"SECOND TREATISE OF GOVERNMENT" - читать интересную книгу автора (Locke John)

slavery; or the weakness to be deceived with contradictions
dressed up in a popular stile, and well-turned periods: for if
any one will be at the pains, himself, in those parts, which are
here untouched, to strip Sir Robert's discourses of the flourish
of doubtful expressions, and endeavour to reduce his words to
direct, positive, intelligible propositions, and then compare
them one with another, he will quickly be satisfied, there was
never so much glib nonsense put together in well-sounding
English. If he think it not worth while to examine his works all
thro', let him make an experiment in that part, where he treats
of usurpation; and let him try, whether he can, with all his
skill, make Sir Robert intelligible, and consistent with himself,
or common sense. I should not speak so plainly of a gentleman,
long since past answering, had not the pulpit, of late years,
publicly owned his doctrine, and made it the current divinity of
the times. It is necessary those men, who taking on them to be
teachers, have so dangerously misled others, should be openly
shewed of what authority this their Patriarch is, whom they
have so blindly followed, that so they may either retract what
upon so ill grounds they have vented, and cannot be maintained;
or else justify those principles which they preached up for
gospel; though they had no better an author than an English
courtier: for I should not have writ against Sir Robert, or taken
the pains to shew his mistakes, inconsistencies, and want of
(what he so much boasts of, and pretends wholly to build on)
scripture-proofs, were there not men amongst us, who, by crying
up his books, and espousing his doctrine, save me from the
reproach of writing against a dead adversary. They have been so
zealous in this point, that, if I have done him any wrong, I
cannot hope they should spare me. I wish, where they have done
the truth and the public wrong, they would be as ready to redress
it, and allow its just weight to this reflection, viz. that there
cannot be done a greater mischief to prince and people, than the
propagating wrong notions concerning government; that so at last
all times might not have reason to complain of the Drum
Ecclesiastic. If any one, concerned really for truth, undertake
the confutation of my Hypothesis, I promise him either to recant
my mistake, upon fair conviction; or to answer his difficulties.
But he must remember two things.

First, That cavilling here and there, at some expression, or
little incident of my discourse, is not an answer to my book.

Secondly, That I shall not take railing for arguments, nor
think either of these worth my notice, though I shall always look
on myself as bound to give satisfaction to any one, who shall
appear to be conscientiously scrupulous in the point, and shall
shew any just grounds for his scruples.

I have nothing more, but to advertise the reader, that