"David Eddings - The Dreamers 03 - Crystal Gorge" - читать интересную книгу автора (Eddings David)

boy to walk on out across the bay to the narrow channel that opened out onto the face of Mother Sea.

‘Are you still sleeping, Red-Beard?’ Longbow asked.

‘Not any more,’ Red-Beard told his friend sourly. He sat up and looked around his room in the House of
Veltan. It was a nice enough room, Red-Beard conceded, but stone walls were not nearly as nice as the
lodges of Lattash had been. ‘I was dreaming about the old days back in the village of Lattash, and I’d
just caught enough fish to feed the whole tribe. Everybody seemed to be very happy about that. Then I
went on down to the beach to watch the sunset, and I was about to stroll on across the bay to say hello to
Mother Sea, but then you had to come along and wake me up.’

‘Did you want to go back to sleep?’ Longbow asked him.

‘I guess not,’ Red-Beard replied. ‘If I happened to doze off now, the fish would probably start biting my
toes instead of the bait I’d been using. Have you ever noticed that, Longbow? If you’re having a nice
dream and you wake up before it’s finished, your next dream will be just awful. Is there something
going on that I should know about?’

‘There’s a little family squabble in Veltan’s map-room is about all. Aracia and Dahlaine have been
screaming at each other for about an hour now.’

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Crystal Gorge

‘Maybe I will go back to sleep then,’ Red-Beard said. ‘You don’t need to tell anybody I said this, but the
older gods seem to be slipping more and more every day.’

‘You’ve noticed,’ Longbow said dryly.

‘Do you have to do that all the time?’ Red-Beard demanded, throwing off his blanket and struggling to
his feet.

‘Do what?’

‘Try to turn everything into a joke.’

‘Sorry. I didn’t mean to poach in your territory. Shall we go?’

‘It’s fairly certain that the creatures of the Wasteland will come east now, Dahlaine,’ Aracia was saying
as Red-Beard and Longbow entered Veltan’s map-room. ‘After Yaltar’s volcano destroyed the ones in
Zelana’s Domain, they turned south to attack the nearest part of the Land of Dhrall, and east is closer to
south than north. They’ll attack me next. That should be obvious.’

‘You’re overlooking something, Aracia,’ Dahlaine disagreed. ‘The servants of the Vlagh are cramming
thousands - or even millions - of years of development into very short periods of time. If we assume that
they’re still thinking at the most primitive level, I think we’ll start getting some very nasty surprises. I’m
almost positive that their “overmind” has come to realize that the attack here in the south turned into a
disaster, and that would make “closer” very unattractive. I’m quite certain that their next attack will be