"Raymond E. Feist - Kingdom of the Isles 2 - The King's Buccaneer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)


"Cursed luck?" asked Arutha.

"To meet you, Arutha, Since we've met, you insist on ruining my fun every way
you can."

It was an old joke between them. "You've done well enough for an unrepentant
Amos shrugged. "Well, I've done the best I could."

Arutha said, "Go pay court to your lady. I will join mine


Amos clapped Arutha upon the back once, then turned and 4eft. When he was
gone, Arutha continued to watch the distant tights of the harbor, lost in
thoughts and memories.

Arutha's reminiscences were interrupted by an unexpected presence at his side.
He turned to find the odd little Isalani standing next to him, regarding the
city below.

Nakor said, "I needed to spend a moment with you/'

Arutha said, "How did you get past the guards in the hall?"

Nakor shrugged. "It was easy" was all he said. Then he stared out over the
water, as if seeing something distant. "You're sending your son on a voyage."

Arutha turned sideways, eyes fixed upon the Isalani. "What are you: seer,
prophet, or wizard?"

Nakor shrugged. "I'm a gambler." He produced a deck of cards seemingly out of
nowhere and said, "That's how I get money most times." He twisted his wrist
and the deck vanished. "But sometimes I see things." He fell silent for a
moment, then said, "Years ago, when I met Borric, I felt drawn to him, so that
when he befriended me, I stayed with him."

He paused and, without asking leave, jumped atop the stones of the low wall,
folding his legs under him. Looking down at the Prince, he said, "Many things
can't be explained, Prince. Why I know things and can do things—what I call my
tricks. But I trust my girts.

"I am here to keep your son alive."

Arutha shook his head, a small motion of denial. "Alive?"

"He moves toward danger."