"Brust,.Steven.-.To.Reign.In.Hell" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brust Steven)

"Who can say? It'll come eventually."


"Not that we know. But Yaweh wants to be ready this time. He
wants to build a place that will be safe from the flux."

"Verily, have we not that now?"

"Not permanently. What he has in mind is a place that's complete
by itself, and won't be subject to Waves at all."

"Hmmm. Ambitious, nay?"

Satan glanced at him sharply. "You sound skeptical."

"Thy pardon, milord—who is't shall build this place? They must
deal with the outside, so they must needs risk the ultimate end.
Who is't shall do this? Thyself and thy brethren? You are strong,
but only seven. Those of us from the Second Wave? We're less
than a score of scores; the task is beyond us. Those of the Third
Wave? Aye, they can do't, milord. Will they? For they know naught
of such things save the fear of them. They must needs see the
danger ere they fight it, I fear."

"You have a way," said Satan, "of getting right to the heart of

"It cannot last," says the first. "We will make it last," says the
second. "We will build walls that are yet stronger," says the third.
"They must be larger," says the fourth, "for there will be more of

"That is good," says the second.

"Aye," says the first. "Let us begin, then, for I see the walls
crumble before me."

And the evening and the morning are the Second Wave.



"Thou seem'd befuddled."

"I was thinking. Sorry." He shook his head. "Maybe they do need a
Wave before they can understand—that's what Yaweh was afraid
of—but I don't think so. We, the Firstborn, didn't, and we are all of