"Lee Edgar - Plot 03 - Plot For A King" - читать интересную книгу автора (Edgar Lee)

just thinking...’
‘And I can guess where - en France, mon frère.’ She sat on his knee. ‘Don’t worry, she’ll be safe
with Carrie. Carrie loves Mary Beth like her own, you know that. She won’t let anything happen to
‘I know that. It’s just...’
‘It’s just that, I’m afraid that one day she will come out of her shell and...’
‘That will be a good thing, won’t it? Remember, she is yet fifteen and hasn’t grown up properly.
Soon, she will bloom like a summer rose, then things will work out.’
He shrugged. ‘I just hope she is in my garden at the time.’
‘Pessimist!’ Rachel got up and took Antoinette’s hand. ‘Come and help mummy in the hall.’
Mother and daughter walked to the doorway where Rachel turned and looked back at him.
‘Patience, brother dear. Patience.’

JOHN Henry and Mark got home in time for tea. They had been helping out at the hospital, not a
mile down the road because, with all the men away at the war, help was needed at times and they
all assisted as Carrie had done while she had been there.
‘They got away safely?’ the young Lord asked as he removed his boots.
Andrew nodded. ‘Safe and sound.’
‘What next, then?’
‘I must go to Edinburgh to see the Kirk. Charles needs to know exactly where he stands with
‘Surely they have announced that they are prepared to make him a Covenant King?’ spoke up
‘Yes, they have. But what are the terms of the Covenant? What will they want Charles to do for
them in return?’
‘I have a feeling that Charles will accept almost any conditions right now to be accepted by them
as King,’ said John Henry.
‘You’re probably right. But will he live up to those conditions after they have crowned him?’
‘Hmm. I guess the members of the Kirk must be thinking the same thing.’
‘Yes. I’m sure they are. He is too like his father who promised them everything and gave them
‘I’m sure you are right, Andrew.’
‘Dinner!’ heralded the voice from the doorway and Rachel’s look at Mark brought a twinge to
Andrew’s heart. If only Mary Beth would look at him like that, he thought. Once would be enough.
Just once.

Wednesday 7th February 1649
It was dark as Andrew arrived at Hellaby in Yorkshire and sat on his chestnut mount beside the
Bawtry Road, looking down upon the small hamlet nestled on the side of the hill. Mark, who had
been there before with Carrie, had given him specific instruction on how to find the little cottage
where his father’s cousin lived.
It had seemed so straight forward at first but now he was having his doubts. Would he be
welcomed by Thomas’s widow? After all, it was Royalists who had murdered her husband so she
had no reason to help anyone who was in league with the new King. In addition, father had told
them how his old landlord, Squire Fretwell, had been a staunch Puritan and could well give
Andrew away if the truth were to come to his ears. Rotherham, the main town nearest to here