"04.Prince of the Blood" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)

the cards. The dandy said, "Are you staying or folding?"

"Well," answered the young man, "this is something
of a poser." He looked at his brother. "Eriand, I would
have sworn an oath to Astalon the Judge that I saw a
Blue Lady flip when that soldier tossed in his hand."

"Why," answered his twin with a twisted smile, "does
that pose a problem, Borric?"

"Because I also have a Blue Lady in my hand."

Men began to back away from the table as the tone of
conversation shifted. Discussion of what cards one held
was not the norm. "I still see no problem," observed
Eriand, "as there are two Blue Ladies in the deck."

With a malicious grin, Borric said, "But you see, our
friend over here," he indicated the dandy, "also has a
Blue Lady tucked just not quite far enough back in his

Instantly the room erupted into motion as men put as
much distance as possible between the combatants and
themselves. Borric leaped from his seat, gripping the
edge of the table and overturning it, forcing the dandy
and his two henchmen back. Eriand had his rapier and a
long dirk out as the dandy drew his slamanca. .

One of the two sailors lost his footing and fell forward.
As he tried to rise, he found his chin met by the toe of
Borric's boot. He collapsed into a heap at the young
mercenary's feet. The dandy leaped forward, executing
a vicious cut at Eriand's head. Eriand deftly parried
with his dirk and returned a vicious thrust his opponent
barely dodged.

Both men knew they faced an opponent worthy of
wariness. The innkeeper was circling the room, armed
with a large cudgel, threatening anyone who sought to


enlarge the fray. As he neared the door, the man in the
hood stepped out with startling speed and gripped his
wrist. He spoke briefly, and the innkeeper's face
drained of color. The proprietor briskly nodded once
and quickly slipped out the door.

Borric disposed of the second sailor with little trouble