"Dragonlance Preludes 1 vol 1 - Darkness and Light" - читать интересную книгу автора (DragonLance) "It's all behind me now," Flint said. "Time to put my feet up,
maybe grow some roses." Sturm found the image of the bluff old dwarf tending a rose garden so unnatural that he shook his head to dispel the thought. At the level platform midway up to the inn proper, Sturm paused by the railing. Flint went a few steps beyond before halting. He squinted back at Sturm and said, "What is it, boy? You're about to burst to tell me something." Flint didn't miss a thing. "I'm going away," said Sturm. "To Solamnia. I'm going to look for my heritage." "And your father?" "If there is any trace of him to be found, I shall find it." "It could be a long journey and a dangerous search," Flint said. "But I wish I could go with you." "Never mind." Sturm moved away from the rail. "It's my search." Sturm and Flint entered the door of the inn just in time to their eyes, the room rocked with laughter. "Who's the rascal responsible?" roared Flint. A gawky young girl, no more than fourteen, with a head of robust red curls, handed the outraged dwarf a towel. "Otik pressed some new cider, and they had to have the leavings," she said apologetically. Sturm wiped his face. Kitiara and Caramon had collapsed against the bar, giggling like idiots. Behind the bar, Otik, the portly proprietor of the inn, shook his head. "This is a first-class inn," he said. "Take your pranks outside, if you gotta pull'em!" "Nonsense!" said Kitiara. She slapped a coin on the bar. Caramon wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes and stared. It was a gold coin, one of the few he'd ever seen. "That will ease your temper, eh, Otik?" Kitiara said. A tall, well-favored man stool up from his table and approached the bar. His motion was oddly graceful, and his high cheekbones and |