"Burroughs, William S. - The Electronic Revolution" - читать интересную книгу автора (Burroughs William S)to turn in off and keep tape recorder 3 in business. Let's turn it on. All
you swingers use video cameras and tape recorders to record and photograph your sessions. Now go over the session and pick out the sexiest pieces you know when it really HAPPENS. Reich built a machine with electrodes attached to the penis to measure this orgasm charge. Here is unpleasurable orgasm sagging ominously as tape recorder 3 cuts in. He just made it. And here is a pleasurable orgasm way up on the graph. So take the best of your sessions and invite the nabors to see it. Its the naborly thing to do. Try cutting them in together alternating 24 frames per second. Try slow downs and speed ups. Build and experiment with orgone accumulators. Its simply a box of any shape or size lined with iron. Your intrepid reporter at age 37 achieved spontaneous orgasm no hands in an orgone accumulator built in an orange grove in Pharr/Texas. It was the small direct application accumulator that did the trick. That's what every red blooded boy and girl should be doing in their basement work shop. The orgone accumulator could be greatly potentiated by using MAGNETIZED IRON which sends a powerful magnetic field through the body. And small accumulators like ray guns. There is Two Gun Maggee going off in his pants. The gun falls from his hand. Quick as he was he was not quick enough. For a small directional accumulator obtain six powerful magnets. Arrange your magnetized squares so they form a box. In one end of the box drill a material ...rubber,leather,cloth. Now train the tube on your privates and the privates of your friends and nabors. Its good for young and old man and beast and is known as SEX. It is also known to have a direct connection with what is known as LIFE. Let's get St. Paul off our backs and take off the bible belt. And tell tape recorder 3 to cover his own dirty thing. It stinks from the garden of Eden to Watergate. I have said that the real scandal of Watergate is the use made of recordings. And what is this use? Having made the recordings as described what then do they do with them? ANSWER: THEY PLAY THEM BACK ON LOCATION. They play these recordings back to the target himself is the target is an individual from passing cars and agents that walk by him in the street. They play these recordings back in his naborhood. Finally they play them back in subways, restaurants, air ports and other public places. PLAYBACK is the essential ingredient. I have made a number of experiments with street recordings and playback over a period of years and the startling fact emerges THAT YOU DO NOT NEED SEX RECORDINGS OR EVEN DOCTORED TAPES TO PRODUCE EFFECTS BY PLAYBACK. ANY |