"09.Myth.Inc.in.Action" - читать интересную книгу автора (Asprin Robert)

ШЯAuthor's Note: / am not a fast writer, I am not a slow writer, I am a half fast writer! R. L. ASPRIN THE FAN MAIL I've received has been pretty much split on the subject of my last Introduction; some found it interesting and insightful, while others thought it was boring and a waste. If you are of the latter group, please feel free to jump ahead directly into the story, since there is nothing in this mes-
sage you need to know to understand (and, hope- fully, enjoy) the book. For the rest of you, this note is mostly an apology ... or, more accurately, a string of apol- ogies. Back in M. Y. T.H. Inc. Link, I optimistically stated that I would be trying to write two Myth episodes a year . . . and things have not been the same since. I, my publishers, and many bookstores and dealers have been flooded with queries and de-