put my hand at
Assan's throat, leaving the other free to tear Aidyn's head off, after
which I would punt it against the wall. Repeatedly. Not yet. It wasn't a voice in my head,
not really. Just a silvery bolt of reason that started at Cirilai and
shot straight into my brain. I dropped my hands as the door flew open
and a couple of Assan's goons trooped in.
"What are you doing here?" snapped Aidyn. "You're supposed to
be policing the exits. We'll be sealing them any minute now."
One man, whose hair was the color and consistency of motor
oil, spoke up. "Liliana has been watching the monitors. She told us you
needed help."
Assan snorted and let go of my arm. "Hardly."
Aidyn ran both hands through his hair. "Stick to the plan,
people! You two," he jabbed two fingers at Motor Oil and his smaller,
greasier pal, "back to the exits. Liliana, Derek," he addressed a vent
in the wall which apparently hid a camera, "you should have been
downstairs with the Senator twenty minutes ago. Now, move!"
The goons scurried to obey as, I imagined, did Liliana and
"That goes for you too," Aidyn told me, his entire demeanor a
Kodak moment in badly disguised wariness.
"Sure." I gave him a Lucille Robinson shrug, knowing that Jaz
must be bottled right along with her rage if we were going to pull this
off. Knowing also that when the lid came off, payback would be a bitch.
The scene in the monster pit had changed somewhat during my
brief absence. I had a better view for one thing. Aidyn and Assan made
sure of that. They escorted me straight to the front row while the
faithful, with the addition of Bozcowski, Vayl's ex and Derek
"Doomsday" Steele, chanted words in a language I didn't understand, but
which my ears heard as, "Over llama catcha fur." The Tor-al-Degan
swayed to the rhythm of the chant, her eyes half-closed as if in a
trance. I should've cared more, but my proximity to Derek had doubled
me over, and I was close to adding my own mound of puke to the nasty
puddles of glop on the floor.
While I leaned against a column, trying to regroup, Bozcowski
turned to face his audience, holding up his hands for silence. "Today,
victory is ours!" he said, baring his shiny fangs as they applauded.
"No longer must we watch our goddess hover between worlds, frustrated
and impotent. We have found our willing sacrifice!" He presented me to
the clapping crowd, a farmer proudly displaying his prize heifer.
I panicked briefly as they surged toward me, but they stopped
short, staying at arm's length, well beyond reach of the Tor-al-Degan's
grasp. The noise they made swept over me though, their whoops of joy
pounding through my head like an ethanol-powered knitting needle. The
monster behind me squealed, her high-pitched response making my eyes
Assan strode to the back of the pit, taking three large
acolytes with him, while Bozcowski continued with the pep rally. I
watched Assan's group return carrying the buffet table. They deposited
it in front of the Tor and then knelt respectfully.
Bozcowski interrupted his speech to look at me, his scowl
creasing his face like an origami sculpture. "What did you say?"
"No," I repeated, "as in no altar, no pagan sacrifice, no me
laying down for it."
"But… you agreed."
"Yes, I agreed to die tonight. But I didn't agree how." Why
did I agree to anything? I am, without a doubt, the stupidest woman on
Assan and his cohorts had risen from their soggy knees to hear
our conversation. Now Assan's bottom lip jutted out and his glassy
black eyes narrowed to slits. "You have to use the altar. I brought the
sacred sword and everything." As if I could've forgotten about the
weapon that had cracked against my calves all the way down the back
stairs and then nearly threw me head-first through the trap-door of the
wine cellar when it had gotten tangled up between my ankles.
"Is that the same sword you used to leave little carvings in
your brother-in-law's chest?" I asked it in a whisper. My churning gut
wouldn't allow anything louder.
"Yes. But we won't need the runes for you. Just a clean, quick
"Oh?" Weren't we being so polite? I could hardly stand it.
"We have no need to hold your soul in stasis because the
Tor-al-Degan is already here, prepared to eat it. At least, most of her
is here. The rest will arrive soon."
"I'm confused. She looks like she's all here. You can't see
through her or anything."
"Looks can be deceiving." I thought about my recent trip
outside Physicality and decided not to argue the point. But Vayl had
told me to stall, so I reached over the nausea, past the dawning
migraine, and plucked out a subject they wouldn't be able to resist.
"I understand what happened to Amanda's brother. But what
about the torso? It had the same markings."
Assan pursed his lips and refused to speak. Aidyn was the one
who answered me.
"After the debacle with Assan's brother-in-law, we discovered
our goddess needed a willing sacrifice. So we petitioned a member of
our sect to provide it. He gladly stepped into her jaws, but his soul
did not free her. That was when we learned of the second twist, that
the sacrifice must be willing, but not a worshiper of the Tor-al-Degan." Wow. Whoever had trapped the Tor had gone
to great lengths to ensure she remained trapped. Leave it to a bunch of
vampire/terrorist punks to foul a perfectly good binding spell.
Liliana had been quiet up to now, sizing me up like a tigress
waiting in the weeds. To look at her you'd never guess she'd taken a
dive off a roof recently. Unless you made the mistake of meeting her
eyes. The memory stood there, poisonous and pissed. Suddenly she
pounced. "Where is your sverhamin now, you mortal
cow?" she asked, sidling up to me as if we were about to share a juicy
Though Derek's scent made me want to curl up in a ball and
pretend this was all a bad dream, I straightened and held her off with
a raised hand, as if I were a running back in a slow motion replay.
"Back off, Liliana."
She grabbed Derek's forearm and pulled him, stumbling
slightly, to stand beside her. He looked much worse than the last time
I'd seen him. His jaw was slack, his eyes unfocused, his skin bright
red with fever. He kept reaching out with his hands, making pinching
motions with his fingers like a kid at a 3-D movie.
I raised my hand higher, leaning my back against a column.
"I have found your kryptonite, haven't I Wonder Woman?" she
asked, giving Derek a rag-doll shake.
"I believe you're mixing metaphors there, Lil." I stood up,
realizing if she'd found my weakness, I'd discovered a new strength. It
came from a combination of the ring on my finger and Vayl's voice in my
head, whispering words I didn't recognize. Cirilai did though,
responding with a warmth that spread up my arm and through my body,
pushing Derek's stench off to a bearable distance.
"Give me the ring," Liliana hissed, doing such a good
imitation of Tolkein's Gollum that I laughed.
Screaming with frustration she grabbed my neck with both hands.
"Liliana stop! Are you insane?" It was Aidyn's voice coming
from somewhere beyond the shadows that had dropped over my vision as
Liliana squeezed away my blood supply. I thought dimly how strange it
was that she didn't just scratch me. She'd have had me so much easier.
But she'd flipped out all the way, and logic didn't fit into the place
she'd gone.
I grabbed her wrists and squeezed back. She cried out in pain.
I yanked her hands off my neck, held them wide away from my body and
head-butted her so hard my vision rimmed everything in gold for the
next ten seconds. It was worth it.
She grunted in pain. I stomped her foot and followed up with a
kick to the knee that made her scream as the entire leg gave. She
swiped at me as she went down, collapsing like the Wicked Witch of the
West, only there was no melting this iceberg.
"Please don't kill her." Unbelievable, not one, but two pleas
for mercy kept me from dusting Liliana right then and there. Aidyn said
it to my face. Vayl whispered it in my ear.
"I would kill you if I could," I told her, "I don't care who
begs for your life. You're an evil creature and you deserve no pity,
not one drop."
Though the Tor-al-Degan hadn't even cleared her throat,
everyone suddenly attended her.
"I like this woman's soul." Holy crap what a freaky
voice. It crawled across the skin like a colony of spiders,
making you want to shiver and scream. I had to bite my lip to keep
myself from begging for mercy. Led by Bozcowski, her little
congregation fell to its knees like a fanatical group of synchronized
swimmers. The Tor-al-Degan was looking at me like I generally regard a
big plate of cheesecake. "She will taste of spice and vigor," said the
Tor. "Let us begin."
I braced myself to fight whoever tried to manhandle me onto
the buffet table. But I wasn't the one Assan's assistants grabbed.
Derek had collapsed beside Liliana, watching through bleary
eyes as she squirmed with pain. Now four Deganites lifted her out of
the muck and carried her to the table. She sat on it, her legs dangling
over the side, the one I'd kicked still slanted strangely. Derek
crawled toward her and the Deganites helped him to his feet.
"Say it!" urged Bozcowski from his perch in the muck, "say the
words!" Aidyn had moved to stand by the table, but the senator wasn't
talking to him, nor Liliana and Derek. His orders were for Assan, who
had retrieved a gym bag from wherever he'd left it. Now he brought from
it a bubble-wrapped object about the size of a standard flashlight.
When he unwrapped it and sat it on the ground between the
Tor-al-Degan's feet, I saw that its base was made from a human skull—a
small one, maybe a child's? Three primitive stone daggers protruded
from the top of the skull, and on their points sat a shallow stone bowl.
At Bozcowski's urging, Assan had begun chanting. Every time he paused, the
congregation echoed him. It reminded me, ridiculously, of Girl Scout camp and
the song I still knew by heart—The other
day (The other day) I met a bear (I met a bear) Out in the woods (Out
in the woods) Away out there (Away out there).
I realized my mind was beginning to play tricks on me, trying
to remove my consciousness from this scene and send it back to better
days. That way it could protect my frail sanity from moments like this
that could well snap it. What a great idea. Too bad I couldn't allow
it. I made myself watch carefully. Somewhere among this devilry, please,
oh please, was the key to their downfall.
Assan had unwrapped and placed three of his grisly statues in
a tight triangle around the Tor. But Liliana had gone on without him.
She held Derek between her legs, the fall of her hair hiding his neck
as she prepared to drink from him.
For Vayl's sake I said, "Liliana, if you take his blood,
you'll die. You did hear Aidyn say that, right?"
She threw me a smirk. "You think he developed an antidote for
humans only? What an imbecile." As she leaned to drink from him my gaze
tracked to Aidyn. And what I saw in his face looked a helluva lot like
Liliana's death sentence.
"It is time." I shivered as the Tor-al-Degan's throaty growl
scratched at my senses. "Bring her!" Assan had stepped back beside
Bozcowski, and though the chanting continued I could see the change it
had brought. The Tor looked more vibrant, more lethal, as if the
ceremony had filled her with venom.
"Vayl," I whispered, "where are you?" No answer. Damn
Bergman's prototypes!
"Your mewling little eunuch cannot save you now," snarled
Aidyn. He grabbed my arm and jerked me forward, past Derek, who had
fallen to his knees, and Liliana, who lounged atop the table as if it
were a gigantic, vibrating mattress.
"Not her you imbecile," snapped the Tor,
making Aidyn flinch, "the vampire!"
I nearly laughed to see Aidyn's insults thrown back in his
face. He didn't take it well either. His expression would've sat
comfortably on a preacher who's just discovered his theology's full of
He let me go, left me standing just feet from the Tor while he
fetched Liliana. Her complexion pink from gorging, she rose
languorously from the table and followed him to the first skull, not
even limping from our last encounter. With a casual flick of the
fingernail, she opened a vein in her wrist and let Derek's blood, now
transformed by her vampirism, drain into the bowl. When she'd filled it
she moved to the next, bending over to show off her cleavage to Aidyn's
fascinated eyes.
The chanting rose in volume and urgency. The Deganites,
including Bozcowski and Assan, swayed to their own rhythm, their faces
a collective mask of fanatical bliss. Derek, still on his knees,
drenched in his own blood, had joined in.
The second bowl was full, and it looked like my cavalry was
still stuck in traffic. Assan reached into the duffel, pulled out a
bubble-wrapped object that he would soon discover was not the key. Then
all hell would break loose. Maybe literally. With no key to control her
actions, wouldn't the Tor run rampant? Not without a willing soul.
I could run, but I wouldn't make it far. And that would still
leave the Tor poised to wreak havoc. As the first drops of Liliana's
blood hit the third bowl, I did one more quick study of the
Her inability to maintain a solid front made her seem
vulnerable despite the energy that came off her in waves. One clean shot, Jaz, that's all you're getting and
then you're done for. I took one, heartbreaking look at the
life I could've had, and let it go.
I began to cave myself inward, as if my soul was a collapsible
laundry cart. Turn and fold, turn and fold, until the only portion left
of me could've been punted, like a paper football, over goalposts
formed by four fingers of a sixth grader's hands. It was the only
fortress I knew how to build, and my sanity huddled at its center
where, if I survived, maybe the blood and the horror of what I was
planning could only leave a faint stain.
"Aaahh! Aaaahh! AAAAAAHHHl!!" It was
Assan, too freaked to scream with words, holding a wooden statue of a
closed fist with the middle finger raised. I couldn't connect that
F-you statue to Amanda's frilly room, which was how I knew it must've
been her brother's, maybe from his med school days when he still felt
confident enough to flip off the world. It looked as if Assan had
gotten the message.
Strings of box tape and bubble wrap streamed from his fingers
like thick cobwebs, jigging to the rhythm of his shaking hands. His
eyes had gone buggy, and he kept glancing from the Tor to Bozcowski to
Aidyn, as if at any moment one of them would tear him limb from limb.
And maybe they would if the angry mob the Deganites were becoming
didn't lynch him first. They converged on him, pushing, shoving,
yelling spit-laced curses. Aidyn, still mesmerized by the slow trickle
of Liliana's blood looked around, confused. So did Vayl's ex.
I rushed to the nearest torch and tore it off the wall,
breaking the tip off its wooden handle so that its jagged end threw
splinters onto the murky floor. A small sliver of wood floating in an
oily puddle gave me an idea. I touched the torch to it and it
flamed nearly waist high, grabbing gases from the air that burned green
and stank worse than a rotting skunk in the middle of the swamp.
With only seconds to spare before somebody figured out their
sacrifice had grown a spine, I sprinted from puddle to puddle, lighting
them up like road flares behind me. When I was done, a fence of noxious
flame trapped Liliana and the Tor. Both of them screamed at Bozcowski,
Aidyn, Assan, the crowd, not one of whom had thought to stock the
dungeon with a fire extinguisher.
I had one more moment to grab a second torch from the wall
before the bad guys reorganized. Behind me, the Tor and Liliana cringed
against the back wall as putrid green flames licked the air and
pronounced it kindling. I held the torches out in front of me and the
crowd backed up. I took a step forward. They retreated another step,
their shoes squelching in a puddle of mire large enough to hold fifteen
pairs of feet.
"I'll bet you guys didn't know I went through college on a
track scholarship," I said, glaring into their flushed and wary faces
as they tried to figure out how to surround me. "For javelin."
I tossed the right-hand torch up in the air, caught it in an
overhand grip and launched it at their feet. The puddle ignited
instantly, catching a woman's skirt and a man's sleeve.
The crowd stampeded, throwing their burning brethren into the
muck as they went, stomping bones along with the flames. They reached
the stairs as a herd, scrambling over each other to reach the top. Men
cursed, women screamed, people fell, got up and jumped back on.
Bozcowski, Aidyn, Assan and I watched, spectators at a train wreck.
Then Assan shook his statue at me.
"You're dead," he croaked, advancing on me slowly.
I nodded grimly. "You don't know how right you are."
He stopped, not sure what to make of this. Aidyn and Bozcowski
tried to flank me. I waved the torch at them. "Don't. Move."
Behind them the crowd's roar doubled. The men turned to look,
so I risked a peek as well. The Deganites were backing, tripping,
falling down the stairs in the face of a pair of space-age guns held by
Cole and Bergman. As those two cleared the stairs and began to round up
the Deganites, they were joined by Vayl, leaning just slightly on his
cane, and Cassandra, holding the key in one outstretched hand. In her
other hand, the Enkyklios was transforming, its marbled parts rolling
into the shape of an hourglass. She was already chanting, and I risked
a look behind me to see if the Tor had heard her call. Evidently she
had. Despite the heat of the fire that trapped her, she'd pulled away
from the wall and risen to her full height, her eyes glued to the key.
The screech of buckling metal drew my attention back to the
stairs. Cole and Bergman had made it to floor level with their
prisoners. Vayl and Cassandra had reached the fourth stair when the
whole structure collapsed. Vayl tried to balance Cassandra, but she
lurched out of his hands and onto the floor, averting her face just in
time to miss the taste of mud and flammable gases. A portion of the
stair glanced off her head and shoulder, the artifacts flew free and
her chant ceased. Holy crap! My heart froze as I looked
back at the Tor. She'd fallen to her hands and knees, was lapping
Liliana's tainted blood out of the offering bowls, one after another.
"Cassandra!" I yelled, "Hurry! Get control!"
Assan chose that moment to attack, rushing me like a crazed
linebacker. I never could've met that mad attack full on, but then I
never meant to. I faked a run to the right until he committed to that
direction, then I came back left and connected with a leg sweep that
sent him sprawling. I moved toward him, meaning to follow up with a
bone-crushing kick to the skull, but Vayl's voice stopped me,
"Jaz! Behind you!"
I spun around in time to see Liliana launch herself over the
wall of flame, which was vastly shorter now than it had been a moment
before. The Tor's chuckle of triumph told me she might've had something
to do with that. I tried to dodge out of Liliana's path, but stepped
into deep, thick mud. It grabbed at my shoe, slowing me just enough
that Liliana's nails grazed my neck as she landed, reopening the wounds
Vayl's fangs had made.
"Now I've got you!" she exulted, keeping her distance as I
desperately jabbed the torch at her. Assan struggled to his feet and
drew his sword. His eyes were on the trickles of blood running down my
neck into the collar of my shirt as he said, "Now, Jasmine. Now is your
time to die." Son of a bitch!
Liliana began to circle me, her expression a study in
satisfaction. Assan followed suit. "It looks as if our rat is finally
cornered," she told him. "Shall we play a bit before we take her soul?"
He grinned and nodded, licking his lips as if he was about to sit down
to a luscious feast.
As I turned to keep Liliana and Assan in full view, I could
see Vayl and Aidyn over their shoulders, struggling for possession of
the key Cassandra had dropped. The Enkyklios sat forgotten, half-buried
in gook. Something about the scene it played called to me, and I
narrowed my eyes, trying to discern details I was too far away to see.
Vayl distracted me, shooting the sheath off his cane just as Aidyn
threw a punch that connected with his shoulder. The missile flew off
course, missing Aidyn completely, but hitting Assan in the back of the
head, taking him directly to his knees and over onto his side.
Liliana didn't even spare him a glance as she said, "You must
admit I have the upper hand, Jasmine. Perhaps now
you would like to hand over Cirilai? No? Well then." She held both
hands out, as if she meant to grab me by the shoulders. Then she closed
her fists.
The vice gripped my heart so suddenly, so painfully, that I
screamed. It felt as if she'd actually sunk her claws into my chest and
squeezed. But that wasn't the worst of it. The worst part was that I
couldn't catch a full breath, just shallow pants that made me even more
desperate for air. A moment's release allowed me one whopping inhale,
then the vice closed again, bending me backwards, bringing tears to my
eyes. Through the numbing wall of blood and panic that pressed against
my body I heard the sharp crack of a rifle shot. The Deganites screamed
and the vice around my heart dropped away.
I looked up from where I'd been crouching, one hand on my
chest, the other on my thigh, trying to prevent a full-body muck bath
while the torch sputtered on the ground beside me. I had a moment to be
grateful nothing else had caught fire as I searched for the source of
the shot. Cole was swinging his gun back around, training it on the
Deganites, though he spared me a look that could've meant anything. I
read it as a command. I've done my part. Now stand up and do
Liliana stood swaying, hands out for balance, the hole in her
chest a bloody blob of muscle and bone. I grabbed the torch. It
flickered to life as I raised it and leapt toward her. She held her
hands out as if to resist me, but the injury left her too weak to
maintain even token resistance. At the last moment I flipped the torch
in my hand and rammed the jagged handle into the opening Cole had left
for me. Liliana clutched the torch and staggered backwards, the shock
and denial on her face lit by yellow and orange flames. Then her face
was nothing more than a ghostly shadow made of smoke and steam as the
remnants of her physical being fell to the floor, a heap of clothes and
fake hair with a few particles of dust and ashes mixed in.
I moved past Bozcowski, who was digging in the mud, apparently
under the impression that we were in the middle of trench warfare.
"Where is it? I thought I saw it fall over here. Where is the key?" he
kept asking himself. I was pretty sure he was in the wrong spot, so I
went to help Vayl, inwardly cheering as he delivered a smashing
uppercut that lifted Aidyn completely off the floor and threw him five
yards back. A black slash at his throat revealed how close Vayl had
already come to taking his head. Then Assan rose to block my way.
"Oh, no you don't," he muttered, holding his sword out before
him with both hands, "I still have plans for you."
"It won't work, Assan. I'm not a willing sacrifice."
"But you were once, and like most contracts, supernatural or
otherwise, the word given to seal the deal is the one that counts."
I felt an immense, fiery hatred for this miniscule pile of
bones and trash that had dared to masquerade as a loving husband, a
charitable soul. I would disarm him with a couple of well-placed kicks.
Then I would disembowel him with his own sword which, as I eyed it,
seemed more and more familiar. Where had I seen it? And recently too.
He jabbed at me, forcing me to back up, to close the distance
between the Tor-al-Degan, still trapped behind a knee-high wall of
flame, and myself. Then I suddenly had it.
"The Enkyklios," I breathed.
"The what?"
The scene that had played out just beyond my vision had
involved the sword. Someone, a tiny blurred figure shining with sweat,
covered with blood, had fought the Tor-al-Degan with Assan's sword.
"I need that sword," I told him.
"Don't worry, you'll get it." His smile, white and gold teeth
gleaming from a face half-caked with mud and grime, made him look
purely demonic.
"Then come give it to me," I demanded.
"I was never one to turn down a beautiful woman's invitation." I'll bet. I glanced over his head. Vayl
had Aidyn down on his knees, one hand at his throat, the other holding
his wrist, pressing hard, trying to squeeze a dagger out of his grip.
He leaned over, inhaled deeply, opened his mouth and breathed icy air
into Aidyn's face. I saw Aidyn's skin begin to crackle and darken.
Meanwhile Bozcowski had moved to another mudhole in his desperate
search for the key. Then Assan demanded my full attention.
He charged straight at me, sword held high before him. "Run
bitch!" he screamed. "Run from your fate!"
"Now why in the world do you think I'd take your advice?" I
asked him. Utter disbelief crowded the rage from his eyes as he saw I
meant to stand my ground. But he didn't stop. He came steamrolling
toward me, mud flying from his ruined shoes, sword cocked and ready for
a killing blow. Still I let him come, and just as he began to make the
cut I jumped at him, coming in under the arc of his swing, giving the
blade only air and a small slice of my calf, not even enough to sting
until later.
Remembering every tip I'd ever heard Albert give David during
his high school football days, I went in low, head up so I could see,
catching Assan just above his right hip, driving him backwards into a
pillar. When I heard the air whoosh from his lungs I grabbed his right
wrist and twisted while I drove my other hand hard into the back of his
elbow. His agonized scream told me I'd done the move right. From there
it was easy to tear the sword from his grip and drive him to his knees.
He hit the mud one last time, cupping his broken arm with his whole
one. I swung the sword hard and straight, taking his head so cleanly
that it stayed on his neck for a teetering moment before it toppled
off, hitting the mud a second before his body followed.
Twenty feet beyond my left shoulder, Vayl had also found a use
for one of the pillars. He slammed Aidyn into one and the resulting
crack surely signaled a fractured skull. Then he looked at me. "This is
your kill, Jasmine. I have been saving him for you. Come—" Words failed
him as his eyes tracked away from mine, behind
me, and the horrified expression on his face told me nothing, nothing,
nothing, ever goes as planned.
I turned on one heel to find the Tor-al-Degan standing inches
away, her reeking breath making me feel like I'd just entered a sewage
pipe. I jumped back and she smiled, revealing at least three rows of
graying teeth, all of which looked shark sharp.
"Cassandra!" I yelled, "center-stage, girl! Reel this monster
in!" I risked a look back and wished I hadn't. While Cole guarded the
prisoners, Bergman struggled to help Cassandra sit up. She looked ill,
like somebody had slipped raw eggs into her morning juice. Vayl fared
only slightly better. Aidyn had taken advantage of his momentary
distraction to disarm him. Now they were duking it out like old-school
boxers, standing toe-to-toe, delivering blows that would've sent most
men to their knees.
Only Bozcowski continued as before, a frustrated pirate
digging for treasure.
I looked back at the Tor, a wave of despair dulling my vision,
making my mouth taste of metal and grave dust. I felt my shoulders
slump, watched my sword arm drop.
"This is how it will feel when I eat your soul," the Tor
whispered. "Everything that was good and glad in you will nourish me,
bring me full into this tasty, luscious world of yours where I will
eat, and eat, and eat…" She subsided, glassy-eyed, smiling hellishly at
the prospect of such a meal.
In that moment she reminded me strongly of a balding,
thick-lipped serial killer Vayl and I had recently dispatched. He'd
worn that same expression right before we blew his brains all over the
wall. I wanted to call it an omen, but it was too late for that. I
laughed bitterly.
As soon as my laughter hit the air I felt better, and knew
she'd been bewitching me. I'd just been so focused on Cassandra and
Vayl I hadn't noticed my magic-meter spiking.
"You laugh," said the Tor, "why?"
"Because you won't be able to squeeze enough joy out of my
soul to qualify as an anorexic's dinner." I shoved the sword into her
and she screamed, her rotten-egg breath burning my nostrils, making me
gag. She staggered backward and I pulled the sword free. As she turned
to run I struck again, slicing into her slithering hump, my sword
sliding through it easily until it lodged in her spine. She screamed
again, but when she turned to look at me over her shoulder she wore an
evil grin.
"Gotcha." In that one word her voice tipped the scale from old
hag to nether-being. At the same time her ripped gown fell to her feet.
The whole room got a nightmare glimpse of sagging, pustule-covered skin
and then all hell broke loose.
Surely if Dante could've seen the rock-lined pit under Club
Undead he'd have thought it an accurate depiction of at least one of
his many hells. Lit by torches and burning bits of floor, the
Tor-al-Degan's current residence stank of flammable gases, blood, vomit
and outright evil. It also rang with the voices of her worshipers,
who'd agreed it would be a bright idea to summon her fully into our
realm—a big, bad carnivore who saw the entire world as her Little Red
Riding Hood.
The Deganites, who probably passed as upstanding citizens by
day—bankers and insurance agents and definitely lawyers—screamed like a
bunch of U2 fans as their goddess began to change. The rest of us just
watched, stunned speechless, as a yellowish red substance the
consistency of hair gel oozed out of the Tor's wound.
I let go of the sword hilt and backed up, fear and confusion
warring with panic and horror to see which could gain control of my
mind first.
In defiance of gravity, the ooze rose, growing over the top of
the Tor's head. It spread downward as well, until it looked as if she
had stepped inside an enormous tank of pink Vaseline. Oh god, oh god, oh god. I looked back at
my friends. Cole still had the crowd corralled, but they seemed
cheerful about it now.
Everything else had gone from bad to worse. Somehow Aidyn had
escaped Vayl long enough to deck Bergman, who lay crumpled on one of
the floor's few dry spots like a worn out bloodhound. Aidyn had then
grabbed Cassandra, who still looked spaced out, and now held her in
front of him like a shield. The Enkyklios lay at their feet, replaying
another fight scene featuring some long-dead hero and the Tor. This one
had, not a sword, but a two-handed battle axe. Time after time the Tor
suffered blows that would've felled a crazed elephant, and yet she kept
coming back for more. Kept… healing.
"Give me the key!" Aidyn screamed. "Give it to me now, before
I break this Seer of yours over my knee!"
"I do not have it," said Vayl. "One of us must have kicked it
into a pool while we were fighting." He said it casually, a weatherman
mentioning the cold front that was about to whip through the region.
But his eyes kept darting to the Tor, as did Aidyn's. In the short time
I'd looked away from her, she'd changed dramatically. She'd grown to
twice her height inside that viscous shell. Her hair had clumped and
then formed into tentacles. Spinal plates grew out of her back, the
second one sporting an extra protrusion in the shape of a sword hilt.
And the transformations happened so fast I could hear the gut-twisting
squeal of bones stretching and the wet, ripping sound of skin opening
to make way for new appendages, including two vicious looking pincers
that emerged from the Tor's bleeding jaws.
She stretched, rising to a height of at least eight feet. Her
new muscles rippled beneath skin the color of a bad sunburn. Her eyes
had brightened to violet, the same color, in fact, as Liliana's. I had
never seen anything so immense, so unearthly, so unbeatable. Tammy
Shobeson's voice squealed in my head, Loser, loser, loser!
"Time to play," the Tor growled in her new voice as she shook
the gel from her new body (if only Jenny Craig had her recipe). She
moved toward me. Even though I knew, deep down, this was the end for
me, I stood my ground. For me, there was no other option.
"Move!" she demanded.
"What do you hope to gain by standing in my way?"
I thought about it. Even now, in the final moments of my life,
smartass me was ready and available for service. "I'd like a title.
Maybe Idiot of the Year. Is that one taken?"
She leaned over me, the putrid tang of her breath making my
curls wilt. "Are you trying to save the lives of your puny friends?"
"What if I was?"
"Then you would, without question or debate, qualify as a
willing sacrifice." Shit! I turned and ran, mowing through
the mud like a sleek little ATV. I waved my hands and screamed, "Run!
Run! She's going to kill us all!"
As soon as I passed Vayl, I heard a shot. One glance back
showed Cassandra diving off to the right while Aidyn began to topple
backwards, a dark and gaping hole in the middle of his forehead. Vayl
closed in on Aidyn fast, a sword-wielding juggernaut that didn't stop
until Aidyn's head flew from his body and the smoke of his remains
stained the ceiling.
The Deganites milled around, showing the whites of their eyes
as Cole swung his gun back towards them, having done all he could to
pull the odds back into our favor. He looked ready to bolt, but he
stood his ground, which made me enormously proud. I gestured for his
gun and he immediately tossed it to me. I sprayed the wall just above
the Deganites' heads. "Run! Run! Run!" Like good little sheep they
obeyed, surging toward the stair wreckage in a babbling mob. Even
though it looked more like a tornado victim than a means of egress,
people were still finding a way to climb up towards freedom.
I turned the gun on the Tor and opened up. I'm not sure, but I
think I might have been screaming while I shot her so full of holes she
looked like a puzzle with several missing pieces. Moments later Vayl
joined me, firing Bergman's weapon. He caught my eye and I realized we
were both grinning, a couple of crazy hyenas tackling one badass lion.
The Tor back-peddled fast, squawking and bellowing by turns.
She grabbed Bozcowski from his latest fishing expedition and held him
in front of her like a shield. His body bounced like a marionette as
our bullets struck him.
"Put me down you freak!" he demanded, his voice rising up the
scale to a shriekish whine. "Let me go you disgusting piece of swamp
She conceded, in a way, by wrapping her maw around Bozcowski's
head and snipping it off as if it were a piece of thread. His body
wafted away like the smoke from a newly doused fire.
And I thought we had her. I honestly did, that's how bad I
wanted it to be true. Then she lunged.
Even in the midst of battle, when moments move like hours, the
Tor was a red blur. Fangs the size of my hand sank into my right side.
It felt like two flaming skewers had pierced me through and through,
sending bolts of electric pain shooting through the rest of my body. I
felt myself sinking into the agony, as if it was a tar pit from which I
could never escape.
The Tor-al-Degan shook me. My feet left the ground and, even
as a red haze of torment settled over my brain, I thought distantly
that I must resemble an old dog toy, frayed around the edges and in
desperate need of retirement.
I pressed my gun against her skull, shot until my magazine was
empty, and she would not let go. Dimly, a mere echo in the booming
crush of sound that was my blood rushing, my ribs breaking, my lung
collapsing, I heard Vayl yelling, urgent, adamant orders I knew I must
obey if only I could decipher the language he barked them in.
Then I was outside, above, watching from a place so quiet, so
warm, so safe that all it would take would be a
plate of chocolate chip cookies and a tall glass of milk for me to feel
as I had every time I visited Granny May. I realized I'd split from my
body one last time, only all the golden threads were missing. I
searched for them, feeling a wave of grief at their loss. Then I found
a new thread, one imbued with every color of the rainbow, and was
amazed I hadn't seen it before, it was so large, so gorgeous, pulsating
to some basic rhythm that might well have been the heartbeat of the
I moved toward it. Who wouldn't? But something stopped me,
tugged at me, pulled me back. I looked down, perplexed, and then I saw
the problem. The Tor had grabbed onto a trailing ribbon of my essence
with one of the tentacles that flanked her jaw. I watched her reel me
in, panic beginning to eat at the edges of the brief peace I'd found.
But I was aware of more, as if I could see everyone and everywhere at
The last of the Deganites had reached the door and was
climbing through. Cassandra had crawled to Bergman and was rolling him
over. He winced and grabbed his side, saying something to her that
caused her to turn him further and grab at something he'd been laying
Cole had moved to Vayl's side, where they both fought to force
the Tor to release my body. Cole delivered a flurry of blows to the
Tor's mid-section, at least one connecting soundly enough to break her
arm, elicit a high-pitched scream. Vayl leapt onto the Tor's back and
sunk his fingers into her throat. Frost crackled up her chin and across
her face. He dug deeper and the frost turned to ice. No more sounds
escaped her throat, not even when he broke her jaw with one powerful
blow of his fist.
My body dropped to the floor, bouncing slightly before it
settled into the ooze. Cole immediately went to work, inspecting
wounds, searching for a pulse. But Vayl stayed put, hacking away at the
Tor's tentacles with bloody fists. I realized he could see me, that he
The Tor-al-Degan was eating my soul. Slowly. With the relish
of a connoisseur.
Once I'd thought maybe I was crazy, and the fear of losing my
sanity, losing myself had dogged every breath,
dictated every action. Worse than an infestation of cockroaches, a
cancerous tumor, the loss of my family… the feeling had left me
unwilling to rest, unable to find peace. That had only been fear. This
was real.
Second by second, the Tor was ingesting the best, and the
worst, part of me. I was losing myself inside the horrifying red hell
of the Tor's gaping maw. I struggled. I fought. I prayed. I tried
desperately to tear myself free. But the slow torture of my ultimate
destruction went on. And though I had no voice, I began to scream and
scream and scream…
A voice rang across the room, Cassandra's deep, rich tones
washing across me like warm, clear water. She'd come forward to stand
by Cole as he worked furiously over my cooling body. In her right hand
she held the pyramid, the key. And in her left hand she held the
Enkyklios, echoing the words as she heard them from the small vision of
a Seer who had stood in a long distant past and saved the world for a
The Tor bellowed and shook her head, denying the power that
had suddenly appeared, demanded her allegiance. But Cassandra would not
relent. And moments later I was free. Flying. Soaring toward that
stained glass rainbow of a lifeline and following it straight to the
know, I thought I was headed to heaven," I said as I looked out the
window. The skyline of Las Vegas glared back at me. I stood in a lavish
suite, definitely high-roller territory, surrounded by plush furniture,
satin curtains and so much marble the room could've doubled as a
"Some would tell you you're already there," said my companion.
I would've pegged him as a fighter from the start, even
without the crew cut and the upright bearing. I recognized those eyes,
had grown up around men with the same look. Only battle will do that,
only pitched battle and the death of men you love like brothers.
I also recognized him from our last encounter, when he'd
mended my broken neck on the blood-stained floor of a house that should
never have been called 'safe.'
The guy, this warrior had smiled when I showed up and he'd
said, "There you are," as if we'd prearranged my appearance in the
middle of his hotel room. He'd left his perch on a black leather
bar-stool and come to shake my hand. "Hello, Jasmine, my name is
Raoul." Spain bronzed his skin and flavored his accent, but his manner
was pure American military.
"I'm dead, aren't I?"
He'd cocked his head to one side, as if sizing up the new
recruit, "That remains to be seen."
I'd gone to the window then, confused and somewhat depressed,
pretty sure I'd been relegated to the eternal Between. Below me, Sin
City sparkled like a Desert Queen's tiara. Too bad the stones were fake.
"I guess some people would like to spend eternity gambling and
watching showgirls strut across the stage," I said. I turned from the
window and dropped onto a couch that made every bone in my unbody sigh
with pleasure. "Shoot, I wouldn't mind spending a couple of weeks doing
that myself."
Raoul settled onto a matching couch that met mine at a
45-degree angle. I suddenly realized this room was arranged the same
way I'd done the furniture in Diamond Suites and Bergman's safe house.
Yes, and in that long ago place where Aidyn had destroyed my life.
"Have I been here before?" I asked.
He nodded.
"And David? Has he been here?"
"In a way."
"You're not supposed to remember."
"Are you okay?"
"Should I be?"
He smiled again. "Probably not."
"So, why am I here?"
He looked surprised, as if I should know. "You're a hero."
I was beginning to get the idea. "Look, I
didn't save the world back there. It was Cassandra."
"Despite the fact that it's a very catchy phrase, there is no
such thing as an army of one."
"What exactly is it that you want?"
He gave me that don't-play-dumb-with-me look that you just
hate to see when you're stalling. But to my surprise, he gave me an
answer. "You're sitting in headquarters, soldier. It's time to re-up or
retire. It's your call, of course, but we'd like you to continue your
I jerked my head toward the window. "Funny place for a
"We try to stay close to the front."
"Then you should be in Miami."
"The battle there has been won."
"But not the war?"
"You did not defeat the Raptor, though you were right to
believe he was behind the plot to begin with."
"Was he ever even there?"
"No. He is a canny beast. You won't catch him easily. But I
digress. You need to make a choice."
I nodded. It was time to move on, then, one way or another. I
could retire. The word "rest" hovered out there like a green velvet
dressing gown. But I'd seen what it had done to Albert and there was no
reason to think I'd be any more content. Plus, my retirement would
leave Evie to cope with the cantankerous old man. I'd never see her
baby girl. I'd never hear Dave's story, which must be as remarkable as
my own. Bergman and Cassandra would probably kill each other. Cole
would become a bitter old man. And Vayl… Vayl would wander the earth,
alone, longing for his sons. Longing for me.
I looked Raoul in the eye. "I'm in."
"Excellent." He nodded at me and a mystical wind rose in the
room, knocking over lamps, shattering vases, forcing me to squeeze my
eyes shut tight.
When I opened them again, Cole's face was inches away, his
breath still warm in my mouth, his fingers pressing against my neck.
When he felt the blood move once again inside me, a blissful look of
triumph settled over his face.
"She's back," he said, looking over his shoulder. Cassandra
and Bergman hugged and gave me thumbs up. Vayl knelt beside me, a wide
smile stretching his face to new limits, making him look happy and
pained at the same time. "Jasmine, I am so glad you're here." I thought
about it a minute and nodded. "Me too."
I should first recognize my husband's part in this
whole scheme since, when I finally confessed to him my secret love of
all things vampire, he didn't laugh and say, "Good Lord, Jen, how old are
you?" Nope, he said, "Then maybe you should write a vampire novel." To
which I replied, "It's all been done already." And he said, "Not by
you." So, thanks babe, without your encouragement, I'd never have dared
this book. Big thanks to my agent, Laurie McLean, for taking a chance
on me and giving me the kind of full-out support and honest feedback I
have come to deeply appreciate. Thanks also to my editor, Devi Pillai,
whose humor, patience, insight, and constant barrage of questions have
helped me elevate this work to a level I couldn't have imagined when I
first sent it to her. For their insights into weaponry and military
information I must acknowledge Ron Powell and Ben Rardin. Any mistakes
I've made in either arena are my own. And special you-brave-soul hugs
to my readers for taking on the daunting task of reviewing a raw
manuscript and offering honest feedback to its nail-biting author. Love
to you all: Jackie Plew, Hope Dennis, Ron Powell, Katie Rardin, and
Erin Pringle. Most of all, thanks to you, Reader, for climbing out to
the edge of this limb with me. I hope you enjoy the view!
meet the author
Jennifer Rardin began writing at the age of 12, mostly poems
to amuse her classmates and short stories featuring her best friends as
the heroines. She lives in an old farmhouse in Illinois with her
husband and two children. Find out more about Jennifer Rardin at
We sat in my sunroom, though dark had fallen hours
before. I thought Jaz had chosen the spot for Vayl's sake. So he could
watch. I knew she'd brought him, as she had many times before, but we
had yet to meet. I wasn't sure why.
The tape recorder sat on the coffee table between us, mutely
turning, as if constantly shaking its head at the story she'd been
documenting for the last few weeks. I could hardly believe it myself.
Jen: "You've told me things I'm sure some people
would keep from their priests. But that's still left me with some
pretty big questions." Jaz sat forward in her white wicker chair, her
red curls framing her pale face so perfectly I felt I should take a
picture. She could be any lovely co-ed on any Big Ten campus, except
for the shock of white hair spiraling from her forehead around her
right cheek to her chin.
Jaz: "What do you want to know?"
Jen: "Are you haunted by the people you've killed?" Her
eyebrows shot up. I could see her thinking it was none of my damn
business. But she wasn't ready to shut me off. Not yet.
Jaz: "That would presuppose that I felt guilty about killing
them, wouldn't it?" She thought a second. "The ones that bother me are
the ones that didn't go down as quick or painless as I would've liked.
But I'm not haunted. My job is to take out bad guys. If you think that
makes me a bad guy…" she shrugged, "that's your problem."
Jen: "Actually, I don't. But I do think it makes you unique.
How did you get into this line of work?"
Jaz: "After the big blowout with my dad, I'll tell you about
that later, the military was just out for me as a career path. But I
still wanted to serve my country." She paused. "What, no smartass
Jen: "No."
Jaz: "Sorry. Even now I get a little defensive. You can love a
man or a kid or a piece of damn pie and nobody has a problem with you.
But love your country and in some places you get booed right out of the
Jen: "Go on."
Jaz: "Anyway, the C.I.A. recruited me straight out of college.
After the Helsinger tragedy…" a pause here while Jaz looked out the
window, and then down at the lovely gold and ruby ring on her left
hand, "I was a wreck. But I kept it all buttoned up good and tight. So
after a couple months at a desk, I got an interview with Pete, and he
hired me." Her laugh managed to completely lack humor. "The job killed
me, and then it saved me. Ironic, huh?"
Jen: "Why are you telling me all this?" She answered quickly.
Too quickly.
Jaz: "I guess I want to leave something behind me when I'm
gone. A legacy."
Jen: "You could just as easily have said you wanted the
historians to get their stories straight once this is all declassified."
Jaz: "Meaning?"
Jen: "Either way, your story's bullshit." She smiled, then.
She appreciated honesty, I think because she so rarely saw it in her
Jaz: "All you hear any time you turn on the TV is, the world
is ending. Some scientist with too little data and too much funding is
in the microphone of some anchor who's only interested in scaring the
hell out of her audience because that's how you get ratings, man.
Nobody seems to recall that people have been screaming about the world
ending for the last two thousand years. They're scared out of their
minds. They live in fear. Every move, every decision is based somewhat
on how terrified they are at any given moment. People need to know
there's hope. That people like me are out there fighting for them,
making sure the world keeps turning, so they can occasionally let go of
that fear and find a moment or two of happiness." She sat back.
Grimaced, like she'd eaten something sour. "And if you ever tell
anybody I said that I'm going to kick your ass."
I liked her. God help me, I felt a real affection for this
dangerous woman sitting in my old farmhouse while her vampire lover
hovered somewhere among my gardens or my fields. Even though I knew the
only reason she'd picked me was that she'd read one of my stories in a
magazine and liked it, and she knew I'd keep her secrets until she told
me it was time to tell. What a weird old world.
Jaz: "Things are stirring. I won't be able to stick around
much longer. After I'm gone you'll have plenty of time to write up the
Tor-al-Degan story. In the meantime, let me tell you what happened
Jen: "You mean after you got out of the hospital?"
Jaz: "Of course. God, they had me on the strongest drugs.
Couldn't remember a thing that happened that first week. Took me awhile
to heal, of course, but I want to tell you about the mission. It
involved this Chinese vampire named Chien-Lung. Dragon fanatic. If he'd
been a teenaged guy he'd have had dragon posters plastered all over his
bedroom walls, tattoos, t-shirts, the works! Anyway, let me start at
the beginning…"
introducing Jennifer's next
turn this page
for an excerpt from
available in
paperback December 2007
Holy crap, I've had another blackout! But
as soon as the suspicion hit me I knew otherwise. I hadn't experienced
the usual warning signs, and I'd never before left my mind in a
daydream while the rest of me got busy. This was something new.
Something scary. Because after the knock-down-drag-out with the
Tor-al-Degan, I thought I'd kicked those nutty little habits that made
me seem, well, nuts. Okay, the card shuffling kept up without much of a
break. And sometimes words still ran loops around my brain until I
forced them back on the road. But those moments were rarer now. And the
blackouts really had stopped, along with the dread that someone I knew
would find reason to recommend an asylum and a heavy dose of Zoloft.
Familiar laughter caught my attention. The couple from the
beach, they were here, just entering an elevator. Without conscious
thought I'd followed them to their hotel and booked a room. I checked
the receipt. At least I'd used my personal credit card. If I'd had to
explain this to Pete, well, maybe I could've come up with something.
But I probably would've just resigned.
I shoved the stuff the desk clerk had handed me into my back
pocket and strode outside. I needed to do something concrete. Something
to bring me back to myself. So I phoned my sister.
"Oh, Jaz, I'm so glad you called."
"You sound tired."
"I am. E.J. has hardly stopped crying all day. This doesn't
seem right, does it?" Hell no! But then I'm the least qualified to say.
"Did you call the pediatrician?"
"No. I know he'll just say it's that colic." Her voice started
to shake. "I just feel like such a terrible mother that I can't make
her stop crying!"
Now here was something I could deal with. "Evie, you are an
awesome mother. This I can tell you from experience. I've seen you in
action. Plus I have had a crappy mother. So I know whereof I speak. You
rock. I know it's tough on you guys having a baby who cries all the
time. The lack of sleep alone is probably making you a little crazy. I
know I'm still kinda grouchy and I've only been gone, what, a couple of
days? But listen, you will figure this out, okay?"
Big pause. "O-kay."
"Did I say something wrong?"
"It's just… usually you tell me what to do. Then I do it, and
things get better."
"That was before you started playing out of my league," I
said, smiling when I heard her soft laughter. "Just… trust yourself,
okay? You and Tim know E.J. better than anybody, including the
pediatrician. And get some sleep, would you? You're going to have bags
under your eyes you'll be able to store your winter clothes in."
"Okay. How are things going with you?" Well, let's see. I think my vampire boss should pose
for his own calendar and I'm having a crazy-daisy relapse. Otherwise—"I'm
doing okay. Call me when you can, okay?"
"Okay. Love you."
"Love you too."
Feeling somewhat rebalanced now I'd touched base with the most
stable person I knew, I walked around to the back of the building,
which faced the festival site. As I wound my way through the first tier
of cars in the parking lot, a green glow near some fencing that
disguised a large garbage bin distracted me from my inner
teeth-gnashing. It didn't mesh with the white of the lot lights. I drew
Grief and chambered a round. The glow brightened, changing color from
pine needles to ripe limes.
I closed my eyes tight for a couple of seconds, activating the
night vision contacts Bergman had designed for me. They combined with
my Sensitivy-upgraded sight to show me a greenish-gold figure standing
beside the fence. It faced me, but leaned over every few seconds, fully
engrossed in whatever lay at its feet. Oddly, a black frame surrounded
it, as if someone had outlined it with a Sharpie.
I moved closer, sliding past the dark hulks of parked
vehicles, taking quick glances every few steps, trying to identify the
thing on the ground that acted as both the source of the green glow and
the subject of the outlined figure's interest. When I finally caught a
glance, I bit my lip to keep from gasping. It was the body of the
security guard, the one who'd been hanging out with the two-faced man. His
face, a twisted photo of his last tortured moments, warned me not to
look any further. But I had to. One of the suckier parts of my job. Okay, enough with the procrastinating. You're at a
possible murder scene with a potential suspect. Look at the body
Blood, everywhere, as if someone had tapped a geyser. Exposed
ribs. Dark, glistening organs. Someone had ripped this guy's chest open
from neck to navel! The smell, damn, you just never get used to it. And
thank God we were outside, otherwise I'd be puking like a bulimic after
an Oreo cookie binge. Above it all hovered a jeweled cloud I could only
think of as his soul. I wanted to regard it as untouched. The one part
of the man his murderer could not soil. But I couldn't. Because this is
what had his killer's attention.
No doubt, the one who'd taken his life stood right next to him
still, and had been all day, posing as a man with only one face. "Man"
was the wrong descriptor though. That outline—nobody I'd ever met had
that. And when he leaned over, the outline split at his head and his
fingers, allowing some of the greenish-gold of his inner aura to seep
His mouth opened wide and from it unrolled a huge, pink tongue
covered with spike-like appendages. He ran it along the length of the
dead man's soul. It shivered, frantically trying to fly apart, to meld
with his family, his friends, his maker. But the spikes released some
sort of glue that forced the jewels into immobility. At the same time
the soul cloud bleached to pastel.
The two-faced man looked up, his eyes closed, ecstasy lifting
the corners of his flabby lips. And then a third eye opened on his
forehead, a large, emerald green eye that darkened at the same rate at
which the dead man's soul lightened. Coincidence? I don't
think so.
I'd had enough.
I stepped forward, skirted the bumper of an El Dorado Coupe,
and trained my gun on the monster's face.
"Dinner's over, pissant."
The two-faced man opened his regular eyes, which were blue,
took one, long look at me, and growled.
"Give me a break," I drawled, sounding oh-so-bored though my
stomach spun like a roulette wheel. "I know special effects guys who
can produce scarier roars than that." Okay, I don't really know
any, but I've watched Resident Evil, haven't I?
This time he bellowed, and I admit, it gave me something of a
chill. But it didn't freeze me like it was intended to. I was ready
when he charged, leaping over the body like some meat-hoarding gorilla,
his hands stretched wide, a full set of lethal-looking claws appearing
and disappearing as he moved. If he raked those vein-poppers across my
throat while they were just fingernails, would they still leave
stitch-worthy gashes?
Not something I wanted to find out. I fired, five shots in
quick succession. They staggered him, though I could see the black
outline had worked as a shield, preventing them from delivering any
fatal wounds. Five more shots backed him up, almost to the body. Thanks
to Bergman's modifications I still had five left. And I intended to
make them count.
As he moved on me again, I concentrated on the breaks in his
shield. They came and went in rapid succession, but I noticed a pattern
based on his movements. It helped that he approach more warily this
time. Apparently it still hurt to be shot. I should be thankful, but
small favors sometimes suck.
I watched his face, waiting for the blur and the accompanying
break in his shield. There!
I fired once, but the shield had already closed. I would have
to anticipate the breaks, rather than wait for them to reveal
themselves. Four rounds left. I took careful aim and fired. One. Two.
Three. Four. Damn! The timing just missed with every shot. And now I'd
used the last of my ammunition. If Grief didn't work in gun mode I
didn't anticipate much success from it as a crossbow. I holstered my
But I was still armed.
Unlike Vayl, I don't use blades as a rule. Generally if I have
to get that close to a target, something's gone terribly wrong. Same
deal defensively speaking. Still, I keep one on me. My nod to the
wisdom of weapons redundancy.
My backup plan started life as a bolo. It had been issued to
the first of my military ancestors, Samuel Parks, before he marched off
to war in 1917. Handed down father to son since that time, the ugly old
knife had lost its appeal for David after Mom threw it at Dad upon
finding him on top of her best pal. Since it had sailed clear through
the bedroom window on that occasion, I'd discovered it on the lawn the
next morning. Thus, it came to me.
I carry the knife, sheath and all, in a special pocket
designed for near invisibility by my seamstress, Mistress Kiss My Ass.
I call her this, because it's the response she gives me every time I
call and say, "Sherry Lynn, guess what, I just got a new pair of pants!"
Reaching into my pocket, I grabbed the artfully disguised hilt
and pulled. A blade the length of my shin slid out. Originally meant
more as an all-purpose tool, the bolo had been refined to my needs
thanks to Bergman. Now it was sharp enough to cut metal or, better yet,
defend my life.
The creature circled me, looking a lot less intimidated by
great-great grandpa's knife than I would've liked. Well,
screw it. I ran straight at him, yelling like a pissed off
soccer mom, waving my blade like a samurai warrior. I faked left,
right, left, watching as his shield opened wider and wider. It could
not keep up with his bobbing head as he tried to avoid getting his
throat cut. One more feint and I jumped forward, burying my blade in
the shield gap his movements had caused.
He died instantly.
I pulled my weapon free and cleaned it on his stolen uniform.
Glad the bolo had saved me. Sorry the same family had subjected it to
nearly one hundred years worth of blood and guts. We seem to spawn
killers, no doubt about that. I found myself hoping hard that E.J.
could break that chain. Maybe when I got a free second I'd give her a
call and make that suggestion. Never mind that she was less than a
month old and would spend the entire time trying to eat the receiver.
It's never too early to start brainwashing your young.
Dear Reader,
A few months ago a manuscript zapped into my inbox with a
cover note from the agent that read: "A nice place to visit, but you
wouldn't want to die there." Miami isn't the first city you'd think of
for an urban fantasy novel, but then again, Jaz Parks isn't your
ordinary heroine. She's an Assistant Assassin. And her boss is an
ancient vampire on the CIA's payroll.
ONCE BITTEN, TWICE SHY is the beginning of the Jaz Parks
series. What I loved from the first page was Jaz Parks's voice:
vulnerable on one side and yet fully capable of taking out anyone who
gets in her way, usually the bad guys. This is a book that will keep
you on the edge of your seat, so keep a pillow on the floor, just in
case you fall off.
We all know that the urban fantasy market is booming, given
the success of writers such as Keri Arthur, Patricia Briggs, Laurell K.
Hamilton, Charlaine Harris, and Kim Harrison. But what I think each of
them has—and what Jennifer Rardin has—is the ability to create
characters that do more than leap off the page. They also grab you by
the throat and don't let go.
This is, quite simply, a great read—fun, fast-paced, and
oozing attitude and wit.
Devi Pillai
Editor, Orbit
December 2007 and BITING THE BULLET will be joining the series in
February 2008. We know you won't want to wait!
Visit our Web site at
First Edition:
October 2007
Orbit is a trademark of
Little, Brown Book Group Limited.
The characters
and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons,
living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
Printed in the
United States of America
Kirk, my inspiration, my joy, my love.
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
Fear sucks. Because you never know when it will hit you.
Sometimes it sneaks up behind you, giggling like your best girlfriend
from 7th grade. Then it whacks you on the back of the head, takes you
straight to your knees before you realize what hit you. Other times you
can see it coming, just a dot on the horizon, but you're like a canary
in a cage. All you can do is hang in there and hope it doesn't hit you
so hard you get motion sickness and puke all over the newspapers.
I already felt pretty queasy as I perched on the single,
wooden folding chair in my boss, Pete's, office. In fact, I hadn't been
this scared since I'd started working for him six months before. Not
even when, about ten hours into my first mission, I'd walked into my
hotel room to find a vampire standing beside the bed, holding a
crossbow. My crossbow. The one I'd meant to use to eliminate him.
Unlike that scenario, this was not a case where I could just
go away and try again later. Or, as I had actually done, kick both
shoes into his face to throw him off balance, blast his kneecaps with
the .38 I wore under my skirts for insurance, then finish him off with
the crossbow he'd dropped when his bones shattered. In this instance I
was forced to sit absolutely still and try not to ralf all over the Top
Secret files stacked in rows two and sometimes three deep on Pete's
green metal desk. Because, despite the fact that I'd successfully
completed every mission he'd assigned me so far, Pete was about to fire
my ass.
There could be no other explanation for this call-in. The man,
notorious for his penny-pinching, had phoned me at 3:00 a.m. direct
from Ohio to London for the express purpose of informing me I should
buy a first-class ticket back to headquarters as soon as my job there
was finished. He was probably looking at the receipt now, along with
all the other expenses of my latest trip abroad. He ran a hand across
his head, making his three remaining dome-hairs stand on end as he
studied the open file in front of him.
I couldn't bear it any longer. There is only so much you can
take of staring at blank turquoise walls, rows of black metal file
cabinets, and white slatted blinds that have never been opened, which
would explain the dead plant sitting on the table by the window. I sat
forward, the chair creaking alarmingly beneath me. No doubt
about it, I am the only thing in this office under the age of fifty.
You wouldn't know it to look at my clothes, though. I'd come
straight from an American Airlines flight during which an avio-phobic
widow had wadded various handfuls of my blouse and jacket into her
fists the entire time. I looked like a homeless woman. Holy crap, if I
lost this job I'd soon be a homeless woman. And
that was the good news!
"Look, Pete, I know you told me to cut out the car hits. The
repairs are too expensive. You told me that. So I stopped. I haven't
caused an "accidental" crash in three months, you know that! But this
last one just couldn't be avoided."
"I understand you took out my counterpart in MI5."
"Well, yeah, but only because his driver was in on the plot.
He'll be fine. You heard that too, right? His back will heal in, like,
six weeks."
"I heard there was a bomb."
"It didn't go off."
"But it could have."
I shrugged. "Better there than at the coronation." Wait,
that sounds a little casual for somebody who should be begging at this
point. "But I am sorry about the car. I took out extra
"This has nothing to do with the car. In fact, I'm glad you
put that bastard in traction. Self righteous twit. No, you're here
because I have a new assignment for you." Thank you, God. I still have work! I
nearly relaxed. Which, considering my current state, would've sent me
right to the floor. But Pete had started cracking his knuckles. In my
time with him I'd seen pencil chewing, furniture kicking, file
throwing, and a short bout with scented candles. But the knuckle
cracking was new. I sat back carefully and waited.
"You've heard of Vayl?" Pete asked.
"Who hasn't?" Even if, as was likely, Vayl's legend had far
outpaced his achievements, he still rated maaaaajor respect. The guy
was an icon, and not just because he'd become one of the 15 percent, or
so, of vampires to gain acceptance among humans. He was also the best
assassin our department had ever fronted.
"I'm partnering you with him." Pete's eyes darted away from my
face, so I guess I wasn't hiding the What-The-Hell! very well. Long
silence during which I tried to make my head stop spinning and Pete
cleared his throat a few times.
"Pete, I… when you hired me, you promised I could work alone."
My previous job had involved an entire crew, of which, I had been the
leader. It had ended badly.
