"Dave Duncan - A Man of His Word 4 - Emperor And Clown" - читать интересную книгу автора (Duncan Dave)

"Memorandum!" the ambassador roared.

"Whaz 'e want?" the imperor mumbled.

Ythbane scowled. "He demands safe conduct for Thane Kalkor to come here to Hub to negotiate in person on a matter-"

"-he has the best claim to the throne of Krasn-" Krushjor bellowed, much louder than the consul.

"-burning and looting-"

"-thane of Gark, and an honored-"

"-ever dares show his face-"

file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/D...His%20Word%204%20Emperor%20And%20Clown.html (6 of 266) [10/31/2004 11:34:08 PM]
Emperor And Clown

Then ... sudden silence, with everyone staring up at the throne behind Shandie's left shoulder. If it wasn't sorcery, then Grandfather must have
gestured. "Kalkor?" the tired old voice whispered.

"Yes, Sire! The same murdering raider who has been killing and looting all through the Summer Seas for months. The Navy's Southern Command
has been completely reorganized over the matter, as your Majesty will recall, but too late to stop this Kalkor escaping westward, through Dyre
Channel. He sacked three towns in Krul's Bay and is now apparently in, or near to, Uthle. He has the audacity to propose that he sail his infamous
orca longship up the Ambly River-all the way to Cenmere!"

Ministers and secretaries shook their heads in disbelief. Senators rumbled with outrage. Shandie had been reading up on that geography just
yesterday: the Nogid Archipelago, and the horrid anthropophagi (q.v.), and the Mosweep Mountains, and trolls ...

"Worse!" Ythbane added loudly. "He, a notorious pirate, demands to be recognized as sovereign ruler of Gark, as if it were an independent state, so
he can negotiate directly with your Imperial Majesty on the matter of Krasnegar. He furthermore demands safe conduct for-"


Ythbane choked, stared, then said, "Sire?" disbelievingly.