"Dave Duncan - A Man of His Word 4 - Emperor And Clown" - читать интересную книгу автора (Duncan Dave)

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Emperor And Clown

was falling off him. He really needed to go pee. He wasn't much interested in Krasnegar-he'd overheard a few whispers that it was a sellout, that the
Council had settled for a paper triumph and given the kingdom to the jotnar. If that was so, then Shandie would take it back when he was grown up
and a warrior imperor, but right now he was too weary to care. Another pleat slid off his hand.

Ythbane had finished, but whatever he'd said had not impressed the big blond bear.

"I am an ambassador, not a plenipotentiary, Eminence, as you know. I never professed to have the power to override the thane's personal rights in
this matter. Indeed, if he chooses to press his claim, then the Moot itself would back him as King of Krasnegar. The thanes would never infringe a
privilege of one of their own number." He glanced round at his companions, who grinned; then he added, "Not this one's, anyway!"

"Kalkor is a murdering, raping, barbar-"

Now the ambassador swelled, and to much better effect than Ythbane had managed. He stepped closer, his fair face ominously flushed. "Do I report
your words to the thane as official Imperial policy, or as your personal opinions?" His bellow reverberated down from the dome.

Ythbane fell back a pace. The ministers exchanged worried glances; the jotunn flunkies grinned again. "Well?" roared the ambassador, still wanting
an answer.

"What'th all the sthouting?" a new voice said. Shandie jumped and looked around before he could stop himself.

Grandfather was awake! He was slumped awkwardly in his seat, but he was awake. His right eye was open, the left half closed as always, and he
was drooling, as always, but obviously he was having one of his good spells, and Shandie was glad, glad, gladlthey were so rare now! It was as if
the old man had gone away, like Aunt Oro, and it made Shandie feel all cozy-nice to see him come back, although it would only be for a few

And Grandfather had noticed Shandie! He smiled down at him. "You're toga'th come looth, tholdier," he said quietly. But he was smiling, not angry
at all! And Shandie must move to obey an imperial command, whether Ythbane liked it or not. Quickly he gathered up the fallen folds with his right
hand, looping them back on his left arm, and he lifted that useless limb back into place and held it there. The pleating was an awful scrimmage, but
it would have to do. He smiled briefly, gratefully, up at Grandfather, then turned to stare across at the White Throne again, going as still as a stone
pillar again. Pity he'd had no excuse to move his feet a bit.

Ythbane had recovered from his surprise. He bowed to the throne. "A discussion of the Krasnegar matter, your Majesty."

"Thought that wath all thettled?" Grandfather's voice was very slurred nowadays; and quiet, but the words obviously staggered the courtiers. Clearly
he still understood more than they had believed. "Ambassador Krushjor's views of the concordat-"