"David Eddings - The Dreamers 03 - Crystal Gorge" - читать интересную книгу автора (Eddings David)

as far from here as possible.’

‘Aren’t we wandering just a bit?’ Zelana suggested. ‘We won’t know which way the bugs will move
until one of the Dreamers gives us that information. I’d say let’s wait. In the light of what happened in
my Domain and Veltan’s, we just don’t have enough information to lock anything in stone yet.’

‘Zelana’s right, you know,’ Veltan agreed. ‘We can’t be sure of anything until one of the children has
one of “those” dreams.’

‘May I make a suggestion?’ the silver-haired Trogite Narasan asked.

‘I’ll listen to anything right now,’ Dahlaine replied.

‘I’m unfamiliar with the lands of the north and the east, but wouldn’t it make sense to alert the local
population to the possibility of an incipient invasion? If the people of both regions know that there’s a
distinct possibility that the bug-men will attack, they’ll be able to make some preparations.’

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Crystal Gorge

‘That makes sense, Aracia,’ Dahlaine conceded. ‘If what happened here and off to the west are any
indication of what’s likely to happen in your Domain or mine, the local population will probably play a
large part in giving us another victory.’

Aracia glared at her older brother, but she didn’t respond.

Longbow tapped Red-Beard’s shoulder. ‘Why don’t we go get a breath of fresh air,’ he quietly

‘It is just a bit stuffy in here,’ Red-Beard agreed. ‘Lead on, friend Longbow.’

They went on out of the map-room and then some distance along the dimly lighted hallway.

‘Is it just my imagination or is Zelana’s older sister behaving a bit childishly?’ Longbow asked.

‘I don’t really know her all that well,’ Red-Beard said, ‘and I think I’d like to keep it that way. It seems
to me that she’s got an attitude problem.’

‘Or maybe even something worse. Remember what happened back in the ravine? Suddenly, for no
reason at all, Zelana jumped up, grabbed Eleria, and flew on back to her grotto on the Isle of Thurn.’

‘Oh, yes,’ Red-Beard said. ‘Sorgan almost had a fit when she ran off like that without giving him all that
gold she’d promised him. If I remember right, it finally took a bit of bullying by Eleria to bring her back
to her senses.’

‘I don’t know very much about Aracia,’ Longbow admitted, ‘but I’m starting to catch a strong odor of
irrationality in her vicinity. Her mind doesn’t seem to work any more.’