"Lee Edgar - The Andromeda Burn" - читать интересную книгу автора (Edgar Lee) Τηε
Ανδροµεδα Βυρν βψ Λεε Εδγαρ DEDICATED TO DAUGHTERS EVERYWHERE © LEE EDGAR 1997 Originally Published and Printed by REGENTLANE Ltd Devonshire Road Industrial Estate Millom, Cumbria LA18 4JS All Rights Reserved by Bankside Publishing SEQUELS TO THIS BOOK The Andromeda Seed Return to Andromeda The Andromeda Trial Andromeda Time ΦΙΝΑΛ ΑΠΠΡΟΑΧΗ Cassiopeia Duncan glanced up when the computer bleeped at her. Although it didn’t happen very often, she didn’t seem at all surprised. In fact, she even smiled as she reached over and pressed a key. The flight deck of Wayfarer Two was fairly large and seemed to her all the more so when she was alone at the controls. On the main console there were three monitor screens. To her left there was a white one labelled I.R.I.S. Immediately in front of her, a black one which currently showed a bright pinpoint of light dead ahead and, to her right, a red one which displayed the status of the various drives. The young woman leant forward slightly towards the centre screen and spoke. ‘Enhance and identify.’ The image appeared to jump towards her as the enlarged picture of the star stabilised, while the left hand monitor cleared and the data began to flow. IDENTITY - SOL DIAMETER - 1392Mm SIDEREAL AXIAL ROTATION - 25.38d INCLINATION - 7° 15' DENSITY - 1.409 --1 ESCAPE VELOCITY - 617.5 Km/s SURFACE GRAVITY - 27.9 |