"Jasmine, Vayl has requested a partner. You specifically.
You're smart, aggressive and resilient. His words, although I agree."
My lips had gone numb. "Uh-huh. And?"
He sighed. "And increasingly dangerous—to yourself." He rushed
on before I could interrupt, which was a good thing, because I think my
first response might've ruptured his eardrums. "You've been taking
bigger and bigger risks. Like the job in Cuba."
I'd hit Castro's most trusted advisor, a general named Miguel
Santas. In the middle of a crowded market. In broad daylight. Within
arm's reach of his lieutenants. But I'd gotten away clean. Didn't that
count for anything?
"And the one in Colorado."
Aaah, sweet. A pedophile named George Freede had started a
church called International Brothers of the Light. Their main focus
seemed to be kidnapping children from the U.S. and selling them to the
highest foreign bidder. I'd tracked him to a resort and pushed him off
a mountain. Okay, we'd both fallen off, but I'd landed on my skis in
nice, fluffy powder. He'd dropped on a rock.
"I know how furious you must be, Jaz—"
"I don't think so."
He sighed again. "Okay, maybe not. But it's my responsibility
to make sure my agents survive."
"So you got me a babysitter."
Pete laughed, deep in his belly where it sounded the most
real. "Hell no. I hooked you up with a guy who's been alive nearly 300
years. I was just hoping some of his interest in life would rub off on
Tears pricked my eyelids. "I'm not suicidal."
Powerful word, suicide, no matter how you use it. It sobered
Pete instantly. "No. If you were, you'd have died eight months ago. But
you're not sensible either. You need somebody around who's not afraid
to get in your face and tell you when you're acting like an idiot."
My fury had waned. Dammit, I should've yelled when I still had
the gumption. But I couldn't deny the sense in what Pete said. And it
was kind of nice to be looked after, cared for. I had only been alone a
little over half a year. But it had felt like thousands.
I sighed. "You said he requested me? Why?"
"He's got his own reasons, which he says he'll reveal to you
in his own time." Pete and I shared a cynical raising of the eyebrows.
"Quite a mysterious character, isn't he?" I noted.
"When he wants to be," Pete agreed.
We talked for awhile longer. Which was when I discovered,
while Pete wanted me to stop taking crazy chances, his
bosses appreciated the fact that I was willing.
"Our government looks at Vayl as a national treasure, Jaz,"
Pete said. "On paper you're his assistant. In reality, you're his
bodyguard. You've met the members of our oversight committee."
And how. Senators Fellen, Tredd and Bozcowski had pretty much
cured me of ever wanting to vote again.
Pete went on. "They've asked me to make sure you understand
your primary mission will always be to make sure he comes back in one
I'm 5' 5". I weigh one-twenty when I remember to eat, which
isn't regularly. No question this guy, Vayl, could snap me like a twig
any time the urge hit him. I laughed. Pete didn't. "You're not kidding."
"Apparently Vayl had a close call on his last mission. Real
close. Which was why he revealed a secret no vampire has ever told
anyone before. There are two moments when vamps are completely
vulnerable. When they're taking blood. And when they're making a kill.
He might have other reasons for wanting you there, but the fact that
some ear-breather nearly smoked my best agent is enough for me and more
than enough for the powers that control my budget. He wants a partner.
You're it."
Chapter One
Six Months Later
"Get outta my way you old bat," I muttered under
my breath as an elderly woman who shouldn't have been driving a golf
cart much less a Lincoln Town Car at this time of night put-putted down
the street in front of me, her blinker announcing she meant to make a
right turn some time before she reached the ocean.
"A little testy tonight, aren't we Lucille?" Lucille Robinson
is my usual cover and my alter-ego, a gracious, sweet girl who always
knows the right thing to say. Vayl invokes her when I step out of line.
I nearly flipped him off, but since he's still got one foot mired in
the 1700s, I thought better of it and stuck my tongue out at him
instead. I wasn't sure he'd see me making faces at him in the
rear-view, but of course Vayl sees everything. I realized I'd come to
count on that as much as I sought his approval which, at the moment,
had ditched me.
"Do not be distracted by menial events," he reminded me in his
stern baritone, "we have a job to do."
"But if you'd just let me ram this old biddy into the next
electric pole I'd feel much better."
"You would not."
I sighed. Six months. Scary how much Vayl had learned about me
in such a short span. In my defense, given time he could worm the true
ages out of the entire cast of Desperate Housewives. Still, the only
living person who knew more about me was my sister, Evie, and she was
just that nosy.
"It's New Year's Eve for Chrissake," I grumbled. "There's
supposed to be snow on the ground. It's supposed to be freezing." I
guess the natives of Miami would've disagreed with me. And to be
honest, all those palm trees would've sent me skipping around in
circles if I'd been on vacation. But we Midwesterners have a thing
about winter holidays and snow, and this year I had yet to experience
either one.
Vayl went still, a sight that will creep you out big-time if
you've never seen it before. He sort of resembles a statue anyway, as
if Da Vinci had chiseled his square forehead, high cheekbones and long
Roman nose from smooth, pale stone. His curly black hair was cut so
short that right now I'd almost swear someone had painted it on. The
temperature inside our silver Lexus suddenly dropped ten degrees. A
breeze ruffled my red curls, playing them across my shoulders as if
they were harp strings.
"You make it snow inside this car and I swear I'm going to
park your butt in the middle of the next retirement village we come to
and take the first plane I can find back to Ohio," I warned him.
Strange to think of Ohio as a base for any operation more
dangerous than cataract surgery. But that's why we're still doing the
government's business. Of course, people know we kill bad guys. They
just don't want the gory details. But if you asked them in a dark room
where their neighbors couldn't hear, they'd tell you we're not nearly
as proactive as they'd like. Witches, vamps, weres… some would vote to
throw them all on a gigantic bonfire and have done. But there's good
sorts among those others who have earned, and
deserve, the same rights and protections we humans get.
Vayl is one of them. And after six months of watching his
back, I was glad I hadn't pulled a diva on Pete and stomped out of his
office when he'd suggested the partnership. We'd clicked like checkers
from the start. At this point I couldn't imagine working without him.
But he did have his quirks.
He sort of came alive again, catching me off guard, as it
would if, say, I were strolling through a botanical garden and the
cherub in the fountain suddenly started flapping its wings. He sat
forward, his smile just a twitch of the lips.
"How can you miss your sleepy little state when I have brought
you to one of the most exotic spots on earth?"
"Okay, I know you're too old to be taking lessons from a young
punk like me—"
"Jasmine (he pronounced it Yaz-mee-na, which gave me the
biggest thrill, though I'd never let on) while I agree that 25 is quite
young, you can hardly call yourself a 'punk'." Yeah, but nutcase is just too close to the truth.
"Dammit you old fart, would you turn right already!" The white-haired
wonder leading what had to, by now, be a blocks-long parade must've
turned on her hearing-aid. Because she finally pulled into the United
Methodist Church parking lot, praise God, leaving the rest of us free
to party until some other octogenarian found it necessary to take to
the streets after dark. In Ohio, old folks know better than to drive at
night. Yet another reason Cleveland rocks.
We drove straight to our very old, very exclusive
hotel. Called Diamond Suites, it towered above the pink stucco wall
that surrounded it and its gardens, rising nearly twelve stories before
reaching its peak with a steep, red tile roof. The windows all wore
black metal bars, decoratively scrolled top and bottom. The gated
parking lot required a key card for entry. We'd retrieved ours along
with the car we now drove, part of the privacy policy with which
Diamond Suites attracts its reclusive, generally famous, clientele.
Vayl's eyes were the icy blue of an Alaskan Husky as he took
in every detail of the scene before him, his brain cataloging it for
future reference. Parking lot full of high-end rentals. Check.
Automatic, card-key entry door with bullet proof glass. Check. Lobby
full of complimentary goodies from fluffy white towels to imported
shampoos, all graciously displayed on the shelves of antique armoires.
Check. Not a single soul in sight. Excellent.
His hands full of bags, Vayl leaned over and nudged me with an
elbow. "They say the place is haunted."
I snorted. An unladylike habit, I know, but one which, like
swearing, has its place. "Probably your old poker buddies waiting
around to even the score." This was not as far-fetched as it sounded.
Rumor had it Vayl had won his cane and his first gold mine in a game of
five-card stud.
Vayl's lips twitched again. Not for the first time I thought, If
he ever truly smiles his face is going to shatter. But I
tried not to think it too loud. On the plane he'd overheard the flight
attendants discussing the pilot's stun gun from the back of the plane
as he sat beside me in the front row. A man with that kind of ability
only needs to listen slightly harder to hear my harsh thoughts.
Vayl had reserved the penthouse, so we took elevator 6A to
twelve. At that point I did a little soft-shoe—the
semi-claustrophobic's version of the I-gotta-pee-dance—until Vayl
figured out which way to slip our key card into the metal slot on the
elevator's control panel so the door would open. After I'd leaped out
and regained a somewhat steady pulse, I took stock. We stood in a small
enclosed entryway decorated with a massive flowery mural that involved
all four walls, including the elevator doors, and half of the ceiling.
Tiles in the pastel pink so common to Florida covered the floor.
I wrinkled my nose at the color. Something about pink makes my
stomach churn. Maybe it's the resemblance to Pepto Bismol. Personally,
my taste runs toward bolder colors. That's why I currently wore an
emerald green silk shirt under my black jacket. Unlike Vayl's coat,
which reached his knees and looked like it could comfortably hide a
shotgun, or a sword, or possibly a small pony, mine stopped just below
my waist and, because it had been tailored to mask my shoulder holster,
fit superbly. My black slacks felt a little loose, probably because I'd
missed lunch all month. And since the Weather Channel had warned of a
cold spell hitting Florida at the same time we did, I'd worn my new
boots. Hopefully they'd hold up longer than my last pair, which had
fallen apart the first time I'd stepped in a puddle of blood.
I tugged my trunk through a set of white French doors that
opened into a sunken living room furnished with flowered couches and
chairs, glass tables and Pepto-pink carpeting. On the opposite end of
the room, next to ceiling-to-floor curtains in Elvis velvet, sat a
bigger glass table surrounded by chairs. I noticed it mainly because
the chairs had rollers, which keyed a memory from my childhood.
My brother, sister and I were staying with our Granny May at
her farm for the summer. Her kitchen chairs had wheels, so we spent
part of each day either pushing each other around the room or having
spinning contests to see who fell off first. Good times. I felt a throb
of homesickness for those few golden moments when my sibs and I were
friends, teammates and co-conspirators. Why couldn't it have lasted
"Never mind," I whispered, "it's over now. Move on. Move on.
Move on." I caught myself in the litany and clamped my lips shut,
imprisoning the words before they could betray me.
Still carrying a suitcase, our laptop, his garment bag and
Vayl strolled into the room and took inventory. His eyes rested
momentarily on a cut glass vase full of white orchids and moved on to a
silver bucket filled with ice and a bottle of champagne.
"Nice," he said, nodding with approval.
"Yeah, it's uh," I struggled to put some of the expected
enthusiasm into my voice, "grrreat!" I skirted the rim of the living
room bowl, rolling my trunk after me. I liked it because it looked the
way I felt most of the time, battered and old. Right now it appeared
sorely out of place, and if the furniture could talk I was sure it
would shame my low-class luggage right out of the building. The pack on
my back wouldn't score any points either. Despite the fact that it
dressed in basic black, it too had seen better days. But it worked,
carrying my weapons in well-padded pockets along with my ammunition and
cleaning cases. So rather than run to the nearest Motel 6, I just kept
walking, taking my most treasured possessions toward another set of
French doors to my left which no doubt led to a grossly sumptuous
"Come now, Jasmine," Vayl chided me. Already across the room,
he set the laptop on the table, and moved to the curtains, which I
expected him to stroke like a pet panther. Instead he flicked them
back, peered out the window. Satisfied, he looked over his shoulder at
me. "I bring you to the most exclusive hotel in Florida and the only
reaction I get is your Tony the Tiger impression?"
I felt like slumping against the wall, at which point I would
bang my head repeatedly until I passed out. But no, the bell had
dinged, forcing me back into the ring for Round 14 of the Never-Ending
Battle. Nope, no blows traded, damn it all. Our struggle was just a
continuous conversation during which Vayl tried to figure out how I'd
grown to adulthood without acquiring the slightest refinement, and I
continued to be baffled that a man old enough to remember when
bathrooms were windowless shacks built above deep stinkin' holes could
be fooled into thinking that ugly flowers and crappy-tasting liquor meant
"Look, Vayl, we've got a really big
night ahead of us. Can't we just agree that I'm a cretin and you're a
snob and move on?"
For a minute I thought he was having convulsions. Then I
realized he was laughing. Depositing his stuff on an end table, he
collapsed on the nearest couch and heaved with barely suppressed
merriment. He looked… now why would the word 'yummy' come to mind?
Under his coat he wore a dark blue sweater that hugged his torso as if
they'd been reunited after a long separation. On the plane he'd
mentioned his gray slacks had been tailored by a guy named Lawrence
Clay who spoke with a lisp and sewed like a savant. His shiny black
shoes had come straight off the shelf—in Italy. Since he'd assumed the
identity of a high-end antiques dealer named Jeremy Bhane, his elegance
was called for. It baffled me that such a thing could come so
naturally. Or that I should find it so… delectable. What is the deal with these food metaphors, girl?
I asked myself. Miss too many entrees, did you? Or are you
hungry for something a little more—no, no, no,
don't you dare go there. For damn sure not with your badass vampire
bossman. He could never replace Matt anyway. No one could.
"Are you all right? You suddenly look… haunted."
"Oh, yeah. I mean, no," short, fake laugh while I fished for
something to say, "I was just wondering why you don't smile more. And I
thought maybe it's because your fangs would show."
"Would that bother you?" he asked sharply.
"Not at all. We had two vamps on my Helsinger crew. Stellar
people." Now dead, dead, dead… Feeling a guilty
sort of pride that I'd been able to say that last bit without breaking
down, I opened the bedroom door. Surprise, surprise, it had a huge
round bed with a fuscia duvet and a mirrored headboard. I'd call the
carpeting a nauseating mix of Pepto-pink and cherry-flavored Nyquil. I
liked the whirlpool tub in the next room though, and the shower was big
enough for me and the cutest six guys I could round up on short notice.
"I suppose you find this room a bit over the top," said Vayl,
making me jump and squeal.
"What is the deal with you tonight?" And
how come you keep showing up just when I'm trying not to think of how
long it's been since I've had sex?
He shrugged. "I am, how do you say, feeling my oats, perhaps?"
He'd let a trace of his original accent creep into his voice. His left
eyebrow moved upward a couple of notches. I forgot to breathe as I
wondered just how many women had lost themselves in those emerald green
eyes. Over nearly three hundred years? Don't make me laugh.
And don't think about him that way anymore. You're his assistant. Period.
I sighed, feeling a whole new level of bummed. "Well, I'm not.
I was supposed to hang out with my sister tonight, not hop a flight to
Miami. She's already mad that I missed Christmas, and if this trip
triggers her labor I'm never forgiving myself. Or you. So can we just
start the briefing? The quicker this is over the faster I can crawl
home." And grovel. At the knees of my kid sister. Oh, how the
mighty have fallen.
He checked his pocket watch. "All right," he said, "the party
is in two hours and, knowing women as I do, it will probably take you
at least half that time just to get dressed."
I knew Vayl wasn't complaining, but since I already felt
vulnerable, the comment cut me. And when I bleed, I get pissed. It's
like he's
implying a tough girl like me needs a miracle to transform herself into
a beautiful lady and, as we all know, miracles take time. What an ass!
His touch, bare fingers on my cheek, startled me. I could tell
by his feverish warmth that he'd eaten when he woke at sunset. The
decent vamps, the ones who were trying to blend, all fed without
killing. Many had willing donors. Others bought their blood from one of
two government licensed suppliers. More would likely pop up as vamps
like Vayl made obvious the advantages of integration.
He said, "I have offended you."
"Actually, yeah, you have." I shook my head to dislodge his
hand. It felt a little too… nice. "It's okay, though," I said, my anger
deflating somewhat in response to his stricken expression. "People
ought to be able to point out the truth, or at least give it a nod on
the way past without other people getting all freaked out about it."
"I have no idea what you just said."
"Good. Now," I took him by the shoulders and turned him toward
the doors, "let me unpack and I'll meet you in the pit, um, living room
in five minutes."
He left me alone to empty my trunk. I didn't. I sat on the
bed, fished a pack of cards out of my bag and began to shuffle them.
Blend, bend, bridge, over and over I shuffled the dog-eared pack until
Evie's tears, my ghosts, Vayl's unintended insult and the immense
suckage of the holidays, which I'd spent equally blacking out and
melting down, receded beneath the steady thrum of the cards.
Vayl had draped himself across one of the couches
when I came into the living room. All he needed was an ivy crown and
some half-dressed bimbo fanning him with palm fronds between bites of
grapes and he'd have been a dead ringer for a gorgeous Julius Caesar.
Aw, who was I kidding, he'd probably palled around with the
man before Cleopatra showed up and ruined all their fun. I sank down on
the couch opposite him, curling my feet underneath me. "Getting into
"We are going to a $5,000 a plate charity dinner/dance. Our
target has only invited the crème de la crème of society. He will
expect both of us to behave with a certain amount of savoir faire."
"Let me see if I can translate your bullshit, um, I mean
French. We're supposed to be a couple of big spenders?"
"Yes," he replied, raising his eyebrow a disapproving tick at
my language.
"So who's the target?"
"A plastic surgeon of Pakistani origin. His name is Mohammed
Khad Abn-Assan and he has either lifted, tucked or liposuctioned half
of Hollywood. I understand several of his celebrity clients will be
there tonight."
"And here I left my autograph book in my other purse. So
what's the charity?"
"It is called New Start. It brings in millions of dollars a
year, supposedly to pay for reconstructive surgery for child victims of
disfiguring accidents."
"Cool. Only I'm guessing the kids will never see a dime."
"Highly doubtful considering the fact that Assan is diverting
most of those funds into the Sons of Paradise."
"Whoa, hang on just a second. The Sons of Paradise? Are you
telling me we're going to hit a financial bastion of the most extreme
of the extremist terrorist groups?" Vayl nodded. "Awesome!" Those
assholes will be dining on sand and pisswater by the time we're
finished with Dr. Bankroller. "But you said they're only
getting most of the money. Why not all of it?"
Vayl's eyes hardened, black obsidian even the most penetrating
stare couldn't break. "Sources say he uses the rest to perform surgery
on members of the organization who cannot afford to look like their
Most Wanted posters anymore."
That got my motor running. "What a creep."
"The world is full of them."
"You're telling me. It's good there's people like us around to
balance things out."
"What is this optimistic talk I hear coming from your mouth?"
Vayl asked. "Are you Jasmine's evil clone, come to lull me into fluffy
white thoughts so you can stake me in my sleep?"
"At best your thoughts are pink. Kind of like this carpet."
Vayl's eyes lightened suddenly, a trait that will make you do a
double-take if you're not used to it. The vamps I'd known before him
didn't have that particular ability, but then it wasn't really fair to
compare. Vamps have their individual gifts and weaknesses, just like
humans. The one sitting across from me, for instance, wore his
eighty-year string of successful missions like a mantle. He had
infiltrated the most exclusive factions, beaten the highest tech
security systems, faced the most powerful supernatural forces ever seen
on earth and won. So why did he need me? After six months he still
hadn't given me a plausible explanation.
"Anything else you want to tell me?" I asked.
"Assan has never before been more than a link in a chain. But
as far as we can tell he has suddenly gained great power within the
Sons of Paradise. We believe he has brought them a new partner, one
with the money and clout to rock this country to its core. There is not
much chatter about this person or persons, but when you listen to the
whispers you hear scary things."
"You mean scarier than usual things?"
Vayl nodded.
"I don't suppose this partner has any Raptor markings on him?"
The Raptor was a rising star on our potential hit list. Both Vayl and I
knew we'd have to go after him eventually. His lethal mix of charisma
and savagery along with rumors that he'd accepted fealty oaths from a
dozen large nests, two covens of black witches in Scotland and several
packs of Spanish weres had made him the subject of several of Pete's
"Not so far." Vayl ran his fingers across the black cane that
lay beside him on the couch. A museum piece, it had been hand-carved in
India and was almost as famous around the office as its owner. A
procession of intricately detailed tigers marched around the leg of the
cane up to a gold band, which separated it from the multifaceted blue
jewel that topped it. When you twisted the head, the tigers shot away
from it, revealing a hand-hammered sword whose maker had been dust for
centuries. I hadn't expected to see the cane until the party. It was
unusual for Vayl to carry it with him here, where he should've felt
safe. Where I'd felt pretty cozy myself. I sat up straighter and looked
around the room.
"What aren't you telling me?" I demanded.
"We are going to have to be very careful. Assan has powerful
friends. And…"
Vayl shook his head. "Just keep your eyes and ears open.
Something about this feels… wrong."
And that was really saying something, coming from the C.I.A.'s
number one assassin.
Chapter Two
Half an hour later I'd rediscovered my femininity. It's fun
occasionally, sort of like an archaeological dig without the sweating.
I stood before the bathroom mirror resembling the pale, regal daughter
my mother would've preferred, wondering how I was supposed to hide my
modified Walther PPK, which I called Grief, underneath material that
clung like an obsessive ex-boyfriend.
I'd gone for an oriental look and discovered the red mandarin
collar and short, half-moon sleeves suited me fine, especially with my
hair pinned up and swirled around the way I'd seen it done in Cosmo.
Fake diamonds dangled from my ears, and though no one could see, they
matched my belly button ring perfectly. The hilarious bit was that Pete
had been the one to give it to me.
His face had slowly flooded with color as he'd handed me the
case. "I understand this is an appropriate item for your, uh, I mean
that since you've got that, uh, piercing—"
"What's it do?" I'd asked as I'd taken the case and pulled out
a faux diamond stud.
"It's a homing device," he'd said, obviously relieved that I
hadn't made him stutter through the whole setup. "You activate it by
breaking the gem off the post. If you don't have a way to keep the gem
on you once it's signaling, it has been tested safe on the digestive
system, so you can swallow it." Oh goody. "What happens after it's
triggered?" I asked.
"We have a team standing by in Miami. Once they receive the
signal, their orders are to try to contact you and, failing that, to
coordinate a massive search and rescue."
So, with my jewelry firmly in place, I gave myself one last
critical look. I'd been careful with the eyeliner, so my eyes looked
larger, greener, more soulful than usual. I had fine, fragile features
that fooled almost everyone I met, a real advantage in my line of work.
And the fact that my body leaned harder towards bony than athletic
didn't hurt either. My legs were by far my best feature. They
occasionally peaked through the side slits of my calf-length, red satin
skirt. I wore red, low-heeled sandals I could actually run in, and I'd
chosen a sequined handbag to match, so that's where I finally stowed my
When I came out, Vayl's bedroom doors were still shut. I
rapped on one.
"I'm going scouting. Back in thirty."
"All right." I took off to find the address on our cleverly
faked invitation.
Diamond Suites was situated about fifteen minutes from Assan's
location. The Lexus purred under me like a snoozing lioness as I drove
there, but I resisted the urge to wake her up on the Interstate. Pete's
blood pressure tended to spike when he thought I'd done any excessive
spending, and I figured he'd stroke out if I showed up with a speeding
ticket on the way to a location.
I took a leisurely tour of Assan's digs, trying not to gape
too much at the enormous, brilliantly lit mansions fronted by country
club style landscaping. The lawns were so well manicured you could've
used them for putting greens. What a hoot if Dave and his buddies had
lived here, because they actually would have. I could imagine them all,
full of that eighteen-year-old cockiness you wish guys would never
lose, drinking Albert's beer and calling their shots like it was a game
of 8-ball.
I spared my twin one more minute, wondering what part of the
world held him tonight, hoping he was okay. Like me, Dave's pretty high
up the hush-hush ladder. Like me, he'd started in a different part of
the Agency, but now he's a Special Ops stud, so he spends the majority
of his time overseas. It's an excellent excuse not to keep in touch and
we use it like a dust rag. If we were careful we'd never have to speak
to each other again. A hell of an accomplishment for people who used to
complete each other's sentences.
"Enough," I told myself, "enough, enough,
enough—" I bit my lip, stopping the loop with pain. You're
working Jasmine, so work. Focus on the work. The work will keep you
sane. At least in everybody else's eyes.
I took a deep breath and let it out with a laugh when I saw
the fancy, scrolled metal sign on the gate in front of Assan's house.
Anything with an entrance right out of Jurassic Park and enough fencing
to contain a herd of brachiosaurus demands a name, and Assan had chosen
Alpine Meadows. Without a mountain in sight. Nor were there any cute
Austrian kids running around singing "Do, Re, Mi." Who was this guy
really kidding? The name might trigger thoughts of "Sound of Music,"
but it looked like "The Haunting of Hill House."
Driving on, I discovered the area contained more dead ends and
cul de sacs than a game of Clue. But I did find a couple of quick
routes out just in case the boogers hit the blender. I cruised the
neighborhood five more minutes, soaking in the ambiance, picturing
myself looking like I belonged inside one of these six-bedroom, 4 1/2
bath monstrosities. Then I went back for Vayl.
I didn't see him when I pulled into the parking lot, but I
could feel him waiting for me. Although it was more than that. It's an
extra sense, one I've only had since… well, for about 14 months. And
I'm not the only one who's fascinated by it.
During our first mission together, Vayl had admitted part of
the reason he requested our pairing was the fact that I can smell
vamps. Not literally. Still, it's almost a visceral scent, something
near the back of the nose and just behind the eyeballs that whispers immortal
to the base of my brain. Different vamps make me react different ways,
but that's the basic idea.
We'd been stalking a renegade named Gerardo, who the Italian
authorities had asked us to bag before he decimated yet another
convent. Apparently he'd run through so many in Europe that he'd felt
the need to emigrate. Having trailed our quarry to the hushed halls of
the Monastery of St. Bernadette in Oregon, we hoped the sisters had
enough brains to keep themselves barricaded in their cells and that my
inner alarm would sound before one of them needed to escape for a quick
"Do you feel anything yet?" Vayl had asked.
"Nope. And I'm not sure it would help if I did."
"Why not?"
"It's not like I could give you coordinates. The Sensitivity
doesn't work that way. Best case scenario, all I know is he's in the
same room as us."
Vayl had stopped me, his hand so warm on my shoulder I
would've suggested a trip to the emergency room if he'd been human. "I
believe this gift is just the tip if the iceberg, Jasmine. If we
nurture it, develop it, I think you will be amazed to discover what
lies deep beneath the water."
Ironically, that was where we found Gerardo, hiding under the
lily pads in the fountain behind the abbey church. I'd seen vamps fight
before. Fought beside them, in fact. But Vayl surpassed them all. He
attacked Gerardo with the ferocity of a starving crocodile, his lips
drawn so far back from his teeth I could see his rear molars without
squinting. They both fell back into the fountain, slamming the statue
of Bernadette that stood in the middle hard enough to make her wobble.
When they emerged, blood bubbled from a huge gash in Gerardo's
shoulder. He broke free of Vayl's grip and tried to jump out of the
water. Vayl caught him halfway and he fell hard on the concrete rim.
Like a lion on a zebra, Vayl latched onto the
back of Gerardo's neck, the look in his eyes just as fierce and nearly
as primal. Suddenly I knew why the Romans had packed their coliseum on
a regular basis. I wanted to roar with approval. My gladiator was
kicking ass, baby.
A sound to my right distracted me. A nun shuffled out of the
shadows. I ran toward her. "Sister, you need to leave. This isn't
something you should see," I said.
She'd jumped me almost before I realized she smelled undead.
But the newbies are sloppy. Lack of training, maybe, or an
overabundance of hunger. My crossbow bolt pierced her heart before she
could even form a decent snarl. When I looked back at the fountain,
Vayl stood alone as well. We'd smoked both our vamps without sustaining
any major personal damage. Always a cause for celebration.
Vayl had pointed to the little bits of ash and dust that had
fallen where the nun had stood moments before. "That is why you must
hone your skills."
Six months later I hadn't made a helluva lot of progress.
While I often felt like yanking my hair out by the roots, Vayl
maintained his cool. He just kept saying, "We are missing a vital link
in the chain. When we discover what it is, you will rocket forward. But
that does not mean you should stop trying."
So he continued to throw training ops my way, and since I
wanted to keep my job, I kept cooperating.
I looked around the lot, wishing I could ping some sort of
radar off him. After all this time, I still hadn't figured out how to
narrow my search. I'd learned only that if I paid attention to the
awareness, it might alert me when he moved. Leaving the car running, I
turned off the headlights and turned on the night vision. It was easier
than it sounded.
One of my roommates in college was a techno-wizard named Miles
Bergman. The tall, skinny son of a Russian dissident and an
environmental biologist, his paranoia prevents him from working for the
government outright. But he does sell us the rights (sometimes
exclusive) to use his gadgets. Pete loves the arrangement, because it
means he doesn't have to put out any extra cash for pesky items like
health insurance and vacation days.
One of the many cool inventions Bergman developed for me was a
set of night vision contact lenses. I squeezed my eyes shut for a
couple of seconds and when I opened them the interior of the Lexus
looked like it had been parked under a green streetlamp. The cars
surrounding me could've come straight from Enterprise of Emerald City.
All lovely shades of lime, they lined up like contestants at the Miss
Oz Beauty Pageant. Only one wasn't what she seemed. One hid a dark,
long-lived secret. But which?
I scanned the lot quickly, never letting my eyes rest in one
place for too long. And I still nearly missed him. He stood between a
Toyota Tundra and a Jeep Cherokee, an inkblot in the shadows, tapping
his cane on the side of his shoe.
"I see you," I whispered. As if I had shouted, he stepped
forward. I unlocked the doors as he made his way to the car, just
another well-to-do gentleman going out on the town. He looked like an
Oscar winner, handsome and elegant in his black tuxedo. Even his cane
worked, an integral part of the affluent man's evening clothes rather
than an assassin's tool.
He slid into the car beside me, which shook me more that I let
on. I preferred him sitting in the back, like a boss, rather than in
front, like a date. I moved to change gears and nearly yelped when his
hand covered mine.
"Wait a moment," Vayl said, looking at me steadily through his
predatory eyes. I tried not to fidget while he took stock of my hair,
dress, shoes, though every second that passed squeezed at my nerves, as
if he'd wrapped them in barbed wire and turned a crank that pulled it
tighter until they screamed. I wanted to thump him. Didn't he know he
was being rude? And unsettling? And rude? I opened my mouth to tell him
exactly what I thought when he said, "You look incredible. Like a
goddess. I take back everything I said earlier."
The attention-starved teen in me melted. Even my brain
reverted. All I could think for a second was, He likes me!
He really likes me!!
I squeezed my eyes shut, took my vision back to normal. It
helped restore my equilibrium too. "Thanks," I said. "You look pretty
sharp yourself." I paused a second. "I was just thinking about our
first mission."
"You were?"
"It reminded me of a question I've been wanting to ask for
awhile." One I apparently only felt brave enough to pose while in
goddess mode.
"Oh?" His tone buttoned up like a Victorian collar. But, being
temporarily divine, I barreled on.
"I noticed that you always bleed your vamp targets before you
take them out."
"That is true."
"Well, for cripe's sake, don't go all frosty on me. I don't
give a crap about that part. I just saw a pattern and wondered—"
Vayl sighed and the whole car filled with the sound, like a
mournful wind bouncing off the walls of an empty canyon. "It is my
failsafe. I do not want to kill innocents, so I take their blood during
battle. I can taste whether or not the donor gave it willingly or with
his last gasp."
"Wow, I didn't know you could do that. Cool." I glanced at
him. Not much changed. But the easing of the lines around his eyes and
lips told me I'd said the right thing. Which was when I realized it
mattered to Vayl what I thought of him. Wow. When had that happened? Probably during your last blackout, spat
a bitter, scared corner of my mind.
I regarded it as if it stood separate from me, a flat-chested
freshman wearing too much eye shadow and the confidence of a lame-duck
president. Shut the fuck up, I told it. Then I
drove my boss to the job.
We arrived at the gates of Assan's mansion behind
a short line of vehicles that included two limos and a gleaming black
Corvette. One by one the drivers showed the guards their invitations
and were allowed to enter. I hadn't seen any guards on my scouting
trip, though intel had informed us Assan kept anywhere from 10 to 12 on
staff. These two shopped in the big and beefy section and still their
suit coats barely buttoned, maybe on purpose, so all the guests could
see the outline of the guns riding underneath.
One looked to have some Chinese ancestry. He wore his black
hair pulled back into a ponytail. His partner reminded me of
Schwarzenegger in his bulkier days. If he spoke with an Austrian accent
I'd struggle not to laugh in his face. Unprofessional, I know, but the
more stressed I get, the more likely I am to bow to inappropriate
hilarity. I could already feel the giggles tickling the back of my
"This had better be a damn good forgery," I said, as I took
the invitation from the seat beside me and rolled down the window.
"What," Vayl whispered, "are you finally nervous?" Is the Pope Catholic? "Shh, it's our
turn." I pulled up to the gate and handed the invite to Arnold Jr. Up
close he overwhelmed the eyeballs, built like a tractor with the
confidence that came from knowing he could mow us flat without breaking
a sweat.
"Welcome to Alpine Meadows," he said in an American
Vayl sat forward. "Thank you," he said, his voice more melodic
than usual as his eyes met those of the guard's. I felt the magic cross
my skin on its way to Arnold Jr., a scented breeze of power so purely
Vayl, I would have recognized it in a perfume factory. "In five minutes
you will not remember our faces or the fact that you admitted us."
Junior's jaw went slack and his pupils dilated like he'd scored an
instant high. He nodded, handed the invitation back to me and stepped
away from the car.
"Can you do that for me next time Pete wants to wring my
neck?" I asked as I moved the Lexus toward Assan's mini-castle. The
rumble in Vayl's throat could've been anything from a growl to a burp.
I stole a look at his face, and from the way his lips were quivering
decided it was a chuckle.
The valet had a hard time understanding why any high society
dame would want to park her own car. Then Vayl spoke to him and made it
all better. He directed us around the side of the house, where I backed
into the space closest to the front door. I sort of specialize in quick
getaways. Too bad I wasn't driving a Hummer, It would've been fun to
pull straight in and then mow over the perfectly trimmed hedges and
gigantic urns on the way out.
Like a good little blueblood, I waited for Vayl to stroll
around and open my door for me. We took a path lined with Japanese
lanterns around to the front of the house, uh, mansion, um, pretentious
freaking monstrosity posing as a home. Yeah, that's more like it. At
the top of white marble steps that led to doors the size of rocket
silos, a barrel-chested, pock marked man with the eyes of a scorpion
took our invitation and added it to a lace-lined basket at his feet. I
had a sudden image of him skipping through the woods holding that
basket in front of him like Little Red Riding Hood, and laughed out
loud. He and Vayl both looked at me strangely. I patted Vayl's arm.
"Oh, honey, I finally got that joke you told me on the way
here. Hilarious!"
Vayl nodded as if he understood and led me indoors. "You will
explain that one to me later, I hope?" he whispered out the side of his
"I'll explain it to you now." Then I forgot what I was going
to say as we entered a massive, marble-lined hall lit with five,
count'em, five sparkling chandeliers. So many candelabras lined the
walls that even if the lights winked out you still could've seen well
enough to read the fine print on an iffy contract. And the art! I
smiled up at Vayl as if I belonged among people who thought nothing of
owning paintings bigger than my apartment. I had never felt so sorely
out of place. Even my teeth felt fake.
"You are looking gorgeous tonight, my dear," Vayl said,
squeezing my hand.
Somewhat reassured, I said, "Thank you darling. And may I say
you grow more handsome with each passing day?"
He nodded graciously, every bit the self-assured
multimillionaire we wanted our host to think he was. Speaking of the
devil, here he came, greeting his guests with the slick friendliness of
a tiger shark at a daily feeding. His white tuxedo set off his dark
hair and skin to perfection, and the gold rings on six out of ten of
his fingers highlighted his remarkably slender, blunt-nailed hands.
I managed not to flinch as he came at me, all teeth and
glittering black eyes. Sometimes things would be so much simpler if you
could just pull out your gun and shoot the bad guy. Reason number
seventeen why Indiana Jones is my hero.
"My dear lady," the little snake was saying as he took my free
hand and kissed it—yuck—"I am so pleased to make your acquaintance."
I smiled brightly as his mouth continued to move, but I no
longer heard the words. Oh God, not now. But God
had taken a coffee break and my senses had gone along for the donuts.
Another sound had replaced Assan's prattle in my shivering brain. A
loud buzzing, like an oven timer on steroids, gave warning. Next my
vision would narrow to a speck and then, poof! disappear. I might come
back to myself in five minutes. Or it might take a couple of days.
Afterwards, if I asked the right questions, I might find out what I'd
said and done in the meantime. This can't be happening. But it was, and
I felt like I was dying, drowning in the flooded hull of my sinking
sanity. I looked at Vayl, hoping he'd throw me a life preserver as I
tried not to blow it, not to panic. He squeezed my hand, hard. A
throbbing pain shot from fingertips to elbow. And the darkness
"Lucille Robinson," Vayl drawled, introducing alias-me to
Assan, "and I am her…" he paused, allowing our host to jump to any
nasty conclusion he wished, "… associate, Jeremy Bhane. We are, of
course, staunch supporters of New Start and delighted to finally meet
its famous founder."
Assan shook Vayl's hand. "So good of you to come," he said. He
reached back and pulled a Jessica Simpson clone to his side. I'd been
so distracted I hadn't noticed her pin us. She stood at least three
inches taller than me, which gave her a good half foot on her husband.
"This is my wife," he said, "Amanda."
I held out my hand with some difficulty. My little brownout
had taken the oomph from my muscles and deposited the whole seething
mass in my stomach. If she shook too hard I'd puke all over her Vera
Wang. But Amanda wasn't up to heavy lifting either. She squeezed my
hand as if it was made of porcelain, did the same for Vayl, then
dropped her arm like concrete encased it as she murmured, "Pleased to
meet you."
One thing about feeling miserable, you instantly recognize it
in others. Amanda Abn-Assan, I knew, was giving almost everything she
had to the task of just staying upright. I looked at Vayl quickly, to
see if he'd noticed the puffiness under her eyes. The look he gave me
said he had. Now why would the wife of a brilliantly
successful surgeon have been crying recently? Several
reasons came to mind, but none that totally satisfied my gut feeling
about her. It was a mystery worth solving. Later.
Assan excused himself and Amanda, leaving Vayl and I to stand
around trying to look natural. Vayl snagged a couple of champagne
flutes off a passing waiter's tray and we toasted each other. My face
started to hurt from all the smiling. Vayl bent down to lay a kiss just
below my ear that I felt clear to my toes. Okay, Jaz, don't
hyperventilate now. It's just skin touching skin, here. That's all. The
fact that your knees feel a little weak is probably just an estrogen
spike. Yeah, that's it. He whispered, "Let us begin."
I nodded, relieved to be done with the standing around. Ready,
in fact, to sprint from my current position if it would distance me
from these highly inappropriate feelings. I would concentrate all my
efforts on identifying the security measures and memorize the layout of
the place. Then, after all the guests had left, we'd return and
eliminate Assan. That was the job, and God help me, I loved it.
My whole body buzzed with anticipation. I lived for this. This
was what chased away the looping thoughts and the nerves and the
nightmares. Only the work allowed me to manage a conversational tone as
I said, "I'll be right back, darling. Make sure you miss me!"
"I have already begun," said Vayl, giving me a look so mushy
anybody who weighed more than a marshmallow would sink up to their
knees in it. What a load of bull. And yet it was reassuring to know if
Pete ever dumped us we could always write dialogue for Days of Our
I gave him my biggest, phoniest smile and turned toward the
grandest staircase I'd ever seen that wasn't plastered across a movie
screen. Red plush carpeted the steps, which would hide the blood nicely
if anyone ever got shot on them. They split halfway up at a landing
that held an ornate golden bench on which to rest should the hike have
left you winded. Since I needed to scope out the second floor, I made
like Scarlet O'Hara in reverse and swept up the first flight.
A discreet little sign with a southern belle printed on it
encouraged me to take the next flight to my left and another sign
posted at the head of the stairs suggested I try the first door I came
to. I reached down to adjust my sandal strap and get a good look
around. At the top of the stairs a sitting area with couches draped in
white silk and a matching oversized ottoman separated the ladies'
bathroom hall on my side from the men's bathroom hall on the other
side. The hall on my side narrowed, running past the bathroom and four
other closed doors, two on each side, before turning the corner. A
quick stroll to the other side as I pretended to enjoy the view showed
the exact same layout.
I walked back to the ladies bathroom. As I opened the door I
looked over my shoulder. I'd already identified which of the guests
were actually Assan's goons in disguise. None of them was looking,
because Vayl had chosen that precise moment to drop his glass. So I
moved down the hallway, trying each door as I passed, finding them all
locked. At the end of the hall I turned right, because a left would've
taken me downstairs and, from the sound of it, into the kitchen.
This hall contained a long bench on one side and a bank of
windows on the other. The view must've been spectacular during the day
as, I supposed, it looked out on several acres of lawn. The wall behind
the bench held a rectangular, spotlighted painting of a whole passel of
naked Egyptian serving girls bringing gifts of gold, food and wild,
caged animals to the Pharaoh, who looked very happy to see them all.
There were no stairs at the other end of this hall, just a
huge oval mirror with a fancy gold frame. I shared a troubled look with
myself as I recalled the brownout I'd just experienced. The thought
made me nauseous, so I tossed it away, forced myself to concentrate on
the job.
"The job, the job, the job, the job," I whispered, until I
realized what I was doing and bit the inside of my cheek. I turned
right at the mirror and, as expected, found myself in the men's
bathroom hallway. Again I encountered two sets of locked doors. At the
men's room I made as if to go in, pretended to realize it wasn't the
room I wanted and feigned embarrassment as I hurried past the front
sitting area to the women's bathroom.
This time I went in. The room consisted of a small lounge
decorated with diamond patterned wallpaper, a red velvet chaise and a
massive potted fern. The commode sat in its own little claustrophobic's
nightmare of a closet, and the claw-footed tub and floor-to-ceiling
shower shared another room with an entire wall of four
Looking to waste the expected amount of time, I washed my
hands and fiddled with my hair. Someone else came in, so I turned to
leave, a polite smile fixed on my face. It must've fallen right off in
my shock at finding I was sharing the bathroom with a man, who looked
as shaken as I felt.
"Sorry," he said, raking his fingers through his thick, blonde
mop of hair, "I know the guys are supposed to use the toilet across the
way, but I was sure they'd find me there."
"Well, they'll probably find you here too as soon as the rumor
gets around that a guy is hiding in the ladies room." I studied his
face as I spoke, and immediately liked what I saw. He had that
fresh-out-of-college look that makes you think maybe the world's not
such a pit after all. He wore a black tux with a red bow tie, red
cummerbund and matching red canvas high tops. And he was chewing bubble
I'd seen smiles like his a few times before. The message was
clear—if you don't love me yet, you will soon. But such honest humor
accompanied it that no way could it offend me. "Aw, come on," he said,
"I can tell you're not a gossip. Help me out here. I'm not a pervert,
just a party crasher." I almost believed him. But his eyes darted away
from mine at just the wrong time. He hadn't been lying nearly as long
as I'd been catching liars.
"So what's the deal, do you fill up on olives and cheese cubes
and then run?"
"Something like that."
"Bullshit." The shock on his face was comical. Apparently he'd
never heard a grown woman swear. "Tell me why you're really here before
I bypass the guards and call the police."
He took a moment to ponder the wisdom of telling a total
stranger, no less one with a potty-mouth, the truth. "You know, most
people buy my schtick."
"I'm not most people."
"No doubt." The look he gave me combined equal parts respect
and flirtation. Yeah, I was flattered, but I didn't let it show. I was
too busy hiding a bemused smile as he blew a perfect purple bubble,
popped and retrieved it. He gave me an apologetic grin. "My last
girlfriend was a smoker who thought it would be fun to corrupt me. The
gum helps kill the nicotine cravings."
"Good idea. Now quit trying to distract me and fess up."
"Okay, here's the deal. I'm a private investigator. Mostly I
look into insurance fraud. But I know Amanda Assan from way back. We
were friends when she still had a gap between her front teeth and
permanently scraped knees. That was before her mom decided she'd never
be happy until Amanda had won every Little Miss Beautiful pageant from
here to Tallahassee." His disgust for Amanda's mother made me see her
clearly. A bitter, middle-aged divorcee with more chins than sense.
Poor Amanda, she'd probably thought she was breaking free when she
married Assan.
He went on, "Anyway, Amanda called and asked me to investigate
the secret doings of her hubby. That is, who he's doing secretly."
"Isn't this kind of a public forum for a private
investigation?" I asked, mostly to cover my disappointment in him for
trying to put one by me, and in me for thinking anyone over the age of
ten could survive this world with any part of their innocence intact.
"Yeah, but you can learn a lot about a guy by watching him at
an event like this. People who have stuff to hide never think they're
giving themselves away, but it's often obvious to anyone who pays
"And I take it someone's been paying too much attention to
you?" I couldn't help but laugh at the face he made. It belonged on a
five-year-old who's just been caught drinking Mountain Dew for
"I screwed up royally," he admitted. "Assan noticed me having
a conversation with his wife a few minutes ago, and now his goons are
chasing me all over the house to find out why."
"It must've been a pretty intense conversation."
"She was crying." Amateurs. "All right," I said, "let's get
you out of the house, shall we?"
His eyes lit up like I'd just promised to buy him a pony for
his birthday. "You're going to help me? That's great! Oh man, I can't
thank you enough!" The grin resurfaced. "You like me, don't you?"
Good Lord, he must have more first-date sex than George
Clooney! "Yeah, that's why I'm helping. I find you absolutely
irresistible. What's your name?"
"Cole Bemont." He held out his hand so I shook it. At least
his grip was firm.
"Lucille Robinson," I said. "Now, here's what we do. You and I
will find a back way out of this place. If we come across someone else
we make like a couple of lovesick teenagers. People generally hurry
past heavy breathers. I get you to the parking lot, you get the hell
out. Got it?"
He nodded. "There's just one thing I've got to do before we
go," he said. Before I could inquire he grabbed me and planted a kiss
square on my mouth. It was short but fiery, despite the grape
flavoring, and when he let me go I was panting.
"Holy crap!"
He smiled, not at all apologetically, and said, "I've wanted
to do that ever since I saw my first Bond movie."
I nodded. "Well, you have excellent timing. Now, shall we go?"
He gave me a courtly bow. "After you, Madame." I opened the door,
scanned the area and closed it again. "Goon at the bottom of the stairs
making his way up," I told Cole. "Change of plan. You wait here while I
divert him. As soon as his back is turned go down this hall, take a
left. Go straight down the stairs to the kitchen and outside. Got it?"
To Cole's credit he stayed nice and calm. "Got it." I
hesitated. Aw, what the hell. I took him by the
lapels and pulled him in for a second helping. This kiss was even
better than the first and I hated to cut it short. But duty called. I
wrenched the door open and stepped into the hall. Cole's goon was at
the landing. I started toward the stairs, timing it so he'd be two
steps below me when I tripped into him. Jerry Lewis couldn't have done
it any better. I squealed to get his attention, my hands flew up,
though I made sure to keep a tight grip on my bag, and I fell right
into his arms, turning him as he caught me so his back was to the
bathroom. I gasped and babbled long enough for Cole to sneak out of the
bathroom and down the hall.
"Oh, thank you so much," I told the
guard, straightening his jacket and dusting him off as if I'd dumped a
bowl of baby powder on his shoulders. Though I kept my focus on the
guard, pouring on the charm so thick you'd need a foghorn to navigate
it, I still kept a peripheral eye on Cole. He'd nearly made it to his
first turn when a door opened beside him. Cole paused, said something,
and the door closed immediately. He shrugged, went on his way, and I
blessed the guard's heart one last time before heading down the rest of
the stairs.
I found Vayl in the room adjacent to the front hall. It
might've been called a parlor in another century. He held my drink with
one hand while he nibbled off an appetizer buffet with the other.
"Darling," he said, holding out my drink, "you must try this
pate'. I think it is the best I have ever tasted."
I smiled, took the glass and headed toward the end of the
cloth-covered table. Vayl followed closely, too closely. I stopped
short and he nearly mowed me over. Turning to face him, I laughed
lightly, but under my breath I said, "Are you sniffing
His expression could've been chipped from granite for all it
gave away, but his eyes had gone a stormy grayish-blue. "Who kissed
you?" he hissed. "And who else hugged you?"
"What makes you think I've been making out with two different
men?" I turned to get a plate, fork and napkin, then walked to the
opposite end of the buffet, forcing Vayl to dodge several couples and a
white-coated caterer to keep up with me.
"Two distinct scents cover your own," Vayl whispered when I
finally stopped long enough to spoon some mini-sausages onto my plate.
"And what is left of your lipstick is smudged."
I made my smile icy as January rain as I wiped my lips clean
with my napkin. "It's a long story," I said, "and we have a job to do."
I spooned more goodies onto my plate while Vayl waited for a couple of
B-movie stars to clear out. He added more stuff to my plate as he
continued our murmured conversation.
"Oh yes, we are working tonight, aren't
we?" Vayl and sarcasm went too well together. The mix made me want to
punch something. I settled for stabbing a bowl of caviar repeatedly
with a serving spoon. Vayl watched me beat the fish eggs into
submission as he continued, "The security system will be easily
compromised. The guards, well, we will have to watch them more, get a
sense of their movements even though the party will take them somewhat
out of their normal routine. That is, unless you would rather pop out
an uzi and mow them all down right here."
I glared at him. But I was more mad at myself. I did seem to
be developing a tendency to jump first and hope for a parachute later.
"Talk," he demanded.
I retreated to a corner beside a tall, potted fichus and
stuffed sautéed mushrooms down my throat while I tried to figure out
how to make what I'd just done sound remotely logical. I shook my head.
Once I'd been a sensible person. Now, well, there's just no explaining
me. At least not without using words like "insane," "stupid," or
"Night-time Nyquil."
Vayl came in close, towering over me like a grade school
principal. I looked up at him and swallowed a grape in one guilty gulp.
"Can we have this conversation never?"
"What. Happened."
So I told him—everything—start to finish. And damned if it
didn't come out sounding like an episode of Nancy Drew.
"So, do you make a habit of kissing strange men in bathrooms?"
Vayl's eyes had darkened to jade with swirling gold flecks that made me
slightly dizzy. When I didn't immediately reply he added, "Because it
certainly was not mentioned in your file."
What is it about the people who know you best? You never
reveal to them the secret location of your make-me-crazy buttons and
yet, like toddlers at preschool, they root them out and push them again
and again and again. Mine are directly connected to hand grenades. So
as soon as Vayl finished speaking I heard the tell-tale clatter of a
pin rattling on the floor. My file? I wish it was in my
hands right now. I'd smack you over the head with it so hard your bell
would still be ringing for church next Saturday night!
Then I'd clonk myself, hard, on the frontal lobe. Maybe that
would cure me, and I would never again have to be embarrassed by what
we in the C.I.A. like to call my PDD (Previous Dumbass Decisions).
However I was not done digging my grave.
"I don't make a habit of kissing anybody
thanks to you!" Realizing
Freud would have a field day with that statement, I rushed on. "It was
a spontaneous action, something I'm sure you have no experience with,
and though as my boss I can see how you might be upset that I helped
him considering what we're here for, you might also congratulate me for
defusing a situation that might've interfered with our plan."
"Do you think these two men will remember you?"
"I sure as hell hope so!"
"So when the police investigate Assan's passing tomorrow
morning, and they question everyone whose invitation lies in that lacy
little basket and cannot find Lucille Robinson, these men will be able
to describe you quite easily?"
My stomach clenched and all the food I'd just wolfed down
spontaneously combusted. "Hey, when you're done lecturing me, could you
speak to my ulcers? They seem to be misbehaving as well."
Vayl took my plate in one hand and my arm in the other,
marched us both to the garbage can where he chose to dump the plate
(though I'm sure he considered leaving me there instead). Then he
escorted me out of the parlor, into the dining room and out an ornate
metal-framed screen door to the pool area.
"Uh, Vayl, I know you haven't lived in America long by your
count, so I'd just like to point out that bosses don't generally drown
their subordinates when they've screwed up royally."
He grabbed my right hand and brushed his thumb across my empty
ring finger. The corners of his mouth dropped, what in anyone else
would be described as a grimace. "You have jeopardized our mission and
my high opinion of you." he frowned harder, "What possessed you?" More like who, I thought. Lucille
Robinson. A girl who looks just like me, but who has never, not once,
blacked out or spent entire
afternoons trying to get the song B-I-N-G-O out of her head. In those
moments with Cole, she'd felt… real. And that was wrong in
about fifty different ways.
"I'm sorry, Vayl." I hung my head. I'd been so careful, but he
was finally figuring what a spaz I truly was. I should've known my run
with the Agency couldn't last. But the hope of sticking the broken
pieces of my career back together had been the only thing that kept me
from jumping in front of a train after my, uh, incident. Guess I
should've used brand-name glue.
Vayl pulled me into the shadows between the house and a
wrought iron dining set. For a minute I thought he'd snapped and I was
going to find out first-hand how much it really hurt to be
vampire-bitten. "I can smell your desperation too," he whispered. "It
is like burnt metal on my tongue. But above all I sense determination.
Courage. The instincts of a predator and the skill of a master. It is a
confusing combination, Jasmine. Can I trust it?" What? It doesn't take me long to move
from any strong emotion to pissed off. Mom used to blame it on the red
hair. I guess a shrink would have a different theory. But suddenly I
felt like wadding up the last six months of watching his back and
shoving it down his throat.
"I wouldn't be here otherwise," I hissed. "Pete made it clear,
and I agreed. My life for yours. If that's how it goes down, that's how
I go. No questions asked. I know your value." Just as well
as I know my own.
I glared at Vayl, mostly to give the tears that threatened a
big, fat nuh-uh. He responded with his most inscrutable look. I thought
of Cole's sparkling eyes and love-me smile and wondered how many times
a man would have to smother his own feelings to get to the expression
on Vayl's face. "I am not talking about my life," he said.
Okay, now my brain was going to melt. What the hell else could
he possibly trust me with?
We heard a bell ring and noticed people begin moving into the
dining room. Though I felt like I'd been shoved off a train in Siberia
during a blizzard, Vayl's short nod signified he'd made up his mind.
"Will you join me?" I knew he wasn't just talking about supper.
I wanted to say No, let's do this another day, when
I'm not shaking like a strung-out crackhead. Instead I
nodded, tucked my hand into the crook of his bent elbow and allowed him
to escort me inside. Lucille's smiling face met those of the guests
who'd begun to gather in the dining room, and not one of them guessed
that behind the facade lurked a hired killer who sometimes thought it
would be a great relief to finally die herself.
I'll say this for me, even when my insides are twisting like a
contortionist in the Cirque du Soleil, I do know how to focus. By the
time we reached our seats Lucille Robinson had taken charge. She took
real pleasure in her surroundings, enjoying the granite-topped table,
the gold-rimmed plates, the enormous vases (pronounced vah-zes, my
dear) bursting with pink and white tulips. My neighbor told me the
nurseryman got them to bloom so early by faking them out, making them
think they'd spent an entire winter underground when in fact they'd
only spent about six weeks in the cooler. The word for the process, she
said, was "forced." Those beautiful forced flowers reminded me of
Amanda Assan as I watched her negotiate her way through the meal.
She ate $5,000 worth of French onion soup, Caesar salad,
chicken parmesan and coconut cream pie, all the time making pleasant
conversation with my tablemates who, after a word with Vayl, would
never remember me in the morning. Not long ago she'd been crying on an
old friend's shoulder. Now she wore a catalog-model smile.
When the white-aproned servers cleared the last dessert plate,
Assan suggested we all move into the ballroom. Vayl put an arm around
my shoulder and murmured, "I saw the room when I was looking around
earlier. This is where you get to guess what is behind Door Number
Four." A new Jaguar:
"No. But probably just as pricey."
We moved out of the dining room, across the hall and to a pair
of custom doors decorated with intricate scrollwork and generous
amounts of gold leaf. Two muscle-bound doormen let us into a room that
made the guests gasp. The ceiling set the theme for the entire space.
Half-dressed nymphs danced across fields of flowers while studly young
princelings looked on from beds made of silvery white clouds. I
suspected the artist to be a direct descendent of Michelangelo.
The burnished gold walls sported enough detailed trim to keep
an army of plasterers busy for six months. The wood floor was so dark
it was almost black. Two long tables set with punch bowls and crystal
glasses sat along one wall underneath oversized windows dressed in
black velvet. Another wall backed a miniature orchestra, its members
dressed to match the curtains. As soon as the door opened they began to
play, and the song lasted until all the guests had entered. Amidst
applause for the musicians, Assan stepped up to a microphone.
"Notice the dark-haired man in the shadows just to Assan's
left," Vayl whispered.
"Wasn't he hovering near Assan when we met?"
"Yes. I think that one is his personal bodyguard. You will
have to deal with him when the time comes." I smiled and nodded as if
Vayl had just complimented the band.
"Thank you all for coming," said Assan, his voice echoing
weirdly in the enormous room. "You are the reason so many young
children have been given a second chance at life." He went on but I
stopped listening, so steamed by his b.s. I'd begun to consider how
I would kill him if Vayl gave me the chance. But those daydreams ended
abruptly as my nose twitched and my scalp began to tingle.
I tugged on his sleeve so he'd lean down, bringing his ear
within an inch of my lips. "There's another vampire in the room." It
seemed weird to be the one, of the two of us, who could sense this. But
vamps are completely closed to one another. I would imagine it makes
for horrible relationships.
"Find him."
I focused on the scent, a rotten potato kind of odor that made
my head ache. When the man slithered his way to the front of the crowd
I knew it was him. He wore his nutmeg colored hair long, past his
shoulders. His eyes, a striking light blue as cold as the arctic, kept
him from looking girlish. His blue, pin-striped suit fit so well at
least half the guests would be asking him for the name of his tailor
before the evening ended. But it didn't look as if he meant to stay. He
caught Assan's eye, signaled him with a slight nod, and suddenly our
host couldn't get away from the microphone fast enough.
