"Lee Edgar - The Andromeda Seed" - читать интересную книгу автора (Edgar Lee) The girl’s smile was both broad and genuine as she bounced into the room and
ran her deep, blue eyes around the group, nodding to each in turn. ‘I had to come at once,’ she said pleasantly but with respect. ‘I’m afraid there will have to be at least one personnel change before the launch on Friday.’ The Director looked puzzled. ‘Who is not ready?’ ‘Commander Carter, for one. Pilot Officer Spencer, for another.’ He smiled. ‘What is the problem, Cassi?’ ‘Those men are just not shaping up to the training. Commander Carter failed again in the simulator this morning and Officer Spencer got us lost just going to Luna Base. On Friday’s mission, we cannot afford such sloppiness.’ ‘But, my dear, you must remember that everyone makes a mistake once in a while.’ Cassi’s face flushed. ‘I do not make such serious errors of judgement.’ ‘With respect,’ said the bespectacled Hans Bartek, a slight smile touching his lips: ‘You are just a little different to the norm.’ Cassi pulled back her shoulders. ‘Doctor, we are talking about getting a three-hundred tonne space-cruiser off the ground, something which has never been done before. I know you said we could fit solid-fuel boosters to assist the take-off but that does not alter the fact that we have to get it right first time. It is my firm belief that the present crew are incapable of getting Wayfarer Two into Earth orbit.’ ‘Don’t forget that all them underwent a whole series of strenuous tests and exercises before they were presented for selection. In theory, each one of them should have been ready even before you began their final training.’ properly; they have not experienced what it is like to have to make split- second decisions when the lives and safety of the ship and crew are dependant upon you. Instead, they seem to see the whole venture as some sort of a game, one big joke.’ ‘It sounds to me,’ said the dark-haired Natasha Ralentov: ‘As if you are suffering from the typical male harassment that is usual on this sort of project. None of the men think a woman is capable of taking a breath without seeking advice about it first.’ Cassi grinned at the older woman. ‘Male chauvinism, I can handle - I’ve had to cope with that ever since I came to Earth. It’s the sheer incompetence I cannot stomach.’ The Director sighed. ‘Very well, Cassi. I will look into it and let you know later. Go home for now and look after that sick husband of yours.’ She smiled once more. ‘Thank you, Alan.’ She nodded to the table. ‘Gentlemen, Natasha.’ She turned and left. No-one spoke for a long time. ‘Well?’ said the Director eventually. ‘It’s too late,’ said the General. ‘We cannot change the flight crew at this stage.’ The Director looked at Hans Bartek. ‘Could we delay the take-off, Doctor?’ The inventor of the Proton Drive shook his head. ‘Not possible. To gain the greatest advantage of the positive Lunar alignment, the launch must go ahead as planned.’ ‘Are we not getting just a little paranoid about the whole thing?’ said the |