"Raymond E. Feist - Kingdom of the Isles 2 - The King's Buccaneer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)

Amos's expression showed he didn't understand the question. "I don't take your

"He's not like other boys his age."

"The foot?"

"I don't think so. There's something in him . . ."

"That's cautious," finished Amos.

"Yes. It's why I'm disinclined to really punish him and Harry for their prank
today. It's one of the few times I've ever seen or heard of Nicholas taking a

Amos sighed as he leaned upon the low wall. "I haven't given this a lot of
thought, Arutha. Nicky's a good enough lad —not full of pranks and
troublemalting as his brothers were."

"Borric and Erland were such a pair of rogues that I welcomed Nicholas's
reserve. But now it's become indecision and overcautiousness. And that is
dangerous in a ruler."

Amos said, "You and I have been through a lot, Arutha. I've known you—what,
twenty-five years? You worry the most about those you love. Nicky's a good
lad, and he'll be a good man."

"I don't know," came the surprising answer. "I know he hasn't a mean or petty
bone in him, but one can err on die side of caution as well as rashness, and
Nicholas is always cautious. He's going to be important to us."

"Another marriage?"

Arutha nodded. "This goes no further than here, Amos. The Emperor Diiagai has
let it be known that closer ties to the i,.Kingdom are now a possibility.
Borric's marriage to the Princess Yasmine was a step in that direction, but
the desert people

22 Raymond E. Feist

are a tributary race in Kesh. Diiagai thinks it time for a marriage to a
Princess of the true blood."
Amos shook his head. "State marriages are nasty business.' Arutha said, "Kesh
has always been the biggest threat to the Kingdom—except for the Riftwar—and
we need to treat with her gently. If the Emperor of Kesh has a niece or cousin
of the true blood he wishes to marry to the brother of the future King of the
Isles, we had better be very secure in our borders before

we say no."