"Lee Edgar - The Andromeda Seed" - читать интересную книгу автора (Edgar Lee)

Intelligence Chief.
‘I’m sure you mean well, General Phillips, but this could be a serious
The General stood up. ‘Look, I’ve known Steve Carter since he went to
college with my own son, and Pete Spencer gained the highest marks at Flying
School. I would gladly stake my life on both of them.’
‘But you do not have to, General. It is the other crew members whose lives
will be at stake next Friday. As Mrs Hardy so rightly said, we have one shot
at this and one shot only. Wayfarer was never designed to be launched from
‘Then why are we doing it?’
‘If you remember, we had the choice of either dismantling her when she
landed last year or of trying to launch her intact. After somewhat lengthy
discussions, we all agreed to go for a launch with boosters to save time. We
must be able to rely on those men.’
‘Are you not placing too much trust in the judgement of someone who is
little more than a mere child?’ the General sneered. ‘Just because she happens
to be married to your nephew.’
The Director pulled himself erect, ready for confrontation, when he was
interrupted by the calm, confident voice of an older man who stroked his beard
‘Has the General already forgotten that it was Mrs Hardy who single-handedly
brought Wayfarer Two back from Saturn? Has he overlooked the fact that she
then docked her ship at Orion Space Station, a job normally completed by a
minimum of three officers? Has he also missed the point that it was this
“ child” who landed Wayfarer at Europoort in the first place with, I might
add, meticulous precision?’
‘I thought you might take her side, Professor.’
‘I take no sides, General. I simply look at things objectively, without
emotion. If I was one of the crew members on Wayfarer Two next Friday, I know
who I would rather have sitting at the controls.’
‘You would have the girl personally supervise the launch?’
‘If Commander Carter is not capable...?’
‘We only have her word for that,’ the General snapped.
‘True. But I for one trust her judgement. Perhaps if Commander Carter were
to watch her in action, he might prove suitable to continue the mission after
the stop-over at Orion. Wayfarer will be docked there for three days while we
load the supplies that would be too heavy to have on board during lift-off.’
The Director looked around the room. ‘I suggest we dispense with further
discussion and, as time is short, vote on it immediately.’
There was a show of hands and the General was alone.
‘Very well,’ said the senior official. ‘I will ask Commander Carter to stand
down for the time being. Mrs Hardy will command the launch on Friday.’

SPACE Commander Stephen Carter was livid at the news. ‘Goddamn it, Pete. That
little slut has gotten her own way after all - she’s got me off the launch
staff. My first chance to get my name in headlines and she mashes it for me. I
could ring her bloody neck.’
The other man smiled. ‘I’m off, too, remember. It seems she’s got it in for
both of us.’