"Lee Edgar - Plot 03 - Plot For A King" - читать интересную книгу автора (Edgar Lee)

was one of the strongest Puritan towns in the North so Andrew knew he was deep inside enemy
territory. Though he was dressed as a Puritan farmer, he had the message from Charles in the
false lining of his saddlebag and so, if he was to be searched too closely, all would be lost.
Twenty-year-old Andrew Bosvile was the main link in the chain between Prince Charles and his
He nudged his mount forward down the hill. Past Hellaby Hall he cantered and through the
muddy ford at the foot of the hill. There was still a light in Alice’s cottage so he dismounted and
listened. All was quiet, at least, he had thought it was. Then he heard it - singing. Like a ghost, he
crept through the darkness towards the window where the light was. But he was not careful
enough. Stumbling on a pile of logs, he started the dog barking and the door suddenly flew open
and a woman of about sixty stood framed in the open doorway.
‘Who’s there?’ she called. ‘Come on, show yourself.’ The broom in her hand was her only
weapon as she challenged her would-be burglars.
Andrew stepped into the faint pool of light from the doorway and removed his tall hat. ‘It’s only
me, Aunt Alice. I’m Andrew from Essex.’
‘Andrew?’ She leant forward, peering at him and looked temporarily puzzled until a look of
recognition came over her face. ‘Well I never. Come in, boy. Don’t stand out there in the cold.’
Andrew followed her into the parlour where a big fire roared in the hearth and the elderly woman
fussed all over him, taking his hat and coat and ushering him into her big armchair.
‘My you’ve grown,’ she stated. ‘Here let me look at you.’ She sat opposite him in her favourite
rocking chair. ‘What brings you to Hellaby at this terrible time of year?’
‘Now here I go forgetting my manners,’ she interrupted. ‘Have you eaten?’
He shook his head and Alice Bosvile rose and put a big stew pot on the edge of the hearth
where it could heat up.
‘Carrie said that I would find a welcome here,’ he stated.
‘Of course you are welcome here.’ Alice Bosvile frowned. ‘What made you think you would not
‘Well. My father has told me how you are all Puritans here and my mother and sister did risk
their lives to protect the Queen. I come because of your close friendship with my father.’
‘Yes, Jack and my Thomas were very close, even for cousins. They tried hard to be neutral to
the politics but circumstances made it impossible.’
‘Yes, and it was similar circumstances which got mother and Carrie involved with the Queen.’
She looked him straight in the face. ‘And where do your loyalties lie, young Andrew?’
Andrew found he could not lie to his aunt. ‘I am working to reinstate young Charles as King.’ He
looked down. ‘I’m sorry if this upsets you.’
‘Not in the least. It was not the King as killed my Tom, just some of his over-zealous Cavaliers.
In truth, we were all very sad when we heard the old King had been executed. No-one deserved to
die like that, no matter what he did.’
‘I will not try to defend him, Aunt Alice. He did a lot of things which were not good for the country.
However, it is his son who now should rule. He will make a far better King for England.’
Alice frowned. ‘You sound very sure, young Andrew.’
‘I have spent many hours with him over the last couple of years. He does have much of his
father in him, but he is far more astute. He also still has some rough corners, but he will learn.’
‘I do hope so. Tell me, how can I help you?’
‘I am acting in the capacity of go-between for Prince Charles. John Henry is now old enough to
attend the House of Lords and so he plays the part of the good, loyal Puritan. I am now on my way
to Scotland to arrange a meeting between the Prince and the Scottish Kirk.’
‘Do you think they will help him to regain his father’s throne?’
‘I don’t know. All the other rulers of Europe have pledged support to Charles, even the Republic