"Excuse me," he said, "I am afraid that duty calls. Please
enjoy the rest of your evening knowing that, even tonight, your
generous donations have helped to make an unfortunate child whole
I caught myself short of a full-blown snort. I murmured, "If
he's going to put some poor kid's face back on straight I'll do the
"Lovely dance, that. The story is all in the hands. I did not
know you knew—"
"Vayl, I was kidding."
"Oh." Tightening of the lips. Translation—crap, when am I
going to leap into the 21st century and get with their damn humor? Jerk
of the head. Translation—obviously not today, so let's get on with the
job, shall we?
"Keep hold of my hand." Vayl's power slid over me like silk
pajamas. What a rush! No one even glanced at us
as we passed, and most of them couldn't have seen us if they'd tried.
We followed Assan and his vampire friend into the part of the foyer
that wandered underneath the stairs. Assan's vamp wouldn't sense me
here either, not as long as I was touching Vayl.
There are other, more permanent ways for a vamp to share
power, but I preferred this one. Less invasive. Plus I liked the
hand-holding. Pathetic, I know, but that's what happens when you
haven't touched another soul in over a year.
We crouched behind a huge statue of a naked guy and listened
in. Okay, the gleaming black marble butt in my face distracted me
slightly, but I'm still a pro, so I did hear the highlights.
"—well?" Assan was saying.
"Better than expected," the vamp said, "the virus has already
My stomach clenched at the word 'virus.'
Assan nodded happily. "So we are ready for the final test?"
The vampire nodded, pushing his hair away from his face in a
way I found chilling, because it was such a graceful gesture. The worst
monsters are always the prettiest.
"I wish we could do it tonight," Assan ventured, but the
vampire shook his head.
"No, we must follow the plan. We know the mutation must have a
full 24 hours to thrive before it can be transferred and made lethal.
Tomorrow night is soon enough."
"And then?"
"You know," the vampire said indulgently.
Assan's grin would've fit better on a shark. "And then the
purge begins."
The vamp flashed his fangs in ecstatic agreement. He looked at
his watch. "Svetlana and Boris arrive in 20 minutes. We should go."
Vayl and I traded looks of dread. Obviously defrauding
charities and rearranging fanatics' faces were the least of Assan's
I jerked my head toward the surgeon and his undead friend,
raised my eyebrows. Let's take them now. Try to make them
talk before this virus can be unleashed. I badly wanted to
grab the bastards and bang their heads together.
Vayl shook his head. I knew what he was thinking. Too
public. Too soon. Though it chafed to admit it, he was
right. Only God knew what vital information we'd miss if we hit them
now. So we followed the men toward the back of the house. When we knew
they were headed for the garage, we shifted into high gear.
We dodged into the dining room, slipped out the poolside doors
and raced to our car. Still holding hands, we swept through the night
like a couple of phantoms, Vayl's power pushing us so our feet barely
touched the ground. I'd never felt so strong, as if all the complex
systems that allowed me to exist were working with such perfect
precision I could perform miracles if I wanted to. Nifty Gift,
I thought. If Vayl's ferocious grin was any sign, he thought so too.
I'd left the car unlocked just in case. My keys were in my
hand almost before I thought of it, and within seconds we were rolling
down the driveway.
"No lights in the rearview," I said.
"Good. Do you know where you are going?"
"Yeah. One of the neighboring houses is vacant. The drive's
open, but there's a row of pine trees near the road that screens the
rest of the yard and the house. We can wait there."
"Excellent work, Jasmine." I nodded my thanks, pressing my
lips together to keep myself from grinning at the compliment.
The guards at the gate waved us through without even a second
glance. I made a left as if I was headed for the interstate. When the
gate had disappeared behind us I took the next right and killed the
headlights. After some high speed, highly illegal driving, I hit the
driveway of the empty house, drove into the grass and behind the trees.
With my night vision activated I could easily see Assan's mansion and,
moments later, the headlights of a vehicle began to close the distance
between the house and gate. Vayl didn't tell me it was all in my hands
now. Even though I'd screwed up less than an hour before, he still
trusted me to know my job. I liked that about him.
My hands were wet on the wheel as I pulled back onto the
street. Following taillights is easy in a low traffic area like Assan's
neighborhood. It gets a little more challenging on the interstate, but
Assan's vehicle, an extended-cab Dodge Ram the color of strawberry Pop
Tart filling, was tough to miss. Too bad this virus bombshell had blown
our original assignment to shreds. I could've taken him out on the
Interstate and no one would ever have known it wasn't an accident.
Ten minutes later we'd followed the Pop Tart truck
to an abandoned air force base. As soon as we could, we ditched the car
and headed toward a congregation of sightless buildings gathered in the
empty compound. A hundred yards from Assan's truck, we grabbed cover
among the jungle of shrubs and tall grasses that edged one of the
base's old helipads and watched the two men exit their vehicle. The
vamp leaned on the hood while Assan went to an electric pole where he
fiddled inside a large gray box. Seconds later a ring of red lights
came on and less than five minutes after that I heard the rhythmic
thump of helicopter blades spinning overhead.
I tensed with expectation as the copter touched down and a
couple, one large, one small, wearing black jumpsuits hopped out. They
crouched low as they hurried toward Assan's truck. Moments later the
helicopter flew away and our four subjects made their own exit. I sat
in the weeds and watched them go, trying to come to some practical
conclusions. Okay. So we have two new vamps named Svetlana and
Boris arriving the night before the final test of a virus that mutates
and is capable of purge-like deaths. Hey, maybe it's not all that bad.
Maybe the Russians are computer geeks and the virus is just a big, bad
worm. I wish. I really, really do.
We gave Assan, his buddy and the Russians just enough
lead-time that they wouldn't see us pull out behind them, and hoped
their next stop would lead us to some answers that didn't include the
phrase, 'end of the world as we know it.'
Chapter Four
One of my worst childhood memories is of sitting at the
kitchen table of our tiny house on the base at Quantico. I was crying
so hard my favorite Mariah Carey T-shirt had wet blotches on it, and
snot bubbles kept popping out of my nose, which Dave thought was "Way
rad!" I remember that bothered me even more, because I thought he
should be crying too. Mom sat across the table from us, smoking a
cigarette and patting a howling Evie on the back. Evie always cried
when I cried. It was one of the reasons I finally stopped.
Mom looked at me with what I took to be an utter lack of
sympathy. And she said, "I know you were expecting your dad to come
home today. I know you were planning to share a piece of your birthday
cake with him. But, you've gotta remember, Jaz, nothing ever goes
according to plan. Nothing. Not ever."
I believed her. What I couldn't tell her was that I also
believed Dad hadn't made it home because he'd been killed in Desert
Storm. My neighbor had told me so. The twelve-year-old daughter of a
supply sergeant who ruled us all with her advanced training in
name-calling and dirty fighting, Tammy Shobeson got her kicks from
torturing me when Dave wasn't around to back me up. And learning it was
my tenth birthday had inspired her. She'd buried her claws deep, too. I
spent the rest of my childhood dreading the news of Albert's death.
Despite his long absences. Despite our chilly relationship. And then,
BAM, Mom keeled over in the shoe department of WalMart. A massive heart
attack had proven once and for all that nothing ever goes as planned.
Nothing. Not ever.
I carried that lesson like a compass. And most of the time it
got me where I needed to go. This once, however, fate caught me by
surprise. When I glanced into the rearview not a mile from where we'd
pulled back onto the interstate, I found an SUV flirting with the back
bumper of my Lexus.
"This was definitely not part of the plan," I murmured.
A spine-shuddering thump was Vayl's answer. "What the—?" He
turned in time to see the SUV hit us again, crumpling the trunk upward
so far it looked like we'd grown a spoiler.
Suddenly my hands were full trying to keep my wounded car
between the white lines. The SUV had to veer off as well, but he was
back fast, crunching into my fender like we were playing bumper cars.
Had Assan pegged us? Had he called in backup to pull us off
his tail? No more time to wonder. After another meeting with the SUV
our rear end had more wrinkles than an Agatha Christie novel.
"Son of a bitch!" I floored it, but
speed was only a temporary solution. We didn't have the horses to
outrun him, and if he took my bumper at the wrong angle, I'd go
spinning off the road like Jeff Gordon after a run-in with Tony Stewart.
"All right," said Vayl, "I have had it."
"What are you thinking?"
"I am thinking it is time we find out who
is trying to kill us."
"Can we do that without dying?"
"Then I'm for it." I watched in the mirror as the SUV closed
on us. Geez but he was coming fast. "Hang on," I told Vayl. I slammed
on the brakes. Taken by surprise, he swerved, caught my back bumper
with his side panel and continued his spin on into the median.
The impact triggered our airbags, and for awhile Vayl and I
fought to get our eyes uncrossed. They may have slowed those bags down,
but when one goes off in your face it still feels like you just got
your neck sprung by a Rock-Em-Sock-Em-Robot.
I was debating whether the ringing in my ears was a product of
the blow to my head or a sign of imminent mental breakdown when the
doors opened. A red-faced, gray-bearded man blocked my exit. He towered
over me, wearing faded blue overalls and a Dolphins jacket, looking
like he could flip the car over without breaking a sweat. His eye had
swollen shut.
"I hear raw steaks work wonders on shiners that size," I
"Shut your mouth before I do it for you." He grabbed my arm
and yanked me out of the car. I stumbled, fell against him, felt the
hard outline of a pistol jam against my ribs.
"What do you want?" I asked. Good. I sounded brave.
"Just think of yourselves as a stain and us as bleach." O-kay.
Maybe these guys weren't with Assan after all. Maybe they'd just
escaped from some understaffed, under funded psych ward.
I turned my head to check on Vayl. They were taking him very
seriously. He stood among the brush and scrub that passed for a
shoulder on this part of the highway, leaning on his cane as he traded
stares with three men in their late twenties.
Two held him at bay, or so they thought, with silver
crucifixes held out at arm's length. One had JESUS SAVES emblazoned
across the front of his gray T-shirt in big orange letters. The other
wore a black sweatshirt that framed two praying hands surrounded by a
beaded necklace with a silver stake hanging from it.
The third man, who'd come straight from a funeral judging by
his three-piece suit, aimed a cocked crossbow at Vayl that would've
made me laugh in different circumstances. It looked like he'd built it
in his 7th grade shop class.
"And don't try any of that mumbo-jumbo on us," JESUS SAVES
warned Vayl. "I'll tell them if you do and you'll be smoke before you
can blink."
As Graybeard yanked me around to Vayl's side of the car, two
big light bulbs went off in my brain, which probably meant I was
flirting with an aneurism. But while I still had my faculties I figured
JESUS SAVES was a Sensitive, like me. He also must've been present at a
staking to know vampires do leave trace amounts of dust and ash when
they're vanquished, but the biggest part of them goes up in smoke.
We were down on numbers and weaponry. Never a good place to
be, even when you're a pro. I admit, dread had sunk its claws into the
back of my neck, and it wasn't helping me think any clearer. Then Vayl
met my eyes—and winked. Suddenly I could breathe again. Because in that
moment I knew no two-bit operation run by a bunch of yahoos was going
to beat us. Not tonight. Not ever.
As soon as my mind cleared, I noticed two things. An
undeniable affection for my partner whose survival meant a lot more to
me than mere job satisfaction. And the pseudo-identity of the
organization fronting this one-night event.
"Hey Vayl," I jerked my thumb at Graybeard, "this one's into
cleanliness and that one," I nodded at JESUS SAVES, "is into godliness.
What's that make you think of?"
"God's Arm." Vayl's instant reply pleased our captors. It's
always nice to have your ultra-fanatical religious affiliation
recognized. It's also nice when someone guesses who you've dressed up
as on Halloween. I raised my eyebrows at Vayl and slid my eyes toward
Graybeard's neck. He understood immediately. All members of God's Arm
have a cross tattooed on their necks as a rite of initiation. These
necks were clean.
"Let's walk," said Graybeard, gesturing toward a grove of
trees in the distance with the .357 Magnum he'd pulled from his front
pocket. Vayl's slight nod encouraged me to cooperate, for now. So I
walked, my sandals protecting me so poorly from the rocks and weeds I
considered kicking them off. Only the possibility of stepping on shards
of glass or metal deterred me. It had gotten colder too, and my party
dress wasn't providing much protection against the wind that kept
brushing against me in an endless, winter-borne tide. The full moon lit
up my goosebumps and the pseudo-path ahead of me. But I squeezed my
contacts into night vision anyway, preparing for a trek through the
deeper brush ahead.
Nobody talked during the walk, which only took us about 200
yards off the highway but seemed endless. Something about the march
seemed eerily familiar to me. It was like the entire store of knowledge
I'd built around criminals and their victims had coughed up the ghosts
of those who'd walked ahead of their murderers, sometimes cold,
sometimes stumbling, leaving glowing footprints for me to follow. Only
they were angry that I'd consented to follow that trail. "Fight!" they
whispered, their wild, haunted memories sharpening their voices. "Fight
now. Fight hard. Die, if necessary, only die fighting!" I never meant to go another way. And I think… yeah,
I sucked in my breath and screamed, "Oh, God! Something bit
me!" I grabbed my right ankle, hopping around as much as Graybeard's
grip allowed.
"What do you mean?" he demanded, looking from my
pain-contorted face to my ankle and back again.
"A snake," I gasped. "Look, there it is!"
I pointed at the feet of the Suit, who immediately backed up
and looked down.
"It's too cold for snakes," Graybeard was saying, but too
late. Vayl had seen his opening. He shot his scabbard at the Suit,
knocking him sideways. The bolt from his crossbow flew off into the
bushes. Vayl's blade flashed and the Suit dropped, holding his left arm
and groaning as blood spurted from it in steady bursts. I didn't wait
to see how Vayl dealt with JESUS SAVES and Praying Hands. The confusion
that had delayed Graybeard's reaction was clearing. In moments he'd be
putting his Magnum into action.
I attacked. My first move, a knife-hand to the elbow, made him
drop the gun. He blocked the fist I aimed at his groin, blocked my next
two moves as well. He'd been trained, and well. But he was still slower
and older than me, and I made it count.
The kick I connected to the side of his head put him off
balance. He countered with a punch that would've broken my ribs if he
hadn't been backing up. Even so, I'd be feeling that blow for a week. I
took him down with a hook kick to the back of his knee. Two more hard
kicks to the temple did the trick. He fell to his side and stayed
there, quietly bleeding into the brush. I grabbed his gun and stood
back. A bullet to the brain would've been easy and I was sorely
tempted. Bang, bang, bang. But it wasn't my place
to decide. Vayl would choose whether he lived or died. Ironic, huh?
The boss had done pretty well for himself. Apparently JESUS
SAVES and Praying Hands had tried to run for it, because they stood
about 50 yards away, gazing at Vayl like a couple of trapped rats as he
circled them, his sword hovering inches from the crosses they
brandished like pop guns. I could feel his power build as he circled
them. JESUS SAVES could too, and neither his shaking arm nor his
bladder seemed to be able to hold up against it. Vayl spoke a single
word and Praying Hands crumpled to the ground.
JESUS SAVES, being a Sensitive, just stood there shaking. Like
me, he was much less susceptible to Vayl's hypnotic suggestions. Fear
had a bigger influence, however. When Vayl made a move toward him he
screamed like a little girl and ran off into the trees. When they found
him in the morning I suspected he'd be gibbering like a Blair Witch
The Suit moaned weakly. I went to check on him. He'd squirmed
out of his belt and was trying to cinch it tight enough over his bicep
to stop the fountain that had drenched his shoulder, sleeve and half
his face. "Here," I said, "let me help you with that." I jerked the
belt tight, and he yelped in pain. The bleeding slowed to a trickle.
"You want to watch who you ambush next time," I told him. "There's a
lot worse monsters than vampires wandering the world."
"I know," he whispered, looking straight into my eyes as if he
could see my secret life spread before him, a horrific map of violence
and destruction justified—maybe, maybe, maybe—by
the violence and destruction it had prevented.
Vayl came closer, leaned over Graybeard and whispered in his
"You've only got a few seconds left," I told the Suit. "Soon
he'll be crouching over you, speaking in your ear, scrambling your
brain. Is there anything you want to tell me before your mind goes as
soft as frozen yogurt?" Okay, I was exaggerating. Most likely Vayl was
suggesting to Graybeard, as he had to Praying Hands, that if he ever
tried to kill anyone again, even a vampire, his heart would burst.
Maybe the Suit sensed that.
"No," he answered.
"Vayl likes to mess with people's minds," I told him.
"Literally. He might go easy on you, leave the memories of your wife
and kids, your childhood. If you tell him who sent you."
The Suit was pale, clammy, barely conscious. Which is maybe
why he slipped. "He'd kill us," he whispered. His eyes closed. A tear
trickled down one cheek. Would you believe I felt sorry for him?
I kept my voice low, trying not to startle him into silence.
No answer. I shook him, but he'd passed out, and it looked
like he'd be spending the next couple of hours that way.
"Get the car started while I deal with him," said Vayl. "I
hear sirens."
Chapter Five
I coaxed the battered Lexus off the highway at the nearest
exit and headed south. I'd never used the roads I now took, never even
seen them on a map. But I'd get us back to the hotel all the same. Evie
liked to tell people I'd gotten a GPS implant. Neat idea, but untrue.
My uncanny sense of direction had come to me along with my
Sensitivity—after. It made sense in a way. My life as I'd known it had
changed in every way it could 14 months ago. It seemed right the way I
perceived life should change too.
"It's only two o'clock," I told Vayl. "Do you want to go back
to Assan's house?"
Vayl shook his head. "Not tonight. I feel I should know this
vampire ally of Assan's, and yet I do not recognize his face. Until we
have some background information on him, we need to wait. To plan."
Vayl slumped in his seat. "When we left Ohio all we thought Assan had
was a heinous hobby. Now we know he has an undead ally and a
potentially deadly virus. It seems to me they must also be destroyed."
"I agree. But should we add more targets to our list now that
we've become targets ourselves?"
"Something else to consider before we make our next move,"
Vayl said, shrugging. "We must ensure that our little problem is not
putting this entire operation into jeopardy."
"What are you saying? Are you saying we should abort the
"I do not know."
That shut me down. Vayl got quiet too, considering our
options, maybe. Or maybe just recharging. In the silence the banging of
our bumper took center stage like an American Idol loser, making me
cringe. Graybeard and company had really done a number on the Lexus.
We'd had to bend the back fenders away from the tires before we could
even drive the thing, and I wouldn't bet on the axle still being in
mint condition. I felt an evil thrill at the thought of those four. By
now they'd all be strapped in their roller beds, and in another ten
minutes hospital personnel would be trying to figure out how one of
them could've picked up a sword wound outside of a circus sideshow.
"That was a smart move back there," Vayl said.
"Oh, the snake thing? Thanks. Yeah, that did the trick."
"I noticed. Ah, could you refrain from trying it again in the
I glanced over at Vayl. I'd blinked off my night vision, so
only the moonlight glancing through the windows showed me his
expression. It looked tight, the way men's faces will when they're
either feeling or remembering pain. I'd seen it often on Albert after
diabetes had forced him to retire, and on David the night we'd stopped
speaking. That look went straight to my heart and squeezed.
"You, uh, don't like snakes very much?"
"Well quit looking all pinched and aristocratic. I'm not
making fun of you."
"I am just somewhat sensitive about my phobias."
"You mean there's more than one?"
He jerked his head toward me. I held up one hand. "Okay, okay,
backing off. Um, I suppose this would be a bad time to ask you to talk
to Pete for me, you know, about the car?"
His eyes widened. I could almost hear him thinking, of
all the nerve! "You were driving," he said.
"But he likes you so much better than me."
"That is because I don't keep wrecking the rentals."
"Jesus Henry Christ, Parks, why is it that every
time I send you out on assignment something explodes?"
Only Pete called me Parks, and only when he was mad. He called
me Parks an awful lot. "The car didn't explode, Pete, it crumpled. In
the back. About six inches all the way across."
A strangled scream from the other end of the phone told me
Pete might be choking on his own tongue. Maybe if I just waited very
quietly at this end he'd suffocate before he could fire me.
"Let me talk to Vayl."
"Okay, hang on."
I took the phone to Vayl, who was lounging on one of the
couches, getting a huge hairy kick out of my current predicament. The
louse. "Tell him it wasn't my fault," I whispered as I handed him the
"It was not Jasmine's fault, Pete," Vayl said. Just for that I
went to the mini-fridge to get him a beer. I got one for myself too, a
reward for spending the hours since we'd gotten back to Diamond Suites
trying to untangle this new mystery Assan had presented us with.
"Yes," said Vayl.
At least we'd figured out the identity of Assan's accomplice.
He'd made the FBI's Most Wanted Vampires list.
"I know," Vayl said.
The vamp's name, Aidyn Strait, rang bells all over Top Secret
Land. He'd spent all of his long, long life trying to solve scientific
problems using horribly unscientific methods, leaving a trail of
mutilated bodies stretching back to the 18th
century. According to his file, which even now stared at me from the
screen of our laptop, his latest venture was getting vampires to breed
vampires, not through an exchange of blood, but through traditionally
human methods.
So how did the vamp version of a fertility specialist end up
with the human version of a makeover artist? As yet, we'd found no
clue. We did know two things for sure. Assan and Aidyn were both
henchmen types. That led us to believe someone else was calling the
shots. Also, Aidyn did not look like he had when he'd crossed Vayl's
path a century ago. Apparently Assan had done his buddy a big, plastic
"How does that work?" I'd asked Vayl as we'd stared at the
laptop screen, which was displaying Aidyn's before and after photos.
"I am not sure," Vayl had replied. "We can be scarred by fire,
and full sunlight destroys us. Perhaps Assan used some sort of
specially calibrated laser?"
That made sense. While we were in college, Bergman had
theorized that lasers might be used to kill vampires. But he couldn't
figure out how to produce the necessary power in a hand-held weapon.
Surgery was a different story. All you needed was the space and the
Vayl took a sip of his beer and gave me a nod of thanks.
"What's Pete saying?" I whispered.
Vayl cupped his hand over the mouthpiece. "He is extremely
upset that someone tried to kill us tonight."
"So he doesn't want to fire me?"
Vayl held up a finger, listened for a minute, then shook his
head. "Jasmine," he said, "Your job is, how you say, solid. One of the
reasons I chose you is because Pete told me you are the best human
agent he has."
"Oh." I drained my beer, marched into my bedroom, closed the
doors, buried my face in the pillows and burst into tears.
Some time later I felt Vayl's presence beside me. The bed sank
as he sat down.
"Are you all right?"
"I'm great." I turned to look at him, made sure he could see
my smile was genuine. "Our simple little hit has turned into a
bioterror nightmare. I nearly died tonight. My boss yelled at me for
five minutes straight without stopping to take a breath, and in between
I spent three hours staring at a computer screen. I think I may get
cancer from the radiation. And I feel better than I have in a long,
long time. Weird, huh?"
Vayl brushed a curl away from my cheek with a forefinger.
"Unique," he said, "which is what I have come to expect from you."
Once in a great while a very private person will get that
ask-me-anything look on his face. When you see it, you have to be ready
to pounce. As soon as those soft brown eyes crinkled at the corners I
jumped in. "Look, before, you said you chose me because I was the best."
"Why though?" I asked. "Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed the
ride. And I hope I spend the rest of my career working with you. I know
why Pete wants us partnered. I know why the Senators on the Oversight
Committee want me here. But I've been wracking my brain for six months
and I haven't been able to come up with any truly viable explanations
as to why a vampire who's been around nearly three centuries needs an
assistant. You can hypnotize people—"
"Only those with weak minds."
"You can cause a freeze that makes liquid nitrogen look wimpy."
"Thank you."
"You can make yourself invisible—"
"Not invisible, just intensely uninteresting."
"You run like you're strapped to a rocket. Your hearing's
remarkable. You're stronger than Paul Bunyan… am I leaving anything
His eyebrow rose ever so slightly, but I was so attuned to him
I knew he was making a wry face. "Is that not enough?"
"Why me?"
He waited awhile to answer, shaking his head slightly every
once in awhile as if he was trying out reasons and discarding them one
by one. Finally he said, "After what happened to you November last,
most people would have just curled up and died." I stared at him, ready
to walk if he even brushed against the heart of my pain. "You did not.
You survived, but with Gifts that have only just begun to surface. I
felt you needed help to develop these Gifts. And since I needed an
"What's that?"
"A partner, just like you."
"You are right, there is more. I must ask you to be patient.
When the time is right, we will both know." Nuts. "Okay," I grumbled. I suddenly
wanted my cards. I took them off the bedside table, and as I did my
eyes strayed to the clock. "It's almost time," I said. "Do you need me
to help you set up the tent?"
Vayl has never slept in a coffin. Now that I knew he was
phobic, I suspected lying in one probably gave him the heebie jeebies.
I don't know what his sleeping arrangements are when we're home. Hell,
I don't even know where his home is. But when we travel he brings a
custom-made tent that covers his entire bed. The material is
impermeable to light, so if someone was to accidentally open a curtain
or something, he won't singe. I'd love to have one myself, just because
the kid in me thinks it would be a real hoot, like camping out only
without the bugs.
Vayl's fingers slipped into my hair. The pins began to fall
out and he combed each bit as it loosened. I closed my eyes and leaned
my cheek against his thigh, totally lost to the sensation. It felt
great, soothing. It shouldn't have. Why wasn't I backing Vayl off?
I opened my eyes and looked up at him, catching my breath at
his expression. Passion lit his eyes with an intense green flame. I
could not look away, not even as he lowered his face to mine very
slowly and deliberately. At the last second I turned away, the feeling
of his lips against my cheek making me gasp.
"So tired," I murmured, though I'd never been more aware. Can't
do this, Jaz. It's wrong. It's bad. It's…
"Sleep then," he whispered, his lips so close to my ear I felt
his words tickle my eardrum. I felt him slip the cards from my hand and
heard him put them back on the table.
"Okay." I snuggled under the blanket he draped over me and
promised myself that tomorrow, as soon as darkness fell, I would
definitely put Vayl in his place.
Chapter Six
You know how sometimes real sounds can invade your dreams?
Like one time, I was napping on the couch and dreamed I was
interviewing Steven Tyler. Then I woke up and there he was on MTV
talking to some bimbette who asked such stupid questions I was glad to
wake up and find it wasn't me.
Now I dreamed that Vayl and I were discussing the mission. I
said, "So what do you think this virus does?" And Vayl answered by
making a strange trilling noise, like he had a cricket stuck in his
"How do you think it gets transferred?" I asked.
"And what's the deal with this vampire/terrorist connection
anyway? The Sons of Paradise hate supernatural stuff, and vampires are
just seething with it. So why ally with them, especially if you have
your own cadre of mad scientists?"
"Vayl, it's so weird, you sound just like my—"
"Cell phone," I mumbled. I opened my eyes, stared at the
glittering handbag on the bedside table, a little worse for wear as a
result of its trip to the floorboards during last night's wreck.
Beneath the bag, where I'd laid it before we left, sat my personal
phone. Ringing. Which meant it was either Evie or Albert, neither of
which did
I feel like talking to at—I glanced at the clock—eight in the morning.
I said a very unladylike word as I reached over to pick up the
phone and my ribs reminded me to fight dirtier next time some hulking
bruiser wanted to trade blows. "Do you have any idea what time I went
to sleep last night? I mean this morning?" I waited. Nothing. Oops,
forgot to press the button. I might actually be glad about that later.
Beep. "Hello?"
"Jaz, I'm so glad you answered."
"Evie… have you been crying?"
"It's either that or pound Dad over the head with a mallet." Crap. I am so not up to this.
"What's he done now?"
"More like what hasn't he done." Evie really didn't belong in
our family. Too sweet. Too anxious to please. It tended to bring out
the worst in the rest of us, including Albert.
"Okay, what hasn't he done?"
"He hasn't taken his insulin every day, or followed his diet,
or minded the infection in his f-f-foot."
"I thought we hired a nurse to do that for him."
Evie took a deep, trembling breath, but she still started
crying again, hard enough that I didn't understand what she said next.
"Evie, all that bawling can't be good for the baby, so cut it
out." I knew I sounded stern, but bossiness is the main perk of big
sisterhood. And she did calm way down, way quick.
"Now, first of all, where's your husband? He'd be having a cow
if he knew you were this agitated over Albert."
"Tim's in Philadelphia on business."
"Okay, after you get off the phone with me, call him. It'll
make you feel better. Now, what about the nurse?"
"Dad fired her."
"What?!" I felt the prickling along my scalp that signaled Big
Anger. I wished I was the Queen of Hearts so I could just order my
little card soldiers to cut off Albert's head. "When?"
"About a month ago."
"A month! But I've sent him two checks to cover her salary
since then."
"Me too." Tears had crept back into Evie's voice. I could just
imagine her sitting with her elbows on her little breakfast table, her
straight, honey-brown hair sweeping forward to cover her face as she
dropped her forehead into her hand. "Apparently Dad's been using the
money to buy donuts, beer and cigarettes. Now he's sick, the
infection's spread to his heel and up his ankle. The doctor at the
veteran's hospital says he may have to amputate, but he won't know for
sure until he examines Dad, and Dad won't go!"
"What. A. Dumbass." "Jasmine!"
"Well he is."
"No, I am for not keeping better track
of him. But we've just been snowed under at work with this turnaround."
She was an engineer for Trifecta Petroleum in Indianapolis. Can anybody
say free Indy 500 tickets? Yeah, baby. "And by the time I get home I'm
so tired I can barely move. But that's no excuse—"
"Yes, it is. The last thing you should be doing is driving to
Chicago to look after the original Grumpy Old Man. He's
the one who's abusing himself, not you, so quit feeling guilty."
"Does that mean you'll call him?"
"Yeah, right after I hang up with you."
"I'm on my way to work, but you can call me back later tonight
to let me know how it goes if you want."
"I'll try. But no promises. I'm in the middle of something big
right now."
"Me too. Unfortunately, I'm it." She laughed a little—music to
my ears.
"You're so full of it," I said. "I saw the last picture you
e-mailed me. You're gorgeous." I meant it.
"Th-thank you."
"Are you crying again?"
"Only a little. And in a good way this time."
"Well, I guess that's okay. Take care of yourself and Evie
Junior, okay? You two are the only girlfriends I've got."
"Okay. Love you. Bye."
"Love you too." Beep. She was gone, back to the normal,
everyday life that I'd give my life to preserve.
I dialed Albert's number, but before I hit the last digit I
turned the phone off. He was an hour behind me, so he wouldn't be awake
until at least ten my time. I set the alarm for 9:30 and went back to
Psyching yourself up to talk to Albert Parks is
like preparing for battle, a metaphor he'd probably appreciate since
he'd done that a few times himself during his 30-year stint with the
Marines. You need to have all your resources in place before you make
your big move. That's why, before I called him, I showered, dressed in
my comfy clothes (maroon sweats and an extra large black T-shirt) and
drank about half a gallon of coffee. Then I gave myself a pep talk.
"Okay, Jaz," I said as I shuffled my cards for the hundredth
time, trying to relax to the whish of a perfect
bridge, "here's the deal. You will not yell at Albert for at least five
minutes." I figured the call would be over in two, but I'm one to hedge
my bets when it comes to losing my temper. "You will keep your opinion
of him to yourself this time, and you won't mention Mom at all."
"Okay, I'll try," I told my closet door reflection, "but I'm
not making any promises." I nodded to myself, then I called Albert.
He answered on the fifth ring. Not a good sign. His voice,
when he said, "Hello," sounded faint and weak.
Though he'd gotten himself into this predicament, he would now
expect pity. Ugh! I grabbed a pillow and threw it
across the room. "Hey, Albert," I said, trying to sound pleasant and
not overly concerned. "Evie tells me you're not feeling well."
"She's a meddler, that one, just like your mother."
I gritted my teeth. I would not argue
with him over the fact that what he saw as
meddling, we saw as Mom coming home early from
work to find him in the sack with her best friend!
"I heard you fired your nurse."
"Goddamn busybody. Always wanting to know what I was eating,
always poking me with those damn needles."
My Rage-O-Meter spiked. I could feel the veins in my forehead
throb like war drums as my temper began to shred. It's a fragile thing,
my temper. Sort of like the pretty colored tissue paper you find lining
gift bags. My inner eye watched it disintegrate into little, raggedy
edged pieces that floated away to perhaps reassemble themselves in
another place and time as my father whined, "She treated me terrible,
Jazzy. And now I feel terrible."
"Oh, for Chrissake, Dad, you feel terrible because you're not
following your doctor's orders. Evie's going nuts worrying about you,
and Dave and I don't have time to come coddle you so you'll quit trying
to fucking Mil yourself! So here's the deal.
We're hiring you another nurse. You will eat what she says. You will
take the insulin shots without complaining. And if you fire her, I will
personally haul your sorry ass to the Veteran's home and dump you on
their doorstep."
"Furthermore, you will make an appointment with your doctor today,
and if he has to cut off your goddamn foot none
of us are going to pity you because you brought it on yourself!"
"Jasmine Elaine Parks—"
"Don't you dare pull your Dad voice out
on me, old man. I know exactly what kind of game you're playing and it
doesn't wash. You weren't there when we were growing up. What makes you
think your pitiful health is going to make us come to you now?"
There was a long silence, during which I'm sure Albert was
looking longingly at his beer can while I was kicking myself for
yelling at a decrepit old war hero. I knew he'd been an awesome Marine.
He had a drawer full of medals and an address book full of phone
numbers of men who would still willingly die for
him. He just never should've had children.
"I'm tired," I said, suddenly feeling even older than his 61
years. "I'm working on a big account and it's got me on edge. Evie's
call knocked me over that edge and now you're catching the fallout."
It wasn't an apology. He didn't deserve one and he knew it.
"I'll call the doctor this morning," he said. I guess if I
could make concessions, so could he.
"Good. I'll call you when I find a new nurse."
Another awkward silence. This was the point at which many
fathers and daughters would exchange little affectionate phrases like
'I love you' and 'I miss you.' We knew that. We just had no way to get
there from here.
"So… I'll talk to you later," I said.
"Okay. Bye."
Beep. I found it terribly ironic that lately all my
conversations with family members ended in a high, annoying sound.
I threw the phone on my bed, dropped down beside it. Before
other things demanded my attention I picked up the phone, dialed Evie's
number and left a message for her to get me the number of the nursing
pool we'd drawn the last woman from. Hopefully I could hire one who
hadn't yet talked to his old nurse and learned what an ass Albert could
I woke to the sound of a doorbell.
"Hey," I told the clock, which was blinking 1:00 p.m. at me,
"I went back to sleep. How cool is that?" Even better was the total
lack of nightmares. I started to bounce out of bed, but my ribs turned
it into more of a slow roll. Grief accompanied me to the door. Vayl had
taped a note there.
Before I went to my rest, I
ordered you something special, since I know how much you hate to eat
out. See you at dusk
I looked through the peephole. Nobody. And the
only inhabitant of the hall, when I opened the door, was a serving cart
full of covered dishes. I imagined the waiter dashing back to the
elevator after he'd rung so I wouldn't catch a glimpse of him and
think, gasp! that real people actually ran this
hotel. I supposed the employees did a lot of darting into stairwells
and linen closets. Were they required to run sprints every morning
before work to keep themselves in shape? Hmm, a definite thought. By
the time I had the cart inside, the door locked, and the table set for
my meal, I'd decided the entire staff met in the attic every morning
for calisthenics, and every one of them, maid, cook and maintenance
worker alike, wore matching pink leotards.
I uncovered the lids to each dish one by one, offering each
plate a round of applause as it appeared. Number one plate held three
small pancakes, a slab of butter and a mini-pitcher of syrup. A
mushroom omelet spread itself across plate number two and plate number
three held four slices of extra crispy bacon. Vayl had also ordered
coffee and a big glass of orange juice. I saluted his closed door with
my mug and said, "To you, Boss. May you never realize how much I truly
like you."
Which brought up toe-tingling memories of last night. You know
what, best to leave those alone. Write the whole thing off to delayed
reaction due to surviving a car wreck and an assassination attempt and
ignore the fact that it had never happened before despite some close
brushes with death on our previous missions together. Stuff those
uncomfortably exciting feelings in a manila folder and lock them in one
of Pete's black metal file cabinets. Case closed.
As I ate the most delicious breakfast I'd consumed in months,
I planned my afternoon. Since anything to do with Assan fell under
Vayl's domain, I tabled the whole issue and moved on to our more
immediate problem. Four fairly well-informed killers disguised as
religious fanatics did not just materialize and try to eliminate two
Central Intelligence Agency employees. I wasn't sure how they'd even
found us on that highway, but I did have a theory. Someone must have
told them we were after Assan, so they had probably watched his house
until we showed up. That someone had taken a big risk too, because only
a handful of people even knew we existed. That included Pete, the three
senators on our department's oversight committee, Bergman, and the
woman I was about to call.
Our secure phone sat where we'd left it last night, beside the
laptop in front of the unoccupied chair at my breakfast table. I
swallowed my last bite and used that phone to call Martha. She answered
on the first ring.
"Demlock Pharmaceuticals," she said in her gravelly baritone.
She hadn't smoked a day in her life, but you'd never know it by her
"I need to establish an order."
"Hold, please."
Moments later Martha was back on a line that was now secure
from her end as well as mine.
"What do you need, hon?"
My secretary called me 'hon.' How cool was that? Of course,
she could pretty much do as she liked. She might be a 4'8" granny with
mocha skin and whipped cream hair, but she could nail your ass to the
floor with a single look. I asked her about it one time. She said it
was the result of raising seven children, every one of whom still
wilted beneath The Look like old lettuce. Never mind the only one of
her kids without a Ph.D. was an M.D. All of them acknowledged her as
the Supreme Leader of the Evans clan. Luckily she had her soft-spoken
hubby, Lawrence, around to make sure her rule didn't run to fascism.
Lawrence spent his weekdays teaching at the Southern Baptist Seminary
and his weekends saving souls at Hope Baptist just down the street from
my apartment. What a sweet man. And generous too, unlike some guys I
was about to name.
"Hey Martha, I need to talk to Pete. Um, how is he feeling
today?" As Pete's secretary (and Vayl's—we're big on sharing at the
C.I.A., just ask the F.B.I.) she was in the best position to know.
"Annoyed. But that's typical." She sighed. "This morning I
told him the other department heads had started a pool based on the
timing of his last gasp. They're giving two-to-one odds on a heart
attack at the office. The man has no idea how to relax!" Ouch. If he died, I'd have even more
guilt to add to the trailer.
I was already towing. Not a pretty thought. "You should talk
him into going on a fishing trip or something."
"I could. But he'd just end up snagging his line on a body or
catching sight of some high level, vacationing drug lord and that would
be the end of that."
"Well, we'll think of something. So… did he tell you about
last night?"
"I heard your car got a little bent out of shape."
"Yeah. But it wasn't my fault."
"It never is, hon. Are you and Vayl okay?"
"Yeah, we're fine."
"Well, that's what really matters." She sighed. Disappointed
we'd survived, or just dreading the task ahead? "I'm starting the
paperwork this morning, so it should be ready for you to sign when you
come back. Do you need a new ride? I might even be able to get you one
from the same company." The same company. Holy crap, Martha knew
exactly what kind of car we'd been driving because she'd made the
rental arrangements to start with! She could easily have given
Graybeard the details. Of course, Pete would've had access to that
information too. The senators? Yeah, they could've found out as well.
So much for narrowing down my field of suspects. Only Bergman had an
airtight alibi, that being his paranoia. He'd never hire someone else
to do his dirty work because he'd be too sure they'd betray him.
Bergman's bow out of the race gave me no consolation. That
still left five other people I liked and/or worked for. No way would
finding the answer to this particular riddle make me a happy camper. My
stomach churned, spitting acid all over my delectable breakfast, making
it want to part company with my digestive system.
"Sorry, I was spacing out." Out, out, out…
I dug my fingernails into my thigh. "Naw, don't worry about the ride.
It's taken care of. Pete, however, is another story. Is he busy?"
"Never too busy for you. Hang on."
I didn't have long to wait. Pete's got a thing about telephone
charges. He doesn't like paying them.
"What's up, Parks?"
"Last night's fiasco. We seem to have an information leak in
our department. There's no other way those jokers could've found us."
"I agree. I'm also concerned about the Assan side of things.
If we don't handle this right—" he stopped, because what could you say
that didn't reek of drama? We sat in frozen silence, fully
understanding the ramifications of a plan that included the words
'terrorist sympathizer,' 'evil vampire,' and 'virus.' Then I guess our
dwindling phone minutes snapped him back to reality, because Pete
trucked right on, saying, "Last night I suggested to Vayl that you
might want backup. He said he would let you make that call." Hell yeah, I wanted to say. How
about the Florida National Guard for a start? But in our
business, if you pressed the panic button every time you thought the
world might be ending, you'd be out of work before you could say, "But
we thought—"
However it would be nice to have someone outside the Agency we
knew we could trust, because you never knew what these loons were going
to throw at you. And I had an ideal candidate in mind.
"I want to bring in Bergman."
Thoughtful pause while Pete tallied up the potential expense
of that request. "You sure you need a tech-head?"
"We've already got plenty of muscle. I know it's gonna cost
you, but I shouldn't have to remind you the guy's a genius. Plus he's
an outsider." Way out, actually, but I knew how to deal with that. "He
made a big difference in the result of our last mission. You said that
"Okay, give him a call."
"Thanks. And, Pete, I really think we've got to go silent
until this is over." I waited for him to protest. If he'd engineered
last night's attack, he'd want to keep track of us so he'd know where
to send the next wave. His reply, immediate and definite, left no doubt
in my mind where he stood.
"I think that's for the best." Yes! That left one less heartbreak on my
horizon. "Okay, talk to you on the other side."
"You're clear on your duty to Vayl. I know that. But take care
of yourself too. That's an order."
"Yes sir."
After we hung up I did a little happy dance around the rim of
the pit, managing not to fall in despite some spectacular high kicks.
Gosh, if I hadn't minded the whole world ogling my butt I could've been
a showgirl! I took one more victory lap, settled back down at the table
and called Bergman.
After drumming my fingers through five different sets of
prerecorded options and punching a combination of buttons that
practically committed me to sacrificing my first-born child if I
revealed any detail of our pending conversation to anyone, I had to
leave a voice-mail. While I waited for his return call I keyed the name
of Senator/Suspect #1 into our database and started reading.
Two hours later I'd read all the information I
could gather on Senators Fellen, Tredd and Bozcowski. I'd also done a
short background check on Cole Bemont out of pure nosiness. I felt much
better about our spontaneous exchange of affection now that I knew he
was definitely one of the good guys.
Wondering when Bergman would decide to crawl out of his cave
and reenter the real world, I decided I'd wait more patiently if I
could do so standing up. So I moved all the furniture out of the pit
and lined it up against the walls like freaked out pre-teens at the
Christmas Dance.
Taekwondo was the first martial art I ever learned. Mom
started sending me to class when I was eight, somehow managing to find
me a new instructor every time we moved, so that by the time I hit
eleven I'd earned a first-degree black belt. I've trained in plenty of
other disciplines since then, but taekwondo is still my favorite. I
started with white belt, worked my way through each form until I
reached my present rank, 5th degree black belt. By the time I'd
finished my ribs were pounding out an S.O.S. on my lungs and my sweats
were soaked. So I headed to the shower.
I peeked out the curtain on the way. "Nothing moving out
there. The whole damn state must be hungover." Which was when I
realized a new year had crashed on me. Should I make a resolution? Be
nicer to old women and cats? Swear less? Learn a new language?
"Got it!" I told my reflection as I went into the bathroom to
undress. "My resolution is to learn how to swear in a new language."
If Evie were here she'd be rolling her eyes. "That's not
swearing less, Jaz," she'd say.
"Ah, but that is where you are wrong little round
grasshopper," I'd tell her in my Chinese grocer accent. She loves that
one because, of course, I do it terribly. "I will be swearing less in
English. And I will be learning a new language."
I lingered over my second shower, afterward took the time to
shave and pluck and cosmeticize myself into some semblance of order.
Now wearing black jeans and a long-sleeved purple shirt with
prehistoric cave-paintings printed all over it, I was ready—to wait
some more. These were the times I missed Evie the most. She's one of
those people who's easy to be with, laid back, undemanding, never in
your face—like me. I do sometimes think it's good we were military
brats. All those moves forced us to become friends with each other
because we knew our other friendships couldn't last. Okay, much more of this mushy crap and I'll have to
trade my PPK for a parasol.
I dropped to the bed, turned on the't.v. and picked up my
cards. While Oprah helped some poor schmuck finally let go of her dead
poodle, I shuffled. It sounds lame, I know. But I like the sound the
cards make slapping against each other. It's much sweeter than the
clatter of my thoughts, looping around my brain like the cars on a
kid's racetrack, never winning, never ending, just rushing in circles
until I want to lay down on a busy stretch of railroad and hope Dudley
Do-Right is busy elsewhere.
Bergman called just as I turned the channel and, what do you
know!, Dudley Do-Right galloped across the screen, riding Horse
backwards because that's how all courageous Mounties ride their steeds
in the backwoods of Canada. "Jasmine? Are you secure?" Hmm, really too many ways to answer that question,
and not all of them comforting. "It's safe to talk," I said.
"What're you up to?"
Which meant he had several high-level, top-secret projects on
the burner, none of which he wanted to discuss. "Cool. That means
you've got some free time, right?"
"Could have. What do you need?"
"Backup. Big-time backup with all the bells and whistles. How
soon can you be in Miami with a vehicle?"
Long silence as Bergman did some mental calculating. "How soon
do you need me?"
"Dusk would be good." I chuckled, but he got the message.
"I'll leave tonight and call you when I hit town."
"Excellent," I said, and we hung up. Nice thing about Bergman,
he likes to leave the details for face-to-face conversations. "Don't
worry, Vayl," I said, looking at my wall as if I could see through it,
straight into his room, "help is on the way."
Nobody could rent me the kind of power I needed in a vehicle,
though I only meant to use it until Bergman showed, so I ended up
leasing one. That chore accomplished, I spent the rest of the time
until dusk rearranging furniture. I reset the pit, using a completely
different configuration than the hotel preferred and thinking I'd
showed up their designers big-time. Evie always forces me watch the
Home & Garden Network when I visit, and I felt sure most of
their decorators would approve of the cozy new conversation area I'd
created. Now I just had to figure out why I thought I needed one.
I was just getting the urge to shuffle cards in response to
this new brain teaser when darkness fell. A strange sound from Vayl's
room made me jump to my feet. It was half gulp, half gasp, what you
might expect to hear from a swimmer who's finally surfaced after
staying under far too long.
I was through his door before the sound stopped, Grief cocked
in my hand.
Vayl stood in front of his tent-covered bed, staring at me as
if I'd sprouted antennae. He was naked.
"Whoa!" I covered my eyes and spun around. Redundant, I know,
but that two-second view of his magnificent pale bod had activated my
conservative Midwestern values, chief among those the belief that you
don't ogle naked men who don't already belong to you. "I'm so sorry! I
just heard this noise and it sounded like you were in danger, so I came
to save you." Dumbass. I should've known it was
the sound of power, of magic, bringing Vayl back to a life he couldn't
bear to leave. I'd been close when he'd come awake before, but never
close enough to hear such a sound.
"I'm outta here," I said, moving toward the door.
"No, stay." Uh… He laughed softly, a purely male
sound that recognized how much I appreciated his form and loved that I
was embarrassed he knew.
"Do not worry, I am dressed."
I peeked over my shoulder. "Well that hardly counts," I said,
my heart fluttering like a marker flag as I watched him. He'd covered
his bottom half with a white towel, but most of his muscular thigh
showed as he went to the room fridge and opened the door. As he leaned
over I winced to see scars criss-crossing his broad shoulders and back.
When he stood I noticed a chain swung from his neck. On it he wore a
gold ring.
He'd pulled a plastic bag full of blood from the fridge. As he
tore it open and poured the contents into a glass, I thought I should
maybe be grossed out. But I wasn't. Vayl did what he needed to survive,
and he managed that without treading the path walked by the majority of
vampires on earth. I had to respect that.
"Tell me what you did today," Vayl said as he went to the
"O-kay." I started at the end and worked my way backwards,
watching him pull a pair of faded jeans and a dark red button-down
shirt out of a dresser drawer. As I gave my report I learned that my
boss also wore black silk boxers. The knowledge left me a little
breathless and a lot perturbed. What I felt was wrong on so many levels
you could package it into an entire training video called What NOT to
Do While on the Job.
Vayl went into the bathroom and I finished my review as he
showered. Just like any guy, he was getting ready for work. But Vayl
was not any guy, far from it. And therein lay my dilemma. I could only
deny reality for so long, and then only if Vayl cooperated. It didn't
look like he intended to for much longer. Whatever had made us work so
well as a team from the start had changed, had grown. I guess I'd known
that, at some level, something had been stirring between us for awhile.
But hey, I'm so good at denying reality I could give lessons. I just
had no idea how you tell an immortal creature whose powers routinely
cause abject cringing and/or death that you want
him, but he's not what you need. My guess—very
I fell silent, and since he seemed to have nothing to say
either, I left him to finish his shower. I'd curled up on one of the
couches in the conversation area I'd created when he came out of his
room. Apparently the new furniture arrangement was less conducive to
talk than I'd anticipated, because speech suddenly failed me.
Unless he'd switched to camouflage mode, Vayl rarely entered a
room without everyone feeling his presence. His personality could be
like mist, drifting gently into your lungs until every breath sent him
sliding through your veins. Or, like a violent change in air pressure,
it could reach out and slam you against a wall. At the moment, looking
at him through eyes that I hoped hadn't glazed over, I wouldn't have
noticed if a ninja had dropped through the ceiling and started breaking
He moved with the total body awareness of a professional
athlete, and now that I knew what that body looked like, I could not
take my eyes off it. If a scientist gave a lecture on the Alpha male,
she'd definitely throw in a few slides of Vayl. But until last night,
until he'd looked at me like I'd sashayed right out of his deepest,
darkest fantasy, I hadn't thought about where our relationship might
lead us, or how exciting that trip could be. What a helluva time for my
hormones to kick into overdrive.
"Vayl, I… we…" I caught his eyes and stopped speaking. They
were the gray-blue of storm-swept waves, snapping dangerously over lips
compressed so tightly I could see the outline of fangs beneath them.
"What's wrong?" I asked, some instinct making me touch the gun now
resting in my shoulder holster.
Vayl descended into the pit and dropped onto the couch I'd
positioned on a diagonal with mine. For a minute he just sat there with
his elbows on his knees, staring off into space.
"Something is wrong with my blood supply."
"What do you mean?"
Vayl jumped up and started pacing. "The blood I brought to
sustain me. It is tainted." I felt the familiar bewilderment that used
to fog my brain when my math teacher handed me a word problem. How was I
supposed to know which train would reach Dallas first?
"How could you tell?" I asked.
Vayl grabbed one of the decorative pillows off the couch and
began picking at one corner of it. I'd never seen him so shaken, and it
was starting to scare me.
"Look, Vayl, just tell me what you know."
Vayl sat down again, avoiding my gaze, watching his fingers
worry at the pillow instead. "When I went to get a drink I realized
something was wrong. That is, once the blood had warmed, I could smell
something in it that should not have been there. Something my nose
tells me will make me ill."
"Did you check all the bags?"
"Yes. They are all tainted."
"Did you keep some? We should get it tested."
"Yes." This is bad, bad, bad—"Vayl, are you
thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Of course. After last night how could I think otherwise? But
polluted blood would not kill me, it would only make me sick."
"Sick, like out of commission? Sick as in vulnerable?"
"Very possibly."
"Then maybe this is just a prelude to another attack." I
waited for Vayl to agree, but he just shrugged. The pillow in his hands
began to come apart. I was beginning to identify with it, big-time. Okay,
Jaz, keep it together. You are a trained pro. Eventually you will find
the ass that needs kicking and that's exactly what you'll do. As long
as you keep it together.
"So let's figure out who's doing this," I said, more to myself
than Vayl. "I don't think it could've been Pete. He was too ready to
agree with our suggestions."
"That still leaves several highly trusted suspects." He shook
his head. "We have been betrayed." He sounded like he'd already had
some bitter experience in that area. "Worse, we have already
established that Assan and Aidyn prefer to be led, which means our
betrayer is also, most likely, the architect of their entire project."
"We have a very nasty problem, Vayl."
"Two, actually."
Vayl sank back down onto the couch, looking bleak as a cancer
patient. "Not only is someone trying to kill me, but now I have to find
a supply of fresh blood."
I knew that as we sat there staring at each other we were
sharing the same thoughts. Neither of us wanted to say them out loud,
but it had to be done. I started.
"So, what are our options?"
"Limited." Vayl drew in a deep breath, clasped his hands
together convulsively. I'd never seen him so agitated. "I cannot hunt.
I… made a vow." He looked at me out of the corner of his eyes. "I know
that must sound stupid and old-fashioned to you—"
"Not at all. Of course hunting is out. We're the good guys."
Vayl's lips twitched.
"Okay," I amended, "we're walking that thin line between good
and bad, but we're not kidnapping kids or blowing up federal buildings
so I say, if we're erring, it's on the side of good."
"Which is why we cannot raid a blood bank or anything similar
to that."
"I agree." Weren't we just two reasonable people? It's what we
spooks do when the alternative is blind panic. "So what can
you do?"
"Find a willing donor. Vampires tend to attract them. I know
of two in the area I might approach." Whoa, buddy. Where did you go when I wasn't looking?
"You've… made some contacts? Recently?"
If Vayl had any blood in him, he would've blushed. He avoided
meeting my eyes, and he started to fidget like I'd just caught him
slipping a frog into the teacher's desk. "I, well, yes." He
straightened up and looked me in the eye, realizing, maybe, that he
didn't have to answer to anyone, me the least. "I cannot discuss it
right now." His look softened. Did I really seem that hurt? "I will
tell you later, when we have time."
"You want to save it for the plane ride back?"
He nodded, the corner of his mouth lifting. "Yes. I will tell
you everything you want to know then." Maybe. I wanted to know an awful lot
after all. But I wasn't completely ignorant, at least about vampires in
general. Not so long ago I'd been considered something of an expert.
Which was why I'd been so good at killing them, why I'd headed my own
team. I did know that the act of taking blood from a human donor,
willing or not, involved all of a vampire's senses. Like giraffes
leaning down for a drink of river water, vampires were at their most
vulnerable when taking blood. Both loyal and captive vamps had
described it as 'heady,' 'intoxicating,' and yeah, 'better than sex.'
Whoever had sent the bad blood must know what I knew, that by
creating a need for a human donor they'd also produced an ideal
situation for assassination. Thing was, I couldn't see me standing
guard outside some locked door while God knows what went down inside.
For all we knew these willing donors of Vayl's were part of the master
plan too. That was logical me speaking. Stupid, stubborn, bizarre me
couldn't stand the thought of Vayl sharing that sort of intimacy with
another person. I guess I was a flake after all. Didn't need him, no.
But wanted him bad enough I was about to do the unthinkable. It
should've been more of a consolation to know Pete would've approved.
I stood and began to pace. "Vayl, Pete outlined my job pretty
clearly to me. My highest priority is to protect you when you're
"During a takeout—"
"No. Always."
Vayl stood, blocking my path, making me stop and look at him.
"I know where you are going with this. I will not. I cannot—"
"Why not?"
Vayl looked at me a long time, his jaw clenching and
unclenching as if the words he was about to say needed to be chewed
first, ground under his molars until the sharp edges wore away.
"Jasmine…" he stopped, thought a minute, tried again. "I do
not know what it would do to us. You would be stepping onto a path that
could lead you to vampirism."
"Not if you don't drain me. Not if I don't drink your blood."
"You are right. But because you are a Sensitive you could, you
probably would change." I must've looked puzzled because he kept trying
to explain. "The kind of—joining—you are suggesting is not one-way."
"So, what are you saying, that there's magic in your backwash?"
The tightness around Vayl's eyes eased a little, and a dimple
appeared in his right cheek. "You could say that."
"What might happen to me?"
Vayl sank back onto his couch and I sat beside him. "I have
never done such a thing with a Sensitive, so it is impossible to
predict." He took my right hand between both of his, lacing our fingers
together, rubbing my empty ring finger with his thumb as he stared at
the memories he'd projected onto the wall.
"Could you make it so I can fly?" I asked.
That got his attention. "What?"
I felt a little self-conscious, but figured the time to guard
my ego had long passed. "I've always wanted to fly," I confided, "like
Superman, only without the ridiculous costume."
"It is not…"
"Or how about superhuman strength so when I throw people they
sail clear across the room?"
I suddenly understood what the word 'flummoxed' meant. I'd
never really known before this moment, when Vayl's eyes went all round
and confused, and the only thing he could say that sounded remotely
like English was, "Wa." It didn't last long. Vayl snapped back to
himself and grabbed me by the shoulders.
"This is serious!" His eyes bored into mine, twin obsidian
pebbles that looked ready to bury me under a great big avalanche. It
ticked me off. Here I was, offering the guy his life, basically, and
all he could do was threaten me with metaphorical boulders! "You have
no idea, Jasmine. The two of us will mix at a very basic level. I
cannot predict the outcome. You cannot know the
I grabbed the lapels of his jacket, considered shaking him
'til his teeth rattled, thought better of it. "Vayl! Calm down before I
slap you! Damn, but you're grouchy when you're hungry!"
That got him. His hands dropped from my shoulders. He dug the
heel of his palm into the furrows between his eyes. "You are insane,
you know that?" Ouch. "I'm just being practical. I knew
someday I might have to bare my throat to you. Pete and I discussed
that very possibility. As for danger and risk-taking, that's what Pete
pays me to do. And you and I both know he intends to get his money's
"Jasmine, I cannot—"
"Why not!"
"Because you are not food!"
I stared at him for a minute, then I started to grin. I
couldn't help it. "Vayl," I tried to keep my face straight, "I'm not
asking you to eat me."
Vayl's jaw dropped and I burst into peals of laughter.
Eventually I heard him chuckling along with me and I knew we'd be okay.
When I had my warped sense of humor back under control I said, "It's
just a temporary solution. Until we can figure out something better.
When he sighed and his shoulders dropped out of defensive
mode, I knew I'd won. "Then I will not wait any longer. You must take
this," he said. He pulled the chain he wore out from under his shirt.
