"Anonymous - Alliterative Morte Arthure, The" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)

489: Of all юe glee vndire Gode so glade ware юey neuere,
490: As of юe sounde of юe see and Sandwyche belles.
491: Wythowttyn more stownntyng юey schippide юeire horsez,
492: Wery, to юe wane see юey went all att ones;
493: With юe men of юe walle they weyde vp юeire ankyrs,
494: And fleede at юe fore flude; in Flaundrez юey rowede,
495: And thorughe Flaundres юey founde, as юem faire thoghte,
496: Till Akyn in Almayn, in Arthur landes;
497: Gosse by юe Mount Goddarde full greuous wayes,
498: And so into Lumberddye, lykande to schewe.
499: They turne thurghe Tuskayne, with towres full heghe,
500: In Pis appairells them in precious wedez;
501: The Sonondaye in Suters юay suggourne юeire horsez,
502: And sekes юe seyntez of Rome, be assente of knyghtes;
503: Sythyn prekes to юe pales, with portes so ryche,
504: Юare Sir Lucius lenges, with lordes enowe;
505: Lowttes to hym lufly, and lettres hym bedes,
506: Of credence enclosyde, with knyghtlyche wordez.
507: Then юe Emperour was egree and enkerly fraynes;
508: Юe answere of Arthure he askes hym sone,
509: How he arayes юe rewme and rewlys юe pople,
510: 3if he be rebell to Rome whate ryghte юat he claymes.
511: "Thow sulde his ceptre haue sesede and syttyn aboun,
512: Fore reuerence and realtee of Rome юe noble;
513: By sertes юow was my sandes and senatour of Rome;
514: He sulde, fore solempnitee, hafe seruede юe hym seluen!"
515: "That will he neuer for no wye of all юis werlde ryche,
516: Bot who may wynn hym of werre, by wyghtnesse of handes;
517: Many fey schall be fyrste appon юe felde leuyde,
518: Are he appere in this place profre when юe likes.
519: I saye the, Sir, Arthure es thyn enmye fore euer,
520: And ettells to bee ouerlyng of юe Empyre of Rome,
521: That alle his ancestres aughte, bot Vtere hym selfe.
522: Thy nedes this Newe 3ere I notifiede my selfen,
523: Before юat noble of name and neynesom of kynges;
524: In the moste reale place of юe Rounde Table,
525: I somounde hym solepnylye, one-seeande his knyghtez.
526: Sen I was formyde, in faythe, so ferde was I neuere,
527: In all юe placez ther I passede of pryncez in erthe.
528: I wolde foresake all my suyte of segnourry of Rome,
529: Or I efte to юat soueraygne whare sente one suyche nedes!
530: He may be chosyn cheftayne, cheefe of all oюer,
531: Bathe be chauncez of armes and cheuallrye noble,
532: For whyeseste and worthyeste and wyghteste of hanndez;
533: Of all the wyes юate I watte in this werlde ryche,
534: The knyghtlyeste creatoure in Cristyndome halden,
535: Of kyng or of conquerour crownede in erthe;
536: Of countenaunce, of corage, of crewelle lates,
537: The comlyeste of knyghtehode юat vndyre Cryste lyffes.
538: He maye be spoken in dyspens despysere of syluere,