"Anonymous - Alliterative Morte Arthure, The" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)

1122: Ewyn into inmette the gyaunt he hyttez,
1123: Iust to юe genitales and jaggede юam in sondre.
1124: Thane he romyed and rared, and ruydly he strykez
1125: Full egerly at Arthur, and on the erthe hittez;
1126: A swerde lenghe within юe swarthe he swappez at ones,
1127: That nere swounes юe Kyng for swoughe of his dynnttez.
1128: Bot 3it the Kyng sweperly full swythe he byswenkez,
1129: Swappez in with the swerde юat it юe swange brystedd;
1130: Bothe юe guttez and the gorr guschez owte at ones,
1131: Юat all englaymez юe gresse one grounde юer he standez.
1132: Thane he castez the clubb and the Kyng hentez:
1133: On юe creeste of юe cragg he caughte hym in armez,
1134: And enclosez hym clenly, to cruschen hys rybbez,
1135: So hard haldez he юat hende юat nere his herte brystez.
1136: Юane юe balefull bierdez bownez to юe erthe,
1137: Kneland and cryande, and clappide юeire handez:
1138: "Criste comforthe 3one knyghte, and kepe hym fro sorowe,
1139: And latte neuer 3one fende fell hym o lyfe."
1140: 3itt es юe warlow so wyghte, he welters hym vnder,
1141: Wrothely юai wrythyn and wrystill togederz,
1142: Welters and walowes ouer within юase buskez,
1143: Tumbellez and turnes faste and terez юaire wedez;
1144: Vntenderly fro юe toppe юai tiltin togederz,
1145: Whilom Arthure ouer and oюerwhile vndyre;


1146: Fro юe heghe of юe hyll vnto юe harde roche,
1147: They feyne neuer are they fall at юe flode merkes.
1148: Bot Arthur with ane anlace egerly smyttez,
1149: And hittez euer in the hulke vp to юe hiltez;
1150: Юe theefe at юe dede-thrawe so throly hym thryngez,
1151: Юat three rybbys in his syde he thrystez in sunder.
1152: Then Sir Kayous юe kene vnto юe Kyng styrtez:
1153: Said "Allas, we are lorne, my lorde es confundede;
1154: Ouerfallen with a fende, vs es full hapnede!
1155: We mon be forfeted, in faith, and flemyde for euer!"
1156: Юay hafe vp hys hawberke юan and handilez юervndyr
1157: His hyde and his haunche eke, on heghte to юe schuldrez,
1158: His flawnke and his feletez and his faire sydez,
1159: Bothe his bakke and his breste and his bryghte armez;
1160: Юay ware fayne юat юey fande no flesche entamed,
1161: And for юat journee made joye, юir gentill knyghttez.
1162: "Now certez," saise Sir Bedwere, "it semez, be my Lorde,
1163: He sekez seyntez bot selden, юe sorer he grypes,
1164: Юat юus clekys this corsaunt owte of юir heghe clyffez,
1165: To carye forthe siche a carle at close hym in siluer.
1166: Be Myghell, of syche a makk I hafe myche wondyre
1167: That euer owre soueraygne Lorde suffers hym in Heuen;