Off came the ring and away went my smile. I knew from the look on
Vayl's face this was serious times ten.
He held the ring out to me and I stared at it as it sat in his
palm. Intricately woven golden knots formed the band, and in the center
of each knot glittered a superb little ruby. The exquisite
craftsmanship made the ring resemble a magical artifact, like a token
of love left at the bottom of the Lake of Dreams by some broken-hearted
"Oh, wow." I touched it as if it was crafted of spun glass.
"You like it then?" Vayl took it and slipped it onto my
finger. Though it sat on my right hand, the feeling still spooked me,
as if we'd just agreed to some sort of unmarriage.
"It's gorgeous," I said, holding my arm out to see it better.
I dropped my hand to my lap as a thought occurred to me. "I can't keep
"It's too much, Vayl. Too expensive. Too beautiful. Too
personal. Plus Pete would kill me. Remember what he said about not
accepting gifts?"
"From clients, not from each other. Jasmine—" frustration
furrowed his eyebrows, edged his tone, "why do you always have to make
everything so difficult?"
My first instinct was to argue, but I had no basis. Vayl had
made this wonderful gesture. Did I really have to spit in his hand?
"It's just, I don't understand why you would give this to me when,
you're right, I have been a pain in the ass lately."
"Because it is more than a gift." Vayl brought my hand to his
lips and kissed it. An old fashioned token which should never have gone
extinct. "You wear a ring made by my father's father on the day I was
born. It is called Cirilai—which means 'guardian.' My mother, as she
lay dying from the difficulty of my birth, had a vision of my
death. She knew it would be violent. She knew it would endanger my
soul. Cirilai contains all the ancient powers my family could muster to
protect me. As long as it exists, I may lose my life, but I cannot lose
my soul."
Holy crap in a shipwreck, I'd heard fables about such
artifacts. To actually have one wrapped around my finger though? Well,
to be honest it made me feel kind of nauseous. "Why in the world would
you give something so precious to me?"
If I'd known him for years, maybe I could have read the answer
in those amber eyes. He must've spent a minute trying to tell me things
with them that words could never express. But too much of the unknown
still stood between us to allow a translation. That's what I told
myself. Maybe I was just too scared to let myself understand. Finally
he said, "I gave you Cirilai because the ring will protect you as well.
And because I sensed in you the same power that is invested in the
ring. The two of you belong together—with me."
At the risk of sounding like a two-year-old, I repeated
myself. "But, why?"
Thank goodness that, unlike mine, Vayl's patience isn't tied
to a lit fuse. His hands tightened on mine. "You and Cirilai remind me
that, while I am no longer human, I am also no better than human."
"Is that all? We keep you humble?"
"Think of what happens to people who possess such powers as
mine when they decide their ideas, agendas, race is superior to all
"Napoleon," I whispered. "Hitler. Hussein."
Vayl nodded solemnly. "In guarding my soul, you protect the
world. And that is why I need you as my partner. My avhar."
Grateful to be sitting now that my knees felt like wet
spaghetti, I looked down at our clasped hands until I could speak
without sounding like a reality-show confessor. Jerry, I
swore never to love again until I met someone who could earn every
ounce of respect and affection in my body with a single gesture.
Ick. It would never work anyway. Reasons? God, I could make a
ceiling-to-floor list. But mainly, because I didn't want it to. Did I? No.
No. No. No. No. So. Back to the task at hand: making sure my
vamp, er, boss didn't run off for some high-risk blood-letting with his
willing donor. I took a deep breath. Made myself focus. "Are you
telling me this now because I need to know, or because you're putting
off the inevitable?"
"Maybe both," he said, shaking his head. "You, me, the ring—we
each possess a power that is potent all on its own. Combining the
three, well, if the bomb squad knew what we were planning they would
probably stick us in a lead-lined bunker."
"Vayl, you're not talking me out of this. It's the right move.
So quit lecturing and get to it."
Vayl hesitated one more minute, then he drew me into his arms.
"I will not take much," he assured me, "only what I need and no more." No more, no more, no more.
His fingers grazed my neck as he swept my hair aside. His lips
brushed my earlobe, moved down to my throat. One arm pulled me closer
as the other hand tipped my head sideways. I sighed as I felt his power
settle over me, warm and comforting as an old quilt. He kept nuzzling
me with his lips, caressing me with the tips of his fangs until
something new rose between us, a force that sizzled and snapped, making
the very air churn. I could hear my breath coming in gasps.
"Vayl… please."
"Yes," he said, his voice hoarse with desire. For me? For my
blood? I wasn't sure there was any difference just then. I wanted to
share this new insight with him, but my frontal lobe chose that moment
to completely shut down. Even the pain of his teeth penetrating my skin
didn't wake it up.
Vayl's arms tightened around me. I reached down, digging my
fingernails into his thighs as he drank me in. The air shimmered with
power. With magic. My head buzzed with it. Through half-closed lids I
watched colored bubbles of light dance across the walls. The darkness
came so quickly after that, I never even knew it had taken me until I
returned to myself and realized I was lying on the couch with one leg
flung over its arm. Vayl sat on the other couch, staring at me like I'd
grown an extra head as I struggled to sit up. A tightness on my neck
caused me to reach up, but when my fingertips encountered a gauze pad I
dropped my hand back into my lap.
"What?" I asked, trying hard not to cry. I don't know if I was
more distressed that I'd blacked out or that I'd missed most of an
experience that had promised to be unforgettable. "Did I do something
wrong?" I asked. "Did I say something out of
line?" What the hell just happened?
Vayl shook his head. "You were perfect. Better than the best.
I have never… it has never been like that for me before."
"For me either." We smiled at each other. The hard knot of
fear that twisted my heart with every new blackout relaxed. Vayl didn't
know. My secret still hid safe. Now that my attention could wander, I
realized the experience had left some aftereffects. "I do
feel kind of funky though," I commented.
He sat forward, his eyes wide with concern. "How do you mean?"
"Umm, like, drunk. But not."
I thought Vayl would come sit beside me, fuss over me a
little, but he sat statue still, like a street performer who's run out
of gray body paint. Finally he whispered. "I know."
"Know what?"
"It is as if you are an entire spectrum of light that just
became visible to me. I can… hear your heart beating. I can sense your
hunger pangs. I know you are scared. You are also elated, tired,
worried and," his voice dropped, "excited."
"Oh no," I said. "Oh no, oh no, oh no—" I bit my lip hard,
stopping the litany with my own blood. Vayl had kept his word. He'd
left me plenty. It trickled onto my chin as I tried to stand, but I
moved too fast and lost my balance. Vayl caught me just before I landed
in a heap on the floor. As soon as I regained my equilibrium I growled,
"Back off."
He stepped away.
"No, I mean with your senses or whatever. You were supposed to
give me super powers. You were supposed to make me fly. You weren't
supposed to march through my thoughts like a lumberjack in a
"Jasmine, that is not how it happened! There is no need to
"I'm not panicking!" But I was, and I had no way to hide it.
"I don't want you inside my head," I told him, keeping my voice as
reasonable and level as possible considering I just wanted to stuff my
face into a pillow and scream. "It's too intimate, too scary. I'm not
ready for that!" I realized I was yelling and covered my mouth.
"I warned you. I told you—"
I raised my hand to stop him talking, trying to swallow my
oceanic fear as I did. "I can't have you—exploring me like that. There
are things you don't know. Things I can't explain." I stopped, took a
deep breath to keep myself from babbling on until he did
discover my secret.
His lips twitched. "Are you really that bad?"
"Well… no, I'm just… not that good."
"Maybe that is why I find you so interesting."
"Huh," was my brilliant reply.
He took my hand and pulled me back down to the couch.
"Jasmine, the change has begun. You cannot let it destroy you."
"No, I can't." Can't, can't, can't…
"So relax. I promise you, I will not probe. I will not
intrude. Your thoughts, your memories, are still your own."
"… Okay." I took a deep breath and sat back.
"I would like to ask you something, however." Crap! "What?"
"Why did you rearrange the furniture again?"
"Well, I wanted to work out and… again?"
"Remember Ethiopia? And Germany? And Hong Kong?"
"Yeah. So?"
"So, you have rearranged the furniture in every apartment,
hotel and hut we have stayed in since I have known you. And always the
same way. I just wondered why."
"Oh," I laughed weakly, wracking my brain for a plausible
excuse. "Well, that's the way it always was growing up. No matter what
house we were living in, Mom arranged the furniture the same way to
make it feel like home."
A damn fine explanation, I must say, and one Vayl swallowed
"I was just wondering."
"Let's go kick somebody's butt," I suggested, thinking it
would sure make me feel better. "I feel like I really could throw a bad
guy across the room."
"And suddenly we have so many from which to choose." Vayl
thought a moment, giving me time to rearrange my brain. Like the
furniture, it made no sense to me, but I did recover most of my
scattered control. "Any ideas?" he asked.
"Assan comes immediately to mind."
"I am sure it will be a pleasure ending his existence. But he
is more valuable to us as he is right now, oblivious and unbruised.
First we need to find out where he and Aidyn are storing the virus."
"And how they're making it," I added. "Do you suppose they're
keeping their notes at Assan's place?"
"Possibly. Though Aidyn seems to be the creator. We need to
ascertain where he is staying as well."
"Sure would be handy if we had a contact on the inside," I
said. "But Assan's staff is unapproachable."
"What about his family?"
"You mean the wife?" We shared a knowing look. "You mean the
jealous wife who's hired a private investigator?" We both nodded. With
the butt-kicking officially tabled, I moved across the pit to a mauve
arm chair beside which stood an end table with a phone on top, a drawer
for the phone book and a lamp to read her by.
Most men I meet through work tend to avoid that whole
Live-Like-A-Normal-Guy gig. In fact, most guys I meet through work want
to kill me. So when I found Cole's name and number listed in the white
pages I felt a sudden urge to giggle. It went away just as quickly. I'd
met a normal guy. Big whoop. That didn't make me
any more normal.
He answered his phone on the first ring. "Cole Bemont."
"Cole! This is Lucille Robinson. We met—"
"Last night!"
"You remembered."
"Are you kidding? I've been kicking myself all day for not
getting your number." We stopped speaking for a moment, homage to the
"Cole, I have a problem I wondered if you could help me with."
I kept my voice businesslike since Vayl sat three feet away, and I
honestly didn't want to lead Cole any further astray.
"Sure," Cole said.
"Um, don't you want to hear what it is first?"
"Doesn't matter. You saved my hide yesterday. Plus my lips are
still tingling. At this point, I'm prepared to do just about anything
you suggest." Yipes! What have I unleashed? I wanted to
say, "Cole, maybe you haven't heard, but I'm an idiot. The C.I.A. has
tried its best to bury that fact since they did hire me. But here's the
deal. Despite my actions last night I am not
looking for a relationship with you. I can't maintain a relationship
with you due to the fact that I don't want to. Also, I'll be traveling
a lot and my boss is a vampire who I may be falling for (already have?)
which is a whole other kettle of crap I'm so not ready to deal with. At
any rate, these life choices don't make me a good candidate for pet
owner, much less girlfriend." But I needed Cole to help me get
information, which meant I needed him interested for just awhile
longer. Damn, damn, damn.
"Can my partner and I meet you somewhere in say, half an hour?"
"Your… partner?"
"It's kind of impossible to explain over the phone."
"Okay. How about Umberto's? It's semi-private and the food's
"Fine." Cole gave me directions and we hung up. I looked at
Vayl. "It's set."
"Good. And?"
"And what?"
"You want to say something else, I can tell." I nodded.
"Sometimes, this job sucks."
When this whole mission ended, I suspected that if I survived,
Pete would demote my ride to a used moped. Not great motivation to push
the self-preservation button. But at the moment, I didn't care. My
local Mercedes dealer had brought me a dark blue C230 Sport Sedan that
made even New Year's traffic bearable. The car hummed like a Broadway
star. I joined right in, and the two of us sang a duet Steven Sondheim
would've tapped his foot to while we motored down the sparkling streets
of Miami.
"I would ask you how you feel," said Vayl, "but it is so
"It's amazing," I told him. "I just want to hug everyone I
know. I want to buy the guy who engineered this car a bottle of
champagne. I want to fly. Hey!" I turned to Vayl, "after this meeting
let's go hang gliding!"
"In the dark?"
"It's a full moon." I stopped at the light, hang gliding
forgotten as a burgundy mini-van pulled up beside me. "I have never
seen that shade of red before. Can you see all those flecks of gold and
black in it?"
"Yes," Vayl answered, his smile more full and natural than I'd
ever seen it. "I take it you are enjoying this part of the change."
"Oh is that what it is?" The mini-van
activated his blinker and began to inch into my lane. "Looks like he's
a little lost," I commented as I waved for him to slip in ahead of us.
"You know, yesterday you would have cursed that man for ten
solid minutes for delaying us," Vayl observed.
"Yeah, yesterday… I feel different than I did then."
Slight raise of the eyebrow, signaling imminent sarcasm. "No.
"Will this last?"
"I have no idea."
I followed the mini-van for several blocks, then took a right
onto the street that led to Umberto's.
Vayl took my hand and laced his fingers through mine. "So tell
me what you did today," said Vayl, "not work activities. Your things.
How did you spend your free time?" I had to think a minute, dig out my
mental binoculars to see past the blackout and the moments before it.
Why was it so hard to recognize the woman who'd spent most of her
daylight hours clicking through encrypted files, looking for dirt on
politicians like some commie-hunting throwback? Stardust in your eyes, sister. Only now it's time to
So I began talking, starting with the family phone calls. But
they required a back story, and that took awhile, especially since I
kept pausing to point out a fab new color I'd discovered. Eventually I
worked my way back around to the research I'd done, specifically the
background stuff I'd gathered on our oversight committee.
"Any conclusions?" he asked after I finally finished talking.
I shrugged.
"All the senators are suspect because they all seem way
too innocent. Doris Fellen gives away tons of scholarship money every
year. Dirk Tredd is a true blue war hero. And Tom Bozcowski was an
extremely popular quarterback in the NFL before he shattered his knee."
"And then there is Martha," said Vayl.
I shook my head. "Man, I hope it's not her."
Vayl put his hand on my arm. "You must accept that someone in
your inner circle could betray you."
"Oh, I accept it. I just know, of all our suspects, if
Martha's the rotten link there's no doubt we'll
be coming out of this bruised and bloody."
"You mean you prefer the senators?"
"Absolutely. They can't be nearly as mean, conniving, vicious
and underhanded as Martha."
"She is an excellent secretary, isn't she?"
"The best."
Umberto's is an Italian restaurant located in a
miniature pink castle. Only it wasn't exactly pink. It shimmered with
shades of silver and rose too.
"I'm beginning to like that color," I murmured as I pulled
into the lot, picking a spot where we could exit quickly. I swallowed
hard on a spurt of nerve-induced nausea. This whole meet could go south
in a heartbeat if Vayl and Cole got to feeling competitive. And it
would be my fault for not controlling my hormones better. Damn
chemicals. Why couldn't our bodies run on something simpler—like coal?
An image rose in my mind of Vayl and me walking around
belching black smoke rings. I laughed inwardly. Wouldn't that change
the world though? Everybody would have automatic dental coverage just
to keep their teeth from looking like the inside of a chimney. And we'd
be recycling our solid waste because sludge makes such nifty ashtrays.
"Would you care to share?" asked Vayl as we headed for the
restaurant entrance, his cane hitting the asphalt every other step with
a reassuring clink.
"You are smiling."
"Oh." So I told him what I'd been thinking and we were both
chuckling when we came through the door and met Cole, who stood waiting
for us there.
He covered well, but I could tell Cole wasn't pleased to see
Vayl and me sharing a laugh. Dammit. I know in
other places kisses don't mean much. Shoot, in Hollywood they do
inconsequential smooching all the time. But to Cole, and most other
people in the real world, kisses are significant gestures, not
something you play with as I had. I bit my lip, forgot it was still
healing from the last bite and nearly made myself cry. So much for my
post-donation high. The express elevator Vayl had taken me on came to
an abrupt halt. The jolt left me with a roaring in my ears and a major
craving for chocolate chip cookies followed by a good hour of card
"Uh, Cole, this is my partner, Jeremy Bhane. Jeremy, this is
Cole Bemont."
Vayl held out his hand. "Pleased to meet you."
"Likewise," said Cole. They shook. I waited for Cole to wince,
but Vayl reigned in his bone-crushing strength. I sighed with relief.
The hostess showed us to a booth in a corner lit by a couple
of candles and a low wattage, recessed bulb. The decor diverted me
enough that I stopped kicking myself long enough to enjoy it. The
carpet sparkled with every hue of green imaginable. It contrasted
nicely with the white tablecloths and folded napkins. The menu covers
felt like real leather. So did the cushioned seats.
Vayl and I sat across from Cole. We ordered drinks, diet coke
for me, beer on tap for the guys, and the hostess left. "Lucille tells
me you are a private investigator," said Vayl.
I expected Cole to squirm under Vayl's icy blue gaze. He
didn't, and I liked him better for it. Crap.
"That's right," he said, "although it's not turning out to be
what I expected."
Cole shrugged. "It's pretty mundane. And I'm not always sure
I'm helping the good guys."
I spoke up. "Well, let me assure you that we are the good
I looked at Vayl and he nodded. So I took out my badge and
slid it across the table. Cole opened it, studied it for quite awhile.
"I had a feeling you weren't just another rich snob," he told
me. Despite the fact that he wore white Nikes with black dress pants,
his hair looked like he'd just stepped out of a hurricane and he
smelled of citrus bubblegum, Cole suddenly looked all grown up as he
slid my badge back to me. I slid it back into my jacket.
Our drinks came, we ordered supper and the waitress left.
"So, Cole—"I began.
"What happened to you?"
"Your neck." He nodded at the bandage. I'd completely
forgotten about it. My hand flew up to it as if I could hide it from
him. Vayl bumped his leg against mine.
"Oh that." I smiled, because Lucille would've. "I burned
myself with my curling iron. Second degree."
Cole nodded, apparently satisfied. "You were saying?"
"Um, okay, we've been investigating Assan for awhile now, and
we're sure he's a big hitter in a terrorist group called the Sons of
Paradise. We know he's performed surgery on fugitives. We know he has a
powerful new partner and a plan of attack that could threaten the
entire country, maybe even the world. We think the documents we need to
stop him and his partner are in his house."
Cole whistled in disbelief. "And you think I can get them for
Vayl sat forward. "Possibly. We hope you can at least provide
us with information. You do, after all, have a connection on the
Cole locked his hands together and played thumb wars with
himself for a few seconds while he processed. "I don't think Amanda
knows anything about her husband's shadow life. She sure wouldn't have
hired me if she did."
"We need access to her house, especially to her husband's
office," I said, hating that I had to push. "But we don't want to spook
her. No telling which side she'd fall on if she knew the truth. All we
want is for you to convince her that, to help further your
investigation, you and your partner need to take a look at his papers,
his computer, and the contents of his safe."
"My… partner?"
I nodded. "That would be me."
Our food came. Cole started stabbing at his lasagna. Vayl and
I traded looks.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"You already have a partner." Crap.
Vayl nudged me. "If you will excuse me," he said. "I think I
will go wash my hands." I let him out of the booth. Cole didn't exactly
glare at his back as he left, but I got the feeling he would've liked
"Cole." I sank back into the seat. "Last night, kissing you,
was the closest I've been to a relationship in… awhile."
"You make that sound like a bad thing." Crap in a bucket! We had only traded
spit, that's all, and now he thought he deserved an explanation. Worse
yet, so did I. I took a deep breath. His hands, exhausted from thumb
wars, rested on the table. I put mine over them.
"Cole—" I stopped. Had to. Memories exploded out of the
suitcases I generally kept them locked in. Voices. Screaming.
Blood—some of it mine. A surging black hatred that nearly swallowed me
whole. No way could I put all that into words, no way would I take
anyone else back into the hell I still visited in nightmares. So I gave
Cole a sketch, knowing he could never imagine the full picture.
"About 14 months ago, I was a Helsinger. Are you familiar with
that term?"
Cole nodded slowly. "Yeah," he said, straightening in his seat
as if I'd just called him to attention. "Helsingers are elite teams of
vampire killers, named for Dracula's nemesis, Dr. Van Helsing."
"Excellent," I said. He responded to my praise like any good
student would, with a smile and a satisfied little nod.
"We didn't start out as a tight-knit group," I told him, "but
we ended up that way. There were ten of us in all. I fell for a
hard-charging former Green Beret named Matthew Stae. My brother, David,
was on the team too. That's how he met Jessie Diskov. And when he
married her it seemed perfect, because we were already like sisters."
Cole turned his hands so they held mine and squeezed. It was a
little depressing holding his hands, because he would soon come to
understand why I was too dangerous to touch.
"Some of what happened to my Helsingers on the night my life
changed forever is classified. Some I just don't remember. Here's what
I can tell you. We'd spent the day clearing out a nest in West
Virginia. But we missed the Vultures. That's what we called the
leaders. They'd holed up so deep we couldn't find their resting places
before dark, and we didn't dare stay longer without our own vamps there
to back us up."
Tangents, ah, I love 'em. Keeps you at a safe distance from
painful subjects. But this was one train I needed to keep on track.
"Anyway, they came back for us that night, before we had time to
regroup. By the next morning the only crew members left breathing were
me and my twin. And David only survived because he wasn't there. He was
in the hospital, sidelined with two broken ribs from a previous
mission." Jesus.
"Oh, you can bet I stopped talking to him
that night. I lost my team, my fiancé, my sister-in-law. And my brother
blamed me for all of it. It was my crew after
all, my responsibility to see they got home safe after every mission."
Like a tired, old dam, my throat began to hurt from holding back the
torrent of tears that threatened to drown me if I released them. I
finished as fast as I could. "So you can see why I can't have a
relationship with anyone, especially a nice, normal guy like you. A guy
stays with me long enough, he will die."
"Unless he's a vampire," said Cole.
Cole stopped my fabricated reply with a raised hand. "I know
Vayl's a vamp, Lucille. I can smell it on him."
"You… you're a Sensitive?"
"But… how? I mean, were you born that way, or—" I stopped
because he was shaking his head. His own bad memories were beginning to
make his palms sweat. He squeezed my hands and faked a smile.
"I was born in New York," he told me, "just outside of
Buffalo. Lived there 'til I was six, in an old white farmhouse with an
actual barn and a pond out back. My brothers and I were skating on that
pond one fine January afternoon when I fell through the ice. I was
under the water for fifteen minutes before the firemen fished me out."
"So… you died?"
"Yeah." He was trying to act casual, in case I began to scoff
at his life-altering experience. As if I could after what I'd survived.
"Was it… awful?"
He shrugged. "I don't remember. The doctors said kids will do
that when an event is too traumatic to bear. I guess it's still too
much for me. But afterwards," he leaned forward, eager now he knew I'd
listen, "it was like you hear about in church, Lucille. There was a
light, and then my grandpa was there waiting for me, and he had my dog,
Splinter, with him. It was," his eyes shone, making me smile,
"absolutely fabulous."
"And when you came back…"
"I could sense vampires, and other things, that ran in the
woods east of my house. Between that and the horror of almost losing
me, my parents decided for a new, ice-free scene." His gesture
encompassed the whole state when he said, "So here I am."
I nodded, my neck creaking under the weight of this new
information. I wanted to ask a dozen more questions, because Cole was
the first of my kind I'd ever gotten to talk to like this. But he beat
me to it. "So why did you let him bite you?" he
My hand flew back to the bandage as if it was magnetized.
"That's none of your business."
He took the time to blow an orange bubble and pop it before he
said, "No, but it's the price I'm asking if you want me to help you
I stared at him, reframing this new picture of him so that it
fit with what I'd already seen. "That's very personal," I said.
"I know." Cole dropped his eyes to our intertwined hands,
feeling a little guilty, maybe, but not enough to back off. "Tell you
what, you give me an honest answer and I'll tell you the real truth
about why I'm working for Amanda Assan."
Suddenly I felt like it was my bet in a game of high stakes
poker. I looked closely at Cole, trying to interpret his intentions.
But his face, usually so much more expressive than Vayl's, gave nothing
away. Did he have a straight flush or a pair of twos?
"Okay, Cole," I said, "I'm all in. But if I get my butt kicked
on this deal, I'm sharing the pain."
"Fair enough," he said, trying to hide his triumphant little
smirk. "So why'd you do it?"
Maybe I could've given him the party line and he'd have bought
it. I might've convinced him with the arguments that had swayed Vayl.
But people rarely ask me for the truth, and when they do I feel
compelled to give it to them.
"Part of me just wanted to know what it was like," I told him.
"Part of me wanted to feel that vital, to know that without me, Vayl
would have lost more than his life. He'd have lost that navigational
beacon that lands him on our side of the wall. Because there's nothing
more demonic than a starving vamp. And part of me…" whoa,
this is going to be embarrassing, "… just wanted to be
close, to be connected to somebody else. Like I said, it's been awhile."
Cole grinned and brought my hands up to his lips. "Then maybe
I have a chance after all."
I rolled my eyes. "Do you ever stop?"
He appeared to think about the question. "Not often." His grin
said I'm wicked fun. "Women are passion, my
weakness, and my joy. And you," he kissed my hands again, "are a
paragon among them."
"You make me sound like some blue-haired preacher's wife."
His grin twisted, "God forbid."
I took my hands back, settling Cirilai down on my finger from
where it had twisted up to my knuckle. "I did my bit. Now tell me why
you're working for Amanda Assan."
I thought he'd stall, maybe rearrange the salt and pepper
shakers or file the sweeteners by color, but he came right out with it.
"I am a P.I. But my specialty is supernatural crime. Amanda's brother,
Michael, died six months ago in India. He was traveling with Assan at
the time. She thinks he might've had something to
do with it."
"Just because he was there at the time, or…?"
"It was a combination of things. Assan didn't show much
remorse for her brother or sympathy for her. Plus the circumstances of
his death were odd, and Assan's explanation came out sounding pretty
"In what way?"
"Michael died of a single stab wound to the heart. The weapon,
according to the coroner, was an ancient sword of unknown origin. Assan
collects swords. Also, symbols were found burned into the skin around
Michael's wound."
"What kind?"
"Magical, as far as I can decipher. But I'm no expert and my
sources haven't been able to translate them. I'd draw them for you,
but—oh," he caught our waitress's eye and signaled her over. She found
him a pen and some paper and left us after we reassured her we didn't
need any refills.
While he drew the symbols for me Cole said, "Assan was in
India to give a presentation at a conference on reconstructive surgery.
He said Michael, who'd also been a plastic surgeon, had wandered off
during one of the meetings, and when he still hadn't returned the next
morning, Assan reported him missing."
"He waited awhile, didn't he?"
"Yep. And the meeting Michael left was one he'd discussed with
Amanda. He'd told her it would make the whole trip worthwhile."
Yeah, the whole deal sounded about as fishy as a tuna factory.
The symbols branded into Michael's skin threw me, though. Unless they'd
had a radical change of philosophy, the Sons of Paradise despised all
forms of magic. And these sure looked like spell glyphs to me. I guess
it made their alliance with a vampire a little easier to swallow. But
Cole went on. "The icing is that some poor schmuck who thought
he needed an early morning jog found a torso on the beach last week.
Sharks had swallowed a lot of the evidence, but according to a friend
of mine who works homicide, the victim had been murdered. By a single
stab wound to the heart. And around that wound—"
"Glyphs," I finished. He nodded. "The same as these?"
"Wonder what Vayl will think of these." I ignored Cole's frown
as I studied his drawings. Then it struck me that Vayl had been gone much
longer than even an arranged absence should take. "Where is
Vayl?" I asked, peering through the atmospheric gloom. Suddenly the
hair on the back of my neck stood up in response to the ripple of power
that rolled across the room.
"Did you feel that?" I asked Cole. He nodded, looking grave
and a little shaken. I slid out of the booth. I think I said, 'Excuse
me,' but I'm not sure. The power called me with an urgency I'd never
experienced before. It came from the other side of the restaurant so
that's where I headed, followed closely by Cole.
"Vayl?" I whispered, "where are you?"
I smelled it before I felt it, a revolting combination of
rotten eggs and ash that lashed my inner senses like a lion tamer's
whip. The magic snapped past me, leaving me mentally singed, as if I'd
stood too close to a burning soul. At least I knew now Vayl wasn't its
source. His power had never made me want to shower in bleach water.
This came from an altogether different sort of vampire.
I turned, searching for the vamp's target. I found him almost
immediately, a spectacled, balding man in his mid-thirties with the
soft face and hands of someone who hires out his yard work. He sat at a
table with three other people, presumably his wife and sons. They
stared at him in speechless shock as he clawed at his throat, his face
turning a shade of red I'd never seen before tonight.
"Charlie? What's wrong?" The woman half-rose from her chair,
but Charlie was way ahead of her. He jerked to his feet, toppling his
chair backwards in the process. Now the other patrons had stopped
talking, had turned to look.
"I think he's choking!" screeched an elderly woman whose ebony
cane might've been related to Vayl's. I expected Charlie to nod, but
his hands had moved to his chest, pressed flat against it as if to keep
his innards from revolting and becoming his outards.
The kids, two blond-headed cuties about seven and nine, sat
absolutely still, but I noticed they were clutching each other's hands.
Somebody yelled "Call 911!" and the whole room erupted, everyone
talking at once, the woman screaming, "Charlie, Charlie!" and people
from my side of the room rushing over to get a better look.
Charlie keeled over, still holding his chest, and I felt the
power flare out so quickly I could almost believe someone had pulled
the plug. Almost.
I needed to find Vayl. We needed to
locate Charlie's attacker. But before I could act, Charlie, himself,
stopped me. He lay on the floor, his eyes open and yet empty as
marbles. I'd seen a lot of dead guys in my time, and Charlie had
definitely joined the club. But I'd never seen what happened next.
This dazzling light emerged from Charlie's body and hovered
over it like morning mist. Only it looked more substantial. It was as
if a Charlie-sized diamond floated three feet off Umberto's carpet,
each facet giving off its own unique color. Then, as if some cosmic
hand had reached down and turned the wheel of a kaleidoscope, the
diamond split, spun and reformed. Now, multiple jewels danced in the
air above Charlie's body. A moment later they flew apart like a
spectacular Chinese firework.
One shot straight into the wife's mouth, quieting her
immediately. One went to each boy, landing gently on their foreheads
and then sinking out of sight. Several exited via windows, walls and
doors, and I suspected they'd find their way to his dearest friends and
relatives tonight. The largest one shot straight through the ceiling,
destination unknown, but I—jaded, cynical Jaz, was voting for heaven.
"That is some amazing backwash you've got there, Vayl," I
I turned to look and there he stood, not three feet from me,
watching the action from a small nook formed by a ceiling-high rubber
tree plant and the corner of the bathroom entry way, his power at its
usual simmer. Most people would've looked straight at him and never
seen a thing. Nobody was looking but me, however, so I was the only one
who saw him 'solidify.' It was like watching a computer sketch fill
with color. One moment he was a chalk drawing. The next he was a stern,
handsome gentleman admiring the greenery.
"Vayl—" I began, but Cole stepped up, yanking Vayl's sleeve so
he would turn and face us.
"Who did this?" he demanded. "Who just killed that man while
you stood and watched?"
"It was not my place to interfere—"
"Goddammit this is not a National Geographic special! You're
not supposed to huddle in the bushes and film the lions killing the
zebras. You're supposed to kill the lions."
"We are the lions," Vayl corrected, "and
we must be extremely careful before we challenge another pride. The
odds must be in our favor, yes?"
Cole looked ready to go caveman on Vayl's head. "Yes," I said,
taking Cole's hand and squeezing until he turned his attention to me.
"To kill from a distance," I shook my head, "that's badass power, Cole.
You don't just jump in the path of that. Not unless you want to get
seriously maimed."
"Who are you people?" Cole whispered.
Vayl and I shared a stony look and a chilling silence. Though
John Q. Public knew we existed, he rarely wanted to be reminded. We
were thinking Cole would feel the same.
A couple of E.M.T.s arrived and Charlie left on a mobile bed
with his stunned family trailing behind. Umberto's manager finally
convinced everyone to return to their seats, offering half off their
dinners to keep them from bolting. It pretty much worked.
"Cole." I turned to him, took a deep breath and said a mental
goodbye. "Get out." Get out, get out, get out—
"Now wait a minute," Cole and Vayl chorused, looking at each
other with consternation as they realized they shared the same opinion.
"Have you ever fought a vampire?" I asked Cole.
"No, but—"
"Then there's no point in staying, is there? Get out while you
still have your humanity."
"But what about—"
"We'll call you, okay?" I said, not meaning it, hoping I could
talk Vayl out of using Cole's connections, tempting though they were.
My little hike down memory lane had reminded me too well how much it
hurt to lose good people, and the longer I knew Cole the more I knew he
was good people. "Just, please, take off before the vamp that killed
Charlie realizes you're with us."
He looked hard at me, trying to decipher my expression. "Okay,
I'll go. As soon as you give me your number." I started to argue but,
like a magician sliding an ace out of his sleeve, Vayl pulled out our
business card and handed it to him.
Cole read it aloud. "Robinson-Bhane Antiquities—Specializing
in 18th Century Rarities." He looked at Vayl. "I guess you can do that
when you've had first-hand experience." Vayl didn't even raise an
eyebrow. I'd begun to think nothing surprised him, not even being outed
as a vamp by a P.I. who looked like he'd just jumped off his surfboard.
"Call us when you have made arrangements with Amanda Assan,"
Vayl said.
"I will," Cole replied, giving me an I-will-return look.
I nodded, hoping he'd pocket the card, forget where he'd put
it and wash it along with his pants. Then all he'd have left of me
would be a wad of crumpled paper with some blurry writing on it.
Before I realized what he was doing, Cole leaned in and stole
another kiss. "I'll see you," he said, then he turned and left.
"I hope not," I murmured as I watched him walk out the door.
"Jasmine…" Vayl's voice had dropped and softened to the point
where I barely recognized it.
"Vayl?" He looked like he'd woken up to find some vital body
part missing.
He shook his head. "Is the vampire still with us?"
"Let us take a walk then, shall we?"
"Okay." We headed back to the table, taking the long way
around the restaurant. As we walked, Vayl spoke in a voice that only
just reached my ears.
"Perhaps you should get out as well."
It took every bit of focus I possessed not to keel over right
then and there. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"Your life, Jasmine. Your short, beautiful life." I recognized
Vayl's expression. It said, If you're going to break my
heart, make it quick. The last guy who'd shown it to me had
been my high school sweetheart the night I left him behind. Though I
could tell he didn't want to, Vayl kept talking, "You wish to protect
Cole from the very thing that defines your existence. What does that
say to you?"
"I define my existence," I told him
through clenched teeth. "I choose to be here, now.
Cole didn't have that choice. He just fell into it. That's a good way
to drown." And he's already done that one too many times.
Vayl let it go.
We made it back to our seats with no extra-sensory alarm going
off in my head. "The vamp must be in the bar," I said as we sat, hoping
my businesslike tone would calm us both. "Move in, or wait?" I itched
to deliver some old-school violence to Charlie's killer's table.
Action, that's what I needed. All this thinking was driving me nuts.
But I knew what Vayl would say.
We waited. We made small talk. We ate. It's all part of the
job, in the end, and we try to do the job well.
Now that I knew the vamp's scent, I could differentiate it
from Vayl's much better than I had at first. It stayed in one place for
another thirty minutes. Then it moved. We'd already paid the check, so
we moved too. Still we almost blew it. Like most vamps, this one came
with an entourage, and the last of the group was stepping into a
glistening black limo when we reached the parking lot.
One of the first lessons I learned at the absence of my
father's knee was that life isn't fair. Sometimes innocent little kids
get stuck with dads who keep leaving and moms who hand out far too many
whippings. And sometimes those are the very kids who grow up to learn
that everybody leaves sooner or later, by chance or by death, and it's
never fair. So, though it wasn't fair at all, it was still true that
the one guy still standing outside the limo possessed the ability to
spot federal agents at a distance of 50 yards. Apparently he also
possessed the ability to deal with them, because he motioned for his
three buddies to leave their seats and join him. They headed our way,
the four of them stopping with about 15 paces left between us—what I
like to refer to as dueling distance.
It felt like the O.K. Corral on steroids. There they stood,
making a formidable first impression even without the Tech-9s they held
casually at their sides. I felt my skin tighten in alarm at the ease
with which they carried those deadly weapons. These were guys who would
shoot first and ask questions never. Why was I ever scared
of the monsters I thought were under my bed? I wondered. These
are the real bogeymen.
Despite the crisp January breeze, the goon who'd spotted us
wore a sleeveless gray T-shirt, exposing massive tattooed biceps.
Beside him stood a tall, red-headed man whose mustache grew down either
side of his lips to his neck and further south until it disappeared
into his chest hair. He had that look in his eye that said, I've
hilled things with shovels and enjoyed it.
A bright red scar split the third man's right cheek into
halves, the knife that had caused it also leaving behind one milky
white eye to remind its owner to dodge a little sooner next time. The
fourth man had Chinese eyes, a Russian weightlifter's physique and an
American biker's goatee. He grinned, revealing a couple of gold teeth,
and pointed a long, sheath-covered fingernail at my chest.
"You got a problem?" he drawled, obviously expecting me to pee
my pants before falling to the ground and groveling like an unworthy
subject of the Emperor. And that was all it took. A new, screw-you
attitude took precedence, trampling my fear under its boots. A highly
dangerous approach, I still found it much easier to bear.
"Well it all goes back to my childhood…" I began, but the
emergence from the limo of a black, high-heeled pump attached to a
shapely, stockinged leg interrupted me.
"I don't like the looks of this," I murmured to Vayl.
He just grunted. He centered on the show now as a second leg
joined the first. Silver sequins glittered as moonlight hit the hem of
her knee-length dress. One elegant hand came out to grasp tattooed
dude's paw and the rest of her finally appeared.
"Hey, look Vayl," I murmured, "it's vampire Barbie."
From her waist-length platinum hair to her surgically enhanced
boobs, she looked like she'd been plucked from some Hollywood
director's fantasy. The neckline of her dress plunged so deeply I hoped
she'd used the extra-strength lingerie tape. Her huge violet eyes
slanted just slightly, enough to give her the exotic look of some
Sheik's plaything.
"Get a load of this," I said, "perfect makeup, perfect nails,
perfect figure—it makes me want to shove her head-first into a steaming
pile of horse crap. Why is it you can never find a mounted policeman
when you need one?"
Vayl had no answers for me. At all. He'd gone still as a
billboard photo.
"Do you know this woman?" I asked him. When he didn't answer,
I shook him. He looked at me, his eyes blank. Dead.
"Who is she?"
"Liliana. My late wife."
Not a day goes by that I don't miss my Granny May. Mom, well
to be honest, I'm kind of relieved she's gone. But her
mother's passing still gets to me, even after three years. Sometimes I
want to see her so badly it's a physical pain. Now I just wished she
was here to prop me up, because damned if I didn't feel dizzy.
I watched Vayl watch Liliana approach us and totally failed to
figure out how he felt about it. I, on the other hand, felt very
clearly that the world had just begun to spin in the opposite
direction. "Your… late… wife?" I whispered.
Vayl nodded, just a slight jerk of his head. "She died. Then
she killed me. Ergo… late wife."
That song started going through my head, the only words I
remembered being the most pertinent at the moment. How
bizarre, how bizarre.
Vayl's voice sounded robotic, a programmed conversational
gambit offering no meaningful detail as he said, "Whatever happens,
Jasmine, do not take off Cirilai." Who? Oh, duh, the ring.
Still basically clueless, I fell back on what Granny May used
to call my 'spider sense.' (She was a big fan of Marvel Comics. Dave
still has her collection.) She had meant my woman's intuition, and even
without my newly honed senses to back it up, it thrummed like a newly
strung web. The rate of thrum increased when Vayl added, "Under no
circumstance should you draw your gun."
Grief, a comforting lump under my jacket, contained some
Bergman-engineered options that would work beautifully on Liliana. And
he didn't want me to pull it? Nuts! Vayl—
His look, foreign and glacial, silenced me. I suddenly felt
"This is not something we can escape through violence," he
said, thawing slightly as I searched his eyes.
"What about through the threat of
His lips twitched. "One cannot encounter you without sensing
that threat. Tonight it should be enough simply for them to know
you are dangerous."
I disagreed. I hated to question Vayl's commitment to me or to
the Agency, but he'd just dropped a big old bomb on me. What else had
he been hiding? Should I, God forbid, mark his name down next to
Martha's on the suspect list?
I felt like I was looking at a portrait as I gazed into his
empty eyes. I'd seen life in them plenty of times, but now I felt
stupid to have assumed his life had anything in
common with my own. He wasn't a monster. I'd seen enough in my time to
recognize the difference. But he wasn't a man either. Could I ever really
know, could I ever really trust
someone so different from me and mine?
Vayl and I stood staring at each other, teetering at either
end of a finely balanced lever. Should I step off? Would he?
"What are you thinking?" he asked.
"That you're up to no good." I sighed. "I hope Granny May was
"About what?"
"About trusting my sp… my intuition."
"Grannies are generally very wise in these matters." Yeah, but mine never met a vampire.
Liliana strode forward, clearly put out that we hadn't
unrolled the red carpet for her dramatic entrance. I gave her a look
meant to be blank.
"Your kitten is bristling," Liliana told Vayl.
"I would not push her," Vayl replied, leaning just slightly on
his cane, "many before you have found her to be more a tigress than a
kitten." Whatever happened to 'Hey, how are you?' 'Long time,
no see.' Apparently you don't have to observe the rules of etiquette
when reuniting with a murderous spouse.
"How did you find me?" Vayl asked, his voice absolutely even.
I took my eyes off the Bad Boys for just a moment to confirm what I had
sensed shaking underneath that silken baritone. Yeah, it was there, in
small movements most wouldn't notice. A lift of the shoulder. A jerk of
the head. The hollowing of a cheek that said he was biting the inside
of it. Vayl was fighting enormous rage, something so big that if he
released it he might never get it all back in the box. Oh boy. I'm in smartass mode and Vayl wants to break
his ex's neck. If we don't play this right they'll be scraping parts of
us off the bumpers of these cars for days.
Liliana flipped a chunk of her long, polyester hair back over
one shoulder. "These surroundings are rather… public, don't you think?"
The smile she gave Vayl could've cured frostbite. "Come into my car."
It wasn't a request.
Vayl's gaze cut her like an arctic wind. "No."
"You owe—"
"I owe you nothing."
She moved so fast her arm was a blur. Vayl caught it just
before her hand connected with his jaw.
"Back off, bitch," I snarled. With no time to draw Grief, I'd
resorted to my primary backup, a wrist sheath loaded with a syringe.
The needle was halfway into her hip before she could look down
to see what was pinching.
A series of mechanical clacks drew my attention to Liliana's
Chinese dude had added a sawed-off shotgun to his arsenal,
pulling it out from behind his long, black coat like a Matrix groupie.
The tattooed wonder and his buds had their guns locked and loaded and
trained on us as well.
"What is in that syringe?" Liliana demanded.
"Slow, painful death by way of holy water," Vayl told her.
"My men can kill her before she depresses it."
"Then I will finish what she has begun. But perhaps you would
prefer to talk?"
Liliana responded with a pretty little pout I was sure she'd
practiced in a mirror before she'd gone out for the evening. "All
right, then," she said. "You always did like to have things your way."
By mutual, unspoken agreement I withdrew the needle and Vayl pushed her
away. The goons let their barrels drop.
"Is that really how you remember our lives together?" Vayl
asked grimly. "Because I have the scars to prove otherwise." Good God,
had Liliana inflicted those marks on Vayl's back?
"You earned every one of them," she said viciously, looking as
if she'd like to hit him again.
"Maybe." For a fleeting moment Vayl's guard fell. His
expression became bleak as a dying man's. Then it was gone, replaced by
cold, hard hate. "Who told you I was here?"
"Why Vayl, it's not like I've been looking for you for the
last 200 years. I could have found you any time I wanted."
He shook his head, his eyes so dark you could imagine walking
right through them and emerging in a whole different universe. "Not
true. Someone tipped you off to my whereabouts."
She tilted her head, her hair forming a little river of silver
behind her. "What makes you so sure I was looking for you?
But I did get your attention, yes? You did enjoy my show?" She inclined
her head towards the restaurant. "I thought you would appreciate the
irony of two sons losing their father."
Vayl's power spiked and the temperature in the immediate area
plummeted. But he didn't reply. If he'd tried, he probably would've
spit sleet in her face.
"You must admit I have improved over the centuries," Liliana
went on. "Once I would have had to sink my fangs into him to kill him.
Now it only takes a scratch." She slid her fingernail against her
creamy white forearm to demonstrate and a thin line of blood rose from
the wound she'd opened. Vayl stared at it, his hand convulsing on the
head of his cane. She stepped closer.
"Do not let her touch you, Jasmine," Vayl commanded. "Just a
drop of her blood mixed with yours will kill you."
Liliana recycled the pout. "Only if I want it to." She gave me
a look I recognized right away. It was Tammy Shobeson, the sequel. I
half expected her to kick me in the shin and call me a sissy pants
crybaby. Her psychic scent hit me again, and the stench of death and
decay backed me up a step. "My dear, there is no need to be afraid. I
won't hurt you… too much." She darted a flirty little smile at Vayl,
but he'd lost his appreciation for cruel humor. And apparently she
blamed me for that. When she met my eyes again I felt like that poor
goat they'd set out to bait the Tyrannosaurus in Jurassic Park. And
that's when I knew she really had come for me. That's also when she saw
my bandage. Her eyes narrowed instantly. My hand flew upward, a
protective gesture I couldn't seem to shake. Her gaze moved to Cirilai.
"Vayl," she said, her voice sort of hollow-sounding, as if she
was speaking from the bottom of a well, "why is this—" she made an
I've-just-seen-a-cockroach face, "eichfin—wearing
your ring? And her neck—have you marked her as well?"
I didn't like that word, "marked." It sounded too much like a
dog raising his leg on its favorite hydrant.
"She is my avhar" said Vayl.
That hit her like a wrecking ball. I had a juvenile desire to
get right in her face, put my thumbs in my ears, wiggle my fingers at
her and sing, "Nah, nah, nah-nah, nah." She lapsed into steaming
silence, made a dismissing motion with her hand, and the four stooges
backed off. Though I was relieved Liliana had elected to delay the war,
I suspected she still meant to wound us. And, like most homicidal
maniacs, she followed the profile to the letter.
"Has Vayl fulfilled his end of the bargain?" Liliana asked me,
her voice as sweet as powdered sugar. She took my silence for the
answer she wanted and went on, "An avhar carries
a great burden and responsibility," she told me. "Therefore she also
receives certain privileges, one of those being the right to know every
detail of her Sverhamin's past."
"Liliana," Vayl growled. The panther prepared to pounce.
"So I just wondered if Vayl has told you about his sons—our
sons—and how he killed them—"
"Enough!" Vayl's voice rang with power.
Somewhere nearby a meteorologist had flipped out because the
temperature had just plunged from 59 to oh-crap-cover-the-oranges. I
shivered as frost coated my eyelashes and my lungs filled with winter.
Liliana's gunmen, not being Sensitives, weren't fairing nearly as well.
They blew into their hands and stomped their feet, and I heard the
Tattooed Wonder say, "I can't feel my nose."
"You four," Vayl barked, "get into the car!" They snapped to
attention, did a quick about-face and marched right into the limo.
"And you," he regarded his former wife like a mongoose facing
a cobra, "get out of my sight, for good this
She bared her fangs and hissed at him, a fairly hilarious
reaction in any other circumstance. "Do not believe this is over," she
warned, "you cannot guard her every moment. You cannot see in every
direction at once. I only have to wait until you blink."
"Harm one hair on her head and I will burn that laughable wig
of yours with your head still in it."
I felt a sudden urge to applaud as Liliana muttered an insult
I couldn't quite translate, my Romanian being limited to "yes," "no,"
and "Where's the bathroom?" But, to my surprise, she did retreat to the
limo. The door slammed shut and it pulled away.
"So," I said, "we're just letting them leave?"
Vayl took hold of my arm. "No, we are letting them think we
let them leave. Come."
We hurried to the Mercedes and pulled into traffic a
comfortable distance behind the limo. Ordinarily this would be an easy
tail considering the make of their ride. But inside our car the
atmosphere was far from relaxed. Finally Vayl said, "I do owe you an
"Just tell me what I need to know to survive this mission. You
can save the rest—"
"—for the plane ride back?" We smiled at each other. "At this
rate we will have to fly to Ohio by way of Portugal." Our shared
laughter eased the tension, and by the time Vayl spoke again he sounded
more like himself.
"I think, first of all, we must face the fact that you have
been the target of these attacks all along."
"I'll buy the first attempt," I said, "but why would they
poison your blood? And why would they call in your
"Think about it. They taint my blood supply, I turn on you and
take yours. All of it."
"That doesn't quite make sense to me. I mean, you didn't, and—"
Vayl stopped me with an irritable shake of his head. "You are
looking at this like a human being, Jasmine. Look at it from a
vampire's perspective."
Vayl stopped, stared hard out the window, and by the time he
met my eyes again I knew we'd made the same leap. Like a couple of kids
on their way to yelling, "Jinx, you owe me a coke!" we chorused, "The
mastermind is a vampire!"
"It makes perfect sense," Vayl rushed on as I tried to gather
my scattered thoughts enough to keep us from crashing into the nearest
electric pole. "A vampire would know that, when faced with a deepening
hunger, I would turn to the nearest possible source of nourishment."
"You make me sound like a granola bar."
"I'm joking, I know it wasn't that way. Go on, go on."
"Most vampires, at least the ones who scoff at the idea of
assimilation, would have drained you without hesitation. This one is, I
believe, no exception. That also explains much better the appearance of
Liliana. Until you, only vampires knew of her connection with me."
"How many knew?" I asked.
His shrug and grimace told me not to get excited. "All of the
Old Ones, who could have told anyone. Everyone Liliana ever consorted
with. I would wager the information is shared by hundreds."
"Including a senator. I mean, that's where we're going with
this, right? I saw Martha right before we left. She was still human
Vayl nodded, "And still is I will wager. But that does not
clear her. It only makes her a potential partner, or patsy, of the
"A senator though? Are we sure we're sober?"
"Remember I told you at the beginning that something seemed
off about this mission?"
"The Committee was supposed to meet with us before we left.
They called it a six-month review. Despite Pete's reassurances that he
and I were happy with your performance, they wanted to ask you a whole
slew of questions. Something about making sure we had made the right
The specter of my past lifted its raggedy head and cackled.
The thought that it might always haunt me felt wretched. I wanted to
crawl into the nearest bed and burrow under the covers until I was just
a lump. Nobody expects anything of lumps. It could be a peaceful
existence. Unless you'd just eaten chili. And I liked chili. Never mind.
"Then, without warning, the senators canceled their interview.
They said this new mission was much too urgent to put off any longer.
Although when I discussed it with Pete he made no mention of a need to
"So what are you getting at?" I asked.
"If the interview had taken place, the undead politician would
have been forced to attend. You are a Sensitive. As soon as you entered
the room you would have pegged the vampire."
"A vampire senator." I shook my head. "Scary. But how did they
figure to pull it off? People in Washington get kind of suspicious when
you only come out at night."
Vayl shrugged. "Technology has befriended the human race; I
imagine there are times when it smiles kindly on vampires as well."
Well, maybe. Or maybe our senator had a double. Public figures
had done the same throughout history. Or maybe he or she was so newly
turned and this plan so quickly hatched that he or she could go a
couple of weeks in the dark without raising suspicion. Bottom line, our
senator had found a way.
I said, "Okay, so at this point we have a dirty plastic
surgeon with terrorist ties allied with a Most Wanted vampire allied
with a senator. You know what this smells like don't you?"
"That son of a bitch is the only one I can think of who could
pull together three such unlikely collaborators."
We both fell silent, thinking about the vamp who would,
according to Pete's prediction, become the nemesis of every government
of every developed country in the world by the end of the decade. If we
could use our current suspects to prove all the suppositions we'd
collected regarding the Raptor and thus justify a hit on him—to say
that the safety and stability of the world would increase exponentially
would not be an overstatement.
The limo ahead of us slowed, searching for parking. It had led
us to South Beach, where the pretty people met to PARTAYYY! Bars,
restaurants, two theatres and a comedy club, all dressed up in Art Deco
and neon, shared the neighborhood with the establishment in front of
which the limo stopped. The place resembled a Jaycees haunted house,
from the rocking tombstones that spelled out CLUB UNDEAD on the fake
granite facade, to the glowing skeletons that hung from the second
floor balcony, to the green lights that outlined the entire building.
Despite the fact that many party hounds still sat at home
whimpering into their doggy pillows, a steady stream of handsome men,
beautiful women, and gorgeous men dressed as women moved up and down
the sidewalks. Braving the unseasonal chill, even more revelers sat
together at the tables that lined the walk, enjoying the company, the
booze, and the cheerful glow that came from twinkle lights lining the
frames of their patio umbrellas.
Lucky for us, Liliana and her goons had to wait in line before
Club Undead's bouncer, a 21st century version of Frankenstein, let them
in. That gave us the slack we needed to secure a parking space in an
open lot just down the street. We left the car and joined the crowd,
sauntering as close to the club as we dared before finding a spot in a
darkened doorway beside a closed deli to make like cuddling lovers.
I stood in the circle of Vayl's arms, fighting distraction.
This whole new spectrum of color had opened up to me, but I couldn't
relish it. I felt like a security guard at the Louvre, forced to watch
the potential thieves when I really just wanted to stare at the Mona
Lisa. As it happened, that lovely little side effect was just the first
in a series of brushstrokes that would eventually reveal an entirely
new picture of my life. The second had just begun to show its shadow, a
creeping feeling of immense imbalance, when Vayl interrupted my inner
"There is something else you need to know." His voice rang
loud, almost strident, in my ear. "I did not kill my sons."
"Do I look that gullible?" I asked. "Geez, Vayl, I don't
believe half the things you say and I trust
I didn't realize he was holding himself rigid until he sighed
and slumped against the wall at his back.
"I was nearly 40," he began as he kept vigil, his chin just
level with my nose. "My boys were almost grown. Hanzi was fifteen. His
brother, Badu, was thirteen." Vayl spoke their names as if they were
holy. "Liliana gave me five children altogether, but Hanzi and Badu
were the only ones to survive infancy. And so… we spoiled them." He
lapsed into silence. I felt my heart break a little for the couple he
and Liliana had been, desperately sad for their lost children,
desperate to make sure their living children survived.
Something near the apex of my aching ribs started to quiver. I
felt like I was about to get a really grim phone call. And though Vayl
was laying out the story of his tragic life for me because some warped
vampire rule said I deserved to know, I knew the feeling wasn't coming
from him.
"They grew wild right in front of my eyes," he continued, "and
by the time I mustered the courage to tame them it was already too
late. They went from teasing dogs with sticks to breaking windows with
stones. When they drove into camp one afternoon in a wagon they had
stolen… I snapped. I raged at them. I whipped them like toddlers. I
forced them to return the wagon with their apologies."
The modern girl in me thought, Vayl's family was
camping? What, were they trying to save on hotel bills? The
next thought, riding a sea of embarrassment, washed over me with the
speed of a tidal wave. They were gypsies.
"What happened?" I asked.
"The farmer they had stolen it from shot them both before they
had a chance to explain."
"Oh, Vayl." I held him tight, and not just because my heart
bled for him. That feeling of wrongness had intensified. The little
girl in me urgently needed a teddy bear. "That's awful," I murmured.
Vayl made a sound in the back of his throat, a primal distress
signal, the kind of sound you might hear from elephants as they mourn
over the bones of lost brothers. "I wanted to kill the man, because I
could not kill myself. I blamed him completely, heaping my own weakness
and self hatred upon him until just shooting him would not be enough. I
wanted him to die slowly, over days, even weeks if possible. I wanted
him to sink into horror as if it were quicksand."
"What…" I swallowed, sick with this nameless feeling of dread,
appalled by Vayl's story, "what did you do?"
"I became the horror." His voice dropped to a whisper. "It was
so easy. My family," he frowned, "my father, my grandparents, you have
discerned by now that they held certain… powers?" I nodded, Cirilai
warming my finger like a living thing. "Though I had never felt the
call to take part in their rituals, I had watched them work all my
life, lifting curses, saving souls. Now I simply did the opposite."
"I took three wooden crosses, profaned by the blood of
murdered men, my own sons in fact. I set them in a triangle and stepped
into its center. I called upon the unholy spirits to send me a vampire."
"They sent him all right. But they made sure he met my wife
"I'm so sorry."
"It was a long time ago, lifetimes ago. There is no need for
you to be sorry."
"Well, I am, but that's not what I was talking about."
"What then?"
"I'm sorry I have to stop you telling a story that was so hard
to start. But we have to go. Now!" I grabbed his
hand and pulled him out of the shadows, onto a sidewalk lit by street
lamps and some other source my new vision appreciated but could not
pinpoint. I led him to the corner where we stood facing a stoplight,
the music from a heavy metal band blatting through the walls of the bar
behind us.
"What is it?" Vayl asked as we waited for traffic to clear.
"Hard to describe." I squeezed his hand, trying to stay calm,
to separate new shades of neon and the screaming street music from the
barely leashed panic that made me feel like jumping out of my skin.
"That song," I finally said, "by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Remember the words?" Oooh
that smell.
"Yes," Vayl said quietly, his eyes darting around the street,
fixing every person, every street sign and park bench in his mind.
"That's it. I'm smelling that smell, the slow descent into
misery and helplessness. And beside that, the scent of vampires.
Something foul is going down behind Club Undead." And I'm
afraid to go look.
But when the light changed we moved. Halfway to an alley that
festered like an infected sore behind all those festive lights and
decorations, I began to cough. The closer we got the more the coughing
turned to gagging. By the time we reached the first dumpster I felt
like someone had locked me in a hot car with a rotting carcass. I puked
beside a trio of dented silver trash cans and wished to God that
Umberto's had shut down before I'd had a chance to eat an entire
plateful of their spaghetti.
I squeezed my eyes shut, more a reflex of the upchuck than a
need to see in the dark, and when I opened them the alley glowed, not
just green now, but muted yellow and blood red as well. God,
what's happening to me?
