"Chevalier, Tracy - Girl with a Pearl Earring" - читать интересную книгу автора (Chevalier Tracy)

Cornelia is there, I thought. She is leading her mother to the painting.
I could have cut short the misery of waiting. I could have left then, walked out the door with the laundry not done, and not looked back. But I could not move. I stood frozen, as Maria Thins stood frozen at the bottom of the stairs. She too knew what would happen, and she could not stop it.
I sank to the floor. Maria Thins saw me but did not speak. She continued to gaze up uncertainly. Then the noise on the stairs stopped and we heard Catharina's heavy tread over to the studio door. Maria Thins darted up the stairs. I remained on my knees, too weary to rise. Tanneke stood blocking the light from the front door. She watched me, her arms crossed, her face expressionless.
Soon after there was a shout of rage, then raised voices which were quickly lowered.
Cornelia came down the stairs. "Mama wants Papa to come home," she announced to Tanneke.
Tanneke stepped backwards outside and turned towards the bench. "Maertge, go and find your father at the Guild," she ordered. "Quickly. Tell him it's important."
Cornelia look around. When she saw me her face lit up. I got up from my knees and walked stiffly back to the courtyard. There was nothing I could do but hang up laundry and wait.
When he returned I thought for a moment that he might come and find me in the courtyard, hidden among the hanging sheets. He did not—I heard him on the stairs, then nothing.
I leaned against the warm brick wall and gazed up. It was a bright, cloudless day, the sky a mocking blue. It was the kind of day when children ran up and down the streets and shouted, when couples walked out through the town gates, past the windmills and along the canals, when old women sat in the sun and closed their eyes. My father was probably sitting on the bench in front of his house, his face turned towards the warmth. Tomorrow might be bitterly cold, but today it was spring.
They sent Cornelia to get me. When she appeared between the hanging clothes and looked down at me with a cruel smirk on her face, I wanted to slap her as I had that first day I had come to work at the house. I did not, though—I simply sat, hands in my lap, shoulders slumped, and watched her show off her glee. The sun caught glints of gold—traces of her mother—in her red hair.
"You are wanted upstairs," she said in a formal voice. "They want to see you." She turned and skipped back into the house.
I leaned over and brushed a bit of dust from my shoe. Then I stood, straightened my skirt, smoothed my apron, pulled the tips of my cap tight, and checked for loose strands of hair. I licked my lips and pressed them together, took a deep breath and followed Cornelia.
Catharina had been crying—her nose was red, her eyes puffy. She was sitting in the chair he normally pulled up to his easel—it had been pushed towards the wall and the cupboard that held his brushes and palette knife. When I appeared she heaved herself up so that she was standing, tall and broad. Although she glared at me, she did not speak. She squeezed her arms over her belly and winced.
Maria Thins was standing next to the easel, looking sober but also impatient, as if she had other, more important things to attend to.
He stood next to his wife, his face without expression, hands at his sides, eyes on the painting. He was waiting for someone, for Catharina, or Maria Thins, or me, to begin.
I came to stand just inside the door. Cornelia hovered behind me. I could not see the painting from where I stood.
It was Maria Thins who finally spoke.
"Well, girl, my daughter wants to know how you came to be wearing her earrings." She said it as if she did not expect me to answer.
I studied her old face. She was not going to admit to helping me get the earrings. Nor would he, I knew. I did not know what to say. So I did not say anything.
"Did you steal the key to my jewelry box and take my earrings?" Catharina spoke as if she were trying to convince herself of what she said. Her voice was shaky.
"No, madam." Although I knew it would be easier for everyone if I said I had stolen them, I could not lie about myself.
"Don't lie to me. Maids steal all the time. You took my earrings!"
"Are they missing now, madam?"
For a moment Catharina looked confused, as much by my asking a question as by the question itself. She had obviously not checked her jewelry box since seeing the painting. She had no idea if the earrings were gone or not. But she did not like me
asking the questions. "Quiet, thief. They'll throw you in prison," she hissed, "and you won't see sunlight for years." She winced again. Something was wrong with her.
"But, madam—"
"Catharina, you must not get yourself into a state," he interrupted me. "Van Ruijven will take the painting away as soon as it is dry and you can put it from your mind."
He did not want me to speak either. It seemed no one did. I wondered why they had asked me upstairs at all when they were so afraid of what I might say.
I might say, "What about the way he looked at me for so many hours while he painted this painting?" I might say, "What about your mother and your husband, who have gone behind your back and deceived you?"
Or I might simply say, "Your husband touched me, here, in this room."
They did not know what I might say.
Catharina was no fool. She knew the real matter was not the earrings. She wanted them to be, she tried to make them be so, but she could not help herself. She turned to her husband. "Why," she asked, "have you never painted me?"
As they gazed at each other it struck me that she was taller than he, and, in a way, more solid.
"You and the children are not a part of this world," he said. "You are not meant to be."
"And she is?" Catharina cried shrilly, jerking her head at me.
He did not answer. I wished that Maria Thins and Cornelia and I were in the kitchen or the Crucifixion room, or out in the market. It was an affair for a man and his wife to discuss alone.
"And with my earrings?"
Again he was silent, which stirred Catharina even more than his words had. She began to shake her head so that her blond curls bounced around her ears. "I will not have this in my own house," she declared. "I will not have it!" She looked around wildly. When her eyes fell on the palette knife a shiver ran through me. I took a step forward at the same time as she moved to the cupboard and grabbed the knife. I stopped, unsure of what she would do next.
He knew, though. He knew his own wife. He moved with Catharina as she stepped up to the painting. She was quick but he was quicker—he caught her by the wrist as she plunged the diamond blade of the knife towards the painting. He stopped it just before the blade touched my eye. From where I stood I could see the wide eye, a flicker of earring he had just added, and the winking of the blade as it hovered before the painting. Catharina struggled but he held her wrist firmly, waiting for her to drop the knife. Suddenly she groaned. Flinging the knife away, she clutched her belly. The knife skidded across the tiles to my feet, then spun and spun, slower and slower, as we all stared at it. It came to a stop with the blade pointed at me.
I was meant to pick it up. That was what maids were meant to do—pick up their master's and mistress's things and put them back in their place.
I looked up and met his eye, holding his grey gaze for a long moment. I knew it was for the last time. I did not look at anyone else.
In his eyes I thought I could see regret.
I did not pick up the knife. I turned and walked from the room, down the stairs and through the doorway, pushing aside Tanneke. When I reached the street I did not look back at the children I knew must be sitting on the bench, nor at Tanneke, who would be frowning because I had pushed her, nor up at the windows, where he might be standing. I got to the street and I began to run. I ran down the Oude Langendijck and across the bridge into Market Square.
Only thieves and children run.
I reached the center of the square and stopped in the circle of tiles with the eight-pointed star in the middle. Each point indicated a direction I could take.
I could go back to my parents.
I could find Pieter at the Meat Hall and agree to marry him.
I could go to van Ruijven's house—he would take me in with a smile.
I could go to van Leeuwenhoek and ask him to take pity on me.
I could go to Rotterdam and search for Frans.