"Burroughs, William S. - The Electronic Revolution" - читать интересную книгу автора (Burroughs William S)Virus B-23, is contained in the word. Unloosing this virus from the word
could be more deadly that loosing the power of the atom. Because all hate all pain all fear all lust is contained in the word. Perhaps we have here in these three tape recorders the virus of biologic mutation which once gave us the word and has hidden behind the word ever since. And perhaps three tape recorders and some good biochemists can unloose this force. Now look at these three tape recorders and think in terms of the virus particle. Recorder 1 is the perspective host for an influenza virus. Tape recorder number 2 is the means by which the virus gains access to the host, in the case of a flu virus by disolving a hole in cells of the host's respiratory tract. Number 2, having gained access to the cell. leads in number 3. Number 3 is the effect produced in the host by the virus: coughing, fever, inflamation. NUMBER 3 IS OBJECTIVE REALITY PRODUCED BY THE VIRUS IN THE HOST Viruses make themselves real. It's a way viruses have. We now have three tape recorders. So we will make a simple word virus. Let us suppose that our target is a rival politician. On tape recorder 1 we will record speeches and conversation carefully editing in stammers mispronouncing, inept phrases ... the worst number 1 can assemble. now on tape recorder 2 we will make so a love tape by bugging his bed room. We can potentiate this tape by splicing it in with a sexual object that is inadmissible or inaccessible or both, say the senator's teen age daughter. On tape recorder 3 we will record hateful disapproving voices and splice the three recordings together at very short intervals and play them back to the senator and his constituents. This cutting and playback can be very complex involving speech scramblers and batteries of tape recorders but THE BASIC PRINCIPAL IS SIMPLY SPLICING SEX established they are activated every time the senator's speech centres are activated which is all the time heavan help that sorry bestard if anything happened to his big mouth. So his teen age daughter crawls all over him while Texas rangers and decent church going women rise from tape recorder 3 screaming "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN FRONT OF DECENT PEOPLE." The teen age daughter is just a refinement. Basically all you need is sex recordings on number 2 and hostile recordings on number 3. With this simple formula any CIA sonofabitch can become God that is tape tape recorder 3. Notice the emphasis on sexual material in burglaries and bugging in the Watergate cess pool ...Bugging Martin Luther King's bed room ...Kiss Kiss bang bang ...A deadly assassination technique. At the very least sure to unerve and put opponents at a disadvantage. So the real scandal of Watergate that has not come out yet is not that bed rooms were bugged and the offices of psychiatrists ransaked but THE PRECISE USE THAT WAS AND IS MADE OF THIS SEXUAL MATERIAL. This formula works best on a closed circit. If sexual recordings and film are widespread, tolerated and publicaly shown tape recorder 3 losses ist power. Which perhaps explains why the Nixon administration is out to close down set films and reestablish censorship on all films and books. to keep close circit on tape recorder 3. And this brings us to the subject of SEX. In the words of the late John O'Hara I'm glad you came to me instead of one of those quacks on the top floor ...Psychiatrists, priests whatever they call themselves they want |