I stood up, Vayl steadying me as I looked around. Small piles
of garbage huddled next to overflowing trash bins like a bunch of
freshmen who hadn't made the dance squad. Potholes full of greasy water
marked a path down the alley only a staggering drunk could have
followed. A couple of three-legged chairs leaned against a brick wall
under a rusty fire escape. And in the middle of it all stood a vampire
who must have spent part of his past battling Neanderthals and
wrestling mammoths. Long, dark hair and a full beard hid most of his
features. His mountainous frame blocked ninety percent of my view of
the alley behind him. But the man laying at his booted feet showed up
Another vamp knelt beside the prone man, gripping the edges of
his torn shirt as she pulled him toward her bared fangs. I blew out a
disappointed breath when I realized her hair was short, curly and real.
Not Liliana after all.
The moment stretched into another plane, where time froze as
we all tried to plan our next move. My attention riveted on the downed
man, whose slow-blinking, unfocused eyes and blood-soaked collar bore
witness to the attack he'd just survived. Oooh that smell.
I looked at him closely, trying to pinpoint the source of his
The mountain man saw us, and started speaking in Romanian. The
tone was wary but not yet warning. For all he knew, Vayl had simply
decided to duck out of the club for a midnight snack. As Vayl answered,
I tried to unravel the mystery of this pitiful human lying on the
garbage slimed pavement one block from where Miami's beautiful people
met to play. In the words of Granny May, he wasn't right.
Standing this close to him felt like wading through swamp
water. If you could distill the scent of maggots on manure, you might
come close to his odor. But it wasn't body odor or bad breath. The man
definitely bathed and scoped on a regular basis. In fact, for somebody
whose pallor reminded me of a mortician with mono, the guy looked
remarkable, a male model who's made one too many round trips on the
express elevator. The smell of death surrounds you.
His lips moved, though no sound escaped them. He mouthed the
words, 'save me,' then slumped into unconsciousness.
I drew my gun, my forefinger lingering on what I called, to
Bergman's delight, the magic button.
"I'll take the girl," I said, mostly because she looked like a
runner, and I was highly motivated to put some distance between myself
and the man she'd bitten. With my free hand I transferred the car keys
from my pocket to Vayl's. "Do me a favor, when you're finished here.
Take the guy to the hospital. If I had to do it I think my head would
Vayl nodded, taking all his weight off his cane as he and
Mountain Man sized each other up. I pressed the magic button and a
mechanical whir signaled my Walther's transformation. The top quarter
of the barrel opened to reveal a sheaf of thin wooden bolts no wider
than a shish kebob skewer. Metal wings snapped open from each side of
the barrel, the action also dropping a bolt into the chamber and
cocking the metallic bow string that could send it flying nearly as
fast and true as a bullet.
Vampirella gaped at me as I raised my weapon. She said, "You
would not dare!"
"Yes," I said, "I would."
"I have done nothing wrong! I have a right to feed!" she
responded, her voice shrill. She sprang to her feet, pulling the man up
with her. He blinked, tried to focus, gave up and passed out again. The
bloodstain on his shirt spread as the wound on his neck began to bleed
again. My hand started to shake as his scent rolled over me.
"You have no rights," I told her, trying desperately to dodge
a wave of nausea. It hit me anyway, and the effort it took not to gag
brought tears to my eyes. I blinked them away, talking fast, aiming
high. "On the other hand, I have several, including the right to shoot
vampires with an unwilling donor's blood on their fangs."
Screaming with frustration, she picked the man up and threw
him at me. Heavy as a side of beef, he hit me hard and I went down
under him, feeling like I'd fall forever, knowing there was no escaping
the living death that oozed over me like a flood of yellow pus.
I yelled and flailed at the inert weight holding me down, as
panicked as if I was truly drowning.
The blackness came in a buzzing rush, and for the first time I
reached out to it, thankful, ready to embrace it. Then the man's weight
left me. I breathed fresh air, air tinged with the ice of Vayl's power.
The man lay in a crumpled heap twenty feet away. Vayl stood over me,
slashing at the male vamp with his cane. I looked for the female,
trying to force my brain into motion.
Vayl moved and I sat up, feeling stupid and stunned. I
retrieved Grief from where it had fallen beside me. I stood, stumbled
off in the direction she must have taken, only years of training
keeping me on my feet.
I heard a door click shut. Nothing was automatic. I had to
tell my body to move toward the door. I concentrated on the handle,
ordered my fingers to wrap around it and pull.
Inside, the thick, hot air pulsed to the beat of latin dance
music. The door snapped shut behind me and I sprang forward, the sudden
rush of energy that replaced the nausea propelling me into the dancing
crowd. I slid the hand holding Grief inside my jacket and followed the
wake my quarry's passage had created. Winding my way between pale young
thrill seekers and their immortal lovers, feeling myself come alive
again, I could hardly tell the real vamps from the pretenders. And
plenty of both filled all three tiers of Club Undead's multi-colored
dance floor. Leashed power sizzled and popped like cooking bacon, and I
knew more than one of these bored rich kids would get burned tonight.
In fact, one already had. He probably still lay in the alley like an
abandoned lounge chair.
Who was he? What godawful horror crawled through his veins,
exuding a stench that could knock me out like a glass-jawed boxer?
Could it be that cancer had sunk its claws into him? I didn't think so.
Hundreds of people had crossed my path tonight. Some of them must've
been fighting the big C. But they hadn't shown up on my radar.
The mystery of the man's existence and the effect he had on me
distracted me as I slogged toward the door. I didn't see Liliana or her
goons, though I should've been looking for them. And I nearly missed
Assan talking to his vampire accomplice, Aidyn Strait. They stood at
the bottom of an ornate wrought iron staircase drinking and laughing,
looking like they'd just figured out a foolproof way to rip off Fort
I averted my face as they headed upstairs, which was when I
caught sight of Vampirella heading out the door. Frankenstein met me
just outside. "Hey!" he bellowed as I tried to push past him, "I don't
remember letting you in."
"You don't smell like Frankenstein at all," I said as I pulled
out Grief, shoved it against his chest and fired. "You smell like
A new wave of nausea hit me, but not as hard as before. Lucky
for me my gal's trail led away from Nightmare Alley. I followed her at
speed, hoping for an open shot, finding none.
After running hard for several blocks, dodging partiers and
pedestrians, she surprised me by stopping suddenly. She stood outside a
lamp store, the light from the front windows throwing sparkling
highlights onto her hair. Like an A-list actress, she oozed confidence.
Somewhere between here and the alley she'd pulled herself together and
the realization stopped me in my tracks.
She smiled and I liked her immediately. Her charm could melt
glaciers. She might actually be the cause of global warming. I smiled
back; how could I resist? Though the spike in her power told me her
charisma ran on batteries, I lowered Grief, resisting the urge to drop
"That man back there, with the blood on his shirt, who is he?"
I asked, wishing I dressed as stylishly as this beauty with her
knee-length boots, short denim skirt and silky red blouse.
"He is a friend of mine," she replied. "His name is Derek
I nodded. "He's very sick, you know. Probably dying."
Her smile wavered, seeming to shrink along with the rest of
her. "Bad blood," she whispered. "Aidyn, you son-of-a-bitch, what have
you done to me?"
Now I knew where I'd seen her. She'd been the small half of
the couple on last night's helicopter. I should've recognized her and
Mountain Man right away. I could blame my lapse on Derek Steele's
sickening effect on me, but excuses are for wimps. I really should've
noticed. Between this, the wrecked Lexus and the impulsive kiss, I may
have just struck out. And I didn't even have a free afternoon to wallow
in self-pity. At least I had my new friend.
I said, "I thought all vamps could smell bad blood."
"Not me. Not Boris," she said bitterly.
"So Aidyn set you up, huh? You must be part of his 'final
experiment.' But it'll just make you sick, right? I mean, ultimately,
you should be fine." I really wanted her to feel better. "Think about
it logically. You must mean something to Aidyn. He wouldn't bring you
here just to kill you."
"Not for himself. But he would do it for Edward." Her voice
dropped to a whisper as she worked it out. "Edward must have burned
inside that Boris and I rejected his proposals. But he never showed it.
Not once."
"Edward sounds like a real shit," I offered.
Her head jerked in agreement. "I need an avhar,"
she whispered.
I was so honored. But maybe she had a different definition
than Vayl. "What would an avhar do for you?" I
Her smile returned, switched to high-beam, her fangs making
her look more deadly than a pissed off biker chick. "She would be a
dearly loved companion," Vampirella explained. "She would watch over me
if I should fall ill and protect me, perhaps even from myself."
She took a step toward me. "You could be
my avhar. I feel… so close to you already." What a sweet thing to say! I waved my
hand in front of my face like a dizzy southern belle. "I'm so
flattered!" I said, feeling like I'd just won the Congressional Medal
of Honor, also feeling her power pulse against my skin like a warm
waterfall. "But I don't think I'd do you much good."
"Oh?" She cocked her head sideways, her dimples making her
resemble a tree sprite, "and why is that?"
"Because I can't be trusted. See, I feel so close to you, like
we're best friends. But last year my best friend was killed by a
vampire. In fact, I thought she was fully dead until she came to visit
me three nights after her funeral. And though I loved her like a
sister, and though I was strangely happy to see her, I had made her a
promise before she turned, one I couldn't bring myself to break," I
raised Grief and took aim, "which was why I killed her anyway."
I shot Vampirella through the heart before she could move. And
as I watched the breeze disperse her remains I whispered, "And that's
what I couldn't tell Cole. Why David can't bear the sight of me. Why my
brain gets stuck on replay every once in awhile. With friends like me,
there really is no need for enemies."
I pushed the magic button, stowed Grief inside my jacket and
hoofed it back to Club Undead in time to see Liliana and the Liliettes
climb back into the limo minus Scarface. Aidyn Strait had joined them,
making chummy with Liliana like they were long lost pals. I started to
go for my car, realized it was gone. Vayl had carried Derek Steele off
to the hospital in it, leaving me temporarily stranded.
"Derek Steel." I snorted. "Sounds like the hero in a really
raunchy Harlequin novel." Only none of those heroes ever found
themselves donating blood in dark alleyways. As if opening a
vein in the comfort of your putrid pink hotel room makes you better
"No, I'm no hero." A couple of die-hard fun-seekers gave me a
strange look as they passed by. Great. Now I'm standing out
in a crowd. Man, am I slipping.
It did feel that way, like all the layers I'd managed to
stitch together to form my so-called life had shifted. Now nothing
seemed to line up. I suddenly felt ancient, a tired old antique rusting
on the sidewalk along with the metal trash cans. My knees quivered with
the effort it took to hold myself up. Drained, as if a bad flu had
grabbed me and shaken me till my brain rattled, I decided to find a
better place to collapse than on the corner of Washington Avenue. I
hailed a cab and slid in, giving the driver, who looked like he'd just
gotten off el raft-o Cubano, directions to one of our backup hidey
holes. I called Vayl on my cell phone.
"Jasmine?" He answered on the first ring. Only people who care
answer on the first ring. The thought made me tear up. Which made me
want to slap myself. What had happened to the thick-skinned agent who
yelled at old ladies and stonewalled handsome young admirers?
"Jeremy, I'm beat." My bruised ribs and cut lip began to ache,
as if even I needed proof before I could give myself a break. "I'm
going to crash at the condo until you're finished with your business.
Can you pick me up there?"
"Is everything… okay?"
"Fine," meaning he'd handled his vamp easily. Good.
"We are just pulling up to the Emergency Room. I will probably see you
in an hour."
"Sounds good. Drive safe."
He sighed, knowing I really meant, "Take care of my Mercedes."
We hung up and I spent the rest of the drive wondering exactly
what kind of world had just opened up to me. It was as if my senses,
two of them at least, had undergone a major upgrade. I could see a
whole new spectrum of light. And I could sense great imbalances in
human health. Now if I could only hear through brick walls I'd make a
great sideshow for Barnum & Bailey.
The cab dropped me at the Star One Resort, a multi-level
apartment building right on the beach. Most of the apartments were
time-shares. So if I ran into anybody in the commons or the elevator,
they wouldn't raise an eyebrow at the presence of a stranger.
The lock on the door looked intimidating. A metal-faced number
pad with a digital readout prevented easy access, unless you had the
right fingerprint. I did. I pressed my thumb on the small sensor pad
next to the latch. The tumblers tumbled and I stumbled in, swinging the
door shut behind me.
The room looked much better than the Bubblegum Bordello. The
walls had been painted off-white. Evie would've called it something
romantic like Ivory Lace. The chocolate brown furniture felt like
velvet and the dark gold carpet complimented the gold fleur-de-lis in
the red wine curtains. I opened them and saw a small balcony
overlooking the ocean. Nice view if you had the time to enjoy it.
I shucked my shoes and plopped onto the couch, promising
myself to try out the matching chair and ottoman before I left. And
maybe, yeah, maybe if dawn caught us here I'd explore garden too. It
was on the roof and easily accessed from the bedroom by means of a
stairway that hid behind the closet door. That extra escape route was
what had sold us on the place. Never mind waiting till dawn. I'll just rest here
for a minute, then I'll check out the garden. I closed my
eyes, breathing deeply the smells of recycled air (just the right
temperature) and apple-cinnamon plug-ins.
I admit it. I blew it. I should've stayed awake, done some
brain-storming, solved the mystery and gotten myself a Scooby Snack.
Instead my sleep-deprived bod yelled, "Break time!" and all systems hit
I dream vividly every time I sleep. Even my power naps remind
me of Super Bowl commercials. This time I dreamed of Granny May, not as
I remembered her, wearing faded jeans and bulky sweaters that made her
extra huggable. But as I imagined her, winged and haloed, living it up
with a distinguished old saint who also dug popcorn and Frank Sinatra
We talked like a couple of beauticians, and she said a lot of
things I couldn't recall later on, though I knew they were important. I
do remember a feeling of deep, resounding contentment, the kind you
mostly lose after the age of six. Then her face took on a look I
recognized, but not from her. Suddenly she resembled my mom when I was
about to hear the words, "Grounded for life!" The contentment fled and
I began to feel a familiar prickling sensation in my fingers and toes.
"It's not your time," Granny May snapped, "wake up!"
I opened my eyes. I stood. I damn near saluted. I guess it's
true that old habits die hard. So do old field agents. As soon as I
recognized my magical alarm had not been dreamed I spun to face the
source of the power that had tripped it.
The balcony doors flew open and I could actually see the glass
shivering as the doorframe hit the wall. In walked Vayl's former wife.
"You sure know how to make an entrance," I said. I sounded
calm, amused. It was a total scam, and the scowl on Liliana's face told
me she'd bought it. Good. It might give me a couple of extra steps when
I turned to run. Okay, if I turned to run. I
hadn't made up my mind on that yet.
"So do you. I think everyone at Club Undead saw you stumble
through that doorway. Are you still drunk?"
"Probably." Shit! I was like the Texas
Hold'em pro all the amateurs enjoy beating. My tells were obvious
enough to be noted, to attract a shadow, most likely Scarface. Is
it time for a vacation?
I think Liliana badly wanted to call me a candy-ass, but just
didn't have the phrase at the tip of her tongue. So she went straight
to the point.
"You have something that belongs to me." She'd suddenly
developed an accent. She must really be pissed. I
snuck a look at my watch. Vayl might be on his way, but he wouldn't get
here in time to back me up, much less save me. And I didn't much savor
the thought of him scraping me off the carpet. What to do,
what to do? My nerves were running around like earthquake
victims, screaming hysterically and ramming into each other, causing no
end of damage and helping me not one damn bit.
"Everything I have is mine," I told her. Wrong thing to say.
Her eyes, including the whites, turned the bright red of fresh blood.
Her hands twitched and I realized those perfect, store-bought nails
doubled as covers for retractable claws. They grew, even as I watched,
to letter-opener length, and I imagined they'd slice through skin just
as easily as they'd cut paper.
"That is where we fundamentally disagree." She moved forward
and to her left, intending to block my exit. Evidently she couldn't
visualize me jumping off the balcony. It seemed like a bad plan to me
as well. My adrenaline had already deserted me. I'm so
tired. Almost too tired to be scared. Almost, almost, almost—
"I don't know what you mean," I replied. As she moved I did
too, maintaining the distance between us as I inched closer to the
bedroom door.
"Cirilai." She pointed to the ring on my right hand, her claws
shaking with the force of her anger. "It is mine."
"Vayl told me his family made it for him."
"I am his family!" she spat. "It is my
right to wear Vayl's ring!" She took a step forward and I pulled Grief.
It was still in gun mode, but it stopped her. For now. So, of course, I
egged her on.
"You're not his wife anymore, Liliana. You're not even his avhar.
The ring is mine, and I'm keeping it."
She screamed. Like a banshee. On uppers. Caught in a vice.
I shot her as she charged. Three times, bam, bam,
bam in a nice tight pattern in the chest. Bright red blood
spattered the wall behind her as she fell backwards. She hit the dining
room table on her way down. It teetered and crashed sideways under the
impact. I used the extra time it gave me to turn and run. Should've nailed her with a bolt, I
chastised myself, Should've pressed the magic button, Jaz.
I should've, but I hadn't, and there was no time now to figure out why.
My bare feet hardly touched the carpet as I sprinted for the
bedroom door. Liliana's screams and growls spurred me on. I made it
through the door, slammed and locked it before she could reach me. It
was a closer race than I'd thought. Just after the bolt shot home she
banged into the door, making it shiver on its hinges. I got a sudden
vision of a Liliana-shaped indentation on the other side and laughed.
That brought on another scream of rage and a series of attacks on the
door that would eventually shatter it. I headed for the closet and the
stairs it hid.
I threw that door open and charged up the cold, concrete
stairs, taking them two at a time. Another door, sturdy and metal with
a bar across its middle that reminded me of the entry way to my high
school's old gym, stood at the top. I hit it flying. For a millisecond
I thought it might be locked and pictured myself bouncing off the
handrail and down the steps like a bird who's just smacked into a third
story window. But the door opened easily, leading me out to the most
amazing rooftop I'd ever encountered.
My first, brief impression of the garden was a feeling of
bursting into fairyland. White lights had been strung in potted trees
and along the latticework walls that divided the rooftop into numerous
small rooms. Somewhere running water accompanied the sound of my
breathing. It smelled like spring, but my toes curled against the cold
night air and goosebumps rose like tiny mountain ranges along my arms.
A quick hunt bagged me a concrete bench whose top wasn't
attached to its legs. I lugged the seat to the door and wedged it under
the handle so that it couldn't be depressed. Maybe it would hold
Liliana long enough for me to make a clean getaway.
My escape route required me to cross to the other side of the
roof, so I walked through the garden rooms as quickly as I could,
avoiding tables and benches where people would sit with their morning
coffee when this cold spell snapped, never knowing the story unfolding
on this very spot.
Liliana's power snapped at my heels like a pit bull at the
edge of its chain. It reminded me of Umberto's, and I sure didn't want
to be the next poor schmuck to keel over in a plate of linguini. I
rushed through arbors thick with vines. I slipped past statues of
angels, wind chimes that swayed dangerously close to song, an empty
concrete bird bath that looked abandoned and forlorn. I'd made it about
halfway across the roof when Liliana's power peaked and a sudden,
explosive noise halted me.
Liliana's voice hit the air like a jet engine. "I am not just
going to kill you!" She screeched. "I am going to tear your chest open
and drink the blood directly from your beating heart!"
"That's just gross, Liliana. Didn't your poor, dead mama ever
teach you any manners?"
I slipped to another section of the roof as she tracked my
voice. Hopefully I could play mouse to her cat long enough to find the
twin to the door she'd just destroyed. Then I'd run some more. The
thought made me want to break something.
I could confront her, of course, maybe even smoke her if she
wasn't too fast or too strong. If my aim was true. But I realized,
though I wanted to kill her, I couldn't. Vayl should be the one to
finish her.
I found the door, framed by hanging baskets, and gently
depressed the handle. Nothing happened. It was locked. Holy
crap, I'm trapped on top of an eight story building with a homicidal
Liliana's power settled on me like a thick fog. I began to
sweat as I waded through it, somehow managing to reach the fire escape
without making a noise. When I grabbed the rails to start my descent, I
looked down and saw Liliana's limo parked under a streetlight. I only
saw the car, but I couldn't believe she'd sent her goons home for the
evening. Were they all huddled inside with the heat cranked, still
trying to regain the warmth Vayl had stolen from them earlier? Were
they guarding my escape routes, waiting to grab me the moment I thought
I was free? Why hadn't Liliana brought them up with her? It seemed
almost… fair.
No, not fair—confident. She was just that sure one puny woman
couldn't stand against her amazing super powers. She hadn't brought
reinforcements because she simply saw no point.
I decided my best bet was to circle back to the door I'd come
through. I managed to find my way through a maze of potted shrubs and
outdoor furniture without making a sound. Part of the twisted remains
of a hammock peeked out from beneath the blown door, and the opening it
had left beckoned. I'd just decided to run for it when her voice froze
"I thought you might come back here." Shit! I wanted to bang my head against
the wall, but figured that was a part of Liliana's overall plan and
decided to leave it to her.
I turned around, my Lucille mask firmly in place.
She held out her hand, her smile both condescending and
triumphant. Three dark blotches on her chest were all that remained of
the bullets I'd fired. "The ring," she said, wiggling her fingers to
make me move faster.
She had me on strength, speed and pure evil intent. I'm sure
she expected me to cringe and shuffle. Which is why my kick swept right
up the center of her body without a block, or even a delay. It
contacted her beneath the chin, driving her head backwards and breaking
her jaw from the sound of it. Off-balance and staggering on her too
high heels, Liliana's only move was to reach forward, try to regain her
balance. I couldn't allow that.
I kicked her three times in quick succession, contacting her
high on the chest, moving her backwards several steps each time. When
her heels hit the lip of the roof I jump-kicked her right over the
side. She fell loud and long, her body making a spectacular
watermelon-under-the-sledgehammer whump when it
hit the pavement.
Oh no, it wasn't over. People wouldn't be willing to pay such
a high price for immortality if it didn't come with some major perks.
Her screaming might have stopped when her body met asphalt, and she'd
be in no shape to demand anything more of me tonight, but she'd heal.
Quickly. Bed rest and fresh blood would put her back on her feet by
tomorrow night. But for tonight, I had won.
I peered over the edge of the roof. The headlights from a
couple of stopped cars lit the scene like something out of a Hitchcock
movie. Liliana's body sprawled on the street, twisted and disjointed as
a scarecrow's. One driver yelled into his cell phone while the other
checked her pulse. Liliana's car pulled up, screeching to a halt from
its short trip around the block. All four goons piled out and went to
Two held off the protesting drivers with handguns while the
others grabbed the unconscious vamp by the wrists and ankles and
carried her to the car, reminding me of the deer Albert and Dave used
to haul out of the woods after a good morning's hunt. They'd barely
gotten her stowed and driven off into the night when sirens announced
the arrival of cops who, having seen damn near everything, would
probably believe every detail of the drivers' stories.
Considering the noise we'd made in the room before coming to
the roof, I decided even my I.D. might not stand between me and a visit
to the police station. Not a comfy thought with Vayl due any minute and
dawn following him like a stray dog.
I ran down the stairs, gritting my teeth against the pounding
my poor feet were taking. When I got to the room I went straight to my
socks, pulled them on and wrapped my jacket around my feet before
punching into my phone the special combination of numbers that would
provide me with some semblance of privacy while I talked. Ignoring the
blood spatters on the wall, I stared hard at the drawer pull on the end
table next to my chair while I waited for an answer. I got one on the
12th ring.
"Pete? It's Jasmine."
"Don't tell me you wrecked another car."
Medium pause. I heard rustling, probably him checking out his
bedside clock because the next thing he said was, "Do you know what
time it is?"
"Not really."
Silence. I half expected him to start snoring.
"So why did you call at nearly four in the morning?"
"I didn't wreck the car."
"Spit it out, Jaz."
I winced. "Please don't yell at me."
"I'm not yelling."
"I know. But you might be. Soon."
"If you don't start passing on some real information soon I'm
going to yell at my wife. Then you'll have guilt."
I ran a hand through my hair and got Cirilai caught in some
tangles. As I tried to free myself I said, "I pushed a vamp off a roof
"Not part of the mission, but acceptable."
"Not really. The cops are coming up here soon, and they're not
going to believe I'm innocent when they see the bloodstains."
"I shot her first, here in the room. And her goons came and
took her away while I was still on the roof, so I have no proof she and
I fought."
"Your badge—"
"—could be faked. I don't have the time to talk myself out of
this situation, Pete. Dawn's coming."
"All right, let me talk to them."
"I heard sirens. They'll be here in a sec. In the meantime—"
"Don't you dare sing me a lullaby."
"I wouldn't dream of it. I just wanted you to know, we think
one of the senators on our oversight committee might be dirty."
"They're politicians, Jaz. It kind of goes with the territory."
"You're tired, I get it." I told him about our suspicions,
wondering how much really sunk in. The guy might actually still be
asleep. Dave could do that, carry on a perfectly logical conversation
with you in the middle of the night and then not remember anything
about it the next day because he'd been mostly asleep the whole time.
"Pete, are you awake?"
"Yes, Jasmine, I'm awake. It's your fault too, I want you to
remember that."
"Believe me, I will. And, um, we've got the senator thing
covered from here, okay? If you get nosy and get yourself killed I'm
gonna have to put your kids through college or something, so do me a
favor and steer clear."
"You know, last week Ashley was talking about getting her
Ph.D. at Yale, so I have to say I'm a little tempted. But don't worry.
There's a reason I hire the best." Wow. If only I deserved that remark.
"Hang on, somebody's at the door."
I opened it mid-knock. The cop on the other side looked
slightly stunned that I'd responded so quickly. Even more so when I
handed him my badge and the phone and said, "It's for you."
He took it like it might be rigged to blow, and held it about
six inches from his ear. "Hello?" he said while his partner hung back,
his Glock out but pointing at the floor for the moment.
The first cop listened for awhile and when he gave me an
amused look, I relaxed. When he chuckled I started to fume. No doubt
Pete was telling him all about my tendency to leave a trail of wrecked
cars and blood-spattered walls that a blind dog with a cold could
"Did she really?" asked the cop. He laughed louder and
motioned for his partner to listen in on the call. All told, Pete kept
them entertained for another three minutes and 25 seconds while I
leaned against the wall and timed them. At 3:26 the cop handed me the
phone and my badge.
"He wants to talk to you," he said, then he nodded, headed out
the door and down the stairs with his partner close behind.
"I take it I'm off the hook," I said as I shut the door.
"No problem."
We hung up. Since my toes still felt like icicles, I went into
the bathroom, shucked my socks, plugged the tub and ran in enough hot
water to soak my feet. I could see the front door from where I sat, so
I was aware of the chiseled marble look on Vayl's face when he entered
the condo a few minutes later. That all changed when he saw the blood
on the walls.
"Dear Christ!" He staggered sideways, caught his balance on
the stove and pulled his phone from his pocket with shaking fingers.
"Jasmine, be all right. Please be all right," he whispered as he
dialed, his face suddenly very human, and extremely worried. He jumped
about three inches off the floor when my phone rang. I answered it.
"Make it quick," I said, "there's somebody else in the condo
with me and he looks alarmed."
He didn't say a word, just dropped his phone, came over and
picked me up off the edge of the tub. It's a little disconcerting being
dangled effortlessly. Plus, I generally equate bear hugs with
lumberjacks and friendly purple dinosaurs, not with suave, sexy
vampires who savor a daily dose of necking.
"I thought you were dead," he said.
Ah, that explained the momentous show of affection. "So you
knew Liliana was coming after me?"
"I… had a feeling." I let his evasion stand for now. But in my
mind I drew the line. One more and I would raise hell. Or, smarter but
less satisfying, ask him to come clean. He let me slip through his arms
until my feet touched the carpet. But he wasn't quite ready to let go.
"I am sorry that I left you. I suspected she would come after you, only
not so soon. She has always coveted Cirilai, first because she was my
wife and thought she deserved it. Then because our sons were dead and
she thought I did not."
"So… you've never… taken it off before?"
"No. Not for Liliana. Not for anyone. Until now."
I started to squirm and he let me pull away slightly. Okay,
don't panic. Every time you panic all hell breaks loose so do-not-panic.
"You're right, she came for the ring," I told him. "She
demanded it from me."
"What did you do?"
"I shot her. Then I pushed her off the roof."
He smiled. Not the twitchy twitch but a genuine, full-face
smile. "You must have really wanted that ring."
I put my hands on his chest, because he still held me by the
arms and, frankly, because I suspected there might be hyperventilating
in my not too distant future and I needed a strong base to lean on. I
looked into his remarkable eyes, just now a warm, honey-gold with
flecks of amber, and I nodded.
"To be honest, I did want it. I do. I'm… I can't explain how
honored I am to be wearing it. But, also to be honest, the whole deal
terrifies me."
I took a long look at the stitching on his collar, the urge to
cower my way out of this conversation damn near primal. He and I had
been tiptoeing around the subject so long I suspected if I made us face
it squarely, one of us would be required to cut and run. A perfectly
acceptable reaction if you had a place to retreat to. Neither of us did.
"I've only been your assistant, your avhar, for awhile," I
finally said, avoiding his gaze, "and I can't imagine any other kind of
life. When you gave me this ring… when I gave you my blood… it's… we've
gone beyond that. We're trusting the safety of our souls to each other."
He raised my chin with a gentle finger and I winced as our
eyes met. The look we shared pained me in its naked honesty.
"You are my avhar. I am your sverhamin.
The intensity of that relationship has taken us beyond the bonds
between co-workers or teammates. Some would call that love."
I winced again.
"But you would not have it so." He squeezed my arms, put one
of his arms around my back. "It is no secret. You have experienced the
heaven and hell of love."
"But, see, the hell came last, so that's still the memory, the
feeling, that lingers. For a long time I tried to come up with some way
to explain how I felt because Evie kept pushing me to put it into
words. She thought, somehow, that would make it all better. But I
couldn't tell her I felt like I should be bleeding from every pore. I
couldn't tell her I felt like I'd been flayed alive, that when I looked
in the mirror every morning I couldn't believe my hair hadn't turned
white overnight. It just wasn't close enough to the truth. So I didn't
say anything at all."
"I understand." He whispered it into my hair. And I believed
"There's only so much a person can go through, Vayl."
He pulled me closer. "There is only so much a person can go
through alone. But I am not asking you to do anything you cannot bear.
I have eternity, Jasmine. I can wait until your feelings are no longer
"It may be awhile. My feelings for you… it's hard to be okay
with them when my love for Matt is still fresh in my memory, still
strong in my heart."
If my statement had hurt him, he didn't show it. He said, "My
father used to say that true love never dies. It simply makes your
heart big enough to hold even more love."
"So… I can keep the ring?"
I drove Vayl back to the Pink Palace, leaving the room
cleaning chores to the experts. The Agency employs a whole fleet of
them for obvious reasons. We made it inside with barely 20 minutes to
spare before dawn.
"You look exhausted," Vayl said as he eased my jacket off my
shoulders and hung it over a chair. I had something intelligent to say
about that, but then he started rubbing the back of my neck and all I
could say was, "Oh."
"I know I should let you sleep, but I am so relieved Liliana
did not kill you, I cannot take my eyes off of you."
"You're relieved! When she caught me
trying to make my getaway I thought I was toast."
"And that young man I took to the hospital. His blood smelled
so wrong, I was afraid just being close to him had damaged you
"Yeah, what the hell do you think is up with him?"
"I have no—"
My phone began to ring. This close to dawn it couldn't be good
news and I hated to answer it. But Vayl retrieved it from my jacket and
tossed it to me.
"Yeah?" I barked.
"It's Bergman. I'm in Florida, but I've gotta sleep. Do you
need me tonight or can I meet you tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow's good."
"Where do I look for you?"
"Hang on." I covered the mouthpiece. "It's Bergman," I told
Vayl. "Do you know of a good place he and I can meet tomorrow?"
He thought a moment, then his eyes lit. "Actually, I do." He
gave me the address and I passed it on to Bergman, along with an
agreeable time. When we hung up I said, "So where are we meeting?"
Vayl looked vaguely embarrassed, like I'd just caught him and
his pals plotting to stroll on over to the Silver Saddle, where girls
dance mostly naked and all the drinks taste like sour lemonade.
"The place is called Cassandra's Pure and Natural, after the
woman who runs it. It is a small health food store."
"Nice front," I drawled, getting more and more annoyed at
Vayl's hesitation. Hadn't we just had a major moment? What the hell was
he hiding? "And if you pay Cassandra a little extra?" I asked.
"She will take you upstairs and give you a reading."
"A… what?"
"She is psychic. She will touch your hand or read your tea
leaves or deal your tarot. Whatever you like."
I slumped onto a couch and started to mutter. "Unbelievable.
After what just happened between us… no, I don't have any right. None
at all. We're barely a couple. We're not even sleeping together. I have
"What in God's name are you babbling about?"
I jumped to my feet. "You're cheating on me!"
Vayl's eyes went black. He looked like a drill sergeant about
to demand pushups. "I—never—cheat," he said slowly and distinctly, so
even we neurotic idiots could understand.
"Then what's with the attitude?"
"What about your attitude?"
I slapped myself in the forehead. "Okay, fine. We all know I
am crappy at relationships. Whatever is happening between you and me
makes me feel like I'm surfing in shark infested waters. So, yeah, I am
overly sensitive at the moment, even paranoid. But you're acting Shifty!"
Vayl sat across from me. "All right," he murmured, "if you
will know it all, then I will tell you." He looked at me balefully.
"Though I think you ask too much, you are my avhar."
"There is a theory," he began, "one I hold dear, that says
nothing can truly be destroyed. Everything that was ever present will
always be present in some form. That is as true of souls as it is of
water and wood." He cleared his throat. If he'd been wearing a tie he'd
have loosened it. "I believe my sons exist somewhere today as they did
in 1751. I believe they live, physically, somewhere in this world and
so, wherever I go I find a Seer, in the hope that I will be directed
closer to them. In the hope that I will see them again."
"You're saying… you think they've been reincarnated?"
He nodded. "I have been told we will be reunited in America.
It is why I came here."
"What… what do you," I paused. How to ask this without causing
more pain? "So you want to meet them? Make friends? Be… a father to
"I am their father!" he snapped. "That
is the one, incontrovertible truth of my existence."
I shut my mouth. Then I opened it again, but only to say,
"Cassandra's is fine."
He stood up. "Ask her about the signs they found on Amanda
Assan's brother's body. She studies ancient languages the way you
shuffle cards." As in, obsessively. "It may take her some time, but she
will not stop until she finds a translation."
"Dawn is coming."
He shoved his hands in his pockets. At the moment there
couldn't have been a bigger gap yawning between us if we'd been
standing on opposite sides of the Pacific. I was sorry for it. And
grateful. "Well," he said, "good night."
"Good night."
He moved so silently I wouldn't have known he entered his
bedroom and closed the door unless I'd been watching. If vampires
dreamed, and if it would be a comfort to him, I hoped he would dream of
his sons.
"I'm having a hard time getting the wife to cooperate." Cole
had managed to keep my business card safe from the ravages of the
washing machine. Obviously his guardian angel had dropped the ball. Too
bad it hadn't landed on Cole's head. A bout of amnesia could've turned
events in a safer direction for him. As it stood, he'd kept his word
and approached Amanda Assan with our plan. Needless to say she was less
than enthusiastic.
"No kidding?" I checked my watch. It was 2:00 in the
afternoon. I'd only been up an hour and already I was irritated. And
not just because of the nightmares that had stalked my sleep, or
because Cole had ignored my advice. True to form, Evie had followed
through and left the number of Albert's nursing agency on my voice
mail. I'd called them and they'd told me I'd have to put him on a
waiting list. They had recommended another group in the meantime, and
I'd given them a call. But it bothered me to hire blind like that, not
knowing a place's reputation. No choice, though. I sure wasn't going to
make Evie do any back-checking in her condition and frame of mind. When
I had a spare minute I'd do it myself. Meantime, Albert would be
breaking in a new nurse named Shelby Turnett any minute now. I'm not
big into prayer, but I did send up a wish that she had thicker skin
than mine. She'd need it.
Now this. Trying to gain cooperation without threat leverage
always annoys the hell out of me. People are just too willing to say no.
"Did she say why?" I asked.
"She was putting her jewels in the safe last night when he
caught her checking out the contents of a small duffel bag she
remembered he'd brought back with him from India. When she asked him
about it he told her to mind her own damn business. Then he ordered her
to stay in the house for the next week. She had to sneak in her phone
call to me. Apparently she's not allowed to talk to anybody either." A
spurt of rage made me grit my teeth. I calmed myself with the reminder
that soon Amanda Assan would be a free woman.
Cole went on. "She also said one of their houseguests had to
go to the emergency room last night and for some reason Assan was more
enraged than worried. Long story short, he's on a rampage and everybody
in the house is kissing his ass until further notice."
"There's got to be a way to get a peek inside that duffel bag.
I wouldn't mind checking out the sick houseguest either. Did she say
where they'd taken him? Or was it a her?" He took so long to answer I
thought we'd been cut off. "Hello?"
"I just had a thought and I'm feeling like an idiot for not
thinking it before."
"What's that?"
"I have pictures of everyone Assan's talked to in the last two
weeks." Cole speeded up as he began to get excited. "Amanda hired me as
the new pool boy so she and I could talk without making Assan
suspicious. I might have a picture of that houseguest. And if Assan's
meeting with terrorists I might have the pictures to show which ones!" Oh baby!
"I'm supposed to clean the pool today," Cole went on. "Why
don't you come with? You could meet me at my office and take a look at
the pictures first. Then we could go to Assan's together. We'll both do
the pool work, then I'll go to the kitchen, now that I know where it
is," he paused and I could tell he was smiling, "and distract the cook
while you snoop around. What do you say?"
"This could be incredibly dangerous for you, Cole." I don't
even think he heard me. He rushed on, like a parent-challenged teen
planning his first kegger. "You know what else? I saw somebody the
night we met. At the party?"
"As I was leaving, a door opened and a man looked out. I got
the feeling we were having a mutual
oh-crap-you're-not-supposed-to-see-me reaction."
"Could you identify him again?"
"No problem." Being purely hetero, I'm a little embarrassed to
say this, but he was easily the best looking guy I've ever seen.
Click. Blocks of information shifted and realigned in my brain
as I realized Derek Stinkin' Steele must be the same stud Cole had
glimpsed during the Great Bathroom Escape. And his amazing looks
suddenly made sense in light of Assan's legitimate profession. It was
suddenly imperative to know the man's true identity.
"Forget the pool work for now," I said, "and tell me you're a
big fan of the Pink Panther movies."
"I own the whole set."
"Then I assume you also own a few disguises?"
"A dozen at least." I could tell he was grinning. Despite
knowing better, so was I.
"Excellent." I told him to meet me down the street from the
hospital Vayl had taken Derek to. "How soon can you get there?"
"An hour."
"Good. See you then."
We hung up, and after a quick phonebook search I found
Samaritan Care Center in the yellow pages. Thirty seconds later I knew
Derek was still there, reclaiming some lost fluids in room 429.
I kicked it into gear. I pulled the costumes I'd brought from
my trunk. One would transform me into a working-class brunette, the
other a truck-stop blonde. I chose brunette.
The hair was straight and shoulder-length. I stuck a red beret
on top at a jaunty angle and a new girl began to emerge from the
mirror. I called her Dee Ann. She liked to pronounce her name Dee-on
and, though she worked as a bank teller, she pretended she could paint
better than Van Gogh. A man's shirt covered in multicolored parrots,
blue jeans, army boots, a long green trench coat and reflective
sunglasses completed the ensemble.
I dressed in my room. My weapons case coughed up Grief and a
small black box containing Bergman's latest prototype. It had started
life as a band-aid. But Bergman had replaced the absorbent padding with
a tiny bug. That went on the middle finger of my right hand. I stuck
the receiver, a former hearing aid, into my left ear. Theoretically I
should be able to attach the bug to Derek's skin, and it would transmit
every conversation he took part in for the next two hours. Having had
some experience with Bergman's new inventions, I wasn't expecting it to
last more than 20 minutes. Hopefully that would be all the time I'd
On the way to the hospital I dialed Albert. I
often called him in transit. That way I always had a good excuse to
hang up. He answered on the second ring.
"Hey Albert, it's Jaz."
He chuckled and said, "Two calls in two days. Jazzy, are you
turning into a nag?"
I had to slow down so I wouldn't swerve into a fire hydrant.
Albert hadn't been nice to me—or anyone else—in years. Was he high?
"Just curious what the doc said," I replied, careful to keep
my voice neutral.
"Said I could keep my foot—for now. I gotta tell you, I've
never been so relieved about anything!" Ah, so that explained it.
"That's great!"
"So, uh, about the nurse."
"I cleaned the house. They're pretty anal about week-old
sandwiches on the end tables."
"I imagine so," I said.
It is a strange and unfair phenomenon that children of crappy
parents still love those parents. Despite my best efforts, I'd never
been able to erase that feeling. So maybe it's understandable that I
suddenly felt the urge to park the car and tap-dance the rest of the
way to the hospital, throwing some classic Gene Kelly moves in as I
went. Luckily I managed to resist temptation.
"Did you hire one yet?" Albert asked.
"Yeah. She should be there in the next 20 minutes or so."
"What's her name?"
"Shelby Turnett."
"What's the story on that, would you tell me? With millions of
names out there made just for girls, why do they have to go and use
men's names? As soon as you name a girl Bobbi or Terri or Shelby that
name is ruined for men for all time!" I should've known the grouch in
him couldn't be defeated.
"I gotta go now."
"Work or play?"
"Have you noticed that's all you ever do? You should play
more." He barked it, like an order, and I instantly wanted to work for
the next 48 straight. Juvenile, I know, but he brings that out in me. I
struggled to keep my temper in check.
"I think I've forgotten how." It was supposed to be a joke,
but neither one of us laughed.
"Matt was good for you that way. He always made sure you had
plenty of fun to balance your serious side. You need to find somebody
like him. It's been long enough." I knew, for him, that ended the
subject. He had commanded me to move on, therefore I would. What a jerk.
"I have to go," I said as evenly as I could considering I
wanted to reach through the phone and smack him upside the head.
"Me too."
Click. We were done.
Like a couple of Shriners who've veered off the
parade route, Cole and I arrived at our meeting place in tandem and
parked one behind the other. The minute he saw me he started laughing.
"This is serious stuff, Cole," I said, trying to sound stern.
"Aw, come on Lucille, admit it, this is fun." He blew a big
blue bubble and popped it all over his nose.
"You are so naive," I said, but I couldn't quite swallow the
smile that kept surfacing every time I took in a new detail of his
appearance. He'd gone with a pair of Drew Carey glasses. A green
fishing hat, complete with dangling lure, hid most of his shaggy hair.
Fake teeth gave him a slight overbite and a gray jogging suit somehow
managed to make him look wimpy and anemic.
"Check out the socks," he said, wiggling his eyebrows like
Groucho Marx. He hiked up the legs of his sweatpants to reveal black
dress socks. I couldn't help myself. I started to giggle.
"Those socks really bring out the turquoise in your sneakers."
"Did you notice they match my eyes? The shoes, not the socks."
He batted his eyelashes as I pretended to inspect his legs.
I nodded. "I can see that. Now we just need to get you a
handbag to complete the look."
He clapped his hands, fingers splayed like a three-year-old's.
"Oh goody! Shopping!"
I shoved him toward my car. "Oh, just shut up and get in."
He looked at me brightly. "You mean I'm driving?"
He didn't argue the point, just jumped behind the wheel and
started rubbing the soft leather of the seats as if it was his favorite
cat. I got in beside him.
"So what's the plan?"
"We go up to Derek's room, pretend we're looking for our
father. When he's not there, we both go into hysterics, thinking Dad's
dead. You raise hell, I pass out and fall onto Derek. The key is, I
have to touch him."
I showed him the band-aid.
"Hey, I was just asking a question. You don't have to flip me
"I was just…" I took note of the finger I was holding up and
dropped my hand into my lap, laughing so hard I nearly blew snot all
over the windshield. Cole started laughing too, and we sat there for a
couple of minutes like two hyenas while deadly serious events moved
forward without us. Eventually we would catch up, but for the moment it
felt great to let go and laugh. As much as it sucked to say so, Albert
was right, it had been a long, long time since I could.
Either Cole had just come along at the right time or I was
going to have to carry him around in my hip pocket for the rest of my
Cole glanced out his window and pointed at a black SUV that
had just passed us. "Hey, I recognize those guys." He looked at me, his
face suddenly sober. "They work for Assan."
I nodded and put oh my seatbelt. "Follow them."
I filled him in on the bug as we drove. Luckily the story only
took a minute, because we didn't have far to go. They stopped in the
loading lane of the hospital. One guess who they'd come to recover.
"Change of plan?" asked Cole, his eyebrows raised.
"Yeah. Follow my lead and we can still get it done."
"What are you thinking?"
I adjusted my wig in the passenger side mirror so I wouldn't
have to look at him. Until now he'd still been on the periphery of this
whole nasty deal. Now I was about to dump him front and center. The
guilt made my stomach ache. "I think I'm about to get very sick."
I'll say this for Cole, he's flexible and functions well under
pressure. Not a letter of recommendation I'd be happy to write
considering what kind of people hire that type, but true all the same.
We drove around the block and parked right behind the SUV.
"Come around to my side and open the door," I said, feeling
the blood drain from my face. "He's coming."
I didn't need to reply. Cole was already out of the car.
Moments later he opened my door. "Undo my seatbelt, and take your time
about it," I said, that terrible feeling of imbalance momentarily
blurring my vision. Something shook me at the core, as if the Ohio
River had suddenly reversed course or all the grass in Browns Stadium
had burst into flame.
"We have to meet them near the door," I said. "Be loud. Be
scared. Make a major scene. Make sure something happens so that I can
touch him."
He nodded. "Ready?"
Hoping I wouldn't puke on Cole's nifty velour jogging jacket,
I nodded. He pulled me out of the car and helped me toward the door. My
blood seemed to jump in my veins, a warning so dire I would've turned
to run if Cole hadn't been holding onto me.
"There they are," he said.
I raised my head, forcing my eyes to team up, show me the
scene. The men, a couple of clones of the gatekeepers Vayl and I had
dealt with last night, had reached the first set of automatic doors.
One pushed the wheelchair. The other strode beside it. Derek slumped
inside it, pale and tired looking, wearing a black turtle-neck and
white jeans. His head was tilted to one side, as if to protect the
bandaged area that reminded me forcefully of my last confrontation with
his attacker. Then I realized he was watching his reflection in the
glass doors.
"Smoke and mirrors," I murmured.
"Now. Make it loud."
He raised his voice. "It'll be all right, honey." He clutched
at me, gave my arm a comforting pat and stepped us forward. We'd almost
reached the entry doors. He waited until Derek and his entourage
emerged. "Don't pass out on me now, it'll be okay."
I obliged and sagged, keeping one hand firm on the back of his
jacket. It took an effort not to hit my knees. All I wanted to do was
puke until my stomach was dry as an AA meeting.
"Look honey, a wheelchair!" Cole maneuvered us into Derek's
path, blocking his way. "You're leaving, right?" he asked them. "We
need the chair, man. My girlfriend's really sick."
"Get out of the way," growled one of the goons. He shoved Cole
backward and I let go of him. This time I did fall, right into Derek's
lap. I flailed my hands and managed to slap the bug onto the uninjured
side of his neck.
"So sick," I muttered. Derek shoved me off his lap, leaving me
in a crumpled heap. I considered just staying there. Hell, I was two
yards from a hospital. Eventually somebody would discover me here, tuck
me into a nice, clean bed, maybe pump me full of tranquilizers. I could
legitimately sleep for a week.
Fortunately the person who hauled me off my butt was Cole. My
hospital fantasy had barely played itself out before he'd strapped me
back into the Mercedes. Actually, the seat felt even better than my
fantasy bed. Love those luxury models.
I managed to focus on the road as Cole pulled away from the
hospital entrance. The SUV was probably twenty yards ahead of us and
gaining. "How close do we need to follow?" Cole asked.
I tried to remember what Bergman had told me about receiving
distance. They drew further ahead of us and, as my nausea lessened, my
brain kicked in. "Just close enough to keep them in sight."
We fell further behind and I sat up straighter, wiped the
sweat off my upper lip, ditched the wig and the beret.
"Feeling better?" Cole asked, cocking a raised eyebrow in my
"That wasn't an act, was it?"
I shook my head. "There's something so far off about that man
that every time I get near him I feel like the earth's about to break
Cole absorbed my reply with quiet attention. "Then we'd better
find out what he's up to. Are you hearing anything yet?"
"No talking. Kind of a steady thrumming sound. Knowing Bergman
this thing is so fine-tuned I'll be able to hear Derek's pulse but his
conversation will sound like Charlie Brown's teacher. Wa, wa-wa, wa,
"Who's Bergman?"
I held up a finger. "Someone's talking," I whispered.
"—Assan isn't too happy with you," said one of the guards. His
voice was throaty and strained, probably lined with decades of nicotine
buildup. I immediately dubbed him the Marlboro Man.
"I was just following orders." It was Derek—whining. "It's not
my fault somebody decided to play superhero."
"Who was it?"
"A girl with red hair and a man with a foreign accent. He had
a cane. Said his name was Jeremy. I don't remember anything more about
"Well between them they managed to smoke Jonathon and both
your victims."
Jonathon must've been the doorman. It seemed strange to think
of Boris and Svetlana as Steele's victims, but that had been her take
on the situation last night as well. The final experiment, my mind
whispered, transferring the mutated virus from human to vampire. What
did that do to the vamp? What did it do to the virus?
"The Tor-al-Degan's ritual is tomorrow. The senator's even
coming," chided the Marlboro Man.
"How should I know that?" asked Derek. "I just do what he
tells me, and he never tells me more."
"Well here's what he's telling you now," said the other guard,
his voice hard and sharp as an axe blade.
A loud, scraping sound drowned out part of Axe's message.
Derek must've scratched his neck, or else gulped loudly, because all I
heard was, "—Undead tonight, and you're snagging him two new vampires."
"Tonight?" The whine had reentered Derek's voice. I suspected
it never stepped very far aside. "I've lost so much blood. Surely
"—will be too late," snapped Marlboro Man.
Again the interference kept me from getting the complete reply.
"—afterwards?" said Derek.
"Leave them to us," said Axe. "We'll make sure of it."
The third time was the charm for the bad guys. The sound that
had kept parts of their conversation from me resumed in earnest and
when it finished, I couldn't hear anything more. Derek had killed the
I looked at my watch. More time had passed than I realized.
Time enough, at least, to ensure that I had fully recovered for my next
"What did they say?" asked Cole.
I hesitated, but he was already in it to his neck. So I told
him what I knew. "Have you ever heard of the Tor-al-Degan?" I asked.
"Nope. But I know some people who might have."
"Me too. And I've got to meet Bergman there in half an hour,
so let's try her first."
"Works for me." I gave him the address and Cole took the next
left, heading us away from Derek and his companions. At least now I
knew what destroyed my balance every time I got close to the man. The
virus he carried must be as lethal as Aidyn and Assan had advertised.
Though why those two thought it needed to become a vampire cocktail I
could not fathom. And where the hell did this Tor-al-Degan fit in?
Obviously it was a key component in the plan, or Assan wouldn't have
been so pissed about his 'final experiment' interfering with the
ceremony. And in my experience, senators never showed up anywhere
unless it benefited them in some way.
As it did so often, my brain looped back to the original
question. Why did Derek need to hook vampires for his vicious little
boss? It made no sense, no matter how I looked at it. Hopefully
Cassandra would clear up the whole situation.
Cassandra's Pure & Natural was a tiny brick storefront
in a predominantly Cuban neighborhood. Bins of fresh apples, oranges
and grapefruit sat on the sidewalk beside the door which was equipped
with the most soothing set of chimes I'd ever set off. Inside, the
walls and aisles carried a surprisingly wide selection of spices,
herbs, vitamins and natural remedies for everything from erectile
dysfunction to the common cold.
I asked the cashier, a petite old woman with gleaming white
teeth and blinding red hair where we could find Cassandra. She directed
us to the back of the store, where shelves full of fresh-baked breads,
rolls and sugar-free desserts made my stomach growl.
As soon as Cole caught sight of Cassandra he yanked off his
glasses, spat out his fake teeth and wrapped them in his fishing hat,
which went into the waistband of his sweats. Literally. He'd probably
have to cut the lure to separate them. But at the moment he seemed
pretty oblivious. All his concentration centered on Cassandra as she
added some bran muffins to a glass case that already contained a full
load of fiber-filled goodies for folks forced to make regularity a
A slender beauty with black velvet skin and hair that fell in
braids to her waist, Cassandra moved with the grace of a dancer. She
wore a canary yellow blouse, red flowered skirt, beaded moccasins and
enough gold jewelry to keep e-bay shoppers bidding for weeks.
"How may I help you?" she asked in an accent that made my
Midwestern drawl sound pale and asexual.
"My name is Lucille Robinson," I said. "This is my friend,
Cole Bemont." He nodded, doing a nice job of keeping his drool in
check. "I—we—need a translation."
She nodded. "I assume you heard of me through a mutual
"Yes, um, you would probably know him as Vayl."
Instant sympathy filled her warm brown eyes, but all she said
was, "Yes, I remember him." She leaned aside, caught the cashier's eye
and said, "We're going upstairs for awhile, Rita." To us she said,
"Follow me, please."
Cole managed to keep his tongue from rolling out onto the
stairs as we trailed Cassandra's swinging hips to the second floor. It
made me laugh inwardly to see him, smitten, as it were. But I was glad
I'd seen the show. It confirmed my feelings for him. I might love him
someday, but never in the way I'd loved Matt. Never in the way I could,
maybe, if I found the guts, love Vayl.
When we reached the landing at the top of the stairs I was
surprised to find the three doors that opened to it, well, open. The
one to our left revealed an apartment's living room and kitchen. A
bathroom stood directly in front of us and a gypsy den sat on our
right. That's where Cassandra led us, into a large room, the walls of
which were covered in silky materials that ranged from blood red solids
to dark gold prints. The new colors I saw within those familiar shades
pleased my eye and my spirit. Somehow, despite the fringed pillows on
the black couches and the multitude of candles on the large central
table, the room maintained an exotic dignity.
Four dark wooden chairs with more curlicues than Shirley
Temple sat around the table, which must've been crafted soon after
Vayl's transformation. Cassandra sank into one of the chairs and
motioned for us to join her.
"I sensed that I would be entertaining three
visitors today," she said, her voice as satiny as the wall coverings.
"Are you expecting another?"
"Actually, yes, we are meeting a friend here. He should be
arriving any time now," I said.
Cassandra nodded, the golden studs that lined her ears shining
with reflected light. "Rita will send him up when he arrives. Would you
like to show me what you need translated?"
I pulled the paper Cole had traced the symbols on out of my
front pocket. I took care not to touch her as I handed it to her. Vayl
might need the services of a Seer, but I preferred to leave my future a
blank. My new senses told me that if Cassandra touched me, she would
tell me things I didn't want to hear. I was inclined to believe them.
I'd never doubted Cassandra's abilities. Charlatans don't stay
in the biz long when vamps join their clientele. But even if I had come
into this thinking Cassandra's upstairs gig was a fraud, her reaction
to the symbols would've convinced me otherwise. She dropped the note
onto the table in front of her as if she'd been burned. Her face
tightened into a mask of fear and the soul behind her eyes cringed like
a spectator at the Holocaust Museum.
"Where did you see these?" she asked, pointing a wavering
finger at the symbols but making sure she didn't touch them.
"They had been carved into a dead body," Cole told her,
"actually, two dead bodies on two separate occasions."
Cassandra fingered a crucifix at her neck and muttered under
her breath in, well, oddly enough it sounded like Latin.
"What are you saying?" Cole asked.
She looked at him grimly. "A prayer for your protection."
Cole said, "Why do we need God's protection in this,
"These symbols," she said, "are powerful runes designed to
trap the soul, after death, to keep it from ascending."
I recalled the scene in the restaurant, when Harry's beautiful
blue soul went flying into the wild blue yonder. What if it had
remained stuck there, straining to be free? The image made me flinch.
Cole shook his head. "How is that possible?" he asked.
Cassandra made a visible effort to pull herself together.
"When people die violently, their souls do not immediately break free,"
she explained. "During that short delay the soul can be contained
inside the body by branding these runes on the skin around the death
"So," ugh, leant believe I'm saying this,
"then what do you have? Zombies?"
"That is a possibility." Cassandra looked as revolted as I
felt. "Another explanation is that a rail, or
hell-servant, trapped the soul until his master could arrive to eat it."
I couldn't help it, my mind suddenly supplied a picture of a
red-skinned, horned demon picking its teeth with a purple claw as a
waiter cleared the dishes from its table.
"How was the soul?" the waiter asked.
"Not bad with butter and lemon," the demon replied. "In fact,
I'd have to say it was finger lickin' good."
I know, I know, not funny.
"Aside from the obvious biblical explanations," I said, "why
would a demon eat souls?"
Cassandra shuddered. "For the fun of it," she suggested, "or
perhaps because it had been called to do so by a vengeance-minded human
who was willing to pay the price." Great, that's what I need right now. It's not enough
that I have to stop a mega-terrorist from spreading some godawful
virus. Now I get to chase down a psychotic netherworlder with the
munchies too.
"There is a third possibility," Cassandra said.
"What is it?"
"Demons are not the only monsters who eat souls. My people
tell a story of how, once, an evil emperor named Tequet Dirani made it
his passion to rule, not only this world, but all the worlds beyond
this one. He summoned a Kyron to help him."
"What's a Kyron?" asked Cole.
Cassandra started to look ill as she described something that
sounded more like a George Lucas creation than the real deal. "It is a
beast built for destruction. Its presence can herald a plague or a
nuclear meltdown. And it can rip through the walls that divide
universes like a wrecking ball."
"Sure sounds like a demon to me," Cole murmured.
"Not at all. It will destroy in any cause, good or evil. It
is, like the djinn, at the mercy of its master's whim."
"Only genies don't scarf down somebody's essence every morning
for breakfast," I pointed out. "So how do you master something like
that?" I wondered. "How do you beat it?"
