"Raymond E. Feist - Kingdom of the Isles 2 - The King's Buccaneer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)

Highness. We never should have

bothered you."

Arutha could see the old fighter's obvious discomfort. "No, it's I who am
sorry." Noticing the ragged, dirty attire, he added, "Please. You must rest.
I'll have rooms made ready, and you may bathe and get a good night's sleep.
I'll have fresh clothing provided. Then, in the morning, maybe I can aid you
hi whatever mission you find yourself upon."

Ghuda gave an awkward salute, not quite sure of the response; then Arutha
said, "Have you eaten?" Ghuda glanced at the heavily laden table and Arutha
said, "Sit down, over there." He motioned for diem to take the chairs next to
Knight-Marshal William.

Nakor snapped out of his reverie at the mention of food and unceremoniously
hurried to the indicated chair. He waited until the servants had his place set
with food and wine, and fell to like a man starved.

Ghuda attempted to display as many manners as possible, but it was clear he
was uncomfortable in the presence of royalty. Amos said something in a strange
language, and the Isalani laughed. In the King's Tongue he said, "Your accent
is terrible. But the joke is funny."

Amos laughed in turn. He said to the others, "I thought I spoke the language
of Isalan pretty well." He shrugged. "It's been near thirty years since I was
last in Shing Lai; I guess I've lost the knack," and turned his attention back
to the Princess of Krondor's mother.

Arutha sat down. He became lost in his own thoughts. Something about the
appearance of these two, the old tired fighter and the comic character his
sons had told him of, brought him a feeling of discomfort, as if the room were

denly colder. A premonition? He tried to shrug it off, but could not. He
motioned for the servants to remove his plate, for he had lost his appetite.

AFTER DINNER, ARUTHA walked along the balcony that overlooked the harbor.
Behind closed doors, servants bustled readying the rooms of the royal family's
apartments. Amos Trask left the building and came to where Arutha stood
staring out at the lights near the harbor.

"You asked to see me, Arutha?"

Arutha turned and said, "Yes. I need your advice."


"What's wrong with Nicholas?"