"Brust,.Steven.-.To.Reign.In.Hell" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brust Steven)basement of the Hold, had been scented with lilac.
The dog continued until he came to an archway. There was a small chamber, with large green couches and overstuffed chairs. The north wall held a burgundy-colored buffet, with cups and bottles of cut glass and stoneware. The lamps were always low in this room, but the dog heard the sounds of breathing, and smelled a friend. He leapt onto a couch, facing this friend across a table of glass. Neither spoke; the dog moved slightly toward the Regent, who was seated with one leg on the table, his left arm across the back of the couch, his right hand loosely holding a glass into which he was staring. The dog caught a strong, sweet smell from the glass. "'Tis but cheap wine, milord," he said. "It fits my mood, friend Beelzebub. I'm feeling cheap today." "Hath thy mood a cause, Lord?" "All things have a cause, my friend." "Would'st care to speak on't?" His answer was silence. Beelzebub studied his friend as best he somewhat dark of complexion. His hair was dark brown, almost black, perhaps a bit wavy, and curled over the ears. His brows were thick, his eyes narrow, yet wide-set, with shocking green irises and lines of humor or anger around the edges. His jaw was strong, his nose straight and pronounced; and he wore colors matching his eyes beneath a cloak that was full and gold. Brown boots covered his feet, and upon his chest was an emerald, as large as his fist, on a chain of gold. Beelzebub studied him for a moment longer. "Perchance 'twould do thee good to speak, Lord Satan." The Regent set down his wine glass, found a small bowl, and poured into it. "Maybe. Drink." The dog moved forward on the couch, sniffed, but kept his opinion to himself. He lapped up a bit and managed not to shudder. "What do you, friend Beelzebub, think of Yaweh's plans regarding the Fourth Wave?" "Milord? Then it draweth nigh?" |