Cassandra didn't realize I was waxing rhetorical.
"You control it with food," she said. "Souls, to be specific.
Likewise, you might be able to beat it by starving it."
"Is that how the emperor's Kyron died?"
"Oh, Kyron don't die," Cassandra said earnestly, "they simply
become weak enough to bind."
Somehow I didn't think she meant bind as in 'Yo, Henry, go
find me some rope.'
"Bind how?" I asked, feeling suddenly exhausted. I eyed one of
the couches speculatively. How offended would Cassandra be if a perfect
stranger collapsed there for, oh, say three days, more or less?
"According to the legend, a powerful mage bound the Kyron by
making her forget her own name."
"That must have been a major bump on the head."
"Indeed," Cassandra agreed. "It would take more than a mild
concussion to forget the name Tor-al-Degan."
H—Holy crap! Cole and I exchanged
dumbstruck looks while Cassandra puzzled out our shock. Before she
could put her questions into words, however, Bergman slunk into the
"What?" he asked, immediately suspicious as we stared at him,
some of us dazed, some confused, none quite able to muster a common
"We've had a kind of a shock," I finally managed. Talk about
understatement. That was like saying Vesuvius' eruption was a slight
blip in Pompeii's weather pattern. If we weren't so damn civilized we'd
be on our knees, kissing our asses goodbye.
Bergman looked around the room furtively. If you didn't know
him, you'd suspect he'd caused our consternation. He just carried that
air of guilt with him wherever he went.
"I'll fill you in later," I said, pretending this powerful
fist of foreboding hadn't just sucker-punched me in the gut. "We've,
uh, that is… we've found out what we needed to know so, now that you're
here, we'll get out of Cassandra's hair."
I stood up, digging in my pocket for a twenty.
"No, please," said Cassandra, "there's no charge."
"My boss blesses you," I said. I leaned across the table and
held out my hand, my Military Brat Politeness Training temporarily
overcoming common sense. "Thanks for your help. You've been a godsend."
She shook my hand, barely squeezing in response to my firm
grip. Then her focus shifted, and I knew I was screwed. I tried to pull
my hand back before she could connect with spirits I wasn't ready to
face. But her vision had nothing to do with worlds beyond death.
"David is in danger," she said tightly. "You must tell him to
stay away from the house with the pink door. It is rigged to blow."
She dropped my hand and sat back in her chair, looking like
somebody who's just debarked from an intense roller coaster ride. She
murmured something that sounded like, "Who are
you?" But I could barely hear her beyond the roaring in my ears. It was
as if the explosion had already happened inside my head. The blackness
stormed over me like a level five twister, a miles-wide black-on-black
runaway train I could never hope to resist.
But I tried. For David's sake I fought to stand, to simply
stay upright and functional while my own wild-eyed psyche tried to bowl
me over. This time it worked. The force that had, for so long, squashed
my awareness and pushed it down into unconsciousness, now tugged at me,
pulled me forward so fast I felt dizzy with the rush. I felt
supercharged, as if I could see everywhere all at once, be anywhere I
wanted to go, do whatever I wished. The way I figured it, this was no
time to kick Tinkerbelle in the teeth. I wished to be with David,
wished hard, like when we were kids and Tammy Shobeson had me down in
the dirt, demanding that I call myself and my snake eating,
son-of-a-bitching dad a dirty, rotten coward.
There was a moment when the blackness seemed to offer up a
navigational beacon, my own personal yellow brick road on which to set
a new land-speed record. Later I would gain the knowledge I needed to
slow that trip down, put it into some kind of perspective. But now it
seemed instant, a Jell-O Pudding trek that put me where
I needed to be, in the middle of Desert Nowhere in the dark, in the
heat, slamming into my brother, through him,
screaming, "David! David! David!," in a voice so loud and shrill I
expected some unseen enemy to lob a grenade my way just to shut me up.
David stood still, a sheen of sweat covering his artificially
darkened face. Night vision goggles covered his eyes, but I knew what
they looked like. I faced their twins every day in the mirror. He
carried an M-16 in one hand and a radio in the other. He looked so fit,
so healthy, I just stood there for a second and watched him breathe.
"Jaz?" he whispered.
"You can see me?"
Immediately he shook his head. I could almost read his
thoughts. Nope, can't see a thing because this was not
covered in Special Forces Booklet 14 A. But he reached out
his hand, poked it through my stomach and out my back. The same hand
went immediately to his forehead and banged on it hard. "What a helluva
time to start hallucinating."
He turned his back on me, and over his shoulder I saw the
house, a squat little square with dark, dark windows and a pale pink
door. His team surrounded it, crouched in the shadows like latter-day
ninjas, awaiting his orders.
"David!" I jumped in front of him, holding up my hands,
failing to stop his slow advance. "The door! The pink door! It's
"Quit freaking out, D." That's what he called himself during
his damn-I'm-stressed pep talks. "It's all been scouted. It's all
good." The hand with the radio moved toward his lips.
"Goddammit, I didn't come all this way to blow smoke up your
ass, Daz. Don't go through that door!"
He looked straight at me. "You haven't called me Daz since
West Virginia. Not even in my dreams." It was my pet name for him, the
one I'd used to remind him he was a part of me despite his hip friends,
his athletic prowess, his ability to make even little old librarians
"You haven't called me at all," I whispered.
He murmured orders into the radio and waited, Neither of us
spoke. I didn't want to spook him further. He didn't want to understand
how I was, and wasn't, there. I heard frantic whispering.
"You were right, Jaz. The door is wired like a bale of hay."
"Good. Good. I'm glad you listened. Thanks."
"Thank you." He shucked his goggles and
looked at me then, making sure I saw that he meant it for himself. But
he meant it even more for his team, twelve men and three women who
kicked terrorist ass all over the globe without most people even
knowing they existed. "It's…" he grimaced, "it's not easy keeping them
all alive. I know that now."
It was the closest he'd ever come to apologizing about the
rift he'd opened between us.
I just nodded. "I have to go." I had stood in the eye of the
storm as long as I could. It was pulling me back, now, blowing me home.
David held onto me with his eyes, which had suddenly filled
with alarm. "How did you do this, Jazzy? You're not… dead are you?
Because you look awful damn ghostly standing there."
"No," I laughed uneasily, "of course not. I'm just weird."
Relief cleared David's expression. "Okay, then. I'll… I'll
call you. Soon. I promise."
"I'm holding you to that one, Daz. Take care."
I let the storm whip me away from my twin and his crew. Back
to the gypsy den I flew, dropping into myself at a jarring rate of
speed. I gasped and looked around. Lucky me, somehow I'd made it onto
one of the couches. Cole, Bergman and Cassandra hovered over me like
emergency room nurses.
"Wow, what just happened?" I asked. "I mean, what did I say?"
"Not much," Cole told me. "You just went white and started to
sway, so we sat you down here. You said 'David' a few times. Is that
"Brother," I supplied. "My twin."
Cole looked impressed. "A twin. Wow. I'd have bet money they
broke the mold after you."
"Thanks, I think."
Cassandra was wringing her hands, looking more and more
agitated. "But, now, surely there is someone you can call? Someone who
can stop David before…"
"Yes, of course," I said, inserting worry into my voice. No
sense in sharing the story of my latest adventure right now. Maybe
later, when I could figure out a way to keep it from sounding like a
bad episode of Star Trek.
I dug my phone out of my pocket. "Is there a place I can talk
privately?" I asked.
Cassandra nodded, ushering the men out of the room and gently
closing the door.
I dialed a number without even thinking about it. I was
probably even more surprised than Albert when he answered the phone to
find me on the other end.
"Jasmine? What's wrong?"
"Nothing, now. There was something, but it's okay." I stopped.
Had to. Tears had thrown a hitch into my voice, and the next step was
crying on the phone to Daddy. No. Way. Maybe Albert sensed that because
the next thing he said was, "The nurse came. Damndest thing, Jaz,
she's a he! I mean, Shelby's a fella. He was a medic in the marines,
can you believe it? Plays a mean game of poker too."
"Really? That's great!" I put so much bright and perky into my
tone a cheerleader would've gagged.
Albert took a second to wipe the crap out of his ear, then he
said, "Jasmine, hang up. I'm calling you back on the other phone."
"Okay." I disconnected. I sat on the couch and waited, and
when the phone rang I punched the button and said, "Dad, you don't have
another phone."
"Yes, I do." He sounded more serious, more like the dad I'd
grown up admiring and fearing, than he had in years. "It's safe to
talk. I have a scrambled line."
"Dad, did you just eat a big piece of chocolate cake? Because
you said 'scrambled line' when I'm pretty sure you meant to say
'scrambled eggs.'"
"I'll make this quick, because Shelby's in the kitchen
whipping up a meal he says I'll actually eat and I don't want him
getting curious. I have a scrambled line because when I retired from
the service I did some freelance work for the C.I.A. Still consult for
them from time to time, which is why I still have the phone."
"But… you retired because of the diabetes. Why would—"
"Didn't have it then," said Albert. "What I did have was some
expertise in military intelligence that the C.I.A. thought they could
use. The diabetes, well, that turned out to be a case of life imitating
lies." He paused, giving it time to sink in. Then he went on. "I know
what you do for a living, Jaz. Have from the start. So when you call
sounding like you just dodged a cannonball, I'm naturally going to want
to help out. So, first of all, are you really o.k.?"
I thought about it. "No, but I'm not in any danger." After
another second I added, "At the moment."
"Is there anything I can do?" When I didn't answer right away,
he said, "Dammit, Jasmine, don't make me beg. I'm so frigging tired of
being a useless old man I'm ready to volunteer. Yeah, I said it!
Volunteer, like some God-fearing, church-going, one-foot-in-the-grave
bastard who thinks he can save his shriveled old soul by doing five
hours of good works a week."
Only my father could have that kind of perspective on
volunteerism. Twisted old poop. And yet, since we still didn't know the
identity of our leak, I really could use somebody with his contacts.
And it sounded like he could use the exercise, so to speak.
Feeling like I was taking a gondola ride through Surreal-land,
I said, "Actually, Albert, there is something you can do. Can you check
out some senators for me?"
It must've been Albert's military background, because man,
when he dropped a bomb the entire country shook. I was still jittery as
a hurricane survivor in New Orleans, and I was sure that somewhere in
Alaska some poor Inuit had just taken a tumble from his sled for the
very same reason. Thirty seconds ago I'd discovered my dad was not only
a mostly retired consultant for the Agency, he also maintained a few
connections in Washington D.C. who could make my life much easier and
quite a bit longer. Now I'd believe anything. If Cole and Bergman
rushed in and told me pterodactyls were circling Cassandra's building,
I'd run to the window to get a good look.
Speaking of which, they were about ready to burst in, despite
my request for privacy. I could feel their anxiety through the door. I
sighed. Already I missed the good old days when being Sensitive only
pertained to vamps, and even then their feelings never entered into it.
I also thought it would've been convenient to be able to open the door
with a simple wave of the hand. Unfortunately my newfound abilities
didn't lean that way. Maybe I could buy a really well-trained dog…
Sighing, I lurched to my feet and opened the door. They
weren't pacing in the hallway as I'd expected. They were pacing in
Cassandra's apartment.
"It's all right," I said as I entered the room. They didn't
exactly leap at me. In fact Cassandra stayed in her tall, wooden rocker
and Bergman continued skulking back and forth behind her royal blue
couch. Cole came and took my elbow, led me to the couch's matching
recliner and sat me down gently.
"You're making me feel old," I told him.
He just grinned. He sat on the granite-topped coffee table
that visually connected the seating area to a red brick fireplace that
held dozens of white candles.
"You okay?" he asked, inspecting me closely, perhaps to see if
I'd grown an extra appendage during our brief separation. "You look
better than I expected you to."
"I feel better than I probably should."
"So things are squared away?"
"For the moment."
"Can I get a ride back to my truck, then? I really do need to
clean that pool or they'll think something's up."
"Okay, but no snooping. Call me when you're done, too. I want
to see those pictures." I checked my watch. "Jeremy ought to be up by
then. I'll bring him along." I looked at Bergman, raised my eyebrows.
"Follow us?"
He nodded. "Then you and I need to talk." He looked pointedly
at Cole, "alone."
I wanted to snarl, "Well, of course, alone. We already
established that Cole would be going somewhere else!" Sometimes
Bergman's paranoia made me want to break things. Like his neck. But,
being a neurotic—I mean sensitive—genius, he continued to benefit from
my best behavior. For now.
"Of course," I replied, "I'm anxious to hear what you have to
say." I rose and looked at Cassandra. "Thank you for saving my brother.
It was… wow… thanks."
She nodded graciously. "I'll see you later."
"You will?"
"Yes." She didn't elaborate so I let it go. No sense in
chasing more problems. "Until then, I must ask you to be very careful."
"Who, me? Gosh, Cassandra, I guess I should've told you,
there's no need to worry about me. At work they call me Safety Sue."
She gave a very unladylike humph, which
made me like her lots better.
The four of us trooped downstairs and, maybe seeing the way
I'd ogled her fresh baked foods, Cassandra gave us each a free box of
blueberry muffins to take with us.
"I love girls who bake," sighed Cole as we drove back to his
truck, with me behind the wheel this time. He launched into a rapturous
monologue that featured, I kid you not, his mom's apple pies. From
there he moved to his boyhood, oatmeal-cookie-stealing stories and by
the time we reached his truck I'd inhaled two of Cassandra's freebies.
I'd also decided that if I ever met Cole's mom I'd just come right out
with it and ask her to adopt me.
I let him off at the corner. Bergman pulled alongside me and
yelled, "Follow me!" out the window, so I did. He drove a dark green
work van with no windows in back and tinted windows in front. The words
"Flaherty's Fine Foods" were stenciled on the side in big gold letters
that circled a picture of the sun, complete with curvy yellow beams,
Blues Brothers shades and a big, toothy smile.
He drove to a large deserted park. No kids played on the red
and yellow jungle gym. The benches were empty and so were several of
the flowerbeds. He parked beside a pond with a working fountain and I
got into the van beside him.
"Thanks for coming, Bergman. I really appreciate it."
"No problem," he said, though we both knew better. "I'm sorry
about all the secrecy, but you said to bring all the bells and
whistles, and I didn't want anyone else to get a look at your new toys."
I felt a smile chase away my earlier irritation. I love
new toys.
He reached behind his seat and brought out a silver case with
black combination-lock latches. Just the kind of thing inside of which
you'd expect to find a top-secret weapon or two. Grinning in response
to my excitement, he unlocked the case and set it on my lap. "You open
I raised the lid. Inside, cushioned by a casing of black foam,
sat three smaller cases, also gleaming silver. I nearly jumped up and
down in my seat, but confined myself to a short round of applause.
"You don't even know what they are yet!"
"Look at this," I demanded, bringing his attention to the case
with a Vanna White inspired flip of the hand. "Stuff that starts out
looking like this always ends up awesome. Didn't you ever see I Spy?"
"Come on," he said, his long, pale face twitching with
anticipation, "open them up."
"If you insist." The first case snapped open to reveal a
necklace made with shells, beads and an arrow-shaped item that looked
an awful lot like a shark's tooth. I pulled the necklace out of the
case and looked closer. Finally I said, "Okay. I give. Why is this not
any other souvenir store rip-off?"
"I'll show you," Bergman said, the brown eyes behind his
glasses gleaming with techno-passion. He took his keys out of the
ignition and traded them for the necklace. He stuck the shark's tooth
into the keyhole and wiggled it a little. Then he turned it sharply and
the van started. To his delight, all I could say was, "Whoa. That's
He turned the engine off and handed the necklace back to me.
The shark's tooth was now in the shape of a key, but even as I
held it in my palm it reformed itself to its original shape. "What's
your secret?" I asked, although I knew he wouldn't tell me, not even if
his feet were bleeding and his hair was on fire.
"Caffeine," he replied, and we both smiled. I put the necklace
on and he said, "Oh, yeah, the line everything's threaded on is super
strong. It's been tested to 600 pounds."
I fingered the beads and the stretchy cord they hung on with
wonder. "Cool! Now I can steal some rich old coot's Jaguar and
go fishing for marlin with the same piece of jewelry."
"Not many women can say that, you know."
"There's no doubt I'm blessed among them. What else have we
got?" I opened the second case. It held a couple of hearing aids like
the one I'd just used and two round items that looked like mints.
"Listening devices?" I guessed.
"And sending," Bergman agreed. "The round piece is made to
stick to the roof of your mouth. The receiver goes in your ear. The
second set is for Vayl. When you're both equipped you can talk to each
other without the bother of radios and headsets. The only downside is
the sound is a little distorted."
Bergman grimaced. "It's like somebody pumped up the bass. I'm
working on cleaning that up."
"What's the upside?"
He pointed to two items I hadn't noticed because they were
nearly the same color as the box's lining. "Careful," he warned, as I
picked them up. They looked like the fake tattoos retailers sell to
little kids who haven't yet heard of hepatitis. One resembled a line of
barbed wire. The other was a long, serpentine dragon. "These adhere to
your skin and are indistinguishable from tattoos once they're on.
They're transmitters," Bergman explained. "They should allow you to
hear each other from a distance of about two miles."
"No kidding? That far?" Bergman bobbed his head, looking like
a rooster who's just discovered the henhouse.
I opened the last box. It contained a simple gold watch with
an expandable band. I turned it inside out and upside down, but it
looked completely normal. So I put it on.
"Snap the band," suggested Bergman.
I did and my hand immediately began to tingle. The face of the
watch turned blue, though I still had no problem reading the time. It
turned white again and the tingling stopped. "What's up with this?"
"I'm still researching all the possible applications, but at
the moment I can tell you the watch absorbs the energy your body
movement creates and kicks it back out as an electronic shield. When
it's fully charged you can walk through a metal detector carrying a
bazooka and no bells will go off. It also masks the sounds your natural
movements cause."
"So, you're saying all I need to do is snap this band and I'm
in stealth mode?"
"As long as the face of the watch is blue. As you can see it
didn't stay blue long because it hasn't had much time to absorb your
energy. It also has a limited storage capacity."
"How long?"
"Five minutes at the most."
"Not bad when 30 seconds is all you need."
"So you like it?"
This was the side of Bergman I'd never figured out. The guy
could make a lead door do back flips, but he still needed his pats.
"Are you kidding me? This is the finest stuff you've ever
given me to work with. You've really outdone yourself this time." Minus
the weight of that worry, he sat a little straighter. "Have you got a
place to stay?" I asked.
"Yeah." He didn't tell me where, which came as no surprise.
"Great. But look, before you go back there, I have a couple of
"I'm at your service."
I told him about the bad blood and Vayl's need for a clean
supply. "So is there any way you can process the tainted blood? See
what exactly Vayl's smelling?"
"No problem." Bergman jerked his thumb over his shoulder,
bringing my attention to at least 20 bags and boxes that filled the
body of the van. "I pretty much brought the office with me since I
wasn't sure what you'd need."
My next request didn't want to roll right off my tongue like
the first, but I forced it out. "How about a willing donor for Vayl?"
Bergman's eyebrows shot up. "Skirting Agency supplies?"
"For now."
He nodded thoughtfully. "I think I can arrange that by
tomorrow. But there's no way I can get him a supply any sooner."
"Tonight's not a problem," I said. I had shed my bandage when
I'd donned my costume, but Bergman's eyes still tracked to my neck. If
he could see the puncture marks between the gathering gloom and my mane
of hair he didn't comment.
"The blood's at the hotel," I told him. "Follow me back?"
"No problem."
I jumped out of the van and into the Mercedes. To soothe
Bergman's concern that we might be followed and, I admit, to give
myself a few extra minutes behind that smooth leather-clad wheel, I
took the long way back to Diamond Suites. Bergman approved of the digs
right up to the point when our exclusive elevator opened into our
exclusive entryway and we discovered neither was as exclusive as
"Son of a bitch!" I whispered, pulling Bergman into the
corner. The scene reminded me of Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa
Parks'. The smell of cheap aftershave. The trashed living room. The
sound of voices coming from the bedroom, two of them, hissing at each
other like a couple of pissed off geese.
I motioned for Bergman to stay put as I pulled Grief from its
holster. He nodded at my watch band and held up his fingers, telling me
I might have twenty seconds of stealth built up by now. I snapped the
band and moved through the open door toward Vayl's bedroom.
"Look in the closet," said one of the intruders, a woman whose
accent made me think of those overcrowded trailer parks that attract
cops and tornadoes in equal doses.
"Vampires do not sleep in closets," said her male partner in
an equally thick drawl. "Besides, I already checked."
No movement or sound came from any other part of the suite, so
I decided these two had arrived without reinforcements.
I edged along the wall until I stood next to the open doorway.
"We never shoulda taken this job, Rudy," the woman whined.
"Killing the undead is no way to make a living."
"You're the one who wanted to go straight, Amy Jo, not me. I'd
be just as happy popping cheating husbands and rich old uncles."
"Now what kind of folks would we be if we kept going around
murdering other people's folks? Did you look
under the bed?"
"Yes, I looked under the bed!" Rudy's voice held that defeated
note of exasperation sung by henpecked husbands the world over.
"Sounds like it's just not your day, Rudy," I said as I
stepped into the doorway and took careful aim. I picked the target
closest to me, knowing in a moment the shock would wear off, they'd
react and
I'd better be ready to shoot. Unfortunately my target was heavily
pregnant, so my own initial shock offset theirs and we all recovered at
pretty much the same time.
"Don't shoot!" Rudy yelled, jumping in front of Amy Jo and, no
doubt, scoring lifetime brownie points in the process.
"Behave yourselves and I won't have to," I said in the most
professional voice I could muster considering Amy Jo reminded me
strongly of Evie, and she and Rudy both wore black clothing covered
with bright yellow, fabric-painted crosses. "You guys look like you
should be representing the letter 't' on Sesame Street."
They traded a look that said they'd had the same discussion.
"Who are you?" Rudy demanded, rather haughtily, I thought.
After all, he was not only dressed like a letter of the alphabet, he
looked like a young Mr. Magoo.
"C.I.A." I replied, sounding as crisp as a new 50 dollar bill.
"And you two are flirting with a long list of felonies that will put
you behind bars until that kid of yours needs knee replacements."
"We're just doing our job," said Amy Jo, flipping her
strawberry blonde hair away from her face with one hand while the other
guarded her distended belly.
"Who are you working for?"
Rudy squinted his eyes tightly, until all you could see of
them behind his coke bottle lenses were glittery black pinpoints. "Who
wants to know?"
I sighed. "The C. I. A." I said it slow so they wouldn't
misunderstand. Our acronym can be so confusing.
Amy Jo jabbed her right elbow into Rudy's left love handle.
"She's the one with the gun. Tell her what she wants to know!"
It was Rudy's turn to sigh. "We don't know. They hired us over
the Internet, mailed us half the cash and promised the other half after
we nailed the vampire."
I lowered Grief until it pointed straight at Rudy's crotch.
"You two wouldn't recognize the Internet if a server fell on your
heads. So give it to me straight this time, Rudy, before I lose my
temper and make sure Junior grows up an only child."
Rudy let out a very Homer Simpson-like yelp and crossed his
hands over my target. "All right, all right! This couple came into the
bar where we hang out."
"What did they look like?"
"She had big boobs and bright white hair that went down to her
butt," said Amy Jo, peeking around Rudy to make sure I heard her right.
"And he had longish reddish hair," finished Rudy. "I think
they were both vamps."
Aidyn and Liliana. Should I be surprised? Yeah, I thought so.
You don't hire a couple of local yokels to off two of the best
assassins in the world. Unless that's not really what you want for your
money. Maybe it's well spent if all you want to do is distract said
assassins from their original mission. It made good, key-in-the-lock
sense when you took it as a package along with Vayl's tainted blood and
our run-in with Graybeard and his henchmen.
"The vamp you're after is already smoke," I told them.
"What?" the two of them squawked like a couple of irritated
blue jays.
"Yeah. Thought he needed a suntan, I guess. Walked right out
into full daylight this morning."
"Son-of-a-bitch!" Amy Jo punched poor
Rudy in the arm because, well, he was there.
"Look," I said, before she threw another jab Rudy couldn't
duck, "tell them you bagged the vamp. He's gone, so it doesn't really
matter if you take the credit. Then get out of town. Way out. You'll
get the cash and help the C.I.A. at the same time."
Amy Jo looked a little doubtful, but Rudy grinned and rubbed
his palms together as if they'd already been greased. "We can do that."
"And, uh," I motioned to their costumes, "I'd rethink the
vamp-smoking biz. The one you were after wasn't put off by crosses.
Most others keep tougher goons than you around to guard their sleep.
Why don't you go arrow straight and, uh, open a liquor store or
"Wow," said Amy Jo, "how did you know?" Because you are me and Evie minus college and Granny
May. The words sat, silent on my tongue. I just looked at
her, and when her eyes narrowed I knew she had me pegged. "You're a
Sweep, aren't you?"
I shrugged. "I'm not familiar with that term."
"Like a chimney sweep. You dust vamps and get rid of the
ashes. Dust people too, I'm betting," she said, nodding wisely, like an
old Chinese monk.
I accepted her metaphor, despite her ignorance of what
actually happens when a vamp goes bye-bye for good. "Yes," I said, "I
do." I let her see in my eyes what all my victims had seen in their
time. She was already a tough old bird, though I wouldn't put her age
past 22, but I backed her up a step. "Someday you might even be as good
as me, if a vamp doesn't rip your throat out first. Of course, Junior
there might not appreciate that." I motioned to her belly. "There are
Moms, and there are Sweeps, Amy Jo. You can't be both."
I stopped, mentally kicking myself for falling into lecture
mode. Either she was smart enough to figure it out for herself, or she
was too damn dumb to waste my breath on.
"Throw the room key on the bed," I told Rudy, too tired to be
polite anymore. He fished the card out of his back pocket and laid it
on Vayl's crumpled comforter.
"We'll be taking the stairs down." I motioned them out of the
bedroom. "You come too," I told Bergman when he caught my eye.
He nearly leaped out of our way as we moved to the entry way,
a nervous gazelle smelling predator in all directions. To give him
credit, however, he didn't rush to his ride once we reached the parking
lot. He stood slightly behind me as Rudy and Amy Jo boarded their beige
Chevy Van, circa 1975, and pulled away. Even from a distance I could
see Amy Jo talking into her cell phone, hopefully reporting Vayl's
final demise.
"Come on, Bergman, lets get you that blood sample so you can
get the hell out of here."
"So Vayl's okay?" he asked as we took the elevator back
"Of course. If you've taught me anything, it's to be perfectly
paranoid when it comes to securing sleeping quarters. He's snoozing in
the basement."
"What're you going to do now? I mean, now that the bad guys
know where you're staying?"
I shook my head as we exited the elevator and reentered the
suite. Trashed by trailer trash. How poetic. I started picking up junk
and throwing it into a pile. "Find the one place in Miami that won't
show up on these jerks' radar." Bergman frowned heavily as he helped me
clean up. After a few minutes he squared his shoulders and said, "I
know just the place."
"You do?"
"Yeah. Actually, I'm staying there."
I swallowed my spit and it went down the wrong tube. Through
the coughing fit that followed I said, "Are you… inviting us to stay
with you?"
Bergman nodded unhappily. "I figure it's the patriotic thing
to do."
"You figure rightly. Thanks!"
Boy would Vayl's jaw drop when he heard this one. Bergman's
privacy, sacred to him as the Torah, had bowed to the needs of two of
the Agency's most notorious members, I'd have to choose the right time
to tell him. Definitely after he'd climbed off
the top of the toilet paper cabinet upon which he now roosted.
After our little confrontation the evening before, I'd
expected him to complain when I'd stomped into his room and demanded
that he change sleeping quarters so I could leave him during the day
without worrying. But he'd just shrugged, grabbed a pillow and followed
me to the darkest corner I could find. I'd covered him with a tarp and
disguised the lump he made by placing a row of paint cans along the top
edge of the cabinet.
"Sorry," I'd said as I'd turned to leave, knowing he was
laying in enough mildew to start a spoor factory.
"It is fine," I heard him say, "there is little a hot shower
cannot cure."
What a guy. Too bad he'd been mostly dead for centuries.
Bergman and I sat on a couple of overturned five gallon
buckets in the basement of Diamond Suites, waiting for night to fall.
Any minute now Vayl would stir, and he probably wouldn't appreciate the
audience, but Bergman's unspoken sense of urgency had rubbed off on me.
We really needed to get out, before Aidyn and Liliana caught onto our
scam and resorted to something more dependable than southern-fried
assassins. Like a bomb.
The last vestige of light left the basement. Yeah, creepy.
Bergman and I flicked on our flashlights. Somehow that made it worse.
And it was no consolation to know there really could be monsters hiding
in the shadows between the boiler and the storage closets. I'd been
eyeing the edges of Freakoutland for maybe a minute when I heard a
huge, gasping gulp that made me jump up and overturn my bucket despite
the fact that I'd been expecting it. When the muttering started,
however, I relaxed. The Vayl-shaped plastic on top of the cabinet in
the furthest corner of the basement creaked as he started to move, his
complaints getting louder as he remembered where he was. With our
flashlights trained on his location, we were mesmerized by the sight of
a vamp dressed in blue plastic. We watched him struggle to escape
seemingly endless yards of tarp while paint cans dropped off the
cabinet's edge like gumballs from a faulty machine. Still enmeshed from
the knees down, Vayl flopped off the cabinet before we realized he
needed a hand down, falling fast and hard like a penguin who hasn't
bought the whole flightless scenario. Somehow he recovered, so quickly
his movements were a dizzying blur, and landed on his feet.
"What are you doing here?" he grumbled, giving Bergman a
slight nod to acknowledge his arrival.
"Waiting for you," I replied. "Need some coffee, do you?"
"No." He looked pointedly at my neck and, this is
embarrassing, but I'm pretty sure I blushed. Nonetheless, I barreled on.
"Bergman needs a day to find you a willing donor—"
"I told you, I can find my own donors," he snapped. He took a
minute to regroup. "I am sorry. Waking is never pleasant for me. What I
meant to say…" he stopped, took inward stock and started over, "What I
now realize is that I do not need any donors, not tonight anyway. I
woke with the same longing as ever, but without the need. Last night…
the blood I took last night was more… potent… than I realized."
I cleared my throat. What do you say when you find out your
blood is really filling? It's not a
manwich, it's a meal! Nope, not going there. "Um, we need to
get out of here as soon as possible." I gave Vayl the short version of
Rudy and Amy Jo's adventures and my distraction theory. I also told him
about my visit with Cassandra. His immobile face registered actual
shock when I mentioned the Tor-al-Degan.
"So you've heard of this thing?" I asked.
"I have. I do not know how it was vanquished the last time
someone brought it forth, but I know many died trying."
"Well, look, Assan's goon said there was a ceremony tomorrow
that seemed to involve the Tor-al-Degan, Assan, the senator, and
possibly Aidyn. If we're lucky the Raptor will show up too and we can
bowl a strike." I went on, "I figure we eliminate Assan tonight after
we get the details we need to crash their party and," like the hero and
heroine in a really fine melodrama, "foil their plans."
"I agree. But we must anticipate what other distractions they
may throw at us to keep us from accomplishing that."
Right on cue, my phone rang. It was Cole. "Lucille? My
building's on fire! The pictures, they're burning!"
"Where are you?"
"Here! With the fire trucks!" Holy crap! "Listen! It's not an accident!
Assan is onto you! Look around, do you see any of his men?"
"No. I don't know. It's… there are dark patches here and
there. They could be hiding."
Through the phone I heard an explosive, popping noise. "Cole?
What's that?"
"The windows just exploded! Oh my God, my business!"
"We'll work it out for you, Cole. But right now, you need to
"Hey! What're you doing! Let me go!"
"Cole, tell me—"
"Lucille! They've—" the phone went dead.
I shoved it into my pocket and jumped up. "Assan has Cole!"
Vayl laid a hand on my shoulder, probably to keep me from
sprinting off into the night like some mad cross country runner. "We
will get him back. Tonight. But we need to get Cassandra too. She is
the only other person who has had contact with us. They may know about
her. They may use her as the next distraction."
I wanted to say something stupid like, "But she's not on the
way." I held my tongue. Vayl was right. "I should call her, though. So
she'll be ready to go when we come."
"I imagine she already knows."
Bergman and I had already packed everything that could be
salvaged into the van. The Mercedes would stay put until the dealer
came for it at the end of the week. We didn't exactly tear out of the
parking lot, but we wasted no time in hitting the road. Bergman drove
while Vayl and I sat in the bucket seats behind him, our legs pinned
between boxes and trunks. Naturally, since I wasn't driving, traffic
"I am sorry," Vayl said, his voice low in my ear, "I know you
cherish your privacy, but your emotions are shooting out of you like
fireworks. You have every right to be scared and worried, but you
cannot let those feelings take you over. Not tonight."
A spurt of anger made me want to slap him, as if I was some
diva who didn't get the Double Stuff Oreos she'd demanded before her
concert. I took a deep breath, and then another. "Okay, reign it in. I
understand. I will."
Cassandra waited for us on the curb in front of her store, two
bags in hand, two on the sidewalk beside her. Even after everything I'd
seen and done in my life, the Midwesterner in me thought, Wow,
that's just weird. But weird in a way I deeply appreciated.
Bergman helped her load her stuff, giving Vayl and I each a
bag to hold on our laps. She kept the other two, tucking one beneath
her feet and keeping the other in-hand.
"No speeding," I told Bergman as he settled back behind the
wheel. "You hit a bump going over 60 and your exhaust system is going
to snap off like a Lego."
"I know, I know, I packed too much. I always do."
He sounded so contrite I backed off. "You wouldn't have
brought it if you didn't need it."
"That's why I like you, Jaz. You never sneer at my craziness."
"If you could watch a film of my childhood you'd know why."
He chuckled, the way a person will who's had similar
suspicions about insanity in the family. "Where to now?"
I looked at Vayl. "Bergman's offered us asylum. We get to stay
on his turf as long as we make our beds and put our dirty plates in the
"Excellent. Take us there, if you please." Vayl looked at
Cassandra then. "It is good to see you again."
"Likewise." She looked at me and smiled. "Hello Lucille. Or
should I call you Jaz?"
"Why don't we stick with Lucille? The less you know about me
the better."
"But that is why I'm here."
She held my gaze, her eyes like twin wells in the dim light. I
nearly kicked in my night sight, but I wasn't sure I wanted to see her
that clearly. "When we shook hands, the vision of David came
strongest," she told me. "But another vision crept in, like a shadow,
and I could not understand what it meant. So after you left I consulted
the Enkyklios."
Vayl nodded as if he knew what that meant, which irritated me.
Or maybe it was the fact that Cassandra felt free to nose around my
"What's an Enkyklios?" I asked, the suspicion in my voice
causing Bergman to flash me a look of approval.
Cassandra slipped into lecture mode. "An Enkyklios is like a
metaphysical library. It is full of the information Seers have
whispered to their descendents practically since the beginning of time.
For the last several generations we have taken it upon ourselves to
travel the world, gathering and storing that information so it won't be
lost forever."
"We?" asked Bergman. "Who's we?"
"An international guild I belong to called Sisters of the
Second Sight."
"Never heard of it." He sounded as snappish and impatient as I
"No," Cassandra smiled sweetly, "you wouldn't have."
I cut to the chase before Bergman came up with a conspiracy
theory even Julia Roberts wouldn't buy. "So what did you find in the
She looked down, hiding her eyes from me. Uh-oh.
"I think you need to see it for yourself when we get to a safe place."
I sat back in my seat and sighed. Then I felt Vayl's cool hand
wrap around my own.
"What are you afraid of?" he murmured, quiet in my ear so no
one could overhear.
I whispered right back. "She's going to tell me my dad's a
demon and my mom was a harpy. She's going to uncover the fact that I'm
a monster. I don't guess I'll be surprised to hear it. I've always
known at some level. After all, it takes a certain kind of someone to
be capable of assassination. You just hate to have your worst traits
confirmed by a panel of independent judges, you know?"
I felt Vayl shrug. "I think your perspective is tainted. But
if you insist on looking at it that way, is it so bad to be our kind of
monster? Look at the evil we have averted in our time together." He
squeezed my hand. "As long as you do not corrupt any monks or paint
eyelashes on the Venus de Milo, I would say you have nothing to worry
about." Nothing to worry about. Nothing… nothing… nothing.
Bergman pulled into the circle drive in front of his hideaway
as Vayl and I gaped at the view out the van's front window. Tastefully
lit by low wattage lamps and a couple of well placed spots, the
beachfront two-story looked like it would've been just as comfortable
on Cape Cod. The landscaping, the wraparound porch, the white wicker
furniture for cripe's sake, it might've come from the latest issue of
Better Homes & Gardens.
"This is your safe
house?" I asked Bergman.
"Yeah. Why not?" I waited to reply until he got out and opened
the side door.
"Well," I said, as Vayl and I handed him Cassandra's luggage,
"it's just so… pleasant." I got out, grabbed a box and followed him to
the front door. "I'd always imagined you in a cave. Or, at the very
least, one of those rickety old mansions with droopy shutters and more
tunnels than windows."
"I prefer a really excellent security system." He put the bags
down, lifted the lion's head doorknocker, and thumbed a switch
underneath it. The lion's head slid sideways, revealing a square of
metal and electronics that took detailed measurements of Bergman's left
eye before deciding he passed muster. The door clicked several times
and stopped.
"Wait," said Bergman as I reached for the latch. Another
couple of seconds passed and then I heard a final click. Bergman
nodded, so I turned the knob. As the door swung open Vayl said, "Just
remember Bergman, sooner or later you will have to give us a way to get
inside without the benefit of your eyeball."
"No problem. As soon as all our stuff is unloaded I'll modify
the system."
I stepped into the front hall and a piercing whistle stopped
me in my tracks. Knowing Bergman, if I moved any further a cannon would
descend from the ceiling and blow my head off.
"What is that?" Vayl asked as Bergman came in to give me a
critical look.
I held up my hands. "I didn't do anything."
"But you did. That's a wavelength sensor. You're sending some
sort of signal."
"Is it the watch?" I asked, snapping the band to see if that
stopped the alarm. Nope.
Bergman had run out to the van. He brought back a box, dug
around inside and came out with a hand-held wand that looked like a
super-sized cigarette lighter. Starting at my head, he swept it down my
body. As soon as it reached my navel it sent out its own warning beep.
I raised my shirt. "It's your belly-ring," Bergman said,
adding urgently, "Give it to me."
I took it off and handed it to him. He jumped back into the
van, started it up and raced off. In the time it took us to figure out
how to turn the alarm off he returned. "I planted it on an ice-cream
truck. Whoever's following that signal will hopefully zero in on the
truck and forget the signal stopped here for a couple of minutes."
"Pete said I had to break it to activate it. That only then
would our backup team get involved."
Bergman grimaced. "Somebody activated it remotely."
"The same somebody who supplied it in the first place?"
wondered Vayl.
"Well it's not one of mine," said Bergman.
"That's how they found us," I said. "Those God's Arm fakes on
the road. Liliana at the restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. Magoo in the hotel.
All they had to do was follow the belly-ring signal." I clenched my
jaw, trying not to kick a hole in the wall. "When I get hold of this
senator I'm going to rip his ears off and stuff them down his throat."
"What about the Raptor?" Vayl asked.
"I'll leave him to you, as long as you promise to make it
vile. God, that pisses me off!" The anger wasn't
going to help me think clearly though, so I tried to walk it off by
exploring the house. Its interior lived up to the exterior's promise.
Wooden floors, colorful throw rugs, overstuffed furniture and antique
accessories in twisted iron and oak made the house feel like the set
for one of the daytime dramas Granny May used to love to watch. She
called them her "stories," and never failed to shake her head sadly
when last season's true love became this season's big breakup.
I just about had it back under control once we unloaded
Bergman's van into the living room, a light, airy place with pale blue
beadboard walls and a huge fishing net hanging from the ceiling. A
long, mahogany bar separated it from the kitchen/feed-a-party-of-thirty
dining room. A hallway, painted pastel green, led to three bedrooms and
a bathroom. Stairs just to the right of the doorway led to a large
family room, a home office and a master bedroom with a view that made
me wish I could sail. I thought there might be some truth to the idea
that surroundings influence mood. Maybe I should paint my apartment.
Once everything was in, Cassandra and I started unpacking
while Bergman and Vayl set everything up. Several of the boxes held
computer components, and before long they'd transformed the dining room
table into a communications center. Four PCs sat back to back,
connected to each other, the Internet and a central printer through a
maze of cords that lay like a big, sloppy coil basket in the middle of
them all. Our laptop sat beside them and yet separate, a snooty,
secretive step-sister. The table was so long that half of it still
remained free for other purposes.
Bergman and Vayl began setting up a mini lab on the bar while
Cassandra stored the empty boxes in a downstairs bedroom, so I got to
work elsewhere.
"Jaz, why did you rearrange the furniture?" Bergman asked a
few minutes later, staring curiously at me over a row of shiny glass
"What do you mean? I'm just—" I looked around the living room
and realized I'd done it again. Without any conscious thought, as
though an entire section of my brain had switched to blackout mode, I'd
reproduced the same design I'd created at Diamond Suites. "What the
hell?" I murmured.
Cassandra came down the hallway, took a look at my little
project and sent me a look of trepidation that cut straight to my
heart. Vayl's forehead creased and the corners of his lips drooped. For
him it was the equivalent of a thunderous frown.
"You deceived me about this, didn't you?" he demanded, waving
his hand to indicate the new room arrangement. "This is not how it once
looked at your house." I shook my head. "What else have you lied to me
about? I cannot abide liars." His tone, straight out of the
Knucklecrackers Handbook for Schoolmarms, made me grit my teeth. Before
I could defend myself, or launch a vase at his head, or plan a massive
spitball campaign with Jimmy and Susie that would probably get us
expelled but would be well worth the trouble, Cassandra spoke up.
"I may be able to explain that better than Jasmine."
She brought out the smallest of her four suitcases and set it
on the ottoman I'd moved from its spot beside the couch not five
minutes earlier. Now it sat center stage. I sank onto the couch beside
her. Vayl, still looking irritated, sat opposite us in a wing chair
upholstered in blue twill.
Cassandra opened the case, reached into it and brought out a
foot-high pyramid made of multicolored glass orbs, each about the size
of a large marble. I moved the case out of the way and Cassandra gently
set the piece on the ottoman.
"Is this what I think it is?" I asked.
"The Enkyklios," she said, nodding. "My vision of your… my
second vision is recorded here." She touched the top marble of the
pyramid and the whole thing shivered in response. "You may want to
watch this in private."
"No," I said, challenging Vayl with my glare, "let's keep this
all wide open. That way nobody can accuse me of more lies, and later we
can talk about how I can't abide people who leap
to judgment!" I let the anger carry me, give me the strength to sit in
the living room like a regular person rather than lock myself in a
closet like a scared kid. It's hard, it hurts to stop hiding. Riding
another, and probably my last, wave of anger, I said, "Let's do this."
She pressed on the top marble, which bent but didn't break,
like the Jell-O molds Granny May used to make because she thought we
liked the taste of rubbery strawberry letters and two-legged elephants.
"Enkyklios occsallio vera proma,"
Cassandra whispered. Well, that's what it sounded like anyway. She kept
going, reeling off a list of words that sounded like Latin but weren't.
As she spoke the marbles shivered again, then began to roll in random
directions, though they never completely lost touch. It reminded me of
clock gears, and yet no one movement seemed to trigger another.
The pyramid undid itself, rolling into a variety of other
forms that resembled the prow of a ship, a sailor's hat, a Harley
Davidson, a strand of DNA.
"That is so cool," I whispered, despite my pounding heart and
a nauseating fear of how Vayl would react to the new discovery. Bergman
had left his lab/computer center, a miracle in itself, and sidled over
to the empty wing chair. He stood behind it, looking as if he wanted to
attack the Enkyklios with a bat.
At last the marbles stood in vertical rows of three, forming a
sort of plateau with a single, bluish-gold globe sitting above the
rest. "Is that me?" I whispered, feeling a little faint as Cassandra
"Are you ready?" she asked. I rubbed sweaty palms down my
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's get it done." My voice sounded fake
in my own ears, a recording in definite need of a remix.
She touched the marble and said, "Dayavatem!"
She pulled her hand away and sat back, making room for the images that
rose from it, digital quality holographs in living color and sound.
I saw myself, 14 months younger and light years closer to
innocence, sitting in the living room of what looked like an old frat
house. The stuffing peeked out of several holes in the couch and love
seat, the coffee table had once been a working door that now sat on a
double-high pile of cement blocks, and the chairs only rocked because
their legs were uneven.
"Look, Jaz," said Bergman, "the furniture in the picture is
arranged the same way you did it just now."
"The same way she always does it," Vayl
said, folding his arms across his chest.
"Since you're so determined to be mad at me, go right ahead,"
I said, "but the fact is I never knew why I kept moving the furniture
around. I wasn't usually even aware I was doing it. Then you said
something, and it seemed like such a strange thing to do," I shrugged,
"I made up a reason so you wouldn't think I was crazy."
Did I detect a slight softening in Vayl's expression, or was I
just fishing? Never mind. The show had gone on. In a room it hurt my
heart to see again, my band of Helsingers and I sat around the recycled
door playing a card game I knew I'd been good at but could no longer
remember the name of.
I could tell we meant to go back out, because we still wore
our uniforms. Superman Suits, we called them, feather-lite body armor
encased in navy blue leather. We were all high on adrenalin and
success, toasting each other like German bobsledders, eating pizza for
God's sake. Pizza.
The room tilted and nearly took me with it. But Vayl's hand on
my shoulder steadied me. I looked up, grateful he still thought enough
of me to leave his chair. He settled on the arm of the couch beside me.
"I only remember bits of this," I said, sensing that
explanations might keep me from falling headfirst into the nightmare
that, until now, had only played itself out behind my eyelids. "That's
Matt on my left. He'd just turned 26 two weeks before. The tan is from
the trip we'd taken to Hawaii to celebrate." My throat closed on the
words, and for a minute I couldn't speak.
Matt and I sat on the couch, talking softly while the others
played out the hand. Brad and Olivia, a married couple from Georgia,
sat in the tattered love seat that met our couch at 45 degrees. They
took turns throwing red plastic chips into the growing pile and teasing
each other about losing the down payment on their house in a single
Dellan, a muscle-bound vamp who'd been turned in the 60s, sat
on the floor to my right, cradling his crossbow, eating all the
toppings off his pizza. He threw what was left to Thea, also a vamp and
sometimes his lover—depending on how much he irritated her—who sat on
the floor to Olivia's left. Tomato sauce made her gag, but she couldn't
get enough of that stuffed crust.
We'd go back into the field as soon as the pizza and cards had
played themselves out, but for now we were just kicking back and
enjoying the company. "That's Jessie, sitting in the chair across from
us, the one in front of the fireplace. She was my sister-in-law. She
was—" I shook my head, not knowing how to capture Jessie's vibrant,
infectious humor, her intense loyalty, her deep and abiding passion for
my brother in words. "She was my hero."
Jessie had draped her leg across the chair beside her, as if
saving it for David. Having made her bet, she was fashioning an
airplane from a couple of paper towels. I knew eventually it would come
floating my way and I would be required to throw my napkin back at her,
but for now I was content to snuggle with my honey.
It felt a little sick to watch my handsome young lover rear
his head back and laugh at one of my wiseass comments, as if I was some
grief-crazed widow rolling out the home movies for a torturous walk
over the coals of memory lane. But, God, it was good to see him, to see
all of them, and remember with a sort of shock how happy we'd been
I started talking again, fighting the vortex of pain that had
robbed me of everything I'd liked about myself. "Nobody ever heard the
knock at the front door. No one except Ron. He was Dave's sub, a rookie
straight out of the academy. He was still kind of sick from the
slaying, not the vampire bit, the human part that comes before you get
to the vampires. Anyway, he'd been visiting the upstairs bathroom
periodically." We watched him, a young, spiky-haired version of David
Spade, with the physique of a marathon runner and the constitution (at
least temporarily) of a tubercular alcoholic. He was coming down the
stairs, one hand on the rail, the other on his stomach.
In the living room it was my deal, and I'd just begun to
shuffle the cards.
Ron came down the steps slow, stepping in eerie time to the
rhythm of my shuffling. When he reached the bottom, he heard a knock at
the door. Nobody else did. They were all yelling at me.
"Get the lead out and deal the cards already!" Jessie roared,
throwing her paper airplane at my head.
I grinned. "Just getting the cards warmed up for you, Jess."
A chorus of "Aw, come on!" and "Deal, dammit!" drowned out
Ron, who was saying, "Please tell me you didn't order more pizza," as
he opened the door.
A blue-eyed, long-legged blond stood on the threshold,
carrying an insulated pizza box container. She smiled coyly at Ron.
"Hi. Wow, are you a S.W.A.T. guy? I love your uniform!"
Ron grinned. The poor fool couldn't help it. She resembled
every centerfold he'd ever drooled over. "Kinda," he said. "Um, how
much do I owe you?"
"Sixteen-fifty," she said, flashing a couple of dimples, this
time accompanied by a tempting bit of cleavage. "Do you mind if I come
in?" she asked, looking over one shoulder with just the right hint of
fear. "It's kind of creepy out here in the dark."
"Sure, come on in. My house is your house," he said, a
chivalric knight taking temporary ownership of federal property to save
his distressed damsel. It turned out she was just damned. Ron died with
both hands in his pockets, fishing for a twenty while a goofy,
I've-bagged-a-Playmate smile played across his face Pizza Girl had
lunged for his throat and torn out his larynx before he understood his
mistake had killed us all.
The complaints from my comrades had finally reached a
satisfying peak and I'd just dealt Matt his first card when we heard
Ron's body hit the floor. Jessie, who had the best view of the
entrance, jumped up and yelled, "Vampire!" just as Pizza Girl cried,
"Enter and be welcome!" out the front door.
A stream of vamps poured into the house with the impact of a
tidal wave. But we were nothing if not prepared, and all of us still
wore the weapons we'd used to clear the nest earlier that day.
Brad and Olivia fought shoulder to shoulder, pumping bullets
into the vamps. Pizza Girl, her chest a mix of her own blood and Ron's
gore, waded through the barrage, lofted the love seat and threw it at
them. They went down in a flurry of splinters and stuffing and the
vamps went after them, swarming like locusts until all you could see
were Brad's twitching fingers and all you could hear were Olivia's
fading screams.
Dellan smoked two of the vamps who came after him, but with no
time to restring his crossbow, he had to resort to hand-to-hand combat.
His punches rocked the three monsters who came for him, his kicks
knocked them back, and I'm sure I heard ribs crack before they
overpowered him. One vamp, who looked like he should've been doling out
the cash at First National's drive-up window, picked Dellan up and
threw him head first into the fireplace where he lay, limp and broken
as a discarded doll. He followed up with a poker through Dellan's heart.
Thea emptied her magazine into the swarm before retreating to
the fireplace wall and having at them with the ash shovel. She held her
own until Dellan lost his battle. The momentary distraction of seeing
him fade to nothing was all her attackers needed. They jumped her like
a gang of rapists, only it wasn't her body they wanted. They bled her
dry while Matt, Jessie and I made a fighting retreat to the kitchen and
the back door that entered into it. We delivered bolts, body blows and
bullets in equal numbers. For a minute there was so much blood and
smoke in the air you'd swear it was storming plasma.
"Get out, Jessie!" I yelled. She stood closest to the door.
"Get help!" She ran to the door and I shot the vamp who tried to
intercept her, tore a hole through his brain that would take days to
heal. She wrenched the door open and stepped outside. But they were
waiting for her, a hungry little horde of newbies so freshly turned
their bite marks still remained, livid and glowing to my new-seeing
Through a haze of grief and unshed tears, though my teeth were
chattering like a badly tuned engine, I managed to say, "I don't
remember anything at all after Jessie's death."
"I hate for you to have to see this," Cassandra whispered,
clutching her hands together so tightly her nails made bloody imprints
in her skin, "But it is necessary in order for you to understand the
final outcome—to believe." Oh, I've believed I was God's biggest mistake for
some time now, Cassandra, I thought as I watched Matt and
former me trade blows with our adversaries. It seemed like they were
everywhere, although I only counted four. They just moved so quickly it
was like fighting an army.
"What," said a voice from my holographic memory, one I now
recognized, "are they still alive?"
Aidyn Strait stepped into the room and we experienced a sudden
ceasefire. He sneered at us, his fangs dripping with the blood of the
other Helsingers. "When you killed my humans, you set me back years in
my research, did you know that?" He snatched a knife from the butcher
block table that stood just inside the kitchen/ living room throughway.
"That makes me angry. And it's not nice to make Aidyn angry, is it
The other vamps flinched at their own hidden memories and
shook their heads.
One moment Aidyn was sidling towards us, the next he was a
blur of motion. He dove at me, the knife he held a glittering extension
of his arm.
"Jasmine!" I'd never heard such fear in Matt's voice; it
squeezed at my heart. But I couldn't comfort him because I couldn't
escape the blade. Unbalanced by the speed of the attack, realizing my
fatal vulnerability, I felt this tremendous, oceanic regret that my
life should end so soon, with so much left undone.
And then Matt was there, pushing me aside, standing where I'd
stood, trying to deflect the blade, trying to defend me. I grabbed at
him, attempted to reverse direction and push him out of the way. I was
still innocent enough to believe the blade would pause, give me the
time I needed to save him. But all my youth and all my will did nothing
to slow the blade's descent. I watched it fall and wanted to be the one
beneath it after all. But time ran out on me.
Both in that place and in Cassandra's living room, tears
rained down my cheeks and I jerked like a marionette as Aidyn's blade
pierced Matt's chest. He crumpled to the floor, pulling my whole world
with him. An abyss of grief opened beneath me, obliterating every other
I kneeled over Matt, weeping uncontrollably. And Aidyn, his
knife still in Matt's chest, closed in. One kick, powerfully dealt and
directly on target, snapped my neck. I slumped over Matt, so obviously
dead that present-day me put my hands to my chest, puzzled and amazed
that I could feel my heart beating.
Every eye in the room was on me, but I couldn't tear my gaze
from the tragedy that had ended life as I knew it. I shook my head. "I
didn't know," I told them, "I don't remember this."
Bergman started to speak, "How—"
"It is a shame we had to kill them in a way," said holographic
Aidyn. "They would have made excellent lab rats."
"We turned at least one of them." Pizza Girl had come to
survey the damage. "You can experiment on her." She nudged my body with
her toe. "Did you get to see this one's face when she died, Aidyn? I
love to see their faces as they die."
Suddenly, like a window opening in my brain, I remembered why
I'd missed Christmas. I'd been chasing Pizza Girl. In fact, I'd nailed
her with the syringe Liliana had escaped. And my other long blackouts,
yeah, those had been revenge trips too. During the last 14 months I'd
killed every vampire in the holograph except Aidyn Strait.
Good God Almighty, if one more insight crashed into my skull
today my eyes would stop spinning and just completely pop out of their
In the holograph there was no movement, no noise, and yet all
the vamps jerked their heads up, looked to one corner of the kitchen
ceiling as if something hovered there, threatening their very existence.
"Out," hissed Pizza Girl, "back through the front door. Move!"
They ran like scared kids, cleared out of the house so fast
the curtains swirled in their wake.
"I don't see anything," said Bergman. "What did they see?"
Vayl shushed him. I felt sorry for him. Because I could
see. I could see my soul rise from my body and stretch, reaching over
to touch Matt's soul as it hovered in the air, seafoam green laced with
dark blue, a living jewel that suddenly flew apart just like poor
Charlie's had. Most of it raced out into the night. But some remained,
swirled into my silver-red essence and stayed there, waiting with me,
becoming part of me.
A golden light, bright as a meteor, warm as a pair of fuzzy
slippers, moved from its spot in that corner of the ceiling and
encompassed me, coalescing into human form. Into a man. He could've
been one of David's men his bearing was so upright, so military. But he
was gentle as a lover as he turned my body so my sightless eyes faced
his. He laid my hands across my stomach and straightened my twisted
neck. He leaned over and lay his lips on mine, passing his breath into
my mouth. Then he sat back on his heels.
"What is it that you want, Jasmine?"
He watched my mouth open, heard me say, "To fight." Nodding
with satisfaction, he touched the tips of his fingers to my neck and
leaned in to lend me one last breath.
I've lived through some strange moments. Once, when Granny May
took me Christmas shopping, we stopped at a Hallmark store. I was idly
eyeing a display of candles, trying to decide if I could weasel 25
cents out of her for a gumball when all the candles suddenly lit. I
looked around and caught the eyes of a boy my age who, with a jerk of
his head, put them all out again. It's certainly a novel way to meet
girls and one I hope worked out for him in the end.
Another time, I was working a case that required me to partner
with a coven of witches who got so irate at our target that they cursed
him. Before I could actually eliminate him he stepped off the curb
wrong and broke his ankle, ate a hamburger that had been left out
overnight and spent a night in the hospital puking it up, found his
wife cheating with his boss, and chipped most of his front tooth off
when a drunken waiter got too enthusiastic with a champagne cork and
let it fly into the guy's face. I think by the end he was probably
grateful when an honest-to-goodness piano fell on his head.
I've met psychics and snake charmers, serial killers and
geniuses. But nothing in my experience had ever come close to watching
my own rebirth. I suddenly understood the supernatural meaning of weird.
I'd always imagined resurrections would be quiet, sacred events. But
now I thought maybe Lazarus had screamed just like holographic me did
when my soul plummeted back into my body and parts that should never be
broken were forced into repair.
My first deep, whooping intake of air echoed Vayl's nightly
wakings in a way that made the watching me shudder. The creature who'd
brought me back gave me a strange look, a mix of pride and pity that
made him seem ancient. By the time I opened my eyes he was gone.
Feeling an immense sense of confusion, I struggled to focus.
My first movements were so random I looked more like an infant than a
professional vampire killer. A supreme effort brought me around to my
hands and knees, and that's when I saw Matt. The soul behind my eyes
cracked like roughly used china.
Cassandra touched the orb and the picture faded as my true
collapse began. I remembered it all now. The keening, the wailing, the
crawling through the blood of my team, screaming for help. Losing,
losing, losing my mind. I sent her a grateful glance for sparing me the
humiliation of an audience for at least that part of my journey through
"I am so sorry," she said, swiping at the tears that rolled
down her cheeks. She kept trying, and failing, to meet my eyes. Maybe
she thought I intended to punish the messenger. And, okay, the thought
had crossed my mind. Very briefly.
