"David Eddings - The Dreamers 03 - Crystal Gorge" - читать интересную книгу автора (Eddings David)

‘Autumn isn’t too bad,’ Dahlaine replied. ‘There’s a warm stream of water out in Mother Sea that
modifies the autumn weather, but it sort of veers off at the end of autumn, and things get very cold.
Blizzards go on for weeks at a time, and the spring thaw comes much later there than in the rest of the
Land of Dhrall. Summers are fairly nice, but every now and then we get spells of bad weather. Huge
storms build up in the sea to the east of my Domain, and they come screaming in to hit the coast of
Atazakan.’ He smiled faintly. ‘Holy - or crazy - Azakan always tries to order those storms to go away,
but they never seem to listen for some reason.’

‘Storms don’t ever seem to listen, big brother,’ Zelana said. ‘When Mother Sea gets grouchy, it’s time to
take cover.’

‘Fortunately we should be near the end of what the people of Matakan call “the whirlwind season”.’

‘My people call those storms “cyclones”,’ Veltan noted, ‘probably because of the way they spin around.’

‘We don’t see those very often in my part of the Land of Dhrall,’ Zelana said.

‘You’re lucky then,’ Dahlaine replied. ‘Those spinning windstorms tend to rip things all to pieces.
They’re fairly common in Matakan, because that region doesn’t have very many mountainous ridges to
disrupt them. The Matans usually take shelter underground.’

‘Caves?’ Longbow asked.

‘Not exactly. The Matans dig deep cellars with thick roofs, and when they see a whirlwind coming, they
all go underground to sit it out.’

Rabbit came up from the beach at that point. ‘The Cap’n told me to tell you that the Seagull’s ready to
go whenever you say it’s all right,’ the clever little iron-smith advised.

‘Tell him that we’ll be along in just a few minutes,’ Dahlaine said. Then he looked at his brother and
sister. ‘We could probably go on ahead,’ he told them, ‘but it might be better if we stayed with the
Maags. They’ll want directions, and we can give them information they’ll probably need before long
while we’re sailing on up to my Domain. It’s going to take quite a while to get there - even on those fast
Maag longships - so we might as well use that time to our advantage.’

‘Could you have a word with Narasan?’ Longbow asked Veltan as they walked on down to the beach. ‘I
think we might want to have Keselo with us in the north country. He spent a great deal of his time
studying when he was younger, and he carries a lot of information in his head that we might need in
Dahlaine’s Domain.’ Longbow smiled slightly. ‘Rabbit and I came to realize that if we named
something, Keselo had probably studied it.’

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Crystal Gorge

‘He is quite learned,’ Veltan agreed. ‘I’ll have a talk with Narasan before I join Gunda and Ekial in that
little yawl. I’m fairly sure that Narasan will agree. I’m sure you noticed that Narasan’s going off to the