"Ann Maxwell - Risk Unlimited 01 - The Ruby" - читать интересную книгу автора (Maxwell Ann)

a basket of trade secrets from a company that was working on laser information retrieval technology for the Pentagon.“
„In other words,“ Redpath summarized, „he was an intelligence operative. Quite a good one, actually. If I could
trust him, I would hire him myself.“
„Every Soviet diplomat was an intelligence operative as far as we were concerned,“ Cruz said. „But Novikov had a
real appetite for it. He just loved getting in a closet with the Cal Tech engineer. Wonder if that poor idiot was tested for
AIDS after he killed himself?“
Redpath made a dismissing gesture. „Novikov’s sexual orientation is well known.“
„It came as news to the engineer Novikov seduced and buggered, especially when the flashbulbs went off.“
„Ancient history. Novikov is no longer a Soviet diplomat. He’s a Russian, and the Russians are our friends.“
Cruz laughed humorlessly. „If I thought you believed that, I’d quit. Nobody has friends in this brave new world.“
Redpath smiled like a cat. „That’s why Risk Limited is doing so well.“
„What does Novikov want with us?“ Cruz asked.
„I don’t know.“
„Good. Don’t find out. There are some things that don’t come off with soap and water. Novikov is one of them.“
„Risk Limited is a private agency. We don’t have to take clients if what they want offends us.“
„I’m offended just knowing that bastard is alive.“
„You’re too sensitive,“ Redpath said calmly. „It’s time for you to grow past what happened and get on with the rest
of your life.“
At first Cruz couldn’t believe he had heard Redpath correctly. In all the years he had worked for her, never once
had she mentioned the incident that had stripped him of everything he held dear. Now she was talking about it with all
the passion of a woman ordering a small salad.
Before Cruz could think of anything to say, the Mercedes braked to a halt in a small swirl of dust. Sergeant-Major
Gillespie slid out from behind the wheel with military precision. He popped open the back door and stood aside to
allow the prospective clients to step out.
Aleksy Novikov had straw-colored hair and androgynous features that were both handsome and beautiful. He was
small and very well made, like a Baryshnikov with less training or a gymnast with less conditioning. He moved with a
grace that was fascinating, for it was neither male nor female but sheerly animal. Every eye was drawn to him. Every
eye followed him.
Cruz had often thought that someone standing next to Novikov would be as close to invisible as it gets in this life.
Behind Novikov, a thickset man emerged from the car. He had haunted, dark eyes, pallid skin, and a ragged black
beard. The black suit he wore was made of dense felt. It was the wrong choice for the desert.
Novikov’s suit was made of pale gray silk, Italian cut, understated and elegant. If the heat bothered him, it didn’t
show in his movements. His translucent skin was only faintly flushed. His widely spaced gray eyes took in the clever
desert landscaping in front of the headquarters building before pausing on the Joshua tree supports and
Washingtonia palm-frond roof of the ramada.
„Surely you haven’t gone native, luv?“ Novikov asked, turning to Redpath.
Redpath laughed and stepped forward, offering her hand.
„You haven’t changed, Aleksy,“ she said.
„Nor have you, Ambassador, except to grow even more formidable.“
Smiling, Novikov took Redpath’s hand and raised it to his lips.
„But your fingers still are soft and scented with roses,“ Novikov added.
Sourly Cruz noted that Novikov pulled off the hand kissing and the compliment with his usual flawless grace. A
glance at Gillespie told Cruz he wasn’t alone in his irritation.
„Thank you for coming out to the desert,“ Redpath said. „I know it’s not to your taste.“
Novikov’s shrug was as elegant as his clothes.
„It was a small test, no?“ he asked. „If the mountain will not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed must care
enough to undertake the journey.“
„I’m surprised that you cared enough.“
Novikov smiled faintly. „Risk Limited has many – ah, fans in high places in my government.“
Redpath’s arched eyebrows were as measured as Novikov’s smile.