"Dragonlance Preludes 1 vol 1 - Darkness and Light" - читать интересную книгу автора (DragonLance) "Honor is never outdated," said Sturm.
"Which is how you landed flat on your back with my sword at your neck. If you would --" "Don't start!" groaned Caramon. "If I have to hear another debate on honor, I'll die of boredom!" "I won't argue," Kitiara said, slapping her brother on the rump. "I made my point." "Come with us, Flint. Kit's buying," said Caramon. The elderly dwarf rose on his stumpy legs, sweeping a cascade of white wood slivers off his lap. He straightened his clothing and tucked his knife back in his leggings. "No ale for you," Kitiara said to Caramon with mockmaternal sternness. 'You're not old enough to drink." Caramon ducked under her arm, sprinted up to Sturm, and said, "I'm eighteen, Kit." Kitiara's face showed surprise. "Eighteen? Are you sure?" Her 'little' brother was an inch or so taller than Sturm. Caramon gave her a disgusted look. "Of course I'm sure. You just haven't noticed that I'm a grown man." 'You're a baby!" Kitiara cried, whipping out her sword. "Any more out of you and I'll spank you!" "Ha!" Caramon laughed 'You can't catch me!" So saying, he dashed up the stairs. Kitiara returned her sword and bounded after him. Caramon's long legs covered the steep boards quickly. Laughing, he and his sister disappeared around the tree trunk. Flint and Sturm ascended more slowly. A light breeze rustled through the tree, sending a shower of colored leaves across the steps. Sturm gazed out through the branches at the other tree homes. "In a few weeks, you'll be able to see clear to the other side of the commons," he mused. "Aye," said Flint. "It's strange not to be on the road right now. For more years than you've been alive, boy, I've tramped the roads of Abanasinia from spring to autumn, plying the trade." Sturm nodded. Flint's announced retirement from his itinerant metalworking had surprised them all. |