"04.Prince of the Blood" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)

and turned to discover Eriand in a close struggle with
the dandy. "Eriand! Could you use a hand?"

Eriand shouted, "I think not. Besides, you always say I
need the practice."

"True," answered his brother with a grin. "But don't
let him kill you. I'd have to avenge you."

The dandy tried a combination attack, a high, low,
then high series of chops, and Eriand was forced to back
away. In the night the sound of whistles could be heard.

"Eriand," said Borric.

The hard-pressed younger twin said, "What?" as he
dodged another masterfully executed combination at-

"The watch is coming. You'd better kill him quickly."

"I'm trying," said Eriand, "but this fellow isn't being
very cooperative." As he spoke, his boot heel struck a
pool of spilled ale and he lost his footing. Suddenly he
was falling backward, his defense gone.

Borric was moving as the dandy lunged at his brother.
Eriand twisted upon the floor, but the dandy's sword
struck his side. Hot pain erupted along his ribs. And at
the same instant the man had opened his left side to a
counter thrust. Sitting upon the floor, Eriand thrust up-
ward with his rapier, catching the man in the stomach.
The dandy stiffened and gasped as a red stain began to
spread upon his yellow tunic. Then Borric struck him
from behind, using the hilt of his sword to render the
man unconscious.

From outside the sound of rushing men could be
heard, and Borric said, "We'd best get clear of this
mess," as he gave his brother a hand up. "Father's going
to be upset enough with us as it is without brawling—"

Wincing from his injury, Eriand interrupted, "You
didn't have to hit him. I think I would have killed him in
another moment."

6 Prince of the Blood

"Or he you. And I'd not want to face Father had I let
that happen. Besides, you really wouldn't have killed