"Shiek" - читать интересную книгу автора (Connie Mason)

Sheik by Connie Mason

Princess Zara had been raised a warrior, always at her father's side in battle against the Arabs who had stolen, their land. So when she was taken prisoner by Sheik Jamal abd Thabit during a raid, she was determined not to succumb to his wishes. She thought it would be easy, for rather than take her as his concubine then and there, Jamal struck a deal--if he was unable to seduce her within four weeks, he would set her free. But Zara was more his slave than she'd thought, for she found herself mesmerized by the virile beauty of his muscular form and, at the slightest touch of his capable hands, felt her body grow hotter than the desert sun. Torn between duty to her people and the temptations of her Arab master, Zara wondered if she dared risk all she had ever known and trust her heart to this enemy...


"Do you like that, princess?" Jamal whispered against Zara's ear. "Spread your legs and let me pleasure you."

"No, stop! Send me back to the stables but don't use me like this!"

Jamal went still. He seemed angry. "I'm not using you. I want to give you pleasure. We will pleasure one another."

"That's not at all what I want. Berber women are free to choose their own lovers. We are men's equals."

"You are a slave and slaves have no rights," Jamal pointed out. "I can take you here beside the pool, if I so desire."

"I will not submit easily."

Jamal stared at her. Her beauty was mesmerizing. Allah help him, for he did want her, but force did not appeal to him. Force had never been necessary in his dealings with women. I will have her willing and submissive, he vowed to himself, without the use of force.

"I will strike a deal with you, sweet vixen. Here's my wager. Within four weeks you will invite me inside your body. If you do not, I will set you free."

A LEISURE BOOK® Published by Dorchester Publishing Co., Inc.

276 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10001

Copyright © 1997 by Connie Mason

ISBN 0-8439-4328-9

Printed in the United States of America.

To my agent Natasha Kern. You deserve a dedication for all your help and support.