"Ann Maxwell - Risk Unlimited 01 - The Ruby" - читать интересную книгу автора (Maxwell Ann)

„How odd,“ she said. „We certainly haven’t done much business with the new Russian republic.“
„No,“ agreed Novikov, „but you made enemies under the old regime. They still speak of you with great… fervor.“
„How very flattering,“ Redpath said, making no move to withdraw her hand from Novikov’s. „But we aren’t
interested in fighting old wars. Risk Limited is a private security firm, nothing more and nothing less.“
This time Novikov’s smile was full and apparently spontaneous. It transformed his face the way a searchlight
transforms darkness.
„Direct. Succinct. Delightfully American.“ Novikov’s lips brushed over Redpath’s fingers again. „Do you always
greet your new clients with that speech?“
Cruz had had enough of the hand kissing and lethal charisma. He stepped out of the shadows into the pitiless light.
„No,“ Cruz said curtly. „We save the speech for potential clients who think they can hire us to do illegal work.“
The incandescent smile vanished from Novikov’s face. He stared at Cruz for several long seconds before he turned
back to Redpath.
„With men like Cruz Rowan on your staff,“ Novikov said, „I understand why you think a warning might be
necessary. Truly, Ambassador, would it not be easier simply to avoid employing known criminals?“
Redpath withdrew her hand from Novikov’s.
„Cruz is one of my most valued operatives,“ she said mildly.
„A pity,“ Novikov said in the neutral tones of a radio announcer. „He tried to embarrass the Soviet government by
planting evidence on my person several years ago in San Francisco. He did such an inferior job that nothing came of it.
Surely you can hire more adept operatives?“
„All that saved your slick ass was a diplomatic passport,“ Cruz said.
The tall thickset man whom Novikov hadn’t bothered to introduce stepped forward in a way that was bluntly
intimidating. Cruz shot him a measuring look that was as menacing as a drawn gun.
„Gapan,“ Novikov said softly.
It was enough. The man called Gapan stepped back.
„Still hiring out your muscle jobs, I see,“ Cruz said. „Be a man, Aleksy. Tell the ambassador the whole truth, just for
the novelty of it. What can it hurt? The game has been over for years, the score totaled, and the dead buried.“
„It always was a game for you, wasn’t it?“ Novikov asked gently. „What a shame your government decided not to
let you play anymore. Do you miss your toys?“
Cruz’s eyes narrowed in the instant before he controlled his reaction.
The curve of Novikov’s mouth was too cold to be called a smile.
„I was in London for two years after I left San Francisco,“ Novikov said. „My dear boy, how those British tabloids
loved to hate you.“
„I’m a regular prince,“ Cruz said, „but I’m not your boy, now or ever.“
„I have a confession,“ Novikov said, turning to Redpath. „I took an unseemly pleasure in watching the FBI snip off
Cruz Rowan’s buttons and drum him out of the service.“
With a small shake of her head, Redpath sighed.
„Aleksy,“ she murmured, „Cruz quit the FBI because I made him a better offer. I suspect you know it.“
Novikov flicked a spot of dust off his coat. It was as though he was dismissing Cruz.
„I can understand why Rowan would leap at the chance to work with your organization,“ Novikov said to Redpath.
„Risk Limited is widely regarded as the most effective private security firm in the world.“
Redpath smiled politely.
„What surprises me, luv,“ Novikov added, „is that you would have him.“
„Nearly everyone involved in Risk Limited was once part of one government agency or other,“ Redpath said. „But
all of us, myself included, left government service because we ran up against something we couldn’t accept.“
Novikov flicked a cool glance in Cruz’s direction.
Cruz gave it back with interest. He was certain Novikov was baiting him. What Cruz didn’t know was why.
In the past he wouldn’t have cared. He would have thrashed it out with Novikov and to hell with what or why. But
the past was dead, and Cruz had nearly died with it. He had learned to get answers before he acted.
„In my case,“ Redpath said, „I left because of a set of policies that paid more attention to the interests of banks and