"David Gemmell - Stones of Power 1 - Ghost King" - читать интересную книгу автора (Gemmel David)CULAIN LACH FERAGH Warrior of the Mist, also known as the Lord of the Lance. Master of weaponry.
ELDARED Brigante King and Lord of Deicester Castle. Betrayed his brother Cascioc twenty years before to help Aurelius gain the throne. GWALCHMAI King's retainer. Cantii tribesman GOROIEN The Witch Queen, immortal and ruthless HENGIST Saxon king, father to Horsa, the warlord KORRIN ROGEUR Woodsman of Pinrae. Brother to Pallin LAITHA Ward of Culain LUCIUS AQUILA General of the Romano-British forces MAEDHLYN Lord Enchanter to Aurelius MORET Son of Eldared PALLIN Half-man, half-bear, tortured by the Witch Queen PRASAMACCUS Brigante tribesman SEVERINUS ALBINUS Roman legate of the Ninth Legion THURO Son of High King Aurelius Maximus and the Mist Maiden, Alaida VICTORINUS King's retainer and First Centurion ROMAN NAMES OF BRITISH SETTLEMENTS ANDERITA - Pevensey LINDUM - Lincoln CALCARJA - Tadcaster LONDINIUM - London CAMULODUNUM - Colchester LONGOV1CIUM - Lancaster PINNATA CASTRA – Inchtuthill CATARACTONIUM - Catterick SKITIS ISLAND - Isle of Skye VENTA - Winchester DUROBRIVAE – Rochester VINDOLANDA - Chesterholm EBORACUM – York file:///G|/rah/David%20Gemmel/David%20Gemme...20Of%20Power%201-%20Ghost%20King%20v1.0.txt (2 of 96) [1/31/2004 8:18:08 PM] file:///G|/rah/David%20Gemmel/David%20Gemmell%20-%20Stones%20Of%20Power%201-%20Ghost%20King%20v1.0.txt LAGENTIUM – Castleford VINDOMARA - Ebchester CHAPTER ONE The boy stared idly at the cold grey walls and wondered if the castle dungeons could be any more inhospitable "than this chill turret room, with its single window staring like an eye into the teeth of the north wind. True there was a fire glowing in the hearth, but it might as well have been one of Maedhlyn's illusions for all the warmth it supplied. The great grey slabs sucked the heat from the blaze, giving nothing in return save a ghostly reflection that mocked the flames. Thuro sat on the bed and wrapped his father's white bearskin cloak about his own slender shoulders. 'What a foul place,' he said, closing his eyes and pushing the turret room from his mind. He thought of his father's villa in Eboracum, and of the horse meadows beyond the white walls where mighty Cephon wintered with his mares. But most of all he pictured his own room, cosy and snug away from the bitter winter winds and filled with the love of his young life: his books, his |