"Raymond E. Feist - Kingdom of the Isles 2 - The King's Buccaneer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)

"I was there. I remember." Putting his hand upon Arutha's shoulder, he said,
"But you were never young, Arutha."
Arutha was forced to laugh at that. "You're right. I was a serious sort."

"Still are."

Amos turned to leave, and Arutha said, "Are you going to marry Anita's

Amos turned in surprise. Then he put his fists upon his hips and grinned.
"Now, who have you been talking to?"

Arutha said, "Anita, and she's been talking to Alicia. The palace has been
thick with gossip about you rwo for years now: the Admiral and the Dowager
Princess. You've got the rank and the honors. If you need another title, I can
arrange it with Lyam."

Amos held up his hand. "No, rank has nothing to do with it." He lowered his
voice. "I've lived a dangerous life, Arutha. And every time I board a ship,
there's no guarantee I'd be back. I can be a mean man, and no more than when
I'm at sea. There was always the chance I'd get myself killed out there."

"You thinking of retirement?"

Amos nodded. "Since I was about twelve I've lived on ships, save that bit of
scuffling around I did with you and Guy du Bas-Tyra during the Riftwar. If I'm
to wed, I'll stay at home with my lady, thank you."


Amos said, "I don't know. It's a difficult choice; you've seen some of what
the sea can do." Both remembered their first voyage together, as they braved
the Straits of Darkness in the winter many years ago. Arutha had been changed
by the journey, for not only had he faced death on the sea and survived, he
had come to Krondor and met his beloved Anita. Amos continued, "To leave the
sea is difficult. Perhaps one last voy-


Arutha said, "Martin's requested some aid in preparing the new garrison at
Barran, up the coast from Crydee. The Royal Eagle is in the harbor, ready to
sail with enough weapons and

24 Raymond E. Feist

stoics to outfit two hundred men and horses for a year. Why don't you captain
it? You can carry Nicholas to Crydee, continue up the coast to the new
garrison, then visit with Martin and Briana awhile before you head back."

Amos smiled. "A last voyage, back to where my cursed luck