"Стихотворения" - читать интересную книгу автора (Джеймс Джойс)

This heart that flutters near my heart
My hope and all my riches is,
Unhappy when we draw apart
And happy between kiss and kiss;
My hope and all my riches — yes! —
And all my happiness.
For there, as in some mossy nest
The wrens will divers treasures keep,
I laid those treasures I possessed
Ere that mine eyes had learned to weep.
Shall we not be as wise as they
Though love live but a day?
Твое сердечко — мотылек,
Порхающий у губ моих, —
Несчастен, если одинок,
Блажен, прильнув ко мне на миг;
Все, чем на свете я богат, —
Мой хрупкий, мой бесценный клад!
Как в мягком гнездышке вьюрок
Свои сокровища хранит,
Так я, не ведая тревог,
Не чая будущих обид,
Вложил последний золотник —
В любовь, живущую лишь миг.
Silently she's combing,
Combing her long hair,
Silently and graciously,
With many a pretty air.
The sun is in the willow leaves
And on the dappled grass
And still she's combing her long hair
Before the lookingglass.
I pray you, cease to comb out,
Comb out your long hair,
For I have heard of witchery
Under a pretty air,
That makes as one thing to the lover
Staying and going hence,
All fair, with many a pretty air
And many a negligence.
Медленно она чешет
Длинные косы свои…
Солнце блестит на ивах
И на ресницах травы.
А она все чешет и чешет
Волосы, не спеша,
В зеркало томно глядя,