"Стихотворения" - читать интересную книгу автора (Джеймс Джойс)This heart that flutters near my heart
My hope and all my riches is, Unhappy when we draw apart And happy between kiss and kiss; My hope and all my riches — yes! — And all my happiness. For there, as in some mossy nest The wrens will divers treasures keep, I laid those treasures I possessed Ere that mine eyes had learned to weep. Shall we not be as wise as they Though love live but a day? XXIII Твое сердечко — мотылек, Порхающий у губ моих, — Несчастен, если одинок, Блажен, прильнув ко мне на миг; Все, чем на свете я богат, — Мой хрупкий, мой бесценный клад! Как в мягком гнездышке вьюрок Свои сокровища хранит, Так я, не ведая тревог, Не чая будущих обид, Вложил последний золотник — В любовь, живущую лишь миг. Silently she's combing, Combing her long hair, Silently and graciously, With many a pretty air. The sun is in the willow leaves And on the dappled grass And still she's combing her long hair Before the lookingglass. I pray you, cease to comb out, Comb out your long hair, For I have heard of witchery Under a pretty air, That makes as one thing to the lover Staying and going hence, All fair, with many a pretty air And many a negligence. XXIV Медленно она чешет Длинные косы свои… Солнце блестит на ивах И на ресницах травы. А она все чешет и чешет Волосы, не спеша, В зеркало томно глядя, |