"Anonymous - Alliterative Morte Arthure, The" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)

1076: He gaped, he groned faste, with grucchand latez,
1077: For grefe of юe gude kyng юat hym with grame gretez.
1078: His fax and his foretoppe was filterede togeders,
1079: And owte of his face come ane halfe fote large;
1080: His frount and his forheued all was it ouer,
1081: As юe fell of a froske, and fraknede it semede;
1082: Huke-nebbyde as a hawke, and a hore berde,
1083: And herede to юe hole eyghn with hyngande browes;
1084: Harske as a hunde-fisch hardly whoso lukez,
1085: So was юe hyde of юat hulke hally al ouer.
1086: Erne had he full huge and vgly to schewe,
1087: With eghne full horreble and ardauunt forsothe;
1088: Flatt-mowthede as a fluke, with fleryand lyppys,
1089: And юe flesche in his fortethe fowly as a bere.
1090: His berde was brothy and blake, юat till his brest rechede,
1091: Grassede as a mereswyne, with corkes full huge,
1092: And all falterd юe flesche in his foule lippys,
1093: Ilke wrethe as a wolfe-heuede, it wraythe owtt at ones.
1094: Bulle-nekkyde was юat bierne and brade in the scholders,
1095: Brok-brestede as a brawne, with brustils full large,
1096: Ruyd armes as an ake with rusclede sydes,
1097: Lym and leskes full lothyn, leue 3e forsothe.
1098: Schouell-foted was юat schalke, and schaylande hyn semyde,
1099: With schankez vnschaply, schowand togedyrs;
1100: Thykke theese as a thursse, and thikkere in юe hanche,
1101: Greesse growen as a galte, full gryХsеlych he lukez.
1102: Who юe lenghe of юe lede lelly accountes,
1103: Fro юe face to юe fote was fyfe fadom lange.
1104: Thane stertez he vp sturdely on two styffe schankez,
1105: And sone he caughte hym a clubb all of clene yryn;
1106: He walde hafe kyllede юe Kyng with his kene wapen,
1107: Bot thurghe юe crafte of Cryste 3it юe carle failede;
1108: The creest and юe coronall, юe claspes of syluer,


1109: Clenly with his clubb he crassched doune at onez.
1110: The Kyng castes vp his schelde and couers hym faire,
1111: And with his burlyche brande a box he hym reches;
1112: Full butt in юe frunt the fromonde he hittez,
1113: That the burnyscht blade to юe brayne rynnez.
1114: He feyed his fysnamye with his foule hondez,
1115: And frappez faste at his face fersely юeraftyre;
1116: The Kyng chaungez his fote, eschewes a lyttill,
1117: Ne had he eschapede юat choppe, cheuede had euyll;
1118: He folowes in fersly and festenesse a dynte
1119: Hye vpe on юe hanche with his harde wapyn,
1120: That he hillid юe swerde halfe a fote large,
1121: The hott blode of юe hulke vnto юe hilte rynnez;