"David Eddings - The Dreamers 03 - Crystal Gorge" - читать интересную книгу автора (Eddings David)

Crystal Gorge

Domain be at all useful if the Creatures of the Wasteland decide to go north?’

‘The natives of the Tonthakan region are fairly good archers,’ Dahlaine replied. ‘Their territory’s very
much like sister Zelana’s Domain, so the Tonthakans are primarily hunters. The central region, Matakan,
is open grassland and the game-animals there are bison. They’re quite a bit larger than the deer in the
forest, and their fur’s a lot thicker. Arrows wouldn’t be too effective against animals like that, so the
Matans use spears rather than bows and arrows.’

‘Wouldn’t that limit the effective range?’ Longbow asked.

‘Bison aren’t as timid as deer are,’ Dahlaine explained. ‘They don’t panic the way deer do. The Matans
use what they call “spear-throwers” to increase the range.’

‘I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a “spear-thrower”,’ Red-Beard admitted. ‘How does it work?’

‘Basically, it’s an extension of the hunter’s arm. It’s a stick with a cup on the end. The hunter sets the
butt-end of the spear in that cup, and then he whips the stick forward. The added length increases the
leverage, and it nearly doubles the range of the spear. The stone spearhead’s quite a bit heavier than your
arrowheads are, so it cuts through the fur and the thick skin of the bison. It sounds just a bit crude and
primitive, but it does keep the Matans eating regularly. You’ll probably have an opportunity to see how
well it works when we get there.’

‘Isn’t there a third region up there as well?’ Veltan asked.

Dahlaine made a sour face. ‘I should have done something about Atazakan quite some time ago, but I’ve
been just a bit busy here lately. The Atazaks have an elevated opinion of themselves - which probably
derives from what’s referred to in that region as “the royal family”. I’ve never had occasion to study the
notion of “hereditary insanity”, but the term seems to fit in the case of Atazakan. The current chief,
leader, king - whatever - is totally crazy. He’s absolutely convinced that he’s a god, and that I’m just a
usurper, and that I’m trying to steal what’s rightfully his.’

‘Oh?’ Zelana said. ‘What is this precious thing you’ve filched, Dahlaine?’

‘The world, of course - or possibly the entire universe.’

‘Why don’t the citizens just remove him - with knife or axe?’ Red-Beard asked.

‘Because he has thousands of guards,’ Dahlaine replied. ‘I’d say that every third man in Palandor is a
member of what Holy Emperor Azakan calls “the Guardians of Divinity” - which gives those
“guardians” an easy life. About all they have to do is stand around scowling threateningly at sunrise and

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Crystal Gorge

‘What’s the weather like up there?’ Red-Beard asked.