"I'm not mad, Cassandra" I said. I struggled to explain. "For
me, it's always better to know. There was so much I couldn't remember
about that night, so much I needed to understand. Now, I guess I do."
"Yeah, but can you believe it?" asked Bergman. "I sat here and
watched the whole thing and I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the
fact that you're—"
I cocked my head at him. "Alive? Or should I say undead?"
Vayl took my hand, laced his fingers with mine. "Welcome to
the club."
Eventually the shock faded, replaced by our
pressing need to rescue Cole and my own personal desire to reduce Aidyn
to so much vapor. Vayl's focus remained on Assan, as it should. And we
hoped to find all three at Alpine Meadows.
Everybody sort of wandered off, leaving me free to do what I
needed. So I worked. Packing our gear calmed me more than anything. The
familiar movements through my memorized checklist made me feel, well,
real. I spent extra time cleaning Grief, making sure she was fully
loaded and ready to smoke. I found new pockets for the toys Bergman had
provided that I wasn't actually wearing, and stowed the rest of our
stuff where it belonged. I came more fully back to myself when I banged
my head on the van door while loading it, and finally understood why
sometimes people just need to be pinched.
We left Bergman elbow deep in blood tests and Cassandra up to
her eyeballs in some musty old books she'd brought with her. If worse
came to worse, as I find it often does, maybe she could figure out how
to bind the Tor-al-Degan before it had a chance to unleash whatever
hellish plague Aidyn had drummed up. She was sure giving it the old
college try. She'd read for awhile, find something pertinent and
whisper it to the Enkyklios. She hadn't gotten the marbles to move by
the time we headed for the van, but hopefully it was just a matter of
Behind the wheel again, I maneuvered the van through traffic
without once swearing at the red Volkswagen that cut me off or the
light blue Taurus that hugged my bumper like a lost and lonely child.
When it finally turned off our street, Vayl heaved a sigh of relief. "I
expected you to slam on the brakes if that man followed you any closer."
"The thought never crossed my mind."
He sat silent and stared at me for so long I started to
squirm. "What?" I finally asked.
"Are you going to change now?"
The question took me back. "Shouldn't I?"
He frowned. Then the mask came back, settling over his face
like a shroud. "Of course. Never mind."
"Look, Vayl, it's… reliving the nightmare… this new knowledge…
it's too much, you know? I don't know how to act. Hell, I don't know
what to think." I shook my head. "It's too big for me to figure out all
at once. So I'm just going to be Jaz Parks, Albert's daughter, Dave and
Evie's sister, and Vayl's avhar for now. If I
need to tack another label on later," Angel? Demon? Zombie?
"I guess there's room there at the end of the list."
Vayl's eyes snapped to my face when I said "avhar," and stayed
there until I met them with my own. The shroud lifted and he smiled. "I
like your plan."
"Is that what it is?"
"How about my idea to rescue Cole?"
"I like it too. Where are the smoke grenades?"
"In the duffle with everything else."
"What about this new communications invention Bergman gave
"Might as well try it out." I pulled the silver case from my
jacket pocket and gave it to him. Vayl handed my hearing aid and
mouth-mint to me, put his own in place. We did a little test and I got
goose-bumps when Vayl's voice came to me in Barry White bass. They
disappeared when he told me mine did the same.
Forty-five minutes later we reached the cul de sac behind
Assan's house. We would access his property from the back, case the
place, figure out who was situated where and move on to plan B, which
involved heaps of smoke and a well-timed call to the fire department.
During the diversion we would execute Cole's rescue, and Assan, if our
luck held. But not until we found out where they were keeping the
Tor-al-Degan. I was sure if we discovered the whereabouts of the Kyron,
we would find all the other monsters as well. Then we'd make them wish
they'd caught their own virus.
Big words for a skinny, red-headed woman who had never felt so
overwhelmed in her life. Because, to be honest, I wasn't sure we could
pull this off. Yeah, we would put up a helluva fight. But we were going
against the most vicious, brutal minds on the planet. People who didn't
believe in rules or mercy or the sanctity of life. And even worse,
people with the money and the contacts to pull off whatever atrocious
plan their devious little minds could concoct. To top it all off, I had
no idea how to beat this beast. Starve it? Give it permanent amnesia? You've
got to be kidding me! Come on, Cassandra, give me an option I can work
We parked the van, Vayl retrieved our bag and I locked it up
tight, using a special button on Bergman's key-ring to activate its
security system. I wasn't sure how it worked, but I wouldn't have been
surprised to learn that he'd rigged the van to blow if anyone so much
as wiggled the door handle.
The oval of pavement we'd chosen as our parking lot was
well-lit, but quiet. Each of the six homes that surrounded it looked
fit to house a president. But, despite the lights glowing behind
several of the windows, I had a feeling no one was home. It gave
credence to my theory that anyone who could afford such luxury never
had time to enjoy it.
We walked into the strip of trees that led to the edge of
Assan's property. An artfully landscaped palm grove, it reminded me,
despite the lights at my back, of a desert island. But maybe that was
because I couldn't shake the feeling Cassandra's little show had given
me that I'd been marooned. When we hit the border of those trees and
saw Assan's expansive back yard the feeling grew into a sickening sort
of anxiety.
"Vayl," I whispered, "something's wrong."
He nodded. "We will wait and watch." Fifteen minutes later
nothing had moved, inside the house or out, and I still couldn't relax.
"I was kind of expecting dogs," I said.
"Or at least a patrol," Vayl added. "Let's go."
We made the short, cross-country run to the kitchen door
without incident. I started to check out the security system, then
realized the door was cracked open.
"Vayl." I spoke so low I thought even Bergman's communicators
wouldn't pick me up, but he turned to look at me. I pointed at the
door, said, "Trap?"
He studied it and what he could see of the dark, empty room
beyond through the window. "Could be," he whispered. He nudged the door
open and squeezed through. Snapping my watch band for maximum stealth,
I followed close behind. My disquieting feeling doubled. I concentrated
on it, tried to pinpoint its source.
"Something's really wrong here," I hissed as we crept past a
six-burner stove, an immense island, a three-door fridge, "somebody's
feeling extreme… it's hard to explain. They're… on some sort of edge."
"Yes, I feel it too. What do you think? Are they waiting for
us?" Vayl asked.
"I don't know."
We found the back stair that Cole had used to escape from the
guards at the party. Vayl gestured that he would check the rooms along
the furthest hall, so I took the three closest, working my way from the
back toward the restroom where Cole and I had met.
No one occupied the first room, but Derek's scent lingered,
the way it will beside an empty trash bin. The second room had been an
office, and might be again. But the file drawers sat open and empty. So
too did the desk drawers. And a dust outline showed where the computer
had rested.
"They've cleared out," I said. "This room used to hold a paper
trail. Now even the shredder's clean."
"So far only two deserted bedrooms over here," Vayl told me.
"Empty hangers. Empty drawers."
"Damn! So much for solid evidence."
"Maybe not. I hear something coming from the third room."
"I'll be right there." I hurried across the front hall to
where Vayl stood, poised to open the third door once he'd satisfied
himself it didn't hide an army.
"That's the source of the bad feelings I'm getting," I
whispered, "behind that door."
"Did you hear that?" Vayl asked.
I nodded, trying to identify the sound. There it went again,
the deep, throaty utterance of a person in pain. And then—"Is that…?"
"Crying? I think so."
"Let's get in there."
For an answer, Vayl tried the door. It was locked.
"No problem," I whispered, pulling off my necklace. I slid the
shark tooth into the lock, waited a second, turned it. The door yielded
to my funky key with a soft click. I left the key in the lock and drew
Grief. Vayl had left his cane in the van, but he was hardly unarmed. I
felt his power shift and rise as we prepared to enter the room.
"On three," Vayl whispered. He raised his fingers in quick
succession, one-two-three. Vayl threw open the door, shoving his power
in front of him like a winter storm. Anyone inside would feel it as a
compelling need to do whatever Vayl required before their eyelids froze
to their eyeballs.
I dove inside, staying low and looking for targets. The only
one I saw was bleeding too heavily to be any sort of threat.
I holstered Grief and ran to where she lay on the floor of a
bedroom so frilly and sumptuous I could not have imagined violence
occurring there, except for the beaten woman sprawled on the Persian
She moaned, tried to open her swollen eyes. Only the right one
obeyed, and that by just a slit. "He said you'd come."
She shook her head, winced, and fresh tears tracked down her
torn and broken face. "Cole," she croaked. I could hardly believe
talking was still an option for her.
"Give me your phone," Vayl said, "I am calling an ambulance."
I fished it from my pocket and tossed it to him.
"Too late," Amanda gasped. "I'm… you must
listen." She reached up and I took her hand. It seemed to comfort her.
"I thought that… since I couldn't sneak you in here… I could find some
evidence for you."
"Oh, Amanda. Didn't Cole tell you how dangerous your husband
"Yes." She licked her lips. "So thirsty."
"I will get you some water," said Vayl, his call already
complete. He left the room.
"Is that the vampire?" she asked.
"Mohammed… thought he was dead."
"How do you know that?"
She took a couple of breaths, seemed to steel herself. "I
overheard him talking on the phone. So I confronted him."
"I sure wish you hadn't done that."
"We fought," she went, her voice bleak. "He… admitted he
killed my brother. He said Michael was in on it at first. That the trip
to India was his idea, to get some relics they needed to summon… but
then, he tried to back out." In my imagination I could see them,
fighting over Assan's virulent plans, with Michael dying horribly as a
result. But what in the world did he think would
happen? It angered me that this family had no sense of self
preservation. Somebody should've smacked them upside the heads years
ago and said, "Wake up, fools! You can be hurt!" But even as I raged,
logical me wondered why the move to the U.S. when they already had the
Kyron in their pockets in India.
Amanda went on. "He made me admit I'd hired Cole. Then he
brought Cole here and made him watch while he… beat… me." One, hopeless
sob escaped her swollen lips.
"The bastard's going to die for this, Amanda."
Amanda sighed. "Okay." She was quiet for so long I thought
maybe she'd passed out. Or passed on. She stirred. "He burned the
files. Took the bag from the safe. Except for… he said it was the key,
so I snuck it from the bag while he was… out."
The hand I wasn't holding had been laying across her chest.
Now she raised it, pointed to the bed. I lifted the ruffled skirt,
fighting a flash of childhood apprehension as I peered underneath. Even
with my enhanced night vision I could only barely see the pyramid that
sat there, just tall enough to brush the bedspring. I reached for it,
pulled it out. It weighed a lot more than I'd expected.
"What is it the key to?" I wondered aloud.
Vayl, who'd just reentered the room, came over to look.
"Something else for Cassandra to research?"
"I guess so. If she has time. If we have
Vayl helped Amanda drink some of the water he'd brought her.
When she'd had her fill he laid her head back onto a pillow I taken
from the bed. I'd never seen him so gentle.
"Mohammed took everything else with him." Amanda's mind must
be wandering—or shutting down. She was repeating herself. But her next
comment was new. "He said, the things in his bag… he'd used them to
summon a terrible wrath into the world and that…" she squeezed her good
eye shut and new tears emerged, "… that it had eaten my brother's
soul." I patted her arm, at a loss to know how to comfort her.
I spoke to Vayl now. "There it is, proof that he summoned the
Tor-al-Degan in India. So why didn't it decimate that country? Why does
he need to do it again over here?"
"Maybe he did something wrong there. Maybe he timed it wrong,"
suggested Vayl.
I shook my head, frustrated by our ignorance. "Maybe Cassandra
will come up with something."
We heard the strident wail of the ambulance and silently
agreed it was time to go.
"We have to leave, Amanda," I said, "the paramedics are here."
But she didn't hear me. Sometimes it happens like that, while you're
looking the other way, distracted by events and conversations.
Sometimes people just go. Those quiet departures sit wrong with me.
Death should be louder.
"Wait," I said as Vayl took the pyramid. It seemed
disrespectful to leave before Amanda. Her essence rose from her body,
violet and blue with large golden crystals interspersed here and there.
"Do you see it?" I whispered. Vayl shook his head. "I wish you
could see it. It's so…" There really were no words. Maybe just the ooh
and aah that comes unbidden from you when you see an amazing display of
fireworks. And then, just as suddenly as the fire fades from the sky,
she was gone.
I retrieved my necklace/key from the door and we left the way
we'd come, melting into the trees along the edge of Assan's estate just
as the ambulance crew reached Amanda's room and turned the light on.
"We've got to find Cole." An unnecessary statement, I know,
but I could hardly contain the urgency I felt.
"Any idea where to look?"
"I've only seen Assan in one other place—chatting up Aidyn
Strait at Club Undead."
"It is as good a place to try as any."
I let Vayl drive. I think he was flattered. To be
honest, directing a van down the interstate is, for me, at most a
Jell-O-mold-elephant kind of thrill. Plus, I needed to get some
updates. I called Bergman first. After a series of annoying beeps and
whistles he answered. "Is this line secure?" he asked.
"Safe as a homerun hitter. What have you got?"
"Pool chemicals in Vayl's blood supply. Specifically, a
cleanser that melts mineral deposits."
I repeated the report to Vayl, who let out a string of curses
that would've made Hugh Heffner blush.
"Okay, thanks. How's Cassandra doing?"
"No luck so far."
"Um, would you mind helping her with her research? We really
need to find out all we can about this monster." I described the
pyramid we'd found and waited for him to jump on the bandwagon.
Unfortunately he's afraid of wagons. And bands. There was this pause,
during which I could almost hear him cringing.
"Bergman, she's trustworthy."
His voice dropped to a whisper. "I don't know. She's got that
funky, supernatural thing going on."
"As opposed to Vayl's perfectly straightforward existence? And
mine, come to think of it? Come on, buddy, what's the real problem?"
"She's gorgeous." He said it with an awe that probably should
be left on holy ground.
"Gorgeous women make me nervous."
"As in—they can't be trusted?" His silence made his opinion
"Are you going to make a pass at her or something?"
"God, no!"
"Then relax. The worst thing that can happen is she'll jump
your bones and you'll get so wild you break the lab equipment. So stay
away from the kitchen and you'll be fine."
He huffed in the phone, but I could hear the laugh he was
trying to hold off. "Okay, then," he said. "You'll call?"
"Call or come knocking."
"Good enough." We broke the connection. Albert was next on my
call list. He answered on the first ring.
"Jaz? Hang on." The background blare of Albert's t.v. muted. I heard more
clicks as he transferred to his safe phone. "Okay, I'm here."
"I know it hasn't been long but—"
"I've got a lead."
"Yeah?" I guess I sounded, well, shocked, because he said,
"Hey, I may be a feeble old Marine, but I still got connections."
"There's something funny about Tom Bozcowski."
"The retired football player?"
"Right. He's had an unnaturally large turnover in interns.
Seems they keep getting sick."
"With what?"
"That is interesting. Has the name
Mohammed Khad Abn-Assan come up in relation to the senator? Or maybe
Aidyn Strait?"
"Hang on, that first name sounds familiar."
He started to mumble to himself, not so you could understand
him, and I heard the sound of papers shuffling. "Yeah, here it is. I
asked my contact for anything unusual, and he included this little item
with the other stuff. Says here Bozcowski had plastic surgery done by
Assan right before he ran for senator five years ago."
"Thanks. Keep digging, will you?"
"Sure thing."
"Oh, would you find out if any of the senators owns a pool?
And look for connections to technology purchasing for the Agency." I
described the faulty beacon without saying how I'd carried it. No point
in starting a fight I didn't have time to finish.
"Yup. Uh, Jaz?"
"Are you eating right? Getting plenty of fruits and vegetables
and all that stuff? I'm just asking because Shelby's been lecturing me
on nutrition. You'd be surprised what good food'll do for you."
"Don't worry," I said, both exasperated that it took this long
for the blockhead to figure out maybe he should eat well, and warmed by
the fact that he gave a crap about my health, "I'm eating fine." So's
my vampire friend, but we won't get into that. No sense in flirting
with a strode at your age, Albert. "Why don't you call Evie?
She definitely needs a good lecture on nutrition."
"Maybe I will."
I hung up. Vayl glanced over at me and both his eyebrows went
straight up.
"What is the source of your evil grin?" he inquired.
"I sicced Albert on Evie."
"I thought you loved your sister."
"I do. She'll worry less when she hears from him, and that's
good for the baby. So's eating right, which is all he'll probably talk
"I see. Is that the only reason you are smiling?"
"I think we found our leak."
Club Undead waved its tacky tombstones at us as we drove
slowly by. A new bouncer watched the front, where only the loveliest
and palest of partiers lined up for their chance to touch immortality.
Beside the bouncer stood a sign on an easel that hadn't been there
before. A mix of words traced in neon colors spelled out the message Welcome
to Jazz Night, only the colors were arranged so that the
words "Welcome Jaz" stood out in glowing yellow relief against the
black of the board. An arrow drawn in the same glowing yellow pointed
straight up.
"Do you see it?" I asked, leaning past Vayl to get a better
view. "I do."
"Do you think Cole's in there surrounded by goons who're just
waiting to shoot me?"
"I would say that is the most likely scenario."
Even with the heater on and my jacket buttoned, I felt
chilled. But my fear factor didn't matter. Cole needed me. "Let me off
at the corner, okay?"
"What are you going to do?"
"Smoke out the innocents downstairs, then meet you upstairs. I
think that's his most likely location. Remember, they believe you're
dead. Use it to your advantage."
"I always do." He pulled up to the curb; I got out and waved
him off. He'd park in the alley and make his way to the club's upper
story from there. I unbuttoned my jacket, walked to the line in front
of the club, wiggled my butt right up to the new bouncer and gave him a
smile so sweet, if they put me on t.v. I could've sold chocolate
covered cherries to an audience of diabetics. Okay, Amanda, wherever you are… this one's for you.
"Do you know what I smell?" I asked the bouncer.
"Nope." He looked interested though.
"I smell freshly turned vamp." I reached into the special
pocket reserved for Grief and it came to my hand smooth and deadly as a
cobra strike. A flick of the magic button, and two seconds later all
that remained of the bouncer was a puff of smoke rising from a tiny
rain of debris.
The girls at the front of the line screamed and shoved their
way to the street. A few others went with them. Somebody yelled, "Gun!"
an understandable mistake considering the crappy lighting, and a
mini-stampede ensued during which I let myself into Club Undead. It
stood empty—dark and silent as a freshly dug grave. Creepy.
"Vayl," I whispered, "nobody's here."
"Not even a mouse?"
"Hardy har. Where are you?"
"Approaching the fire escape. But there is time, if you wish
to abort this plan."
"No, no, let's keep going. I'm taking the spiral staircase
now." I crept up each step, expecting to hear the thunderous roar of
gunfire despite the fact that my newly amplified senses told me the
second floor was empty as the first. The silence held. So did my
nerves, but just barely. If some joker jumped out of the shadows and
yelled Boo! I'd blow his head off without even thinking.
The cavernous room's only light emanated from the red and
white exit sign stationed above a dark door on the back wall. I walked
past the dance floor and a steady succession of tables dressed in white
cloths. Each held a black vase with a black rose in it. Matching black
candles flanked the roses, each held by expensive looking crystal.
I eyed the door. No telling what lay behind it, and any
surprises promised to be nasty. I looked around, hoping to find another
way up. What I saw suspended from the ceiling reminded me of a
university theater. Lights tilted at every possible angle covered the
entire expanse, except for the section taken up by the catwalk. It
started at a glass-walled booth, perched nearly ten feet above my
current position, and wandered across the ceiling in a pattern that
allowed access to all the lights. A black metal ladder, nearly
invisible against the darker black wall, allowed access from my level.
I told Vayl what I'd found.
"I'm going to check it out," I said. "Maybe the booth has a
back door."
"Good idea. I am headed up to the third level now. Looks like
the windows are boarded up, so you will have to be my eyes."
I climbed the ladder, which hugged the wall from floor to
ceiling, intersecting the catwalk on its way. From there just a couple
of steps took me to the door of the overlook. It was open.
I kept expecting a gang of goons to jump out from behind a
curtain and start shooting. "But nobody's here," I whispered. "What are
they planning?" I stepped into the booth. To my left, a bank of unlit
controls stretched from one edge of the window to the next. Two black
chairs on rollers parked in front of it. The only other contents of the
room were an empty trashcan and a full ashtray. There was, however,
another door. I eased it open, expecting a sound, a click maybe, that
would signal the closing of a trap. I need not have bothered. The trap
Aidyn and Assan had set for me was too big for a click. A gong, maybe,
but not a click.
This time my senses told me the room wasn't empty, was
actually inhabited by someone feeling deep, repeated waves of misery,
and once again they were right. I pulled a long-handled dental mirror
out of the kit I'd packed at Bergman's, and slipped it through the
crack I'd made in the door. I couldn't see any guards, not one. I did
see Cole.
He sat in a chair in the middle of a room that reminded me
strongly of Granny May's attic. Boxes, old trunks and abandoned chairs
took up every bit of wall space. From the scuff marks in the dust, it
looked like they'd been shoved to the sides to make room for the chair.
And Cole.
He sat perfectly still, looking straight ahead, breathing
through his mouth because his nose had been broken. The only way I
managed to contain the fury I felt at seeing him hurt like that was to
promise myself that I would damage Assan badly before I finally wiped
him off the face of the earth.
After another look around the room, I decided Cole was its
sole occupant.
"Jaz?" Vayl's voice in my ear held the slightest trace of
"I'm here. So's Cole. But it looks like everybody else has
taken a coffee break."
"These boards are flimsy. I can break through them anytime you
need me."
"But you'd rather keep a low profile?"
"For now. We are only going to get one chance at this
surprise. But be careful. This is weird stuff."
"I'm getting good at weird," I said grimly, nudging the door
wider with my foot while I trained Grief on various sections of the
room, both of us primed for attack. The only thing that happened was
Cole turned his head and saw me.
He looked like a spring break boozer who's somehow survived a
tumble off the balcony. Black and blue bruises covered his entire face,
except for where it was red from dried blood. Blood-crusted gashes
showed through his torn clothes. His hands, laying limp in his lap,
were swollen, the knuckles scraped and cut. He could've gotten up at
any time, nothing bound him to the chair, or even to the room, but he
stayed put, looking at me with wordless regret.
"Cole?" I stepped forward and he said, "Stop." The word came
out slurred, mostly due to his fat lip, but I also noticed a couple of
gaps where he'd had teeth the last time we talked.
"We've got to get out of here," I urged him.
He shifted his gaze and I followed his eyes to a dark,
lifeless t.v. that sat on top of a round, wooden bar stool. It blinked
to life and within seconds I was involved in a staring match with
Mohammed Khad Abn-Assan.
Mostly for Vayl's benefit I said, "Assan, what are you doing
on t.v.? Don't you know scumbags like you have been outlawed by the
"Good evening, Lucille. Or should I say Jasmine? We appreciate
your quick arrival. Gives us some extra time to prepare."
"For what?"
He chuckled, flashing a couple of gold fillings as he looked
off camera, sharing his amusement with his comrades. "Why, the end of
the world as we know it."
The fear that spiked through me fueled my comeback. "You know,
you could be killed for throwing cliches around like they actually mean
something. However, I believe I'll kill you for your other crimes
instead. Starting with your wife's death."
Cole made a desolate, lost sound that demanded comfort. But I
couldn't give it. Not now, while I was still locked in conversation
with Assan. He laughed again, his absolute lack of remorse making me
feel truly murderous. "You are a jewel. How fortunate for us both that
my master has created the perfect setting for you."
"Bozcowski's not a master. He's a slave to his own psychotic
fantasies." And the Raptor, I'm just sure of it, if I only
had proof.
My comment worked like peanut butter on a mousetrap. No sooner
had I laid it down than here came the rodent himself, leaping into the
camera frame, red-faced and defiant. I expected him to bluster, but he
pulled it together fast. He actually smoothed his thick, stubby fingers
through his gray-blond hair and straightened his navy blue suit coat.
Ah, the magic of television.
"You are a straight talking woman, aren't you?" he said. "Well
then, I'll give it to you straight. Your actions in the next few
minutes will determine whether or not your young man dies. You see,
we've strapped a clever little device beneath the seat of his chair. If
his weight leaves that chair, it will explode, destroying the two of
you, the club and most of the block it sits on. Think of the loss of
innocent life."
"Go on."
"I can disarm it temporarily from my present position, but
only for the ten seconds it would take for you to switch places with
him." Scumbag. "You don't mind if I check out
your story, do you?"
He beamed at me as if I'd just won him a bet. His jowls
quivered with pleasure, reminding me of that bulldog from the old
cartoon. Would he come prancing into the room if I yelled, "Oh
Belvedere, come here boy!" I hid a smirk at the
mental image as he said, "Of course not, feel free."
I knelt in the dust of Club Undead's attic and peered under
the chair. Yup, definitely a bomb. I had seen similar devices in bomb
squad manuals under the heading, 'Run Like Hell!' I had that
sinking-in-quicksand feeling that anything we tried now would only make
us descend deeper and die sooner.
I stood up again, my mind looping around a single word—run,
run, run, run—and providing the Pink Floyd soundtrack to
back it. A roaring began in my ears, and it had nothing to do with my
reconfigured hearing aides. The blackness came next, creeping into my
peripheral vision like a feral dog, making my face tingle, making my
eyes water. Instinct made me stiffen, resist. It felt so much like
losing control, being engulfed in some other, more powerful personality.
I looked at Cole and my heart began its own chant. Get
him out, get him safe, whatever it takes, whatever it takes, whatever…
I let my head fall forward and closed my eyes. Without the
distraction of sight, I could feel the blackness towering over my
psyche like a monstrous storm-filled sky. I resisted the urge to bolt.
I didn't invite it in. I just listened. Instantly the roaring sounded
less like the Atlantic hammering Florida during Hurricane Charlie and
more like… a voice. All it said was, "Let yourself go," but the words
carried a richer meaning, showed me exactly what needed to be done.
I raised my head and opened my eyes, catching Bozcowski in
such a look of greedy anticipation that I was suddenly reminded of the
villain who starred in many of my childhood nightmares, the
kid-snatcher from "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang."
"Why me?" I asked.
"Previous experience has taught us we need a willing
sacrifice. Taking Cole's place makes you willing. It also eliminates
the irritation you've been causing." As if I was a hangnail. But
there's power in being so severely underestimated.
I addressed Assan. "So that's why using Amanda's brother in
India failed, huh? He wasn't a willing sacrifice. Way to read the fine
print, dufus."
Assan's eyes nearly crossed with fury at my disrespect, but
something made him look off-camera, then move aside. Aidyn Strait
joined him and Bozcowski in front of the lens and I fought to remain
calm, to mask the fury that whipped through me with stunning force.
"There is no such thing as a failed experiment," Aidyn
informed me. "I was working on an entirely different project when I
discovered the red plague quite by accident. And I could never have
developed it without a series of trials helping me refine it to full
The Red Plague? Such a simple name for something designed to
be so horrific. I felt sure we were only going to get one chance to
turn the tide, so I kept playing along, fishing for information,
watching for some slip that would betray their weakness. I said,
"That's what I don't get. Why don't you just let it spread the way the
flu does? Why all this elaborate human-to-vampire mumbo jumbo?"
Aidyn looked to Bozcowski, who smiled at him like an indulgent
parent. "Go ahead, tell her," he said. Aidyn nodded.
"It is the only way I've found to keep the red plague from
mutating into a run-of-the-mill virus." He spoke eagerly, as if I was
the science reporter for the New York Times. "When I began this
experiment I planned for a sexual transmission. You people were so
steeped in free love and multiple partners, I supposed sixty-five
percent of you would have been dead in six weeks. But the virus mutated
into a non-lethal form when humans spread it to one another. I found
out quite by accident that, when it is transmitted to vampires via
human blood, it becomes nearly ninety percent lethal. However it also
loses its contagion characteristics."
I interrupted him. "You mean, it can't be spread?"
"Not by the vampire carrier. I cannot tell you how frustrating
the entire process has been."
Wow. Did anybody else see a Divine Hand dipping down to smack
Aidyn every time he took a forward step on this one? First his
abominable disease turns into a bunny rabbit when he tries to get
humans to pass it around. Then he gets the bright idea for vamps to
take the lead role, but they're like a bunch of two-year-olds. NO, WE
Aidyn continued, "However, One among us
knew the story of a visionary leader named Tequet Dirani and how he
nearly ruled this world and those beyond, with the help of the
Tor-al-Degan. She will be our delivery system.
She will take the plague from the infected vampire and spread it to the
"So, what are you telling me, that I should send my
damn-you're-an-evil-genius-Hallmark card to the Raptor?"
Bang. If we'd been standing in front of an impartial jury I'd
have gotten my guilty verdict simply from the expressions on their
faces. They recovered quickly, however, and without revealing anything
incriminating, damn them.
But maybe they didn't need to. Vampirella had said something
before I smoked her that didn't make a lot of sense at the time. She'd
said Aidyn would kill her for a guy named Edward, because she and Boris
had rejected his proposals. So, just for laughs, let's say
Boris and Vampirella are the Vultures of a Russian nest that the Raptor
wants as an ally because maybe it's big and bad and centrally located.
The Raptor approaches them with a proposal and they say hell no. He's
pissed, so he works it out with Aidyn to bring them to Miami, get them
killed by plague (or by assassin) and both he and Aidyn get what they
want. Huh. I'd have to do a little research to back up my
theories, but I was willing to bet I'd just discovered the Raptor's
real name.
All this time Aidyn had been considering me silently. Now he
said, "You look familiar. Do I know you?"
His question staggered me. Did he know
me? I experienced an endless moment of total nothingness, like the
shock you get right before the boom of a nuclear blast. In that white
stillness I instinctively wanted to grab onto something solid. My
emotions were suddenly so mangled I couldn't believe I was capable of
coherent thought. Oh. My. God! Then I became the
explosive, a sleek silver canister containing a mushroom cloud full of
infinite death. He'd killed Matt. He'd killed me!
And I was supposed to keep chatting him up as if we'd met at a
conference years ago and were getting reacquainted?
"Jasmine!" It was Vayl's voice in my ear, concerned, maybe
even a little panicky. "I can sense your feelings from out here.
Something is tearing you up inside. Do I need to come in?" Hell
yeah! Get in here and trash this room! Impale Aidyn's image on that
coat rack over there! Save Cole! Save me!
I took a deep breath. And another. I had to get control.
Right. Now. I started to shake. Full body tremors that made me tighten
my shoulder blades and clench my hands. My teeth didn't quite chatter
but it was a close thing, as if I'd been walking in 40 degree weather
with no coat for hours.
I closed my eyes. The killing time will come, Jaz.
You can wait for it. The Voice told you so.
"Jasmine, I am coming in," said Vayl.
"No?" Aidyn echoed.
"No, you don't know me," I replied, wishing my voice wouldn't
shake like that. I tried to get back to the facts. Things we at the
C.I.A. would want to know when we prosecuted the ones Vayl and I didn't
immediately terminate. "What I don't get is—why kill us off in the
first place? The way you look at things, that's the majority of your
blood supply moved so far down the food chain even the worms wouldn't
Aidyn began shaking his head before I'd finished. "No, not at
all. We are simply culling the herd, weeding out the weak in order to
purify our stock. When they are gone, we will introduce the antidote."
I wanted to wipe the smug expression off his face—with a flamethrower.
"This will, of course, make the survivors extremely grateful to us. In
fact, they will decide they owe us something in return for saving them
from the very plague we have begun."
"I suppose that's where you step in, Senator?"
He gave me his classic, CNN smile. So caring, so sincere. Ass.
"A country under siege needs a strong leader. A popular leader. Someone
who can explain the new order to them in such a way that they'll wonder
why they didn't think of it themselves." His delivery was so smooth I'd
have bet he was speaking from a script. One written by Edward the
"And that is?"
"Willing servitude, Jasmine dear. Blood for safety, blood for
health. It's not such a high price to pay. I'll show them that."
"And your terrorist friends get to see America brought to her
Assan flashed his teeth. "We'll be dancing in the streets."
It wasn't hard to envision. They'd done the same after the
Towers fell, and I'd wanted to kill every one of the sons of bitches
then. Soon I'd get the chance. But first…
I sighed. "All right. Flip the switch. I'm trading places with
"Like hell!" said Cole, while at the same time Vayl snapped,
"You will not do this!"
I took Cole by the hands, but I spoke to Vayl too when I said,
"You have to trust me now. Believe me. I know
what I'm doing."
Vayl's voice blared in my ear as Cole tried to shake his head
without passing out. "Jasmine! I forbid this!"
"Now!" yelled Assan. "Switch!"
I squeezed Cole's hands as hard as I could, yanked him out of
his chair and took his place. He staggered backward until he collided
with a pile of boxes. I thought he'd hit the floor next, but he found
his balance.
"Time to go," I told both of my men, before either could
argue. "I'll see you again. Soon."
"I'll be back for you," Cole vowed, his battered face
combining with his ferocious expression to make him resemble a biblical
prophet. Wild.
"I'm counting on it," I said. I checked Grief to make sure the
safety was on, tossed it to him. "Shoot anyone who tries to stop you.
Now get going."
With a final nod, Cole stumbled out of the room. I didn't have
time to worry about whether or not he'd make it down the ladder, much
less the stairs. The three amigos were still tuned in and I really
needed to get rid of them.
"Would you like me to prepare you for tomorrow's activities?"
Assan inquired. "We have such a fantastic evening planned." Oh goody, I've given myself over to the Cruise
Director of the Beast Boat. "Why don't you surprise me?" I
suggested. "You give me too many details and I may just decide to walk
away from this whole deal."
"But—you would be blown up!"
He and Aidyn exchanged a quiet word with the senator. "Very
well then, we will leave you in peace." The picture flickered and faded
to gray. They'd gone, though I was sure somebody over at Psycho Central
still kept tabs on me.
I closed my eyes and lowered my head. Hopefully my watcher
would assume I was praying. And in a way, I was. As when I made my
out-of-body visit to David, I focused my entire mind on what I wanted.
Except this time I had the right words to go with it, words the Voice
gave me now in tremendous, booming thumps, as if they resounded from
the world's largest drum. My voice was a quiet murmur, fitting
perfectly with the dust and neglect surrounding me. As the words
spilled over my lips I began to feel dizzy and disconnected, as if the
moment before sleep falls had been magnified a hundred times. My entire
body began to tingle, and if I touched someone right now I'd expect to
shock them.
I opened my eyes as I felt myself rise. It scared me,
actually. I thought maybe I'd truly begun to stand up, and I sure
didn't want to end it all with an accidental Ka-Boom.
Part of me, the gravity-bound bomb-sitter, stayed put. But another part
continued to move up to and through the ceiling, into the roof's
crawlspace and through that as well. I started to wonder if anything
would stop me from floating away like a hot-air balloon minus its
release valve. I tried to direct my movements, without luck. Up, up I
went, a space-bound spirit with no hold left in the world.
"WRONG!" It was the Voice, still sounding more like thunder
than communication. "LOOK!" I am looking! The
snippy little reply was on the tip of what now passed for my tongue. It
was also a lie. All my attention had been directed inward. Now I looked
outside myself. Seven golden cords stretched from various points of the
earth up, up to me. I concentrated harder and realized I could tell who
the cord was touching simply by the way it vibrated. Actually, the
vibration was more of a song. I identified Albert and Evie immediately.
Dave, whose cord had just been a yellow blur the first time I'd
traveled beyond my body, was there too. Vayl had his own tune, as did
Bergman and Cassandra. Cole's was the one I focused on, however. I
grabbed that cord of music with what passed for my hands and hurtled
down it, delighting in the speed, wondering if this was how it felt to
be a skeleton racer.
I stopped just short of ramming into Cole or, more likely,
through him. He slumped against the post of a traffic sign, trying to
hail a cab. But nobody wanted to stop for a guy who looked like he'd
just been mugged and, therefore, had no money for fare.
"Cole," I said softly, whispering right into his ear. "Relax.
Vayl's coming."
He jerked upright and spun around, his face a picture of
relief and joy. The picture quickly changed to confusion and
disappointment. "She's not here, fool," Cole chastised himself. "She's
sitting on a bomb. Where you should be." Okay, I'm invisible. Why is that? Dave saw me.
I let go of Cole's cord and grabbed Vayl's. It took me right
into the van, which he was trying, and failing, to start. I settled
into the passenger seat as he cranked the key and stomped the gas
pedal. Over the sound of the struggling engine I heard him mutter,
"Stupid, stupid, stupid son of a bitch!" He
slammed the steering wheel with both hands, making it shudder on its
"Geez Vayl, chill would you? At this rate Cole's going to
freak out and walk in front of a bus while you're still deciding
whether to flood the van or trash the steering column."
He gaped at me, smiled his dangerous smile and grabbed for my
arm. I think he was hoping for a hug, but his fingers went right
through me. The dismay on his face would've been funny any other time.
"Um, I guess I should've warned you I'm not quite solid. But I wasn't
sure you'd see me."
He shook his head slowly. "Unbelievable."
"You say that like you're impressed, but you're making that
face, the one I get after I've made a stupid mistake."
He made a frustrated, that's-exactly-what-you've-done gesture.
"How are you planning to rejoin your body, that is, if it is not blown
to bits during the course of events?"
"I thought I'd try just jumping in."
"Are you insane?!" Now that Vayl had a living—sort of—target
for his anger he had no problem starting the van. And now that he'd
asked me the one question I'd feared most, I found I was too mad to
"You know what? I probably am! I did walk straight into a trap
so obvious even a wooly mammoth could've avoided it. Because that's my
job. Yes, it is insane to leave the biggest part
of me sitting on an explosive device. But, according to my job
description, I'm supposed to save innocents, not endanger them. Yes,
it's crazy to stick around waiting for a plague beast to eat my soul.
You'd think one death would be my limit. But apparently I just can't
get enough of it! So can we just agree I'm bonkers and move on already?"
Vayl jerked his head, his version of a nod, and said, "So
where is Cole?"
"Two blocks west of here, last I saw him."
"You… saw him. You went to him first?"
"His nose is broken," I said, as if I needed an excuse. "And,
you know what, I don't need an excuse. I might be a couple of hundred
years younger than you, but I'm still an adult! If I want to show
concern for a friend, I will do exactly that!" I nearly stomped my
foot, but that seemed a little too junior high to ram home my point.
Vayl steered the van back onto the street as he began to
mutter again. I didn't catch it all, but I thought I heard him say,
"That won't be all that is broken." Dammit! If there is any way to screw up a
relationship, I will find it. I pictured Cupid sitting in a
crappy little bar, drunk and depressed, while he moaned to the
bartender, "That Jasmine Parks, gods she pisses
me off! Did you see what she just did? Totally blew off this immortal
stud who's nuts for her to play kiss-the-boo-boo with a fickle little
rent-a-cop. Why? 'Cause she's the biggest chicken-shlit on the planet!
I'm ready to toss my bow and pick up a bazooka!"
"I love you."
I knew he was going to ask for a repeat before he even opened
his mouth, as if it wasn't hard enough to say the first time. That's
what convinced me it was the real deal. I wouldn't go through this for
anyone else on earth.
"What?" he whispered, looking suddenly young and vulnerable.
"I love you, Vayl. There's Cole, see? Can we stop and get him
before he keels over?"
"Only if you love me."
We smiled at each other. "I do," I said. "Sorry about the
crappy timing. This sort of thing should be sealed with a kiss. Or…
"I suppose we will have to save that for the plane ride back." Oh my.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I thought
as I floated into Bergman's house, leaving Vayl and Cole to pass the
doorknocker's muster. From the looks of things, we shouldn't have left
the cowpokes to their own devices for quite so long. With Bergman
bristling like an irritated land baron and Cassandra throwing off bad
vibes like a cornered gunslinger, it looked like we were about to have
a good old-fashioned bar fight. Never mind that the bar had never seen
a shot of whiskey in its whole upper-middle class life, Cassandra
looked like she wanted to drag Bergman down the length of it,
scattering test tubes, chemicals and bags of contaminated blood all
along the way.
I moved over to her, hoping to overhear her low-pitched
mutterings. "Lousy, neurotic, egotistical, bigoted, neurotic bastard!"
She threw a sidelong glance at Bergman as she sat down at the dining
room table, unaware she'd called him 'neurotic' twice, and that I
agreed with her 98%. The bigoted part I'd never witnessed, but I was
willing to kick his ass once I got my legs back if that part proved
true. Then I realized she wasn't referring to skin tone at all. "Thinks
magic's for fanatics, skanks and lesbians, does he?" she muttered.
"Why, I'd like to…" her words trailed off as she narrowed her eyes,
envisioning some satisfying form of retribution. Then she looked
skyward and growled, "What is the
deal with you? You'd think a thousand years of
atonement would serve for one woman. But noooo,
you've got to torment me even more by shoving me into a gang full of
wiseasses and crackpots!"
A thousand years? I suddenly felt like die-hard stoner. All I
could think was, Dude! She's, like, really, really old!
Whoa!… Cool!
Then she saw me. Her face puckered, like she'd just bitten
into a not-quite-ripe apple and she sat back so fast her chair went up
on two legs. While she fought to regain her balance I tried to figure
out this latest mystery. David, Vayl and Cassandra could see me. Cole
"Hey, Bergman!" I yelled pretty loud, because the part of him
that wasn't deeply pissed was focused on conducting his experiments.
Cassandra gasped, "Jasmine?" and he looked up, his face so
creased with annoyance he looked ten years older.
"What did you say?" he snapped.
With all four feet of her chair squarely back on the floor,
she twisted in her seat, her frown matching his. "Don't you see her?"
"I would if she was here." His tone suggested that maybe
Cassandra had fallen right off the deep end.
"Someday someone is going to pinch off your tiny little head,"
she told him. He had a comeback ready, and for a couple of minutes they
bickered like ten-year-olds. But nothing they said could distract me
from the fact that Bergman hadn't seen me either. Bergman and Cole were
definitely alive. Well, maybe you could debate about Cole, but since
human effort had brought him back as opposed to gold-light, crew-cut
guy, I was grouping him with Miles. Vayl, Cassandra and me… well, that
was another matter entirely. Another matter that now evidently included
David. Too. Much.
Cassandra snapped me out of it. She and Bergman had quit
slapping each other around conversationally and now she'd moved back to
her under-the-breath revelations. "Thinks I can't fight this thing with
magic, eh? Well I'll show him!" She flipped through a book like an
impatient client at the beauty parlor.
"Any luck?" I ventured.
She rolled her eyes at me. "I cannot find anything more
telling about the Tor-al-Degan than I already knew. It is so
aggravating! What kind of name is that anyway? I even typed it into
Google. You know what I found? Nothing!" She flipped some more, traded
books and continued her search.
"At the risk of sounding over much like Sherlock Holmes," said
Vayl as he sauntered in, giving Cassandra a knowing smile, "Jaz and I
seem to have found a rather compelling clue." Cole came plodding in
after him and collapsed on the couch.
Cassandra gaped at him, then at Vayl, then back at Cole. "How
can you discuss clues when there is an injured man at your heels?"
Vayl gave Cole an appraising look, "He will live. Now tell me
what you think of this." He pulled the pyramid from his coat pocket and
held it out so they could all see it.
Bergman gave it one hard look and dismissed it. Factoring in
his previous comments and Cassandra's complaints, I gathered he wasn't
interested because he thought it might be magical. Instead he grabbed
the first aid kit from where he'd stowed it under the sink and went to
sit by Cole, where he spent the next ten minutes cleaning, dabbing,
patching and urging him to go to the hospital before his nose healed
that way.
Cassandra reacted much differently. She flattened her hands on
the open pages of her book, her thumbs and forefingers framing a
picture of a horned, winged, fanged version of Cyclops eviscerating
some hapless bystander. But her attention wasn't on the picture. It was
on the key Amanda had passed on to us. It sat in the palm of Vayl's
hand, looking like a kid's toy that's been rolled in the mud.
"I think I've been looking at this all wrong," Cassandra said.
"All this time I have been focusing on the Tor-al-Degan when I should
have been looking for the key. Not that I really knew what it looked
like until just now," she darted a furious glance at Bergman as she
grabbed a new book from the pile she'd scattered across the table.
I gathered Bergman hadn't entirely passed on the description
I'd given him of the pyramid. Considering the import of such
information, I seriously considered calling in some folks with
handcuffs and squad cars. Maybe that would scare him out of his idiotic
prejudices. But that would be for later. Now, Cassandra seemed to be on
a roll. She studied the book with more and more interest while the men
studied her. About the time I expected her to jump up and shout,
"Eureka!" or something equally enthusiastic but a lot less geeky, my
cell phone rang. After an odd moment when my nonexistent hands itched
to dive into my absent pockets, I realized Vayl had it. Our gazes met
across the room and he raised his eyebrows as if to say, Should
I answer it? I nodded.
"Hello, you have reached Jasmine Parks' phone. This is Vayl
speaking." He listened intently. "No," he said, "I am afraid Jasmine is
not available. Can I take a message?… Oh, hello Mr. Parks." Holy crap on a t.v. tray! My dad is talking to my
undead boss, uh, boyfriend, um, whatever! Could this get any stranger?
Apparently so. Because when Vayl hung up he said, "You never
told me how kind your father is, Jasmine." Kind? This was the man who cut off little
old ladies with his grocery cart so he could beat them to the checkout
counter. If you caught him at the park, he wouldn't be feeding the
pigeons, he'd be shooting them. Once I saw him punt a chihuahua twenty
yards because it nipped his ankle. Kind? Huh!
I whooshed at Vayl, making him blink. "Oh no you don't," I
ordered him. "You don't get to like my dad until I
like my dad, and I don't. Do I?" I could tell he thought I'd really
flipped out. So I tried to distract him. It turned out to be remarkably
easy. "What did Albert have to say?" I asked.
"Senator Bozcowski does have a pool. His cousin-in-law owns
the firm that made your faulty beacon. He is also vacationing with his
family in Miami at the moment. But you knew that. Did you also know
when he is scheduled to return to Washington?"
"Well, I'm pretty sure his dance card's full tomorrow night,
so I'll say… day after tomorrow."
"He is leaving in the morning."
"This morning?" As Vayl nodded I checked
out the Regulator clock hanging over the fireplace. It showed nearly
midnight. Oh my God, it's happening tonight! Those lying
"Um, Vayl?" Bergman ventured hesitantly, "is there a reason
you're talking to the mantle?"
Vayl quickly explained, making it sound like I'd gotten myself
into a predicament when I was, in fact, trying to rescue poor Cole from
the sling we'd wound him into to start with! While Vayl talked, Bergman
searched the air for clues to my existence, Cassandra smirked at
Bergman and Cole just slouched among the pretty pillows, scowling at
the drawn curtains. When Vayl had finished, Cassandra stared at Bergman
triumphantly. "Explain that with your equations!"
Before he could think up a suitable retort she went on, "By the way,
while you were playing doctor, I found it."
"Found what, Cassandra?" Vayl demanded. "Talk fast, Jaz and I
have to leave."
"The key!" She pointed to the artifact. "The Tor-al-Degan! I
believe I have found the words—" she glanced at Bergman "—the spell
that activates the key." She held up, not a book, but the Enkyklios.
"We seem to have a detailed record of this beast after all."
"It sounds as if you are coming with us, then."
Bergman lurched off the couch, went to Vayl and grabbed his
shoulder, which he quickly released when Vayl shot him his
don't-touch-me look. But he didn't back down completely. "If she goes,
I go," he said, jabbing a finger towards Cassandra.
Bergman blinked a couple of times, surprised at his success.
"You're not leaving me here while Jaz is sitting on that
bomb," said Cole. We all looked at him. Despite the fact that he
resembled a plane crash survivor, no one ventured an argument as to why
he should stay. Finally Vayl said, "All right, if that is what you
"It is."
Another moment of silence passed out of respect for Cole's
determination and, on my part at least, an attempt to balance myself
against a staggering wave of concern. How were we supposed to keep them
all safe? I wasn't sure it was possible, but I could tell none of them
would entertain my arguments. As I fought a feeling of impending doom,
Bergman launched himself into a packing frenzy that Cassandra quickly
copied. For the next five minutes my little gang looked like they were
preparing a full-scale evacuation. All except for Cole, who glared at
the drapes so hard I was kind of surprised they didn't catch fire. And
I was pretty sure that wasn't Visine I saw glittering in his eyes.
Vayl drove toward Club Undead like a drag racer. Every time he
had to stop for a light or a sign, his next move was a flat-pedal
takeoff. The first couple of o-to-6os left me so unprepared, I found
myself hovering outside the van watching its taillights rush off into
the night. When I resumed my place between him and Cassandra for the
third time, he sent me an apologetic look. "Sorry about that."
"That's all right," said Cassandra, overriding my objections
without realizing I wanted to voice them. "So can I tell you what I
have learned about the key?" We both nodded. "It acts as a controller.
Remember I told you the Tor-al-Degan can perform good or evil acts?
Whoever owns the key can tell it what to do."
"So if they summon the beast before we get there, all we have
to do is tell it to go back to where it came from," said Vayl.
"I'm not so sure. In fact, I think the Tor-al-Degan is already
here. You said it ate the soul of Amanda's brother. And Cole said the
torso they found bore the same markings."
"True. But Jaz said they said they
needed a willing sacrifice."
"Yes. According to my research, the Tor-al-Degan cannot be
completely released from its bonds until it receives a willing
sacrifice. It can, however, exist in more than one realm at once. Which
is why I think it is already here. Most of it, anyway."
"Why would they only bring it partway into the world?" asked
"I suppose they didn't know any better. They seem to be
working from a partial text, or perhaps a copy of a copy of a
translation that has left out vital information."
Vayl clutched the steering wheel hard and shifted anxiously in
his seat. "We have to get there. Now!" He laid on
the horn as a light brown Crown Victoria pulled out in front of him,
forcing him to brake hard. "Next time take the bus you old geester!" he
yelled as he swerved to go around.
"Geezer," I corrected him.
He glared at me. "Never leave your body again!" He jerked us
back into our lane just in time to keep us from getting flattened by a
street sweet Hummer. He tried twice more, nearly colliding with a red
Mustang and a dark blue Camry before he finally succeeded in leaving
the old fart to stew in his prunes.
"Would you quit driving like a maniac if I went back to my
body?" I asked. I'd never seen him so unnerved.
"Yes!" Vayl practically shouted. He took a breath, visibly
pulled himself together. "We need to know if you are still unharmed,
whether they have moved you, what they are planning. Report back as
soon as you discover anything at all."
"Gladly," I agreed. "Your driving is making me nauseous and I
don't even have a stomach!" I floated through the roof of the van and
looked around. All my golden cords still stretched in their various
directions. Was it me, or did they seem slightly dimmer than before? I
didn't spend much time pondering, I was too busy looking for the light
that connected the separate parts of me. I played the cords one by one,
as if they were the strings of a gigantic harp, and delighted to hear
one of them sing my own tune back to me. It wasn't as pure as Evie's or
as powerful as Vayl's, but I liked it all the same. Especially when it
led me straight back to my body.
There I sat, breathing, blinking, looking as blank as the
porcelain dolls Evie collected. I shook my ethereal head. Unfathomable.
I still sat alone and, yes, the bomb still blinked its harsh lights at
me when I checked under the chair.
No longer interested in standing at my own side, I moved out,
through the door into the control booth, now manned by a bald black man
who looked fit enough to break world sprint records. He played with the
sound board, tweaking the music that pounded through the teeming rooms
Floating out the window and over the humans and vamps who
danced shoulder to shoulder, I imagined the devastation that would
occur if I jumped back into my body and rose from the chair. Hundreds
would die. Still, it's nothing compared to the loss of life
our targets have planned. Something to consider. Seriously.
But not yet. At least not until I found them, and it would take
precious minutes to search the crowd, time I no longer possessed.
"Help me out here, would you?" I asked, hoping the owner of
the thunderous voice hadn't taken a nap. "I've got to find the three
stooges." Intuition told me I could sniff out evil now that I'd seen
and accepted my transformation, but that ability didn't help much here,
with my nose in the attic.
The answer rolled across me like an avalanche, reverberating
through me, making me glad I didn't currently possess teeth that might
well have shattered against each other in the aftermath. "UNDERGROUND!"
I fought a perverse urge to do just the opposite, float back into the
atmosphere, chase down the source of that overwhelming voice and
discuss with it the benefits of the whisper. But something told me once
I went hunting for my guide, I might never be able to return.
So I dropped from my lofty perch near the catwalk, past the
dancers' mask-like faces and through the floor beneath their feet. The
wine cellar I entered looked like it belonged under a medieval castle.
Dusty bottles lined row after row of custom-made shelves that filled
more than half the space. A gorgeous cherry table with four matching
chairs stood at the open end of the room, made even more prominent by
the ornate Persian rug under them. Floating next to the table, I could
see a set of stone stairs leading upward. But my guide had left strict
instructions. So I dove through the wide-planked pine floor into the
cancerous bowels of Club Undead.
I fell into a pit, the symbolic significance of which did not
escape me. Lit by flaming torches, painted by their smoke, the pit
easily measured four times the width and length of the wine cellar
standing above it. Uneven stacks of floor-to-ceiling stone impeded the
view, so you could never see more than a quarter of it at once. The
walls were as crooked as the load-bearing columns, as if some enormous
mole had been snacking on various sections, leaving shallow caverns and
outcroppings in its wake.
I drifted around the pit's perimeter, hugging the jagged wall
like an amateur skater. The floor beneath my non-feet looked muddy, and
steaming pools of viscous liquid made me wonder just what a good CSI
would discover given the right chemicals.
In one corner a bona fide stream trickled through a gap in the
wall and exited via a basin that could've been twenty feet deep for all
its blank, black surface revealed. In another corner I discovered
portable metal stairs that led up to a door in the ceiling. A quick
check confirmed that it opened to the wine cellar, though it was hidden
by the rug that lay beneath the tasting table.
About halfway between the stream basin and the stair, a
folding table leaned against the wall. It reminded me of the church
buffet suppers Granny May had dragged us kids to on alternating Sunday
nights during our summer visits. Eight devoted parishioners could've
used it comfortably, or perhaps, not so comfortably after all. The
dried stains on the table top looked a lot more like blood than beef
The occupants of the pit stood in groups of two or three,
wearing basic black, as if they meant to attend a highbrow cocktail
party after the festivities ended here. I counted thirteen all
together, none of whom I recognized as major players. Disappointed that
Bozcowski, Aidyn and Assan, not to mention Derek and Liliana, were
haunting some other pit—I mean part—of Miami, I continued my
exploration. Still hugging the wall, I moved toward the part of the
room furthest from the stairs.
I saw her before she saw me, and though I withdrew into a
shallow alcove, I knew she would not miss me once she knew what to look
for. The Tor-al-Degan viewed the world through cold, dead eyes, making
me feel like a deer forced to drink from crocodile infested waters.
Irises the color of gangrene swam in pus-hued sclera, making any of the
acolytes they rested on shudder and back up a step. I'm not sure I'd
have held my ground either. And I could understand why no picture of
her existed in Cassandra's old books. She was just plain hard to see.
It could have been a trick of the lighting, the rise and fall
of flame throwing odd shadows so all you got were confusing snapshots,
none of which revealed an entire picture. After the eyes I didn't
expect to glimpse an ounce of beauty in the beast, but there was a
finely sculpted cheekbone, and there, the smooth curve of a shoulder.
But I couldn't blame the fizzle, fade the Tor did next on the torches.
I blinked, squeezed my eyes shut before I remembered they weren't
physical orbs at the moment. Must be tough, existing in a couple of different
planes at once, I thought, as she gained enough definition
that I could make out a foot, oh, ugh, make that a big, hairy claw. Definitely
hard on the
posture, too. She seemed to hunch, as if to protect
something she held close, though I couldn't tell what it might be since
she wore a dark, voluminous gown that hid a great deal. Then she turned
her head and I saw the webbed tissue that connected her neck to
something even larger that moved, squirmed,
underneath the material that covered her back.
Again, the Tor-al-Degan began to fade, taking on the
translucence of fine Japanese paper. She turned her head toward the
waiting crowd, which immediately began to chant and sway, reminding me
of the snake charmers I'd seen on Discovery Channel specials. Three
women, all in their late thirties, all prematurely gray, stepped
forward. They kept their backs to the crowd as they knelt on the floor,
their knees sinking a good inch in the muck. The rest of the group
formed a semicircle behind them and fell to their knees as well. The
bottom third of their pants darkened as the cloth soaked up the mystery
soup that covered the floor. As I tried to figure out its ingredients,
Granny May's strident voice popped into my head. Well,
that'll never come out, not even with bleach. Frankly, I was
glad to hear her. This whole scene gave me the willies. Mostly because
I figured my sacrifice was going to be part of the Big Finish.
The Tor's eyes swiveled in their sockets as she opened her
mouth so wide her jaw came unhinged with an audible pop. Enormous fangs
descended from the pointed teeth surrounding them, and she spit thick
white goo at the watchers, making them cringe and retreat though they
continued to chant. Then the Tor whipped her head sideways and slammed
those teeth into the wall. The power she might soon unleash became
clear as she took a bite out of the trembling earth, leaving ugly black
scars in her wake.
As soon as she began to chew she solidified, and I realized
how she'd managed to survive in this state for so long. Not only did
she gain sustenance from unwilling souls, she fed on the earth as well.
Assuming our Native Americans were right, some of the earth's spirit
entered her that way, providing even more nourishment. Though I don't
throw trash on the ground and I have been known to recycle a soda can
or two, I'd never thought of myself as an environmentalist until that
moment, when all I could see were the scars she'd left in her steady
consumption of the good earth. That's enough, I thought. That's
all I need to see. That's all I want to see.
I rushed back to my body and found it where I'd left it, still
blinking and breathing, still alone. Out the window I flew, my phantom
heart skipping a beat when I discovered the cords connecting me with
everyone who mattered in my life had now visibly faded, a hushed octet
drawn from the original magnificent orchestra.
Urgency moved me to new speeds and I reached the van within 30
seconds. Vayl jumped in his seat when I dropped through the roof,
landing on, or rather in, Cassandra's lap. Muttering a quick apology, I
withdrew to my former spot while Vayl informed Bergman and Cole that
I'd rejoined them.
