"David Gemmell - Stones of Power 1 - Ghost King" - читать интересную книгу автора (Gemmel David)glorious books. His father had refused him permission to bring even one tome to this lonely
castle, in case the other war leaders should catch the prince reading and know the king's dark secret. For while it might be well-known in Caerlyn Keep that the boy Thuro was weak in body and spirit, the king's retainers guarded the sad truth like a family shame. Thuro shivered and left the bed to sit on the goatskin rug before the fire. He was as miserable now as he had ever been. Far below in the great hall of Deicester Castle his father was attempting to bond an alliance against the barbarians from across the sea, grim-eyed reavers who had even now established settlements in the far south from which to raid the richer northlands. The embassy to Deicester had been made despite Maedhlyn's warnings. Thuro had not wished to accompany his father either, but not for fear of dangers he could scarce comprehend. The prince disliked the cold, loathed long journeys on horseback and, more importantly, hated to be deprived of his books even for a day - let alone the two months set aside for the embassy. The door opened and the prince glanced up to see the tall figure of Gwalchmai, his brawny arms bearing a heavy load of logs. He smiled at the lad and Thuro noted with shame that the retainer wore but a single woollen tunic against the biting cold. 'Do you never feel the chill, Gwalchmai?' 'I feel it,' he answered, kneeling to add wood to the blaze. 'Is my father still speaking?' 'No. When I passed by Eldared was on his feet.' 'You do not like Eldared?' 'You see too much, young Thuro; that is not what I said.' But you did, thought Thuro. It was in your eyes and the slight inflection when you used his name. He stared into the retainer's dark eyes, but Gwalchmai turned away. 'Do you trust him?' asked the boy. 'Your father obviously trusts him, so who am I to offer opinions? You think the king would have 'You answer my question with questions. Is that not evasive?' Gwalchmai grinned. 'I must get back to my watch. But think on this, Thuro: it is not for the likes of me to criticise the great. I could lose the skin from my back - or worse, my life.' 'You think there is danger here?' persisted the prince. 'I like you, boy, though only Mithras knows why. You've a sharp mind; it is a pity you are weakly. But I'll answer your question after a fashion. For a king there is always danger; it is a riddle to me why a man wants such power. I've served your father for sixteen years and in that time he has survived four wars, eleven battles and five attempts on his life. He is a canny man. But I would be happier if the Lord Enchanter were here.' 'Maedhlyn does not trust Eldared; he told my father so.' Gwalchmai pushed himself to his feet. 'You trust too easily, Thuro. You should not be sharing this knowledge with me - or with any retainer.' 'But I can trust you, can I not?' 'How do you know that?' hissed Gwalchmai. 'I read it in your eyes,' said Thuro softly. Gwalchmai relaxed and a broad grin followed as he shook his head and tugged on his braided beard. 'You should get some rest. It's said there's to be a stag-hunt tomorrow.' ‘I’ll not be going,' said Thuro. 'I do not much like riding.' 'You baffle me, boy. Sometimes I see so much of your father in you that I want to cheer. And then . . . well, it does not matter. I will see you in the morning. Sleep well.' file:///G|/rah/David%20Gemmel/David%20Gemme...20Of%20Power%201-%20Ghost%20King%20v1.0.txt (3 of 96) [1/31/2004 8:18:08 PM] file:///G|/rah/David%20Gemmel/David%20Gemmell%20-%20Stones%20Of%20Power%201-%20Ghost%20King%20v1.0.txt |