"01 - Armageddon, the Musical (b)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Rankin Robert)

It was only a slight pause, but Rex got the message.


'Clear as a temple bell,’ said he. What an exceedingly ugly woman, he thought.

'Unfounded accusations have been levelled at us by the other channels, that we pander to the lowest instincts of the vox pop.'

Rex tut-tutted and shook his head, 'Get away.'

'It has been suggested that Nemesis, hosted by-' Ms Vrillium's gaze wandered towards the ceiling; Rex followed it with his own, but couldn't see what the attraction was,'-hosted by our divine holiness, the one hundred and fifty-third reincarnation, the Dalai Lama.'

'God bless him,' said Rex. 'The man is a saint.'

'It has been suggested that the high mortality rate amongst contestants on the Nemesis show and the explicit sex between the presenter . . .' Ms Vrillium's gaze went skyward once more, but Rex gave it a miss '.. . the Dalai Lama and his hostess is in some way immoral.'

'Sounds like religious bigotry to me. That new lady Pope on the Auto-da-fe show is hardly reticent when it comes to putting the torch about.'

Ms Vrillium made an even more unpleasant face. 'And look at the way she does her hair. And those vestments, do they, or do they not, clash with the set?'

'I've never watched it,' said Rex, who had no intention of being caught out that easily. 'But they do say it's a man in drag.'

Ms Vrillium didn't smile. 'As I was saying, by demon­strating the joys of pure love and the punishment of sin, within the boundaries of a single show, Nemesis provides the viewer with an experience which is ecstatic, cathartic and instructional. That is the essence of good television.'

'It certainly is,' Rex agreed. 'Now, about the job?'

'You will concern yourself with fringe factions.'

'Fringe factions?'


The ugly woman looked at him thoughtfully. 'Fringe factions. Divine enlightenment is the preserve of but a happy few. Most grope in the darkness, blindfolded by misunderstanding and misinterpretation. They wander along paths which lead towards fragmentation and chaos.'

'You want me to go out and spread the good word then?'

'Hardly. We are not expecting you to act in a mis­sionary capacity. After all, what do you know of the higher truths,’

As that was a statement rather than a question, Rex said, 'I'm perplexed.'

'Subversive religious elements exist. Underground organizations practising all manner of unsavoury rites and damnable heresies. We wish merely to learn names, details, locations of chapters, meeting houses and so forth. You will furnish us with such information, so that the Dalai can remember these unfortunates in his prayers and meditations. In the hope that salvation might ul­timately be theirs. Are you following all this?'

Rex removed the finger which was ruminating in a blocked nostril, and nodded enthusiastically. 'Bringing the lost sheep back into the fold.'

'Sheep? What has this to do with sheep?'

'I was speaking metaphorically.'

'Indeed. Well, if metaphor is your forte, then just let me say that the station does not require any dead wood.'