"They've started the ceremony," I said. "It's happening below
the basement of Club Undead."
Vayl slammed on the brakes and I suddenly found myself perched
on the hood of the van as it slid to a stop inches from the back bumper
of a dirty green station wagon. Just ahead of us a four-car pileup
jammed the street. It must've just happened, because all the drivers
involved still sat in their cars and no cops were in sight. I moved
over to Vayl's side of the van, standing beside his window as if I
really had feet, and told him what I'd seen.
"Dammit!" Vayl never swore. Never. I guess that's when I knew
how much he cared. He jerked the van into reverse, but braked hard
again as he realized a parade of mini-vans had him blocked in.
He shoved the van into park and let it idle. "This is going to
take a few minutes. Go back to your body and stall them."
"What? Vayl, this is not a basketball game! I can't go in
there and eat the clock, because when that buzzer sounds the whole
block explodes!"
"You have got to do this, Jasmine. We will be there as soon as
I can convince these drivers to move."
"How are you going to know where to find me?"
"Give me directions." So I did, along with my last excuse.
"I don't want to go. What if the monster eats my soul?" I
sounded like a three-year-old, cowering under the covers because we all
know what sleeps under the bed. But I was scared, more even than I'd
been that night in West Virginia, when I'd been young and dumb enough
to believe I could survive anything.
Vayl stared into my eyes, willing me to believe him. "It
won't. And if it does, we will hang it by the ankles and thump it on
the back until it coughs you up."
I smiled, only because he meant for me to. "Hurry, Vayl. I
don't want to die again." I swooped into the air and stalled almost
immediately. Only four of the seven cords remained and I had to strain
to see them. I picked mine out as the only one leading away from the
van and sped along its length, strumming it like a single guitar
string, forcing the music to send its faint melody into the cosmos. The
cord disappeared entirely as I entered Club Undead, and the prickles at
the back of my un-neck reminded me I could still feel enormous fear
despite my current lack of adrenal glands.
I slipped into the attic, the scene inside my body's temporary
abode striking me as both comical and desperate. There I sat, draped
halfway off the chair, "Unconscious and barely breathing!" according to
Assan's hysterical assessment, while Aidyn crouched before me, his head
and forearms under the chair, his back supporting my legs as he
tinkered with the bomb. Apparently their remote shut-off wasn't 100%
reliable. Not a comforting thought.
Assan pressed the shaking fingers of one hand to my carotid
while he checked my pupils with the other. "She's dying!" he yelled.
"How can she be dying?"
"Silence, you imbecile I am trying to
disarm this bomb!" Aidyn's spirited reply jiggled
my body so that my legs slipped off his back, my feet thumping to the
floor to one side of him as my butt slid completely off the seat to
land between his shoulders. Assan shrieked like a schoolgirl as my
weight shifted.
"Got it!" shouted Aidyn. "Now get her off me!" It's time. I know it's time. Why am I so reluctant
to reenter my body? I looked up, imagining the stars
twinkling in the night sky, with my guide driving a black Jeep Cherokee
between them, singing his own, special rendition of "When You Wish Upon
A Star." A big part of me yearned for that sort of freedom. Someday,
I promised myself, I'll have that. When the price isn't so
Letting go of my hesitation, I slid back into myself, trying
to be gentle, unobtrusive even. Still, the rejoining hurt like a
full-body charlie horse. I woke screaming, startling my captors so much
that they screamed as well. Aidyn lurched to his feet, sending me
tumbling into a pile of boxes. I laid there a second, stunned and sore,
until Assan grabbed my arms and yanked me to my feet, the sword he wore
banging into my shins. Sword? I thought. Weird.
And then, Holy crap, he means to carve me with runes!
"Bitch!" he squealed, spraying my cheeks
with a fine mist as his eyes blazed. "What did you do? What
did you do?!"
I wiped my face and straightened my clothing. "I kept my
word," I said, feeling too depressed, too bereft to even consider
belting him. I'd gotten my body back, for cripe's sake, why this sense
of loss? It overrode everything, even the anger I should be feeling at
being chastised by this rotten little man with his pruny little soul.
And then there was Aidyn, who made me understand exactly how Vayl had
felt when he found his sons dead. I wanted him to die, oh yeah, but
slowly and oh-so-painfully. Didn't I? Even that rage could not seem to
overcome this terrible grief. I hoped I hadn't left it behind. I'd
wanted so badly to release it, and now I wondered if I'd be able to
muster it in time to ensure our survival tonight. If I couldn't, I
hoped it became a little black rain cloud that hovered over these two
dirtbags the rest of their days, sending out hailstones and lightning
bolts at inopportune moments.
Assan shoved me toward the door and I stumbled. Aidyn caught
me, kept me from falling. "Enough!" he snapped, glaring at his
colleague, "we do not need her to break her neck on the eve of our
triumph." What did you say?
I jerked myself out of his grasp, my momentary grief burned
away by the heat of a fury so sudden and searing I could barely breathe
past it.
"Jasmine!" Vayl's voice buzzed distant in my ear, "What is
wrong? I have never sensed such anger in you!"
"How many people have you bled out, Aidyn?" I demanded, my
self-control beginning to shear away beneath the force of my feelings.
"How many necks have you broken? Don't play
gentleman with me. I know better."
"Jasmine, God Jasmine, get hold of yourself!" Vayl's advice
held no more impact than a whisper. But I did hear him.
"Oh yeah, I'll get hold of something." I grabbed Aidyn by the
lapels of his Armani jacket. Whatever he saw on my face made his eyes
go wide and scared. Assan grabbed my left arm, but I knew I could take
them. A simple twist and push would put my hand at
Assan's throat, leaving the other free to tear Aidyn's head off, after
which I would punt it against the wall. Repeatedly. Not yet. It wasn't a voice in my head,
not really. Just a silvery bolt of reason that started at Cirilai and
shot straight into my brain. I dropped my hands as the door flew open
and a couple of Assan's goons trooped in.
"What are you doing here?" snapped Aidyn. "You're supposed to
be policing the exits. We'll be sealing them any minute now."
One man, whose hair was the color and consistency of motor
oil, spoke up. "Liliana has been watching the monitors. She told us you
needed help."
Assan snorted and let go of my arm. "Hardly."
Aidyn ran both hands through his hair. "Stick to the plan,
people! You two," he jabbed two fingers at Motor Oil and his smaller,
greasier pal, "back to the exits. Liliana, Derek," he addressed a vent
in the wall which apparently hid a camera, "you should have been
downstairs with the Senator twenty minutes ago. Now, move!"
The goons scurried to obey as, I imagined, did Liliana and
"That goes for you too," Aidyn told me, his entire demeanor a
Kodak moment in badly disguised wariness.
"Sure." I gave him a Lucille Robinson shrug, knowing that Jaz
must be bottled right along with her rage if we were going to pull this
off. Knowing also that when the lid came off, payback would be a bitch.
The scene in the monster pit had changed somewhat during my
brief absence. I had a better view for one thing. Aidyn and Assan made
sure of that. They escorted me straight to the front row while the
faithful, with the addition of Bozcowski, Vayl's ex and Derek
"Doomsday" Steele, chanted words in a language I didn't understand, but
which my ears heard as, "Over llama catcha fur." The Tor-al-Degan
swayed to the rhythm of the chant, her eyes half-closed as if in a
trance. I should've cared more, but my proximity to Derek had doubled
me over, and I was close to adding my own mound of puke to the nasty
puddles of glop on the floor.
While I leaned against a column, trying to regroup, Bozcowski
turned to face his audience, holding up his hands for silence. "Today,
victory is ours!" he said, baring his shiny fangs as they applauded.
"No longer must we watch our goddess hover between worlds, frustrated
and impotent. We have found our willing sacrifice!" He presented me to
the clapping crowd, a farmer proudly displaying his prize heifer.
I panicked briefly as they surged toward me, but they stopped
short, staying at arm's length, well beyond reach of the Tor-al-Degan's
grasp. The noise they made swept over me though, their whoops of joy
pounding through my head like an ethanol-powered knitting needle. The
monster behind me squealed, her high-pitched response making my eyes
Assan strode to the back of the pit, taking three large
acolytes with him, while Bozcowski continued with the pep rally. I
watched Assan's group return carrying the buffet table. They deposited
it in front of the Tor and then knelt respectfully.
Bozcowski interrupted his speech to look at me, his scowl
creasing his face like an origami sculpture. "What did you say?"
"No," I repeated, "as in no altar, no pagan sacrifice, no me
laying down for it."
"But… you agreed."
"Yes, I agreed to die tonight. But I didn't agree how." Why
did I agree to anything? I am, without a doubt, the stupidest woman on
Assan and his cohorts had risen from their soggy knees to hear
our conversation. Now Assan's bottom lip jutted out and his glassy
black eyes narrowed to slits. "You have to use the altar. I brought the
sacred sword and everything." As if I could've forgotten about the
weapon that had cracked against my calves all the way down the back
stairs and then nearly threw me head-first through the trap-door of the
wine cellar when it had gotten tangled up between my ankles.
"Is that the same sword you used to leave little carvings in
your brother-in-law's chest?" I asked it in a whisper. My churning gut
wouldn't allow anything louder.
"Yes. But we won't need the runes for you. Just a clean, quick
"Oh?" Weren't we being so polite? I could hardly stand it.
"We have no need to hold your soul in stasis because the
Tor-al-Degan is already here, prepared to eat it. At least, most of her
is here. The rest will arrive soon."
"I'm confused. She looks like she's all here. You can't see
through her or anything."
"Looks can be deceiving." I thought about my recent trip
outside Physicality and decided not to argue the point. But Vayl had
told me to stall, so I reached over the nausea, past the dawning
migraine, and plucked out a subject they wouldn't be able to resist.
"I understand what happened to Amanda's brother. But what
about the torso? It had the same markings."
Assan pursed his lips and refused to speak. Aidyn was the one
who answered me.
"After the debacle with Assan's brother-in-law, we discovered
our goddess needed a willing sacrifice. So we petitioned a member of
our sect to provide it. He gladly stepped into her jaws, but his soul
did not free her. That was when we learned of the second twist, that
the sacrifice must be willing, but not a worshiper of the Tor-al-Degan." Wow. Whoever had trapped the Tor had gone
to great lengths to ensure she remained trapped. Leave it to a bunch of
vampire/terrorist punks to foul a perfectly good binding spell.
Liliana had been quiet up to now, sizing me up like a tigress
waiting in the weeds. To look at her you'd never guess she'd taken a
dive off a roof recently. Unless you made the mistake of meeting her
eyes. The memory stood there, poisonous and pissed. Suddenly she
pounced. "Where is your sverhamin now, you mortal
cow?" she asked, sidling up to me as if we were about to share a juicy
Though Derek's scent made me want to curl up in a ball and
pretend this was all a bad dream, I straightened and held her off with
a raised hand, as if I were a running back in a slow motion replay.
"Back off, Liliana."
She grabbed Derek's forearm and pulled him, stumbling
slightly, to stand beside her. He looked much worse than the last time
I'd seen him. His jaw was slack, his eyes unfocused, his skin bright
red with fever. He kept reaching out with his hands, making pinching
motions with his fingers like a kid at a 3-D movie.
I raised my hand higher, leaning my back against a column.
"I have found your kryptonite, haven't I Wonder Woman?" she
asked, giving Derek a rag-doll shake.
"I believe you're mixing metaphors there, Lil." I stood up,
realizing if she'd found my weakness, I'd discovered a new strength. It
came from a combination of the ring on my finger and Vayl's voice in my
head, whispering words I didn't recognize. Cirilai did though,
responding with a warmth that spread up my arm and through my body,
pushing Derek's stench off to a bearable distance.
"Give me the ring," Liliana hissed, doing such a good
imitation of Tolkein's Gollum that I laughed.
Screaming with frustration she grabbed my neck with both hands.
"Liliana stop! Are you insane?" It was Aidyn's voice coming
from somewhere beyond the shadows that had dropped over my vision as
Liliana squeezed away my blood supply. I thought dimly how strange it
was that she didn't just scratch me. She'd have had me so much easier.
But she'd flipped out all the way, and logic didn't fit into the place
she'd gone.
I grabbed her wrists and squeezed back. She cried out in pain.
I yanked her hands off my neck, held them wide away from my body and
head-butted her so hard my vision rimmed everything in gold for the
next ten seconds. It was worth it.
She grunted in pain. I stomped her foot and followed up with a
kick to the knee that made her scream as the entire leg gave. She
swiped at me as she went down, collapsing like the Wicked Witch of the
West, only there was no melting this iceberg.
"Please don't kill her." Unbelievable, not one, but two pleas
for mercy kept me from dusting Liliana right then and there. Aidyn said
it to my face. Vayl whispered it in my ear.
"I would kill you if I could," I told her, "I don't care who
begs for your life. You're an evil creature and you deserve no pity,
not one drop."
Though the Tor-al-Degan hadn't even cleared her throat,
everyone suddenly attended her.
"I like this woman's soul." Holy crap what a freaky
voice. It crawled across the skin like a colony of spiders,
making you want to shiver and scream. I had to bite my lip to keep
myself from begging for mercy. Led by Bozcowski, her little
congregation fell to its knees like a fanatical group of synchronized
swimmers. The Tor-al-Degan was looking at me like I generally regard a
big plate of cheesecake. "She will taste of spice and vigor," said the
Tor. "Let us begin."
I braced myself to fight whoever tried to manhandle me onto
the buffet table. But I wasn't the one Assan's assistants grabbed.
Derek had collapsed beside Liliana, watching through bleary
eyes as she squirmed with pain. Now four Deganites lifted her out of
the muck and carried her to the table. She sat on it, her legs dangling
over the side, the one I'd kicked still slanted strangely. Derek
crawled toward her and the Deganites helped him to his feet.
"Say it!" urged Bozcowski from his perch in the muck, "say the
words!" Aidyn had moved to stand by the table, but the senator wasn't
talking to him, nor Liliana and Derek. His orders were for Assan, who
had retrieved a gym bag from wherever he'd left it. Now he brought from
it a bubble-wrapped object about the size of a standard flashlight.
When he unwrapped it and sat it on the ground between the
Tor-al-Degan's feet, I saw that its base was made from a human skull—a
small one, maybe a child's? Three primitive stone daggers protruded
from the top of the skull, and on their points sat a shallow stone bowl.
At Bozcowski's urging, Assan had begun chanting. Every time he paused, the
congregation echoed him. It reminded me, ridiculously, of Girl Scout camp and
the song I still knew by heart—The other
day (The other day) I met a bear (I met a bear) Out in the woods (Out
in the woods) Away out there (Away out there).
I realized my mind was beginning to play tricks on me, trying
to remove my consciousness from this scene and send it back to better
days. That way it could protect my frail sanity from moments like this
that could well snap it. What a great idea. Too bad I couldn't allow
it. I made myself watch carefully. Somewhere among this devilry, please,
oh please, was the key to their downfall.
Assan had unwrapped and placed three of his grisly statues in
a tight triangle around the Tor. But Liliana had gone on without him.
She held Derek between her legs, the fall of her hair hiding his neck
as she prepared to drink from him.
For Vayl's sake I said, "Liliana, if you take his blood,
you'll die. You did hear Aidyn say that, right?"
She threw me a smirk. "You think he developed an antidote for
humans only? What an imbecile." As she leaned to drink from him my gaze
tracked to Aidyn. And what I saw in his face looked a helluva lot like
Liliana's death sentence.
"It is time." I shivered as the Tor-al-Degan's throaty growl
scratched at my senses. "Bring her!" Assan had stepped back beside
Bozcowski, and though the chanting continued I could see the change it
had brought. The Tor looked more vibrant, more lethal, as if the
ceremony had filled her with venom.
"Vayl," I whispered, "where are you?" No answer. Damn
Bergman's prototypes!
"Your mewling little eunuch cannot save you now," snarled
Aidyn. He grabbed my arm and jerked me forward, past Derek, who had
fallen to his knees, and Liliana, who lounged atop the table as if it
were a gigantic, vibrating mattress.
"Not her you imbecile," snapped the Tor,
making Aidyn flinch, "the vampire!"
I nearly laughed to see Aidyn's insults thrown back in his
face. He didn't take it well either. His expression would've sat
comfortably on a preacher who's just discovered his theology's full of
He let me go, left me standing just feet from the Tor while he
fetched Liliana. Her complexion pink from gorging, she rose
languorously from the table and followed him to the first skull, not
even limping from our last encounter. With a casual flick of the
fingernail, she opened a vein in her wrist and let Derek's blood, now
transformed by her vampirism, drain into the bowl. When she'd filled it
she moved to the next, bending over to show off her cleavage to Aidyn's
fascinated eyes.
The chanting rose in volume and urgency. The Deganites,
including Bozcowski and Assan, swayed to their own rhythm, their faces
a collective mask of fanatical bliss. Derek, still on his knees,
drenched in his own blood, had joined in.
The second bowl was full, and it looked like my cavalry was
still stuck in traffic. Assan reached into the duffel, pulled out a
bubble-wrapped object that he would soon discover was not the key. Then
all hell would break loose. Maybe literally. With no key to control her
actions, wouldn't the Tor run rampant? Not without a willing soul.
I could run, but I wouldn't make it far. And that would still
leave the Tor poised to wreak havoc. As the first drops of Liliana's
blood hit the third bowl, I did one more quick study of the
Her inability to maintain a solid front made her seem
vulnerable despite the energy that came off her in waves. One clean shot, Jaz, that's all you're getting and
then you're done for. I took one, heartbreaking look at the
life I could've had, and let it go.
I began to cave myself inward, as if my soul was a collapsible
laundry cart. Turn and fold, turn and fold, until the only portion left
of me could've been punted, like a paper football, over goalposts
formed by four fingers of a sixth grader's hands. It was the only
fortress I knew how to build, and my sanity huddled at its center
where, if I survived, maybe the blood and the horror of what I was
planning could only leave a faint stain.
"Aaahh! Aaaahh! AAAAAAHHHl!!" It was
Assan, too freaked to scream with words, holding a wooden statue of a
closed fist with the middle finger raised. I couldn't connect that
F-you statue to Amanda's frilly room, which was how I knew it must've
been her brother's, maybe from his med school days when he still felt
confident enough to flip off the world. It looked as if Assan had
gotten the message.
Strings of box tape and bubble wrap streamed from his fingers
like thick cobwebs, jigging to the rhythm of his shaking hands. His
eyes had gone buggy, and he kept glancing from the Tor to Bozcowski to
Aidyn, as if at any moment one of them would tear him limb from limb.
And maybe they would if the angry mob the Deganites were becoming
didn't lynch him first. They converged on him, pushing, shoving,
yelling spit-laced curses. Aidyn, still mesmerized by the slow trickle
of Liliana's blood looked around, confused. So did Vayl's ex.
I rushed to the nearest torch and tore it off the wall,
breaking the tip off its wooden handle so that its jagged end threw
splinters onto the murky floor. A small sliver of wood floating in an
oily puddle gave me an idea. I touched the torch to it and it
flamed nearly waist high, grabbing gases from the air that burned green
and stank worse than a rotting skunk in the middle of the swamp.
With only seconds to spare before somebody figured out their
sacrifice had grown a spine, I sprinted from puddle to puddle, lighting
them up like road flares behind me. When I was done, a fence of noxious
flame trapped Liliana and the Tor. Both of them screamed at Bozcowski,
Aidyn, Assan, the crowd, not one of whom had thought to stock the
dungeon with a fire extinguisher.
I had one more moment to grab a second torch from the wall
before the bad guys reorganized. Behind me, the Tor and Liliana cringed
against the back wall as putrid green flames licked the air and
pronounced it kindling. I held the torches out in front of me and the
crowd backed up. I took a step forward. They retreated another step,
their shoes squelching in a puddle of mire large enough to hold fifteen
pairs of feet.
"I'll bet you guys didn't know I went through college on a
track scholarship," I said, glaring into their flushed and wary faces
as they tried to figure out how to surround me. "For javelin."
I tossed the right-hand torch up in the air, caught it in an
overhand grip and launched it at their feet. The puddle ignited
instantly, catching a woman's skirt and a man's sleeve.
The crowd stampeded, throwing their burning brethren into the
muck as they went, stomping bones along with the flames. They reached
the stairs as a herd, scrambling over each other to reach the top. Men
cursed, women screamed, people fell, got up and jumped back on.
Bozcowski, Aidyn, Assan and I watched, spectators at a train wreck.
Then Assan shook his statue at me.
"You're dead," he croaked, advancing on me slowly.
I nodded grimly. "You don't know how right you are."
He stopped, not sure what to make of this. Aidyn and Bozcowski
tried to flank me. I waved the torch at them. "Don't. Move."
Behind them the crowd's roar doubled. The men turned to look,
so I risked a peek as well. The Deganites were backing, tripping,
falling down the stairs in the face of a pair of space-age guns held by
Cole and Bergman. As those two cleared the stairs and began to round up
the Deganites, they were joined by Vayl, leaning just slightly on his
cane, and Cassandra, holding the key in one outstretched hand. In her
other hand, the Enkyklios was transforming, its marbled parts rolling
into the shape of an hourglass. She was already chanting, and I risked
a look behind me to see if the Tor had heard her call. Evidently she
had. Despite the heat of the fire that trapped her, she'd pulled away
from the wall and risen to her full height, her eyes glued to the key.
The screech of buckling metal drew my attention back to the
stairs. Cole and Bergman had made it to floor level with their
prisoners. Vayl and Cassandra had reached the fourth stair when the
whole structure collapsed. Vayl tried to balance Cassandra, but she
lurched out of his hands and onto the floor, averting her face just in
time to miss the taste of mud and flammable gases. A portion of the
stair glanced off her head and shoulder, the artifacts flew free and
her chant ceased. Holy crap! My heart froze as I looked
back at the Tor. She'd fallen to her hands and knees, was lapping
Liliana's tainted blood out of the offering bowls, one after another.
"Cassandra!" I yelled, "Hurry! Get control!"
Assan chose that moment to attack, rushing me like a crazed
linebacker. I never could've met that mad attack full on, but then I
never meant to. I faked a run to the right until he committed to that
direction, then I came back left and connected with a leg sweep that
sent him sprawling. I moved toward him, meaning to follow up with a
bone-crushing kick to the skull, but Vayl's voice stopped me,
"Jaz! Behind you!"
I spun around in time to see Liliana launch herself over the
wall of flame, which was vastly shorter now than it had been a moment
before. The Tor's chuckle of triumph told me she might've had something
to do with that. I tried to dodge out of Liliana's path, but stepped
into deep, thick mud. It grabbed at my shoe, slowing me just enough
that Liliana's nails grazed my neck as she landed, reopening the wounds
Vayl's fangs had made.
"Now I've got you!" she exulted, keeping her distance as I
desperately jabbed the torch at her. Assan struggled to his feet and
drew his sword. His eyes were on the trickles of blood running down my
neck into the collar of my shirt as he said, "Now, Jasmine. Now is your
time to die." Son of a bitch!
Liliana began to circle me, her expression a study in
satisfaction. Assan followed suit. "It looks as if our rat is finally
cornered," she told him. "Shall we play a bit before we take her soul?"
He grinned and nodded, licking his lips as if he was about to sit down
to a luscious feast.
As I turned to keep Liliana and Assan in full view, I could
see Vayl and Aidyn over their shoulders, struggling for possession of
the key Cassandra had dropped. The Enkyklios sat forgotten, half-buried
in gook. Something about the scene it played called to me, and I
narrowed my eyes, trying to discern details I was too far away to see.
Vayl distracted me, shooting the sheath off his cane just as Aidyn
threw a punch that connected with his shoulder. The missile flew off
course, missing Aidyn completely, but hitting Assan in the back of the
head, taking him directly to his knees and over onto his side.
Liliana didn't even spare him a glance as she said, "You must
admit I have the upper hand, Jasmine. Perhaps now
you would like to hand over Cirilai? No? Well then." She held both
hands out, as if she meant to grab me by the shoulders. Then she closed
her fists.
The vice gripped my heart so suddenly, so painfully, that I
screamed. It felt as if she'd actually sunk her claws into my chest and
squeezed. But that wasn't the worst of it. The worst part was that I
couldn't catch a full breath, just shallow pants that made me even more
desperate for air. A moment's release allowed me one whopping inhale,
then the vice closed again, bending me backwards, bringing tears to my
eyes. Through the numbing wall of blood and panic that pressed against
my body I heard the sharp crack of a rifle shot. The Deganites screamed
and the vice around my heart dropped away.
I looked up from where I'd been crouching, one hand on my
chest, the other on my thigh, trying to prevent a full-body muck bath
while the torch sputtered on the ground beside me. I had a moment to be
grateful nothing else had caught fire as I searched for the source of
the shot. Cole was swinging his gun back around, training it on the
Deganites, though he spared me a look that could've meant anything. I
read it as a command. I've done my part. Now stand up and do
Liliana stood swaying, hands out for balance, the hole in her
chest a bloody blob of muscle and bone. I grabbed the torch. It
flickered to life as I raised it and leapt toward her. She held her
hands out as if to resist me, but the injury left her too weak to
maintain even token resistance. At the last moment I flipped the torch
in my hand and rammed the jagged handle into the opening Cole had left
for me. Liliana clutched the torch and staggered backwards, the shock
and denial on her face lit by yellow and orange flames. Then her face
was nothing more than a ghostly shadow made of smoke and steam as the
remnants of her physical being fell to the floor, a heap of clothes and
fake hair with a few particles of dust and ashes mixed in.
I moved past Bozcowski, who was digging in the mud, apparently
under the impression that we were in the middle of trench warfare.
"Where is it? I thought I saw it fall over here. Where is the key?" he
kept asking himself. I was pretty sure he was in the wrong spot, so I
went to help Vayl, inwardly cheering as he delivered a smashing
uppercut that lifted Aidyn completely off the floor and threw him five
yards back. A black slash at his throat revealed how close Vayl had
already come to taking his head. Then Assan rose to block my way.
"Oh, no you don't," he muttered, holding his sword out before
him with both hands, "I still have plans for you."
"It won't work, Assan. I'm not a willing sacrifice."
"But you were once, and like most contracts, supernatural or
otherwise, the word given to seal the deal is the one that counts."
I felt an immense, fiery hatred for this miniscule pile of
bones and trash that had dared to masquerade as a loving husband, a
charitable soul. I would disarm him with a couple of well-placed kicks.
Then I would disembowel him with his own sword which, as I eyed it,
seemed more and more familiar. Where had I seen it? And recently too.
He jabbed at me, forcing me to back up, to close the distance
between the Tor-al-Degan, still trapped behind a knee-high wall of
flame, and myself. Then I suddenly had it.
"The Enkyklios," I breathed.
"The what?"
The scene that had played out just beyond my vision had
involved the sword. Someone, a tiny blurred figure shining with sweat,
covered with blood, had fought the Tor-al-Degan with Assan's sword.
"I need that sword," I told him.
"Don't worry, you'll get it." His smile, white and gold teeth
gleaming from a face half-caked with mud and grime, made him look
purely demonic.
"Then come give it to me," I demanded.
"I was never one to turn down a beautiful woman's invitation." I'll bet. I glanced over his head. Vayl
had Aidyn down on his knees, one hand at his throat, the other holding
his wrist, pressing hard, trying to squeeze a dagger out of his grip.
He leaned over, inhaled deeply, opened his mouth and breathed icy air
into Aidyn's face. I saw Aidyn's skin begin to crackle and darken.
Meanwhile Bozcowski had moved to another mudhole in his desperate
search for the key. Then Assan demanded my full attention.
He charged straight at me, sword held high before him. "Run
bitch!" he screamed. "Run from your fate!"
"Now why in the world do you think I'd take your advice?" I
asked him. Utter disbelief crowded the rage from his eyes as he saw I
meant to stand my ground. But he didn't stop. He came steamrolling
toward me, mud flying from his ruined shoes, sword cocked and ready for
a killing blow. Still I let him come, and just as he began to make the
cut I jumped at him, coming in under the arc of his swing, giving the
blade only air and a small slice of my calf, not even enough to sting
until later.
Remembering every tip I'd ever heard Albert give David during
his high school football days, I went in low, head up so I could see,
catching Assan just above his right hip, driving him backwards into a
pillar. When I heard the air whoosh from his lungs I grabbed his right
wrist and twisted while I drove my other hand hard into the back of his
elbow. His agonized scream told me I'd done the move right. From there
it was easy to tear the sword from his grip and drive him to his knees.
He hit the mud one last time, cupping his broken arm with his whole
one. I swung the sword hard and straight, taking his head so cleanly
that it stayed on his neck for a teetering moment before it toppled
off, hitting the mud a second before his body followed.
Twenty feet beyond my left shoulder, Vayl had also found a use
for one of the pillars. He slammed Aidyn into one and the resulting
crack surely signaled a fractured skull. Then he looked at me. "This is
your kill, Jasmine. I have been saving him for you. Come—" Words failed
him as his eyes tracked away from mine, behind
me, and the horrified expression on his face told me nothing, nothing,
nothing, ever goes as planned.
I turned on one heel to find the Tor-al-Degan standing inches
away, her reeking breath making me feel like I'd just entered a sewage
pipe. I jumped back and she smiled, revealing at least three rows of
graying teeth, all of which looked shark sharp.
"Cassandra!" I yelled, "center-stage, girl! Reel this monster
in!" I risked a look back and wished I hadn't. While Cole guarded the
prisoners, Bergman struggled to help Cassandra sit up. She looked ill,
like somebody had slipped raw eggs into her morning juice. Vayl fared
only slightly better. Aidyn had taken advantage of his momentary
distraction to disarm him. Now they were duking it out like old-school
boxers, standing toe-to-toe, delivering blows that would've sent most
men to their knees.
Only Bozcowski continued as before, a frustrated pirate
digging for treasure.
I looked back at the Tor, a wave of despair dulling my vision,
making my mouth taste of metal and grave dust. I felt my shoulders
slump, watched my sword arm drop.
"This is how it will feel when I eat your soul," the Tor
whispered. "Everything that was good and glad in you will nourish me,
bring me full into this tasty, luscious world of yours where I will
eat, and eat, and eat…" She subsided, glassy-eyed, smiling hellishly at
the prospect of such a meal.
In that moment she reminded me strongly of a balding,
thick-lipped serial killer Vayl and I had recently dispatched. He'd
worn that same expression right before we blew his brains all over the
wall. I wanted to call it an omen, but it was too late for that. I
laughed bitterly.
As soon as my laughter hit the air I felt better, and knew
she'd been bewitching me. I'd just been so focused on Cassandra and
Vayl I hadn't noticed my magic-meter spiking.
"You laugh," said the Tor, "why?"
"Because you won't be able to squeeze enough joy out of my
soul to qualify as an anorexic's dinner." I shoved the sword into her
and she screamed, her rotten-egg breath burning my nostrils, making me
gag. She staggered backward and I pulled the sword free. As she turned
to run I struck again, slicing into her slithering hump, my sword
sliding through it easily until it lodged in her spine. She screamed
again, but when she turned to look at me over her shoulder she wore an
evil grin.
"Gotcha." In that one word her voice tipped the scale from old
hag to nether-being. At the same time her ripped gown fell to her feet.
The whole room got a nightmare glimpse of sagging, pustule-covered skin
and then all hell broke loose.
Surely if Dante could've seen the rock-lined pit under Club
Undead he'd have thought it an accurate depiction of at least one of
his many hells. Lit by torches and burning bits of floor, the
Tor-al-Degan's current residence stank of flammable gases, blood, vomit
and outright evil. It also rang with the voices of her worshipers,
who'd agreed it would be a bright idea to summon her fully into our
realm—a big, bad carnivore who saw the entire world as her Little Red
Riding Hood.
The Deganites, who probably passed as upstanding citizens by
day—bankers and insurance agents and definitely lawyers—screamed like a
bunch of U2 fans as their goddess began to change. The rest of us just
watched, stunned speechless, as a yellowish red substance the
consistency of hair gel oozed out of the Tor's wound.
I let go of the sword hilt and backed up, fear and confusion
warring with panic and horror to see which could gain control of my
mind first.
In defiance of gravity, the ooze rose, growing over the top of
the Tor's head. It spread downward as well, until it looked as if she
had stepped inside an enormous tank of pink Vaseline. Oh god, oh god, oh god. I looked back at
my friends. Cole still had the crowd corralled, but they seemed
cheerful about it now.
Everything else had gone from bad to worse. Somehow Aidyn had
escaped Vayl long enough to deck Bergman, who lay crumpled on one of
the floor's few dry spots like a worn out bloodhound. Aidyn had then
grabbed Cassandra, who still looked spaced out, and now held her in
front of him like a shield. The Enkyklios lay at their feet, replaying
another fight scene featuring some long-dead hero and the Tor. This one
had, not a sword, but a two-handed battle axe. Time after time the Tor
suffered blows that would've felled a crazed elephant, and yet she kept
coming back for more. Kept… healing.
"Give me the key!" Aidyn screamed. "Give it to me now, before
I break this Seer of yours over my knee!"
"I do not have it," said Vayl. "One of us must have kicked it
into a pool while we were fighting." He said it casually, a weatherman
mentioning the cold front that was about to whip through the region.
But his eyes kept darting to the Tor, as did Aidyn's. In the short time
I'd looked away from her, she'd changed dramatically. She'd grown to
twice her height inside that viscous shell. Her hair had clumped and
then formed into tentacles. Spinal plates grew out of her back, the
second one sporting an extra protrusion in the shape of a sword hilt.
And the transformations happened so fast I could hear the gut-twisting
squeal of bones stretching and the wet, ripping sound of skin opening
to make way for new appendages, including two vicious looking pincers
that emerged from the Tor's bleeding jaws.
She stretched, rising to a height of at least eight feet. Her
new muscles rippled beneath skin the color of a bad sunburn. Her eyes
had brightened to violet, the same color, in fact, as Liliana's. I had
never seen anything so immense, so unearthly, so unbeatable. Tammy
Shobeson's voice squealed in my head, Loser, loser, loser!
"Time to play," the Tor growled in her new voice as she shook
the gel from her new body (if only Jenny Craig had her recipe). She
moved toward me. Even though I knew, deep down, this was the end for
me, I stood my ground. For me, there was no other option.
"Move!" she demanded.
"What do you hope to gain by standing in my way?"
I thought about it. Even now, in the final moments of my life,
smartass me was ready and available for service. "I'd like a title.
Maybe Idiot of the Year. Is that one taken?"
She leaned over me, the putrid tang of her breath making my
curls wilt. "Are you trying to save the lives of your puny friends?"
"What if I was?"
"Then you would, without question or debate, qualify as a
willing sacrifice." Shit! I turned and ran, mowing through
the mud like a sleek little ATV. I waved my hands and screamed, "Run!
Run! She's going to kill us all!"
As soon as I passed Vayl, I heard a shot. One glance back
showed Cassandra diving off to the right while Aidyn began to topple
backwards, a dark and gaping hole in the middle of his forehead. Vayl
closed in on Aidyn fast, a sword-wielding juggernaut that didn't stop
until Aidyn's head flew from his body and the smoke of his remains
stained the ceiling.
The Deganites milled around, showing the whites of their eyes
as Cole swung his gun back towards them, having done all he could to
pull the odds back into our favor. He looked ready to bolt, but he
stood his ground, which made me enormously proud. I gestured for his
gun and he immediately tossed it to me. I sprayed the wall just above
the Deganites' heads. "Run! Run! Run!" Like good little sheep they
obeyed, surging toward the stair wreckage in a babbling mob. Even
though it looked more like a tornado victim than a means of egress,
people were still finding a way to climb up towards freedom.
I turned the gun on the Tor and opened up. I'm not sure, but I
think I might have been screaming while I shot her so full of holes she
looked like a puzzle with several missing pieces. Moments later Vayl
joined me, firing Bergman's weapon. He caught my eye and I realized we
were both grinning, a couple of crazy hyenas tackling one badass lion.
The Tor back-peddled fast, squawking and bellowing by turns.
She grabbed Bozcowski from his latest fishing expedition and held him
in front of her like a shield. His body bounced like a marionette as
our bullets struck him.
"Put me down you freak!" he demanded, his voice rising up the
scale to a shriekish whine. "Let me go you disgusting piece of swamp
She conceded, in a way, by wrapping her maw around Bozcowski's
head and snipping it off as if it were a piece of thread. His body
wafted away like the smoke from a newly doused fire.
And I thought we had her. I honestly did, that's how bad I
wanted it to be true. Then she lunged.
Even in the midst of battle, when moments move like hours, the
Tor was a red blur. Fangs the size of my hand sank into my right side.
It felt like two flaming skewers had pierced me through and through,
sending bolts of electric pain shooting through the rest of my body. I
felt myself sinking into the agony, as if it was a tar pit from which I
could never escape.
The Tor-al-Degan shook me. My feet left the ground and, even
as a red haze of torment settled over my brain, I thought distantly
that I must resemble an old dog toy, frayed around the edges and in
desperate need of retirement.
I pressed my gun against her skull, shot until my magazine was
empty, and she would not let go. Dimly, a mere echo in the booming
crush of sound that was my blood rushing, my ribs breaking, my lung
collapsing, I heard Vayl yelling, urgent, adamant orders I knew I must
obey if only I could decipher the language he barked them in.
Then I was outside, above, watching from a place so quiet, so
warm, so safe that all it would take would be a
plate of chocolate chip cookies and a tall glass of milk for me to feel
as I had every time I visited Granny May. I realized I'd split from my
body one last time, only all the golden threads were missing. I
searched for them, feeling a wave of grief at their loss. Then I found
a new thread, one imbued with every color of the rainbow, and was
amazed I hadn't seen it before, it was so large, so gorgeous, pulsating
to some basic rhythm that might well have been the heartbeat of the
I moved toward it. Who wouldn't? But something stopped me,
tugged at me, pulled me back. I looked down, perplexed, and then I saw
the problem. The Tor had grabbed onto a trailing ribbon of my essence
with one of the tentacles that flanked her jaw. I watched her reel me
in, panic beginning to eat at the edges of the brief peace I'd found.
But I was aware of more, as if I could see everyone and everywhere at
The last of the Deganites had reached the door and was
climbing through. Cassandra had crawled to Bergman and was rolling him
over. He winced and grabbed his side, saying something to her that
caused her to turn him further and grab at something he'd been laying
Cole had moved to Vayl's side, where they both fought to force
the Tor to release my body. Cole delivered a flurry of blows to the
Tor's mid-section, at least one connecting soundly enough to break her
arm, elicit a high-pitched scream. Vayl leapt onto the Tor's back and
sunk his fingers into her throat. Frost crackled up her chin and across
her face. He dug deeper and the frost turned to ice. No more sounds
escaped her throat, not even when he broke her jaw with one powerful
blow of his fist.
My body dropped to the floor, bouncing slightly before it
settled into the ooze. Cole immediately went to work, inspecting
wounds, searching for a pulse. But Vayl stayed put, hacking away at the
Tor's tentacles with bloody fists. I realized he could see me, that he
The Tor-al-Degan was eating my soul. Slowly. With the relish
of a connoisseur.
Once I'd thought maybe I was crazy, and the fear of losing my
sanity, losing myself had dogged every breath,
dictated every action. Worse than an infestation of cockroaches, a
cancerous tumor, the loss of my family… the feeling had left me
unwilling to rest, unable to find peace. That had only been fear. This
was real.
Second by second, the Tor was ingesting the best, and the
worst, part of me. I was losing myself inside the horrifying red hell
of the Tor's gaping maw. I struggled. I fought. I prayed. I tried
desperately to tear myself free. But the slow torture of my ultimate
destruction went on. And though I had no voice, I began to scream and
scream and scream…
A voice rang across the room, Cassandra's deep, rich tones
washing across me like warm, clear water. She'd come forward to stand
by Cole as he worked furiously over my cooling body. In her right hand
she held the pyramid, the key. And in her left hand she held the
Enkyklios, echoing the words as she heard them from the small vision of
a Seer who had stood in a long distant past and saved the world for a
The Tor bellowed and shook her head, denying the power that
had suddenly appeared, demanded her allegiance. But Cassandra would not
relent. And moments later I was free. Flying. Soaring toward that
stained glass rainbow of a lifeline and following it straight to the
know, I thought I was headed to heaven," I said as I looked out the
window. The skyline of Las Vegas glared back at me. I stood in a lavish
suite, definitely high-roller territory, surrounded by plush furniture,
satin curtains and so much marble the room could've doubled as a
"Some would tell you you're already there," said my companion.
I would've pegged him as a fighter from the start, even
without the crew cut and the upright bearing. I recognized those eyes,
had grown up around men with the same look. Only battle will do that,
only pitched battle and the death of men you love like brothers.
I also recognized him from our last encounter, when he'd
mended my broken neck on the blood-stained floor of a house that should
never have been called 'safe.'
The guy, this warrior had smiled when I showed up and he'd
said, "There you are," as if we'd prearranged my appearance in the
middle of his hotel room. He'd left his perch on a black leather
bar-stool and come to shake my hand. "Hello, Jasmine, my name is
Raoul." Spain bronzed his skin and flavored his accent, but his manner
was pure American military.
"I'm dead, aren't I?"
He'd cocked his head to one side, as if sizing up the new
recruit, "That remains to be seen."
I'd gone to the window then, confused and somewhat depressed,
pretty sure I'd been relegated to the eternal Between. Below me, Sin
City sparkled like a Desert Queen's tiara. Too bad the stones were fake.
"I guess some people would like to spend eternity gambling and
watching showgirls strut across the stage," I said. I turned from the
window and dropped onto a couch that made every bone in my unbody sigh
with pleasure. "Shoot, I wouldn't mind spending a couple of weeks doing
that myself."
Raoul settled onto a matching couch that met mine at a
45-degree angle. I suddenly realized this room was arranged the same
way I'd done the furniture in Diamond Suites and Bergman's safe house.
Yes, and in that long ago place where Aidyn had destroyed my life.
"Have I been here before?" I asked.
He nodded.
"And David? Has he been here?"
"In a way."
"You're not supposed to remember."
"Are you okay?"
"Should I be?"
He smiled again. "Probably not."
"So, why am I here?"
He looked surprised, as if I should know. "You're a hero."
I was beginning to get the idea. "Look, I
didn't save the world back there. It was Cassandra."
"Despite the fact that it's a very catchy phrase, there is no
such thing as an army of one."
"What exactly is it that you want?"
He gave me that don't-play-dumb-with-me look that you just
hate to see when you're stalling. But to my surprise, he gave me an
answer. "You're sitting in headquarters, soldier. It's time to re-up or
retire. It's your call, of course, but we'd like you to continue your
I jerked my head toward the window. "Funny place for a
"We try to stay close to the front."
"Then you should be in Miami."
"The battle there has been won."
"But not the war?"
"You did not defeat the Raptor, though you were right to
believe he was behind the plot to begin with."
"Was he ever even there?"
"No. He is a canny beast. You won't catch him easily. But I
digress. You need to make a choice."
I nodded. It was time to move on, then, one way or another. I
could retire. The word "rest" hovered out there like a green velvet
dressing gown. But I'd seen what it had done to Albert and there was no
reason to think I'd be any more content. Plus, my retirement would
leave Evie to cope with the cantankerous old man. I'd never see her
baby girl. I'd never hear Dave's story, which must be as remarkable as
my own. Bergman and Cassandra would probably kill each other. Cole
would become a bitter old man. And Vayl… Vayl would wander the earth,
alone, longing for his sons. Longing for me.
I looked Raoul in the eye. "I'm in."
"Excellent." He nodded at me and a mystical wind rose in the
room, knocking over lamps, shattering vases, forcing me to squeeze my
eyes shut tight.
When I opened them again, Cole's face was inches away, his
breath still warm in my mouth, his fingers pressing against my neck.
When he felt the blood move once again inside me, a blissful look of
triumph settled over his face.
"She's back," he said, looking over his shoulder. Cassandra
and Bergman hugged and gave me thumbs up. Vayl knelt beside me, a wide
smile stretching his face to new limits, making him look happy and
pained at the same time. "Jasmine, I am so glad you're here." I thought
about it a minute and nodded. "Me too."
I should first recognize my husband's part in this
whole scheme since, when I finally confessed to him my secret love of
all things vampire, he didn't laugh and say, "Good Lord, Jen, how old are
you?" Nope, he said, "Then maybe you should write a vampire novel." To
which I replied, "It's all been done already." And he said, "Not by
you." So, thanks babe, without your encouragement, I'd never have dared
this book. Big thanks to my agent, Laurie McLean, for taking a chance
on me and giving me the kind of full-out support and honest feedback I
have come to deeply appreciate. Thanks also to my editor, Devi Pillai,
whose humor, patience, insight, and constant barrage of questions have
helped me elevate this work to a level I couldn't have imagined when I
first sent it to her. For their insights into weaponry and military
information I must acknowledge Ron Powell and Ben Rardin. Any mistakes
I've made in either arena are my own. And special you-brave-soul hugs
to my readers for taking on the daunting task of reviewing a raw
manuscript and offering honest feedback to its nail-biting author. Love
to you all: Jackie Plew, Hope Dennis, Ron Powell, Katie Rardin, and
Erin Pringle. Most of all, thanks to you, Reader, for climbing out to
the edge of this limb with me. I hope you enjoy the view!
meet the author
Jennifer Rardin began writing at the age of 12, mostly poems
to amuse her classmates and short stories featuring her best friends as
the heroines. She lives in an old farmhouse in Illinois with her
husband and two children. Find out more about Jennifer Rardin at
We sat in my sunroom, though dark had fallen hours
before. I thought Jaz had chosen the spot for Vayl's sake. So he could
watch. I knew she'd brought him, as she had many times before, but we
had yet to meet. I wasn't sure why.
The tape recorder sat on the coffee table between us, mutely
turning, as if constantly shaking its head at the story she'd been
documenting for the last few weeks. I could hardly believe it myself.
Jen: "You've told me things I'm sure some people
would keep from their priests. But that's still left me with some
pretty big questions." Jaz sat forward in her white wicker chair, her
red curls framing her pale face so perfectly I felt I should take a
picture. She could be any lovely co-ed on any Big Ten campus, except
for the shock of white hair spiraling from her forehead around her
right cheek to her chin.
Jaz: "What do you want to know?"
Jen: "Are you haunted by the people you've killed?" Her
eyebrows shot up. I could see her thinking it was none of my damn
business. But she wasn't ready to shut me off. Not yet.
Jaz: "That would presuppose that I felt guilty about killing
them, wouldn't it?" She thought a second. "The ones that bother me are
the ones that didn't go down as quick or painless as I would've liked.
But I'm not haunted. My job is to take out bad guys. If you think that
makes me a bad guy…" she shrugged, "that's your problem."
Jen: "Actually, I don't. But I do think it makes you unique.
How did you get into this line of work?"
Jaz: "After the big blowout with my dad, I'll tell you about
that later, the military was just out for me as a career path. But I
still wanted to serve my country." She paused. "What, no smartass
Jen: "No."
Jaz: "Sorry. Even now I get a little defensive. You can love a
man or a kid or a piece of damn pie and nobody has a problem with you.
But love your country and in some places you get booed right out of the
Jen: "Go on."
Jaz: "Anyway, the C.I.A. recruited me straight out of college.
After the Helsinger tragedy…" a pause here while Jaz looked out the
window, and then down at the lovely gold and ruby ring on her left
hand, "I was a wreck. But I kept it all buttoned up good and tight. So
after a couple months at a desk, I got an interview with Pete, and he
hired me." Her laugh managed to completely lack humor. "The job killed
me, and then it saved me. Ironic, huh?"
Jen: "Why are you telling me all this?" She answered quickly.
Too quickly.
Jaz: "I guess I want to leave something behind me when I'm
gone. A legacy."
Jen: "You could just as easily have said you wanted the
historians to get their stories straight once this is all declassified."
Jaz: "Meaning?"
Jen: "Either way, your story's bullshit." She smiled, then.
She appreciated honesty, I think because she so rarely saw it in her
Jaz: "All you hear any time you turn on the TV is, the world
is ending. Some scientist with too little data and too much funding is
in the microphone of some anchor who's only interested in scaring the
hell out of her audience because that's how you get ratings, man.
Nobody seems to recall that people have been screaming about the world
ending for the last two thousand years. They're scared out of their
minds. They live in fear. Every move, every decision is based somewhat
on how terrified they are at any given moment. People need to know
there's hope. That people like me are out there fighting for them,
making sure the world keeps turning, so they can occasionally let go of
that fear and find a moment or two of happiness." She sat back.
Grimaced, like she'd eaten something sour. "And if you ever tell
anybody I said that I'm going to kick your ass."
I liked her. God help me, I felt a real affection for this
dangerous woman sitting in my old farmhouse while her vampire lover
hovered somewhere among my gardens or my fields. Even though I knew the
only reason she'd picked me was that she'd read one of my stories in a
magazine and liked it, and she knew I'd keep her secrets until she told
me it was time to tell. What a weird old world.
Jaz: "Things are stirring. I won't be able to stick around
much longer. After I'm gone you'll have plenty of time to write up the
Tor-al-Degan story. In the meantime, let me tell you what happened
Jen: "You mean after you got out of the hospital?"
Jaz: "Of course. God, they had me on the strongest drugs.
Couldn't remember a thing that happened that first week. Took me awhile
to heal, of course, but I want to tell you about the mission. It
involved this Chinese vampire named Chien-Lung. Dragon fanatic. If he'd
been a teenaged guy he'd have had dragon posters plastered all over his
bedroom walls, tattoos, t-shirts, the works! Anyway, let me start at
the beginning…"
introducing Jennifer's next
turn this page
for an excerpt from
available in
paperback December 2007
Holy crap, I've had another blackout! But
as soon as the suspicion hit me I knew otherwise. I hadn't experienced
the usual warning signs, and I'd never before left my mind in a
daydream while the rest of me got busy. This was something new.
Something scary. Because after the knock-down-drag-out with the
Tor-al-Degan, I thought I'd kicked those nutty little habits that made
me seem, well, nuts. Okay, the card shuffling kept up without much of a
break. And sometimes words still ran loops around my brain until I
forced them back on the road. But those moments were rarer now. And the
blackouts really had stopped, along with the dread that someone I knew
would find reason to recommend an asylum and a heavy dose of Zoloft.
Familiar laughter caught my attention. The couple from the
beach, they were here, just entering an elevator. Without conscious
thought I'd followed them to their hotel and booked a room. I checked
the receipt. At least I'd used my personal credit card. If I'd had to
explain this to Pete, well, maybe I could've come up with something.
But I probably would've just resigned.
I shoved the stuff the desk clerk had handed me into my back
pocket and strode outside. I needed to do something concrete. Something
to bring me back to myself. So I phoned my sister.
"Oh, Jaz, I'm so glad you called."
"You sound tired."
"I am. E.J. has hardly stopped crying all day. This doesn't
seem right, does it?" Hell no! But then I'm the least qualified to say.
"Did you call the pediatrician?"
"No. I know he'll just say it's that colic." Her voice started
to shake. "I just feel like such a terrible mother that I can't make
her stop crying!"
Now here was something I could deal with. "Evie, you are an
awesome mother. This I can tell you from experience. I've seen you in
action. Plus I have had a crappy mother. So I know whereof I speak. You
rock. I know it's tough on you guys having a baby who cries all the
time. The lack of sleep alone is probably making you a little crazy. I
know I'm still kinda grouchy and I've only been gone, what, a couple of
days? But listen, you will figure this out, okay?"
Big pause. "O-kay."
"Did I say something wrong?"
"It's just… usually you tell me what to do. Then I do it, and
things get better."
"That was before you started playing out of my league," I
said, smiling when I heard her soft laughter. "Just… trust yourself,
okay? You and Tim know E.J. better than anybody, including the
pediatrician. And get some sleep, would you? You're going to have bags
under your eyes you'll be able to store your winter clothes in."
"Okay. How are things going with you?" Well, let's see. I think my vampire boss should pose
for his own calendar and I'm having a crazy-daisy relapse. Otherwise—"I'm
doing okay. Call me when you can, okay?"
"Okay. Love you."
"Love you too."
Feeling somewhat rebalanced now I'd touched base with the most
stable person I knew, I walked around to the back of the building,
which faced the festival site. As I wound my way through the first tier
of cars in the parking lot, a green glow near some fencing that
disguised a large garbage bin distracted me from my inner
teeth-gnashing. It didn't mesh with the white of the lot lights. I drew
Grief and chambered a round. The glow brightened, changing color from
pine needles to ripe limes.
I closed my eyes tight for a couple of seconds, activating the
night vision contacts Bergman had designed for me. They combined with
my Sensitivy-upgraded sight to show me a greenish-gold figure standing
beside the fence. It faced me, but leaned over every few seconds, fully
engrossed in whatever lay at its feet. Oddly, a black frame surrounded
it, as if someone had outlined it with a Sharpie.
I moved closer, sliding past the dark hulks of parked
vehicles, taking quick glances every few steps, trying to identify the
thing on the ground that acted as both the source of the green glow and
the subject of the outlined figure's interest. When I finally caught a
glance, I bit my lip to keep from gasping. It was the body of the
security guard, the one who'd been hanging out with the two-faced man. His
face, a twisted photo of his last tortured moments, warned me not to
look any further. But I had to. One of the suckier parts of my job. Okay, enough with the procrastinating. You're at a
possible murder scene with a potential suspect. Look at the body
Blood, everywhere, as if someone had tapped a geyser. Exposed
ribs. Dark, glistening organs. Someone had ripped this guy's chest open
from neck to navel! The smell, damn, you just never get used to it. And
thank God we were outside, otherwise I'd be puking like a bulimic after
an Oreo cookie binge. Above it all hovered a jeweled cloud I could only
think of as his soul. I wanted to regard it as untouched. The one part
of the man his murderer could not soil. But I couldn't. Because this is
what had his killer's attention.
No doubt, the one who'd taken his life stood right next to him
still, and had been all day, posing as a man with only one face. "Man"
was the wrong descriptor though. That outline—nobody I'd ever met had
that. And when he leaned over, the outline split at his head and his
fingers, allowing some of the greenish-gold of his inner aura to seep
His mouth opened wide and from it unrolled a huge, pink tongue
covered with spike-like appendages. He ran it along the length of the
dead man's soul. It shivered, frantically trying to fly apart, to meld
with his family, his friends, his maker. But the spikes released some
sort of glue that forced the jewels into immobility. At the same time
the soul cloud bleached to pastel.
The two-faced man looked up, his eyes closed, ecstasy lifting
the corners of his flabby lips. And then a third eye opened on his
forehead, a large, emerald green eye that darkened at the same rate at
which the dead man's soul lightened. Coincidence? I don't
think so.
I'd had enough.
I stepped forward, skirted the bumper of an El Dorado Coupe,
and trained my gun on the monster's face.
"Dinner's over, pissant."
The two-faced man opened his regular eyes, which were blue,
took one, long look at me, and growled.
"Give me a break," I drawled, sounding oh-so-bored though my
stomach spun like a roulette wheel. "I know special effects guys who
can produce scarier roars than that." Okay, I don't really know
any, but I've watched Resident Evil, haven't I?
This time he bellowed, and I admit, it gave me something of a
chill. But it didn't freeze me like it was intended to. I was ready
when he charged, leaping over the body like some meat-hoarding gorilla,
his hands stretched wide, a full set of lethal-looking claws appearing
and disappearing as he moved. If he raked those vein-poppers across my
throat while they were just fingernails, would they still leave
stitch-worthy gashes?
Not something I wanted to find out. I fired, five shots in
quick succession. They staggered him, though I could see the black
outline had worked as a shield, preventing them from delivering any
fatal wounds. Five more shots backed him up, almost to the body. Thanks
to Bergman's modifications I still had five left. And I intended to
make them count.
As he moved on me again, I concentrated on the breaks in his
shield. They came and went in rapid succession, but I noticed a pattern
based on his movements. It helped that he approach more warily this
time. Apparently it still hurt to be shot. I should be thankful, but
small favors sometimes suck.
I watched his face, waiting for the blur and the accompanying
break in his shield. There!
I fired once, but the shield had already closed. I would have
to anticipate the breaks, rather than wait for them to reveal
themselves. Four rounds left. I took careful aim and fired. One. Two.
Three. Four. Damn! The timing just missed with every shot. And now I'd
used the last of my ammunition. If Grief didn't work in gun mode I
didn't anticipate much success from it as a crossbow. I holstered my
But I was still armed.
Unlike Vayl, I don't use blades as a rule. Generally if I have
to get that close to a target, something's gone terribly wrong. Same
deal defensively speaking. Still, I keep one on me. My nod to the
wisdom of weapons redundancy.
My backup plan started life as a bolo. It had been issued to
the first of my military ancestors, Samuel Parks, before he marched off
to war in 1917. Handed down father to son since that time, the ugly old
knife had lost its appeal for David after Mom threw it at Dad upon
finding him on top of her best pal. Since it had sailed clear through
the bedroom window on that occasion, I'd discovered it on the lawn the
next morning. Thus, it came to me.
I carry the knife, sheath and all, in a special pocket
designed for near invisibility by my seamstress, Mistress Kiss My Ass.
I call her this, because it's the response she gives me every time I
call and say, "Sherry Lynn, guess what, I just got a new pair of pants!"
Reaching into my pocket, I grabbed the artfully disguised hilt
and pulled. A blade the length of my shin slid out. Originally meant
more as an all-purpose tool, the bolo had been refined to my needs
thanks to Bergman. Now it was sharp enough to cut metal or, better yet,
defend my life.
The creature circled me, looking a lot less intimidated by
great-great grandpa's knife than I would've liked. Well,
screw it. I ran straight at him, yelling like a pissed off
soccer mom, waving my blade like a samurai warrior. I faked left,
right, left, watching as his shield opened wider and wider. It could
not keep up with his bobbing head as he tried to avoid getting his
throat cut. One more feint and I jumped forward, burying my blade in
the shield gap his movements had caused.
He died instantly.
I pulled my weapon free and cleaned it on his stolen uniform.
Glad the bolo had saved me. Sorry the same family had subjected it to
nearly one hundred years worth of blood and guts. We seem to spawn
killers, no doubt about that. I found myself hoping hard that E.J.
could break that chain. Maybe when I got a free second I'd give her a
call and make that suggestion. Never mind that she was less than a
month old and would spend the entire time trying to eat the receiver.
It's never too early to start brainwashing your young.